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Full text of "The Parliamentary or constitutional history of England : from the earliest times, to the restoration of King Charles II : collected from the records, the rolls of Parliament, the journals of both houses, the public libraries, original manuscripts, scarce speeches, and tracts : all compared with the several contremporary writers, and connected, throughout, with the history of the times"

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Twenty-three  Volumes<5&ii3' 



Hiftory  of  England. 


Printed,  and  fold  by  William  Sahdby,  againft  Si.DunSaftCburtb, 
Fltet-Strttt.     MDCCLXi. 

Jglzecy  GOOgk 

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IN         D         E         X 

TO        THE 


I  O    F 



JfJoTS;  B  B I  E  S,  when  fupprcflcd  in  England 
H  7m    ABBOT,  George,  Abp.  of  Cant,  his 
AVt*        Speech  to  King  Janus  I.  on  the 
k.J3T"t         Spani/b  Match  and  Palutinatt.    — 
in  Behalf  of  both  Houfea  of  Par- 
liament.      —    —    —  i 
Hi)  Report  to  the  Lords  of  a  Complaint  againft 
Samuel  Harfntt,  Bifliop  of  Norwich.     — 

—  Speech  on  the  Liberty  of  the  Subject.  — 

—  Admonition  to  Dr.  Manutaring  at  his  Trial 

before  the  Lords,  -■■—  

ABSOLUTION  given  by  Cardinal  Pelt  to  the 
Parliament,  Anno  1554,  Form  of.       — 

ABSTRACT  of  an  Ad)  concerning  the  Choice  of 
Members  to  fcrve  in  Parliament.     — — 

ABSTRACTS  of  the  moll  remarkable  Afls  of 
the  Houfe  of  Commons,  paffed  An.  1652. 

ACADEMY,  propofed  to  the.Houfe  of  Lords, 
for  Perfons  of  Quality.  * — 

ACT  of  the  Houfe  of  Commons  againft  pro- 
claiming any  Perfon  as  King  of  England, 
Form  of.        -    ■  ■     -.  — 


Page.    . 

91,  2 

312  te  xa, 


209,  10 
i3*»  2 

126,  7,  s 


5+6,  7 

iHze^y  GOOgk 

2  I    N    D    E    X    to  the 

ACTON, Bfq;  Sheriff  of 'London,  fummoned 

to  the  Bar  of  the  Houfc  of  Lords  as  a 
Delinquent.        — —        

—  His  Anfwcr  to  the  Accufation  againft  him. 

—  Committed  to  the  Tower.       ■ 

—  His  Submiffion  and  Discharge.     —       — — 
ACTON-BURNEL,  Statutt  of,  when  enacted 

ADAMS,  Thomas,  Efo;  Alderman  of  London,  im- 
peached by  the  Commons  of  High  Treafon. 
Charge  againft  him.  ■     ■  •■ 

His  Behaviour  at  his  Trial,  and  the  Proceedings 

againft  him,  Account  of.     ■  ■ • 

— -  Paper,  difavowing  the  Authority  of  the  Peers 
over  his  Perfon.  n  ■  ■    , 

Discharged  from  Profccution.      

Difabled  from  bearing  the  Office  of  Alderman 
in  the  City  of  London,        —        — — — 
ADJOURNMENT  of  Parliament  different  from 
x  Prorogation,  and  bow.  ■ 

Form  of.      .  -     -  -  ■■■  -  - 

ADVICE  from  the  Council  of  War  in  the  Par- 
liament's Forces,  to  Sir  Thomas  Fairfax 

ADULTERY,  Debate  thereon  by  the  Commons. 

How  punithed  by  them  in  1650.  ■■ 

AGATIS  CIRCUMSPECTE,  Statutt  of,  when 

enacted  by  the  Parliament.     —        

AGINCOURT,  when  taken  by  the  Engtijh.   — 

AGITATORS,  who  meant  by  them ;  what  their 

Employment ;  and  by  whom  let  on  Foot. 

Their  firft  Confutation*  Effect  of.        

Deliver  to  General  Skippon  a  Letter!  exclaiming 
againft  the  Parliament.       —  —        -■-— 
Their  Anfwer  to  fome  Queries  of  the  Com- 
mons concerning  it.  ■■■—         — — 
AIRMYN,  Sir  miliam,  appointed  one  of  the 
Parliament's  Commiffioners  to  attend  the 
King  in  Scotland,              —  ■ 
And  to  treat  with  the  Scots  about  the  Irtjb  Re- 
bellion.         —              —             ■ 

re!.     Page. 

:  287 

!  287 

:  287 
i  290 

47  " 


45'.  a 



358,  9 
359»  69 

1  480 

o  94 

Jglzecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hjftory  of  England. 

Yd.     Page. 

ALBANS,  St.  Town  of,  Battle  there,  An.  1455. 
----     ----  An.  1461. 

ALDERMAN,  antient  Meaning  of.      -      -     - 

ALDERMEN,  Lift  of,  disfranchifed  at  York  by 

an  Ordinance  of  Parliament     -     -     -     - 

ALEXANDER  King  of  Scotland,  his  Interview 

with  King  Henry  HI.  at  York,      - 

Occafion  thereof.  —  — 

His  remarkable  Anfwer  to  Ottoboni,  the  Pope's 

Legate.         —  ■ 

ALFORD, ,  Efyi  his  Speech  on  fbme  Pro 

petitions  of  King  Charlts  I.  for  a  Supply. 

—  againft  the  Lords  Addition  to  the  Petition  of 

ALIMONY  of  Wives,  Debate  thereon  by  the 
Commons.  ■  ■  — .__ 

ALLEGIANCE,  Nature  of,  as  ftated  by  a  fe- 
ditious  Paper.  -■  — ■■  -  -  - 

ALLINGTON,  mBiam,  Efq;  chofen  Speaker 
to  the  Commons  in  1429.     —    ■      — 

m  1477. 

ALPHONSUS,  King  efCaftile,  his  Alliance  with 

the  Crown  of  England,  Account  of. 
ALUREDj  Colonel,  his  Services  to  the  Common- 
wealth, how  rewarded  by  the  Houfe  of 
Commons.  1  ■■ 

AMSTERDAM,  Informations  from  thence   of 
Officers  and  Arms  embarking  in  Holland,  I 
for  the  Ufe  of  King  Charles  at  Tori. 
ANATHEMA  pronounced  againft  the  Violators 

of  Magna  Charta,  Form  of. 

ANABAPTISTS,  Se£l  of,  whence  fprung. 

ANDERSON,  Sir  Edmund,  how  employed  at  the 

Parliament  in  1587.       ■  — — .  — 

ANNATES,  what  thereby  meant.     -     -     -     - 

When  prohibited  in  England.     - 
ANNIVERSARIES,  Explanation  of.     -     -     - 
ANN  of  Cleve,  marries  King  Henry  VIII. 
Obtains  a  Jointure  by  the  Parliament. 
Divorced  from  the  King  by  a  Sentence  of  the 


A  2 


3601  1 



397»  8 







Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 

4  I      N      D      £      X    to  the 

ANSELM,  Abp.  of  Cant.  Prolocutor  to  the  Pre- 
lates arid  Nobles  at  their  Convention  in 

ANSWER  of  an  anonymous  Writer  to  the  Com- 
mons Declaration  againft  making  any 
further  Addrefs  to  the  King.      -      -      -  17 

APPAREL,  Luxury  in,  how  retrained  in  1362. 
Surprising  Account  oftheExccfs  thereof  in  1388. 

. .         in  1575. 

APPEAL,  Caufes  of,  when  firft  tried  at  the  Bar  of 

theHoufe  of  Lords.         ■  

APPEALS,  to  the  See  of  Rome,  prohibited  by  Aft 

of  Parliament,  Anna  1534.  — 

How  ordered  to  be  made  for  the  future. 
APPELLANTS,  who  meant  by  that  Name. 

Lift  of.  — 

Their  Proteftatton  touching  their  Appeal. 

— —  Service  to  the  Country,  how  rewarded  by 

the  Parliament.  

In  what  Manner  fupported  by  them. 

Their  Articles  of  Impeachment  againft  the  Abp. 

of  York,  the  Duke  of  Ireland,  the  Earl  of 

Sufoii,  the  Judges,  &e.    — 

■        Proceedings  thereupon.        —  — 

Lift  of,  at  a  Council  of  Peers  at  Nottingbi 

in  1397.  — 

Their  Articles  of  Impeachment    againft    the 

Duke  of  Glouct/itr,  the  Earls  of  Arundel 

and  Warwick,  and  Thomai  Mortimer. 

'    ■  ■  Proceedings  thereupon.         ■ ■ 

— -  Promotions,  Account  of.      ■ 

1      ■     Declaration  to  the  King  concerning  the 

late  attainted  Lords.  ■ 

--—  Expences  allowed  them,  at  the  Inftance  of 

the  Commons.  ■■■  — 

APPROPRIATIONS,  Statute  of,  when  firft 

afied,  -and  the  Advantage  thereof  to  the 


APPRENTICES,  in  London,  their  Speech  and 

Petition  to  the  Houfe  of  Peers  concerning 

a  Regulation  in  the  Stale,  (sV,       —   it 


Jglzecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Htfiory  ^England. 

APPRENTICES,  in  Lend™,  their  riotous  Beha- 
viour before  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  Ac- 
count of.  '  ■■  —  — 
Their  Force  put  on  the  Parliament,  Particulars  of. 

APULIA,  Ttrr'ttorj  ef,  offered  by  the  Pope  to 
Prince  Edmund  II.  Son  of  Kins  Henry  III. 

ARCHER,  Mr.  Strjtant>  made  Juftice  of  the 
Common  Pleas,  ■  — 

ARCHERY,  Ufiof,  when  commanded  by  an  AS 
of  Parliament.  ■  

ARGYLE,  Marquis  of .—Ste  Campbell. 

ARMADA  prepared  by  Philip  II.  King  of  Spain, 
to  invade  England,  fome  Account  of. 

ARMOUR,  Debate  thereon  by  the  Commons 

ArlNLY,uxdtr  SirTbomas Fairfax,  Reafons  againft 
its  being  quartered  in  the  Counties  near 

Their  Petition  concerning  their  Want  of  Pay. 
—  Reprefentation  of  their  Defires  fignified  to 
the  Parliament.  — _  ■■■■■■ 

Rcfolutions  of  the  Peers  concerning  it. 

•  of  the  Parliament  for  dilbanding  it. 

Great  Diforders  therein,  fome  Particulars  of. 
Difpaicb  a  Party  of  Horfe  to  Holdmby-  Houfe 
Take  the  King  from  thence,  and  carry  him  away 

to  Ntwmarktt.  ■  -    ■  ■ 

Votes  of  Parliament  paned  for  their  Satisfaction. 

Particulars  of.  

Their  formidable  Power  and  Authority,  Account 

1  Engagement,  declaring  their  Refoh 

as  to  Difbanding.  ■  i 

— —  Letter   to   the  City  of  Londtn,  touching 
their  Demands  on  the  Parliament. 

Lift  of,  who  ftgned  it.  ■■  .  ■  —  — 

Their  March  to  St.  /flbans,  Account  of. 

— —  Reafons  for  this  Morion.  ■ 

—  Reprefentation  of  their  Defires  for  the 
Settlement  of  Peace  previous  toDifbanding. 

■  ■     Lift  of  Members  of  the  Houfe  of  Com- 
mons, objected  to.  

h —  Heads  of  a  Charge  againft  them.   -   -    - 

i  i8oi  i 

306, 312 
4'5.  "6. 

335.  6,"  7 
34*.  3 . 

343.  4 

3S2      „ 


390,  I,  2 
393.  4 









I    N    D    E    X    to    the 

ARMY,  their  Paper  in  Confluence  of  their  Charge  j 

againft  the  Eleven  Members.     —        — ' 

■Votes  of  the  Commons  in  their  Favour,  and  in 

what  Particulars.  

Their  Remonttrance  to  the  Parliament  on  the 
S  ate  of  Affairs.  —      ..-  —— 

■■  '  ■  Letters  to  the  City  of  London  on  this  Oc- 
cafion.  — ^—  ■ 

—  ■  Principal   End   in    charging  the  Eleven 

Members  with  Treafon,  Account  of. 

■  Conccflions  to  the  King,  with  relation  to 
his  Chaplains.  — 

— —  Letter,  concerning  their  Motions. 

■  Declaration,  concerning  their  Demands 
on  the  Parliament.  — —  

■  Paper,  lignifying  their  Acceptance  of  the 
Parliament's  Proceedings. 

■  Declaration  againft  the  Report  of  a  pri- 
vate Treaty  between  the  King  and  them 
in  1647.  ■    ■  ■ .     ■  ■■■ 

—  Conduct  towards  him  about  that  Time, 
Account  of.  — —  ■ 

1 Charge  of  Impeachment  againft  the  Ele- 
ven Members.  ■   ■ 

■  Further  Propofals  to  the  Parliament. 

—  ■■  Refentment    againft  a  Petition  and  En- 

gagement of  the  Trained  Bands,  Appr 

tiers,  fife,  of  London,  for  the  King's  coming 

to  the  City  with  Honour,  fife.        ■■■■---- 

•—  Infult  offered  to  the  Earl  of  Lauderdale-, 

one  of  the  Scots  Commiffioners. 
«i       Declaration  concerning  Tumults, 
■—  Heads  of  fome  further  Propofals  in  order 

for  Peace.  - 

.        Declaration,  fetting  forth  the  Reafons  for 

their  marching  towards  London.  — 

Encamp  on  Hounjlow-  Heatb.         —  — 

March  through  the  City  with  Laurel  in  their 

Their  Remonttrance,  in  Vindication  of  all  their 
Proceedings.  ■  '        ■  •• 

Vol.     Page. 

4  to  19 


60,  1 


16  70  to  92 

16  160,  i 



:6  251*273 

Jglzecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hiftory  of  England. 

ARMY,  their  Method  to  enforce  their  Remon- 
{trance's  Acceptance  with  the  Parliament. 
Their  principal  Aim  in  profecuting  the  Eleven 

Members.  ■■  — —  ■ 

——•'Petition  to  Sir  Thomas  Fairfax,  concern- 
ing their  Indemnity,  Arrears,  &c.         — 

—  Remonftrance,  demanding  prefent  Pay. 
— —  Declaration  againft  an  intended  Ordinance 

for  taking  away  Free  Quarter.   —        — 
--■    '■■  —  - —  for  adhering  to  the  Parliament 
in  their  Proceedings  ugainft  the  King. 

—  ■ —   ■■■•  for  fupporting  the  Peerage. 

How  complimented  for  this  laft  Declaration. 

State  and  Difpofition  of,  in  May  1648. 

Theii  Remonftrance  to  the  Houfe  of  Commons 

againft  a  Treaty  with  the  King,  and  de- 
manding Juftice  upon  him.  ■ 
— —  Letter  to  Col.  Hammond,  requiring  him 
to  lecture  the  King  in  Cariflmakt-Cafih. 

—  ■        Concerning  their  Remonftrance 
for  Juftice  upon  the  King.  ■ 

—  Remonftrance,  fetting  forth  their  Re/blu- 
tion  to  inarch  up  to  London.  ... 

— —  March  to  London,  Account  of.         

Removal  of  the  King  from  Ntwport  to 

Hurfl-CoftU.  ■  1  — - —   18 

How  actuated  by  the  Jcfuiti,  Particulars  of.         18 

Their  Refentment  on  Account  of  the'  Votes  of 
both  Houfes  in  Favour  of  the  Treaty. 

•  —  Seizure  and  Ufage  of  their  Opponents  in 
the  Houfe  of  Commons  on  this  Occafion. 
■  Propofals  for  accufing  Dirndl Hellis,  Efq; 
and  others,  of  Faction,  &c.  > 

— —  Treaty  with  a  Committee  of  the  Houfe  of 
Commons  about  the  Difcharge  of  the  im- 
prifoned  Members.  —         — 

— —  further  Proceedings  relating  to  thofe  Gen- 
tlemen. —  —  —     ■■  - 

— -  Petition  to  the  Houfe  of  Commons  con- 
cerning a  general  Settlement  of  Peace  in 
the  Nation. 



474.  S.  6 
494*  5.  6 

1 6  496, 7 
16.497,  " 

161 w 238 

C  289, 90 

293.  4.  5 
428  to  444 

458  ft  46 1 




Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 

8  I      N      D      E      X    to  the 

VtL     Pag*, 
ARMY,  their  Plan  for  a  general  Settlement  of 

Peace  in  the  Nation.     —     —     —    —  18  519/0536 
How  complimented  by  the  Commons  on  this 

Occafion.  .  -  .   .■  ■  18  536 

Their  Declaration  to  the  Kingdom  relating  to 

their  Plan  of  Settlement.  ■■  18  537*0541 

Monthly  Charge  thereof,  Ann*  1650.  —  19  254 

Augmented  by  the  Commons,  and  on  what  Oc- 

Their  Declaration,  addrefled  to  the  Elect  Saints 
in  Scotland,  upon  their  March  to  invade 
that  Kingdom.  —  —        — 

— .—  to  the  People  of  Sc*t land  in 

general  —  —  — 

— —  prodigious  Expence  in  1651,  Account  of. 

— —  Petition  againftCrumuY/Z'sbeingmadeKing 

—  Decliration  to  fupport  him  as  Protector. 
■  Addrefs  to  Richard  Cremwtti  on  his.Ac- 

ceffion  to  the  Protectorate.        —         — 

■  ■  ■    Divifions  among  the  Officers,  Ibme  Ac- 

count of.  —  —  — 

■  Petition  to  the  Protestor,  concerning  their 
Want  of  Pay.  —  <~ 

Make  themfelves  Mailers  of  the  Kingdom. 
Their  Coalition  with  ihe  Republican  Party. 

—  ■  ■  Demands  and  Proceedings  thereupon. 

■  Declaration,  inviting  the  Members  of  the 
Long  Parliament  to  return  to  the  Exercifc 
of  their  Trull.  —  r— — - 

■  Proceedings  with  the  Republican  Party 
for  opening  a  new  Seflion  of  Parliament. 

— —  Petition  to  the  Parliament  for  fettling  the 
Government  of  the  Commonwealth. 

— —  Refentment  on  the  Choice  ofanew  Coun- 
cil of  State.  ■  — 

■  ■--  Petition  and  Propofals  to  the  Parliament 

concerning  Government.  -1-  — 

How  anfwered.  — ?  

Lift  of  their  Officers  difcharged  from  all  Mili- 
tary Employment.  ■— ...  , 
Ordered  to  be  governed  by  Commiffioncis, 

258,  9 




122,  3,  4 


233  H  236 

339.  40 

340  U  345 



3*3  "367 

367.  « 

369,  70 

400  u  +05 

4"    . 

465,  6,  7 


469.  70 

:=y  Google 

Parliamentary  Hiftory  of  England. 

ARMY,  their  violent  Proceedings  in  Confequencc 
of  their  being  ordered  to  be  governed  by 
Commiffioners.  — —  -  — 

Take  upon  themfelves  the  Supreme  Power. 
Appoint  General  FUttweod  their  Commander  in 

Chief.      — —  — i 

Their  Treatment  of  the  Officers  who  appeared 
againft  them  for  the  Parliament.        ■ 

■         Council  of  Ten,  Lift  of.       —        

Appoint  Col.  Lambert  Major-General  of  the 
Forces  in  England  and  Scotland.        — 
Conftjtute  a  Committee  of  Safety.  ■ 
Their  Manner  of  applying  to  the  Members 
thereof  to  undertake  that  Trail.          — — 
■  Vote  concerning  the  Election  of  Mem- 
bers to  fit  in  Parliament.       —           

Permit  the  difcarded  Members  to  afliime  their 
Seats  in  the  Houfc,     -■— —  . 

ARRAYa  Ctmmiffun  of,  by  whom,  granted,  and 
for  what.  .  ■  — — — 

ARTICLES  of  a  pretended  private  Treaty  be 
tween  the  King  and  the  Army  in  1647 
Particulars  of.         —  ■        ■ 

Of  Faith,  with  Scripture  Proofs,  prefented  to 
the  King  in  the  IJIe  of  Wight,  by  the  Par- 
liament a  Commiffioners,  Particulars  of. 
Different  from  thofc  now  received,  and  how. 
For  the  Government  of  the  Commonwealth  as 
fettled  by  Gen.  Cromwell  and  his  Council 
in  1653,  Particulars  of.         —  ■ 

ARUNDEL,  Earl  of.     See  Howard. 
ARUNDEL,  Thomat,  Bijbop  of  Elf,  one  of  the 
Committee  appointed  to  furvey  the  Go- 
vernment of  the  Peribn  and  Court  of  King 
Richard  II.  <  ■■  1 

His  Application  to  the  King  in  Behalf  of  Hinry 
Sptncer,  Btthop  of  Norwich.     —      -  ■  ■ 
How  oppofed  therein.  —  ■ 

Hit  finart  Reply.  ■  . .    .  .— 

Made  Lord-Chancellor.        —  ■ 



61,  at 







Jglzecy  GOOgle 



E      X    to 


ARUNDEL,  Thomas,  Bijhop  of  Ely,  his  Decla 
ration  to  the  Pari iaint fit  in  1 388,  touching 

the  Caufe  of  their  Summons.         - 

Removed  from  the  Office  of  Chancellor.        — 
Tranflated  to  the  See  of  T«rkt  and  again  made 

■  Chancellot*of  England.         —  .     ■ — 

His  Declaration  to  the  Parliament  concerning 
•'  the  Caufe  of  their  Summons  in  1392.   — 

-i. : : : in  1393.   — 

i_i* in  1394.    — 

Made  ArchbUnop"  of  Canterbury.     —         

Impeached  of  High  Treafon  by  the  Commons. 

Charge  againft  him.        _        

His  Anlwer  before  the  King.      ■        

—  Sentence  of  BanUhment,  Particulars  of.    — : 

—  fecret  Expedition  \o  Htnry  of  Bullingbrokt, 
-  Duke  of  Lemafter,  In  France.        • 

'. —  Return  to'  England  with  the  Duke.    —   ■     ■ 
•—  Speech  to  the  Parliament  in  1399,  concern- 
ing the  Depofition  of  the  King.    -     

*—  Speech  on  the  Acceffion  of  the  Duke  of  Lan- 

tttfter  tothe'Thfdne.        

11       . ,    ■     to  the   new  King,    concerning  the 
'-  -    Plots  of  the  Commons  againft  the  Clergy. 

—  Reprimand  to  that  Houfe.       — —.   2 

Made  Chancellor  again.          —         ■  ■■  — :   2 
His  Speech  to  the  Parliament  in  1407.   2 

■  —  Power  of  vifiting   the  Univerfity  of  Oxford 

confirmed  by  Parliament.     • 1   2 

ASCHAM,  Mr.  appointed  the  Parliament's  Agent  | 

to  Spain.  ■'■■ '-     ~  —  19 

Aflaffinated  at  Madrid.         '19 

ASHE,  Mr.  his  Cenfure  of  the  Earl  of  Warwick'* 

Conduct,  in  relation  to  foine  revolted  Ships. 

ASHBURNHAM,  Wm.  Efy;  his  Speech  againft 

the  Duke  of 'Buckingham.         —       - 

Committed  to  Prilbrt  for  being  concerned  in  a 

Plot  againft  "the 'Parliament.  

Admitted' to  Bail.  — ' 

Order  of  the  Commons  concerning  him.    9 

Debate  about  him,  Particulars  of,       ■  -■■—  ■     9 







49  r> 

Jglzecy  GOOgk 




Parliamentary  Hijlory  of  England.  i  i 

Vol.     Pegu 

ASHBURNHAM,  Wm.  Efq;  expelled  the  Houfe 
of  Commons.  — —  .   ,...*—    : 

Accompanies  the  King  from  Oxford  to  the  Scots 

Army  before  Newark.  —  14 

Demanded  by  the  Commons  to  be  deliveredjup.   14 

Makes  his  Elcapc.  ,   ,  14 

Hit  Letter  written  in  Cyphers  to  the  King, 

deciphered.  .  15 

ASHLEY,  ,  Efq;  his  Speech  at  a  Confe- 
rence of  both  Houfe*  on  the  Liberty  of 

the  Subject.  — 

Ordered  into  Cuftody  on  this  Account.     - 
Acknowledges  hi*  Fault  at  the  Bar  of  the  Houfe 
of  Lords,  and  difcharged.  — ■"■     ■ 

ASHTON,   Sir  Robert,  made  Chamberlain  and 
Lord  High  Treafurerto  King  Edward  IIL 
His  Speech  to  the  Parliament  in  1377,  concern- 
ing Papal  Usurpations.        — -.-         ...  — 
ASK£,  Richard,  Efq;  appointed  a  Judge  in  the 

Upper  Bench.  ■  -  ig 

ASSOCIATION  eftablim'd  by  Parliament  for  the 
Surety  of  Queen  Elizabeth.  -■■■     - 

1  fcveral  Counties  for  the  Parliament 

again  ft  King  Char  Us  I. 

ASTLEY,  Sir  Jacob,  mi  of  tht  King's  Generals, 
his  great  Defeat  by  the  Parliament's  Forces. 
Particulars  of.  —  

ATHELMAR,  EUa  Bijhop  of  IVinchtfler,  his 
Defcent  and  Alliance  to  King  Henry  III. 
Account  of.  -  —  ■—  -    -  — 

Driven  out  of  England  by  the  Barons. 

ATKINSON, ,  Efq;  Student  of  the  Inner 

Temple,  his  Speech  againft  the  Oath  of 

Supremacy.  —  *-— •  — 

His  remarkable  Expreffion  on  that  Occafion. 

ATTORNIES,  their  Number,  how  limited  by  a 
Statute  in  the  Counties  of  Norfolk,  Suf- 
folk, and  Norwich,  -— •        ■ 

ATJDLEY,  Lord  Hugh,  junior,  one  of  the  Con- 
federate Lords  againft  the  Defptnftrs. 
Hit  Delinquency  remitted,  and  on  what  Account. 





21 1,  Jr 



Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 

I    22+ 
I    238 

3  4i 
3  41.  a 

3  92 

12  I  ,  N      D      E      X    to  the. 

Vol.    Page. 
AUDLEY,  Lord  Hugh,  junior*  created  Earl  of 

Glouccjltr.  — 

His  Application  to  the  Parliament  in  Behalf  of 

King  Edward  HI.  ■ 

AUDLEY,  Thomas,  Efq;  ele&ed  Speaker  to  (he 
Commons  in  1529.         —  — 

His  Speech  on  that  Occafion.         —         

Knighted  by  King  Henry  Vlll.  and  made  Lord- 
Chancellor.  - 

His  Speech  at  opening  the  Seffion  of  Parliament 
in  1537.  _  

—  Reply  to  the  Speech  of  Richard  Rich,  Efq; 

Speaker  for  the  Commons.     —  — 

Opens  the  Parliament  in  1540,  with  the  Rea- 

fons  of  their  Meeting.  —  —  — 
— .  —  —  in  154.1,  to  the  fame  Purpofe. 
His  Speech  to  the  Commons.     —        —     — 

—  Motion  to  the  Houfe  of  Lords  touching  the 

Validity  of  the  King's  Marriage  with  Ann 
of  Ctevt.  

—  Speech  at  opening  the  Seffion  of  Parliament 

in  15+2.  - —  ■ 

AUGMENTATIONS,  Court  of,   when    firft 

erected,  and  by  whom.  < —  — 

AUGUSTINE,  St.  Bijhop  of  Hippo,  his  extreme 

Poverty,  Account  of.         —  —  ■ 

His  Refignation  of  his  Biflaoprick,  and  on  what 

Occafion.         — 

—  memorable  Saying  thereupon.     — 
AWARD  of  Lnoit  King  of  France,  between  King 

Hinry  III.  and  his  Barons.  w-  — 
Againft  the  disinherited  Barons  in  1266.  -  - 
Between  King  Edward  I.   and  the  King   of 

Franco  in  1298,  Particulars  of.  — — 
Againft  the  two  Defptnfirt  at  the  Parliament 

in  1321.  

AXTEL,  Col.  excepted  out  of  the  hSt  of  Indent 

nity  at  the  Refloration.  —  -1- 

His  Behaviour  at  the  Trial  of  King  Cherlet  I. 
Order  for  Securing  him,  ■»■— —  — 



'57.  8 
162,  J 


165,  6 


1731. 176 









73.  +.  5 

16+,  s 


380,  I 

lizecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hi/lory  of  England. 

AYERMYN,  William,  BIJhop  of  Norwich,  ap-l 
pointed  one  of  the  Cornmiffionera  to  treat 
with  the  French  King  about  the  Rcftitutioti 
of  Aquitain.  — —  ■  ■■  ■■ 

AYSCOUGH,'  Sir  Georgt,  Admiral,  his  Reduc- 
tion of  the  Plantations  to  the  Obedience 
of  the  Houfe  of  Commons.     -     - 
His  fuccefsful  Engagement  with  the  Dutch  Fleet 

M    165L      "      —  


BACON,  Lord,  his  Account  of  the  Proceed' 

ings  of  the  firft  Parliament  of  Henry  VII.  2  40307408 
His  Account  of  the  Statutes  made  at  his  fecond 

Parliament.         — —         2 '419/*  423 

■  third  Parliament.  2  426/0431 

—  Obfervation  on  the  King's  Speech  to  his 

Parliament  in  1492.        —        —        —  2. 433,4,5 

—  Account  of  the  Proceedings  of  the  Parlia- 

ment in  1505.         —  —  —  2444/0447 

BACON,  Sir  Nicholas,  Lord-Keeper  of  the  Great 

Seal,  his  Speech  at  opening  the  firft  Par-       I 

liamentof  Queen  Elizabeth  in  1558.  3 365/0374 

- —        ■    ■    —  in  1562.  42  to  7 

Made  Lord-Chancellor.         —        —         —  4  39 
Anfwer  to  the  Speech  of  Thomas  Williams,  Efq; 

Speaker  for  the  Commons.     -     -     -     -  4I49  to  52 
His  Direction  to  the  Parliament  at  their  Seflion 

in  1566.  4  59 

—  Speech  at  the  Diflblution  thereof.     —    ■ —  4  82,  3 

—  —  at  Opening  the  Parliament  in  1571.  4   87  to  94 

at  theCiofe  of  that  Seffion  in  157I.  4   156/0164 

■ —  at  the  Parliament  in  1572.      -     -  4  166/9176 

— —  —    in  1575.     -      -  4  218/0226 

—  Anfwer  to  a  Speech  of  John  Popham,   Efqj  4  254 
BACON,  Francis,  Efq;  his  Speech  for  a  Sub-  J  t  372,   3 

fidy.  .  .  J  4   \  3fc3>  + 

_— .  for  the  Increafe  of  Hufbandry.  4  414,  15 

on  a  Bill  for  fuppr  effing  Abufes 

in  Weights  and  Meafures.         —         —  4  436,  7 


Jglzecy  GOOgk 


I      N 

X    to 


V<1.     Peg,. 

5  35° 
5.351.  2.3 

5  355.    6 
5l358»    9 
5  399'"  40* 
5'4'6,    17 
5  420 
5  4".    3 
5  4H    ' 


BACON,  Francis,  Efa  his  Speech  on  t  Bill  ) 

againft  Monopolies.  1  —  J 

Made  Lord -Chancellor.         .?■    ■    .  — — 

Accufed  of  Bribery  and  Corruption.     - 
His  Letter  to  the  Lords  concerning  his  Accufa- 

—  Reply  to  a  Mefiage  from  them     —         — 

—  Letter  of  Submiffion.  —         '   ■ 

—  Anfwers  to  the  Charge  againft  him.  -  - 
Deprived  of  the  Great  Seal,  ■  — 
His  Sentence.  — —  ■ 

—  Letter  to  King  Jamts  I.  on  that  Occauon. 

Obtains  his  Pardon.  .  —  — .  

His  retired  Life  and  Death,  Account  of.  — 
Remarkable  Saying  of  his  to  the  Lord-Treafurcr 


BADGER,  Richard,  examined  at  the  Bar  of  the 

Houfe  of  Lords  for  printing  Dr.  Manwa-        I 

ring's  Sermons.  —  ■ .      .      8  207 

BADBY,  Thomas,  convicted  ofHerefy,  and  burnt.     2  115 
BADLESMOKE,  Bartholomew,  made  Governor 

of  Ledes-Ca/lle,  in  Kent.      —       —      —     I   167 
Joins  the  Confederate  Barons  againft  the  two 

Difptnfct,  I   167 

His  Affront  offered  to  Queen  Elizabeth  in  her 
Progrefs  to  Canterbury,  and  how  refented 

by  the  King.         — —  1  168 

Taken  Prifoner  at  the  Battle  of  Berougbridge,       I 

and  executed.  ■  1  168,   9 

BAGSHAW,  Edward,  Efq;  his  Speech  on  Na- 
tional Grievances.       —  —  —     9  76  to  79 
BAILIFFS  of  Yarmouth,  their  Letter  concerning 

the  Prince  of  Pfaiei's  appearing  on  board  a       I 
Fleet  off  that  Port.     —      —     —      —  17  33S,  9 
SAINTON,  Sir  Edward,  his  Examination  and 
Anfwer,  touching  his  Charge  againft  Mr. 
Pjmme  for  indirect  Practices.      —        —  I2'38r,  2 
Vote  of  the  Commons  againft  Sir  Edward  on 

-  this  Account. 1 2  382 

BAKER,  $tr  John,  elefled  Speaker  for  the  Com-       I 

mons  in  1547.  ■  —■■■■  —  |  3  221 


iglzec  "GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hifory  of  England. 
BALDWIN,   Robert,  Complaint  againft  him  for 

preaching  falfe  Doctrine.     —■     •■»     —  t3 
Committed  to  Prifon-  ■     .—— .  —  13 

HU  remarkable  Letter   concerning  a  Difpute 
with  one  Mr.  Tutty.     —  .  1 3 

BALE,  Sir  Jtkmt  Impeachment  againft  him,  and 

on  what  Account,  Particulars  of.      -      •  1 1 
BALFOUR,  Sir  JVUliam,  Lieutenant  of  the  Tower* 
discharged  from  that  Truft.    —    —     — 
BALIOL,  John,  Lord  of  Galloway,  one  of  the 
Competitors  for  the  Crown  of  Scotland, 
on  the  Death  of  King  Alexander. 
His  Defcent,  and  indifputable  Claim  thereto. 
Declared  King  of  Scotland  by  King  Edward  I. 
His  Homage  to  that  Monarch,      —     —     — 
How  affronted  by  him  in  open  Parliament. 
His  Refentment  thereupon.     —    —    —     — 

—  Grant  to  King  Edward  towards  the  .Ex- 

pences  of  his  War  againft  Frame.     - 

—  Plot  againft  him.  ■ — 

—  Renunciation  of  his  Oath  and  Allegiance. 

—  Excufe  for  fo  doing.  —        —  ..- 

—  Cornell  with  him.  ■  ■■  ■ 
Deprived  of  his  Kingdom.  —  — »  .  —  — 
Forced  into  England.  ■  — — 
His  Reltraint  and  Ufage  there.      —      —     — 

BALIOL,  Edward,  made  General  of  fome  En- 
gtijb  Forces  againft  Scotland.      —        — 
Occafioni  a  Revolution  there.     —      —     — 
Crowned  King  of  Scotland,         —  1 

Summoned  by  King  Edward  III.  to  the  Parlia- 
ment at  York  in  1333.       —       —      — 
His  Rcafons  for  not  obeying  the  Summons. 

—  Homage  to  Edward  as  Sovereign  Lord  of 

Scotland.  - — i — -  ■ 

BAMPFIELD,  Thomas,  Efq;  chofen  Speaker  for 

the  Commons  in  1658.  ■ 

BANCROFT,  Richard,  Archbijbep  of  Canterbury, 

bis  Motion  for  a  Committee  to  confidcr 

of  the  Law*  againft  Rccufartts.     —      — 




125,  6 


9>>  94 

96.  7 



Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 


I      N      D      E      X    to 

BANNOCKBURN,  Battle  of,  between  King 
Edward  II.  and  the  Scats.     —  .  —    — 

BANKS, ,  -Afr.  his  Speech  againft  feizing 

the  Goods  of  a  Parliament-Man, 

BANKES,  Sir  John,  Lard  Chief  Juflict  »f  the 
Common- Picas,  impeached  of  High  Trca- 
fon  b»  the  Common*,  and  why. 

BARBADOES,  Ifland  of,  its  Revolt  from  the 
Houfe  of  Commons.      —        

BARDOLPH,  Hugh,   his  Employments   under 

Richard  I.  Account  of.      —      —      — 

When  deprived  of  them.     —     —  — — 

BAREBONE,  Praifi-God,  made  Comptroller  of 

the  Office  of  Sequestrations.        —       — 

His  Salary.  

BARNARDISTON,  Sir  Nathaniel,  committed 
to  Prifon  for  refuting  a  Loan  to  King 

CbarUtl.        — _        — 

Releafed  on  the  Calling  a  new  Parliament. 

BARNES,  Mr.  Jojhua,  his  Account  of  the  Regu- 
lations made  by  Parliament  for  the  Secu- 
rity of  the  Realm  in  1340.  

His  Account  of  the  Controverty  between  King 
Edward  III.  and  John  Slratferd,  Arch- 
bifhop  of  Canterbury.  ■  —       — 

—  —    —  of  the  Complaints  of  the  Clergy  to 

the  King  in  1341.         ■ . 

_  . —  —  of  the  Commons  Remonlirance 
againft  Papal  Encroachments. 

—  Description  of  the  King's  profperous  State 

in  1348.  

BARNET,  BattU  of,  Anno  147 1. 

BARON,  John,  his  Depofition  againft  the  Lord 

Treafurer  Middle/ex,  as   Mailer  of  the 

Wardrobe.  ■—  — 

BARON,  who  firft  created  in  England. 

Antient  Meaning  of  that  Title,  and  how  re- 

{trained  oflater  Years.     —      —     — — 

BARONS,  their  Enfigns  of  Honour  in  Parliament. 

Their  Proxies.  — —  — — »        — 






3'4>    »S 















24>>  2.  3 


244.  5 


253.  4 





203,  4 




6,  7 

,,,,, Google 


Parliamentary  Hifloty  of  England.         17 

Vol.     Page. 

BARONS,  their  Homage  to  King  Henry  I.  and 

to  his  eldeft  Son  Prince  William.  — — 

Lift  of,  who  were  Witnefies  to  King  Stephen's 

Charter,  granted  in  1136.      -  — • — 

Their  Engagement  to  King  Henry  II. 

— —  Expedition  with  King  Richard  I.  againft 

the  Saracens.  —        ,  — 

How  charged  by  this  King  for  Liberty  of  Tour- 
naments. -  '   -  —       - 
Their  Grant  to  King  'John  at  a  Convention  in 

— —  Declaration  in  Defence  of  their  Charter 

granted  by  King  Henry  I.  —  —  — 
—     ■  Cornell  with  him  on  the  Score  of  their 

Liberties.  —  ■— 

Obtain  a  Grant  of  Magna  Charia,  and  Cbarta 

de  Ferefta.  — .  

Lift  of,  by  whom  the  Royal  Charter  of  Englijb 

Liberties  was  procured.     . 

Their  Conqueft  over  Lewis  the  Frtnch  King's 

Meet  King  Henry  III.  at  London  in  1223.  — 
Their  Demand  on  that  Occafion,  -     ■ 

Summoned  to  Northampton.         —  — — 

Their  Grant  to  the  King  there.  ■ 

How  requited  by  him.  ■  ..■ 

Summoned  to  Wtflminfler  in  1225.  •  — 
Their  Counfel  and  Aid  requefted  by  the  King. 
— —  Anfwer.  ■  —■■■■— 

Obtain  a  Confirmation  of  their  Liberties.  -  - 
Their  Grant  to  the  King  concerning  the  Wards 

and  Marriages  of  their  Heirs.  —  — 
Summoned  to  Oxford  in  1227.  -  —  —  — 
How  treated  there.  ■  •    •    — 

Summoned  to  Weflminfier  in  1232.  —.-.... 

Their  Grant  of  a  general  Aid  required.  — — 
——Anfwer.  —  -■  ■■■■ 

• Complaints  againft  Hubert  dt  Burgh  the 

King's  Prime  Miniftcr.  —  —  — 
Convened  to  Lambeth  the  fame  Year.  —  — 
Their  Grant  to  the  King  there.  . .  ■  — ■     1   28 


:=y  Google 




24»  S 
25      . 





X8  I     N     D      E      X    to  the 

BARONS,  their  Wardfliips  committed  to  Fo- 
reigners by  the  King.     '—  

Bad  Confequences  thereof.         —        > 
Summoned  to  meet  the  King  at  Oxford  in  1233. 
Their  Refufal  to  attend.  —  — 

■         Reafon  for  it.  ■    ■■■  — — 

Summoned  to  fPeftminftir  foon  after.        — — 
Their  Reafon  for  a  fecond  Refufal.  .*— *- 

— —  threatning  Meffage  to  the  King.    —    — 

How  treated  by  him  on  that  Account.       ■  

Meet  the  King  at  Wtfiminjler  in  1 23+.  — 

Their  good  Agreement  there,  Account  of. 
Summoned  to  Mtrton  in   1236.        —       —— 
Their  Tranfactions  there.        ———         -■  — 
Convened  to  London  in  1237.         —         ■■  ■ 
Their  Grant  of  a  Supply  requefted.  — 

— —  fharp  Anfwer  to  the  King's  Meffage  foi 
that  Purpofe.        —         —       ■ —        — 
How  foothed  by  the  King.  —  — 

Their  Anfwer  thereto.         ■■  ■■—  —  ■ 

Obtain  a  Confirmation  of  Magna  Charts.      — 
Their  Grant  to  the  King  thereupon.  — 

Meet  him  at  ttrk.  

Occafion  thereof.  ■  ■■■ 

Summoned  to  Weflmlnjitr  in  1237.  — 

Their  Grant  to  the  King  there.     —        — — 
Refent  his  Manner  of  fquandering  it  away. 
Their  League  againft  him  on  that  Occafion, 
and  the  Event  thereof.  -■-—  ■■ 

Summoned  to  London  in  1242.  ■ 

Their  Engagement  thereupon.     —       — 

Anfwer  to  the  King's  Demand  for  Money, 

How  artfully  dealt  with  on  their  Refufal  of  a 

Supply. ~  — 

Their  farther  Anfwer  of  Denial. 
— —  Di  Ablution  in  Confequence  thereof.       — 
— —  Proteft  thereupon.         — —  —  -r^- 

— —  Reply  to  the  King's  further  Application  to 
them  at  that  Time.  ■ 

Committee  of.  —■■-.■  ■— - 



);J  ,.-.,,*  Google 


43,  4 


45»  6 

46,  7 

+7    „ 
4f»  8 

Parliamentary  Htflory  a/'England.         19 

BARONS,  fiimmoned  to  fVtflminflgr  in  1244. 
Solicited  by  the  King  for  a  pecuniary  Aid. 

Their  Anfwer. _ 

' Anfwer  to  the  Bifhops,  &c.  concerning 

this  Affair.  — 

■  '  ■-  further  Proceedings  therein.        — 
Grant  to  the  King  on  his  Promife  to  keep 

the  Charter  of  Liberties.         —        __ 

—  Treatment  of  him  at  another  Afiembly  t 

Summoned  to  London  in  1246.  -  .  — 

Their  Laws  made  there  againft  fuch  as  robbed 

Parks  or  Warrens.  ■ 

Convened  again  to  London  this  fame  Year. 

Occafion  thereof.  

Called  by  Writ  to  meet  at  London  in  1248.  - 
Solicited  for  a  pecuniary  Aid  to  the  King.  — 
Their  Rem  on  (trance  theieupoir,  letting  forth  his 

bad  Conducl.  

—  Reply  to  his  Promife  of  Amendment. 
Are  prorogued  for  forcie  Time.  —  ■  ■--. 
How  received  by  the  King  on  meeting  again.  - 
Their  Anfwer  to  his  Speech  from  the  Throne. 
— —  Diffolution.  —  —  ■ 
Convened  to  London  in  1251.  — —  ™ 
Their  Tranfadions  there.  ■  .  -  - — — 
Called  to  Weftminfler  in  j  252,  and  on  what  Ac- 

—  - —  to  Leaden  in  1254.  —  — 
Required  to  affift  the  King  (then  in  Gafcoigny) 

with  a  powerful  Aid.  .  —  - 

Their  Anfwer  thereto.         —  —  — 

Summoned  again  to  Leaden  in  this  Year,  and  to 

the  fame  Purpofe.  —  

Their  Reafons  for  not  granting  the  King  any 

Money  at  that  Time.        —        —     —     1  55, 
Meet  the  King  at  London  in  1255.       —      —     I    56 
Required  to  grant  him  a  pecuniary  Aid.      -     -     1   56,  7 
Their  Refufal  thereof,  and  Demand  on  the  King.     1  57 
Convened  the  fame  Year  to  Wtjlminjltr.       —     1  57 

B  2  BARONS, 


Jglzecy  GOOgk 


I      N      D      E      X  'to  tU 


»ain  by  the  King(  for  Money. 

BARONS,  prefled 

Their  Reply.  —  —  .— 

Summoned  to  Wtftminjter  in  1257.  — 

Their  Bufinefs  there.  Account  of.         -■■■■ 
Meet  the  King  at  London  in  1258.  — 

Their  ftiff  Refufal  to  affift  him  with  Money. 
— —  Complaints  againft  him.         — • , 
-— —  Conditional  Promife  of  a  Tax.  — 

Empowered  by  the  King  to  reform  the  State  of 

the  Nation,  and  by  what  Method. 
Their  Meeting  at  Oxford  for  that  Purpofe. 
— —  Military   Appearance,   and    the    Reafon 

Lift  of,  elected  there,  as  a  Committee  to  reform 

the  Government. 
Their  Demands  on  the  King.  —  — 

■         Order  for  holding  three  Parliaments  in 

every  Year.       "    —  —  — 

•    -■■  Election  of  twelve  Perfons  to  reprefent 

them  in  Parliament.  — 

Entry  or  Record  to  that  Purpofe. 

Lift  of,  fo  elected.  

Their  further  Proceedings  at  that  Time.  .-  -  - 
Lift  of,  appointed  to  fettle  an  Aid  for  the  King. 
Their  Treatment  of  his  uterine  Brothers.  -  - 
Complaint  again  ft  them  by  a  Deputation  from 

the  Batchelors  of  England.      -     -     -     ■ 
How  threatried  by  Prince  Edward. 

Publifh  their  Body  of  Laws.      —  » 

Title  thereof.  —  —  

Conclufion  of  them.  —  —  ■  _ 
Their  Expultion  of  the  Poiftovins,  Account  of. 
Manner  of  excufing  tbemfelves  to  the  Pope 

for  that  Step.  .  

How  oppofed  by  the  King's- Party.      - 
Their  Endeavour  to  fupport  the  Oxford  Pro- 
National  Diffractions  confequent  thereupon. 
Summoned  to  meet  the  King  itOxford'm  1263. 
Propofal  made  to  them  there  for  reftoring  the 

antiem  Method  of  Government. 

)ig  i,zec  =  /Google 

Parliamentary  Hijlory  of  Eng* and. 

BARONS,  their  Reply  to  the  Propo&ls  made  to 
them  at  Oxford*  for  reftoring  the  antient 
Method  of  Government.  -    - 

Refer  the  Deciilon  of  the  Matter  to  the  King 
of  France.  —~  —  —         — 

Their  Oxford  Prpvifior-;  difanulled  by  him. 

War  with  King  Henry  III.    in  Confe- 

quence  of  that  Award.         —  —  ■■    ■ 

Vi&ory  over  him  at  Lewes  in  Sujfex.   -  - 

— --  Treatment  of  him  and  his  Brother,  King 
of  the  Remans.  —  —  — 

^^  Power  at  that  Time.        —        —      — 

■  new  Scheme  of  Government   propofed. 
and  the  Intention  thereof- 
Routed  by  Prince  Edward^  and  their  late  Ad- 
vantages overturned.        —        — 

Their  Lands,  how  difpofed  of.  — 

Admitted  to  compound  for  them,  and  on  what 

Terms.  —  —  —        — 

Their  Difference  with  King  Edward  I.  and 

how  occafioncd.         —  —  — 

— —  Martial   Appearance  at    the  Parliament 

fummoned  by  Prince  Edward  in  129.J 
——Articles  of  Reconciliation  with  the  King 

infilled  upon,  Particulars  of,        -     - 

—  Demands  approved  by  the  Prince,  and  con- 
firmed by  the  King.         —        —       — 

—  Expedition  againil  the  revolted  Seels. 
•        Proceedings  at  TCark  relating  to  the  two 

Great  Charters.  —  —  — 

— —  rafh  Demand  on  the  King  at  the  Parliament 

in  1301.  —  —         — 

How  anfwered  in  a  Speech  by  him. 
Their  Submiffion  thereupon.  — 

lift  of ,  who  with  flood   the  Usurpation  of  Pope 

Boniface  VIII.  relating  to  his  Claim  on 

Tbeir  Letter  to  him  on  that  Occasion. 

■  ■■  Oppofition  to  the  King's  going  into  France. 
— ^—  late  mutinous  Behaviour  to  the  King,  how 

jmniftied  —,—.__ 





108,  9 


2I,».  3 

23.  4.  5 
25,  6 

29.  3" 

Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 

22  I      N      D      E      X    to  the 

BARONS,  Lift  of,  at  the  Parliament  at  CarBjle 
in  1307.  —        ■  —  —        — 

Their  Refentment  againft  Pierce  Gavifton,  Fa- 
vourite to  King  Edward  II.     -    -     -     - 

. Convention  at  IVare  on  Ms  Account.  -   - 

Compel  the  King  to  call  a  Parliament  to  London 

in  1308.  —  —         —  — 

Their  Charge  there  againft  Gave/Ion,  Particulars 

'  Allen t  to  Gavtfton's  enjoying  the  Earldom 

of  Cornwall  for  Life.  —  — 

Lift  of,  who  refufed  to  attend  the  King  in  Par- 
liament at  York  in  131c.       - 

Their  Reafon  for  this  Neglefl.  -      - 

—  Anfwer  to  the  King's  Fropofal  for  treating 
about  the  late  Ordinances.      - 

—  ■  Refolu  tiort  to  drive  Gavejlon  from  the  King. 

■  ■-  Preparations  for  that  Purpofe.     - 
Appoint  Thomas  Plantagtmt  Earl  of  Lancajltt 

their  General.  —  —  — 

Their  Menage  to  the  King  for  the  Delivery  of 

Gave/ion.         —  —  _        — 

— —  clofe  Purfuit  of  the  Favourite,  and  Manner 

of  talcing  him,  Account  of. 
1  Execution  of  him,  as  a  National  Enemy. 

■  —  threatning  Meflage  to  the  King,  touching 

their  Ordinances.         —  — 

-.    '  Forces,  how  difpoled  'of.      - 
»         Treaty  and  Agreement  with  the  King. 

-  Submiftton,  how  dated.       - 
Complaints  againft  them  by  the  King  at  the 

Parliament  in  1313,  Particulars  of. 
Their  Anfwer  thereto.        —         — 

—  Submiffion  according  to  a  former  Agree- 
ment. — -  —  — 

Confederacy  againft  the  two  Difpnft. 

—  violent  Proceedings  againft  them,  Account 

— —  Meflage  to  the  King  demanding  their 
Banifhment.  —  —         — 

How  aniwered.  —  ~*  ■>— 


Jglzecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hiflory  of  England.         23 
VtL    Pagt. 
BARONS,  their  Expedition  to  London  againft  the 
Kmg.  — 

Their  Behaviour  there. 

■  Articles  preferred  againft  the  Defpenfert  at 
the  Parliament  in  1321.  - 

—  Award  againft  tbem.  —  

■  uncommon  Orel's  at  this  Parliament. 
— —  Remonftrance  to  the  King,  touching  their 

Indemnity  for  what  they  bad  done. 
Obtain  tbeir  Charters  of  Pardon.  — 

Their  frefli  Provocation  againft  the  King,  and 

how  occasioned.  — 

■  ■  -  Refolution  to  revenge  it, 

■  Defeat  at  Bertugbiridge: 
— —  Devaluations  committed  on  the  Lands  of 

Hugh  Defpenfer  the  younger. 
— —        on  the  Lands  of 

Hugh  Defptnfer  the  Father.     - 
Gain  the  Queen  to  their  Intereft. 
Their  Execution  of  the  two  Difpenferi. 

Impriibnment  of  the  King.    - 

Indemnity  on  Account  of  their  Conduct 

10  him.  "    —  — 

Lift  of,  at  the  Parliament  in  1537. 

■  ■-■■   ■  who  protefted  againft  the  Act  of  Uni- 

— ■- -     .       againft  the  Act  allowing 

Priefts  to  marry.      -        -       - 
BARONS  of  the  Exchequer  receive  aMefiagefrom 
the  Commons  to  make  void  their  Orders  in 
the  Procefs  againft  Merchants  for  Tonnage 
Their  Anfwer. 

BARONETS,  Order  »/,  when  firft  inftituted. 

BARR1NGTON,  Sir  Tbemas,  his  Report  con- 
cerning  the  Proceedings  againft  the  Tefuits, 

BARTON,  Elizabeth,  her  Attainder  and  Execu- 
tion, and  the  Occafion  thereof.     -     -    - 

BASIL,  Mr.  his  Account  of  a  Victory  gained  over 
the  Marquis  of  Clanrickard  in  Inland. 
His  farther  Account  of  the  Succef3  of  the  Eng- 
/{A  Forces.  —  —  — 



164,  S 

165,  6.  7 

1 68,  9 


172.  3 

n8,  19 




:=y  Google 

24  I      N      D      E      X    to  the 


BASSET,  Gilbert,  how  reproved  for  hia  rafh  Ad 
vice  to  King  Henry  III.     -     -     -     -     ■ 
BASTARDY,  Aa  tf.  Anno  1431.       -      -      ■ 
BAST  WICK,  Dr.  John,  Refoluiion  of  the  Com- 
mons (or  rcleafing  him  from  Prifon.    -    -     9 

Hia  Confinement,  Caute  of.         —  . 9 

Account  of  him  by  Lord  Clarendon,  -     9 

-■  ■      -  1  by  Sander/an.      ■     .  .  — —     9 

.      —  -    ■    -  by  Whithckt.     —        .  .  ■■—     9 
How  favoured  by  the  Commons.     -     -     -     - 
BATCHELORS,  Deputation  0/,  from  all  Parts 
of  England  tax^t  Court  of  King  Henry  III. 
Their  Complaint  againft  the  Barons.     -     -     • 
BATH,  Henry,  Chief Jujiiee  of  England,  his  mar- 
tial Appearance  at  a  Meeting  of  the  Nobles 

in  1 251.  — 

Charge  againfl  him  by  King  Henry  III.     - 
Proclamation  againft  him.  ■    .  — 

His  imminent  Danger  on  that  Occafion.     - 
Farther  Complaint  againil  him.  — 

Interpolations  in  his  Favour,  Account  of,     - 
Reconciled  to  the  King,  and  by  what  Means. 
BATH,  Earlef.     Sec  Bourchier. 
BATTEN,  Vice- Admiral  to  the  Earl  of  Warwick, 
his  Behaviour  to  the  Queen  on  her  land- 
ing at  Bridlington  from  Holland,  Account 

of.  _  

Appointed,  by  the  Commons,  Chief  Comman- 
der at  Sea.  — — — ■-  ■  ■   .     . 
His  Oppofition  to  the  Royal  Family,  Account  of. 
BATTS,  Parliament  of,  why  fo  called.      -       - 
BAYNARD,  Richard,  £/j;chofen  Speaker  to  the 
Commons  in  1431.        —        —        — 
BAYNE,  Ralph,   Bijbep  0/ Ctvtntry,  deprived  of 

his  Bimoptick,  and  on  what  Account. 
BAYONS,  Bega,  concerned   in  the  Murder  of 
King  Edward  II.        —  — 

The  Reward  offered  by  Parliament  to  take  hii 

SEAL, -,  Efa;  his  Speech  on  a  Bill  for 

Subfidy.  ■  ...  1 




59.  60 

60,  x 






Uze^y  GOOgk 

Yarliamentary  Hjfiory  ^England. 


BEAUCHAMP,  Thomas,  Earlof  Warwick,  AP-|     j 
pointed  one  of  the  Committee  to  furvey: 
the  Houfltold  of  King  Richard  II.     -      - 
Appointed  to  attend  hit  Penon,  and  to  give  Aii- 
fweis  to  foreign  Miniftcrs.       ~       -       , 
— -  ■  one  of  the  Committee  to  examine  the  Go- 
vernment of  the  King's  Per  fan  and  Court. 
His  Oppofition  to  the  Meafures  of  the  King  and 

his  Mini  Hers.  ■■ — 

One  of  the  five  Lords,  called  Appellants  in  138$ 
Difmifled  by  the  King  from  the  Council  Board. 
Admitted  again.  ■  -■  ■■— 

Articles  of  Impeachment  againft  him,  by  the 

Lords  Appellants  in  1397.     -     -     - 

His  Anfwer  thereto.  —  •—  . 

Convi&ed  of  High  Treafon,  and  his  Sentence. 

Behaviour  at  his  Trial.  —    ■  — 

BEAUCHAMP,  Sir  John,  sfHolt,  impeached  by 

the  Commons  at  the  Parliament  in  1388. 

Charge  againft  him.  — — — -  ■  ■    . 

His  Sentence  and  Execution.  — -        — 

BEAUCHAMP,  Richard,  Earl  of  Warwick,  his 

Con  te  ft  with  John  Mowbray,  Earl  Marfnal , 

about  Precedency  in  the  Par  I  lament- Houfe. 

BEAUCHAMP,  Sir  Walter,  chofen  Speaker  to 

the  Houfe  of  Commons  at  the  Parliament 

BEAUFORT,  Thomas,  tldtft  iafi  Son  of  John 

Duke  efLancafler,  created  Earl  of  Somtrftt. 

Made  one  of  the  Lords  Appellants  at  the  famous 

Council  at  Nottingham  in  1397. 
Created  Marquis  of  Derfet.  —  — 

Ordered  by  the  Parliament  to  give  an  Account 
of  his  Proceedings  as  one  of  the  Lords 

Appellants.  — —  

His  Excufe.         

Sentence  pronounced  againft  him  on  this  Oc- 
casion. ■— —  1 
Rdtoicd  to  his  Honours,  &V.  again.  -  -  - 
His  Attempt,  in  Conjunction  with  fome  others, 
to  re/lore  King  Richard  II.  to  his  Crown. 
Accufed  pf  High  Treafon  on  this  Account.  - 












56,  7 
56,  7 


al65,  6 


Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 

s6  I      N      D      E      X    to  the 

BEAUFORT,  Tlmat,  eldefl  baft  Sm  of  Jabn 
Duke  ef  Lanca/ler,  interceded  for  by  the 
Commons.  ■  ■■       — 

Obtains  a  Pardon  from  King  Henry  IV,  and  re- 
ftored  to  his  Liberty,  Honours,  ts'c. 

Hi*  Speech  to  the  King  and  Parliament  in  Fa- 
vour of  a  War  with  France.        - 

Created  Duke  of  Extttr.  —        — 

Made  one  of  the  Governon  to  King  Henry  VI, 
BEAUFORT,  Henry,  Bijhep  of  Lincoln  and  Lord- 
Chancellor,  his  Speech  at  opening  the  Sef- 
lion  of  Parliament  in  1404. 

. -  in  i<f05- 

Made  Bithop  of  Winchtfier,  and  opens  the  Sef- 
fion  of  Parliament  in  1410.       - 

His  Speech  to  the  Parliament,  Anna  1413.    — 

Has  the  Crown  delivered  to  him,  and  on  what 

Occafion.  -  —     —  —  — 

Made  one  of  the  Governors  to  King  Henry  VI. 
Opens  the  Seflion  of  Parliament  in  1425.  -  - 
Obtains  the  King's  Letters  Patent  to  receive  the 
Money  which  he  lent  to  the  Government. 
Quarrels  with  Humphry  Duke  of  Gloucefler  — 
His  Application  to  the  Dulce  of  Bedford,  Regent 

of  France,  on  this  Account.        - 
Opens  the  Seflion  of  Parliament  in  1426.       — 
His  Anfwer  to  the  Articles  exhibited  againfl  him 
by  the  Duke  of  Gloucefler  at  the  Parlia- 
ment in  1426.         -                       -    ■■ 
Acquitted  of  the  Charge  againft  him,  and  recon- 
ciled to  the  Duke.  — 

Jtefigns  his  Office  of  Lord-Chancellor. 
Made  a  Cardinal,  Anno  1428.  — 

Quarrels   again  with  Humphry  Duke  ef  Glm- 

eejler,  and  on  what  Account.      - 
Refers  his  Caufe  to  the  Home  of  Peers  who  de- 
clare in  his  Favour.  .   1    1 

Procures  the  Duke's  Imprifonment  and  Death, 
His  own  terrible  Death,  Account  of,        — 

217,  18 

::;■  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hiftory  of  England. 

BEAUFORT,  Sir  Tbotnat,  Lord-Chancellor,  his  I 
Speech  on  opening  the  Parliament  in  1411. 

BEAUFORT,  Edmund,  Duke  of  Somerfet,  flain 
at  the  Battle  of  St.  Albans,  Anno  145;. 

BEAUMONT,  Sir  Henry,  chofen  Speaker  to  the 
Houfe  of  Lords  at  the  Parliament  in  1332. 
His  Speech  to  the  King,  by  way  of  Advice. 

BEAUMONT,  Vifcount  John,  flain  at  the  Battle 
of  Northampton  in  1461.     —      —       — ■ 

BECKIT,  Thomas,  Archbijbop  of Canterbury,  his 
ill  Ufage  by  King  Henry  II.  at  a  Conven- 
tion in  1164.  11         '■  — — 
His  Application  to  the  Pope  on  that  Account. 

—  Grievance  how  remedied.      —      —     — 

—  mutinous  Behaviour  and  Murder  on  his  Re- 

turn to  England.  —  ■  -  ■   — — 

BECK,  Anthony,  Bijbop  of  Durham,  his  Declara- 
tion to  the  Scots  Nobility,  concerning  the 
Right  of  King  Edward  I.  to  the  Realm 
of  Scotland.  -     -  ■-  .    . 

BEDDINGFIELD,  Sir  Thomas,  committed  to 
the  Tower,  and  why.  —        — — 

Appointed,  by  the  Parliament,  one  of  the  Jufticcs 
of  the  Court  of  Common  Pleas.  ■ 

BEECHER,  Sir  William,  how  interrogated  by  the 
Lords  on  his  fearching  the  Studies,  &c.  of 
the  Earl  of  Warwick  and  Lord  Brooke. 
His  Anfwcr  and  Confeffion.  — 

—  Commitment  and  Difcharge.  — 

BEERBY,  miiiam,  Efy;  elected  Speaker  of  the 
Commons  in  1436.  ■    ■-         — 

BELKNAPP,  Sir  Robert,  one  of  the  Judges  fum- 
moned  to  Nottingham  by  King  Richard  II. 

in  1387.  - 

His  Exclamation  on  figning  the  Rcfolutions 

Impeached  by  the  Commons  on  that  Account. 
Charge  agaimt  him.              —  —               — 
His  Anfwcr.                            ■                 - 
How  replied  to  by  the  Commons.  » ■  ■ 



92.  j 

35* ' 



406,  7 

432.  3 

Jiglizecy  GOOgle 


I    N    D    E    X    to  the 

BELKNAPP,  Sir  Robert,  hit  Sentence.      -      - 
How  mitigated  at  the  Requeft  of  the  Bifhops. 
His  Bamihmoit  to  Inland.      —      —      — 
—  Allowance  towards  the  Expences  of  bis 


^--  Return  permitted  by  Parliament.     ■ 
BELL,  Robert,  Efq;  chofen  Speaker  of  the  Com- 
mons in  1572.  —  -    -  — 
His  Speech  to  Queen  Elizabeth,  Heads  of. 
BELLASIS,  Colonel  John,  one  of  King  Charles  the 
Firft's  Generals,  and  Governor  of  Turk. 
His  Defeat  at  Selby,  by  Sir  Thomas  Fairfax, 

Account  of.  1    '  ■      ■  — 

Taken  Prifoner  there.  —  

Sent  up  to  London.  —  -  —  —  ■  —  - 

Brought  to  the  Bar  of  the  Houfe  of  Commons. 
His  Treatment  there  by  the  Speaker.  — 

Committed  to  the  Tower.  —  — — 

Releafed  from  his  Confinement,  and  made  Go- 
vernor of  the  Town  and  Garrifon  of  New- 

His  Anfwer  to  a  Summons  for  delivering  them 

up  to  the  Parliament's  Forces.  

BELLASISE,  Sir  Henry,  convened   before   the 
Privy-Council.  —  — 

Committed  to  the  Fleet.         —  — 

BELLIEURE,   Monfuur,    comes  to  London   in 
Quality  of  AmbafTador  from  the  Court 
France  to  mediate  a  Peace  between   the 
King  of  England  and  his  Parliament. 
Obtains  an  Audience  of  the  Parliament  for  this 
Purpofc.  ■   -■■■■  — ■  -  ■- 

His  Offer  rejected,  and  in  what  Manner.    -     ■ 
BELT,  Sir  Robert,  Alderman  of  York,  how  treat, 
ed  by  the  Parliament  for  bis   Loyalty  to 
King  Charles  I.  ■  ■     1  — 

BENEDICT  Xill.  Pope  of  Rome  Eleil,  his  Con- 
tort with   Boniface  IX.    for    the   Papal 

BENEVOLENCE,  ABrf,  granted  by  Parliament 
to  King  Edward  IV.  —         -■■- 


433»   43$ 



45 * »   458 

.  21S 

;  172 

i7*»  3 



■  378 


!  +89 

I  489 


■  360 

■  349 

Jglzecy  GOOgle 

398,  9 

"Parliamentary  Utjioty  of  England.  29 

Vol.    Page. 

BENEVOLENCE,  Aa  of,  granted  by  Parliament 

to  King  Richard  111.  — 

-—to  King  Henry  VII,  Anno  1505.        ■■ 
Particular  Account  of,  collected  for  Htnry  VIII. 

Then  firft  fet  on  Foot  for  railing  Money,    and 
by  whom.  ■■  '  — 

Stories  concerning  it.  — 

Granted  by  Parliament  to  Henry  VII. 

to  Henry  VIII.      - 

to  Elizabeth.     - 

.-  ■        ■■■  to  fames  I. 

MNBOVV,  Cap  1.  taken  Prifoner  at  the  Battle  of 

Wwcifttr.  .  — 

His  Sentence  and  Execution.  — — 

BLNNET,  Dr.  his  Speech  againft  Monopolies. 
His  Account  of  the  Number  of  Recufants  in 
Yorkjbire,  prefented  to  the  Ecflefiaftical 
Court  there,  Anno  1600,  *—  ■  - 

JENNET,  Sir  John,  complained  of  by  the  Com- 
mons for  Bribery.  —  — — 
Convened  before  the  Lords.  -■■■■  ■■■ 
Charge  againft  him.  ■■■  ■  ■  ■'  — 
His  Requeft  to  the  Lords  on  that  Occafion. 

Admitted  to  Bail.  —  

Hu  Anl'wer  thereupon.  ■  — — 

—  Petition  to  trie  Lords.        —  

Falls  iick,   and  unable  to  attend  his  Trial.     - 
Obtains  the  King's  Pardon.  " 

BENSON,  Henry,  Efq\  Member  for  Knarejbrough, 
expelled  the  Houfc  for  felling  Protections. 
BENYON,  George,  Articles  of  Impeachment 
againft  him  by  the  Commons.  —  — 
His  Charge  farther  aggravated,  and  how- 
Proceedings  againft  him  at  his  Trial.  ■ 
His  Defence.                   

—  Sentence.  » 
BERKLEY,  LordTbomai,  arraign  *d  for  the  Death 

of  King  Edward  II.  

His  Anfvrcr  and  Commitment.  - 


434.  5>  6 


455»  * 



454  c 
461,  2 




394.  5 
396.  7  . 
420,  1 
422,  3 
424.  5 



Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 


I   N   D    E    X   to    the 

Vol.     Page, 
BERKLEY,  Lord  Thomas,  his  Acquittal  and  Dis- 
charge of  his  Manuprifors,  Account  of.  I 
BERKLEY,  Lord,  impeached  by  the  Commons 

of  High  Treafon.  ■-  ■  16 

Discharged  from  Reftraint,  and  reflated  to  his 

Seat  in  Parliament  again.  ■     ■   ... '  17 

One  of  the  Peers  who  rejected  an  Ordinance  of 
the  Commons    for    the  Trial  of  King 

Charles  I.  — 1 8 

BERKLEY,  Sir  John,  committed  to  the  Tower, 
on  Sufpicion  of  being  concerned  in  a  Plot 
againft  the  Parliament.  —  —  —  ; 
BERKLEY,  Sir  Robert,  Juftiet  of  the  King's 
Bench,  Information  againft  him  by  the 
Commons.  ■  ■  9 

His  Bail  to  abide  the  Cenfure  of  Parliament.  9 

Accufed  of  High  Treafoni  —  — 

Taken  off  the  Bench  in  Wtfiminfttr-Hall  and 

committed. ■  _ 

Impeachment  againft  him  on  Account  of  Ship- 
Prohibited  from  going  the  Summer  Circuit  in 

1641.  —  

Brought  to  the  Bar  of  the  Houfe  of  Lords. 
His  Requeft  on  that  Occafion. 
Denies  the  Facia  fet  forth  in  the  Impeachment. 
His  Petition  for  Allowance  of  Witneffes  and 
Counfcl.  r  — 

—  Trial  put  off,  and  why.  — 

—  Charader  by  Mr.  IVhithcke.  — 
Brought  to  his  Trial  before  the  Peers. 
Proceedings  againft  him  there,  together  with  his 

Opinion  and  Antwers  touching  Ship-Mo* 

ney,  Account  of.  -■  — 

His  Sentence.  •  — 

BERKLEY,   Sir  Charles,   impeached    of  High 

Treafon.  —  —  11  425 

BERKLEY,  Sir  Edward,  impeached    of  High 

Treafon.  —  -,-— ■  "I11  425 

BERKLEY,    Sir   Henry,    impeached    of  High 

Treafon.  —      -     —  — —  In  425 









IgUzecsy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Biftory  of  England.  3* 

Vol.     Pagt. 
BERKSHIRE,  Earl  of.     See  Howard. 
BERNARDISTON,  Sir  Thomas,  appointed  by 
the  Parliament  to  go  to  Bury,  in  Suffolk, 
to  fupprefs  an  Infurre&ion  there.      -       -   ] 
His  Succefs  in  that  Bufinefs,  Account  of.       —    i 
—  Letter  concerning  fome  further  Difturbanccs 
in  that  County.  •■  ■  —    i 

BERNERS,  Sir  Jamesy  impeached  by  the  Com- 
mons at  the  Parliament  in  1388.         ,  — 
Charge  againft  him.  ■    ■   ■  — — 

His  Sentence  and  Execution.    —  ■ 

BERTIE,  Robert,  Earl  of  Lindfey,  and  Lord 
Great -Chamber  lain  af  England,  appointed 
one  of  the  Commiflioncrs  for  giving  the 
Royal  Aflent  to  the  Bill  of  Attainder  againft 

the  Earl  of  Strafford  — 

Voted  by  the  Parliament  an  Enemy  to  the  State.   : 
Leaves  the  King  and  goes  into  the  Parliament's 

Quarters.  ■  —  —    ; 

Committed  Prifoner  to  Windfir  Caftle.  —   ; 

BERWICK,  a  Parliament  held  there,  Temp.  Ed- 
ward I.-  Anne  1292.  —  — 

Befieged  by  the  Scots,  Anno  1455.       —        — 
Information  from  thence  concerning  an  intended 

Surprize  of  that  Town.       —  —        -         17 
Seized  by  Sir  Marmadukt  Langialt  in  Behalf  of 

,  the  Scots.  —   1 

Surrendered  to  General  Cromwell.  -  —   1 

BtDDLE,   John,   Proceedings   againft  him    for 

Blafphemy.         —        —         —        —  20  399,  4C0 
His  Anfwers  to  the  Qu  eft  ions  propofed  to  him.   2 
—  Doctrines  fome  Account  of.      -     -     -     -  s 
Banifhed  by  the  Protector.  —  —  s 

BIGAMY,  Statute  of,  when  firft  enacted.    -     - 
BILLS,  Titles  of,  prefented  by  the  Parliament's 
Commimoners  to  the  King  in  the  Ifle  of 
Wight  for  his  Royal  Aflent.      -       -       -   j 
Form  of,  as  palled  by  both  Houfes,  for  that 

Purpofe.  —  —  — 1 16J406/8413 


154       -• 
209,  10 


+36.  7 











E      X    to  the" 

BILLS,  depending  before  CromwclFs  fecond  Par- 
liament, at  the  Time  of  their  Diflblution, 
Account  of. 
Manner  of  prefenting  them  for  the  Protector's 
Confent.  ■■■-     —  —  ■ 

BILL  for  difabling  the  Clergy  from  exercifmg  any 

Temporal  Authority,  Form  of. 
BILLINGSLY,  Capi.   fufpec>ed  of  being  con- 
cerned in  a  Plot  againft  the  Parliament. 
Order  of  the  Peers  againft  him  on  this  Account. 
BIRCH,  Col.  Join,  one  of  the  Parliament 'i  Gt- 
ntrats,  his  Letter,  giving  in  Account  of 
his  taking  the  City  of  Hiriford.    -     -     ■ 
His  fecond  and  third  Letters  to  the  famePurpofe 
— -  Lift  of  Prifoners  taken  there.     -     -     -     • 
Appointed  Governor  of  that  City. 
His  Account  of  Sir  Jacob  Aflltj'%  Defeat  by  the 
Parliament's  Forces.  —  — 

■■  '■    'i of  the  Earl  of  .Dwiy's  Defeat  in  I 

Lancajbire.        —  —  jao  34,  5 

—  Letter  relating  to  the  Purfuit  of  the  Seoul      I 

Army  after  the  Battle  of  IVorceJler.        —  20  57 
BIRKHEAD,  Edward,  Efq;  appointed  Serjeant]      | 


398»  9 


14  185,  6 

14' 186 

'4,297.  8 

at  Arms  to  Cromwtll'%  firft  Parli 
BISHOPS,  Lift  of,  at  a  Convention  held  at  Not- 
tingham in  1194.  —  — 

■  — -  who  attended  King  John  at 

Rvnningmedi  when  the  two  Great  Charters 
were  granted.  -— —  ■ 

Their  Proteft  againft  the  Demand  of  King  Hai- 
ry III.  for  a  pecuniary  Aid.  

Lift  of,  appointed  to  confider  about  relieving  the 
King  from  his  Debts.  —  — 

Their  Anathema  againft  the  Violators  of  the 
two  Great  Charters,  Form  of.     -     -     - 

Lift  of,  who  affifted  in  making  up  the  Difference 
between  King  Edward  I.  and  his  Barons. 

at  the  Parliament  at  Carliflt  in  1 307. 

TheirSentence  againftGafjfonEar]  of  Cornwall, 
and  his  Adherents.  ■  ■ 

20  183 




Jglzecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Htjdry  g/"  England. 


BISHOPS,  Li/i  <-/,  appointed,  with  fundry  Earls, 
tfc.  to  govern  the  Affairs  of  K.  Edw.  II. 

Committee  of,  lent  by  the  Barons  to  the  King, 
demanding  the  Baniihment  of  the  two 
Dtfptnfirt.  , 

Their  Difloyalty  to  the  King,  Inftance  of. 

Lift  of,  appointed  Guardians  for  Kinz  Ed- 
ward III.  - 1 , 

Their  Endeavours  to  preferve  the  Peace  of  the 

■  Advice  required  by  the  King,  touching  his 
Right  to  the  Title  of  King  of  Frgna. 

•     ■    Resolution  thereupon.  -  — 

— —  Proteftation  at  the  Impeachment  of  the 

Archbilhop  of  Tcri,  and  others,  in  1388. 
——  Interpofition  in  Favour  of  the  Judges  con- 
demned for  High  Treafon, .  ■ 

—  Proteftation  againft  any  Law  for  retrain- 
ing  the  Pope's  Power,         — —         _ 

in  Favour  of  Tho.  Haxey,  Clerk. 

—  Oath  to  fupport  the  Resolutions  of  the 
Parliament  in  1397.  —  ■ 

Lift  of,  on  that  Occafion.  — — 

Their  Sentence  againft  thole  who  fhould  a& 

contrary  thereto.  —  - 

Lift  of,  appointed  to  fettle  a  new  Form  of  Re- 
ligion. .  ■■ 

■  '■'■■        ■    ■    ■  ■  Ceremonies  in  the  Church. 

1 who  protefted  againft  the  Sacrament  A£t. 

Their  Complaint  at  the  Parliament  in  1549. 
Introduce  a  Bill  for  inforctng  the  Eccleuafttcal 

Laws.  —  ■ 

Lift  of,  who  protefted  againft  an  Ad  for  de- 
facing Images.         ■      •   - 

—  '    ■  ■  againft  a  Bill  for  rcftoring 

the  Firft  Fruits  to  the  Crown.  . 

— _  ,  againft  a  Bill  for  reftoriiig 

the  Supremacy  to  the  Crown. 
— --  '     '        againft  a  Bill  for  Exchange 

of  Lands  of  Bifhopricfcs.  3 

Their  Coiifccration  confirmed  by  an  Ad.      _     4 



1  429 

1  435 

1  480 
1  480 


3!  160 
3  160 
3  223 







Lglizecsy  GOO^le 


N      D     E     X    ta  the^ 

BISHOPS,  Lift  of,  appointed  to  manage  a  Con- 
fcrence  between  the  Lords  and  Commons, 
relating  to  Ecclefiaftical  Affairs.     ■  5\  15* 

Lift  of,  at  th«  Opening  the  Parliament  in  No- 

vtmier,  1640.  — —  — —     9 

Their  Civil  Power  ftruck  at  by  the  Commons.      9 
Petition  againft  them   by  the  City  of  London, 
Account  of.  '  .■  -■■— - 

Lift  of,  fined bytheCommonsfortJieir Proceed- 
ings in  the  Convocation,  Jxm  1640.  Q 
Their  Fines,  Particulars  of.        ~—           —     9 
■     ■■   Power,  with  fefped  to  the  printing  and 
puWiftung  of  News-Book*.            ■  -■  -■ 
Debate  in  the  Houfe  of  Commons  for  aboIHh' 
ing  them:                 —                 ■■— ■ 

_ 1  of  Lords   for  reftraining 

them  from  intermeddling  in  Secular  Affairs.     9 
Refolutions  of  the  Lords  concerning  them.    —    9. 
Farther  Debate  about  them  by  the  Commons. 
Remarkable  Saying  of  Lord  Falkland's  concern- 
ing them.  —— fc.  —— — 
Their  Revenues  ordered  to  be  feiaed  upon  by 

the  Commons.  ■  - .         ■  9 

_■—  Maintenance,  how  provided  for.        •— —     9 
Lift  of,  impeached  for  making  the  new  Canons.     9 
Give  in  a  Plea  to  their  Impeachment.        — 
Required  by  the  Commons  to  gives  peremptory 
Anfwer.  — —  ■ 

Their  Refblution  to  abide  by  their  Plea  and  De- 
murrer. ■  -  ■'  ■  ■  '■ 

Cry  of  the  Mob  againft  them.         — — 

Abfent  themfelves  from  the  Home  of  Peers  to 
fecure  their  Lives.  -■■--  —  ■ 

Their  Proteftation  againft  the  Legality  of  Parlia- 
mentary Proceedings  daring  their  forced 

Abfcnce.  10  138, 

Lift  of,  who  figned  this  Proteftation.       10  139 

Accufed  of  High  Treafon  on  this  Account.  10  140 

Their  Charge.  10  142 

. Anfwers.  — ■—  10141**145 

Committed  to  the  Tower,        — —         —  10  145 

Petition  againft  them  from  the  County  of  Buch.    10  199,   200 



*  6 

238.  9 


191,  3,    3 






Jglzecy  GOOgk 

ParUametiiaff  tHjery  of  Enoi  anp. 

BISHOPS,  brought  to  the  Bar  of  the  Houfe  of 

Peer,.  -^—  

Their  farther  Anfwer.  «— —  * 

Petition  to  be  admitted  to  Bail.        • 

Remanded  to  Prifon.  —  ■  ■  — -■ 

Their  Votes  in  Parliament  taken  away  by  an 

Admitted  to  Bail  by  the  Peers.  ».  -     ■ 

Ordered  to  Prifon  again  at  the  Requeft  of  the 
Commons.         — —         .  —  ■ 

Brought  to  the  Bar  of  the  Houfe  of  Peers  for 
their  Trial.         ■■„■,■  ,    ..         .-  — 

Proceedings  there  againft  them,  Particulars  of. 

Farther  Proceedings  againft  them  by  the  Parlia- 
ment. ■  i  ■ 

Obliged  to  make  their  Defence  at  the  Bar  of  the 
Houfe  of  Commons.       —        —        — 

Refolutions  there  againft  them.     —    ,  —     — 

Admitted  to  Bail.  — —  — 

Their  Name  and  Title  aboliftted,  and  when.     15 

—  Temporalities  ordered  to  be  fold. 

In  the  primitive  Times,  Poverty  of.     -      -     * 
B1S.HOPRICKS,  Lift  of,  vacant  in  1641.    -     - 

Speech  agatnft  filling  them  up.       —  — .    . 

BISHOP,  RUbard,  his  Depofttion  againft  Lord 

Treafurer  Middle/tie  for  Bribery. 
&AKE,  John,  CaunftUtr  at  Law,  impeached  by 
the  Commons  in  1388.        -         » 

Charge  againft  him.  —  —        — 

HuAnrwerto  the  Articles  alledged  againft  him. 

■ — Sentence  and  Execution,  Account  of. 
WAKE,  Cat.  Robert,  appointed  one  of  the  Com- 
manders of  the  Fleet,  inftead  of  the  Karl 
of  Warwick.  -■■■■  -    - 

How  rewarded  by  the  Houfe  of  Commons  for 
deftroying  Prince  Ruptrfs  Fleet  in  the 
Bay  of  Malaga.  — — 

*— ■  ■  — ■ —  for  his  Victory  over  the  Dutch 
Fleet.  —  —  -— (. 

His  Victory  over  the   Spanijb-Fktt  at  Santa 

Crux.  —  —  — —   21   144 

C   2  BLAKE* 



219,  20 






369,  70 

M9»  3° 



iglzecy  GOOgk 

36  I     N     D      E     X    to  the 

BLAKE,  Col  Rohtrt,  his  Services  to  the  Com- 
monwealth, how  intended  to  be  rewarded. 
His  Death  and  Character.  —  — 

—  Maxim,  conftamiy  inculcated  to  the  Sailors. 
BLUNT,  Sir  Thomat,  High  Steward,  his  Cere- 
mony at  the  Depofiiion  of  King  Edward  II. 

BLUNT,   Mauntpy,   Earl  of  Newport,  Com- 
plaint againft  him  to  the  Peers.    ■  -    -     - 

His  Defence.  . 

Juftified  by  the  Parliament.       — —  

Joins  King  Charles  I.  at  Oxford.  —  ■    13 

Deferts  him  and  returns  to  the  Parliament.  1.3 

BOHUN,  Humphry,  Earl  of  Hertford,  appointed 

one  of  the  Barons  Committee  to  reform 

the  State  in  1258.  — 

Appointed  one  of  the  Council  to  King  Henry  III. 

•  i  ■■  —  one  of  the  Barons  Committee  to  re- 

prefent  the  Community  in  Parliament. 

■  —  one  of  the  Committee  to  treat  of  an 

Aid  for  the  King.        —  —        — 

Joins  in  an  Infurre&ion  againft  King  Edward  I. 

How  threatened  for  excuung  himfelf  from  going 

to  the  French  War.        —         —        — 

His  refohitc  Anfwer  thereto.  —  ■■  ■■ 

—  Charter  of  Pardon  obtained  from  the  Re- 

gents, Form  of.  ■■■■—  -  — 

One  of  the  Patriots  who  withftood  Papa)  Ufur- 
pation  in  1301. ■■  ■■  ■ 

How  punifhed  for  his  mutinous  Behaviour  to 
the  King.  — 

Appointed  one  of  the  Committee  to  govern  the 
Affairs  of  King  Edward  II.        —       — 

Takes  out  a  Charter  of  Pardon  for  his  Confe- 
deracy againft  the  Dtfpenfers. 

His  Followers,  how  treated  by  the  King.  -  - 
BOHUN,  Edward,  how  rewarded  by  King  Ed- 
ward III.    for  taking  Roger  Mortimer, 

Earl  of  March.  —  

BOHUN,  William,  created  Earl  of  Northampton. 

His  Application  to  Parliament  for  an  Aid  to 
KingAdrntrd  III.  — 


iHze^y  GOOgle 



!       . 

♦  .435.  6 

12 j 456       ■ 

-"    456 


+88,  9 

119,  20 

Tarftamentary  Hjftoty  3/*  England. 

BOISE, ,  Efyi  his  Speech  on  a  Bill  relating 

to  Bifhops  Leafcs.  —  — 

BOISINON,  Pittr,  Agent   from   the  King  ot 
France  to  the  Privy-Council  of  Scotland. 
His  Propoutipns  to  them  concerning  the  March 

of  their  Army  into  England*  

BOLEYN,  Mrs.  Am,  married  to  King  Him.  VIII 

and  crowned  Queen  of  England.    -    -     - 

Accuicd  of  Inceft-  and  Adultery,  and  executed 

for  the  lame*  ■  ■        1  — 

BOND, ,  Efq;  bis  Speech  againft  a  Bill  \ 

for  refortiag  to  Church.  J 
BOKIFACE  VIIT.  Pope  of  Rome,  his  Award, 
touching  Tome  Differences  between  King 
Edward  I.  and  the  King  of  Franct,  — 
His  Claim  to  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland,  as  a 
Fief  of  the  Holy  See.        —  

—  Reafons  to  invalidate  the  Claim  of  Edward. 

How  anfwered  by  the  Kane. 

—>       by  the  whole  Baronage  of  Eng- 

BONIFACK  IX.   Pop,,  his  Cornell  with  Bent 

diel  XIII.  called  the  Anti-Pope.        

His  Application  to  King  Richard  II.  for  a  Re- 
peal of  the  Statute  of  Provifors.     -     -     -     I  447 

—  Requeft  connived  at,  and  in  what  Manner,      1  447 
BONNER,  Edmund,  Blfiop  ofLenden,  deprived  of 

his  Bifhoprick,  and  the  Occafion  thereof. 

BOOTHE,  Laurence,  Bijbep  of  Durham,  and  Lord 

Chancellor,  hit  Speech  to  the  Commons 

in  1473. 2  344 

BOOTH,   Sir  Gierge,  heads  an  Infurre&ion  in 

Favour  of  King  Charla  II.     -     -      -     -  21  441 
Hi)  Defeat,  Particulars  of.  —  —  21  443/0446 

Taken  Prifoncr,  and  committed  to  the  Tower.  21  447 
Pipers  found  upon  him,  Titles  of.     -      •  21  454 

1         Difcbsrged  from  his  Imprifomncnt.      -      -      -  22  136 
His  Services,  how  recompens'd  by  the  Commons.  22  407,  8 

BOROUGHS,  decayed  Cafe  of.  . 4  102,  3 

Origin  of  the  kfler  Sort  of  them.  ■■    -■     21   211/0219 


Jglzecy  GOOgle 

3*  I     N     D      E      X    to 

BOSVILLE,   Mr,  his  Examination  concerning 
ibme  Letters  whicli  be  delivered  to  King 

Charles  I.  at  Holdtnby. 

Committed  to  Newgate  on  that  Account.      — 
BOSWORTH,  BattU  tf,  Anno  1485.  -    -    ■ 
BOURCHIER,  Thomas,  Arebbijhof  of  Canterbury^ 
and  Lard  Chancellor,  his  Declaration  to  the 
Parliament  in  1455,  touching  the  Caufe 
of  their  Summons.  —  ■■■■  — ■ 

His  Anfwer  to  a  Requeft  of  the  Commons,  re- 
lating to  the  Choice  of  a  Protestor.    -    1 
Prorogues  the  Parliament  by  the  Appointment 

of  the  Duke  of  York.  

BOURCHIER,  Henry,  created  Earl  of  Efex  by 

King  Edward  IV.  —         —        ,- 

BOURCHIER,  Hlmy,  Earl of  Bath,  his  Report 

of  a  Conference  between  both  Houfes  about 

djihanding  the  Army.  — 

Summoned  to  attend  the  Parliament.     -     - 

His  Letter  of  Excufe. — 

.  BOURCHIER,    Sir  Johw,   petitions    the  Peei 
againli  Lord-Keeper  Williams,  for  indirect 

Dealing. — 

His  Complaint  found  to  be  unjuft,  — 

—  Sentence  on  this  Occafion.  «—      — 

SubmitSon.  -  ■—  

Is  pardoned  thro'  the  Clemency  of  the  Lord- 

His  Letter  of  Complaint  againft  Lord  Savilt. 
BOWES,  John,  Efy;    eleaed   Speaker    to    the 

Commons  in  1435.  —  • 

BOWET,  Henry,  Clerk,  condemned  to  Banifli- 

ment  for  Life,  and  on  what  Account. 

BOWING  at  the  Name  ofjefus,  Refolution  of 

the  Commons  concerning  that  Ceremony. 

Refolution  of  the  Peers  on  the  fame.      -     -     - 

BOWYER,  Robert,  his  Letter  to  Mr.  Evans,  Un- 

der-Clerlc  to  the  Commons.         -  — 

BOYLAND,  Sir  kkbard,  en  itinerant  Juflite, 

how  fined  for  Extortion.     —     —      — - 

BRABANZON,   Chief  Jujlict  of  England,  his 

Speech  to  the  Parliament  in  1291.    -     - 


Vol     Pagi, 






a  283,  4 


355.  6 
393.  4 
n  39+ 


5*o,  ir 
1 74"  1 76 







::;■  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hiflory  of  England. 


BRABANZON,  Chief  Jufiice  tf  England,  his 
Speech  to  the  Parliament  afiemfcded  at  Lin- 
coln in  2301*  

BRADSHAW,  Serjeant,  how  rewarded  bjr  the 
Commons,  on  Account  of  his  fitting  at 
President  in  the  High  Court  of  jufticc  at 
the  Tf  ial  of  King  Charles  I.      -      -      - 

BRADSHAW,  Richard,  Efg;  appointed  Agent  to 
Hamburgh         —  ■  ■■  — 

BRADY,  Dr.  his  Character  of  Pitrci  Gave/Un, 
Favourite  to  King  Edward  II.  -  -  - 
Bis  Account  of  the  milctable  £nd  of  that  Mo- 
narch, "i ' 

ERAIBR  OOK,  an  itinerant  Jtfftu*,  how  fcrv'd  by 
Falcafius  a  Rebel  for  letting  a  Fine  on  him. 

BRAMPTON,  Sir  HWliom,  Jufiioe  tf  the  Com- 
nun  Pleas,  how  fined  for  Extortion.     — 

8RAMPSTON,  Sir  John,  Lord  Chit/  Jufiice  tf 
the  Ung's  Bench,  Information  againJr  him 

by  tbe  Commons,  —  

Gives  Bail  for  10,000  /.  to  abide  the  Cenuue 
of  Parliament.  —  —  —  — 
Impeachment  againit  him  on  Account  of  Ship- 
Money.  —  —  ■  — — 
Prohibited  from  going  the  Summer  Circuit  in 

fiRANDON,  Charles,  Duke  »/  Suffeli,  his  Mar- 
riage  with  Mary,    Sifter  to  King  Hen- 
ry VIII.  and  Queen  Dowager  of  Frame*. 
His  large  Fortune  acquired  thereby. 
One  of  die  Coaitnitfioners  appointed  to  fwcar 
the  Lords  and  Commons  to  the  A&  of 
SucceJBon  in  Favour  of  Ann  Boleyn.       — 
Appointed  Lord  Preudentof  the  King's  Council. 
-  one  of  the  Commiifioners  for  pro- 


roguing  the  Parliament  in  1540. 

e  of  the  Commi  JBoners  to  examine 

Queen  Catherine  with  regard  to  her 

continency.  —  -■     ■  ■■■ 

His  Speech  to  both  Houfes,  touching  that  Affair. 

BRA  y,  Henry,  Efibeater  and  Judge  /tr  the  Jivis^ 

Jbow  fined  for  Extortion.  —  — 


*35.  * 

187,  S 

3  107 



I  89 

IgUzecsy  GOOgle 

4o  I     N     D      E     X.  to  the 


BRAYBROKE,  Rthtrty  Bijbep  of  London,  made 
Lord  Chancellor.  —  ■  — - 

His  Declaration  to  the  Parliament,  touching  the 
Catife  of  their  Summons  in  1382.  — ;- 
—  —  — -  in  1383.        — 

BRXMBRE,  Sir  Nicholas,  one  of  the  Council  of 
Stale  held  at  Nottingham  by  King  Ric 

ard  II.  Anno  X387.         « — 

Articles  of  Impeachment  againft  him^  Particul 
of.  .  — — 

His  Plea  before  the  Parliament.        — 
How  anfwered  by  the  Lords.         —  ■ 

Convi&ed  of  High  Treafon.  ■■ 

His  Sentence  and  Execution.     ■■■-  

BRENTINGHrtM,  Thomas,  Bijb»p  of  Enter, 

removed  from  the  Office  of  Lord  Treafurer. 

Appointed  one  of  the  Commiflioners  to  examine 

the  Government  of  the  Pcrfon  and  Court 

of  King  Richard  II. ■ 

the  Affaire  of  the  Nation  in  1386.    -    - 

His  InnoceKcy  on  that  Account  declared  in  open 

Parliament.  -  —  ■ 

BRERETON  Sir  miliamy  his  Letter,  giving  an 

Account  of  his  railing  the  Siege  before 

Montgomery  Cattle.  —  — 

His  Letter,  giving  an  Account  of  his  talcing  the 

ftrong  Caftle  of  httflen  for  the  Pailiament 

■—-  Account  of  Sii  "Jacob  Afllift  Defeat  by  thi 

Parliament's  Forces.         —  

BRIBERY,  Cafe  of.  

BRIDGES,  Mr.  taken  Prifoner  at  the  Battle  of 


BRIDGE  WATER,  furrendered   to  the  Parlia 
ment's  Forces.  -■■    ■  »■    - 

BRISTOL,  Earl  of.     See  Digbv. 
BRISTOL,  Bijhopriei  ofy  when  firft  creeled.     • 
BRISTOL,  City  of,  fecured  to  the  Parliament. 
Retaken  by  the  King's  Forces  under  Prince  Ru- 
pert. —  —  —  — 
Taken  by  Sit  Thomas  Fairfax,      —      —   — 










'33.  4 

298,  9 
»54.  5 



)■;■,,,:  :,.- COOglC 

Parliamentary  Hi/lory  of  Ehclano. 

BRITAINY,  Difiricl  of,  when  reduced  under 

Subje&ion  to  the  Crown  of  Front*.    -    - 

BRIWERE,  miliam.     (See  Langton,  Arch- 

bifliop  of  Canterbury.)        —  — 

PROGH1LL,  Lord,  his  Defeat  of  the  Irijb  Rebels 

at  CafiU  Lynns  in  165J.      —  

Occafion  of  his  quitting  the  Royal  Caufe,  and 
efpoufing  that  of  die  Commonwealth,  Ac- 
count of.  i  — — 
His  further  Suceefs  againft  the  Irifi.  ■■ 
Appointed  one  of  the  Committee  to  receive 
CrrmwelTs  Scruples  as  to  his  being  King. 
His  Arguments  to  induce  his  Acceptance  of  ) 
that  Title.  J 
BROMLEY,  Sir  Thomas,  made  Lord  Chancellor, 
and  opens  the  Seffion  of  Parliament  in  1585, 
His  Speech  to  the  Parliament  in  1586.     - 
Committed  to  Prifon  for  attempting  to  entail  the 
SuccefEon  of  the  Crown.    —            ■ 
BROMLING,  Edward,  Bfy\  Major  o/Gravefind, 
his  Letter    concerning   Ctrneliut  Evans, 
who  perforated  the  Prince  otWalet  in  1648. 
BROOKE,  Lard,   fufpefled  to  hold  Correfpon- 
dence  with  the  rebellious  Scots  in  1640. 
His  Study  and  Pockets  fearched  by  Order  of  the 
Privy-Council.        —         —          — 
BROOK,  Ptttr,  Efa;  taken  Prifoner  in  the  Infun 
rection  at  Cbefttr,  under  Sir  Gtorg*  Booth. 
His  Examination  and  Commitment.    - 
—  Difcharge.                  ■■  — 
BROOK,  Robert,  B/a;  chofen  Speaker  for  the 

Commons  in  1544.  —         ■  ' 

BROTHERTON,  Thomas,  Earl  Marefchal,  joins 
Queen  JJabtl  in  her  Attempt  to  dethrone 
her  Hufband  King  Edward  II.  -  - 
Appointed  one  of  the  twelve  Guardians  for  King 
Edward  III.  during  his  Minority.  -  - 
Joins  Hinry  Plantagaut,  Earl  of  Lantafitr, 
againft  Lord  Mortimer.    — 

Deferts  that  Confpiracy  

Executes  the  Sentence  againft  Lord  Mortimer 
by  the  King's  Command. 



*3.  4 


484.  5. « 


+87,  8, 9 
5°9.  "> 




86  to  89 
109  to  117 






186,  7 






45>.  * 












,l,zec;y  GOOgk 


I      N      D      E      X    to  the 
BROWN,  Jnthrny, Vif court  Mantacute,  his  Speeds 
againft  the  Bill  for  lettering  the  Supre- 
macy to  the  Crown.  —  —    3 
His  Speech  againft  the  Oath  of  Supremacy.  4 
Oppofes  a  Bill  againft  Jefuits,  (Sc.     -      -       -     5 
His  bitter  Speech  on  this  Occafion,           -     -    5 
Committed  Piifoner  to  the  Flttt.       —         — ■ 
His  Confeffion  oa  being  difcharged.     -    -      - 
BROWN,  Oliver,  his  Deposition  againft  Lord- 
Treafurer  Middltfex,    as  Mailer  of  the 


BROWN,  "John,  his  Examination,  touching  a 
Letter  in  Cyphers  which  he  had  brought 
from  the  Hague  for  the  King  at  Ihldenby.  15 
BROWNE,  Samuel,  Efq;  appointed  one  of  the 
Parliament's  Commiifioneri  to  treat  with 
the  King  in  the  Ifie  of  Wight  about  a  Peace. 
Appointed  one  of  the  Juftkes  of  the  Court  of 

King's  Bench.  -  ■     ■  ■  - 

BRUCE,  Robert,  Lord  of  Annandale,  Candidate 
for  the  Crown  of  Scotland,  on  the  Death  of 

King  Alexander.  "■        ■  ' 

His  Anfwer  concerning  his  Right  thereto.  -    ■ 

—  Cl.iim  rejected  by  King  Edward  I.      -      • 

—  Charter  of  Subjection  to  that  Monarch  -  - 
Advanced  10  the  Throne  of  Scotland.  -  -  • 
Reduces  that  Kingdom  to  his  Obedience,  -  - 
His  Victory  over  the  Forces  of  King  Edward  II. 

at  Bannockburn.        w  —        ■  ■ 

—  Invafion  of  England  in  1317.     -     -     -     • 

—  Charter  obtained  from  King  Edward  III.  re- 

nouncing all  Claim  to  Scotland,  Abttra&of. 

BRUCE,  Prince  Devid,  bis  Marriage  with  the 

Prtncefs  7mjhw>  eUeft  Sifter  to  King  Ed- 

Succeeds  his  Father  as  King  of  Scotland.    -     - 

Hi*  Requcft  to  King  Edward,   for  Afliftancc 

againft  Lord  Baud,  who  had  ufurped  his 

v—  Reftitution  of  Berwick  demanded,  with  Ho- 
mage to  that  Monarch,        «-»■        ■ 


405,  *S 
15  to  ai 

no,   IX 










-v  Google 





Parliamentary  Hffttty  of  Enolawd.         4_ 

FA.    Pag,. 
BRUCE,  Prince  David,  denies  die  Refutation  of| 
Berwick,  and  Homage  to  King  Edward. 
War  declared  againft  him  on  that  Account.  - 

How  fupported  by  die  French.     _ 

Vanquiihed  and  taken  Prifoner  by  Queen  Phi- 

His  Offer  of  Peace"!  '-  1_ ^ 

—  Terms  rejected  by  Parliament.     *—    _ 

BRUGES,  Lewis,  a  Netherlander,  created  Earl 

of  Winchefier,  and  by  whom.      -     - 
BRUNKER,  Sir  milium,  bis  Speech  on  a  Bill 

for  a  Subfidy.  .  . 

BRYAN,  Sir  Henry,  his  Speech  to  the  Parliament 
in  1372,  letting  forth  the  Caufe  of  their 
Meeting,  — — .  . 

BUCK,  George,  Efq;  his  Account  of  the  Proceed- 
ings  of  the  Parliament  called  by  King 

Richard  III.  in  1484.  . 

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE,  Inhabitants  $/,    their 

Petition  againft  Biihops.  

letter  of  Complaint  from  thence  againft  plunder- 
ing by  the  King's  Troops,  —   ■    ■ 
Petition  from  that  County  to  Sir  Thtmas  Fair/ax, 
defiling  his  Mediation  with  the  Parliament 
for  Redrefs  of  Grievances,      -     -     -    - 
BULKLEY,  Mr.  appointed  one  of  the  Parlia- 
ment's Commimoners  to  prefent  to  the 
King  their  Votes  for  a  pergonal  Treaty 
with  him  in  the  Ijlt  of  Wight.     ~     -     ~ 
His  Report  of  what  pafied  between  the  King 
and  the  Commimoners  on  that  Occafion. 
Appointed  one  of  the  Commimoners  to  treat 
with  the  King  about  a  Peace.     -     - 
BULUNGBROKE,  Henry,  Earl  ef  Derby, 

of  the  five  Lords  called  Appellants  in  1388 
His  Forces  raifed  as  a  Guard  to  King  Richard  11, 
at  the  Parliament  in  1397.     -     -     -     - 
Recommended  10  the  King's  Favour  by  the  Com- 
mons, and  the  Occafion  thereof.  -     -     . 

Created  Duke  of  Hereford.    .    

ftp  Petition  to  the  King  at  Shrewjiury  in  139S. 


382,  j 
199*    200 

+87'*  489 





489.  9o 

,l,zec;y  GOOgle 


I    N    D    E    X    t*    the' 

Vel.     Pag*. 

BULLINGBROKE,  Henry,  Duie  of  Hertford, 
his  Declaration  againlt  Thomat  M'wbraj, 

Duke  of  Norfolk.  

His  Scedule  of  treasonable  Words  (poken  by  the 
faid  Duke.  

—  Difference  with  the  Duke  ordered  to  be  de- 

termined by  Combat.         ■  — — 

—  Acceptance  thereof.  —  ■  -  -  - 
Denied  a  Combat  by  the  King.  ■  ■■-  —  — 
Decree  for  his  Baniflimenc,  Particulars  of.  -  • 
His  refpe&ful  Behaviour  to  the  King  at  taking 

Leave  of  him.         ■  -.  .. 

Remarkably  favoured  on  that  Occafton,  and  how. 
Goes  into  Prance,  and  fucceeds  his  Father,  John 

of  Gaunt,  as  Duke  of  Loncafter.     -    -    - 
Retorted  to  by  the  difcontcntcd  Nobility  and 

Gentry  of  England.  ■  — 

His  Refolutton  to  try  his  Fortune  for  the  Englijb 

Crown.  —  -— 

—  Expedition  and  Power,  to  this  Purpofc,  Ac- 

count of.  — — 

—  Succefs  before  Brijlol.       

Seizes  the  King  and  imprifons  him  in  the  Tower 
Summons  a  Parliament  to  fVeftm'tn/ler  in  Otto- 

ber,  1399.  ■ 

Claims  the  Crown  of  England  by  Proclamation, 
and  fets  forth  his  Title  to  the  fame.    -     - 
His  farther  Proceedings  relating  to  his  Claim. 
Elected  King  of  England  by  the  unanimous  Con- 
firm of  all  the  States  affembled  in  Parlia- 
ment in  1399.  - — p  — - —  — 
See  HENRY  IV. 
BUNCE,  Jama,  Efq;  Alderman  of  London,  im- 

peachedby  thcCommonsofHighTreafon.  17  85 
His  Behaviour  at  his  Trial,   and  Proceedings 

againil  him,  Account  of.  —  —  —  17  120 
Difcharged  from  Profecution.  —  —  —  17  212 
Difabled  from  bearing  the  Office  of  Alderman  in       j 

the  Ciiy  of  London,     <  ~      —  tq    97 

BURGH,  Hubert,  Earl  of  Kent,  made  Chief  Tu-        I 

iiice  and  Prime  Muiiilcr  to  King  Henry  III.     1 1   25 


1  490 

*  49°»  » 

1  493 
Ij494»  5 

1  '49S 
«,495»  49 

1 '499» 

Jglzecy  GOOgk 

PerUamentary  Hiftory  of  Emglakd. 

BURGH,  Hubert,  Earl  of  Kent,  his  Speech  to 
the  Barons  at  a  Convention  in  1225. 

—  Power  and  Influence  with  the  King.   - 

—  Opprcffion  of  the  Clergy.  — 
Accufationi  a  gain  ft  him.  Particulars  of.  —  — 
Proclamation  againft  him  by  the  King.  -  — 
Abfoonds  and  takes  Sanctuary  in  Meruit  Abbey. 
Hit  dangerous  Situation  there,  Account  of.  — 
Refcued  from  the  Fury  of  the  Populace,  and  how. 
Hi)  Method  of  pacifying  the  King's  Wrath.  - 
bow  treated  in  Consequence  thereof.        — 

BURGH,  Marquis  tfClanrUkard,  appointed  a  Pri- 
vy-Counfel  lor  in  Ireland  by  King  CbarUt  I. 

KRGH,  Sir  William,  one  of  the  Judges  who 
figned  the  Refoludons  at  Nottingham  in 

Impeached  on  that  Account  by  the  Commons. 
Charge  againft  him.  —  — 

Hii  Anfwer.  —  ■    ■  — 

How  replied  to  by  the  Commons,  — 

His  Sentence,  —         —  —  — 

Hmr  mitigated  by  the  Interpoution  of  the 


Hit  BanUhment  to  Ireland.     —  — 

—  Allowance   towards  the  Expences  of  his 

Paflage.  —J — 

—  Return  permitted  by  Parliament.         ■■-■ 
Bl'HGHERSH,  Sir  Bartholomew,  Chamberlain  to 

King  Edward  III.  his  Speech  to  the  Par- 
liament in  1343,  concerning  a  Truce 
with  France,  .  

One  of  the  King's  Meflengers  from  Calais  to 
the  Parliament  in  1347,  to  acquaint  them 
with  his  Succels  in  France,       -•  ■  ■      — 

Hit  Declaration  to  that  Purpofe.  . 

—  Requeft  for  an  Aid  to  the  King.  —— 

—  Speech  to  the  Parliament  in  1353,  concern- 

ing a  Treaty  of  Peace.  ■       . 

*—  farther  Speech  thereupon.  -.     .,— 

■LRGESS,  Dr.  his  Speech  againft  Deans  and 
Chapters.  . 





28,  9 





432.  3 




454*  45' 

261,  2 



280,  r 
286,  7 


Jglzecy  GOOgk 



BURGESS,  Dr.  his  Complaint  agatoft  77*.  Wtbb 

for  uttering  Blaiphemy  ■**  — 

BURGESSES,  when  firft  tk&ei,  out  of  Towns 

Corporate,  to  ferve  lo  Parliament*  and  at 

whole  Command.  ■  — — 

Their  Summons,  by  Royal  Authority,  to  the 

Parliament  in  1282,  Form  of.  ■» 

_—  Number  for  every  Borough  fommoned  to 

the  Parliament  in  1307.     - 
Reafons  why  fo  many  are  returned  by  inconfi* 
derable  Towns.  —  — 

BURGESSES  not  re/unt,  Debate  about  them 
the  Houfe  of  Commons.  — — 

BURGHLEY,  William,  Bfc  chofen  Speaker  to 

the  Commons  in  1445.      - 
BURLEY,  Sir  Simon,  impeached  by  the  Com- 

■    mens  in  1388.        — -  ■ — 

Charge  againft  him.              -  ■   -               — 
His  Plea  thereto.  ■  

—  Sentence  and  Execution.  *— - — 
BURNEL,  Robert,   Bifap  of  Bath  and  Willi 

his  Demand  of  the  Scuts  Nobility,  touch- 
ing the  Claim  of  King  Edward  I.  to  the 
Crown  of  Scotland  ■ 

His  Examination '  of  the  Competitors  for  that 

Kingdom.  .  ^— 1    ■ 

BURNET,  Lord  Bijbop,  his  Remarks  on  an  Afl 

for  difcharging  Henry  VIII.  fiom   certain 

Debts,  withoutpaying  his  Creditors. 

His  Account  of  the  Reafons  for  fuppreffing  the 
iefter  Monafteries.       —  

—  Remarks  on  the  Attainder  and  Execution  of 

the  Marquis  of  Exeter  and  the  Countefs  of 
Salijbury.  -  ■  ■  —  ■    ■  -  — 

—  Account  of  the  Reafons  for  fuppreffing  the 

Order  of  St.  John  of  Jerufalem.     -  - 
•  ■—     ■         of  Queen  Catherine's  ConfefEori, 

touching  her  Incontinency.       —  — 
Remarks  on  the  Aft  of  Attainder  againft  her. 

—  Abridgement  of  the  Act  for  fettling  the  Suc- 

ceffion  to  the  Crown  in  (544.      -     -     - 


r>i.  fact. 

-.-„,  Google 

Parliamentary  Hi/lory  of  England.         47 
Vtl.    PaSt. 
BURNET,  Lard  Bifisp,  his  Remarks  en  an  A3 
for  the  Marriage  of  the  Clergy. 
His  Remarks  on  the  Claim  of  the  inferior  Clergy 
to  have  Rcprcfentatives  in  die  Houfe  of 
Commons.  ■     ■   ■—  -     ■■■■— 

—  Account  of  the  Proceedings  of  Queen  Marfs 

Parliament  in  1554.  —  — 

—  Character  of  the  Houfe  of  Commons  at  that 

Time.  — 

BURTON,  Hnrj,  CUri,  Reulution  of  die  Com- 
mons for  releafing  him  from  Prifon. 
Hi*  Confinement,  Reafon  of.        — 
Account  of  him  by  Lord  Clarendon. 

—  —  by  Saundtrfan.  — 

by.  IVhithckt.       —      . 

Proceedings  againft  him  in  the  Star-Chamber 

reverfed.  ■  

Refolutions  of  the  Commons  in  his  Favour. 
BURY,  Richard,  Bijhep  »f  Durham,   his  Appli- 
xation  to  the  Parliament  for  an  Aid  to 
King  Edward  III.  then  in  Franc*. 
BURY,  Inhabitants  ef,  their  Infurrcction  in  Fa- 
vour of  Kirs  Charles  1.  Account  of. 
Their  Meflage  to  the  ParliamentVCommiffioners 
for  ceafing  of  hoftile  Ads.        —        — ■  ) 

—  Conditions  for  a  Surrender.  —     ■■■ 
BOSSY,  Sir  J*bnt  chofen  Speaker  for  the  Com- 
mons at  the  Parliament  of  1 394.         — 

Chofen  Speaker  in  January,,  1397.         — 

—  — .  Sipttmbtr,  1 397.  —— 

His  Petition  to  the  King  in  Behalf  of  the  Corn- 

Appointed  one  of  the  Committee  on  whom  the 
Authority  of  Parliament  was  delegated  in 

His  untimely  End,  and  how  occafioned.     -     - 

BUTLER,  James,  Marquis  efOrmend,  and  herd- 

LituUnant  ef  Irtland,  obtains  a  Victory 

over  the  Irijh  Rebels  in  1642.  

How  complimented  by  the  Houfe  of  Commons 
on  that  Occafiont        —         — 



305. 6»  7 


59    * 




>54»  S 




4«J.  « 




:*y  Google 



E       X    to 

BUTLER,  Jamil*  Marquis  of  Ormmd,,md  Lerd- 
Lituttntmt  of  Inland*  his  Letter  to  Major- 
General  Monro,  concerning  the  Receipt  of 
one  from  the  King,  with  his  Reatbns  for 
going  into  the  Setts  Army  at  Newark.     - 

His  Arrival  in  Ire/and,  in  order  to  make  Peace 
with  the  Rebels  there,  Account  of.     ■ 

—  Letter  to  Sir  Richard  Blake  on  thatOccafion. 

Voted  by  the  Parliament  guilty  of  High  Treafon. 

Lays  Siege  to  Dublin.  ■     ■  — 

Hi*  Defeat  by  General  Jems,  —  ■ » 

by  General  Cromwell  at  Drogheda. 

— —  Remark  on  Cromwell's  Cruelties  in  taking 
Droghtda.  — —  

•—-  Comm  iffion  to  the  BiJhop  of  Clogher,  ap- 
pointing him  General  of  all  the  King'; 
Forces  in  the  Province  of  Uljler.     - 

•—-  Letter  to  the  Marquis  of  Clanrhiard,  in 
Conference  of  the  Defeat  of  King 
Charles  II.  at  Worcejler.  

I— .  Introduction  into  the  Houfe  of  Lords  in  1660. 

Reftored  to  his  Manors,  Lands,  £SV.  in  Inland. 

BYGOT,   Rogtr,    Earl  of  Norfolk    and    Earl 

Marejchal,  appointed  one  of  the  Barons 

Committee  to  treat  of  an  Aid  for  King 

Henry  III. ,       - 

Appointed  one  of  the  Commiulonera  to  hold  a 
Convention  in  the  Abfence  of  the  King. 

— —         one  of  the  Barons  Comminloners  to 

reform  the  State.  — —  — — 

1  one  of  the  King's  Counfel  on  that 

Occafion.  —  ■■■—  — 

■  ■■'  one  of  the  Committee  to  fettle  an 
Aid  for  the  King.  ■  ■ 

Joins  an  Infurre&ion  again  ft  King  Edward  I. 

His  Oppofition  to  the  King  at  the  Parliament 
in  1297.  1 

— — ■  Charter  of  Pardon  obtain'd  from  the  Regents. 

One  of  the  Patriots  who  withstood  Papal  Ufur- 
pation  in  1 30 1.  —  

<■  44* 

"*  *. 
115,   IB 


'S3  . 
164/3  167 

1  209 

1  297,  8 

68  u  71 

1  400 







Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hi/fary  $f  England, 

JYGOT,  Rytr,   Eert  «f  Vtrfilt   and  Ear! 

Marefihmi,    bis  njutineua  Behaviour  in- 
quired into  by  the  King.        —  — 
Bis  Submiffion  on  that  Occauoo.           ■ 
—  Method  of  obtaining  Pan! 91.       —         — 
BYLANO,  far  Ttrifiirt,  Battje  of.       —        _ 
BYRON,  Sir  John,  mad*  .Lieutenant  of  the  Tower. 

His  Removal  attempted  by  the  Commons. 
1  —  Attendance  on  both  H«ufes  required  by  the 

Poers.  —— 

Difbbeys  the  Summons.  •—  . 

Hi»  Reafbn  (or  io  doing.  —  ■ 

Alters  his  nfind  and  goes  to  the  Houfc  of  Peers, 
His  Apology  and  Submiffion  for  his  Neglect.. 
Objections  agairdt  him  by  the . Commons,     — 
■  — r—  by  fame  Merchants  and 

1  Goldfmiths.  *    _  -*- 

Kenan  his  CoouPiffioiL  ■  1 


pADE,  Jack-,  heads  a  Rebellion  in  Kent,  At. 

Leads  his  Army  to  Blatkktfltk.  ■  ...  ■*■ 

Exhibits  to  the  Parliament  am  Billa  of  Com- 
plaint. ■  ■  — 

Is  routed  by  rite  King's  Forces,  and  hiroiclf  flain. 

C15AR,  Sir  Juiixi,  Bis  Report  to  the  Commons 

of  the  State  of  King  Janet's  Debts.    -     - 

CALMS,  taken  by  King  Edward  III.  Amu  1347, 

Appointed  by  Parliament  to  be  the  Staple  for 
Wools.  -— -  ,—  

Bdieged  and  token  by  the  French*  Anne  1558. 

CALTHORP,  Ann,  Ceiattfi  tf  Suffix,   elope 

from  her  Huiband,  and  goes  into  Fraau. 

Lnes  there  in  open  Adultery.  -~i.   .. 

Deprived  of  her  Jointure  by  the  Parliament  on 
this  Account.         —  *-*    -  • 








»°4.    5 
213,  14 


292    , 

265*  * 
a&6,  7 







=,  Google 


I      N      D      fc      X    to 

CAMBDEN,  Mr.  his  Lift  of  Prelates  who  op 
pofcd  the  Bill  fop  rcftoring  the  Supremao 

to  the  Crown.  ■■  ■  ■  

CAMBRIDGE,  Town  of,  complained  of  to  the 
Parliament,  Amu  1381,  for  their  Mitbe- 
haviour  to  the  Univerfity  there. 
Submit  themfelves  to  the  King's  Mercy.        — 

Their  Punifliment,  what.  — 

A  Parliament  held  there.  Anno  1388. 
CAMBRIDGE,  Univerfity  of,  petition  King  Hen- 
ry VIII.  againft  an  Aa  for  their  Diffolu- 
tion.  —  _  •—   ■  — «■ 

Obtain  their  Requeft.        —  — .        — 

Choofe  George  Villiers,  Duke  of  Buckingham,  for 

their  Chancellor.  -  ■ 

Its  Precedence  to  Oxford  plainly  prov'd,  and 

how.  ■— —  

Convey  their  Plate  to  King  Charles  I. 

Their  Petition  to  the  Parliament,  fetting  forth 

their  dejected  State.  ■        — 

w    ■  ...,■■■  -  ■'■   —   againft  being 

fequeftred.  ■  

CAMBRIDGE,  Magazine  in  the  Caftle  there 
feized  by  Oliver  Cromwell,  Efq;       -         - 
CAMBRIDGE,  Earl  of.     See  Plantaosnet. 
CAMELL,  Richard,    incurs  the  Difplcafure  of 
the  Houfe  of  Peers.  ■     —         —  ■ 
His  Submiffion  and  Punifliment.              — 
CAMPBELL,  Marquis  of  ArgyU,  his  Speech  to 
a  Committee  of  Parliament  on  the  Settle- 
'    Bient  of  Religion  and  Peace.        —       — 
Appointed  one  of  the  Aflembly  of  Divines  fit- 
ting at  Wiftwnfttr  on  the  Bufinefs  of  Re- 
ligion and  Church  Government. 

CAMPBELL,  Earlot [Loudon,  and Ltrd-ChanceUor 

tf  Scotland,  his  Speech  to  King  Charles  \. 

at  Newcaftie,  intreating  his  Auent  to  the 

Parliament's  Proportions  of  Peace,     -    '- 

His  three  Speeches  concerning  the  Diipofal  of 

'  the  King's  Perfon.  —         .  m 









4.  S 






32  X 


»3  to  87 

101  to  116 


Uzec  ;y  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Wftory  ^England. 

CAMPBELL,  Earl  of  Louden,  and  Lord-Chancellor 
of  Scotland,  his  Letter  to  the  Englijh  Com- 
miffioncrs  Tent  to  Edinburgh  in  1647.  — 
His  Letter  to  the  Englijh  Commiffioners,  con- 
cerning their  CommifEon  to  treat  with  the 
Parliament  of  Scotland.         —       .  ■  — i— 

—  —  to  Gen.  Cromwell,  in  the  Name  of 

divers  of  the  Scots  Nobility,  &c.  declaring 
their  Re'fentment  at  the  Invafion  of  Eng- 
land, under  the  Duke  of  Hamilton.  — 

—  Rcqueft  to  the  Houfe  of  Peers  for  Leave  to 

trail  (port  fome  Scots  Soldiers.  — 

—  Copies  of  four  intercepted  Letters  to  Kii  g 

Charles  II.  

CANNING,  Ralph,  his  DepoGtion  againft  the 
Lord-Treafurer  Middle/ex,  as  Matter  of 
the  Wardrobe.  —  ■  _ 

CANONS,  made  at  the  Convocation  In  1640,       I 
voted  illegal.  .  -  ■  ■     ~ 

CANVILE,   Gerhard^  his   Employments  under 
King  Richard  I.  Account  of.     -       -     - 
When  deprived  of  them.  —         _  ■  1  1. 

CAPEL,  Lord,  deferts  the  Parliament  and  joins 
King  Charles  I.  at  York.       -       -     '  -     - 
His  Excufe  for  not  appearing  at  the  Bar  of  the 

Houfe  of  Peers  according  to  a  Summons 
Impeachment  againft  him  on  this  Account. 
Taken  Prifoner  at  the  Surrender  of  Cokbefier, 

Ordered  to  Wndfor  Cattle.         —  

Sentenced  to  Death  by  the  High  Court  of  Juflice, 
Judgment  againft  him  repealed  by  the  Conven- 
tion Parliament.  —  .  ... 
CAPUCHIN  Friers,  complained  of  by  die  Com- 
mons, and  for  what.            —  — 
CAPUCHIN  Friers,  Order  of  the  Parliament  for 
their  Banifhment,  Form  of.          ■■■  ■■ .. 
CARDENAS,  Don  Atenfe,  arrives  in  London,  as 
Ambaflador  from  the  King  of  Spain. 
Manner  of  his  being  admitted  to  an  Audience 
of  the  Commons,  Account  of. 


44.  5 

46,  7 

487,  8 


210,  11 



183    ■ 
205,  6 

55.  6 




4*7.  « 

448.  9 

),gl,ze^y  GOOgk 

.s         J      N      D      J5      X    to  tbe 

CAREY,  Sir  Gttrit,  his  Speech  on  a  Bill  for  a 

Subfidy         '      —  — — 

CAREY,  Sir  Philip,  his  LVpofition  in  Favour  of 

the.  Lord-Treafurer  Middicfcx,  at  his  Trial 

before  the  Pfoufc  of  Lords  for  Bribery. 
CAREY,   Ltfciuty    Lord  Vjfaunt  Falkland*   his 

Speech  in  Support  of  the  Articles  of  Im- 

peachment againft  the  Lord-Keeper  Finch. 

His  remarkable  Saying  on  Englijb  Bifhops. 

Made  Secretary  of  State.  —  — 

His  Letter  relating  to  a  Safe-Conduct  to  a  Com- 
mittee from  the  Parliament  to  the  King 
at  Raiding.  ■ .    "  — —  — 

Slain  at  the  firft  Battle  of  Nttuhury^  between  the 
King  and  his  Parliament,  ■ 

CAREY,  Hinry,  Earl  of  Dover,  defots  the  Par- 
liament  and  joins   King  Cbarkt    L    at 

His  Excufe  for  not  appearing  at  the  Bar  of 'the 
Houfe  of  Peers,  according  to  a  Sum- 
mon). — 

Impeachment  againft  him  on  this  Account,  Par- 
ticulars m,  .,.,..■■-  i  -.  ■ 

Judgment  againft  him  repealed  by  the  Conven- 
tion Parliament.  — ■  — 
GARY,  Hinry,  Earl  o/Minrmuth,  his  Speech  on 
the  King's  withdrawing  himfelf  from  Lon- 

Deferts  the  Parliament  and  joins  the  King  at 
Yori.  r 

His  Excufe  for  not  appearing  at  the  Bar  of  the 
Home  of  Peers,  according  to  a  Summons. 

Impeachment  againft  him  oh  this  Account,  Par- 
ticulars  Of.  II  I  I— I  T— — 

Leaves  the  King  and  goes  to  London.  ..... 

In  titles  himfelf  to  the  Parliament's-  Proteflioii, 

and  how.  ■     ■  .. 

Judgment  againft  him  repealed.        — .         — 

CARYt  a%r ■John,  one  of  the  Judges  who  figned 

the  Resolutions  at  Nottingham  in  1387. 


384.  S 

Vr%  9 

*39  '*  143 



205,  6 


*°3.  ♦ 
1 28 


2°S,   fc 



)]i:»^y  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Ejftoty  of  England. 

CARY,  Sir  John,  cfne  of  tne  Judges  who  figned 
the  Refolutiom  at  Nottingham,  in  1387, 
impeached  on  that  Account  by  the  Com- 
mons. —  -"—  —    ■  -■ 

Charge  againft  him.  —  — 

His  Aniwer.  ■-  1     '■  — 

How  mitigated  by  the  Interpofition  of  the 
BMhops.  - — .  —  ■  ■"■     ■ 

HkBaiiiihmentto  Ireland.  —  — 

—  Allowance  for  the  Expences  of  his  Paflage, 
CARY,   Jtbn,  Lord  Himfdnn  accufed  of  High 

Treafoft  by  the  Commons.       -  -    13 

His  Requeft  to  the  Peers  on  this  Qccsfion. 

Seoueftred  from  Parliament  and  committed. 

His  Petition  concerning  his  Imprifonrnerrt.     — 
CARLISLE,  Earl  tf.     9ee  Hay. 
CARLISLE,  a  Parliament  held  there  in  1307. 

Taken  by  the  Setts,  and  on  what  OccaGon.     -   14 

Seized  upon  by  Sir  Philip  Mujgreve  for  King 
Charles  I.  

Surrendered  to  the  Parliament. 
CARLTON,  Sir  Dudley,  yict-Chambirlaiit  of  the 
Hnvjbild  it  King  Cbarlts  I.  his  Speech   to 
the  Corrrmons  cm  their  refenting  the  ttn- 
prifonment  of  two  of  their  Members. 

Accules  Sir  Jebti  Elliot  of  having  exceeded  his 
Comniiffionin  the  Charge  againft;  the  Duke 
of  Buckingham.  —  —  .— 

CARMARTHEN,  Mr .  his  Antwcr  to  the  Com- 
mons about  feizing  Mr.  RoUit't  Goods 

for  Tonnage.  - — - 9 

CARK,  Rshtrt,  made  chief  Favomite  and.  Coun- 
cilor to  King  Jamtt  I.        —  <— ^—     5 

His  Title*.  —  —  —  '  5 

Governs  the  King  and  Nation.  — '  5 

Greatly  inrkhea  liimfelf  and  impoveriflies  his 
Mafler.  — 

Ha  Schemes  for  raifing  Money  without  the  Af- 
fiftancc  of  Parliament.  —  — 






*45.  * 

■3  246 



■*4.  S 

Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 


I    N    D    E    X    to  the 

CARR,  Rohert,  forfeits  the  King's  Favour,  and 
loaded  with  Infamy  and  Difgrace. 

CARTE,  Mr.  his  Account  of  a  Letter  from  the 
Marquis  of  Ormond  to  the  Marquis  of 
Clanrickard,  concerning  an  Application  to 
the  Pope  in  order  to  reftore  KingCiarlei  II, 
to  his  Crown.  —  ■ 

CATALOGUE  of  fuch  Members  of  the  Long( 
Parliament,  who  held  Offices  contrary  to 
the  Self-denying  Ordinance,  with  their 

CATHARINE,  Daughter  tf  Charles  VI.  King 
of  France,  her  Marriage  with  Henry   V. 
King  of  England.              —             ■ 
Her  Coronation.  

—  Dowry  granted  by  King  Henry  VI.           — 
Marries  Owen  Tudor,  a  IVikh  Gentleman. 
Her  Death.  

CATHARINE,  Daughter  Jo  Ferdinand  King  of 

Spain,  her  Marriage  with  Prince  Arthur, 

eldeft  Son  to  King  Henry  VII.      -    -     - 

Her  fhort  Enjoyment  of  him.  ■— : — 

Marries  Henry  his  Brother.  ,  —       — 

Her  Divorce.  — ■■  ■■■  ■»  -   ■  ■■  ■  ■ 

—  remarkable  ExpreJSon  on  that  Occaiion.  - 
Difmifled  from  Court.  —  _ 
Cited  to  appear  before  Thomas  Cranmer,  Arch- 

bifhop  of  Canterbury.  —  — 

Refufes  to  obey  the  Summons.  ■ 

Her  Sentence.  - .  .     ■  .  .. 

CATHEDRAL  Churches,  ordered  by  the  Com- 
mons to  be  pulled  down,  and  the  Materials 

to  be  fold.  ■  

CATLYN,  Sir  Roiert,  Lord  Chief  Jufltet  of  the 
Common  Pleas,  appointed  to  execute  the 
Office  of  Lord-Keeper  at  the  Parliament 

CAVALIERS,  whence  that  Name,  and  who 
meant  by  them.  — ■—  - 

Order  of  Parliament  againft  them.      -     -      - 

307,  8 

6ff  to  yt 





I  40,  r, 


4     . 

Jglzecy  GOOgle 

VarHammt&ry  Hjfiory  ef  Engl  and.  '5c; 

Vol.   Pap.' 

CAVALIERS,  their  Name*  expunged  out  of  tbe 
Mutter-  Rolls  belonging  to  Sir  Thomas 
Fairfax's  Army.  —  16  J72,  3 

Banifli'd  from  icni&n,  and  twentyMiksround  it.  19  242 
CAVE,  Mrs.  Mary,  her  Examination  concerning 
a  Letter  in  Cyphers,  which  the  had  under- 
taken to  deliver  to  tbe  King  itHoldtnby.  15  367 
CAVENDJSH,  William,  Earl  ofNwJlU,  re- 
figns  the  Office  of  Governor  to  the  Prince 
ttWalet.  .     ■  -  ■  -  ■        9  290 

Order  of  the  Peers  concerning  hint.      *      -    -  10:329 

Made  Governor  of  Nrwcajlle.  II  26  J 

Obliges  his  Tenants  to  take  up  Anns  for  the  ■ 

King.  —      ■        —  11  261 

Ifliies  bis  Warrant  tp  the  Sheriff  and  other  Of- 
ficers of  the  County  of  Durham,  for  rai- 
ling Horfe  and  Foot.       ■'  ■     1    II  26a 

Aflbciates  all  tbe  Counties  North  tfYtrkjbir*.      12     79 

Marches  with  his  Army  to  tbe  City  of  Tori.        12     79,  80 

joins  the  Earl  of  Cumberland '3  Forces  there.'       12    94 

Takes  Todcafttr,   and  drives  out  thence  tlie 

Lord  Fairfax,  —m-t  — 1-   12     95     ' 

His  Power  and  Succefs  in  the  South-Weft  Part 

of  Yorijhirt,  Account  of.     —  —    12  270 

Obtains  a  Victory  over  Lord  Fairfax's  Array 

at  Athirttn  Moor,  near  Bradford.     •>       -   12  326 

Defeated  at  Marftm  Moor  by  the  Parliament's 

Forces.  -»-  —  —  13  244 

Qujts  his  Charge  under  the  King,  and  goes  be- 
yond Sea.  '  —   13244    ' 

CAVENDISH,  William,  Earl  of  Dtvmjhirt,  his 
Report  of  tbe  fourth  Part  of  a  Conference 
between  the  Peers  and  Commons,  on  the 
Liberty  of  the  Subjeft.  —  —     8     30  to  52 

Df  fcrts  the' Parliament  and  joins  King  Charles  I, 

at  tort.  —  —  11  128 

His  Excufe  for  not  returning,  purfuant  to  a  Sum- 
mons. .  —  .— ~—    1 1   183 

Impeachment  againft  him  on  this  Account,  Par- 
ticulars of.  1  — —   1 1  2(K,  6 

Judgment  againft  him  repealed.  ■    .  —  1 22  268 


Jglzecy  GOOgk 

rfl  I      N      D      fi  -'X    tt  the 

CECIL,  miliam,  Ltrd  Bargblty,  and  Ltrd  High- 

Tnafurtr,  appointed  one  of  the  Commif- 

fionets  to  held  a  Parliament  on  Account 

of  Mary  Queen  of  Scan.      - 

His  Speech  in  the  Houfe  of  Lords  tor  a  Supply. 

—  Account  of  Queen  EUznbttb's  extraordinary 

Charge  by  Means  of  the  War  with  Spain. 

—  Death  and  Chancer.  —  — 
CECIL,  Sir  Rsbtrt,  hit  Speech  for  a  Subfidy. 

His  Speech  on  a  Motion  for  a  Bill  to  reform 
EcdeGaftical  Courts.  —  — 


■   i  —  on  a  Bill  for  a  Subfidy.   -     ■ 

Acquaints  the  Commons  with  the  Heads    of 
Lord-Keeper  Egrrtm't  Speech.  — 

His  Speech  for  a  Subfidy.         ■      ...         , 

•— i relating  to  the  Suppreffion  ef  Mo- 
nopolies. ■  -  — . 

Made  Lord  High-Treafurer  of  England.    - 

His  Relation  to  the  Parliament  of  the  Neceffitles 
of  King  'fanui  I.  -  ■  ■ 

Prefles  ftroiigly  for  a  Supply.  — 

CECIL,  tVMiarn*  EarttfS&ltfiurj,  appointed  one 

of  the  Parliament's  Commiffioners,    to 

treat  with  the  King  in  the  IJk  tfWtgbtt 

for  a  National  Peace.     —        —       — 

Procures  himfelf  to  be  chofen  a  Member  for 
Lynn  in  Norfelt,  and  took  his  Seat  in  the 
Houfe  of  Commons  accordingly. 
CEREMONIES,  Jtetigia**,  fettled  in  the  Church 

of  England  by  a  Committee  of  Bi  (hops. 
CEREMONIAL  of  presenting  a  new  Lord  Mayor 
of  Londtn  to  the  Honfc  of  Peers  for  their 
Approbation.         —  —  — — 

On  CrtmwtlCs  giving  his  Confent  to  Tome  Bills. 

On  his  lying  in  State*  and  the  PfncriUoti  to  his 
Funeral.  —  ■■—    ■ 

v.  s&'n^z 

M4*>»  r 

L   366/536^ 

J.377.  « 
f  38i>  *. 


K39°>   l 

I  f  440,  1, 
V  ]  %  4.  5. 






293*  4. 
4*»  2>  4 

138  <«  245 
>.  CER- 

,v  Google 

Parliamentary  fflftory  of  EKgl^nd.  57 

V»U    Pop. 

CERTIFICATE,  Fcrfn   of,   for  admitting  the 

Members  oF  Cnsnar/Ps  third1  Parliament 

into  the  Houfe.  —  •  ■  .... 

(BAFFIN,  Dr.  hi*  Reflection  upon  the  Houfe 

of  Commons.  —  ___    ^    jj 

Proceedings  againft  Mm  on  thit  Account,  Par- 
ticulars of.  ___  in-  —    9     « 
CHALJ.ONER,  Thimas,  Efa  his  Speech  corn 

cerniog  the  Dhpofal  of  the  King's  Perfon.  ii  143/4152 
CHAI.ONER',  Mr.  concerned  in  a  PW  agamftj 

the  Parliament.  —  «  — ?;I2  279. 

Taken  into  Cuftody.  —  — ■  ■  12^79 

Condemned  by  a  Council  of  War,  and  executed.  12  324,  5 
CHAMBRE,  Jab/u,  joins  Sir  ^fAn  Egrmand  in  a 

Rebellion  againft  King  i&arj  VII.   -     -    2  424,  5 
Taken  Piifoner,  and  executed  at  Tari  in  great 

State.  —  —    » 425 

CHAMBERS,  — -,  Efy;  how  eenforoe  by  the 

Houfe  of  Commons,  and  for  what.     -     -  19  izS 
CHANCELS,  Refoludons  of  the  Commons  con- 
cerning them.         —  — — 

-     ..  ■-  of  the  Peers.     - 

CHANCERY,  Court  ef,  voted  down  by  Cram- 
tutlTs  firft  Parliament. 
Debate  thereon.  — 

Obfervations  concerning  it. 

9  4.98,  ■ 

20!  198', 

20  199/*  20* 

Propofalsfor  regulating  oraboIiBringthaf  Court.  201203/0206 

AbflraQ  of  an  Ordinance  for  regulating  it. 
CHANDOS,  Lard\  created  Earl  of  Bath,  Anna 

CHANTRIES,  Diflblation  of.  —  — 

Their  Number  at  that  Time*      —  

Explanation  of.  -  -  ■  — 

CHARTER-HOUSE,  when  founded  is  aa-IIo- 
fpital,  and  by  whom.        —  

CHARLES  I.  King,  when  begun  his  Reign.  - 
Marries  tltnriitta  Maria,  a  Daughter  <A  Franca. 
Calls  a  Parliament  tohVtfltninfitr,  Anna  1625. 
Hit  Speech  at  opening  the  Seflion.  -■    ■■ 

■ —  Mcflage  to  the  Commons  in  Favour   of 
Dr.  Mmtagu.  —  -    -  ■■' 

—  Awwer  to  their  Petition  touching  Religion, 

2 '408 

3!  202 
3;  227 





6 j34&.  7 

*  154 
6' 355 

igliecv  GOO^IC 


r   n    d 

X    tt>  , 

CHARLES  I.  King,  adjourns  the  Parliament  to 

Oxford  for  Fear  of  the  Plague.  — 

His-  Speech  to  them  there.  —  — 

Orders  the  State  of  his  Affairs  to  be  laid  open. 

(lis  AnTwer  to  a  Petition  of  the  Parliament  for 

executing  the  Laws  againft  Papift*,  and  for 

advancing  true  Religion.  —  — 

—  Eftatc,  Account  of,  Anna  1625.  ™— 

—  Meflage  to  the  Commons  for  a  fpecdy  Supply. 
Perceives  their  Backwaidriflfs  in  this  Point,  and 

diflblvee  the  Parliament.        —  . 

His  Proceedings  for  War.  — 

-...  .1—      — —  againft  Recufants. 

— —  Method  for  railing  Money  for  the  Exigen- 
cies of  the  State.  . . 

Calls  a  new  Parliament  to  Weftminflcr  in  Fe- 
bruary, 1625.  ■■     •  —— 

Discharges  the  Lord-Keeper  Williams  from  his 
Service.  .  

Gives  the  Great  Seal  to  Sir  Thomas  Coventry. 
■     His  Meflage  to  the  Hoiifc  of  Commons  relating 
to  Sir  Edward  Coke.  —  — 

—  Letter  to  Sir  Rentage  Finch,  in  order  to 

haften  a  Supply  from  the  Commons.  -    - 

—  Meflage  to  the  lame  Purpofc  by  Sir  Richard 

Wtjm. W^- 

—  Reply  to  the  Commons'  Anftver.  -r- 

—  Meflage  to  them  touching  fome  Reflections 

againft  the  Duke  of  Buckingham,   by  Mr. 

Coke  and  Dr.  Turner.  —  — 

Commands  the  Attendance  of  both  Houfes  at 

Whitehall.  r  „ 

His'  Speech  to  them  there.        —  

—  further  Speech  on  this  Occaiioo.  -    - 
Defires  theCommons  to  adjourn  for  a  lhortTime 
His  Meflage  to  the  Lords  concerning  divers  Of- 
fences committed  by  the  Earl  of  Bri/lol. 

—  Aiiiwer  to  a  Petition  of  the  Commons  con- 

cerning Dr.  Montagu.         —  —     . 

—  Charge  (by  the  Attorney-General)  againft 

the  Earl  of  Briftol.        —        —        —  | 

Jglzecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Bijlorf  of  ENGl aKd. 

CHARLES  I.  King,  his  Meflage    to  die  Lords 
relating  to  the  Earl  of  BrtJioN  Charge 
againft  the  Duke  of  Buckingham. 
Cifpleafed  at  them  for  allowing  Counfel  to  the 

His  Meflage  to  them  on  this  Occafion.     - 

— —   to  the  Commons  concerning  fome 

new  Matter  of  Charge  againft  the  Duke 
of  Buckingham,  .  ■ 

Offended  at  the  Behaviour  of  the  Managers  for 
the  Commons  againft  the  Duke. 

His  Speech  to  the  Lords  on  this  Occafion. 

Commits  Sir  Dudley  Diggs  and  Sir  "John  Elliot 
to  the  Tower.  ■ — — 

Forbids  the  Judges  to  give  any  Anfwer  to  Que- 
stions propofed  to  them  concerning  the 
Earl  of  Sri/M,  '——  

Difcharges  Sir  Dudley  Diggs  and  Sir  Jtbn  Elliot 
from  their  Confinement.         —  — 

Commits  the  Earl  of  Arundel  to  the  Tower. 

His  feveral  Anfwers  and  MelTages  to  the  Peers,, 
relating  to  the  Imprifonment  of  the  faid 
Earl  during  the  fitting  of  Parliament:. 

Difcharges  the  Earl  from  riifon.     —  — 

His  Reply  to  an  Anfwer  from  the  Peers  relating 
to  the  Earl  of  Brijlol.        —  

Difcharges  Mr.  More  from  the  Tower. 

His  Anfwer  to  a  Letter  from  the  Commons,  re- 
lating to  the  Univerfity  of  Cambridge. 

—  Letter  to  Sir  Heritage  Fincb  to  haften'  a  Sup- 
ply from  the  Commons.  —  — 

Receives  a  Petition  from  the  Lotds  againft  Uif 
fblving  the  Parliament.      r—  . 

His  Anfwer. .  — — 

Di Solves  the  Parliament  by  Commiflion  in  June, 

Commits  the  Earl  of  Briftol  to  the  Tower,  and 
confines  the  Earl  of  Arundel  to  his  Houfe. 

His  Reafons  for  diflblving  the  Parliament.    -    - 

PubliibeB  a  Proclamation  for  the  burning  a  Re- 
monftrance  of  the  Commons  intended  to 
Jwve  been  prefented  to  him.        —      — 



2°,  » 




ns>  6 

284,  j 

300  ti  309 


:*y  Google 



to  the 

V>1.    Pate, 
CHARLES  t.  Khg%  mi  Methods  to  raife  Monejr 

for  the  Ncccffifies  of  the  State.  — • i 
fib  Targe  Demand  on  the  City  of  Lonisn.  -  - 
Requires  a  Loat<  from  hi*  principal  SubjeGs 

throughout  ftfe  Kingdom.  — 

G'rteS  great  Difguft  by  this  Praffice.         — ^~ 
Commits  divers  Perrons  of  Rank  and  Quality 

ut  Ffhon  for  refuting  the  Loan.  -  - 
His  AffirM  at  home  and  abroad  greatly  dJftreffed. 
Rcleafes  thePerfoos  confined  for'  refafing  the 

Calls  a  new  Parliament  xaWeflmnfltr  in  March 

His  Speech  at  opening  this  Seffion. .    - '    -      - 

—  Anfwer  to  a  petition  of  Parliament  for  a  Faft. 
Appoints  a  National  one.  —  — — 
His  Propofitlons  to  the  Commons  for  a  SuprJry. 
. —  Speech1  oil  receiving  a  Petition  fronvthe,  Par- 
liament concerning  Recufants.     -     -      - 

—  Anfwer  to  (he  Petition.  , — '  — 
•    —  Menage  to  the  Commons  in  Vindication  of 

himfeli"  and  the  Duke  of  EuckinghaM. 

_  —  to  haften  the  Supply. 

Receives- a  Menage  from  them'  of  their  unani- 
mous Vote  for  five  Subsidies.  -     - 

His  Anfwer  thereto.  — — 

Ho*  congratulated  hereupon  by  the  Duke  of 
Bueirngham.  •  —  — 

His-  Meflage  to  (he  Commons  not  to  make  any 
Riecels  at  Eqfttr.  "  ~-^- 

—  Anfwer  to  a  Meflage  from  them  concerning 

tttis  Affair.  — 

— -  furtherKTeflagetotKemtohaftentHeS'uppIy.  ' 
Receives  a  Petition  from  them  againfF  billeting 

of  Soldiers;  ■ 

His  Anfwer.  —  —  — 

—  Pexmiffion'td  the  Judges  of  the  King's  Bench 

concerning  the  Gentlemen  impnfoned'  for 

refuting  the  Loan.  — 

^--  Speech  to  the  Parliament  touching  their 
Liberties.  —       —  — — 

IgUzecsy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  JHfary  of  England, 

HARLES  I.  j£uy,  hi*  Mef&g*  to  tjie  Commons 

to  rely  on  bis  Word  for  their  Security. 
Ha  feood  Mcflage  fotfeciB  cpncci  ninKtbjs  Point, 
fcravet  an  Anfwer  to  his  feveral  Meflaflss.    • 

HiiE^ly. ,  , *^    - 

Letter  to  the  Lot-is  confirming  his  PrsmMcs 
for  the  Security  of  the  Subject's  liberty  - 

—  Mefiage  to  tite  Commons  to  haften  the  Pif- 
patca  of  their  Petition  of  Right  -  -  -  - 
to  the  Lords,  or  the  fame  Account. 

—  Anfwer  to  a  Mefiage  from  (he  Lords  con- 
cerning their  Declaration.     —     — r- 

Meflage  to  them  on  receiving  the  Petition  of 

—  Speech  to  both  Hordes  on  this  Occafion.  — 

—  Anf»er  tp  the  Petition.         — 

How  received  by  the  Commons.     — —     — 
Bit  Wc%e  to  the  Lords  lp  entertain  no  freflt 

Bufiqefs  this  Seffion,  — —  — 

- — >  —  to  the  Commons,  in  like  Manner. 
■— ^-  —  to  the  Lords,  requiring  them  to  ad- 

* >  —  to  the  Commons,  to  reftrain  them 

from  meddling  with  State  Affairs.  —  — 
Commands  them  to  adjourn  for  a  Day,  and  their 

Committees  to  ceafe  for  that  Time.  -  - 
«Js  Meflige  to  the  Lords,  commending  their 

Behaviour  in  their  Proceedings,  — 
"         —  to  the  Commons,  to  avoid  all  Scaa- 

dal  on  hit  Counfel  and  part  Actions.  -  - 
™™  by  the  Parliament  to  give  then  a  clear 

and  fatisfacipry  Anfwer  to  the  Petition  of 

Right.        , __        _ 

™»  to  the  Houfe  of  Lords,  cancels  his  former 

Anfa«r,as>d  gives  a  more  explicit  one.  - 
Mls  apeecb  on  this  Occafion.        —        — 

—  Menage  to  the  Commons,  to  make  his  An- 

fwer  as  public  as  poffible.  — *  «_ 
wtsini  from  them  a  Grant  for  five  Suhfidies.  - 
w«!ts  aCommiffion  to  fundry  Lords,  and  others, 

fee  railing  Money  in  the  Way  of  Excite. 




J, » 

















2Q2,  J 
202,  3 




Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 

6z         I      N      D      E      X    to  the 

CHARLES  I.  King,  receives  two  Menages  from 
. '  the  Peers  concerning  the  Commifllon  of 
Excife  and  Dr.  Mamvaring's  Books  of  Ser- 
mons.        —        —  —  — 

His  Anfwer  :  —  m  — 

Informed  of  the  Commons'  Intention  to  prefent  a 
Re  mo  n  ft  ranee  againft  the  talcing  of  Ton- 
nage and  Poundage  without  the  Parliament's 

Confenr.  -  , —  -  —  — 

His  6peech  to  both  Houfes  on  this  Occafion.  — 
Prorogues  the  Parliament  in  Difguft.  ■  — 

IffiieS  a  Proclamation  for  fuppreffing  Dr.  Man- 

waring's  Sermons.         .,,.... 
■   ■--—  —  concerning  Popifh  Recu- 

•*-  —  i.  ——-  — —  for  apprehending  Priefts, 
Jefuits,  &c.  who  had  taken  Orders  by  the 
Authority  of  the  See  of  Rente.     • 

Creates  Sir  Richard  IVtjhn  a  Peer  of  the  Realm, 
and  makes  him  Lord  High-Treamrer  of 

Gives  the  Bifhoprick  of  London  to  WiUiam 
Laud,  Bifhop  of  Si.  David's.      —      ■ — 

Creates  Sir  Thomas  IVtntwortb  Bartn  Wtnt- 
worth,  of  fVtntwerth-Woodhauft. 

Grants  a  Pardon  to  Dr.  Montagu,  and  makes 
him  Bifhop  of  Chicbtjitr.         —         — 

—  — —  —  to  Dr.  Manwaring. '  _ 
Sends  a  Fleet  to  relieve  RochtlU,  befieged  by  the 


Receives  a  Petition  from  the  Peers,  touching  di- 
vers Englijh  Gentlemen  who  had  Scots  and 

■  Irijb  Honours  conferred  upon  them.  

His  Anfwer.         — —  __^_  _ 

-i—  Meflage  to  the  Common*  relating  to  Ton' 

nage  and  Poundage.  — 

— —  Speech  to  both  Houfes  on  this  Occafion.  ■ 
Receives  a  Petition  from  the  Parliament  for  a  Fad. 
His  Anfwer.  : —  

—  Meflage  to  the  Commons  for  expediting  the 

Bill  of  Tonnage.         . 

'  ■— .  fecund  Meflage  to  this  Purpofe.         — ■ 

Jig  Lizecsy  GOOglC 

i7$>  6 





Parliamentary  Hi/iory  of  England.         $$ 

VqU    Pap. 
CHARLES  I.  King,  receives  an  Apology  front 

the  Commons  concerning  Tonnage.  — — 
His  Anfwer.  ■  ■  ■■   .■"- 

- — 1 to  the  Commons  about  the  Fall. 

1 —  Warrant  to  the  Cuftomers  for  feizing  the 

Goods  of  fuch  Pcribns  who  refufe  to  pay 

Tonnage.         — -  -■     ■  — 

Commands  both  Houfes  to  adjourn.    — 

Orders  Sir  John  Finch,  Speaker,  to  adjourn  the 

Houfe  of  Commons.  

His  Menage  difobcyed  by  the  Houfe.     — 
Sends  for  the  Serjeant,  who  is  detained. 
Dilpatches  a  MeiTcngcr  with  the  Black  Rod  for 

the  Diffoiution  of  the  Parliament.  ~  — > 
His  Meflcnger  denied  Entrance  into  the  Houfe. 
Is  greatly  en  raged,  and  threatens  to  force  the  Door. 
Goes  to  the  Houfe  of  Lords  foon  after,  and  dif- 

folves  the  Parliament.  —  _ _ 
His  Speech  on  this  Occafion.        — ——        -— 

—  Proclamation.  ...  .-■■  —  ■  -■■  — 

—  Declaration  of  the  Caufcs  which  moved  him 

to  duTolve  the  Parliament.         —         — 

Hues  out  a  Proclamation  for  apprehending  Wal- 
ter Long  and  William  Stroud,  Efqrs.  Mem- 
bers of  the  Houfe  of  Commons.     -     -     - 

Rdolves  to  profecutc  thefe  and  other  Members  in 
the  Star-Chamber,  for  their  contemptuous 
Behaviour  in  the  Houfe.         - 

Orders  all  the  Judges  to  be  fummoned  on  this 
Account.         -     *     - 

His  Warrant  for  detaining  William  Strtt/dia  the 
King's  Bench  Prifon.  - 

Removes  him  and  the  other  Members  to  different 
Prifbns.         - 

His  two  Letters  to  the  Judges  on  this  Occafion. 

—  Conference  with  two  of  them   about  the 

Gentlemen  in  die  Tower.       - 

—  Proclamation  again  ft  falfe  Rumours.     - 
Makes  Sir  Dudley  Diggt  Mailer  of  the  Rolls.    - 
— --  Mr.  Nay  Attorney-General.     - 
•—•  Mr.  Littleton  Sollicitor.         ... 

333.  * 
33+.  5 

335  "35*  ' 






3»9>  390 
.39o       - 
8  39° 

Jglzecy  GOOgk 

64.  I     N     D     £     X   /»  the 

CHARLES  I.   King,   eflaUifhee   a  firm   Peace 
with  the  Crowns  of  Frgtut  th&'Spam. 

His  Methods  to  raifc  Money  independent  of 
Parliament.  —    ■  ...■■  :  . 

Commeaces  a  Suit  agai-nft  John  Hombden,  Efq; 
for  refuting  to  pay  Ship-Money.         — 

Introduces  the  EngUJb  Liturgy  into  Scotland. 

Occafions  2  general  Refentment  and  Rebellion 
of  the  Setts  on  this  Account.      • 

Bis  Proceedings  and  Expedition,  in  order  to  re- 
duce that  People  to  Peace  and  Subjection. 

Appoints  the  Marquis  of  Hamiltm  his  Com 
miffiocer  ts  treat  with  the  Scots. 

Creates  Lord  Wentwortb  Earl  of  Strafford,  and 
conftitu  tes  him  Lord- Lieutenant  of  Inland. 

Appoints  Ifitliam  Laud  Abp.  of  Canterbury. 

Calls  a  Parliament,  which  net  atfPtjfiminfier 
April,  1640.  — 

His  Speech  to  them.  ,    ■  — 

Makes  Sir  ?*<**  Finch  Lord-Keeper. 

His  further  Speech  to  the  Parliament  on  {hewing 
them  a  Letter  from  the  Scott  to  the  French 
King.  ■  .     — 

Commands  the  Commons  to  attend  him  at 
Whitehall,  to  hear  a  Speech  from  the  Lord - 

His  Speech  to  the  Lords  concerning  the  Refo- 
lution  of  the  Commons  to  prefer  Grie- 
vances to  the  Supply.         

—  Meffoge  to  the  Commons  to  haften  a  Supply. 
farther  Meflage  to  the  fame  Purpofe.    • 

—  Rcqucfts  trifled  with  by  the  Commons. 
Commands  their  Appearance    is    the  Upper 

Houfe.  — 

His  Speech  to  the  Lords  on  this  Occafion. 

Diflblves  the  Parliament.        

His  Declaration  of  the  Reafons  for  this  fiidden 

DHIblution.  -  ■     ' 

Places  a  Guard  about  Wejlminfttr  Abby  for  the 

Security  of  the  Convocation.      -     -      - 

Jglzecy  GOOgk 

ParSamentary  Ht/lory  of  England.  6e 

Vol.    pagt. 

CHARLES  I.  King,  raifes  an  Army.  — 
Fights  the  Scots  at  Nwuburn,  and  is  defeated, 
Lofes  Newca/t/i  and  Durham.  -*  — 
Borrows  Money  of  the  Spanijh  Merchants  and 

others.  —  •— 

hSa  in  the  dcfenlive  Way  only. 
Driven  to  great  Diftrefs.  — - 

Goes  to  Tart.  ■■  — 

Receives  h  Petition  from  feveral  Peers,  deiiring 

a  new  Parliament  to  be  called.  -     - 

—  ■■■  -        i     ■        from  the  Citizens  of  London 

to  the  fame  Purpofe,         — ■ -  ■ 

•  ■'  -  -         ———  from  the  Scott  Commiffioners. 
Convenes  a  great  Council  of  Peers  to  Tori. 
His  Anfwer  to  the  Petition  of  the  Scots.      - 

—  Writ  for  fummomng  the  Peers  in  Council 

at  Tort.  

—  Forces  at  Tori,  Number  of,  during   the 

Convention  of  Peers  there.  — 

—  Speech  at  the  Convention.  — 
Appoints  Commiffioners  to  treat  with  the  Scots 

at  Ripen.  

Removes  the  Treaty  to  London-,  and  fubjecls  the 
Country  to  the  Payment  of  850/.  a-day 
till  all  was  concluded.  ■ 

His  Reafons  for  this  Proceeding.  — — 

Returns  to  London,  and  calls  a  Parliament  to 
meet  in  November  t  1640.  —         — 

His  Speech  to  both  Houfes  at  opening  this  Par- 
liament. —  — 
■ to  the  Lords.        —  •— 

—  Refolutions   concerning  Popifh   Recu&ntt 

and  the  Tower  fignifted  to  the  Lords. 
Defired  by  the  Commons  to  permit  them  to 
enter  into  Debate  on  his  Revenue  and 

Expences.  — — 

Grants  their  Requeft.  — —  ' 

Appoints  Sir  Edward  Littleton  Lord  Chief  Ju- 
stice of  the  Commons  Pleas  to  lit  as 
Speaker  in  the  Houfe  of  Lords,  inftead  of 
the  Lord-Keeper  Finch.  -     - 




493.  4 
495»  6 

496»  7 

498,  9 


499.  5<>< 

5°4»  S 

17,  18 
3h  3 

4?,  4 
43.  4 

48,  9 

Jglzecy  GOOgk 

•6  I     N     T>     E     X    to  the 

Vol.   JVf,. 

CHARLES  I.  AVay,  reprieves?.  Goldman,  a  Semi- 
nary Prieft,  condemned  for  High  Trcafon. 

Contents  to  an  Alteration  in  the  Judges  Patents. 

His  Speech  to  both  Houfes,  relating  to  the  Di- 
ftradions  in  the  Government. 

—  Anfwer  to  a  Remonftrance  of  the  Parliament 

concerning  Jefuits  and  Seminary  Priefts.  - 

*»—  Speech  to  the  Lords  concerning  the  Marriage 
of  Prineefs  Mary  with  the  Prince  of  Orange. 

■—  to  both  Houfes,  on  occauon  of  a  Bill  for 
Triennial  Parliaments.         —  — 

Gives  the  Royal  Aflent  to  this  Bill.        

Obtains  a  Grant  of  four  Suhfidies.        —      — 

Gives  great  Joy  to  the  Lords  and  Commons 
by  pairing  the  Triennial  Bill.     —        — 

Creates  the  Lord-Keeper  Littleton  Baron  of 
Mounjlov).  —  —  — 

Goes  to  the  Houfe  of  Peers  to  hear  the  Charge 
againft  the  Earl  of  Strafford.       —         — 

HisOner  to  them  with  regard  totheForeftLaws. 

Appoints  Henry  Rich,  Earl  of  Holland,  •  to  dif- 
band  the  Armies,        ■  ■ 

His  Speech  to  both  Houfes  about  removing  Pa- 
pitta  from  the  Court,  disarming  them  ac- 
cording to  Law,  and  difbanding  the  Irijh 

—  ■  in  favour  of  Lord  Strafford.    - 
Marries  his  Daughter,  the  Lady  Mary,  to  the 

Prince  of  Orange.        —   ■■  — .■     ■  ■ 

'  Gives  great  Offence  to  the  Commons  by  his  laft 

Speech  to  both  Houfes.        ■  — 

Prefled  by  both  Houfes  to  give  his  Aflent  to  the 

Bill  of  Attainder  againft  the  Earl  of  Straf- 

His  great  Perplexity  about  it,  Account  of.  -     - 
Grants  a  Commiffion  for  giving  the  Royal  Aflent 
to  this  Bill,  and  another  lor  continuing  the 
prefent  Parliament.         ———  ■■   — 

Cenfurcd  by  the  Public  for  paffing  thefe  Bills.  - 
His  principal  Motive  for  attesting  to  the  former. 


Parliamentary  Hijtory  of  E«Gt Atot>.        6y 

V*l.     Pag,. 
CHARLES  I.  King,  bis  Letter  to  the  Peers  for 

faving  the  Karl  of  Strajfird't  Life.     9 

Denied  this  Requeft.  — , ,    ,        « 

His  Converfation  hereupon  with  a  Committee  of 

Peers  who  brought  this  Denial, 
Solicited   by  them  to  extend  bis  Favour  to  the 

Earl's  Lady  and  Children. 
Give*  die  Royal  Aflent  to 

Bill  for  the  Relief 

of  his  Army,  &t.  

h to  a  Bill  for  the  better 

levying  of  Mariners.    '    —       —  — 

ting  of  Mltbailmas  Term.       -       -        • 
Obtains  from  the  Commons  a  Grant  of  Tonnage 

and  Poundage.  ...  — 

His  Anfwer  to  both  Houfes  on  receiving  a  Bill  for 

Tonnage  and  Poundage.        ...  •  o.  — 

Requefied  by  the  Peers  to  disband  fome  Engllfi 

Regiments.  ,.  * 

His  Anfwer.  —  

Rcfolves  to  take  a  Journey  into  Scotland.      — 
RequeftedbytheParliimenctodcfer  it  for  awhile. 

His  Anfwer.  — 

' —  Menage  to  the  Lords  on  this  Occafion. 
Requefted  by  both  Houfes  not  to  confer  Titles  of 

Honour  for  Money.  —  — 

Gives  the  Royal  Allen!  to  a  Bill  for  a  Poll-Tax. 
His  Speech  to  both  Houfes.  —  — 

Gives  the  Royal  Aflent  to  a  Bill  for  abolifhing 

the  Star-Chamber  Court.         —  — 

•*—•    •  —  ■—-  to  a  Bill  for  taking  away 

the  High  Comraiffion  Court.         ...  — — 
His  Manifesto  in  favour  of  the  Elector  Palatini. 
■ —  Anfwer  to  an  Addrefs  of  Parliament  concern- 
ing his  Manjfefto  in  Behalf  of  the  Palatini 

Family.  _ —  

■- ' —  to  the  third  and  the  tenth  Proportions 

concerning  the  Removal  of  Counfellors.  - 
Obtains  from  the  Parliament  a  Bill  for  Tonnage 

and  Poundage.  — — .  r 

£  2 








4°4»  S 




Jig  Lizecsy  GOO^k 

68  I     N     D     E      X    »  the 

,    Vol, 
CHARLES  I.  King,  his  farther  Anfwcr  rclMing 

to  the  third  Head  of  the  Proportions. 
Gives  his  Aflent  to  fome  additional  Propofiti 

of  the  Commons.  .  — 

Appoints  Robert,  Drvenux,  Earl  of  EJfex,  to  be 

Captain -Gen  era!  South  of  Trim.    —    — 
Gives  the  Royal  Aflent  to  fundry  public  and 

private  Bills.  - ,  — 

Receives  a  Petition  from  both  Houfes  for  flaying 

his  Journey  a  Fortnight  longer. 

His  Anfwer.  — 

Panes  an  A3  of  Pacification  with  the  Scats. 
Gives  the  Royal  Aflent  to  fome  more  Bills. 
Takes  his  Leave  of  the  Parliament  and  fets  oat 

for  Scotland.  — —  ■ 

His  Letter  to  Edward  Littleton,  Lord-Keeper, 

concerning  the  Scots  Treaty.   -     -     -     - 
Refines  to  grant  a  Com  million, to  the  Parliament's 

Comminioners  fent  dpwn  into  Scotland  to 

fee  the  Scots  Treaty  executed,        - 
His  Reafons  for  this  Denial.        

—  Letter  to  the  Lord-Keeper  LittUttn  about 

his  Return  into  England.        ■  — 

Makes  his  public  Entry  into  London  on  his  Re- 
turn from  Scotland.  • 

Difmifles  the  Parliament's  Guards. 

His  Anfwcr  to  a  Petition  for  the  Continuance 
thereof.  -     ■ 

Obtains  a  farther  Grant  of  Tonnage  and  Poun- 
dage.    — 

His  Speech  to  both  Houfes  on  his  Return  from 
Scotland.  -— 

—  Meflage  to  the  Lords  concerning  the  Treaty 

with  the  Scots  on  the  Irijh  Affairs,  and  the 
Reprieve  of  fome  Popifh  condemn'd  Priefts. 

Appoints  a  Number  of  Watchmen  for  a  Guard 
to  both  Houfes  of  Parliament  in  order  to 
prevent  Riots.  —  

His  Speech  relating  to  the  Rebellion  in  Ireland, 
■    and  to  a  Bill  for  preffing  of  Soldiers.    -   • 




474.  5 

475.  6 




99,  100 

Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 

"Parliamentary  Wfary  of  England." 
CHARLES  I.  King,  his  Anfwer  to  the  Commons' 
Petition  which  accompanied  their  Remon- 
strance of  the  State  of  theNation.  

His  Declaration  in  Anfwer  to  the  above  Remon- 
flrance.  ___  _,    , 

—  Speech  to  both  Houfes  in  Anfwer  K»  the  Par- 

liament's Jaft  Remonftrance.         

—  Anfwer  to  a  Petition  of  the  Parliament  con' 

cerning  tfie  Earl  of  Newport.     — 

1 —  Menage  to  the  Lords  for  railing  Volunteers 

for  the  Relief  of  Ireland.  _^_ 

Receives  a  Petition  from  the  Commons  for  a 


Mil  Anfwer,           —                —  _ 

Cousmands  Edward  Herbert,  Elqj  his  Attorney- 
Genera],  to  accufe  Edward  Montague, 
Lord  Kimbolton,  Denzil  Holla,  £fq ;  and 
fome  other  Members  of  the  Houfe  of  Com- 
mons,  of  High  Treafon.  — ■  —  10 
Hii  Articles  againtt  them.        

—  Menage  to  the  Commons  for  delivering  up 

to  his  Serjeant  at  Arms  the  accufed  Mem- 
Denied  this  Requeft,  —  _. 
Goes  himfelf  to  the  Commons'  Houfe  with  a  Mi- 
litary Guard  to  demand  them.     —      — 
hii  Speech  on  this  Occafion.          —  — 

—  Queniona  to  the  Speaker  about  the  accufed 

Members.  . 

jjfttives  from  him  an  extreme  odd  Anfwer.  -  - 
Hi)  going  to  the  Houfe  voted  by  the  Commons  a 

Breach  of  Privilege.         — —  -        

*tqairca  the  Affiftance  of  the  Common  Council 

of  London   in  apprehending  the  accufed 

Members.  —  —  —»-. 

f"  a  Proclamation  for  taking  them.   -     -     . 
Removes  himfelf  and  Family  from  London  on  Ac- 

count  of  Tumults.        —         —         —  10  196 
tw  Anfwer  to  the  Parliament's  Requeft  for  a 


Guard.  — 



117,  iS 
116,  7 

149/0 151 
155.  4 

163.  ♦ 
'64.  5 


»  197 

Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 

7<*  INDEX    to  the 

CHARLES  I.  Jftag-.hiiAnfwerto  the  Parliament 
concerning  a  Bill  for  giving  Power  to  both 
Houfes  to  adjourn  to  any  Place.     -     -    - 
His  Anfwer  to  an  Order  concerning  the  Maga- 
zine at  Hull.  —  

~—  Declaration  for  postponing  the  proceedings 
againftthe  accufed  Members.  -     -     -     - 

—  Menage  to  the  Parliament  concerning  this 

Bufinefs.  — — 

Commands  the  Earls  of  EJftx  and  Holland  to 
attend  him  at  Hamplon-Caitrt.     - 

His  Orders  di  fobey ed ,  by  the  Interpofition  of  the 
Houfe  of  Lords.  -  —  

— -  Letter  to  the  Peer;,  relating  to  an  Order  of 
that  Houfe  about  the  Prince  of  IVaUs. 

• —  kind  Meflage  to  both  Houfet  for  tht  fpeedy 
Settlement  of  Grievances.  ■  ■ 

Receives  a  Petition  from  the  Lords  and  Com- 
mons to  expedite  the  Trials  of  the  accufed 
Members.  ■  - 

His  Anfwer  thereto.  ■■ 

r—  Letter  to  Lord- Keeper  LUtUttn  concerning 
a  new  Bill  for  Tonnage  and  Poundage. 

—  Meflage  to  the  Peers  on  paffing  this  Bill  by 

Com  mi  Dion.  .  — — 

mm-  Anfwer  to  a  Petition  of  the  Commons  con- 
cerning the  Tower,  Forts,  and  Militia. 

Gives  the  Royal  Aflent,  by  Conraiffion,  to  art 
AS  for  raifing  Sailors.      - 

Requefted  by  both  Houfes  to  give  his  AtTent  to 
the  Bill  for  talcing  away  the  Bifhops'  Votes, 

His  farther  Anfwer  to  them  concerning  the 
Forts  and  Militia.  ~         —  — 

— -  Anfwer  relating  to  the  accufed  Members. 

—  Meflage,  as -to  the  Queen  and  Princefs  of 

Orangt.  — .    .  -  ■ 

•—-  Anfwer  to  the  Parliament's  Requefr  for  paf- 
fing the  Bill  to  take  away  the  Bifhops' Votes. 

—  Menage  to  the  Peers  complaining  of  a  Paf- 

fage  in  Mr.  Pymme'i  Speech  on  Grievances. 

Appoints.  Sir  John  Culiftptr  Chancellor  of  the 

Exchequer.  ■  ....      ■ 


?20,  7 


263,  4 

266,  7,  3 






::;■  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Wftory  of  En  g  L  a  H3 .  j\ 

Vol.    Page. 
CHARLES  I.  King,  appoint*  Lueitu  Carey,  Lord 

Vifcount  Falkland,  Secretary  of  State.  -  - 
Appoints  Sir*  "John  Conytrt  Lieutenant  of  the 

Tower,  at  the  Defue  of  the  Commons. 
Give)  the  Royal  Aflent  to  a  Bill  for  impreffing 

Soldiers.  ■■■    •  -i— ~ 

■  —  to  a  Bill  for  taking  away 

the  Bifbops'  Votes.  —  10  292 

His  Menage  to  both  Houfes  on  this  Occalion.     10  294,  5 

—  Anfwer   to   the   Parliament's   Addrefs  of 

Thanks  for  paning  thefe  Bills.       — ■   ..—   10  300 

—  — ... .-  to  their  Meflage  about  the  Militia.   10  30S 

—  Reply  to  an  Anfwer  of  the  Commons  con- 

cerning Mr.  Pymnu't  Speech  relating  to 

Panes  into  Ireland.         — *-  — 10  314*0317 

—  Letter  to  Thomas  Howard,  Earl  Btrijbir 

requiring  his  Attendance  in  Parliament.  -   10  317 
Gives  Difguft  to  the  Lords  by  it.        —         —10  318 
Hit  Anfwer  to  a  Meflage  of  trie  Parliament  about 
the  Removal  of  the  Prince  of  Welts  from 
Hampton-Court.  —  —  — — 

•—  final  Anfwer  concerning  the  Ordinance 
about  the  Militia.  - — _.-  — — 

Receives  a  Meflage  from  the  Parliament,  decla- 
ring their  Refolution  to  difpofe  of  the  Mi- 
litia without  him.  ..— —  —  10  326/4328 
Hi)  Reply.                    —■-,..                    .„  10  328,  9 

—  Letter  to  the  Lord -Keeper  Little  tan,  excu- 

sing the  Attorney- General  in  the  Affair  of 
Lord  Kimbtlten,  ffe.  —    ■  ■■  ■  — 

— -  Speech  to  a  Committee  of  Lords  and  Com- 
mons at  Newmarht,  on  their  prefenting 
a  Declaration  of  Parliament,  fetting  forth 
the  Caufes  of  their  Fears  and  Jealouiies. 

—  Converfatton  with  the  Committee  on  this 

Occalion,  Narrative  of.         —  —  10  356, 

—  Menage  from  Huntingdon  to  the  Lords,  con- 

cerning Ireland  and  the  Militia.      -      -  10  366/0368 
Gives  the  Royal  Aflent,  by  Commimon,  to  a 
Bill  for  the  fpcedy  reduc  iig  the  Rebels  in 
Inland,  — .  -     1  -   10  573 


,,*=  =,  Google 

I    N    D    E    X    to    the 

CHARLES  I.  King,  removes  to  Yak.- 
t    His  Anfwcr  to  the  Commons'  Reply  as  to  Mr. 
Pymme's  Speech.  '  — — —  -  ■  ■ 

—  , -  to  a  Petition  of  the  Peers  for  remo- 

ving Sir  John  Pennington  from  the  Com- 
mand of  the  Fleet.  — — 

—  — m  i —  to  the  Parliament's  Declaration  pw- 

fcnted  at  Newmarket.  ••  •         — 

— y-  Objections  to  palling  a  Bill  for  clearing  Lord 
Kimboltan.  and  the  Five  accofcd  Members. 

Gives  the  Royal  Aflent ,  by  Commiffion,  to  a  Bill 
for  railing  Money  for  the  Service  of  Eng- 
land and  Ireland,  and  for  the  Payment  of 
their  Debts.  — —  — 

Summons  the  Earl  of  EJJitx,  and  fome  other  Lords, 
to  attend  him  at  Tori.  —  — 

His  Commands,  difobeyed  by  a  Vote  of  that 

-—-  Meflage  to  the  Lords  far  fending  into  Ire- 
land the  Earl  of  Lekifttr,  Lord-Lieutenant 

Denied  this  Requeft.        — —        — 

Pafles,  by  Comrmffion,  another  Bill  for  Tonnage 
and  Poundage.         .     ■-        — — —        — 

His  Reply  to  the  Parliament's  Anftrer  to  his  Mcf- 
fage  irom  Newmarket.  ■  — 

• —  Anfwer  ol  Denial  to  a  Petition  of  Parliament, 
concerning  their  Nomination  of  the  Earl  of 
Warwick  to  command  the  Fleet.  -     -     - 

»■—  Menage  to  the  Lords,  purporting  his  Inten- 
tion to  go  into  Ireland,  in  order  to  fupprefs 
the  Rebellion  there.  — -■ 

U—  Letter  to  Robert  Devereun,  Earl  of 

commanding  his  Attendance  at  York,  or  to 
quit  his  Office  of  Lord-  Chamber  lain  of  the 
Houihold.  —  — 

Require-  alio  the  Attendance  of  Henry  Ri 

Earl  of  Hal/and,  or  to  quit  his  Office  of 
Groom  of  the  Stole,         ■. 

His  Menage  to  the  Parliament  concerning  the 
Magazine  at  Hull.         — — 

Vol.     Page. 

380,    z 


382  to  388 


39*  to  403 

+18,  19 


439  '*44» 

Jglzecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hiftory  ^"England.         f\ 

Vol.     Peg*. 

CHARLES  I.  Khg,  his  Anfwcr  to  a  Petition 
of  Parliament  againft  his  going  to  Inland. 

His  Meflage  of  Complaint  to  the  Peers  againft 
a  feditious  Paper,  touching  the  Nature  of 
Allegiance.  ■  ■   .      ■ 

Receives  a  Petition  from  Tome  Yorkjkirt  Gentry, 
for  the  Continuance  of  the  Magazine  at 
Hull.  — 

Goes  to  Hull  to  view  the  Magazine  there. 

Denied  Entrance  into  the  Town  by  Sir  John 
Hotham,  Governor  there.  - 

Hit  Menage  of  Complaint  to  the  Lords  on  this 
OccaQon.  ■■  -  ■        — —  ■     ■  . 

•—  fecond  Meftage  to  them  for  Satisfaction 
againft  Sir  John  Hotham.        - 

—  Rcsfonsfor  refufing  to  pafs  the  Militia- Bill. 

•—  Anfwer  to  the  Parliament's  Votes  and  De- 
clarations, touching  Sir  Jthn  Hotham  and 
the  Town  of  Hull.        — —  

Forbids  the  Inhabitants  of  Yarkjbirt  to  obey  any 

Summons  of  Parliament.         —  — 

His  ReaJbn  for  this  Prohibition.  — — 

—  Reply  to  the  Parliament's  Anfwer,  touching 
I  Sir  y»bn  Hotham*  s  Affront.      -       -       - 

Kefufes  to  pafs  a  Bill  for  levying  Men  for  the 
Service  of  Ireland.  — 

His  Realbns.  ■        — 

The  Form  of  his  Oath  ordered  by  the  Com- 
mons to  be  confidered.  . 

His  Speech  to  the  Gentry  and  Freeholders  of  the 
|  County  of  Yeri,  in  May,  1642. 

—  Anfwer  to  fuch  of  the  Yorkjkirt  Gentry  who 

confentcd  to  bis  .Propoiitions  for  a  Guard. 
!     —        —  —  to  thofe  who  oppofed  it.      -    - 

to  a  Petition  of  the  Freeholders. 

Propofes  to  adjourn  the  next  Term  to  York. 
His  Intentions  fruftrated  by  the  Lords.  - 
Commands  the  Attendance  of  Philip  Skippon, 

Serjeant- Major- General    of   die   London 
Forces.  ■.— »— — 

His  Order  difobeyed.  — -    ■ 

to  445/9451 

454.  i  ■ 

456      - 

478ft 481 


515     ; 
5*5»  l6 

521,  2 


5*7*  8 
53°>  » 


Jglzecy  GOOgle 


I     N 

E      X    to 

CHARLES  I.  King,  his  Order  to  the  Gentry,  Wv. 
to  appear  at  York  with  their  Horfe  for  a 

His  Warrant  to  the  Coafiables  to  bring  in  Sir 
Rthtrt  StrjtJUand'i  Regiment  of  Trained 
Bandi.  '  — 

'*—  Letter  touching  this  Bufinefi.     - 

np-  Proceeding*  at  ftrk,  about  a  Guard  for  his 
Perfon,  declared  by  the  Parliameat  to  be 
an  Intention  to  make  War  againft  them. 

■»-  Anfwer  to  the  Parliament's  Taft  Declara- 
tion concerning  the  Militia. 

■  t         ——  to  their  Remonftrance  againft  the 

Mifcarriagct  of  Government,  W c.     - 
■—  Warrant,  Form  of,  forbidding  Obedience 
to  an  Order  of  Parliament.       —  — 

—  Anfwer  to  the  Parliament's  Petition  about 
'  raifing  a  Guard  for  his  Perfor.      -     ■ 

ii  ■■■  —  ■'  to  their  Remonftrance  concerning 
the  Affair  of  Hull,  &c.  —  _ 

— -  farther  Proceedings  at  York,  Account  of. 

—  Declaration  to  the  Clergy,  Freeholders,  &c. 

aflembled  at  Htwtrth  Moor.      ... 

■» -Proclamation  againft  the  Ordinance  for 
raifing  the  Militia.         — —  — 

■—  Letter  to  Lord  Wilkughiy  of  Parbam,  con- 
cerning his  railing  the  Militia  in  Lincdn- 
Jhirt  for  the  Parliament.  

Proceedings  of  the  Parliament  to  raife  Money, 
tfc.  to  carry  on  a  War  againft  him,  Ac- 
count of.  ■■■—  

His  Declaration  to  the  Peers  at  Ytri,  and  others 
of  bis  Privy-Council  there.  — 

■  -t—  difavowing  any  Intentions  of 
raifing  War  againft  the  Parliament.    -     - 

— .  farther  Declaration  to  the  lame  Purpofe. 
Iflues   a  Comminion   of  Array  for   muttering 

Forces.  —  ■  

His  Letter  to  the  Mayor  and  Citizens  of  Landsn, 

againft  landing  any  Money  to  the  Parlia- 


r,t.  pv,. 


54°.  » 

4  m  ix 
62  »  86 

1 2+  (.128 

103,4.  5 

165/.  169 
*77>  * 
18c,  6 


11  221,  x  . 

Dglzecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Biflory  of  Enolakb.         ye 

Vol.    fav, 
CffARI.ES  I.  King,   his  Commiffion  of  Array  i 
voted  illegal.    -        ■  — — 

His  Reply  to  an  Anfwer  of  the  Parliament,  con- 
cerning his  Letter  to  the  Mayor  and  Citi- 
zens of  London.  —  —    ■     \\  126/0  23J 
Abftra&  of  his  Anfwer  to  their  Nineteen  Propo- 

fitions.  — —  —  — —   11  234,  24} 

His  Anfwer  to  their  Petition  in  Behalf  of  fome 

Tori/bire  Gentry,            —  — —  n  245,^254 
Procures  his  Commifiton  of  Array  to  be  pro- 
claimed in  London.         ■    ■  i  ij  264 

Difcharges  the  Earl  of  Northumberland  from  be-     - 

rag  Lord  High-Admiral  of  the  Fleet.     —  11  264,  5 
His  proclamations,  (s'c  forbid  by  the  Parlia- 
ment to  be  published.  -  1 1  267 

—  Preparations  for  beficging  Hull,  Account  of,    n  370 

Grants  fundry  CommilEons  for  railing  Horfe.  1 1  280  , 

Refolvcs  upon  an  Attempt  to  recover  Hull.      -  1 1  290  * 

Ha  Menage  lo  the  Parliament  thereupon.      —  11  290,  1 

—  Proclamation  to  this Purpofe.       -      -      -  II  191/(129$ 
Uji  Siege  to  Hull.            —             .,—,..  n  jo^ 

His  Anfwer  to  the  Parliament's  Committee  at 

Beverley,  touching  an  Accommodation.  u  jn 

—  . to  their  Petition  for  that  Purpofe.  n  311/J3I1 

Adrifed  to  foften  this  laft  Anfwer.  —  1 1  322. 

His  Reaforu  to  the  contrary.  1 1  322 M 32$ 

—  CommUfion  of  Array  declared  illegal  by  the 

Parliament.  .     -1  ..    n  325 

f~  Refentmcnt  againft  Henry  Grtyt  Earl  of 

Stamford,  and  his  Adherents.     -      -     -  11  329 

—  Forces  in  the  North,  State  of,  in  July  1642.  11  329 
Proclaims  the  Earl  of  Ejftx  and  all  his  Ad- 
herents Rebels.  —  ——   II  369 

Prohibits  Popifh  Recufrnts  from  joining  his  Ar- 
my.    — —-   11  37a 

Ins  Menage  to  the  Commons  concerning  the 

Supplies  for  Ireland.  — ,—  _—    n   373 

Withdraws  his  Forces  from  Hull.        -       -     -   11  381 
His  Affairs  in  Ttrkfiire,  State  of,  in  Aug.  1642.   11  381/0386 
Denied  iininuice  into  Co ventry.         ~        -       -   II   303 
Attempts  tt>  reduce  that  City.        —        —   n  393 


Jglzecy  GOOgk 


X     to 

CHARLES  I.  King,  withdraws  his  Forces  from 
Coventry  arid  goes  to  Nottingham. 

Erefts  his  Standard  there.         —  — 

His  Meffage  to  the  Houfc  of  Lords  for  Peace. 

«— -  Reafons  for  fending  it,  —  — 

<—-  fecond  Meffage  to  the  Lords  for  Peace. 

■—  third  Meffage  to  the  fame  Purpofe. 

Removes  to  Shrew/bury,  — 

.  Jlis  Speech  at  the  Head  of  his  Army  in  Sep- 
tember, 1642.  "— — — 

—-  Proteftation,at  the  fame  Time. 

Appoints  the  Karl  of  Cumberland  General  of 
his  Forces  in  Torkjhiri.  

His  Anfwer  to  the  Parliament's  Protcltation  in 
October,  164a.  ' 

—  Revenues  feized  by  the  Parliament. 
■—  Indemnity  to  fuch  of  their  Officers  and  Sol- 

*  diers  as  ihould  lay  down  their  Arms. 

— ■  Safe-Co nduft  for  admitting  a  Committee  of 
theirs  to  attend  him  with  a  Petition  for 
Peace.  ■ 

Objects  againft  Sir  John  Eveiin,  one  of  the  Com- 
miffioners  for  this  Purpofe.        - 

His  Objection  refented  by  both  Houfes,  and  how. 

—  Anfwer  to  their  Committee  on  prefenting 

the  Petition.  — —  — — 

■—     to  the  Petition,  — 

—  Menage  to  the  Lords  in  Parliament  con- 

cerning the  Marching  of  his  Forces  to 
Brentford.  — — ■  . ...  ,    - 

Attacks  fome  Regiments  there  belonging  to  the 
Parliament.  ■  — — 

Propofes  to  adjourn  Michaelmas  Term  in  1642, 

His  Proclamation  for  that  Purpofe. 

—  Meffage  to  his  Privy-Council  of  Scotland,  in 

Anfwer  to  a  Declaration  of  Pwliamen   * 
calling  in  the  Scots  to  their  Affiftance. 

—  Reply  to  the  Parliament's  Anfwer  concern- 

ing the  Affair  at  Brtntford.    -     -     -    - 
^—  Succcts  in  the  Engagement  there,  fome  Ac- 
count of.  —    ■■■    .  ■  1 



■  39+ 
39+»  5.  I 
4or,  z 
+°4»  5 
4<2>  'J 
4>9»  iQ 

434»  5 
435.  6 

1  463/P470 
1  47i 




44  ft  48 

48  to  $1 

A    5° 

Jglzecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hifiory  of  EwGlaKD. 

CHARLES  I.  King,  his  Declaration,  in  Anfwer 

to  the  Parliament's  feveral  Ordinances  for 

aueffing  Non-Contributors  to  their  Arm  j. 

His  Anfwer  to  their  laft  Petition. 

Mucbes  his  Forces  to  Oxford.         —  — 

His  Anfwer  to  a  Petition  from  fomc  Officers  in 

bis  Army  in  Inland.  

—  Proceedings  againft  Col.  Liiiurit,  taken  Pri- 

foner  at  Broniford.  — —  — — 

Rcfpttes  his  Execution,  on  Account  of  a  threat- 
ening Declaration  from  the  Parliament. 
His  Anfwer  to  a  Petition  from  the  City  of  Lon- 
don for  Peace.  ■  —    ■ 

—  Letter  to  the  Sheriffs  of  London,  requiring 

them  to  publifh  the  faid  Anfwer.  — 
Adjourns  Hilary  Term  in  1642  to  Oxford. 
Hit  Reafons  for  tiiis  Removal.  — 

—  Proclamation  to  this  Purpofe  fupprefled  by 

an  Ordinance  of  Parliament.       -       -     • 

—  Anfwer  to  their  Commitfioners,  who  pre- 

fented  him  with  fome  Proportions  for  Peace. 

to  the  Proportions.  

—  Menage  to  the  Parliament,  touching  a  Cef- 

fation  of  Arms.  —  —  ,. 

Petitioned  by  them  to  put  off  the  Lent  Affizes 

for  1642.  ■  

His  Anfwer  of  Denial.  ■— — - 

—  Proclamation  againft  fome  Counties  aiTocia- 

ting  againft  him.  -   ,  ■  .  1  ... 

—  Anicles  for  a  CefTation  of  Arms. 

—  Exceptions  againft  the  Lord  Soy,  as  a  Com- 

mimoiicr  for  the  Oxford  Treaty.  — 

—  Meflage  to  the  Parliament  relating  to  the 

CefTation.         ■     1     ■■■  

— —       ■ ■         —  containing  fome  Ex- 
ceptions to  their  laft  Articles  of  Ceffation. 

■ ■■    ■    —  pointing  out  the 

Means  for  a  fpeedy  Peace.        —        — 

—  —  •  ■  concerning   the 

Relief  of  Ireland.  

• —  Troops  complained  of  for  plundering.  -    - 


64  to  72 
76.  7.  » 



99,  too 


■44.5.  ft 

'S3.  4 


:  82x185 

25».  3.  4 

259,  60 


Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 


CHARLES  I.  King,  Ms  Menage  to  the  Parlia- 
ment, requiring  an  Anfwer  to  his  late  Pro- 
poGtions  for  Peace.         —  —    ■ 

His  Loft  at  the  taking  of  Waktfieli  by  the  Par- 
liament's Forces,  Account  of.     -     - 

*--  Proclamation  forbidding  Obedience  to  the 
Parliament,  and  for  inviting  the  Members 
to  him  at  Oxford,        ■ ■     - 

"The  remarkable  good  Succefs  of  his  Armies  in 
the  Norm  and  Weft.  

His  Declaration  to  the  whole  Kingdom  on  this 
Occafion.  ...  i.   ■  > 

-  Dangerous  Pofitions  published  agaiiift  him,  Par- 

ticulars of.  ' ...    . 

-  Lays  Siege  to  the  City  of  Glouetfttr, 

His  Palaces  protected  by  the  Parliament  from 
being  plundered.  .  »  — 

RaJfes  the  Siege  of  Gloutijitr.  *  ■    ■« 

His  whole  Revenue,  &c  fequeftred"  by  Parlia- 
ment, i    i  -■-  i 

Agrees  to  a  Ccflation  of  Arms  with  the  Irifl> 
Rebels.  : 

His  Name  and  Authority  greatly  abufed  by  the 
Stott,  Inftance  of.  — 

—  Letter,  Abftratt  of,  to  the  Privy-Council  of 

Scotland  oiKthis  Occafion.      - 
n         —  ■  ■  to  the  Sects  Council  of  State  againft 

marching  their  Army  into  England.  —» 
Creates  Sir  Ralph  Hapten  a  Peer.  -  -  - 
Calls  a  Convention  of  Members  of  both  Honfes 

to  meet  him  at  Oxford.     -      -      - 
His  Proclamation  for  this  Purpofe,  Form  of. 

—  Letter  to  the  City  of  London,  relating  to  a 

Treaty  of  Peace  between  him  and  the  City. 

—  Speech  to  the  Peers  and  Commons  at  open- 

ing the  Convention.  ■■ 

—  fecond  Speech  to  them.        — —        — 
S—  Letter  to  the  Parliament  at  Weflnunfttrt  de- 

defiring  a  Treaty  for  Peace.      - 
■*—  Privy-Seal  for  borrowing  Money,  Copy  of. 

to.  thi 

Vol.    Page, 

263,  * 
*75»  6 


33°  '*3  V 



447.  * 


46  11  4 

65,  6 

_    84,  5. ' 

Jglzecy  GOOgk 

Vol.    Pagt, 

tkion  ofl      | 

rd.      —  13   Ii6rtii8 

-      -    -  13   II*«I2« 

lAjfJi  anil  I 

Parl'tamntary  Wftory  of  EmglabD, 
CHARLES  I.  Xing,  his  Anfwer  to  a  Petition 
the  Lords  and  Commons  at  Oxford. 
His  Speech  to  them  at  their  Reccfs. 

—  younger  Children,  the  Lady  Elizabeth  and 

the  Duke  of  lork,  forcibly  detained  at  St. 

Jamti's  by  the  Parliament.     -     -     -     - 
Orders  fome  Forces  from  Inland  to  his  Amft- 

ance  againft  the  Scott.         — 
His  great  Defeat  at  Selby  by  the  Parliament's 

Forces,  Account  oft  —  — 

—  Proclamation  for  the  better  Maintenance  of 

his  Ganifon  at  Oxford.  — 

—  Succefs  againft  the  Parliament's  Forces  at 

Crepredy- Bridge.         — —  ___ 

—  Menage  for  Peace  on  that  Occafion.    -    - 

—  great  Defeat  at  Adarjlan  Moor,  Account  of. 

—  Letter  to  the  Karl  of  EJfex  relating  to  Peace. 
Obtains  a  complete  Victory  over  the  Earl  of 

EJfix'a  Forces  in  Cornwall. 
His  Letter  to  the  Elector  Palatini,  concerning 
his  coming  into  England.  ■        i. 

—  Meflage  to  the  Parliament  for  Peace.    -    ■ 

—  fijft  Anfwer  to  the  Parliament's  new  Pro- 

poutions  for  Peace.  —  — 

—  farther  Anfwer  to  them,  — 
Appoints  a  Faft  on  Account  of  the  Treaty  at 

Uxbridgt.  . 

Bis  Treaty  with  the  Parliament  proves  abortive, 

—  Succefs  on  opening  the  Campaign  in  1645. 
The  Situation  of  bis  Army  at  this  Time,  Ac- 
count of.  — —  

His  Army  intirely  routed  by  Sir  Tbsmat  Fairfax. 
at  Notify.  —  !■■  11  — 

Lofea  his  Cabinet  there.  ■ 

His  bad  Situation  on  this  Defeat,  Particulars  of. 

—  Letters  taken  from  him  ttNafiiy,  fome  Ac- 

count of,  with  the  Parliament's  Obferva- 
tions  thereupon. 

—  Children  at  St.  Jamti'ty  how  provided  for 

by  the  Parliament.  — 

—  bad  Succefs  near  Cbefttrt  Account  of. 

»7*>  3»  ■* 
74.  S»  6 




*34.  S 



»42.  3 
»3.  4 








336. 7 


















62  to  65 

::;■  GOOgle 


N  .  D      E 

CHARLES  I.  King,  efrtpes  with  a  eonfiderable 

Body  of  Horfc  to  Newark.      -       * 
.   His  bad  Succefs  at  Sherburne  and  Tiverton,  Ac- 
count of.  —  

—  Letter  to  the  Marquis  of  Ormtnd,  felting 
forth  his  diftrefled  Condition,  and  requi- 
ring a  fpeedy  Supply  of  Men*  Artillery, 
ana  Ammunition  from  Inland,      -     -     - 

— to  Prince  Ruptrt  on  the  fame  Sub- 

— .  -  —  to  the  Marquii  of  Ormtnd,'  for  ad- 
mitting the  Marquis  of  Clanrickard  a  Pi  i- 
vy-Courriellor  in  Inland.  — — 

ing  Com  millions  to  the  Roman  Catholics 
in  that  Kingdom.  —  ■ 

the  Concluiicn  of  a  Peace  there. 

— -  Affairs  reprefented  by  an  anonymous  Letter 
from  Newark.  —  ■  . 

Difcharges  Prince  Rupert  from  his  Service,  and 
on  what  Account. 

His  Meffage  in  December,  1645,  to  the  Parlia- 
ment for  Peace.         .  ■ 

—  fecond  and  third  Meffages  of  this  Month 

to  the  fame  Purpofe.  — 

< —  Meffage  to  both  Houfes  on  the  Receipt  of 

an  Anfwer  to  his  two  firft  Meflages  of  this 

Month  for  Peace.        —  — — 

—  fifth  Menage  for  Peace,  before  his  receiving 

the  Parliament's  Anfwer  to  his  two  laft. 
— -  fixth  Menage,  requiring  an  Anfwer  to  all 

his  former.  ■  ■  -—  ■    ■ 

Appoints  his  Son,  the  Prince  of  tPalety  General 

of  all  his  Forces  in  England.  — 

His  Reply  to  the  Parliament's  laft  Anfwer. 
•—  Meffage  to  both  Houfes,  in  Vindication  of 

himfelf  againft  a  Charge  of  entering  into 

a  Treaty  with  the  Irtjb  Rebels  in  i645> 

with  farther  Propofals  for  Peace.      I  j^. 

How  ju  dined  frQin  the  above  Charge  by  Lord 

Clarendon,  ■   ■      .  |T^ 

to  the 

Vol.     Pag<t 


98,  9 

U    60 

106,  7,  J 




iHze^y  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Wjlory  of  Engla 

CHARLES  I.  King,  his  remarkable  Commiilion 
granted  to  the  Earl  of  Glamorgan  in  1644. 
His  farther  Menage  for  Peace.      - 

—  MefTage  for  Peace  again  repeated,  and 

what  Manner.  ■ .  — 

Orders  of  Parliament  concerning  him,  in  Cafe 

he  attempted  to  go  to  London. 
His  diftrefled  Condition,  Account  of.     ■  ■ 
Leaves  Oxford  in  Difguife.  ■  — 

Throws  himfelf  into  the  Hands  of  the  Scots  Ar- 
my before  Newark.  •  ■  --■- 
Commands  the  Surrender  of  that  Town  to  the 

Parliament's  Forces.       — *- 
Conveyed  to  Neutcafllt  by  the  Scots. 
His  Letter  from  thence  to  the  Parliament.      — 
'  ■  to  Sir  Thomas  GUmbam 

to  furrender  Oxford.        

»  ■■  ■     '    '    to    the  Parliament    of 

Scotland.  _ 

■  ■'      to  the  City  of  London. 

*-■"—  — ^—  to  the  Marquis  of  Or- 

maud.  Lord -Lieutenant  of  Ireland,  con- 
cerning his  Reafons  for  going  to  the  Scots 

—  -—  —  ■  ■  ■-  to  the  Parliament,  for  a 

fpeedy  Difpatcli  of  their  Proportions  for 
Peace  to  him.  ■■■■  ■  ■  ■■  ■ 

—  Order  for  furrendering  all  his  Garrifons. 

—  Letter  to  the  Marquis  of  Ormond,  forbidding 

any  further  Treaty  with-  the  Irifk  Rebels. 

—  intercepted  Letter  to  the  Prince  of  Wales  in 

the  Ifle  of  Jerfey.        

—  Affairs  in  England,  State  of  in  June,  1646. 

—  Anfwcr  to  a  Petition  from  the  Scots  Army 

at  NeweaflU.  

_  to  the  Parliament's  Requeft  of  fur- 
rendering  up  all  bis  Garrifons  in  Ireland. 

— -  public  and  private  Seals,  how  difpofed  on 

by  the  Parliament.        

— -  Anfwerto  the  Parliament's  oewPropoutions 

for  Peace,  prefented  at  NewcafiU.  — 

•*■  Reafons  for  not  aflenting  thereto.        — — 

■  F 

Nfi.  Si 

Vol.    Page. 

3°+.  5 
i  3"i 
t    >3.'7 



405,  6,  7 

407,  8,  9 




49*  5Q 

50,  3.  4 



[.ze^y  GOOgle 

82  I      N      D      E    '  X    to  the 

CHARLES  I.  King,  his  going  into  Scotland  op- 

pofcdby  fheCommillioners  of  the  General 

Aflembly  of  the  Kirk,  and  how.       

Refolution  of  the  Scoti Parliament  againft  him. 

Particulars  of.  •■ 

His  Mcf&ge  thereupon  .to  the  Parliament  at 


—  Removal  from  NewcaftU  to  Haldenby  Houfe 

in  Narthampttnjbirty  determined   by  the 

Parliament.  -    ■  ■■     ■  ■■— 

-—-  Children  at  5/.  James's,  State  of  in  Decern 

ber  1646.  ■ — 

Information  againft  him,  touching  an  Attempt 

to  make  his  Efcape  from  Ntweafttt.      ■ — 
His  Letter  to  the  Parliament,  concerning  their 

Vote  for  his  Removal  to  Heldtnby.        — 
— -  Queries  to  the  Parliament's  Commiffioners 

appointed  to  receive  him  from  the  Scots 

Delivered  over  to  them  by  Confent  of  the  Scots 
Parliament.         -   —        

Complaint  againft  him  for  writing  in  Cyphers 
to  the  French  Agent,  ■ —  — — 

His  Arrival  at  Holdenby,  Account  of.  ■ 

Various  Opinions,  as  to  his  being  Ibid  by  the 
Scots,  Particulars  of.       —  — '  ■ 

His  Letter  to  the  Parliament,  requefting  the  At- 
tendance of  fome  of  his  Chaplains.      .   — 

How  narrowly  watched  by  his  Guardians,  Ac- 
count of.  — —  ■ 

HU  Anfwer  to  the  Proportions  for  Peace  p  rcfent- 
ed  to  him  at  NewcaJiU,  

Taken  away  from  Haldenby  by  a  Party  of  Hoife 
from  the  Army  commanded  by  Cornet 
Jtytt.  ^—  .  

His  Menage  to  the  Parliament  on  that  Occalion. 

Account  of  his  being  conducted  -to  NeSumarket. 

His  public  Difcourie  with  Cornet  Joyce  at  Hoi- 

Invited  by  the  Parliament  to  remove  from  New- 
market to  Richmond,         • ■  — 


258.   9 



.  18 
31 8  to  326 
3*8»  9 
346,  7 
368  to  374 

3«6»  7 
399'   400 



IgUzecsy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  lljfiory  of  EngI and. 

CHARLES  I.   King,    Refolution    of   the  Peers 

agiinft  his  going  to  Richmond.  •    —    16 

Letter  to  him  from  the  Parliament  on  this  Oc- 

His  Chaplains  permitted  by  the  Army  to  come 

to  him,  and  officiate  in  Divine  Service. 
Vole  of  the  Parliament  again  ft  his  going  to 

Richmond.  *-■■■■—  -    ■         16 

Prohibited  by  the  Parliament  from  coming  nearer 

to  London  th^an  where  the  Quarters  of  the 

Army  were  allowed  to  be.  

Hii  Remove  to  Windfors  Account  of.        — — 
— -  Letter  to  the  Duke  of  Tori,  appointing  an 

Interview.  , —  —  .  -— 

Obtains  the  Confcnt  of  the  Parliament  to  this 

Purpofe.  ■      i 

DeCred  by  the  Parliament  to  come  to  London. 
Hii  Declaration,  difa  vowing  any  Defign  in  him 

to  levy  War  againft  the  Parliament.       — 

—  Letter  to  Sir  Thomas  Fairfax  on  this  Oc  ■ 

Removes  to  Hampton-Court.         —  

Hij  Anfwer  to  tile  Parliament's  Propositions  for 
Peace,  prefented  to  him  at  Hampton-Court. 

Kfcapes  from  thence.  ~= —  

His  Letter  to  Lord  Montague  on  that  Occalion. 

—  Meffage  to  the  Parliament         —  — 
— '  Letter  to  Col.  Whalej. 

Anonymous  Letter  to  him,  advifing  his  Efcape, 

Throws  him/elf  into  the  Hands  of  Col.  Ham- 
mond in  the  IfU  of  Wight.         —         — 

Hb  Meffage  from  thence  to  the  Parliament  16 

—  — —  to  the  Parliament,  defiring  a  Per- 
fonal  Treaty.  16 

«—  Anfwer  to  the  Parliament's  four  Bills,  and 
their  other  Propofitions  for  Peace  preterit 
ed  to  him  in  the  Ifli  of  Wight.  16 

Votes  of  the  Parliament  againft  any  further  Ad- 
drefs  to  him..  ■■     ■    —  ■-  -116 

The  Number  of  his  Servants  reduced  by  thel 

Parliament.  ■  — — .  16 

Fa  C 



196,  203 

205,  6 


325.  6.  7 
327.  8 



+83.  4.  S 


Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 

2+        •  I     N     D      E     X    to  the 

CHARLES  I.  King,  his  Declaration  on  Occafion 
of  the  Votes  againft  any  farther  Addrefs 

to  him.  ■■• ■  _— 

His  Anfwer  to  the  Parliament's  Votes  for  a  Pcr- 

fonal  Treaty.  —  — — 

Affront  put  upon  him  by  the  Commons,  In- 
stance of.  — ■  ■  ■  

His  intercepted  Letter  to  the  Parliament  of  Scat- 

—v  Letter  to  the  Parliament,  fignifying  his  Ac- 
ceptance of  their  Offer  of  a  Treaty.      — 

Lift  of  fuch  Perfons  whole  Attendance  he 

defired  in  the  IJlt  of  Wight.  

Anfwer  to  the  Parliament's  Letter  relating  to 

their  Commifltoners  for  the  Treaty.      — 

—  Proceedings  with  the  Commiffioners  upon 

the  firft  Propofition  of  the  Treaty  for  re- 
calling all  his  Declarations,  Wr.  againft  the 
Parliament.  ■  — 

—  Paper  fignifying  his  Confent  thereto.     - 
— -  own  Proportions  for  Peace  delivered  to  the 


■■     ■■  -   ■  ■  rejected  by  them.        — ■  — 

—  Paper  in  Juftification  of  his  Propofitions.  — 

—  fecond  Paper  to  the  fame  Purpofe.  * 
— —  Letter  to  the  Parliament  touching  the  Pro 

politions  which  their  Commiffioners  refufed 
to  accept,  — 

—  firft  Paper  in  Anfwe-r  to  the  Propofition  con- 

cerning the  Church.  ■  — 

—  final  Anfwer  thereto.         . 

—  firft  Anfwer  to  the  Propofition  concerning  the 

Militia,  ■  - 

— --  farther  Anfwer,  fignifying  his  Affent  to  this 

Propofition.  — — -  —  ■ . 

— ~  Anfwer  concerning  the  Church,  roted  unfa- 

tis  factory.  — —  ,  

—  Anfwer,  declaring  his  Confent  to  the  Parlia- 

ment's Propofition  concerning  Inland.  — 

—  ^  to  the  Propofition  concerning  public 

Debts  and  Damages.  .    .  ■  — 


i=y  Google 

Parliamentary  Hiftory  of  England.  85 

CHARLES  I.  King,  his  final  Anfwer  and  Con. 
ient  to  the  Piopofuion  concerning  public 
Debts  and  Damages.  —  

His  Anfwer,  declaring  his  Aflent  to  the  Propofi- 
tion  for  making  void  all  Honours  conferred 
fince  May,  1642.  '  ■        

~  ■'  '  to  the  Proportions  concerning  De- 
linquents.   ^-  # 

—  further  PropoGt  ions  with  relation  tohimfelf. 
__ —     -1  ■     1        accepted  by  the  Lords.  - 

—  final  Anfwer  concerning  the  Church.    — 

—  Anfwer  of  Content  to  the  Proportion  con- 

cerning the  Nomination  of  Officers.     — 

—  -  —  1  con- 
cerning the  City  of  London.     *—     

—  ■■■  '■■  -..I  con- 
cerning the  Great  Seal.      —  — 

—  -■  -  -  ' con- 
cerning the  Court  of  Wards.  .  ■ 

—  Paper  touching  the  Expiration  of  the  Treaty. 

—  Anfwer  to  the  Commiffioners  Defires,  with 

regard  to  Lord  Qrmond.      -  ■  -    ■ 

—  final  Anfwer  concerning  Inland.     —      — 

—  Anfwer  to  the  Commiffioners' Paper  concern- 

ing his  Exceptions  as  to  the  Church.     — 

—  farther  Anfwer  on  this  Head.       —        — 

—  Paper  relating  to  his  own  Propofitions.     — 

—  laft  Paper,  in  Anfwer  to  the  Affair  of  the 


—  Rcqucft  to  fome  of  the  Commiffioners  who 

left  the  Ifle  of  JVight  before  the  Expiration 
of  the  Treaty.         ■   .     ■  ■  — 

—  Anfwer  to  feveral  Refolutions  of  the  Parlia- 

ment concerning  the  Treaty.       —        — 

—     touching  the  new  Catechifm.     »■■ 

Votes  of  both  Houfes  in  his  Favour  as  to  his  own 

His  farther  Anfwer  about  the  Marquis  of  Qrmond. 

—  final  Anfwer  concerning  that  Loid.  ' 

•—  further  Anfwer  concerning  the  Abolition  of 

Cifhops,  the  Sale  of  their  Lands,  &c.  — 

Vtl.     Pap. 

80,  r 


91  u  56 










1 4.1 




I50»  * 
150.  7 


lizecy  GOOgk 


I      N      D      E 

to  the 
CHARLES  I.  King,  his  final  Anfwer  with  regard 

to  the  Church.        —        — : — 

His  Anfwer  touching  the  Parliament's  Votes  up 
on  his  own  Propositions. — — 

—  further  Anfwer  concerning  Delinquents.  — 
r—  final  Anfwer  on  this  Head.  ■■  ■  — — 
• —  Anfwer,  as  to  Delinquents  fince  January, 

.—-  final  Anfwer  concerning  the  Marquis  of  Or- 

»—  Letter  to  that  Lord,  requiring  htm  to  defilt 
from  further  Proceedings  in  Inland.     — 

—•  Anfwer  to  the  Parliament's  additional  Pro- 
poiitions  concerning   Scotland.       -•     •<  - 

»—  final  Anfwer,  as  to  Bifhops  and  the  Sale  of 
their  Linda,        

- —  private  Letters  to  the  Marquis  of  OrmenA. 

i— -  Speech  to  the  Commiflioners  at  their  taking 

Leaveofhim.  18:28 

m—  Queries,  on  occafion  of  the  Army's  large  Re- 
monftrance.  ■■  

•—-  Letter  of  Advice  to  the  Prince  of  Walts,  on 
the  Conclufion  of  the  Treaty.         . 

—  Removal  from  Ntwpsrt  to  tiurft  Caflle  by 

the  Army,  Account  of.       -,...—         , 
^'  Declaration  concerning  the  Treaty,  and  his 

Diflikeof  the  Army's  Proceedings.     

•—-  Anfwers  to  the  Parliament's  Proportions 
defended,  and  the  great  Advantages  ac- 
cruing to  the  Nation  by  his  ConcelBons, 
Particulars  of.  . 

—  Anfwers  voted    by  both   Houfcs  to   be 

Ground  for  them  to  proceed  upon  for  the 

Settlement  of  the  Peace  of  the  Kingdom. 

Rcfolution  of  the  Commons  to  proceed  capitally 

again  ft  him.  ■■  ■  ■  ■■■■  ■ 

Removed  to  Windfer  Caflle.        ■ 

Declared  guilty  of  High  Treafon  by  the  Com- 

Brought  before  the   High  Cour 
•  fViflmnfttr-Hall,  — 

of  Juflice  i 

18  248*4251 

18  272 
18  273***75 

18  275,  <* 

18  276 

18 ■ 276,  7 


18' 278,  9 
18.279,  8a 

18   281,   2 

18  284/0286 


18  293/0295 


18. 356/. 367 

3/2,  3.  4 

446,  7 



18  514 

)]i:»^y  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hi/lory  of  England.         By 

y»l.     Page. 
CHARLES  I.  King,  his  Death  prejudged  by  the 

Commons,  and  by  what  Circumftance. —  ib  514 
Applications,  in  Favour  of  his  Life,  by  the  Prince 

tfWaltu  18  515,  16 

-,  by  the  Scon 


-,  by  the  Dutch 


Beheaded.         .     ■—  ■  — 

His  Body,  how  difpofed  of  by  the  Commons.  • 

—  His  Character,  as  to  his  Skill  in  the  Liberal 

CHARLES  II.  King,  proclaimed  King  of  Scotland 
at  Edinburgh,  ■  

Lands  in  the  Ifle  of  Jirfiy,  with  a  fmatl  Retimu 

His  Declaration  fiom  thence  to  his  Subjects  of 

Arms  in  Churches,  He.  taken  down  by  the 


Lands  in  Scotland. 

His  Declaration  publiflied  there,  with  the  Com- 
mons' Anfwer  thereto.         ——         — — 

How  treated  by  the  Setts  after  their  Defeat  at 

Crowned  King  of  Scotland  at  Secant.  —  — 
How  menaced  from  the  Pulpit  on  that  Occafion, 
Marches  with  an  Army  of  Scats  towards  England. 
His  Arrival  there,  fome  Account  of.  —    — — 

—  Letter  to  Gen.  Majfty,  concerning  the  Mi- 

nifters  of  Lancajhirt.        -■-■  — 

Arrives  at  fVorctflir  with  his  Army.         ■■—  ■ 
Declared  a  Traitor  by  the  Commons.    —     — 
His  Summons  to  Col.  Macktotrth,  for  the  Ren- 
dition of  the  Town  and  Caftle  of  Sbrrwf- 

—  Letter  therewith.  

How  anfwered.  —  ■  -    I 

His  Motions  in  and  about  JVcrctfttr.        ~—  i  I 

•—  general  Summons  to  the  Kingdom,  I»w[ 
treated  by  the  Commons.    — -     -* — J 

54*  "544 




*94       ' 
359  f«  386 

456,  7 


27.  8 
33.  4 
42.  3 

°l  43 

lizecy  GOOgk 


I      N      D 

X    to  the 

CHARLES  II.  King,  his  total  Defeat  Uy  Gene- 
ral Cromwell,  Particulars  of.       —       — 
Reward  for  apprehending  him,  what.        — — 
His  gallant  Behaviour  at  the  Battle  of  Worccfttr. 

—  remarkable  Efcape  into  Franco.  —  — 
Defperate  Situation  of  his  Affairs.  —  ■ 
His  Letter  of  Encouragement  to  his  Friends  in 

—  Titles  abrogated  by  the  Parliament.  ■ 
■—-  Application  to  Gen.  Mvnkt  for  rcftoiing  him. 

—  Letter  to  the  Peers  on  the  fame  Account. 

—  Declaration  for  compofing  the  DiftracVtons  of 

the  Nation.  ■    ■  -  ■  ■  ■ 

—  Letter  to  theHoufeof  Commons  thereupon. 
— «  -  to  Gen.  Monie  and  the  Council  of 


— —  — — -to  the  Lord  Mayor  and  City  of  London 
How  anfwered  by  the  Peers.         —  ...  — 

■— by  the  Commons.  —         — 

i by  the  Lord  Mayor  and  City  of 

London.  — 

Manner  of  proclaiming  him,  Account  of.    — 
His  fpeedy  Return  voted  for  by  both  Houfes.  —  1 22 
■— -  Letter  to  the  Lords  on  landing  in  England. 

—  Proclamation  concerning  the  Irijh  Rebels. 

—  ■— for'keeping  the  Peace.      

Arrival  at  Whitehall.  

— -  Anfwer  to  an  Addrefs  from  the  Speaker  of 

the  Houfc  of  Lords.        - - 

— r~    .      .     to  an  Addrefs  from  the  Speaki 

the  Houfe  of  Commons.     — 

— -  Entry  into  London,  Manner  of.     —      — 

—  Proclamation  againft  the  Murderers  of  the 

late  King.  ■ 

— -  Menage  to  the  Commons  for  expediting  th> 

Bill  of  Indemnity.  — 

Creates  Gen.  Duke    of  Albemarle.  — 

•      Obtains  a  Grant  for  a  Poll-Tax.     —     —     — 

His  Speech  to  the  Lords  for  battening  the  Bill  of 

Indemnity.      —      —      — 











237.  8 




244.  5»  6 
247.  8 
259,  60 


269, 70, ( 


309,  10 
311,  12 


3'2,  13 


3'6.  >7 


3>9.  20 
320  /s  323 


339.  40 


349.  50 
392.  3 



Jglzecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hiftory  of  England.  $9 

Vol,      P*fi. 

CHARLES  II.  King,  obtains  a  Grant  for  Ton- 
nage and  Poundage,         — ■  — — 

Obtains  a  Grant  for  a  Continuance  of  the  Excife. 
His  Anfwer  to  a  Meflage  from  the  Lords,  con- 
cerning the  Court  of  Wards.     —       — 

—  ■  from  the  Commons, 

concerning  the  Money  Bill.  ■  ■      — 

—  Speech  on  palling  the  Aci  of  Indemnity. 

—  Clemency  on  that  Occalion,  Remarks  on. 

—  Meflage  to  the  Lords,  concerning  a  Recefs. 

—  prefent  Supply,  how  provided  for.    ■ —    — 

—  Speech  to  both  Houfe  s  on  their  Adjournment. 

—  Menage  to  the  Lords  concerning  a  Oiflblu- 

tion  of  the  Parliament.         ■   ■  — 

—  fettled  Revenue  in  lieu  of  the  Courtof  Wards. 

—  Meflage  to  the  Commons  for  a  fpeedy  Dif- 

patch  of  their  Bufinefs.        ■ 

—  Speech  to  the  Parliament  at  their  Di  Ablution. 
CHAUCER,  Sir  Thomas,  chofen  Speaker  to  the 

Houfe  of  Commons,  Anno  1407.       — — 
!    Complains  to  the  Parliament  of  National  Grie- 
vances. — -  ■ 
I    Chofen  Speaker  a  fecund  Time,  Anns  14.10. 

Refrained  by  the  King  from  fpeaking  any  Thing 
|  in  Prejudice  of  the  Royal  Prerogative. 

Elected  Speaker  again,  Anno  1414.       — 
jCHEDWORTH,  John,  Bijhop  of  Lincoln,  opens 

the  Seflion  of  Parliament  in  1453. 

1  CHENEY,  Lord  Henry,  when  firft  fummoned  to 
Parliament.  •  — — 

CHENEY,  Sir  John,  chofen  Speaker  for  the  Houfe 
of  Commons  in  1399.       r         — 

CHESHIRE,  County  of,  when  firft  made  a  Prin- 
cipality, and  by  whom.         —         ■ 
Neutrality  agreed  upon,  in  that  County  during 
the  Civil  War,  quafhed  by  the  Parliament. 

CHESTER,  who  made  the  firft  hereditary  Earl 
of  that  Name.  -. 









460,  i,  2 
46a.  3 
466, 7 
479.  48.1 
483. 4.  s 






66,  7 
88 1.90 
















1 6s,  6 





,l,zec;y  GOOgk 


I      N 

X    to 

CHESTER,  Earl  if,  his  (harp  Rep];  to  the  De- 
mand of  King  Henry  III.  at  a  Convention 

His  Rcmonftrance  to  the  King  in  Favour  of  De 

Burgh.  ■  — 

CHESTER,  Btjboprici  ef,  when  firft  erefled. 
CHESTER,  City  <f,  taken  by  the  Parliamer 


Infurre&ion  there  in  Favour  of  King  Charles  II. 
CHICHESLY,  Henry,  Arthbijhtp  »f  Canterbury, 
his  Speech  to  King  Henry  V.  in  order  to 
encourage  a  War  with  France.          • 
His  Speech  at  opening  the  Parliament  in  14,22. 
w       -  ■    ■  to  the  Commons,  in  Favour  of  Mar- 
tin V.  Pope  of  Rime.         

CHIESLEY,  Sir  Jebn,  his  Letter  of  Credence 
from  the  Committee  of  the  Eftates  in  Seet- 
land,  appointing  him  their  Agent  to  the 
Parliament  of  kn»lanrf. 
CHOLMLEY,  Sir  Hugh,  appointed  one  of  the 
Parliament's  Commifiioners  to  attend  King 
Charlei  I.  in  Ysr-'-jhirel     •     -  ■  ■ 

Appointed  Governor  of  the  Caftk  at  Scarbrough. 
Deferts  the  Parliament's  Service.  . 

Expelled  the  Houfe  of  Commons  on  this  Occa- 
fion,  and  an  Impeachment  of  High  Trea- 
fon  ordered  againft  him.       —  ■ 

CHOLMLEY,  Sir  Henry,  appointed  one  of  the 
Parliament's  Commifiioners  to  attend  King 

Cbarlei  I.  in  Yorkshire.  —      

CHRISTMAS-DAY,  when  kept  as  a  Fait,  and 

by  whofe  Appointment.  - 

Order  of  the  Commons  for  abolifliing  that  Fe- 

CHURCH,  abfentingfrom,  Debate  about  it  in  the 
Houfe  of  Commons.        ■■—  — — 

Reftoring  to,  Debate  thereon.  ■ 

The  Government  thereof  propofed  to  be  altered, 

and  how.  —  — 

Reformation  of,  \j  the  Commons,  itnd  in  what 
Particulars  i 


Vtl.    Pigt. 

-v  Google 

Parliamentary  Hi/lory  of  England. 

CHURCH,  Order  for  a  farther  Reformation  1 
therein,  J 

Government  thereof,  how  fettled  by  an  Ordi- 
nance of  Parliament.  —  —    - 
CHURCH   of  England,    its  Feftivals  and  Fails 


CHURCHES,  when  firft  endowed,  and  by  whom. 

Their  mean  Building  and  Appearance  in  the 

primitive  Times,  Account  of.  — — - 

CHUTE,  Cbaloxer,  Efq;  chofen  Speaker  for  the 

Commons  in  1658.  — —        ■■-■■, 

His  had  State  of  Health  at  that  Time.        ' 

— —  Requeft  for  a  Discharge  from  his  Office. 
CITIZENS,  when  firft  elected  to  ferve  in  Par- 
liament, and  at  whofe  Command,      — — - 
Their  Summons  by  Royal  Authority  to  the  Par- 
liament in  1282,  Form  of.        —         — 
Number  for  every  City  fummoned  to  Par- 
liament in  1307.            -                      1    ■■ 
CIVIL  WAR  between  King  John  and  his  Ba- 
rons, how  occafioned.       —  

King  Henry  III. 

and  the  Barons.  ■     1     ■ 

■  — — —  King  Edward  II. 

and  the  Barons.  

■  — --                   the  Hwifct  of  Ttri 
and  Lemeqfler,  Account  of.  

—        ■ ■        -— '  —  King    Cbarlti    I, 

and  his  Parliament,  when  commenced. 

Debate  thereon  by  the  Commons,  > 

CLANRICKARD,  Marquis  $f.     See  Burgh. 
CLARE,  Richard*  Earl  of  Gloucijler  and  Hert- 
ford, his  Offer  to  aflift  King  Henry  III, 
agairul  the  King  of  Caflilt.       —         — 
Appointed  one  of  the  Barons  Committee  to  re- 
form the  State.  

-■    -■■  ■  one  of  the  King's  Council.         ■  ■ 
m—  '  one  of  the   Barons  Committee  to 

treat  of  an  Aid  for  the  King.     —       — 























21,  23 











375> '.  7 


Jtflize^y  GOOgle 


N      D      E      X    to  the 

CLARE,  Gilbert,  Earl  of  Gloucifler  and  Hertford 
appointed  one  of  the  Regents  on  the  Deatl 

of  King  Henry  III.  —  

His  Anfwer  to  the  Demand  of  King  Edward  I. 

for  an  Aid.  ■  

His  Alliance  with  Pierce  Gaveftan,  Earl  of  Com- 

'  —  Death,  Account  of.  —  ■ 

CLARENDON,  Earl  of.    See  Hyde,  Ed.  Efr, 
CLARENDON,  Town  of,  a  Convention  of  the 

Eftates  of  the  Realm  held  there  in  1 164. 
CLARKE,  Edward,  Efq;  cenfured  by  the  Com- 
mons for  reflecting  on  their  Houfe.        — 
CLARKE,  Mr.  Alderman,  of  Bury,  his  Letter 

concerning  Tome  Disturbances  in  Suffolk.      17 
CLERKE,  Dr.  his  Account  of  the  Surrender  of 

Stirling  Caftle  to  the  Commons,       ■ 

His  Account  of  the  Succefs  of  their  Forces  at 

CLEMENT  V.  Pope  of  Rome,  abfolves   King 
Edward  I.  from  the  Oath  he  had  taken 

to  obferve  Magna  Cbarta,  ■ ■ 

His  Declaration  thereupon.         ■  ■ 

—  Extortions  from  the  Churches  and  Mona- 

fteries  in  England.       • ■ 

How  oppofed  therein  by  the  Earls  and  Barons. 

CLEMENT  VII.  Pope,  his  Anfwer  to  a  Letter 

from  the  Parliament,  touching  the  Divorce 

of  Queen  Catharine.      — — 

His  Exhortation  to  King  Henry  VIII.  for  put- 
ting away    Ann  Baltyn,    and  taking   the 

Queen  again.  --■  ■■■■  — . r     3 

— t-  Propofal  to  the  King  for  a  Reconciliation.       3 

■  how  received.         —         ■  3 

■ —  Power  in  England  abpliflied,  and  by  what 

Means.  —      ■       3 

CLEMENT   XI.  Pope,    his  Contefl  with  Ur- 
ban VI.  for  the  Papal  Chair.  ■ 

CLEMENCY,  remarkable   Inftance  of,  in  the 
Petfon  of  King  Henry  VI,      —        1 



28  to  31 




Jglzecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hjfiory  of  England. 

CLERGY,  their  hard  Ufage  by  King  Henry  I. 

Particulars  of.  ■■  ■ 

Tlieir  eafy  Situation  under  bis  Succeflbr,  King 

Stephen.  ■      i   ■■   .  j 

How  taxed  by  K.  Rich.  I.  and  on  what  Occafion. 

-  by  King  Jebn. 
""**  %Hem 

by  King  Henry  III.  in  the  ninth  Year 

of  his  Reign.  

in  the  lixteenth 


Their  Proteft  againft  the  King's  Demand  for 

more  Money.  -,.-..—  — 

—  Committee  appointed  to  consider  of  his 

Propofal,  Lift  of.       

Are  tampered  with  feparately  by  the  King,  to 
comply  with  his  Requeft.         —  — 

Their  memorable  Anfwer.       —  .,-■■■ 

How  opprefled  by  the  Pope.  —  — 

Their  Complaint  of  his  Exactions  at  a  Conven- 
tion in  125a.  — -  — 
— *  ftout  Anfwer  to  the  Demands  of  the  King, 

and  the  Pope's  Legate,  for  a  Supply. 

Free  Gift  to  King  Edward  I.    —    

How  retrained  from  accumulating  Lands,  i£t. 

with  regard  to  capital  Crimes. 

Their  Grant  to  the  King  in  1282.    —    

- —  Power  further  reftrained.  - 

— —  Grant  to  the  King  in  1295,      —    

—  Refufal  to  grant  him  a  Subfidy  in  1296. 

■ Reafon  for  it.  ■  

— ■  Lands  and  Pofleffions  feized  to  the  King's 

Ufe.  .  

Sentence  for  putting  them  out  of  the  King's  Pro- 
tection, Form  of.  ■  -  — 
Their  Miferies  confequent  thereupon.  ■  ■ 
——  Method  of  Reconciliation  with  the  King. 
Ordinance  againft  them  .in  1297,  Account  of. 
Their  Subfidy  granted,  that  Year  for  carrying  on 

the  War  againft  Scotland.       — 

*■      — •  granted  to  K,  Edw.  II.  in  1308. 

Excufc  for  refuting  an  Aid  in  1319.  ---  ■ 




44.  4* 







"3.  4 



,l,zec;y  GOOgle 


I      N      0      E      X    to 

CLERGY,  their  Grant  to.  the  King  by  virtue  of 
the  Pope's  Licenfe,  ■  — 

Their  Subfidy  in  1322.  

Grant  to  King  Edward  III.  for  his  Expe- 
dition againft  the  Scots  in  1334-    —      — 

_— . forcarrying  on 

the  War  againft  Scotland  and  France.    — 

—  Grant  for  the  French  War  in  1337.    

—  farther  Grant  that  Year.        —  — - 

—  Subfidy  granted  for  compleating  the  King's 
Conquefts  in  France,  ■ — ■  — 

—  Requefts  and  Complaints  to  him  at  the 
Parliament  in  13+r.  —  — 

—  large  Grant  to  the  King  in  1343,  for  the 
French  War.  ■  ■■ 

Aid  to  thatPurpofe  in  1344. — 

How  requited  in  Confideration  thereof.       

Lift  of,  employed  about  the  King  in  1362.  — 
Commanded  to  refift  the  French  in  cafe  of  an 

Invalion.  — 

Their  Aid  granted  tn  137 1  for  the  War.       — 
Prohibited  from  holdin^thegreatOffices  of  State. 
Their  Grant  to  King  Richard  II.  at  the  Parlia- 
ment in  1377.  - — 

How  rated  on  Account  of  a  Poll-Tax  in  1378. 
Their  Proteft  againft  enlarging  the  Power  of 

Juftices  of  the  Peace.       

How  anfwered  by  the  King.      

Their  Debate  with  the  Laity  on  a  Supply  in  1 385. 
•_ —  voluntary  Grant  to  the  King  at  that  Time. 

Subfidy  granted  in  1388.      —     —     — 

1  in  1390.       —         

^—  Riches,  how-  reftrained  by  the  Parliament 

that  Year.  

. Grant  to  the  King  in  1394.       —        — 

in  1395.  

Proteftation  thereupon.       

Subfidy  granted  in  1397.         —  — 

Appoint  Sir  Thomas  Piercy  their  Profior  to  acl 

for  them  in  Parliament,      —     —      — - 


Ftl.    Pair. 

Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hijiory  of  England. 

XERG  Y,  how  complimented  by  King  HatrylV. 
at  their  Convocation  in  1 399.  — — 

Their  Joy  on  this  OccaGon.  - 

Procure  Htnry  Prince  oiWaltt  to  exhibit  a  bloody 
Bill  again*  the  Lollards,  at  the  Parlia- 
ment in  1406.  —    ■  —  ■  -  . 

Their  Plots  again*  Sir  Jtbn  OldcaflU,  a  Fa- 
vourer of  the  Lollards.  ■         — — 

Obtain  a  fevere  Ad  againft  them,  Anns  1414. 

Again  attacked  by  the  Commons  on  Account  of 
their  Revenues  in  1414.  — 

Avert  this  impending  Storm,  and  bow.      ■ 

Their  large  Oiler  to  King  Henry  V.  on  this 

Occafion.  — _  ...  .— 

:   — —  Gram  to  him  at  their  Convocation  at  St. 


I    Attacked  by  the  Commons  again.  —-  ■■ 

Attempt  to  procure  a  Repeal  of  the  Ad  of  Pre- 

muxirtt  but  in  vain.       —       —        — 
Their  Grant  to  King  Edward  IV.  Anno  1482. 

—     to  King  Htnry  Will,   in  1523. 

Power  ftruck  at  by  the  Parliament  in  1529. 

Required  by  them  to  pay  the  King's  Debts. 
Refine  to  comply  with  this  Demand.  -  ■ 

Complained  of  to  the  King  by  a  Remonftrance 

from  the  Commons.        —        —      — 
Prohibited,  by  an  Ad,  from  making  Appeals  to 

Obliged  to  renounce  the  Pope's  Authority  under 
their  Hands  and  Seals.  —  —  — ■ 
Their  Privileges  by  Bulls  from  the  Pope  made 
void  by  an  Ad,  Anno  1537  —  — 
Obliged  to  rcfide  on  their  Livings.  —  — 
Reftrained  from  Matrimony  by  a  Statute. 
Obliged  to  put  away  their  Wives.  — 
Their  extraordinary  Grant  to  the  King,  Account 

Empowered  by  him  to  examine  into  the  Vali- 
dity of  his  Marriage  with  Ann  of  Ckvt. 
Their  Sentence.  — — -  — 



'33.  . 







93.  4. 



Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 

to  the 


1543-     3   : 

96  I      N      D      E      J 

CLERGY  grant  the  King  a  Subfidy,  Ann 

Their  Reftraint  from  Marriage  taken  off. 
Grant  a  Subfidy  to  King  Edward  VI.  ,/««>  154.8. 

Tax  thcmfdves  in  a  Subfidy  of  eight  Shillings  in 
the  Pound,  which  was  connrm'd  by  Parli- 

Obliged  to  fwcar  to  the  Aft  of  Supremacy,  Temp. 

Their  Number  who  refuted  to  take  the  Oath.  — 
Deprived  of  their  Preferments.       ■  — - — 

Grant  the  Queen  a  large  Subfidy  in  1 562.  ■■■  ■ 

—  - ~-  — ffis-  - — 

_     _ two  Subfidies  in  1588. 

to  King  Jamts  I.  three  Subfidies  in  1620. 

Their  liberal  Grant  in  1624.  —  — 

-  ■  '  Canons  made  in  the  feveral  Convocations 

at  London  and  York,  in  1640,  adjudged  by 
the  Commons  to  be  invalid.      —      

■  ■  Benevolence  granted  to  the  King,  at  this 
Time  deemed  unlawful.         —  — 

Refolution  of  the  Commons  againft  their  holding 
Civil  Offices.  

Prohibited ,  by  an  Aft,  from  Pluralities  and  Non- 

Difabled  from  exercifing  any  temporal  Authority. 

Their  diftrefled  Condition  by  the  Parliament,  Ac- 
count of.         -~  ■■■  — 

Prohibited  from  meddling  with  Affairs  of  State  in 
their  Pulpits.  -■■■  ■  ■  ■ 

Their  better  Maintenance,  how  provided  for. — 

How  rettrained  in  their  Conduit,  touching  the 

Their  better  Provifion  eftablifhed  by  an  Aft.  — 

Ordinance  of  Parliament  to  the  fame  Purpofe, 

Abftraft  of.  

Jglzecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  ffijlory  of  England.         97 

Vol.  '  Page. 
CLEVELAND,  Inhabitants  of*  their  Petition  for 

a  Reformation  in  Church  and  State.      — 
Their  Petition  for  Relief  from  the  Oppreflions  of 

the  Scots  Forces.  — 

CLEVELAND,  Earl  of.     See  Wjjntworth. 
CLIFFORD,  Lord  J*hn*  flain  at  the  Battle  of 

St.  Albans,  Anns  1455.        —         

CLIFFORD,  Lord ,  his  Cruelty  to  Edmund 

Earl  of  Rutland,  a  Boy  of  twelve  Years  of 




CLIFFORD,  Francis*  Earl  of  Cumberland*  made 

General  of  the  King's  Forces  raifed  by 

Commiffion  of  Array  in  Torkjhire.  — 

His  .Agreement  with  the  Lord   Fairfax  for  a 

Neutrality  there.  —  —. -■■  - 1 

—     -         ■  ■       rendered  void,  and  how,      — '  1 

CLINTON,  William,  created  Earl  of  Huntington  \ 

by  King  Edward  III.        —       —      — 

CLOPTON,  Sir  Walter,  Chief  Jufliu,  appointed 

by  King  Henry  IV.  to  examine  Sir  Wil- 

liam  Ruibill,  with  regard  to  the  Confef- 

fion  he  took:  from  the  late  Duke  of  Gku- 

teftcr  at  Calais.  —  

CLOTWORTHY.  Sir  John*  one  of  the  Eleven 
Members  of  the  Houfe  of  Commons, 
charged  by  the  Army  with  Mifdemeanors. 
Retires  into  foreign  Parts.         —         —         — 
CLUB-MEN,  who  meant  by  them.      —       — ;  14 
Their  InAirretEUon  in  the  Counties  of  Wilis  and 
Dorfet*  Particulars  of.            —        ~-=— 
•        Warrant  for  railing  Money,  Form  of. 
—  farther  Proceedings,  Account  of.    —  — 
■  -■  -  Petition  to  the  King.      —             . 
Difperfed  by  the  Parliament's  Forces.         ■ 
Declared  Traitors  to  the  Commonwealth.     — 
COALITION  of  the  Army  and  Republican  Party 
for  reftoring  the  Long  Parliament:         — 
COBBET,  Major*  his  Services  to  the  Common- 
wealth, how  rewarded.  

COBHAM,    John*    Knight,   impeached  by  the 
Commons  in  139S. 


443»  4 

470  tt  473 

10  tt  12 

13.  M- 
to  16 

14  to  1 
lord  3 

363/*  367 


Jglzecy  GOOgk 

t>S  I    .  N      D      E      X    to  the 

COBHAM,  John,  Knight,  Charge  again*  him. 

His  Anfwer.  •  — 

How  replied  to  W  the  King.     —      —        — 

His  Sentence  of  Banifhment.       

COCK-FIGHTING,  Preamble  to  an  Ordinance 
for  fuppreffing  t*at  Divcrfion.       —      — 
COIN  of  Geld,  when  firft  ftruck  and  made  cur- 
rent in  England.  ——  . 
COIN,  Infcriptiona  thereon,  how  altered  by  the 
Commons  in  1649.             — 
Counterfeiting  of,  when  made  High  Treafon.       19 
COKE,  Lord,  his  Obfemtion  on  attainting  Per- 
fons  in  Cuftody,  without  bringing  them 

to  a  Trial.  ■■ 

His  Obfeivation  on  the  Intrigues  of  Lord  Crom- 
well for  foppreffing  the  Monasteries.      — 

—  Lift  of  Members  who  left  the  Houfe  on  the 

Proceedings  of  the  two  laft  Parliaments  of 

Queen  Mary.  ■  

COKE,  Lord  Edward,  his  Remarks  on  a  Supply 

granted  to  Queen  Elizobtth,  Anno  1588. 

Familiar  Saying  of  his.  —  — 

COKE,  Clmem,  Efq;  his  bitter  Reflexion  oq  the 

Dolce  of  Buckingham.  —  —  .  — 
COKE,   Edward,  Efq;  Solticitor-Gtntral,  chofen 

Speaker  to  the  Commons  in  1592.  -— ■  ■ 
His  Speech  to  Quttn  EiixabttH  on  thisOccafion. 

—  Reply  to  a  Speech  of  the  Lord -Keeper's.  — 
— -  Speech  on  a  Motion  to  reform  Eccldiaitical 

Courts.  7  ■■-  ■■■ 

—  — —  to  the  Queen.  -■ 

Committed  to  the  Tower  at  the  DiSblution  oi 

the  Parliament  in  1621.  —         — 

His  Papers  feizecr  and  his  Chambers  fealed  up. 
— -  Charge  in  the  Name  of  the  Commons  againft 

th«  Lord  Treafurer  Middttfix.  —  — 
■— —  Motion  againft  proceeding  on  Grievances  at 

the  Seffion  in  1625.  ■   ■         

■—  Report  of  the  King's  Anfwer  to  the  Com 
Dions'  Petition  about  a  Reccfe  from  Parlia 

Jglzecy  GOOgk 

6  Uoi 


7  37*>  * 

Varliamentary  Hiftory  «/*  England.  90 

VaL     Pagt. 
COKE,    Edward,    Efq;    Solicitor'-  General,     his 
Speech  a^ainli-  a  Motion  for  a  Supp'y.     - 
Appointed  Sheriff  of  Butkinghamjhire,  and  there- 
by dilqualitied  from  lining  in  tnc  Hi. me  of 
Commons.  .__  —    •  .. 

His  Speech  on  public  Grievances.     —      

on  the  Judgment  againft  the  Refa- 

fers  of  the  Loan. — 

•: on  fome  Propofitions  of  King  Charles  I. 

foraSvpply.  —  ■ 

againft  Imprifonment.         —         — 

on  the  Liberty  ©f  the  Subject.     — — 

in  Opposition  to  n  Meffage  from  the 

further  Speech  on  the  Liberty  of  the  Sub- 


—  Arguments  in  Defence  thereof.     —       — 
Speech  on  a  Meffage  from  the  King,  to  re- 
ly on  his  Word  for  fecuring  the  Liberty  of 
the  Subject.  ■   ■  -  ■    .. , 

—  ■■  ■   ■   to  bring  in  a  Bill  for  this  Purpofe.  — 

—  — — —  at  a  Conference  between  both  Iloufes 

on  a  Petition  of  Right.        — 

againft  the  Lords'  Addition  to  it.  — 

—  '    to  the  Lords,  on  delivering  a  Meffage 
of  Thanks  from  the  Commons.     —      —     ! 

againft  the  Duke  of  Buckingham.  —-  ! 

COKE,  George,  Bijhop  of  Hereford,  impeached 

by  the  Commons,   and  for  what.           —  < 

Gives  in  a  Plea.             .                          .... i< 

His  Resolution  concerning  it.            —           —  u 

—  Danger  from  the  Populace.      —        it 

Joins  in  a  Proteftation  againft  the  Legality  of 

Parliamentary  Proceedings.        —  —  it 

Accufed  of  High  Treafon  on  this  Account.  —  IC 

Brought  to  the  Bar  of  the  Houfe  of  Peers.  —  it 

His  Charge  by  the  Commons.         —  —  it 

—  Anfwer.                 ■■    ■  ■■                 —  ic 
Committed  to  the  Tower.          -  ■   ■  ■   ,  it 

COKE,  Thomas,  Efp  committed  to  the  Tower  on 

Sufpicion  of  High  Treafon  againft  the  State,  it 
G  a 

400,  1 
4°5  . 

ir,  12 

I(H,  5 

119,  20   ■ 


r3+»  5 




Jglzecy  GOOgle 



COLCHESTER,  remarkable  Siege  of,  in  1648. 
Surrendered  to  Lord  Fairfax.  —  — 

COLEPEPER,  Sir  John,  his  Speech  on  National 

Grievances.  —  . 

Made  Chancellor  of  the  Exchequer.     —      — 

COLLEGE,  where  firfl  endowed  in  England,  and 
what  by  Name.  ■  — — 

COLLEGES,  Diflblution  of.        —  

COLLIER,  Mr.  his  Account  of  the  Controverfy 
betwixt  Edward  III.  and  'John  Stralferd, 
Arcbbifhop  of  Canterbury.         —  — 

Hit  Remarks  on  the  Claim  of  the  inferior  Cler- 
gy to  have  Rep  re  fenta  fives  in  the  Houfe 
of  Commons.  ■  ■  — — 

COLLUSION,  a  glaring  Inftancc  of,  by  the  Cler- 

to  the  . 

Vol.     Page. 


COMMISSION,  Form  ef,  granted  to  Humphrey 
Duke  of  Gltucejier,  impowering  him  to 
hold  a  Parliament  in  1422.        —        — 

Form  of,  granted  by  King  Henry  VIII.  for 
(wearing  his  Subjects  to  the  Aft  of  Suc- 
ceffion,  in  Favour  of  Ann  Boltyn.  — 

■—. —  granted  to  Thomas  WriothiJUy,  Lord- 
Chancellor,  and  others,  for  giving  the 
Royal  Aflent  to  the  Bill  of  Attainder  againft 
Thomas  Duke  of  Norfolk,  and  Henry  Earl 

■  for  appointing  the  Protector's  Scat  in 

'  for  diflblving  the  Parliament  in  1614. 

_—  granted  by  Sir  Thomas  Fairfax  to  fundry 

of  his  Officers,  in  order  to  treat  with  the 
Parliament's  CommiJ&oners  about  the  De- 
mands of. the  Army.         —  ■   ■■ 

■  granted  by  the  Commons  to  their  Agents 

1  granted  by  the  Marquis  of  Ormand  to 

the  Bifhop  of  Clobber,  in  Ireland.       

COMMISSION  of  Exafe,  Form  of,  granted  by 
King  Charles  I.        — —  — 

+30,  1 

84  U  87 





107,  8 


59.  6» 



S .  214/0216 

IgUzecsy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Uiftory  of  England. 
COMMISSION- OFFICERS  for  regulating  the 
Militia,  cftabliflied  Pay  of.      —  — 

Their  Declaration  for  Support  of  the  Common- 

COMMISSIONERS,  Lift  of,  .deputed  by  King 
Henry  III.  to  hold  a  Convention  at  L 
dan  in  1254.  ■  — 

Their  Speech  on  that  Occalion.         — 

Appointed  to  confider  the  Cafe  of  the  dilinherit- 
ed  Barons  in  1266.         —        —       — 

Their  Award  concerning  them.      —  — 

Appointed  by  King  Edward  L  to  matte  Peace 
between  him  and  the  Barons,  Lift  of.    — 

by  King  Edward  II.  to  treat  with  the 

difcontented  Lords  in  131*,  Lift  of.     — 

Lift  of,  impowered  by  King  Richard  II.  and  the 
other  Eftates,  to  anfwer  all  the  Petitions, 
and  difpatch  all  other  Matters  not  deter- 
mined at  the  Parliament  at  Shrew/bury,  in 

Ordain  a  remarkable  Statute  to  fecurethemfelves 
in  their  new-got  Power.      

Oblige  the  Lords,  Spiritual  and  Temporal,  to 
take  an  Oath  to  maintain  the  feveral  Sta- 
tutes and  Ordinances  by  them  made.    — 

Revoke  the  Letters  Patent  given  by  the  King  to 
the  Dukes  of  Hereford  and  Norfolk.     — 

Their  Severity  to  Hinry  Bowctt,  Clerk.     

to  Sir  Rtbtrt  Plufhtngton.   — — 

Lift  of,  appointed  by  the  Parliament  in  1399,  to 
depofe  King  Richard  II.  ■      — 

Their  Sentence  on  this  Occafion  palled  upon  him, 

farther  Proceedings  touching  this  Affair, 

Particulars  of.  —  —  —  ■■— 

Lift  of,  appointed  to  bold  a  Parliament  in  1 586, 
at  Faihtringhay  Caftle,  for  the  Trial  of 
Mary  Queen  of  Scots.  ■  — 

Adjourn  this  Parliament  to  Wiftminfier  in  1587. 

Lilt  of,  appointed  to  treat  with  the  Scots  about 
an  Union  between  the  two  Kingdoms.  — 





49S.  6 

496.  7 


»9.  30 



Jiglizecy  GOOgle 

io2  I      N      D       E      X    to  the. 

COMMISSIONERS  appointed  to  treat  with  the 
Scats,  their  Power,  touching  die  Union  be- 
tween the  two  Kingdoms,  fame  Account  of. 
Lid  of,  appointed  by  the  Parliament  to  attend 

King  Charles  I.  in  Scotland.    '  —      ■ — ■ —     9 
Their  Inuru&ions.  ■  —     9 

■         Allowance  for  Charges, .  Amount  of.     —     9 
Lid  of,  appointed  by  the  Commons  to  go  down 
to  Hull  and  Lincelnjbtrt.      <  ■  — 

Their  Inftruftions.       —       ■ 

Lift  of,  appointed  to  attend  the  King  at  Reading 
with  a  Petition  for  Peace.     — —      - — — 

, at  Oxford, 

with  fomo  Proportions  for  this  Purpofe. 
teat  about  an  Accommo- 


Their  I nft ructions  on  this  Occafion,  Particulars 

Lift  of,  appointed  to  go  into  Scotland  and  invite 
that  Nation  to  the  Parliament's  Affiftance. 

Their  Inductions.      ...  ■ 

■  ■        additional  Inftrudions  fent  to  them  ztEdin- 

O/  the  Navy,  their  Eftimatc  of  the  Charge  of 
the  Parliament's  Fleet  for  the  Year  1644. 

From  the  Parliament  to  the  Scots,  their  Letter 
giving  an  Account  of  the  Advance  of  the 
Scots  Army  into  England.      —      — . 

Lift  of,  appointed  by  the  Parliament  for  execu- 
ting Martial  Law.  — — 

— ■  ■  ■  ■  to  wait  on  the  King  with  Pro- 
portions for  Peace.  — — 

■    .  to  treat  with  him  at  Uxbridge 

about  it.  —  .    —  —  - 

Their  Inductions.     —       —       —       —       .- 

Lift  of,  ordered  to  go  to  Edinburgh  to  attend  the 
Parliament  of  Scotland.       

Their  Inftruflions         _— —         —         

Lift  of,  appointed  by  the  Parliament  to  relide 
with  the  Scots  Army  in  Hereford/hire.  • — 

Inftructions  to  them,  Particulars  of,    —    




1 16/0121 

io»  11 





340"  347. 

35.  « 



361,  2 



29,  3° 

Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hijlory  of  England. 
"  Vol. 
COMMISSIONERS  appointed  to  go  into  Scotland 
to  regulate  fomc  Matters  with  the  Parlia- 
ment there.    —    -  -■■  — 

Inftru&iom  to  them.    —    —    —     —    

Lift  of  thefe  Commifilonws.    —     —     —  '  — 

Their  Letter  to  the  Home  of  Peers,  touching 

their  Inability  to  profecute  their  Builoefs. 

Letter  to  the  Committee  of  Eftates  on  the 

fame  Occafion.  ■  14 

fecond  Letter  to  the  Committee  of  Eftates. 

—  Letter  to  the  Commiilioners  of  the  County 
of  Cumberland  concerning  the  Forces  there. 

Letter  to  the  Houfc  of  Peers  about  the 

Scats  Commiffioners  not  giving  them  a 
Meeting.    ■  —  — 

further  Addrefs  to  theCommittee  of  Eftates 

on  this  Head.         ■  ■  ■  14 

—  Letter,  relating  to  one  from  Lord  Digbj  -  14 
Letter,  concerning  the  Treaty  at  Birmick. 

—  Proportions  and  Anfwers  relating  there-  ) 


Lift  of,  appointed  by  Parliament  to  prefent  their 
Proportions  of  Peace  to  the  King  at  New- 


Their  Inftruflions.    —    —    —    —    —    — 

— —  Letters,  touching  their  Arrival  there.    — 

Proceedings  with  the  King,  Narrative  of. 

Lift  of,  appointed  by  Parliament  to  attend  the 
Payment  of  the  firft  200,000  /.  to  the  Scuts 

Inftruflions  to  them.        — 

Lift  of,  appointed  to  go  to  NewcaflU  to  receive 

the  King  from  the  Scots  Army. — 

Inftruflions  to  them,  Particulars  of.  —  —  — 
Their  Letter,  fignifying  their  Arrival  at  Durham. 
• fignifying  their  Arrival  at  Nita- 

—    — giving  an  Account  of  their  Anfwers 

to  fomc  Queries  of  the  King  touching  his 
Removal.        —  ■  ■- 

'■    Pag'- 


3*,  a.  : 

48,  9 



59,  60 

60,  i 


16,  17 



265.  6 

293-  «•  5 

lizecy  GOOgle 


I    N    D    E    X    to    the 

COMMISSIONERS  appointed  U  rtctivi  the  King 
from  tht  Seals  Army,  their  Letter  giving  an 
Account  of  receiving  his  Majefty  into  their 
Cuftody,  and  of  the  Seals  quitting  Nnv- 

Attending  tht  King,  their  Letter  concerning  his 
Majefty*s  writing  in  Cyphers  to  the  Frtnch 
Agent.  —  —  - — 

Their  additional  Inftru&ions  from  the  Parlia- 

—  Letter,  giving  ah  Account  of  their  conduct 
ing  the  King  to  Leeds,  and  reftraining  the 
People  there  from  coming  to  be  touched.  - 

— —  Declaration  to  this  Purpofe.       —      — 
■  Letter,  ftgnifying  the  King's  Arrival  at  litsl- 
dtnby.     —     —      —      —     —     - 

—  "  requeuing  to  be  recalled  from  that 

Service.  ■     ■  ■  ■ 

Complaint  of  Letters  being  privately  given 

to  the  King.  

—  Letter,  relating  to  one  written  in  Cyphers, 
intended  to  be  delivered  to  the  King.     — 

—  ■    i giving  an  Account  of  their  Re- 

ceipt of  one  from  the  King,  concerning 
the  Proportions.  ■  -i-i — 

■  '    ■  Orders   to  Major-General  Twifieton   to 

march  with  his  Regiment  to  Reyjlen  to  at- 
tend the  King  to  Richmond.      -i-         — 

■  '    Letter,  concerning  the  Accefs  of  Delin- 

quents to  him.     —  —  ■■■  — 

Lift  of,  appointed  to  attend  the  King  at  Hamp- 

ten-Court  with  Proportions  for  Peace.  — 

— —  Inftru&ions  from  the  Parliament.    

— .  Report  of  what  palled  between  the  King 

and    them    on    prefenting    the   Propofi- 


Lift  of,  appointed  to  attend  the  King  in  the  Jftc 

of  Wight,  with  Proportions  for  Peace.  — 
Their    Inftriidions    from    the    Parliament.  \ 

Vol.     Page. 

296,  7 

31 2  to  31-4 

3 '4 


317.  18 

327*  8 

34&»  7 



287,  8 

297.  8 


404,  419, 

Uze^y  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hfftory  of  England. 

COMMISSIONERS,  Lift  of,  appointed  to  wait! 
on  the  King  in  the  Ijle  a/Wight^  with  the 
Parliament's  Votes  far  a  Pcrfonal  Treaty, 

Their  Inftni&ions.  ■  -  

Appointed  to  treat  with  the  King  in  the  Ijle  of 

Wight ,  about  a  National  Peace.  ——'.17 
Inftniflions  to  them  from  the  Parliament.  ■  —  ■  17 
New  Lift  of.  ...  ■.■■■-  .1 17 

Their  Letter,  fignifying  their  Arrival  in  the  Ijle 

tf  Wight.  |l7 

Proceedings  upon  the  firft  Propofition  of 

the  Treaty  touching  the  King's  making 
void  all  Declarations,  t£c.  againft  the  Par- 
liament. ■  1 
1  Letter  to  the  Speaker  of  the  Houte  of  Peers 
relating  to  their  farther  Proceedings.  — — 
— .  Paper  prefented  to  the  King  concerning  the 
Proportions  for  the  Church.    —    —   — 

■  --■■  declaring  their  Rcfufal  of  one  from 
the  King,  containing  his  own  Proportions 
for  Peace.  

.  —  defiring  an  Anfwer  to  theirs  concern- 
ing the  Church.         —  - 

■  Conduct,  how  approv'd  by  the  Parliament. 

-. Letter  to  the  Earl  of  Mancbejttr  concern- 
ing their  further  Proceedings.    —    — — 

Reply  to  the  King's  firft  Anfwer  to  the 

Propofition  concerning  the  Church.    — — 

- Paper,  defiring  a  fuller  Anfwer  to  this  Ar- 

-        Reply  to  the  King's  fecond  Anfwer  on  that 

Head.  —-  

-■■      Propofition  concerning  the  Militia. 

Reply  to  the  King's  Anfwer  thereto.     — 

Account  of  their  further  Proceedings.    ■ — 

Propofition  concerning  Ireland,  

1- Reply  to  the  King's  Anfwer  on  that  Head. 

further  Account  of  their  Conduct.         — 

■  Propofition  concerning  the  Payment  of 
public  Debts  and  Damages.  . 

Paper,  relating  to  the  King's  Anfwer  thereto 

1 Reply  to  his  final  Anfwer  on  that  Head. 




♦33.  ♦ 

466,  7 


35.  6 

41,  a. 


64  to  50 
53.  4 



Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 


N      D 

X     to 

COMMISSIONERS,  appointed  to  treat  tuitb  the 
King  in  the  Ijlt  of  Wight*  their  Propofition 
for  making  void  all  Honours  conferred  fince 

May,  1642.  

Their  Reply  to  the  King's  Anfwer. 

—  Proportion  concerning  Delinquents.      — 
'•  Letter  to  the  Earl  of  Manchejier  con 

ing  their  Proceedings  with  the  King. 
— ■■    Paper,  with  the  Parliament's  Votes  upon 

the  King's  Anfwer,  relating  to  the  Church, 
defiring  a  fuller  Anfwer  to   thai 

Proportion.  ■■  ■    ■  ■ 

■ exprefling  the  Defeats  of  the  King's 

former  Anfwer  thereto.  — 

—  Propbfition  concerning  the  Nomination  of 
the  Chief  Officers  in  lingland.      —      — 

■  — —- concerning  the  City  of  London. 

— ■  concerning  the  Great  Seal. 

— — . concerning  the  Court  ofWards 

and  Liveries.  ■ 

further  Advance  in  the  Treaty.     —     — 

—  ■■    Paper,  defiring  the  King  to  declare  againft 

the  Proceeding  of  the  Marquis  of  Ormond. 
— .  preffing  an  Anfwer  to  their  Propo- 

rtions concerning  the  Church,  and  Affaiis 

1  infilling  on  a  fuller  Anfwer  concern- 

ing the  Marquis  of  Ormond.        —        — 

.■  defiring  to  know  the  King's  parti- 

cular Exceptions  as  to  the  Church.        — 

.  Reply  to  the  King's  Anfwer  on  that  Head. 

■  Anfwer  toa  Paper  from  the  King,  con- 
ing his  own  Proportions.  —        — 

.  concern- 

ing his  final  Anfwer  about  the  Church.  — 

Major  Part  of  them  arrive  in  London,      —     — ■ 

Their  Report  of  what  paffed  at  taking  Leave  of 
the  King.  

Remaining  in  the  Ip  oflVigbt,  their  Paper  pre- 
fented  to  the  King  concerning  the  Marquis 
of  Ormond.  

Their  Reply  to  the  King's  Anfwer  thereto.   — 

Vol.    , 


59       ^ 
59  to  66 


79.  8° 
81,  2 
88  to  91 


96,  7 

97,  8 

99    A 

125,  6 

126,  7 














■  8 


:8  144.  5 

18 1 156,  7 

■»;. 57 

.     COM- 

:.y  Google 

Parliamentary  Hiftory  ^England. 

COMMISSIONERS,  remaining  in  th*  IJU  »f 
fVight.,  their  Reply  to  the  King**  further 
Anfwer  concerning  the  Abolition  of  Hi- 

fliops,  &e.  .  ,     „.  !8 

Their  Reply  to  the  King's  Anfwer  as  to  Delin- 
quents.    —  x8 

to  his  further  Anfwer  on  that  Pro- 


■  Return  home,  and  Reception  by  the  Com- 
mons, Account  of.  i  — 

From  Scotland,  Lift  of,  appointed  to  treat  with 
the  En^l-.fb  CommifEoners  about  the  Af- 
fairs of  both  Kingdc 

Their  Remonltrance,  relating  to  an  Ordinance 
for  new-modelling  the  Army.  

Memorial  of  the  whole  Proceedings   of 

their  Army  in  England.      —  . 

■  Requeft,  concerning  the  March  of  Sir  Tbt 

mas  Fairfax.  ■  ■  

— -  Letter,  concerning  the  March  of  their  Ar- 
my   towards  IVtflmortland,        ——        — 

—  Remonltrance  on  the  K"  Defeat  at  Naftby. 

• on  the  Want  of  Pay.     — 

■ Demands  for  Provifions,  &c.  to  fupply 

their  Army.    —  —  

Requcit  to  the  Englijh  Parliament  for  re- 
newing the  Proportions  for  Peace.        — 
^—  Remonltrance  concerning  the  Diftrefs  of 
their  Army.      —       —        —  , 
— concerning  Proportions  for 

—  Complaint  of  Want  of  Money  to  fupport 
their  Army.  —  — -  — 

Remonltrance  to  the  Parliament  on  their 

Army's  Want  of  Pay.      — 

concerning  their  March  to 

befiege  Newark.      —  —         .. .,  — 

Letter,  fetting  forth  the  State  of  their  Army 

,    in  the  North.      —  —  

Lilt  of,  appointed  to  treat  with  the  Englijh  Com- 
miffioners,  at  Berwick,  on  fome  Affairs  be- 
tween the  two  Kingdoms.  



244  U  248 






484.  5 



7  n  10  . 

46,  7 
7°>  *>  2 
102,  3 


i:     vvA^OOijIC 



X    to 

COMMISSIONERS  from  Scotland,  their  Apo- 
logy  for  not  attending  the  Englijh  Com- 
miffioners  (boner  at  Berwick.         —     — 

'    Their  Letter  to  the  lame  Puipofe.       —         — 

—  Anfwers  to  the  feveral  Papers,  fcrV.  of  the 
'    Englijh  Commiffioners  at  Berwick.  — 

Of  the  Scats  attending  their  Army  at  Newark, 
theirLetter,  concerning  the  King's  coming 
amongft  them.        —       —        —      — 

Their  farther  Account  of  the  King's  coming 
there.        —  —  —  — 

—  Letter  concerning  Mi.jf/bturnham's  Efcape 
from  their  Army.  ■ ■ 

■  '       --  — -  concerning  their  Conduct  to  the 

King.  — 

Remonftrance  to  him.        

—  ■—  farther  Account  of  their  Behaviour  to  the 


Of  Scotland,  at  Newcaflle,  their  Letter  to  the 

Parliament  relating  to  the  Proportions  of  I 

Peace,  the  State  of  their  Army,  He.    — ' 
Their  Anfwer  to  a  Requeft  of  the  Committee 

at  York  for  temoving  their  Forces  out  of; 

that  County.       —  — 

— —  Advice  to  the  King  concerning  the  Prince  i 

of  Wales,  and  the  Settlement  of  Religion 

and  Peace  agreeable  to  the  Covenant.    —  : 
"— —  Letter,   concerning  the  Enlargement  of 

their  Quarters.   —    —    —     —   — 
.—-■■■  ■  ■  ■   '  to  the  Parliament,  concerning  their 

Vote  for  removing  the  King  to  Holdenbj. 

■  i  .    Vindication    of  their  Army  again  ft   the 

Charge  of  affifting  the  King's  Efcape. 

■»■  '  ■  Report,  concerning  Mr.  Ptaitr'i  Informa- 
tion of  the  King's  intended  Efcape.      — 

Of  Jffejfment  in  the  County  of  York,  their  Letter 
of  Complaint  againft  the  Scots  Army. 

Their  Letter  to  the  Earl  of  Ltven  on  this 

— —  Declaration  againft  the  Scott  Officers.  — 




109,  10 
112,  13 




382,  3 


389. 90, 1 







415,  16 

457.  8 

458.  9 

459.  4o 


308,  9 

329.  3° 
1  8o,5,4; 

■°3,  4 

Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hijiory  of  England. 

COMMISSIONERS  appointed  to  attend  the  March 
and  Payment  of  the  Scots  Army,  their  Letter 
concerning  a  Petition  from  the, Inhabitants 
of  Cleveland,  fetting  forth  their  ill  Ufage 

by  the  Scats  Forces.        —  

Their  Reply  to  a  Letter  from  the  Earl  of  Levin, 
concerning  his  Motions  for  evacuating  the 

Of  the  General  AJfimbly  of  the  Kirk  of  Satiated, 
their  Warning  to  that  Nation  againft  re* 
caving  the  King.  ■  ■ 

Their  Declaration  concerning  the  State  of 
the  Quarrel  between  the  Englijh  and  Setts 

Frm  Scotland  refiding  in  London,  their  Letter 
concerning  the  March  of  their  Army  to- 
wards Newark,  &e.  ■  • —        — — 

Their  Letter,  concerning  fome  fufpected  Peers 
of  that  Kingom. ■  ■ 

— —  Requeft  to  the  Parliament  for  an  Anfwer 
to  fome  Rem  on  it  ranees,  touching  Religion, 
the  Proportions  of  Peace  to  the  King,  and 
a  Supply  for  their  Army.  — — — 

—  Letter  of  Intelligence  concerning  the 
Siege  of  Newark.         ■■ —  ■ 

—  Exceptions  againit  the  Pari  iament'sDraught 
of  an  Anfwer  to  a  Menage  from  the  King 
for  Peace.  ■■   -  ■     ■  ■ 

—  Anfwers  to  the  Parliament's  Reafons  why 
there  fliould  be  no  Treaty  about  any  fu- 
ture Proportions  to  be  fent  to  the  King. 

Rejoinder  to  the  Parliament's  Reply. 

—  further  Anfwer  about  this  Bufmefs. 


—  Objections  to  the  Parliament's  Draught  of 
an  Anfwer  to  the  King's  third  and  fourth 
Meffages  of  Dec.  1645,  for  Peace.        — 

Remonftrance  ngainir.  a  Vote  of  the  Houfe 

of  Commons,  for  reducing  theNumberof 
Scoti  Horfe  in  England,  —  

1 Complaint  on  the  Want  of  Pay  for  their 

Army  before  Newark.  — 














i&7«  171 



250,  1,  2 

iglzecy  GOOgle' 


t     N      D      E    "X    to 

COMMISSIONERS  from  Scotland  refiling  in 
London,  their  Letter,  requiring  an  Anfwer 
to  their  Complaint  of  fcandalous  Afper- 
fions  caft  upon  their  Nation  by  the  Engii/h. 
Thehr  Papers  exhibited  to  the  Parliament,  con- 
cerning their  Propofitions  to  the  King  fof 

■  ■    -  further  Remonftrances  relating  to  Propo- 

fitions for  Peace.  —  —  —  — 
How  ufed  by  the  Independent  Party  in  the  Hoofe 

of  Commons.  —         —  — 

Their  Letter,  giving  an  Account  of  the  King's 

coming  to  their  Army  near  Newark.     — 

—  ■  concerning  the  March  of  a  confi- 
derable  Body  of  Englijb  Horfe  towards 
Newark,  —  —  — 

>—  Complaint  of  their  Meflenger  being  flop- 
ped, and  his  Letters  taken  from  him,  by 
the  Guards  about  London.  • 

—  Remonfrrance  on  this  Occafion.     —    — 
i  Vindication  of  their  Proceedings  with  re- 

fard  to  the  King's  coming  into  their  Army, 
.etter  of  Advice  from  the  Committee  of 
Eftates  at  Newcaflh.        —         —         — 

—  Remonftrance  on  the  Want  of  Pay  for  then 
Army.        -  -  -         - 

■  -       Vindication  of  themfelves  and  their  Na- 

tion from  combining  againft  the  Englijb 

Parliament.      —     —      —      —      -±~ 

••         Letter  to  the  fame  Purpofe.    —    —   — 

Anfwer  to  the  Parliament's  Propofitions 

for  Peace,  fignifying  the  Acceptance  there- 

■  Remonftrance  for  a  fpeedy  Supply  to  their 
Armies  in  England  and  Ireland,  2nd  for 
fettling  Accounts.       —        —        ' 

Letter  to  the  Parliament  concerning  the  I 

King's  Anfwer  to  the  Propofitions  of  Peace. ' 

—  Remonftrances,  concerning  Afpeifions  cafrl 
upon  tbeir  Nation,  and  withdrawing  their 
Army.    —    —  —    —  —    —    — j 





3t>3>  4 


325'*  34^ 


366/fi  37 1 



■4  383.  4 

■4 '393 

14  398T0401 

14  4°4.  5 

14  ■  409,  10 

4  428M437 

438 n 441 


4M>  2 

S3,  9 

59, 60, 1 

Jiglizecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Htjiory  of  England.  hi 

VtL  Pagu 
COMMISSIONERS  from  Scotland  refiling  in 
Ltntbn,  their  Papers  add  re  fled  to  the 
Houfe  of  Peers,  demanding  400,000/.  in 
full  Satisfaction  for  the  Payment  of  their 
Army.  —  —  —  •      ■  15     88  to  94 

Their  Realms  againft  the  Parliament's  Votes  for 
difpofing  of  the  King's  Perfon  as  both 
Houfes  Ihould  think  fit.  —  —  —  —  —   15  1160141 

'Rcmonft  ranee,  requiring  Pay  for  their  Ar- 
my.   .   _  — . . —  15  152ft 154 

^— — concerning  Pamphlets  prim- 
ed againft  them.  .  —      ■   ■   15  154ft  157 

Vindication  of  their  Army  againft  a  Charge 

of  oppr  effing  the  Country.  —  —  ■ 15  163,  4,  5 

Refutal  of  the  Commons'  Anfwer  to  their 

Papers  claiming  a  joint  Right  in  difpofing 

of  the  King's  Perfon.  —   —   —  —  —   15  215 

Receive  Information  of  the  fpeedy  raifing 
200,odo/.  to  be  paid  to  them  in  confe- 
quence  of  their  Demand  upon  the  Parlia- 
ment.                15  216 

Their  Requeft',  touching  Security  for  the  Re- 
mainder. '  -  15  2 1 6,  17 

Treaty"  with  the  Parliament  about   the 

Manner  and  Time  for  the  Payment  of  the 

whole' 400, 000  /.  ■■■  -—   15  236(0242 

Lift  of,  as  well  Englifi  as  Scots,  who  figned  this 

Treaty.     —    ■  —  —  15  242 

From  Scotland,  refiding  in  London,  their  Memorial 

on  their  Return  home,  prefented  to  the 

Peers,  concerning  Uniformity  in  Religion.   15  252/0257 

—  Vindication  of  their  Army  againft  a  Charge 
of  affifting  the  King  to  efcape  from  Ntw- 

cafllt.  15   275,  6,  7 

■        farther  Vindication  of  their  Army  againft 

the  Charge  of  affifting  the  King's  Efcape.    15  307 
■ Requeft  to  the  Peers,  for  a  farther  Ap- 
plication to  the  King  for  Peace.         15  350,  1 

—  Remonftrance  on  Occafion  of  the  King's 
being  carried  away  from  Holdenby  by  the 

Army.  ■  ■  -f-   15  401,  2,  3 

mze^y  Google 

i!±         I      N      D      E      X    to  the 


COMMISSIONERS  fnm    Scotland  rifidlng  in 

London,  obtain  a  Pais  from  the  Parliament 

to  go  to  the  King  at  Nrwmarktt.  — 

Their  Letter,  relating  to  the  intercepting  their 

Packets  by  the  Army. ■      16 

Letter  to  the  Parliament*  with  two  Papers 

inclofed,  deftring  the  Performance  of  the 
Covenant,  arid  Maintenance  for  their 
Troops  railed  to  fupprefs  the  Irijb  Rebels,  16 

Complaint  agaihft  the  Army  for  infulting 

the  Earl  of  Laudtrdalt.      

-  of  their  Secretary's  being  Hop- 

ped and  detained  at  Ntvxafilt  in  his  Way 
to  Scotland.  •    ■  ' 

- — -  Letter  to  the  Parliament  on  this  Occafion. 

■  Anfwer  to  the  Parliament's  Proportions 
for  Peace  to  be  fent  to  the  King  at  Hamp 

1  Reply  to  a  Letter  from  the  Parliament  on 
this  Occafion.  — 

-  ■    further  Anfwer  relating  thereto. 
.         further  Anfwer  about  the  Proportions  for 

Peace.  —  —  —  — ;  ~ 
- Paper,  fignifyine  their  Concurrence  in  fend- 
ing them  as  deiireti  by  the  Parliament.  — 
— — —  Letter,  requiring  an  Anfwer  to  one  from  the 
States  of  Scotland,  concerning  the  Earl  of 
Lauderdale.     ■ 

—        to  the  Parliament,  prelSng  for  a  per- 

fonal  Treaty  with  the  King.        —       — 

■—  Letter  to  the  Peers,  on  Occafion  of  the 
King's  Efcape  from  Hamptan-Court.     — 

-  Remonftrance,  touching  the  Proportions 
of  Peace,  and  a  perfonat  Treaty  with  the 

Refufe  their  Affent  to  the  Parliament's  Propor- 
tions for  Peace.  ■ 
■          Reafons  for  fo  doing.  ■ 

—  —  Letter  to  the  Parliament,  deftring  to  fee  the 

four  Bills  intended  to  be  fent  to  the  King 
in  the  Iflt  »f  Wight.      —       — 


94.  S 

1 1 2/0 114 
201,    2,  3 

248,  9 

282,  3,+ 
285,  6 

289,  go; 

292,  3 

294.  5 
311  fe  323 

329     - 


Jglzecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hjftery  of  England. 

t/g«,  denied  their  Requeft  of  feeing  the  four 
Bills  intended  to  be  lent  to  the  King  in  the 

IfiitfWigbu  16 

Their  Reroonftrabce  thereupon.        — 
— —  Objections  to  thole  Bills,  and- to  the 

Piopolitions.       ■■■—  -  —  ■ 

— —  Proteft  delivered  to  the  King  againft  the 

—  Demand  for  the  Payment  of   the   left 

lOO,OOo£  due  to  their  Army.     —      — 
— —  Letter,  tigmfyi  ng  their  Refohit  ions  to  return 

hone.  —  -  ■■—  —  16 
Leave  Ltndos,  and  purine  their  Journey.  -  16 
Their  Letter  to  the  Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of 
Commons,  concerning  the  violent  Proceed- 
ings of  that  Houfe  againft  the  King.     —  18 
•  fecond  Letter  on  that  Occafion.    —    —  18 

—  Proteftation  againft  taking  away  the  King's 
Life,  .  18 

■—  Remooftrance  to  the  Commons  againft 
their  Proceedings.         —-  ■--        ■  19 

Reflraint    and  contemptuous   Treatment 

00  that  Occafion.        ^__~ 

Afttinted  to  rtfidt  with  tit  Jrmy,  Lift  of.  — 

Their  Inftrucxions  from  the  Parliament.        — 

— —  Letter  to  Sir  Tksmas  Fairfax^  on  Occafion 
of  his  March  to  St.  Alban't.  

—  relating  to  the  Army's  great  Want 

of  Money.  1  1  

relating  to  their  Sufpicions  on  Ac- 
count of  the  City's  Preparations  againft 



•  relating  to  the  Defires  of  the  Ar 

to  General  Fairfax,  relating  to  the 
Army,  and  to  the  King's  Removal  to  Rich- 
mond.       —        —        •—  "     ■»        — 
-  Power  enlarged  by  the  Parliament,  and 

+3°    * 

437  "47  J 




54*.  3.  4 

40  >•  47 

48  ft  5a 

407     ■ 


447.  » 

453.  * 


hzecy  GOOgle 

,u         I      N      D      E      X    to  the 

,  .  w- 

COMMISSIONERS  appointed  to  rtfidt  with  the 
Army,  their  Letter  concerning  a  propofcd 
Treaty  with  Gen.  Fairfax  and  bis  Coun- 
cil of  War,  with  relation  to  their  Demands 
on  the  Parliament.        W 

Their  Letter,  concerning  the  Admiuion  of  Dr. 

Sheldon,  and  others,  to  the  King. 16 

. -  concerning  the  Treaty,   and  the 

Army's  further  Remove  from  London.  —  16 

concerning  the  Receipt  of  a  Paper 

.  from  Gen.  Fairfax*  relating  to  the  Mo- 
tions of  the  Army.     — -    —    —    

■  farther  Negotiations  as  to  the  intended 

, proceedings    in   the   Rufinefs   of    the  > 

Treaty.  t  ™* 

_ —  Anfwer  to  the  Information,  from  the  City 
of  London's  Commifltoners,  of  the  Army's 
Obftruflions  in  the  Treaty  between  them 
and  the  Parliament.  —  —  ' —  — — 
—  further  Application  to  the  Army's  Cornroif- 
fioners,  -  ~~ """" ~~ 

further  Proceedings  in  the  Treaty  with  the 

"Army.  ~  — — - 

. Letter  to  the  Peers,  with  fome  additional 

Propofals  from  the  Army.      ——        — 

__ with  two  Papers  inclofcd  from  Gen. 

Fairfax*  relating  to  a  Petition  and  Engage- 
ment of  the  Train'd  Bands  in  London.  — 

^_ fignifying  the  Army's  Approbation 

of  the  Parliament's  Proceedings.    —    — 

—  concerning  the  Relief  of  Ireland* 

and  the  Army's  Hidden  Refolution  to  march 



96*  7 
16-115,  *& 

to  London. 
,        Defires  to  the  Comroiffioners  of  the  Army 

concerning  Ireland.        *      ■■■■         ■ 
. farther  Account  of  the  Army's  Approach 

towards  London.   >  —  — 

Of  the  Common  Council  of  London,  rifiding  in 

the  Army.,   their  Information  of  the  Ar- 

my's Obftru&ions  in  the  Treaty  between 
;  id  the  Parliament.        —         — 

182,  3 

1  185,  6 
187,  8 


:=y  Google 

Parlianiehtaty  Hifiory  of  England. 

COMMISSIONERS'*/ ri#  Army,  Lift  of,  ap- 
pointed by  Gen.  Fairfax  to  treat  with  the 
Parliament's  CommifBoncrs  about  the  Set- 
tlement of  the  Nation.        —      —       — 

Their  Anfwer  to  a  Paper  concerning  their  flow 
Progrefi  in  the  Bufinefs  of  the  Treaty. 

Jppeintedti  go  into  Scotland,  and  fir  whet,  Lift 

Their  Inftru&ions.        ■     ■  — 

- —  Letter,  fig  ni  fy  i  n  g  the  ir  Arrival  at  Edinburgh, 
'  ■  ■■  to  the  Lord-Chancellor  of  Scotland, 
for  expediting  their  Buftnefs  with  the  Com- 
mittee of  Eftates.  i  — 

— —  firft  Paper  delivered  to  -the  Committee  of 
Eftates,-  concerning  their  Commiffion. 

ii    -  Anfwer  to  a  Letter  from  the  Chancellor  of 

Scotland  relating  thereto.        — 

Letter,  concerning  their  farther  Application 
to  the  Scott.  — —  __ 

—  Paper  to  the  Committee  of  Eftates,  touch- 
ing the  Prefervation  of  the  Union. 

'■■-'■'■  touch- 
ing the  Payment  of  the  100,000/.  due  to 
Scotland.                     ■  — — 

■  ■  »■'■■  —  ■■  ■ ; ' —  '-  touch- 
ing the  Stats  Army  in  Ireland.     —    ■  ■■  — 

—  additional  Inftru&ions  from  the  Parlia- 

—  Letter,  complaining  of  Englijh  Delinquents 
retorting  into  Scotland.       —      —      ■  — 

—  Letter  to  the  Earl  of  Louden,  for  a  Direc- 
tion how  to  apply  to  the  Scott  Parliament. 

—  further  Inftru&ions  from  the  Parliament, 
Particulars  of.  —  ■        — 

—  Letter,  intimating  fome  Defigns  on  Foot 
for  furprizing  the  Town  of  Berwick.     — 

—  two  Letters  to  the  Mayor,  tf  c .  of  Berwick, 
on  that  Occafion.  '  - 

—  Letter  to  the  Earl  of Loudon,  relating  there- 


H  2 










501,  3 

43.  4 




4S.  « 


47.  » 




70,  1 










7'.  7 




(1,  * 




»4>  S 


iHze^y  GOOgk 

n6  I      N      D      E      X    to  the 

COMMISSIONERS  tiding  at  Edinburgh,  their 
Letter  to  the  Earl  of  Manchtfltr,  concern- 
ing their  Addrciles  to  the  Scats  Parliament 
on  die  intended  Surprize  of  Berwick.     —  17 

Their  Paper  to  the  Sorts  Parliament,  demanding 
Capt.  Wtgam,  J7 

i  Information  concerning  Sir  William  Fit- 
Mting  and  Sir  Thomas  Gltmham.     —      — 

— —  Papei  to  the  Scats  Parliament,  preffing  for 

an  Anfwer  to  fome  former  Papers. 17 

■■  ■■.  ■    i  touching 

their  former  Demand  of  Capt.  Wtgen,  and 
l  farther  Demand  of  Sir  Philip  Mufgravt 
and  Sir  Themes  GUmham.         —         — 

—  1  ■  Letter  to  the  Earl  of  Manchtfttr,  of  their 
having  demanded  Col.  Wray  of  the  Sots. 

— '  ■  Paper  to  the  Scots  Pari  lament,  touching  their 
former  Demands  of  Capt.  Wtgam,  Sir  Phi- 
lip Mufgravt,  and  Sir  Thomas  Glembam, 
with  a  further  Demand  of  Col.  Wray.  — 

— »  ■■  Letter  to  the  Earl  of  Mmuhcjiir,  concern- 
ing their  further  Addiefs  to  the  Scats  Par- 
liament. —         —         —         — 

■■■■  Reply  to  the  Parliament  of  Scotland,  in 
Anfwertotheinofthciathof  April,  1648.  17 

— —  additional  Inirruflions  from  the  Parlia-  1 

ment.         —         —         —        — —  J    " 

»■  -  Paper  to  the  Sats  Parliament,  concerning 
their  former  Demand*,  and  the  further  De- 
mand of  Sir  Marmadukt  Lattgdelt  and 
Sir  Lewis Divts.  •-  •  —  1 

■     1 concerning 

the  Seizure  or  BirwUt  and  Carliflt.     — '  17 

—  further  Infer  u&ious  from  the  Parliament.  17 
» Letter,  relating  to  their  further  Applica- 
tion to  the  Scots  Parliament.   

—  Paper  to  the  Parliament  of  Scttlaxd,  pref- 
fing them  to  declare  againfl:  thofe  who  bad 
feized  Berwick  and  Carliflt.       "—         — 

— ■'  Letter,  giving  an  Account  of  their  further 
Proceedings  there.  — — -"        — 



89,  90 

90,  I 

107.  8. 

no,  17, 

<3*»    a 

13+.  S 



iHze^y  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hjftaty  ^England. 

COMMISSIONERS  rtfiding  at  Edinburgh,  their 
Paper  to  the  Committee  of  Eftatei,  re- 
lating to  the  Votes  of  both  Houfes  in  Favour 
of  the  Engtijb  Conftitution.    •*•     17 

Their  Anfwer  to  feme  Papers  of  the  Scats  Parlia- 
ment, concerning  Berwick,  &t.    —     — 

-—  Letter,  fcttlng  forth  their  further  Proceed- 
ing at  Edinburgh. 

—  Paper  to  the  Committee  of  Eftatea,  defiring 

an  Anfwer  to  the  Parliament's  Vote)  about 

.   the  Conftitution  of  England.      —     — - - 

......  j-  1  .  concern 

tag  the  Defirei  of  the  Scots  Parliament.  - 

■  concern- 
big  the  Forces  marching  into  the  North. 
'  concern- 

ing Berwick  and  Carliflu 

—  Letter  to  the  Earl  of  Mexchrjltr,  with  an 
Account  of  the  Scats  Parliament,  concern- 
ing the  March  of  fome  Engiijh  Forces  into 
the  North. ■■■■-  — 

'  —  Reply  to  the  Anfwer  of  the  Scots  Paper  of 

the  ;th  of  Jxnt,  1648.        —  —— 

— —  Letter  to  the  Home  of  Peers  for  Leave  to 

return  home.  --—■■■  — 

—  further  Addiefe  to  the  Committee  of 
Kftates,  relating  to  Berwick  and  Carliflt. 

—  Paper  to  the  Committee  of  Eftates,  con- 
cerning fome  Propofitions  to  the  King  in 

■      the  ijit  *f  Wgkt.  

Recalled  by  the  Parliament.         -  ■— —         — 
Their  Letter  to  the  Lord-Treafurer  of  Scotland, 

concerning  their  Return  home.  —    — 
Lift  of,  appointed  to  go  to  Bury  in  Sutfi/t,  to ' 

(upprefs  an  Infurrecrion  there.      ■  -     ■■- '  1 7 
Inftruclions  to  them.  ■■■  .,  ■■■■17 

Their  Succefi  in  that  Buunefa,  Account  of.  —  ■  17 
Of  the  new  Great  Seal  made  for  the  Ufc  of  the  j 

Commons,  Lift  of.         ■  ■■—  1x0, 

Their  Salary.  ■    ■■  - ,  ig 

Of  Excife,  prohibited  from  holding  any  otheri 

Employment,  -  ■-  j  19 



23°.  t 

»3t.  2 
»3»»  3 
»3J.  * 
>J4.  5.  & 


285,  6 

286,  7 


'54.  5     , 

■  33,6,7.*' 


me^y  Google 

ix  J       IN     D     E     X    to  the 

Vtl.     Pap. 
COMMISSONERS,  Lift  of,  appointed  by  the 
Commons  to  fettle  the  Civil  Affairs  in  lrt- 
land.         —         —  —  —  <9  406 

Jnftniaioiu  to  them.        — —  '9  *o6ft4l« 

Their  Salary.  ■ '9  4*0 

Of  tbt  Militia,  for  tbt  Ctuntj  t/Lllttfitr,  their 
Letter,  expreffing  a  Readinefs  to  oppofe 
the  Invafion  of  the  Stets  in  1651.  —  20      9,  10 

Lift  of,  appointed  to  compliment  Gen.  Cromwell 

on  his  Viftory  at  Wtrttftir.       —        —  20     48 
3nftruclioni  to  them  from  the  Commons.       —  20     48,  9 
How  received  by  the  General.         —  —  20     49 

ljftof,appointedfbrtheGovemmentofSr»//»»n/.|20     82,  3 

-  of  Inland.  20    91 

Inftruaions  to  the  latter.        20     9*  *•  97 

Lift  of,  for  nominating  Commiffion- Officers  in 

the  Army.  21  399 

\.  21  469 
-—  ■  1 '  for  governing  the  Army.  J  22  |0£(  ^ 

— —  appointed  by  Parliament  to  attend  the 

King  at  Breda,  22279 

Their  Inftruaions.  22  2.79,  So 

COMMITTEE,  Lift  of,  appointed  to  confider 
of  an  Aid  for  King  Hoary  III.  

Lift  of,  elected  to  reform  the  State  in  1258.  — 
1        1 to  reprefent  the  whole  Commu- 
nity in  Parliament.  ■  —  ■■■'— 
1    appointed  to  treat  of  an  Aid  for  the  King. 

_____  _—  by  the  Parliament,  in  1 308, 

to  govern  the  Affairs  of  the  Realm.       — 

Their  Oath  on  that  Oceafion.        —        — — 

— —  Preamble  to  fundry  Ordinances  by  them 

Lift  of,  fern  by  the  Barons  to  King  Edward  II. 
demanding  the  Banifliment  of  the  two  Dt- 
fptttftrs.  — -  -  '  ' 

■  1  appointed  to  demand  the  Resignation  of 

his  Crown.  ■  ,  ■  .  — — 

-  to  treat  with  the  Commi 

about  a  Subfidy  in  1373. 

■  to  treat  with  the  Commons 




about  the  King's  Declaration  in  1376*  —  I   Ail* 


Jglzecy  GOOgk 

P&liamentary  HiJ&ty  ef  England. 


COMMITTEE,  Lift  of,  appointed  to  affift  the 

Commons  in  the  DifpatchofBufine&atthi 

Parliament  in  1377.     —     —     —     — 

Lift  of.  appointed  to  furvey  the  Houthold   of 

King  Richard  II.  

.  the  Government 

of  hit  Perfon  and  Court.  

-  to  confer  with  the  Commons 

about  the  King's  going  in  Perfon  againft 
the  Frtncb.  

■  —  on  Whom  the  Authority  of  Parliament 
was  delegated  in  1398.      —  

Their  arbitrary  Proceedings,  Particulars  of.  — 

Lift  of,  appointed  to  receive  King  Richard's  Re- 
signation of  his  Crown.       

to  ps/s  the  Sentence  of  his  De- 
molition.        '  — 

. to  examine  the  Charge  againft 

Henry  Beau/art,  Bifhop  of  Wincltfitr  — 
•  to  confer  with  the  Commons. 

on  Affairs  of  State,  m  1514. 

-  to  fcJlicit  them  for  an  Aid,  for 

Defence  of  the  Northern  Borders, 
to  examine  the  different  Opinions 

in  Religion.  — —  -  ■  ■ 
to  treat  of  the  Doctrines  of  Chrift. 

a  expound  the  Difference  and1 

Realbnablencfs  of  Ceremonies.      j 

to  confult  abuut  an  Alteration; 

of  the  King's  Stile.  ■ ■ 

■  to  confider  of  a  Bill  foraboliQiing 

— — — —  to  confider  of  a  Bill  for  prevent- 1 

ing  the  Decay  of  Tillage. 
— ■   '■-       '  -■  ■'■  —  —  -  for  repealing 

certain  Statutes  for  Treafon.  —    —    — , 
— ■  —  -         for  enforcing 

the  Ecclefiaftical  Laws.     —       —       — 
to  interrogate  the  D.  of  Samtrfit, 

as  to  his  figning  a  Charge  againft  himlelf, 

—  ■  --  to  confider  of  a  Bill  touching 

,  the  Marriage  of  Queen  Mary,      —      — 


365.  6. 








249  . 
25O,  I 



Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 


I      N      D      E      X    to  the 

COMMITTEE,  Lift  of,    appointed  to  follicit 

the  Commons  for  an  Aid,  in  1558.  -  -  - 

Lift  of,  appointed  by  Parliament  to  petition 

Queen  Elizabeth  about  her  Marriage  and 

the  Succefllon.  ■  — 

-  to  confider  of  an  Academy  for 

Pcrfons  of  Quality. 
— —  by  the  Commc 

immons  for  Privileges.  — 
Elections.  — 

-  Grievances,  — 

-  Courts  of  Joftlte 

-  Trade.  — 

-  trtjb  Affairs.     > 
-  to  inquire  who  were  the  prin- 

cipal Contrivers  of  the  new  Canons  in 
1640.  '      '    -  — — 

Their  Power  to  this  Purpofe.        —  *— — 

Appointed  to  inquire  into  the  Breaches  of  Par- 
liamentary Proceedings.  —  — 
Thek  Authority  on  this  Occalion.  — 
Liftof,  appointed  during  theRecefc  of  Parliament, 
Their  Power,  Account  of.  —  *— 
—  Proceedings  during  the  Recefi,  Particulars 

Lift  of,  appointed  to  wait  on  the  King  with  a 

Petition    and    Remonftance    concerning 

Grievances.  ■ 

Their  Reception,  Account  of.        — 

Lift  of,  appointed  to  treat  with  the  Seals  Com 

miffioners  about  the  hifb  Rebellion.  -  ■ 
Their  InftrucYions  for  this  Purpofe.  —  — 
Lift  of,  appointed  by  the  Parliament  to  attend 

the  King  at  Tart.  — 

Their  Inftruftions.       — ■  — 

_—  Letter  to  the  Parliament  on  their  Arrival 

it  T$ri. • 

1—  Account  of  the  King's  Propositions  to  the 

Gentry  ofthat  County  at  a  public  Meeting.   iu 
Appointed  by  the  Parliament  to  endeavour  the 

preventing  a  Civil  War.  ■■    ■    ■  1 1  * 


6i,  ft 




497.  « 
%  lit 


55»  • 

♦93  "49* 
511,  12 




iglzecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Bjfiory  of  England.        iai 
FtL    PHU 
COMMITTEE,  Lift  of,  appointed  to  ittend  die 

,     Parliament's  Army.  —  — 

Of  Safrty,  their  Letter  to  Lord  Fairfax,  figni- 
fying  the  Parliament' t  Approbation  of  him 
to  command  their  Forces  in  Ytr&Jbirt.     -  II   +42,3 
Their  fecond  Letter  to  him.  —  —  1 1  443 

Letter  to  the  Earl  of  EJixt  concerning 

the  Removal  of  his  Army  to  Windftr.         12  466,  7 

■  ■  -  fecond  Letter,  to  the  lame  Purpofe.  -     -  12  468,  a 
.    —  third  Letter  to  him,  by  Order  of  Parlia- 
ment. ■  ■  — — 

Lift  of,  appointed  to  -prefers  the  Peace  of  the 

Commonwealth.  ■  21  380,  I 

.,_—.—  to  conduct  the  public  Affairs. 

Their  Jealottfy  of  the  £>»figns  of  Gen.  Monk: 
--     Orders  to  Gen.  Lamtrt  concerning  him.  22        7,   £ 

Sub-Committee,  Lift  of.     —    —      — 

Appoint  Mr.  Wbktttit  Keeper  of  the  Great  Seal. 
Agree  to  a  Treaty  with  Gen.  Manie  for  a  Set- 
tlement of  the  State.        —        —      —  22     if 
Their  Proceedings  therein.     —  .  .    .    ■  22     15 

—  Perplexity  at  this  Time.       — •  22     24 

Scheme  for  a  new  Government.       — —  22    24 

—  Conduct  ordered  to  be  inquired  into.       -  22  13a 
h  tht  Parliament' i  Army,  their  Letter,  concern- 
ing a  Petition  from  both  Houfes  to  the 

Appointed  by  the  Commons  to  feqaefter  the 
Eftates  ef  the  Royalifts      —  •         

Of  b*ib  Kingdoms,  their  Letter  to  the  Com- 
manders of  the  King's  Force*  in  Nertb- 
Kitibirland.  —.,,,-  —  ■— « 

Their  Declaration  to  the  Country,  touching 
billeting  of  Soldiers.  —  ■■■  — 

■  ■■  Propofitions  for  Peace.        —  ■ 

—  Oath  adminiftered  to  them  by  Order  of 
the  Parliament.  —  . 

.  •—  Letters  concerning  the  Motions  of  the 
King's  Army.  —  ...  ■  ■ 

-  concerning  the  Motions  of  the  Scuts 

Army  before  Htrtftrj,  •-* 


36.  7.  « 


33'.  » 


Jiglizecy  GOOgle 

132        I      N      D      E      X    to  the 

COMMITTEE  »/  b*b  Kingdoms,  their  Order 
for  preventing  Sir  Jacob  Afiley  joining  his 
Forces  with  thofe  at  Oxford.  ■ 

Lift  of,  appointed  to  join  with  the  Setts  Com- 
miffioners,  for  better  managing  the  com- 
mon Caufe.  —  — ^—  I3 

■  ..    i .  ■  appointed  a-new  by  the  Peers  to  join 

with  the  Scots  Comroif&oners      -  —  13 

Of  Waft  and  Means,  appointed  by  the  Com- 

monsforfapportingtheParliament'sArmy.  13 

Rtfidirtg  with  the  Parliament's  Army  in  tit  Weft, 
their  Letter,  giving  an  Account  of  a  fecund 
Battle  at  Newbury.  —  13 

Rifiding  with  the  Army  in  the  Ntrtb,  their  Letters 
concerning  Newcafilet  tltt,        —         — 
'Their  farther  Account  relating  to  the  Nor- 
thern Counties.  —  13;: 

.         Letter,  concerning  the  March  of  the  Scots 

Army  towards  JVeJlmtrtland.         13 \> 

Refiding  wttb  the  Army  btfere  Nrwari,  their  Let- 
ters, &c.  relating  to.  the  Maintenance  of 
the  Scots  Army  there,        —     .  ■— 

Their  Letter,  concerning  the  Scats  Army. 

'  .   1  1    Account  of  the  Siege  of  that  Town. 
1          Summons  to  the  Governor  to  deliver  up 
the  Town  and  Garrifon  to  them  for  the 
—  ■  Letter,  concerning  the  King's  throwing 
~  fth. 

himfelf  into  the  Sum  Army 

■  1  concerning  the  King  and  the  Sur- 

render of  Newark.  —  ■     —  - 

OfEngliJb  ani&cots,  appointed  to  attend  the  Par- 
liament's Army  at  the  Siege  of  Newark. 

Lift  of,  and  Inftructioni  to  them  for  that  Purpofe. 

OfGleucefitr,  their  Letter,  relating  to  the  King's 
new  Levies.  — ——  ■ 

Of  the  Houfe  of  Commons  rtfiding  at  Tort,  their 
Letter,  of  Complaint  againft  the  Scots  Ar- 

Tfaeir  .Letter  to  the  lame  Purpofe. 

Jglzecy  GOOgk 


.  Parliamentary  Hjftpry  of England. 

COMMITTEE  tftht  Hiufe  of  Commons  refiding 
at  York)  their  Letter,  concerning  the  Re- 
moval of  the  Scots  Army  Northward*.     - 

Of  the  EfiaUt  of  Scotland-,  their  Letter  exculing 
their  Delay  in  meeting  the  Englijb  Com- 
milEoiiers  at  Berwici.  ■  — 

Their  Letter  to  the  Englijb  Commiffioners  at 
Berwici,  relating  to  a  Treaty  for  regula- 
ting lame  particular  Affairs  between  the 
two  Kingdoms.  —  ■■ 

—  Letter  to  the  Parliament  of  England,  re- 
quiring a  free  Paflkge  for  their  Meflengers. 

■■  Letter,  concerning  the  calling  home  their 
Army  from  Ireland.  ■  — 

*  ■  '  Lift  of  Commiffioners  appointed  to  hear 
the  Commiffioners  from  the  Parliament  of 
England,  and  to  receive  their  Papers,  &c. 

—  Order  for  that  Purpofe.  ■    ■  — 
--     Paper,  fetting  forth  their  Diftatisfa&ion  at 

the  Proceedings  of  the  Englijh  Parliament. 

1         Declaration  of  the  Reafons  for  the  Return 

of  their  Army  into  England,  in  1648.  — 

—  Letter  to  Gen.  Cromwell,  concerning  the 
Reftitution  of  Berwici  and  GariiJU.     — 

•—  Anfwer  to  that  General's  Paper  concerning 
fomc  Scots  Malignants.  —  — 

—  Letter  to  the  fioufc  of  Peers,  defiring  a 
good  Correfpondence  with  the  Englijh  Par- 
liament. —  —  .■'■. 

—  Letter  of  Credence  to  Sir  John  Cbiefley, 
appointing  him  their  Agent  for  that  Pur- 
pofe. _  

— —  Letter,  commending  the  Behaviour  of  the 

Englijb  Army  in  Scotland.       — 

Appointed  to  compound  with  the  Royattfts  for 

their  fequcftered  Eftates.  —  ■  ■  — 
U  Cumin-land,  their  Letter  of  Complaint  againft 

the  Scots  Army  in  the  North.  —  — 
Lift  of,  appointed  to  go  down  into  Devon/hire 

and  Cornwall.  ■  .___ 

Iflftrufliorja  to  them,  Particulars  of.     —      — 

l  455.  « 

14  107, 4 
6  J  377,  « 

70  ■ 

29,  9 

106,  7 

a36.  7 

258.  9 

Iglizecy  GOOgle     . 

124  I      N      D      E      X    to  tie 


COMMITTEE  ej[  tht  Army  fir  tht  Militia  if 
London,  their  Orders  for  fecuring  the  King 
and  his  Attendants,  in  cafe  he  attempted 
to  come  to  the  City.        —  

Appointed  by  the  City  of  London  to  attend  Sir 
Thomas  Fairfax  s  Army.         —  — 

Of  tht  London  Militia,  their  Order,  on  Notice 
of  the  Army's  Advance  towards  the  City. 

Fir  inquiring  after  tht  Authors  if  Fitttnet  dent 
ti  tht  Parliament  by  tht  London  Apprentices, 
their  Report  thereof.      —        —        — 

Appointed  by  the  Commons  to  expoftulate  with 
Lord  Fairfax  on  the  Violence  done  to 
the  Members  of  that  Houfe  in  1648.    —  18 

Their  Paper  delivered  on  that  Occafion.     18 

■  ■  ■  Reply  to  the  General's  Anfwer.    —    —  iS 
Appointed  by  the  Commons  for  regulating  the 

Practice  of  the  Law.        —       —        — 
.   f  ■        ■    '- for  Tythes,  their 

Report  concerning  them.  —  — 

Appointed  to  receive  the  Scruples  of  Cromwell, 

as  to  his  being  King.        .  — 

Their  Debate  with  him  thereon.        —        — 
Lift  of,  appointed  for  the  Army.  ■ 

_-.-  —.1.  for  Treafurers  of  War.    -    - 

■  i'  ..  for  the  Admiralty  and  Navy. 
Of  Lords,  ordered  to  attend  the  King  at  Breda, 

'  ,  Lift  of.  

COMMITTEES,  Lift  of,  appointed  by  Crom- 
ihelTt  firft  Parliament  forRcdrefs  of  Grie- 

COMMONS,  Antiquity  of  their  being  made  a 
Branch  of  the  Legislature,  various  Opinions 

When  firft  elected  to  ferve  in  Parliament.    ■ 
■  ■        fummoned   by  Writ  out  of  every 
County  for  that  Purpofe.        — 

Their  Aid  granted  to  Edward  II.  for  his  Expe- 
dition into  Scotland.         •  — — 

— —  Grant  to  the  King  in  1310.       —      — 

When  firft  made  a  diftinQ  Houfe.    —      — 



278-,  9 








214,   21 


)]i:»^y  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Btji&ry  of  Ehgl and.         i« 

COMMONS,  their  Anfwer  to  the  Prince  Re- 
gent, in  1339*  concerning  the  Demand  of 

Their  Grant  to'  Edward  III.  at  the  Parliament 

in  1340.  

—  -  Petitions  to  the  King,  concerning  die  Li 

berry  of  the  Subject,  (ic.      — — ■      

— —  Rcmonftrance  to  the  King  againft  Papal 
Encroachments.         —  ■■  —         ■  ■■ 

—  Letter  to  the  Pope,  concerning  his  Oppref- 
fioiu,         ■■  ■    ■  -■  — 

—  ■  Subfidy granted  in  t^-jio^  thtFrtnch  War. 
—•Petitions  to  the  Prince  Regent  at    that 

Time.  — 

—  Declaration  concerning  the  French  War. 
Advice  to  the  King,  with  refped  to  Peace 

at  home.         ■  -  —  ■         — 

—  Reprefcnration  of  the  State  of  the  Realm, 
and  of  the  Conditions  on  which  the  Supply 
was  to  be  granted.  —  

■  ■  ■     ■■- touching  the  Poverty  of  the 

common  People.         —  ■ 

~  Anfwer  to  the  King's  Demand  concerning 
a  Peace  with  France.  •  — 

—  Petitions  to  him  at  the  Parliament  in  135+. 

or  his 

1        Acknowledgments    to    the  King  for 

Kindnefs  to  them.  ■  — 

^—  Requeft,  concerning  his  Profperity,  He. 
——  Petition  to  him,  concerning  unreafonable 


againft  Clergymen  holding  Offices 

of  State.  

Sae  out  Writs  for  their  Wages  and  Expences,  at 

the  Parliament  in  1372.  ■     

Their  Petitions  to  the  King  on  granting  an  Aid 

in  1373. 

(h  fitly, 

Requeft  for  a  Council  to  attend  him  con- 

Proteftation   againft  the  Conduit  of  hie 

Minifters.  -  — — — 




254,  5,  6 



*7«»  »»* 

*77      ■ 


284,  5, 6 



3©9»  w 




Jglzecy  GOOgk 

126  INDEX    ts  the 


COMMONS,  their  efpecial  Points  to  be  in- 
quired into  at  the  Parliament  in  1376. 
Their  Impeachments  in  Confequence  thereof  - 
■  1    ..■  Petition  to  the  King,  concerning  Juftices 
'  of  the  Peace.  ■  — — — 

1  1      _■ .  ...1. 1 for  the  Removal  of 

Atict  Pitrct,  his  Miftrefi.  —  — 
.  1—  Petitions  at  the  Parliament  in  1377.  -  - 
—■J-  Requeft  to  Richard  II.  at  his.  firit  Parlia- 

Difpatch  of  Bufinefs.        .         ■ 

Complaint  againft  them  by  the  Duke  of  Lmcajltr. 
Their  Anfwer.  ■■■■'■"-  — — - 

How  replied  to  by  the  Duke.  -     -         — 

Elect  Sir  P.tttr  dt  la  Mart  for  their  Speaker.  -  - 
Their  Proposals  for  regulating  the  Government. 
How  anfwered.  ■  ■■—  ■  ■■ 

Their  Petitions  to  the  King  at  this  Parliament. 
Chu'fe  Siijamtt  Pickering  for  their  Speaker,  at 

the  Parliament  in  1378.         —  — 

Their  Remonftrance  on  the  State  of  the  Nation. 
——Petitions  to  the  King  in  Confequence  there- 

1  Propofal  concerning  the  Forts  beyond  Sea. 

'  Elect.  Sir  John  Gilitrjburg  for  their  Speaker,  at 

the  Parliament  in  1379.     — 

Their  Petition  to  the  King,  relating  to  the  Dif- 

charge  of  his  Standing-Council.        

-  to  his  prin- 


cipal  Officers.  — 

__ to  the  Sur- 

1        vey  of  his  Houfhold.       —        —        — 
Chufe  Sir  John  Gildtrfiurg  for  their  Speaker,  at 

,  the  Parliament  in  1380.        —        

Their  Reply  to  the  Demand  of  an  Aid  for  the 
French  War.  —  —  — 

— ....  Proteftation  concerning  the  fame.     

. Grant  of  a  Poll  Tax.  — 

Claule  for  excluding  themfelves  from  be- 
ing Collectors  thereof.         —  ■ 

Jglzecy  GOOgle 

ParUdmeatary  Hilary  of  England. 

COMMONS,  chufe  Sir  Richard  P^alfgravt  for 

their  Speaker,  at  the  Parliament  in  1381. 

TheirPetitions  to  the  King,  touching  theCharee 

■  by  the  Treafurer.        —        _        _ 

How  anfwered.  . —  

Their  Complaint  of  Abufes  in  the  Government. 
—Petitions  to  the  King  for  Pardons,  on  Ac- 
count of  Tome  Tumults.        —  — 
— — ■  Anfwer,  concerning  his  Want  of  Money. 

farther  Requeft  as  to  Pardon 

Proteftation  on  the  Grant  of  a  Subfidy.  - 

Petition  to  the  King  for  a  Repeal  of  the 

Statute  of  Herefy.  -*.  

for  regulating    his 
Houfhold,  Utc.  —  _       6    _ 

Anfwer  to  the  Articles  of  Peace  between 

England  and  Franc t  in  1384.     -    -    -     - 

Petition  to  the  King,  concerning  the  State 

of  his  Houfhold.        —        . 

1 ' '■ his  Chief 

Officers.         —         —         

Articles  of  Impeachment  againft  Lord- 
Chancellor  Pelt.        —       

_Requeft    to  the  King,    concerning    his 

Standing- Council.  —  

Impeachment  of  Sir  Rabert  Belknap,  and 

others.  —  , 

■ Anfwer  to  the  Matter  of  Exeufe  alledged 

by  them.  —  

Impeachment  of  Job*  Blah  and  Thomas 

■  of  Thomas  Rufiooki,   Bi- 

ftop  of  CbicbeJIer.  —  

further  Impeachments,  Account  of.     — 

Petitions  to  the  King,  concerning  the  Pro- 
ceedings in  this  Parliament.  -  -'  -  - 
Aflem  to  his  difpenftng  Power,  with  re- 
fpe&  to  the  Statute  of  Frovifors. 

Proteft  on  that  Occafion.     —     

Elect  Sir  John  Bujfy  for  their  Speaker,  at  the 
Parliament  in  1394.     — ,—.__. 




3*4,  S 



366,  7 



374.  S 












,  i,^c;!y  Google 

laS  I      N      D      E      X    to  the 


COMMONS,  their  Advice,  M  to  the  War,  de- 
manded by  the  King.        —       —      — 
Their  Anfwer.         —        —  — 

— —  Subiidies  granted  this  Scffion.     — 
■——  Grant  to  the  King,  at  the  Parliament  in 
1395-  —  —  — 

—  —  rruteflation  on  that  Account.     — »     — 
Elca  Sir  John  Buffi  for  their  Speaker,  at  the 

Parliament  in  1397.  —  — - 

Their  Bill  for  regulating  the  King's  Houlhold, 

Heads  of.  —  —  — 

Fall  under  his  Difpleafure.  —  — 

Their  fubmiflive  Addrefc  for  Pardon.     —     — 
How  anfwered.  —  —  — 

SAc&.  Sir  Jthn  Buff}  again  for  their  Speaker,  at 

the  Second  Parliament,  in  1397.    — •    — 
Their  Requeft,  concerning  a  general  Proctor  for 

the  Clergy.  —  —  — 

— ■  '      Proteftarion  touching  their  Proceedings  at 

this  Parliament.  —  ■  ■  ■ 

»■    ■  Impeachment  of  Thomat  Arundel-,  Arch- 

bifhop  of  Canterbury.  —  

w-  ■—  Petition  to  the  King  for  Judgment  againft 

him.  —  —  — 

■  Interceffion  in  Behalf  of  thofe  Lords  con 
cern'd  in  the  King's  Com  mi  (Eon,  made  ii 
the  tenth  of  his  Reign.      —       —       — 

•— —  AddreJs  to  the  K  ing,  for  hi*.  Favoor  to  the 

Earls  of  Derby  and  Nottingham.     —   — 

—- —  Oath  for  fupporting  the  Resolutions  of  this 

Parliament.  —  —  — 

—  ■  -  ■  Subfidy  granted  the  King  for  Life.   ■ 

■  ■■■-■  Requeft  at  the  fame  Time.      —        — 

—  1      Petition  to  the  .King  for  delegating  the 

Power  of  the  whole  Parliament  to  a  Com- 
mittee. '  —  —  — 

Elect  Sir  Jehu  Chatty  for  their  Speaker  in  1399- 
■Sir  John  Darewood  Speaker  in  his  Stead, 
and  the  Reafon  thereof.  —  — 

Their  Subfidy  granted  to  Henry  IV.  at  this  Scf- 
fion. — ■  —  —  — 


Jglzecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Wjhry  ^England. 

COMMONS,  their  Requeft  in  Favour  of  Jehn  di 
Mentfort,  Duke  of  Britany.        —         — * 

Their  Petitions  to  the  King.  —  — 

— —  Proceedings  concerning  the  Judgment 
againft  WtBiam  h  Senft^  Eari  of  {fthjbirt, 
and  others.  —  —  — 

Chufe  Sir  Arnold  Savage  for  their  Speaker,  at  the 
Parliament  in  1401.  —  — 

Their  Acknowledgments  to  the  Kingfor  his  Pro- 
mHe  to  maintain  the  Catholic  Faith.    -    - 

Advice  concerning  the  Challenge  made 

him  by  (he  French.       —         -».*. 

— —  Subfidy  granted  this  Sefiion.       —      — 

— —  A'ddrefs  to  the  King  in  Favour  of  Edward 
Plantagenet,  Earl  of  Albimarli,  and  others. 

— —  Requeft  to  him  for  his  Affiftance  in  pacify- 
ing the  Schifm  in  the  Church  of  Rome.   - 

— —  farther '  Subfidy  granted  at  this  Time, 
and  their  Manner  of  prefenung  it.  -  -  - 

Appoint  Sir  Henry  Red/ord  their  Speaker,  at  the 
Parliament  in  1403.  —  — — • 

Their  Addrefi  to  the  King  on  his  Succeia  in 
Wales,  Scotland,  tfc.       —        —         — 

■ large  Subfidy  granted  this  Seffion,  Parti- 
culars of.  — —  — 

How  complimented  for  it.       —        —        — 

Appoint  Sir  Arnald  Savage  their  Speaker,  at  the 
Parliament  in  1404.     — >       —       — 

Their  Requefts  to  the  King  at  opening  this  Sef- 
fion.       '   —         "  —  —  — 

• further  Proceedings  at  this  Time.     — 

Appoint  Sir  Wt&tam  Sturmty  their  Speaker,  at  the 
Parliament  in  1405.       —         —        — 

Their  Subfidy 'granted  there,  Particulars  of.  — 

' Requefts  at  opening  this  Seffion.  —    — 

—- —  Addrefs  to  the  King,  for  applying  the 
Revenues  of  the  Church  to  the  Service  of 
the  State;      —     —     —      —        — 

How  reprimanded  by  the  ArchbMhop  of  Canter- 
twj  on  that  Occafion.        '—  — 

Their  Petitions  to  the  King  at  this  Time    — 


S3  *»  56 






65,  6 






W.  '. 


77.  $9 
80,  t 


84,  S 



COM  j 



N      D      E      X    to  the 

COMMONS,   chufc   Sir  John  TtbeM  for  their 
Speaker,  at  the  Parliament  in  14.06.     — 

Their  Subfidy  granted  there.  

Requefts  to  the  King.  —  — 

Affent  to  the  A&  of  Settlement  for  fixing 

the  Crown  m  General  Tail.       —        — 

-  1     Articles  for  the  better  Regulation  of  the 

Government.  —  —  — 

Chufe  Sir  Thomas  Chancer  fot  theirSpeaker,  at  the 
Parliament  in  1407  ■  —  ,  ~ — 

Their  Compliments  to  Prince,  iftsrjr  on  his  Vic- 
tories in  Walts.         —  —         — 

—  ■■■■  Subfidy  granted  the  King,  —  — 
__ — Order  to  prevent  their. private  Debates 

from  being  communicated  to  the  King.  — 
Appoint  Sir  Thomas  Chaucer  for  their  Speaker,  at 

the  Parliament  in  1410.         

Their  Charge  from  the  King.           — 
— —  great  Refped  paid  to  Prince  Henry,  In- 
stance of.  —  —  

— „.  ■  Requeft  to  the  King,  for  a  Mitigation  of 
the  A&  againft  the  Lellards.       —       — 

. Remonftrance  againft  the  Clergy.    

How  anfwered  by  the  King.  —  —  — 
Their  further  Petition  concerning  the  Clergy. 
.  Reafon  in  Support  thereof.       -—         — 

-  ....  Difappointment  in  thefe  Proceedings.  — 

—  Rcfentment  againft  the  King  for  fulcring 
a  Lollard  to  be  burnt.  — 

— —  Subfidy  at  this  Time.  — 

1  voluntary  Grant  to  the  King,  to  be  dif- 

pofed  of  at  Pleafurc,  Account  of.  —    — 

Chufc  Sir  nomas  Chaucer  again  for  their  Speaker, 

at  the  Parliament  in  1411.        —         — 

Their  Subfidy  at  this  Seffion.  —  — 

Tax  upon  Land,  firft  Inftance  of.       — 

Elc&  William  Stourten  for  their  Speaker,  at  the 

firft  Parliament  of  Henry  V,     — 
.— ~  Jebn  Doreiuoodt  Efq;  in  his  Stead,  and  the 
Reafon  thereof.         —         — * 


iHze^y  GOOgle 


>49»  SO 

Parliamentary  Hiftory  6f  Engi  an  to.  i 3  r 

*V.    Page. 
COMMONS,  their  Petition  to  the  King,  concern; 

ing  Aliens.  ■■  — •—     2   129 
Their  Soblidy  granted  this  Seffion.       —      —    2  129 
r  Petition  to  the  King,  for  redrafting  Grie- 
vances, He.          —           —  _- 
—  further  Attempt  againft  the  Revenues  of 

the  Clergy.  —        "    —  ■ — 

How  defeated  again.  —  — 

.  Fiect  Thomas  Chaucer*  E6j;  for  their  Speaker,  at 

the  Parliament  in  14.14-  — -  — 

Their  Supply  granted  there.       —      —       — 
Chufe  Sir  frailer  Beauchamp  for  their  Speaker,  at 

the  Parliament  in  1415.  —  ' — 

Their  Petition  at  this  Seffion.  —  — 

Appoint  Roger  Flower,  Efq;  their  Speaker,  at  the 

Parliament  in  14.16.  —  — 

Their  Supply  granted  for  the  French  War.     — 
Appoint  Roger  Flower,  Efq;  again  their  Speaker, 

at  the  Parliament  in  1417.  —  —  2  155 
Their  Subfidy  granted  there.       —  •  2  155 

Appoint  Roger  Flower,  Efqj  their  Speaker,  at 

the  Parliament  in  14I9.  —  ■  ■■■'■-  2  160 
Their  Subfidy  granted  this  Seffion.       —       —    2  160 

.  in  iiai.         -_         —    2  t6» 

Appoint  Richard  Bajnard,  Efq;  their  Speaker,  at 

the  Parliament  in  1421.        '  —  —     2  r6j 

Their  Sublidy  granted  there.  —  *—    2  165 

Hc&  Roger  Flower,  Efq;  for  their  Speaker,  at 

the  firft  Parliament  of  Henry  VI.  -  -2  172 
Their  Subfidy  granted  the  King.  -*  —  2  173 
Bed  John  Rufel,  Efq;  foi  their  Speaker,  at  the 

Parliament  in  1423.  — 

Their  Subfidy  at  this  Time.  — ■ 

Chufe  Sir  Thomas  Nanton  for  their  Speaker,  at 

the  Parliament  in  1425.  —  —  —  2  186 
Confulted  in  a  Cafe  of  Precedency  in  Peerage.  •  2  186 
Their  Subfidy  granted  this  Seffion.  —  —  2  187 
— -  Petition  concerning  Non-Relidence  of  the 

Chafe  Sir  Richard  Vernon  for  their  Speakei. 

the  Parliament  in  1426.        —        — -    2 1 192 

I  2  COM- 

:=y  Google 


N      D      E      X    to  the 

Vol,     Pag*. 
COMMONS,  their  Subfidy  granted  in  1426.  — 
Their  further  Attack  on  the  Clergy-      —      — 
Ele&jfbmrjrrel,  E&i;  for  their  Speaker,  at  the 

Parliament  in  1428.  —  — 

Their  Subfidy  granted  there,  and  a  Poll  Tax, 

Particulars  of-         —  —  — 

Chufc  mtiiam  Mington,  Efq;  for  their  Speaker, 

at  the  Parliament  in  1419.  —  —  — 
Their  large  Subfidy  then  avexti.  —  —  — 
—-  Application  to  the  King,  ia  Favour  of  Car- 

-  Applic 
dinal  Btaufert. 
— —  farther  Grant  at  this  Sefflon.         —      — 
-    —  Petitions  to  the  King.  —  — 

.—  Proceedings  in  a  Cafe  of  Privilege.  —  — 
Appoint  John  Tyrrel,  Efq;  their  Speaker,  at  the 
Parliament  in  1431.  —  — 

Their  Subfidy  and  a  Land-Tax  granted  there: 

Account  of.         —  —        

.         Petitions  to  the  King  at  this  Seffion.     — 
Appoint  John  Rufj*L,  Efqi  their  Speaker,  at  the 
Parliament  in  I4J2«  —  — 

Their  Subfidy  granted  to  the  King.     —        — 
— —  Petitions  at  this  Seffion.         —  — 

Eleft  Rugtr  Hunt,  Eiqt  for  their  Speaker,  at  the 

Parliament  in  1433.         — 

Obliged  to  fwear  to  the  Obfervance  of  an  AS 

agamft  Quarrels.  —  ■  -—-■ 

Their  CtimnKnients  to  the  Duke  of  Buffard,  on 

his  Martial  Conduct  in  Prima.    —     — 

— —  Subfidy,  and  a  Vote  of  Credit,  granted 

this  Seffion,  Account  of.      

EleS  Jain  Bewtt,  Efq;  for  their  Speaker,  at  the 
ParKameBt  in  1435.  — —  — 

Their  large  SubGdy  granted  there,  Particulars  of. 
Appoint  Sir  Jtkn  Tyrrtl  for  their  Speaker  in  1436. 
Their  Subfidies  granted  that  Seffion.  —  — 
YX&WxUiamTrtflmm,  Efq;  their  Speaker,  at  the  I 
Parliament  is  1439.  —  ■■        \ 

Their  Supplies  granted  at  that  Time.     —    — 
«—  Patitioa  to  the  King,  Particular*  of.     — ' 

1 98 





2  211 

2  212 

2  213 
2,214,  '5 


2J220,  : 



23  r 



Jglzecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Bjjlory  $f  England. 

COMMONS,  chufe  William  BmrUtgb,  Efq;  their 

Speaker*  at  die  Parliament  in  1445.  — — 

Their  Subfidy  granted  at  that  Time.     —      — 

Compliments  to  the  Marquis  of  Suffili,  for 

his  Service  in  negotiating  the  King's  Mar- 
riage. —  ■-■'  — 
— —  Vote  in  Confequence  thereof.  — 
EleetfTilliemTrtfaimtEfyxheir  Speaker,  at  the 

Parliament  in  1447.  —  

Join  Day,  Efq(  their  Speaker,  at  the  Par 

iiament  in  1440.  ■■■■■■  -■■  ■ — 
Their  Sublidy  and  a  Poll-Tax  granted  there.  — 
Chufe  William  Tre/ham,  Efq;  their  Speaker,  at 

the  Parliament  In  1450.         —         

Their  Accufation  againft  the  Duke  of  Suffolk.  — 

—  Requeft  for  his  Imprifonment.       —     — 

Articles  againft  him.         ■■  -  — — 

Cbufe  Sir  William  Oidbatt  their  Speaker,  at  the 

Parliament  in  1451.         —  — — 

Their  Monopoly  granted  there,  to  raife  Money 

for  the  King.  1  ■  .  ■ 
Requeft  to  the  King,  for  the  Removal  of 

rnoft  of  his  Servants.  — — •  — 

How  anfwered.  -■-■  ■-—  — 

Cbufe  Thomas  Thorpe,  Efq;  their  Speaker,  at  the 

Parliament  in  1453.  ■ ■  ■  ■   ■ 

Their  Subfidy  granted  that  Seffion.      —       — 

—  Number  of  Archers  voted  for  the  King's 
Service.  — 

■ farther  Grant  at  that  Time.       —        — 

Cbufe  Sir  Thomas  Charlton  their  Speaker,  inftead 
of  Thomas  Thorpe,  and  the  Occafion  there- 
of. ---■   -■  — 2  271 

Their  Requefts  to  the  Lords,  concerning  Calais, 

Appoint  Sir  John  Wenleck  their  Speaker,  at  the 

Parliament  in  1455.  — —  —     2  279 

Their  Requeft  to  the  Lords,  touching  the  Ap- 
pointment of  a  Proteftor.         —  —     2  281 

Elect  1  homes  Trtjham,  Efq;  their  Speaker,  at  the 

Parliament  in  1460.      ■■     2  288 

I  3  COM- 

iHze^y  GOOgle 



141,  2 



250,  t 

256,  7 



**3,  * 






3      X    ft  the 

COMMONS,  their  Requeft  in  Favour  of  frnidry 
Perforu  concerned  in  Rebellion  againft  the 

Their  Accjifation  againft  Lord  Stanley.    —    — 

EleaTe*"  Grten,  Efq;  their  Speaker,  at  the  Par- 
liament in  1461.  

Their  Debate  on  the  Duke  of  Tart's  claiming 
the  Crown.  

Elect  Sir  James  Slrang-uiayei  Speaker,  at  the  Par- 
liament held  by  Edward  IV.  in  1461.  — 

...  ;  .  John  Say,  ED];  for  their  Speaker,  at  the 
Parliament  in  1463.  —  — 

Their  Sub  lid  y  granted  there.  —  — 

Subfidies  granted  to  the  Ring  for  Life,  at 

their  Seflion  in  1464.  — •  — 

ChufeSir  John  Say  for  their  Speaker,  at  the  Par- 
liament in  1467.  —  — — 

Their  Subfidy  granted  at  the  Seflion  in  1468..  - 

Chufe  William  Allingtan,  Efq;  their  Speaker,  at 
the  Parliament  in  1472.         -     .■  — 

Grant  the  King  a  Supply,  for  which  they  are 
thank'd  by  John  Alceci,  Bilhop  of  Rochefter, 
in  the  King's  Name.  —  ■    ■  ■■ 

Their  Requeft  for  executing  the  Laws  againft 
Riots,  &c.  

■     .     Subfidy  granted  at  the  Seflion  in  1473. 

Grant  the  King  another  Subfidy.  — 

—  •     -•         another  in  1474,  Account  of. 

—  :    '  — .  two  more  Subfidies  at  this  Par- 

Chufe  tVittiam  Allingtm  their  Speaker,  at  the 
Parliament  in  1477.  —  — r 

—  Jabn  Wood,  Efq;  to  that  Office  in  1482. 
Their  Subfidy  granted  then.  —  — 

—  large  Supply  granted  to  Henry  VII.  at  the 
Parliament  in  1488.  —  

—  —  Subfidy  granted  in  1498.         —  — 
Elect  Edmund  Dudley,  Efq;  their  Speaker,   at 

the  Parliament  in  1505.  ■ 

Their  Subfidy  and  Benevolence   granted  this 

Seflion.  •   ■■  •  -  .  — 

Jglzecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  ISJiory  of  England.      "  135 

Ft!.     Pagt. 

COMMONS,    ded  Thtmas  IngU/Uld,  Efq;  their 

Speaker  in  1509.  —  ■ 

Procure  a  Bill  of  Attainder  againft  the  Perrons 

and  Eftates  of  Sir  Thomas  -E/nftftn,  Knt. 

and  Edmund  Dudley,  Efq;  — .        — 

Grant  a  Subfidy  to  King  Henry  VIII.  in  1509. 
■  Chufe  Sir  Robert  Sheffield  their  Speaker,  at  the 

Parliament  in  1510.  —  .  — 

—  Thomas  Nevile,  Efq;  -    ......  ■  -in  1514. 

Grant  the  King  a  Subfidy ,  —        —  ■■■  — 

Their  Wages  for  attending  the  Houfe,  haw 

paid,  and  what.  —  ■    ■— — 

Fleft  Sir  Thomas  More  for  their  Speaker,  at  the 

Parliament  in  1523.  —  - 

TheirDebate  on  the  Demand  of  Cardinal  Woifey. 
Grant  the  King  a  Subfidy  at  this  Parliament,  to 

be  paid  in  four  Years  Time.  —  — 
Elefl  Thomas  Audlty,  Efq;  for  their  Speaker  in 

Acquit  Cardinal  Woifey  of  the  Trealbn  charged 

againft  him  by  the  Lords.        —  — 

firing  in  a  Bill  to  reform  the  Abufes  of  the 


Are  highly  provoked  at  John  Fijbtr,  Bifliop  of 

Rocbejitr,  for  his  Speech  againft  their  Bill. 
Complain  of  him  to  the  King  on  this  Ocafion. 
Set  on  Foot  a  Reformation  in  Religion.  — 
Their  Debate  on  a  Bill  palled  in  the  Houfe  of 

Lords  for  a  Pardon  to  all  Spiritual  Perfoos. 
Are  excluded  from  this  Pardon,  but  afterwards 

admitted  to  the  Benefit  of  it.  — 

Their  Remonftrance  to  the  King  againft  the 


Grant  the  King  a  Fifteenth  for  the  Defence  of 

the  Northern  Borders.  3 

Their  Refolution,  touching  Queen  Catharine.       3 
■ Affront  offered  to  John  Stoitjleyy  Bifliop 

of  London.  ■■■  ■.-'-■■■ 

?-le<a  Richard  Rich,  Efq;  for  their  Speaker  in 




Jglzecy  GOOgle 

j36f        I     N     D     E     X    to  the 


COMMONS,  grant  trie  Kiiig  a  SuWidy.    

Grant  the  Kins  Mother  Subfidy  this  Parliament. 
Eled  Tbtmai  M*yh,  Efq;  for  their  Speaker  in 


Their  Proceedings  on  the  Arrcft  of  one  of  their 

Members. .  ,  ,  ■    . 

Ele<5t  Sir  Jtbn  Baktr  for  their  Speaker,  at  the 

firft  Parliament  of  King  Edward  VI.  in 

I5+7,  . _  

Grant  the  King  1  Subfidy.  —  — 

Their  Refolutioni  with  regard  to  the  eldeft  Sons 

of  Peers  fitting  in  their  Houfe.  — 

ChufeJ#m«  Dyer,  Efcjs  thoir  Speaker  in  155a. 
Grant  [he  King  ft  Subfidy  for  two  Years.  — 
Eka  John  Ptilard,  Efq;  for  their  Speaker  in 

1553.  « ,  

Addrefs  Queen  Mary  againft  marrying  Philip 

of  Spain.  ........ 

Ek&Relurt  £r»*t,  Efq-,  for  their  Speaker  in 

1554.  ■ 

PaJi   a   Bill    againft   Hercfie*    and    erroneous 

Preaching,  which  is  rejected,  by  the  Lord!. 
Their  Refolutiim  concerning  a  Point  of  Privilege. 
Chufe  Cltmtnt  Higbam,  Etq;  for  their  Speaker, 

at  their  fecond  Seffion  in  1554.  —  — 
Lift  of,  who  left  the  Houfe  this  Seffion.  — 

Are  indi&ed  on  this  Account.  —  —  ■■  — 
Elect  John   Pollard*  Efq;  3  fecond  Time  for 

their  Speaker,  at  the  Parliament  in  1555- 
Grant  the  Queen  a  Subfidy.  .  - 

.-  ...  —  ■  —.,.,-  ,  .  ,  Particulars  of.  — - 
Elcft  William  Cardtl,  Efq;  for  their  Speaker  in 

Grant  a  Subfidy.  —  —  •■  ■  ■— 

Receive  a  Metnge  from  the  Queen,  to  put  the 

Nation  into  a  Pofture  of  Defence.         — 

Are  difiatisfied,  and  come  to  no  Rcfolution  about 

h>*  foilicited    to    grant    another  Subfidy,  but 
without  Effea.  -^—  ~ — - 

Jglzecy  GOOgle 

from  Church. 

the  Common  Prayer. 

-  Treafon. 

-  Simony. 

-  Vagabonds 

-  reforming 

Parliamentary  Hi/lory  of  England. 


COMMONS,  Lift  of,  who  loft  the  Houfe  the  two 

laft  Parliaments  of  Philip  and  JHery.     — 

Elect  Sir  Thomas  Gargrav*  for  their  Speaker,  at 

the  firft  Parliament  of  Queen  Elizabeth  L 

,5S8. .. 

Grant  the  Queen  a  Subfidy.  —         

Their  Addrefs  to  the  Queen,  on  the  Subje'ft  of 

her  Marriage.  ■  ■■  ■  — 

Determine  a  Point  of  Privilege.  - 

Elecl  TUmas  fTiliiamt,  Eftfe  for  their  Speaker 
in  1562.  ■  —  -  1 

Grant  the  Queen  a  large  Subfidy.  

Their  fecond  Petition,  touching  her  Marriage. 
loforce   this  AddreJs  by  the  Mouth  of  their 


Their  Proceedings  on  the  Death  of  this  Gentle- 
man.                   1                               . 
1\tSt  Richard Oiifltvt,  Efq;  in  his  room,  in  1566 
Are  diflatisfied  with  the  Queen's  Anfwer,  touch- 
ing her  Marriage  and  SuccefSon.  

Their  Debate  hereupon.         ......  

Are  reproved   by    the  Queen  for   their  bold 
Speeches,  and  forbid  to  meddle  with  that 

Affair  any  more.  —  

Grant  a  Subfidy  at  this  Seffion.  ■ 

Hea  Cbriftopbnr  fVray,  Efq;  for  their  Speaker, 
Anno  1571.  ■  ___ 

Grant  the  Queen  a  Subfidy.       —      —      

Their  Method  to  prevent  the  Queen  from  being 
cheated  of  any  Part  of  this  Grant.         — 

Debate  this  Seffion,  relating  to  Religion. 

■— ■■  Subfidy. 

' : — Prerogative 



358.  » 



39"  45 


53,  4 

54,  5 


7*i  a, 


109,  10 

II  lit  1 13 


123,  *>  5 

,l,zec;y  GOOgk 


N      D      E      X    to  the 


COMMONS,  their  Debate  this  Seffiori,  relating 

to  Licences,  by  the  Abp.  of  Canterbury. 

Their  Debate  this  Seffion,  relating  toTrcafurera 



not  reliant. 

-  Ufury. 

-  Liberties  of 

detained.             '    «-->-■■  — 

.  — w, » the   Com- 

munion. ■  — 

Are  checked  by  the  Queen,  and  forbid  to  debate 

on  Points  of  Prerogative.  -. 

Their  Proceedings  in  a  Cafe  of  Bribery.         — 
Appoint  Robert  Bell,  Efqj  their  Speaker,  at  the 

Parliament  in  1572.  *—  

Lift  of,  appointed  fot  a  Committee,  to  confer 

with  the  Lords  about  the  Affair  of  the! 

Queen  of  Scats. .  -^  —         • 

Their  Proceedings  in  this  Bufinefs.  ■; 

Are  prohibited  from   meddling  with  religious! 

Affairs.  « »-«-r 

Grant  the  Queen  a  large  Subfidy  in  1575.     -i-| 
Are  greatly  offended  at  Mr,  Wentvierth,  one  of 

their  Members,  for  his  Speech  at  this  Sef- 

Appoint  a  Committee  to  examine  him.  — 

Their  Proceedings  thereupon.         —        ■> 

Grant  the  Queen  a  Subfidy  at  their  Seffion  in 

Eleft  John  Ptpham*  Efq;  for  their  Speaker.  - 
Their  remarkable  Prohibition  by  the  Lord  Chan- 
cellor Baton.  — —  - 
Appoint  a  public  Faft.  — 1 — .  -™ — 
Di  (oblige  the  Queen  by  it.  —  — 
Their  Debate  on  this  Account.        — '        — 

! Submiffion.  t— — 

— —  Proceedings  on  a  Speech  of  Sir  Walter 

Mitdmey's.  -1 

Ele&  J.  Puckering,  Efq;  their  Speaker  in  1585. 

Jglzecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hiflory-of  England. 

COMMONS,  grant  the  Queen  a  Subfidy,  at  the 

Seffion  in  1585.  —  

Prefer  a  Bill  for  the  better  Obfervation  of  the 

Sabbath.  ■    

Their  Debate  about  it.  —  

- Proceedings  againft  William  Parry,  for  his 

violent  Opposition  of  a  Bill  againft  Jefuits.     4 
Send  an  Addrefs  of  Thanks  to  the  Queen.     —     4 
Are  complimented  with  a  gracious  Anfwer. 
Take  into  Confideration  the  State  of  the  Realm. 
EIe&  J"bn  P*ci*ri*gt  Efq;  a  iccond  Time  their 

Speaker,  Anno  1586.  —  — — 

Receive  a  Meflage  from  the  Queen,  in  Favour 

of  the  Queen  of  Scots.  —  — 

Their  Rcfolution  thereupon.  —  — 

Grant  the  Queen  a  Subfidy  at  their  Seffion  in 

•587-        ■ — -         — - 


Differ  with  the  Lords  about  fettling  a  Bill  for 

the  Sale  of  feme  Lands.         —         ■ 
Their  Debate  on  a  Motion  for  altering  the 

Common  Prayer.  — -  ■  ■     . 

Elect  George  Snaggy  Efq;  for  their  Speaker,  at 

their  Seffion  in  1588.  — 

Grant  the  Queen  an  extraordinary  Supply. 
Their  Debate  on  a  Bill  for  regulating  Abufes  of 

the  Exchequer.  ■ 

i concerning  Purveyors.    - 

Obliged  to  drop  thefe  Proceedings.        —     — 
Their  Attempts  for  a  farther  Reformation  of  the 


-         Debate  on  granting  a  Supply.       — 
Elccl  Edward  Cote,  Efq;  for  their  Speaker  in 



262,  3 

267,  8 




4  30* 

4  3»3 


it  Debal 

Their  Debate  about  palling  a  Bill  againft  Pu- 
ritans. : —  

Grant  the  Queen  a  large  Subfidy.        —        — 

Their  Debate  on  a  Motion  for  a  farther  Supply. 

for  reforming  Kccle- 

jiaffical  Courts.  '  — 

Prop  this  Defign  for  fear  of  offending  the  Queen. 

3*5>  6.  7 

327.  ».  9 

329,  30 

35'.  » 




-„»  Google 


I    N    D    E    X    u    the 

QOMMONS,  their  Debate  on  a  BUI  againft  Re- 

cufanu.  —       ■  — —  

Their  Debate  on  th«  Supply.         —        — — 

Pals  the  SubWy-Bill  for  three  entire  Subfidies, 

and  fix  Fifteenths  and  Tenths.     —     — 

Their  remarkable  Preamble  to  this  Bill.   —   — 

.  Forbid  by  the  Qyeen  to  meddle  with  State  or 

Church  Affairs.  — —  — - 

Zlc&Cbri/lapbtrTttutrlen,  F.fq;  for  their  Speaker 

in  ,5g7.  — 

Grant  the  Queen  a  Subfidy  at  this  Seflion.  — — 
Their  Debate  on  a  Motion  for  Ihcreafc  of  Hus- 
bandry. —  — 

—  againft   unneccflary 



-for  leffening  Penal 

-  againft  Monopolies. 
-  againft  unlawful  Mar- 

for  a  Supply.     — 

—  ■-■  Proceedings  on  this  laft  Motion.    —    — 
Are  excluded  the  Houfe  of  Lords  at  opening  the 

Seifion  of  Parliament  in  1601.     —      — 
EIccl  John  Craeii,  Efq;  for  their  Speaker.    — 
Their  Refentment  on  occafion  of  their  being 
excluded.    -         ■  ■     ■  ■■ 

Grant  the  Queen  an  uncommon  large  Subfidy.  - 
Obtain  the  Favour  of  a  Rehearfal  of  the  Lord- 
Keeper's  Speech  at  this  Seflion.  —  — 
Their  Proceedings  thereuppon.  —  ■■  ■  — 
- — . —  on  a  Bill  relating  to  Bifhops' 

—  1      ■    .  for  fuppreffing  Abu- 

fes  in  Weights  and  Meafures.     —      — 

—  —  Debate  touching  Elections  for  Members  of 

the  Houfe  of  Commons.  —  — 

'■-■■■-  ■  ■—  a  Supply.  —  — 
— — — _ — —  Pluralities  of  Benefices. 
■               ...I  Adultery.    — —     — 

...  ,,.  ,   !■„  ■  — . Monopolies.    ■■   ■  ■    — 


Jglzecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hi/lory  c/*  England.  141 

Vol.    Page. 
COMMONS,  rewire  a  Menage  from  the  Queen, 

that  Monopolies  fhould  be  revoked.       —    4  468,  9 
TheirMotion  and  Speeches  on  this  joyful  News.     4  474/0477 
—  Addreft  of  Thanks  to  the  Queen.      —    4  478,  9 
Pals  a  Bill  for  granting  four  Intire  Subfidies,  and 
eight  Fifteenths  and  Tenths.     —    ~     - 
Their  Debate  on  a  Bill  againil  Curling  and 

Swearing.  ■■  

-for  retorting  to  Church. 

-  concerning  Pirates  from  Dunkirk. 
-  Soldiers  and  Mariners. 

Lift  of,  at  the  firft  Parliament  of  King-Jamts  I. 
Ann*  1603.  '  ■  —  — — 

Elea  Sir  Edward  Pbillipt  for  their  Speaker.  — 

Their  remarkable  Preface  to  the  Journals  of 
this  Parliament.  

—  Proceedings  on  Behalf  of  Sir  Francis  Goad- 
wi'h,  elected  Knight  of  the  Shire  for  the 
County  of  Buds.         — — 

Confer  with  the  Lords  about  a  propofed  Union 
between  England  and  Scotland.  —    — — 

about  a  Method  to  reform 

feme  Ecclefiaflical  Affairs.  — 

Their  Articles  infilled  upon  at  this  Conference. 

— —  Petition  to  the  King,  for  a  Difpenfation 
with  regard  to  fome  Minilters  in  Matters 
indifferent.  -  — 

•—  Meffage  to  the  Lords,  for  a  Conference 
about  \Vards,  Refpitc  of  Homage,  Te- 
nures in  Capite,  &c.  ■  — 

Grant  the  King  a  Sublidy  of  Tonnage  and  Poun- 

Propolc  an  additional  Supply  to  be  granted  this 

Prevented  from  this  their  Purpofe,  by  a  Letter 

from  the  King.  ■  — 

Their  grateful  Motion  on  this  Account.    - 

—  Complaint  againft  John  Thomberoughj  Bi- 
fhop  of  Briftel.  

—  Proceedings  on  the  Imprifonment  of  Sir 
Timet  Sbirltji  one  of  thvir  Members.  — 


484,  S 

486 u 499 

49'.*i  3 



40,  1 

57  "87 

98ft  10* 

">S  ' 

105,  6 






to  the 

COMMONS,  their  Entry  in  their  Journals;  tonch- 
ins  the  Gunpowder  Plot.        — *  — 

Their  Proceedings  in  this  Affair.      —  — 

—  "  •  ' ; on  a  Bill  concerning  the  King's 



-  for  a  Subfidy.    —    — 
— —  Propofal  for  a  Reformation  in  Matters  Ec- 

clefiaftical.  *      —  — 

■-.    ■-  Debate  on  a  Bill  for  a  Subfidy,  Aunt  1606, 
■         extraordinary  Method  to  prevent  its  being 

Grant  the  King  a  Supply  after  much  Delay.  — 
Their  Debate  on  thePotnt  of  naturalizing  the  Salt 

—  Proceedings  again  ft  Sir  Chriftephir  Pigolt 
for  his  bitter  Speech  agauift  thefe  People. 

...        Meflage  to  the  Lords,  concerning  the  cruel 
Treatment  of  Engltjh  Merchants  ,by  the 

Endeavours  to  redrefs  this  Grievance.    — 
Shew  great  Backwardnefs  in  granting  the  King  a 
Supply  at  their  Seflion  in  1609.     —     — 
Their  Requefr.  concerning  Wardfhips  and  Te- 
nures. ■  —  -  -- 

Dtvifion  on  a  Motion  for  a  Supply.   — — 

»t         Complaint  to  the  Lords,  touching  a  Book 
publifhed  by  Dr.  Cowl,  — • 

-  -  Exceptions  made  to  it.  — 
Are  permitted  to  treat  with  the  King  about  the 

Matter  of  Tenures. - 

Their  Offer  in  tlcu  of  thefe  accufiomary  Perqui 

fites.  ■  — < 

■         farther  Proceedings  in  this  Bufinefs.     - — 
— —  Grievances  exhibited  to  the  King.     ■ 
Receive  favourable  Anfwers  to  their  Complaints. 

Grant  a  Subfidy  at  their  Seflion  in  1610.     

Their  Memorial  of  the  great  Contract  with  the 

King,  relating  to  Tenures.    —     —     — 
Elect  Sir  Randolph  Crewe  for  their  Speaker,  at  their 

Seflion  in  1614.  __-_  . 

Their  pious  Order  relating  to  every  Member  of 

their  Houfe.  


iHze^y  GOOgk 

P&fiamentary  Hijtory  of  England. 

COMMONS,  defire  a  Conference  with  the  Lords 

on  the  Point  of  I'm  pofit  ions.  ■  5 

Are  denied  this  Requeft,               —  — —     5 

Their  Menage  on  this  Refufal. —    3 

■  Complaint  againft  Richard  Neile,  Bifhop 

of  Lincoln.  ■ .      .     ■-  5 

Refentment  and  Proceedings  in  this  Affair.  5 

■  Debate  concerning  Sir  Henry  Tilverton, 
Attorney-General.  —  ■•-  —  5 

■  ■                  on  a  Motion  for  a  Supply.  —  — 
Trifle  greatly  in  this  Bufinefs.         —  — 
Are  threatened  with  a  DilTolution  of  the  Parlia- 
ment on  this  Account.          

Their  Difregard  of  this  Menace,  and  Relblution 

notwithftanding.  — —  — 

F.kft  Thomas  Richard/en,  Eft];  for  their  Speaker, 

at  the  Parliament  in  1620.        —        — 

j     Their  Debate  concerning  Recufants.     —      — 

■  ■    ■  on  a  Supply.  —  —    5 

-  .,  —  ..-  —  on  Grievances.  —  —     5 

■ Proceedings  againft  Sir  Gilts  Momptffin.     5 

Declaration  of  public  Grievances.  —    —     5 

Pals  the  Subfidy-Bill  with  great  Unanimity.  —     5 
Receive  a  high  Compliment  from  the  King 

this  Occaiion.  

Demand  Judgment  of  the  Lords  againft  Sir  Giles 

Mamptjfan.  ■  

Remarkable  Inftance  of  their  good  Agreement 

with  the  Upper  Houfe.        — —  ■ 

Their  Complaint  againft  Sir  'John  Rennet,  for 


Demand  Judgment  of  the  Lords  againft  Sir  Fran- 
cis Bacon,  Lord  Chancellor.       —       — 
—  againft  Sir  Fran- 

cis Mitchell. 
Their  Proceedings  againft  Edward  Lloyde,  Efq-, 

for  Defamation. 

■ Sentence  againft  hi 

Give  great  Offence  to  the  Lords  by  this  Aft  of 



*!'  " 







345.  6 



4^7.  » 

428,  9 

429,  33 



X    to 

COMMONS,  compromize  the  Matter,  and  yield 
up  the  Point  of  Judicature  to  them 
Are  informed  by  the  King  of  his  Intentions  to 
adjourn  this  Parliament.  ■       —— 

'  Their  Concern  on  this  Occafion.  —  -■■ 
Indulged  with  fitting  a  Fortnight  longer  than  in- 
tended, ■■■■-  — — 
Their  Declaration  to  affift  the  King  in  the  Re- 
covery of  the  Palatinate.  —  —  ■  ■ 
Are  ftrongly  prefled  by  the  Miniftry  to  provide  for 

the  Exigencies  of  State.       

Seem  regardlefs  of  the  Bufinefs  of  Supplies,  and 
turn  their  Thoughts  to  Grievances,  and  the 
Means  to  redrefs  them.        —             ■ 
Their  Rcmonftrance  to  the  King  againft  Popery., 
and  the  Marriage  of  Prince  Charles  with 
the  Infanta  of  Spain,                    .             — 
Forbid  by  the  King's  Letter  to  prefent  it;   — — 
Their  fecond  Remonftrance  to  the  fame  Purpote. 
-     -  P  rote  flat  ion  in  Defence  of  their  Privileges. 
Ele£t  Sir  Thomas  Crewe  their  Speaker,  at  the  Par- 
liament in  1623.      —        

Their  Anfwer  to  a  Menage  from  the  Lords  for  a 

Conference.  ■ 

Thank  the  Duke  of  Bueiingbam  for  his  Narra- 
tive, concerning  his  Negotiation  in  Spain, 
Their  Rcafons  againft  the  King's  Proceedings 
in  the  Treaties  with  that  Crown.  — 

Determine  to  affift  the  King  in  a  War  with  Spain. 
Their  Petition  againft  Recufants.  —        — 

■  Complaint  againft  the  Lord-Tieafurer 
Middltjix,  by  Sir  Edward  Coke.  — 

■  -         by  Sir  Edwin  Sandys.         — 
Demand   Judgment  of  the  Lords  againft  the 

Lord-Treauirer.  — —  ■ 

Their  Charge  againft  Samuel  Harfnet,  Bifllop 

Defire  the  Lords  to  join  with  them  in  a  Petition 
to  the  King  for  a  longer  Continuance  of 
this  Seffion.  —   -  . 

Their  Rcaibns  for  this  Reaueft.         —       — 

Vol.    Pagi. 

Jglzecy  GOOgk 

6  373 

Parliamentary  Hijfory  of  England.        J45 
V*l.    Pep* 

COMMONS,  their  farther  Petition  againft  Re- 
culants,  with  a  Lift  of  fuch  of  them  who 

had  Place,  of  Truft,  &c.       — 6  3*"* 3^9 

Pits  a  Bill  for  an  Aid  to  the  King.      —      —    6  33° 

Their  Debate. about  it.  •—  >    $  332,  3 

Elcd  Sir  tbamas  Crewe  a  fecond  Time  for  their 

Speaker,  Jtmt  1625.         —  ■     6  34^»  $ 

Appoint  a  fotemn  Faft  amongft  thcmfelves.      -    6  35X 
Pais  a  Bill  for  granting  two  Soblidies  to  King 

Cbarkt  I.  6  352 

— —  ■ —Tonnage  and  Poundage.    6  352 

Their  Complaint  againft  Dr.  Mtntague.        —    6  353,  4 
—  Proceedings  againft  him.  —         —    6  392  ' 

Debate  on  a  Motion  for  a  Supply.         —    -6  363*1.366' 

— —  Cenfure  of  Mr.  EdwardClarii,  for  refleel- 

ing  on  their  Houfe.  —  —    6  366 

Confer  with  the  Peers  on  the  Subjeft  of  Religion.     6  373 
Their  Order,  touching  this  Conference.        —t 

Complaint  of  the  King  having  granted  a 

Pardon  to  a  Jeutit.  —  — 

Prefled,  by  the  Lord-Treaurer  Ley,  to  think  of 

a  Supply  for  the  Defence  of  the  Nation.         6  397 
Their  Debate  on  this  Requeft.       —         —    6397,8 
Receive  a  Menage  from  the  King  to  ihs/ame 

Purpofc.  —  — —  —    6  398,  9 

Their  Debate  hereupon.         —  ■■     ■-■     6  399 10401 

Complaint  againft  Sir  Francii  Strw*rt.         6  402 

Poftpone  the  Confederation  of  a  Supply,  and 

proceed  in  the  Matter  of  Grievances.       -     6 
Their  Protertatfon  on  the  Diflblution  of  this  Par- 
liament in  &ttgvfii  1625.  6 

EJccx.  Sir  Htneage  Finch  their  Speaker,  at  the 

new  Parliament  in  February,  1625.       —     6 
Appoint  a  Committee  for  Privileges  and  Elec- 
tions.   -  — — —    6 

Receive  a  McfTage  from  the  King,  relating  to  Sir 
Edward Ciit.  ■  —    6 

Their  Proceedings  thereupon.        _    —    6 

Order  concerning  Grievances.     —      —    6 

-fofpeded  Recufonts  in 

Places  of  Treft. 


42  r»  z 



Uzecy  GOOgle 

■14,6        >■•< N ■  ■  "D      E      X-.  /tf  ;i* 

'"...'.-,■  :  .     Vd. 

COMMQNSjar^ntaCommir^toinguire  in- 
to, the  Difburfement  of  the  late  Supplies. 
<.  .  Inquire  into  the  Conduit  of  the  Duke  of  Buck 

Requested  by  thtKing  to  haften  the  Supply. 
Receive  a  Meflage  from  him  to  the  lame  Purpofe. 

Their  Anfwer.  ..  — r4-  

Reqeive  a  Meflage  from  the  King,  concerning 

Tome  Afperfioas  againft  the  Duk&of  Buck- 

j   w^fft.,  by.  two  of  their  Members.     -  — 

ThjirTJebate  on  Dr.;  Xuratr's  Queyes  againft 

Refolve  thatjcommonj'ame  be  deem'd  a  good 

J;:..--    Ground  jofAccufation . 

"Their  Proceedings,  hereupon  againft  the  Duke. 
Agfte-upon  a  jSupply  on  certain  Conditions.  — 

Thjeir  Debate  on  the  Duke's  Conduit. - 

— -^  An/weLto  the  King's  and  Lord  Keeper's 

c  Speeches)  relating  to  a  Supply,  and  fome 

i    ., -Reflections  againft  the  Duke.       —       ■^- 

Adjoiiro  for  a  Q\on  T.ime  at  the  Defire  of  the 

.-Kiijg. '       ,  ,,  ,-    ■  ;  ■  ,     __        ■ : — 

Meet  agam'  purfuant  to.  their  Adjournment.    — 
Refunie  their.  Inquiry  into  .the  Affair  of  Dr.  Mm- 

r.    .r    tdgue.   ...    .         -.  .     •  — — r 

-;Their  Rsfolutioiuconcerninghim.       —       •  — 
'Perfect  their  Charge  againft  the  Duke  of  Bucking- 

horn.     :..     i       i — ; 

Agree  upon  a  Supply  to  be  granted  to  the  King. 

Their  Refolwions,  touching  fome  frefh.  Matte r 

-.     .  -of  Complaint  againft  the  Duke.  — 

■     Lift1  of;  their  Members   appointed   to  manage 

■.  .their  Charge  again.ft  him.      — 

Their 'Meffage  to  theLords,  defiling  his  Com- 

irmtMncnt.       „      — - — •  .     ■ ■ — 

-    —  Charge  againft  him,    ,     - — ■  

■- — -RefolutionflntbelmprifonmentofSirZW- 

,  .       '  -tcj  Diggt  and  ifcSfim  Elliot.      —  '  _  — 

""  —  ■'..  Proteftatjon  concerning  Sir  Dudley  Diggt. 

Commit  Mr.  More,  one  of  thefr  Members,  to 

.-  .thc'Towcf.fer  rcHe&ing.on  the  King,  — 

iHze^y  GOOgle 


ParBa/Betitary.Wjlory  ^'England! 
k~-    ■'■'■■  Vul. 

COMMONS,  -lay  a'fcvere-  Penalty-  upon  abfent 

'  "Me)n ben'.  ■ ,- — —  — — 

Difgufted.  atthe-Untvcrfity  of  Cambridge,    for 
°      chufing  the  Duke  -of  Buckingham  their 

Chancellor.  ••-     .     '       • 7 

Their XJrjier  on  this  Occafion.  ——  —  7 
Anfwer  to  a  Menage  from  the  King,  con- 
cern.ingthts  Bufinefs.  ■  ■  ~-r- 
Petttion  for  -  the  Removal  of  Popifh  Recu- 
faiits  from  Places  of  Truft,'.  ife.  —  — - 
Anfwer  to  the  King's  Letter  to  their 
Speaker  about  a  Supply.  —  .— 
-Remonftrance-in  Vindication  of-their  Pro- 
ceedings. -  "'  ■■  '  '  ■  ■■■ 
Heel  Sir  John  Finei  .for  their  Speaker,  at  the 

'  Parliament  in  i62y.  —  - —     y  346 

Their  Order  for  receiving  the  Sacrament.  ■  ■  7 1 359  - 
Appoint  a' Committee- to  draw  up  a  Petition  for 
a  general  Faft  throughout  the  Kingdom. 
■Obtain  the  Concurrence  of  the  Lords  herein.  — 
Their  Debate  on  National  Grievances.  — -  — 
*  on  a  Supply*      —  .     ■ —         ■ — 

Appoint  aCommittee  toexamine  the  Proceedings 
againfl  the  Refufera  of  the  Loan.    —1    — 
;Thar.  Debate  on  the  King's  Proportions  for  a 

■  Supply.  .        7  3974*403 

rj  Confinement.  — -      ■.  —     7403 

—...    ...  oil  foreign- .Employment  againft 

Content.       *         !-  ■  ■ 

- —  Refolutionsconcetning  the  Liberty  of  the 

Subject.         —     , 

'  Appoint  a  Committee  to  confer  with  the  Lords 

0(1  this  Affair.       .'.'  - — ,-L—  -■     ■ 

i  Their  Speakers- ar  this  Conference,  Lift  of.  — 

Receive  a  Meffage  from  the  King  to  hafleii  the 

-  Supply.         -  ■  -■'  --'■   -  .  ■'  —- 

Their  Debate-  thereon..  r. -.  ■  ■■  -r 

Uiiahiraoufly  refolve  to  grant  the  King  five  Sub- 
Appoint   Mr.    Secretary    Cuok    to    acquaint   the 
"King  wkh-this-Refolution,      — — -„•. 
■■■'-'--  K  2 



T  359    - 
7  361*372 
7  373'" 375 

7  407.  8; 

7  408 .'.'. 

7  409  ■- 

7^8  "' 
7  428(04 p 


Iizecy  GOOgk 

j48         I      N      D       E       X     t<k  the 

COMMONS,  receive  a  Meffagefrom  the  King  to 

make  no  Recefa  at  Eajttr,  1627.   —    — 
Are  difpleafed  thereat.  ■  ■■ 

Their  Debate  upon  it.  — «-  — — 

— —  Anfwer  to  the  King's  Meflage.     —     — 

further  Debate  on  the  Supply.     —       — 

Receive   another  Meflage  from  the  King   to 

haftenk.  .,■.'■  • 

Their  Debate  hereon.  ■*■  — — ■ 

■■       Inftru&ions  to  their  Speaker,  in  Anfwer 

to  the  laft  Menage.  —  

■  1  ■  Petition  to  the  King  againft  biHetting  of 

Soldiers.  ■■-  '■■■-  — - 

Receive  an  Information  againft  the  Earl  of  Suf- 

fatit  for  charging  Mr.  Stldtn  with  razing  a 

Record.  —  — 

Call  upon  Mr.  Stlden  for  his  Justification.  • 
Their  Proceedings  in  this  Affair.         —        — 
■■■     fecond  Conference  with  the  Lords  00  the 

Liberty  of  the  Subject.  —  — 

Receive  forne  Proportions  from  the  Lords  con 

cerning  this  Buiinefs.  —  — 

Are  diflatisfied  with  them.  — 

Their  Debate  on  the  King's  Speech  to  both 

Houfes,  touching  their  Liberties.     - 
Order  a  Bill  for  fecuring  this  grand  Point.     — 
Their  Debate  hereupon.  —  . 

Receive  a  Meflage  from  the  King  to  rely  on  bis 

Word  for  their  Liberties.  ■ 

Their  Debate  on  this  Meflage.  —  — 
Receive  another  to  the  lame  Purpofe.  —  — 
Their  Debate  thereon.  —  ■  ..;  ■■■.■ 

■  ■'■■  Anfwer  to  the  King's  MeAagea.  — 
— —  Debate  on  bis  Reply  to  their  Anfwer.  — 
Prepare  a  Petition  of  Right  for  the  Security  of 

their  Liberties.  —■•  . 

Defire  a  Conference  with  the  Lords  on  this  Oc- 

Shew  their  Contempt  of  the  King's  Letter  to  the 
Lords,  touching  his  Promuc*  for  fecuring 
the  Liberty  of  the  Subject  — 


:=y  Google 

Parliamentary  Hifiory  ^EngianD.         149 
VtL    P*£t* 
COMMONS,  receive  from  the  Lords  an  Addition 

to  their  Petition  of  Rigbc  —     —     8   116,17 

, Their  Debate  thereon-.  — -  —    8  ilSleut 

Receive  a  Menage  from  the  King  to  haften  the 

Difpatch  of  this  Bufinefs.  —  —     8    lag,  30 

Their  Proceeding!  in  Conlcquencc  of  this  Mef- 

fage.  ■■  ■         8  130 

—  Restarts  for  refuting  to  treat  any  more  with 

the  Lords  about  their  Petition  of  Right.  8  141,  2 

Obtain  their  Concurrence  in  this  Particular,  and 

admit  of  the  Alteration!  propofed.  —     8   14a,  % 
Their  Manage  of  Thank*  on  this  Occafion.     -    8  144 
Diflatiafied  with  the  King's  Anfwer  to  their  Pe- 
tition.                ■                    ■■■■■-    8  155 

Vote  a  Remonftraacc  to  be  prefented  on  this 

Account.  8  164. 

Required  by  the  King  to  entertain  no  frefh  Bu- 

finefe  this  Seffion.  8   167,  8 

Their  Declaration  to  the  Lords   againft  Dr. 

Mamuaring.  ■    .  ■         .8   168M171 

Forbid  to  meddle  with  State,  Government,  or 

the  Minrfiert  thereof.  —  —    1  190 

Their  Debate  hereupon.  —      %     — — -    8 .  joort  196 

Receive  a  Mefiage  from  the  King  to  avoid  all 

Scandal  on  his  Counfel  and  paft  Actions.       8 ;  197 
Aflume  again  their  Debate  on  Grievances.       -     8   199**101 
Their  extraordinary  iRefolution,  touching  the 

Excift  for  railing  Money.         —  — 

Obtain  a  frtisfa&ory  Anfwer  from  the  King  to 

their  Petition  of  Right.  —  —     8  20a 

Their  Joy  on  this  Occafion.         —  ■■  ■—     8  203 

Paft  a  Bill  for  granting  five  Subfidies  to  the  King.     8  203 
Their  further  Proceedings  againft  Dr.  Mamva- 

—  Mefiage  to  the  Lords,  concerning  the  Pe- 
tition of  Right,  and  Dr.  Mamoaring'» 
Book  of  Sermons.         —  8  206,  7 

Demand  Judgment  againft  the  Doctor,      ■■  8  lit 

Complain  of  the  Commiinon  of  Excife.      8  213 

Their  further  Refolution  concerning  it.      8  214 

Obtain  a  Copy  of  the  Commiffion.       —     —  8  214"  216 
K  3  COM- 



N      V      E      X- to- the 

COMMONS,  renew  their  Debate  on  the  Duke 

of  Buckingham's  Adminiftration.  —     8 

-Their  Vote  concerning  Dr.  Neile  and  Dr.  Loud.      8 

■  Rcmonlr ranee  to  the  King   againft  the 
.Dolce  of  Buckingham.  

further  Debate  on  the  Bill  for  Tonnage 

•  and  Poundage.  --■  -  — — 

Intend  a  Remonftrance  to  the  King  on  this  Head. 
Their  Proceedings  ftopp'd  by  a  Prorogation  of 

Parliament.  ■■  ■     ■ 

Meet  again  in -Parliament,   Anno  1628, 
Order,  a  Revival  of  all  Committees  on  public 

Affairs.  ■    —  ■•■■  — — 

Thfir  Inquiry  concerning  the  Petition-  of  Right. 
—  Debate  about  Mr.  Rollet'%  Goods  being 

feized  for  refuting  to  pay  Tonnage.       — 

■  —    '    '      on  Grievances.  -r-  

Receive  a  MeiTage  from  the  King  to  batten  thei 

Bill  of  Tonnage.  —  ___ 

Their  further  Debate  on  Grievances.  —  — 
. .  -  Refolution  concerning  the  Articles  of  Re- 
ligion eftablifliedj  Temp.  Elix.  —  — 
— —  Apolopv  for  delayingthe  Bill  of  Tonnage. 
Receive  the  King's  Anfwer  to  their  Apology. 
Theii"  Debate  concerning  it.  : 

■  ■        Order  relating  to  Dr.  Montague.  — 
— — .  Proceedings  about  Pardons  granted  tofome 

:  of  the  Clergy  who  had  incurred  their  Dif- 

pleafure.  — - 

Obtain  an  Anfwer  from  the  King  about  a  Fad. 

Receive  a  Petition  jgjinft  one  Witberh:y<m  for 

afperling  the  Chriftian  Religion.    —    — 

Their  Proceedings  concerning  Dr.  Cofint.  ■ 

\ — ; —  Debate  about Ailott,  Efq;  Sheriff  of 

■-  on  Dr.  AlbViague's  Epifcopal  Con- 


v  a  fecond  Complaint   of  Mr. 

Roiles  about  Tonnage.  • ■ 

■  Proceedings  in  this  Bufinefs.       — 

— —  general  Older  concerning  Committees.. ,  - 

::;■  GOOgle 

Parikmentavy.  Hiftory  of  EngianJK  i-$i 

Vol.     Pagt.  " 

C0MMQN3,  their  further  Debate    about. the 

'     ".  Sheriff  of  London.  

Commit  him  *o  the  Tower.  — ' 

(,Thcir  further  Debate  on  Pardons  granted, 
1  on  Tonnage  and  Poundage 

— —  Order  concerning  Religion.       —  — 

Meffage  to  the  Exchequer,  relating  .to  the 

'■-■   Procefs  againft  Merchants  for  Tormage. 
Receive  a  Petition  againft  one  Bargtfs,  a  Prieft, 
for  Mifdenrcanors.        —  —  -..— 

Their  Order  concerning  hirn.  i —  — 

■ — *- r-  the  Privilege  of  Mer- 
chants. .  -  "     ■     ...  .  ■■- 

— *-s tbe.Faft..       —        — 

■     ■ the  Stay -of  Proceedings 

againft  Recufants.  —  —    - 

'  ■    ■■■-  .-■-  ■'      Lord  Lambert.      — — 

■ ■  Debate  on  one  of  their  Members,  defiling 

to  anfwer  a  Complaint  againft  htm  in  the 

Houfe  of  Lords.  —  .,,  ,  . 

Receive  an  Anfwer  from  the  Barons  of  the  E** 

.  chequer  about  Tonnage.        — —     .    — 

Their  Debate  on  the  Proceedings  againft  foroe 

Popifh  Priefts.  *  -r- 

Orders  concerning  Recufants.       -^       — 

extraordinary  Zeal  in  keeping  .their  Faft.. 

— —  further  Debate  on  Mr.  Reiki's.  Goods  be- 
'  ing  feized  for  Tonnage.  —  -.  — r 

Refolution,  teaching  2  Parliament- Man 

having  Privilege  in  -his  Goods.       —    ■  — 

— concerning  Privilege  in  general.. 

— *-•  Articles  about  Religion.        — 1.  — — 

Receive  a  Meffage  from  the  King  to  adjourn.  — 
iRefufe  to  obey  the  Command.      ■■  — '  -^ 

Their  Reafons  for  this  Inftance  of  Difobedionce. 
Offer  atRemonftrance  againft  Tonnage,  to  be 
put  to  Queftion  by  the  Speaker.    —     — - 
iTfaeir  violent  Behaviour  to  him  for  refilling  their 

Remonftrance. —  -~— 

•—  Proteftation  againft  levying  the  Subfid;es  of 
Tonnage,  and  innovations  in  Religion,  — 

a  387 

j   8 Uoy.T 
I   8  p8g,  90 

8  ■ao.QV  |,  2 

8  290 




300,  1 

301*  2 

303 U 309 



318  ?. 
319 '0326 


3«;  : 

33*  V 



Lglize^y  GOOgk 

X<2  I       N       D       E       X     to  the 

COMMONS,  thdr  ill  Behaviour  to  die  King's 

Leave  me  Houfe,  after  fitting  two  Hours  in 

Contempt  of  the  King's  Command.     — 

Meet  again  the  following  Day*  and  arediflol- 

Eled  John  Glanvilii,  EJq;  for  their  Speaker,  at 
the  Parliament  in  Afrii,  1640.  —  — 
Made  acquainted  with  a  Letter  from  the  Setts 
Nobility  to  die  King  of  Frttma,  premng 
him  to  join  with  them  in  a  Rebellion  againft 
England.  —  —   ,  — 

.  Take  no-  Notice  of  this  Letter,  but  proceed  on 

the  old  Affair  of  Grievances.       — 

Their  Plan  to  this  Purpofc.        — —       - 

mi  '1  '  Debate  on  fomc  Petitions  from  different 

Counties,  complaining  of  Grievances.  — 

■— —  Orders  relating  to  the  Proceedings  in  the 

Star-Chamber  and  King's  Bench,  againft 

fomc  Members  of  the  lall  Parliament.   — 

—  ■    "■>'  concerning  Ship-Money.    —    •— 

— - —  RequefV  to  the  Lords,  concerning  a  Faft.  * 

— —  RefcJutfon,  with  regard  to  the  Behaviour 

of  Sir  Jtbn  Finch  the  faft  Parliament  — 

»  ■■■■  Attendance  at  WhiukaU  required  by  the 

King,  to  haar  a  Speech  from  the  Lord- 

*       Debate  thereon.  ■■>  1 

— wRefolution  to  proceed  with  Grievances,  and 

poftpone  the  Supply.  —  -«• 

pefire  a  Conference  with  the  Lords  on  this  Oc- 

Their  Heads  of  Grievances  to  be  enlarged  upon 
at  this  intended  Conference.       —       —~ 

Informed  of  the  Lords*  Declaration  to  prefer  a 
Supply  to  Grievances,  —  — • 

Vote  this  Declaration  to  be  1  Breach  of  Privi- 

Their  Addrefi  to  the  Lords  on  this  Occafion.  - 

• Anther  Proceedings  on  Grievances.    

~-~r  Rf  fplmjoru  concerning  this  Bufindf .    —- 

:,;  Google 

Par&mextary  UiJUry  of  England. 

COMMONS,  raceiva  a  Me%e  from  the  Lords, 
defiling  a  fpcedy  Conference.         .    ■  ■  ■  ■ 

Divide  on  tbw  Menage,  and  put  the  Quefiton, 
which  pafled  in  the  Negative.      —      — 

Receive  9  Menage  from  the  King  to  haflen  a 
Supply.  — 

Their  Proceedings  hereupon.        — 

Receive  another  Meflage  to  the  like  Purpofe.  — 

Give  no  immediate  Anfwer,  and  thereby  occa- 
fion  the  Diffolution  of  the  Parliament.  — 

Their  Bills,  Lift  of,  intended  to  pais  into  Ads 
this  Seffion.  ..      1  ■    1 

lift  of,  with  the  Names  of  the  Counties  or  Bo- 
roughs they  reprefenfed  at  the  Opening  of 
the  Parliament,  in  Nev.  1640     —      — 

—  -—who  fucceeded  fuch  Members  in  this- 

Pacliament  that  were  either  dhabled  from 
fitting,  or  deceafed.  —  — —  —    9 

Elea  mUiam  Untbdl,  Efq;  their  Speaker.  —    9 
Their  feverai  Committees,  Lift  of.    —     — 
— —  Resolution  concerning  Mr.  Burion>  Dr. 

Bajiwick,  and  Mr.  Prjnnt.      —      .  9 

Appoint  a  Faft,  with  the  King's  Confent.  — —     9 
Their  Order  about  receiving  the  Sacrament  —    9 

-  ■      1  ■  —  concerning  Papifts.      —      — — —     9 
•—  Inquiry  after  Projectors    and   Monopo- 

' — -  Anfwer  to  a  Menage  from  the  Lords,  con- 
cerning the  Treaty  with  the  Scots  at  Ripen 
and  York.  ..  — —    9 

Aceufc  the  Earl  of  Strafford  of  High  Treafon.     9 
Their  Meflage  to  the  Lords  on  this  Occaflon.  -     9 
— —  Proceedings  againft  Sir  Francis  Wtndtbani* 
on  account  of  his  difebarging  fomc  Popifb 

Prifoners.  ■  ■  — 

firing  over  from  Inland  Sir  Gtergi  Ratclifft  and 
Sir  Rshtrt  King,  as  Witnefles  againft  the 

Earl  of  Strafford.  —  9 

Their  Order,  with  refpect  to  the  laft  Subfidy.     9  , 
*- —  extraordinary  Solemnity  in,  keeping  their 


466,  j 




34  • 



:*»  Google 


I      N  -0-     E      X    to  the 

COMMONS,- their  Devotion   interrupted,    aTid 

Their  Refolution  concerning  thofe  Lords  who 

were  Petitioners  to  the  King  at  Ttrk.    — 

rnnrrrnin£  a  Supply.     '    ,— — 

•_•   i' about  receiving  the  Commu- 

'         Requeft  to  the  Bifhop  of  Lincoln,  touching 
the  Communion  Table.         —  — 

, 1_  Refolution,   with   regard   to   the  EngUJh 

CommiiTi oners  impowered   to  treat  with 

, .  farther  Proceedings    againft    Sir  Frantii 


-  " . ; againft  the  Earl  of 


Refolution  againft  Ship-Money.    — 

"m — .. againft  the  Opinion  of  the  judges 

in  the  Star-Chamber,  concerning  it.    — 
_  againft  Ship- writs,  and  the  Judg- 

ment in  Mr.  Hampdtn't  Cafe,      -r       — 
— -i-  remarkable  Meflage  to  the  Judges  on  this 

■Oecafiori.     ■"'  

, ■—  Requeft  to  the  King,  relating  to  his  Reve> 

.  -nu'e  and  Ex  pence*.  ■■  — 

Refolution  concernifig  the  Power  of  the 

•■■'.  Clergy.  ' '"  * ■ 

,  ■- the  late  Canons. 

i  —'.,,1    .  — ■ — — —  the  Benevolence 

"■    granted  to  the  King  by  the  Clergy.  - 
,     ■    Committee,  Lift  of,  appointed  to  prepare 
'.  ■  iijme  Votes  relating  to  the  new  Canons, 
and  to  inquire  who  were  the  principal  Ac- 
tors in  this  Bufmefs.             —              — 
■'           Power  delegated  to  this  Committee.     — 
Obtain  the  King's  Leave  to  enter  into  the  De- 
bate of  his  Revenue  and  Expences.    

Appoint  aCommittee  to  inquire  into  the  Breaches 

of  Parliamentary  Proceedings.     —        — 

Their  Power  committed  tothemfor  this  Purpofe. 

Jglzecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hjftory  ttf  Enpla^d. 

COMMONS,  accufe  William  Laud,  Archbifliop 

■of  Cahterburjs  of  High  Treafon.    i —    — 

Thtir  Meflige  to  the  Peers-  on  this  Occafion.  ■— 

—  Informations  againft  Matthew  Wrtn,  Bi- 

v    (hop  of  Ely.  •  '" 

Meffage  to  the  Peers,  relating  to  this  Bufi- 

Manner  of  admitting   the  Lord-Keeper 

'■  Finci)  into  their  Houfe  on  a  particular  Occa- 

Accufe  blm  of  High  T-reafon,  and  other  Mifde- 

,  .meanorst         -  -      ■     ■■     -  - 

Their  Meffage  to  the  Peers  thereupon.    —    — 

Accufe  fix  of-ihe  Judges  of  high  Crimes. 

Their  Mefiage  to  the  Peers  on  this  Occasion. 

Vote  concerning  a  Supply.     —     — 

■ information  againft.  WitliamPters,  Bifliop 

of  BatbmAWtlli.  —... .  r1-  . 
— ►-  Meffage  to  the  Peers  concerning  hii... 
Accufe  Sir  Gg/rgt  Ratdifft  of: High  Trcafon. — 
-Commit  him  to  the  Galehtuft,  -  —  '  — 
Their  Vote  agatnft  the  Proceedings  of  the  Earl 
of  Strafford,  in  the  Cafe  of  Lord  .  Merit- 
-    "maris  and  Lord  Billon..    .         —     -        •*- 

1 agairfit  die  Ir-ijb  Judges,  .  ;-r;  ■— 

— —Order,  wtth-refpeft  to  tlieir  Committees. 

PjIj  a  Bill  'for  fou*  Subfidies.         —  * 

Their  Order  as  to  the  Payment  of  them.  -—  — 
firing  in  a  Bill  for  the  frequent  holding  of  Par- 

liarnenfs.        ■  ■ ;  — —       ,      —■ 

Lift  of,  excluded  for  being  Monopolies...  ~™ 
Their  Vote  for  relieving  the  Neceflitics  of  the 

Acctife  Sir  Robert  Berkliy,  one  of  the  Judges  of 

the  King's  Bench,  of  High  Treafon.  .— - 

Their  Meffage  to  the  Peers  on  this  Occafion.  -' 

■ extreme  Caution,  with  regard  to-  the  late 

Bill  of  Subfidies.  -. 

'Order  concerning  Archbilhop  Laud. 

• — -  Proceedings  againft  Dr.  Cbajftn.     —  .  -*- 
— -  reiuarkabk  Dlviiten  on  his  Account. 

ify  7  ' 


47  ~ 

4*  -. 

49  ■ 
49. .- 

51    I 




54.  5 




Jiglizecy  GOOgle 

I5&  INDEX/* 

COMMONS,  their  Vote  for  dibbling  die  Clergy 

from  holding  Civil  Office*.  — 

Appoint  a  Committee  for  Religion.      —       — 

Their  Article*  of  Impeachment  aganaft  Sir  From- 

at  mnMmi.  

■  — ■    —  —     agaktft  Sir  Gtwgt 

,  RaHlffi.  

■  ■  Requeftto  the  Peers,  concerning  one  Geod- 

man,  at  Seminary*  Ptieft.        —  . 

Receive  a  Letter  from  the  Queen,  relating  to  the 

Pope's  Agent  in  L*ndtn. 
Their  Thanks  on  this  OccaGon. 
-.  i  ■  Debate  about  the  Precedency  of  the  two 

Univerfittea.  ■-■■—  »■■■—  ■ 

Exhibit  their  Charge  againft  Archbifhop  Land. 
Their  Articles  of  Impeachment  againft  Dr.  Ct- 

■■ii—  Proceedings  in  Favour  of  Henry  Bnrtsn, 
Clerk.  —  —  

Prefc  the  Lords  to  expedite  the  Earl  of  Stref- 
ftrf*  Trial.  

Their  Regions  for  it.  

Bring  in  a  BUI  to  reform  the  Ads  and  Proceed- 
ings of  the  Privy- Council.         —  — 

m  i  to  reform  the  Court  of  Star- 
Caamber.  — —  

-   i  to  reftrain  the  Clergy  bom  med- 

dling with  Secular  Affairs.         —  — 

Their  Reqoeft  to  the  Lords  for  difbanding  the 
Irifi  Army.  — —  

«    '   '  for  difarming  the 



—  for  removing  Re- 
cufants  from  Court.  —  — — 

ii  •  •  further  Requeft  concerning  the  Earl  of 
Strafford,  — —  -  ■ 

■  --■  Proceedings,  with  regard  to  fome  frefh 
Evidence  againft  him,  contained  in  a  Pa- 
per procured  by  Sir  fftntj  Vent. 

urn     Order  on  k»fing  this  Paper.       —        — 

*—  Difcovery  concerning  it.        —        — 

iglzecy  GOOgle' 

PsrSmentary  Hijhry  of  Enolanp. 


COMMONS,  their  farther  Proceedings  againft 
Lord  Strafford.  — 

Vote  him  guilty  of  High  Treafon.      — *■        — 

Their  Refolutious  in  Favour  of  Mr.  Prymu. 

— . of  Dr.  Ltighun. 

Pais  (he  Bill  of  Attainder  againft  Lord  Strafford. 

Greatly  offended  at  the  Lord  Digtj  for  his 
Speech  againft  it.  ■  — 

Their  Motion  on  this  Account.  —...-.. 

——  Refolutipns  concerning  the  High  Com- 
milEon  Court  at  Tori.  —  — 

Offended  at  a  Speech  of  Mr.  Ileitis,  about  the 
Sitti  Proportions.         ■  ;    ■  — ■ 

Their  Rcfolutions  and  Sentence  againft  him. 

Bring  in  a  Bill  for  punifhing  the  Members  of 
the  late  Convocation.  —  

Their  Fines  impofed  upon  the  principal  Digni- 
taries, Particulars  of.    —  

ReToiattons,  as  to  the  receiving  and  dif- 

burflng  this  Money.  —  — 

—  Proportions  concerning  a  Faft.         —  - 

Menage  to  the  Lords,  relating  to  the  Earl 

of Stafford.  

Pais  a  Bill  to  reftrain  BilhoDs,  &c.  from  med- 
dling with  Secular  Affairs.       —  — 

Refcnt  the  King's  Speech  in  Favour  of  Lord 
Straferd.  - — — . 

Their  Declaration  hereupon.  —  — 

Informed  of  a  Plot  againft  the  Parliament  and 
the  Peace  of  the  Nation.  —  — 

Their  Proteftation  on  this  Account  taken  by  ail 
the  Members  of  their  Houfe.      —       — 

Preamble  to  it.  ■  ■ 

Kequefted  by  the  Lords  to  prevent  die  Rabble 
from  coming  about  both  Houfes  in  a  riot* 
out  Manner.  ■  ■ 

Their  frivolous  Anftver.  —  — — 

Send  their  Proteftation  to  the  Lords  to  be  taken 
by  them.  —  — — 

Their  Order  relating  to  their  Proteftation.     — 


214,  1$ 



S>  «S 




»38.  t 
238,  9 
-39.  4» 




250,  I 

252,  3 





'  COMMQ^fSv  their  'Order  relating  to  the' Mem- 

*-*  •    ber»  of  their  Houfe.  — -  .  — 

.Their  Oder,  relating' to  trie  Start  of  the Na- 

'  *       ttonj  With'  regard  to  Arms  and  Ammuni- 

1  '■   -    tioni  Co-Forts  and  Caftles.  —  — 

—  ■  "  Mcffage  to  the  Lords,  '  on "  Sufpiclon   of 

r  dangerous  Practices  in  the  Army,       '  — 

— -y  remarfcableTnght  and  Confulion  in  thei 

*-  ftpuTe,   Account  of.  —  *         — — 

i  Refolution  to  bring  in  a  Bill  for  continu 

'■  ing-the  prefent  Pariiaxnent."      .'—         — 

-Z — i— -  in  Favour  of  "Johv  Lllburn.   '  " 

Brini  in  a  Bill  For  the.  Security  of  the  Protectant 

HEtertgiiwi.  — - —  — : 

FlLa  Bill  jof  Subfidies  for  the  Refief  of  the 

itlng's  Army,  and  the  North* 
Their  ponfe  re  nee  with  the  Lords, 
*  •'  -foaie  pifcon tents  in  the  Englijh ' Arrriy.'  ~ 
Order  a'Lettcr  to  the  Army  to  ijuiet  'thelrDif- 

'    -contents.  — r— — ■  — ! - 

"Their  Conference'  with  ;tr»e"  Lords,  about  pat- 
ting, the  Nation  into  a  Pollure  of  Defence. 
Pafs4he  Bill  for  continuing  ibe,  prelentlV*'  Uafnent 
Their  fecond  Leitef  to  the' Army.  '  — - ■-*- 
Bring 'In  a  BuTfor  railing  Mariners  for  the  De- 
.  fence  of'the  Realm.  ■  '—  "  •"  ■* — ' 
Their  fearfuj  SurpTcTons  of  beirig  blown, up. in 

the  Parliament- Hoyfc      '—  - 

- — : ;p|der*  oh'tnjV  Occafiorl.  .        —  '         — 

Vote  the  §um""of  400,600/.  for'the  prefling  Af- 

faiboftheKirigdohf."      —       '     — - 

TheW  R.e*juetFto  the  reers,  concerning  foreign 

,;  Letters.  *    , "      '  "   -, — r*~ 

■ Explanation  of  a  PafTage  in  their  Proteffa- 

.  doll  for  the  Defence  of  Religion.  ' - 

— i.Reftlixion  concerning  the  Means  for  rai- 
1  iifig  the  ^',000  /.  Tax.     ,~'      "  — 

___ — f. ; —  touching  the  Scats  Proptmtions 

'with  regard  to  Church-Government.  ; — 
iT_i  Requeft  to  trleLtJrds,  for  the  Removal  of 
'  -     -  'the  Queen-Mother  out  of  England.  —  — 

to'  the  - 



Jglzecy  GOOgle 





Parliamentary  Hijldry  o/V-ENtftANfl. 

COMMONS,  bring  in  a  Bill  for  aboliJhingBifliops 
and  other  Dignitaries.        —      —        ~ 

Thctr  Proceeding!  hereupon.   ,.—■—-       — 

againft  William  Taylor,  Efq; 

for  fbme  hitter  Exprcflions  againft  them.  - 

— —  Anlwer  to  the  Reafons  of  the  Peers  for  re- 
taining the  Bifhops'  Votes  in  Parliament. 

— —  Reprimand  to.fome  ignorant  Lay-Preach- 

— -  Bill  for  retraining  the  Bifhops  from  inter- 
meddling with  Secular  Affairs,  reje&cd  by 
the  Lords. —        —   .  -1 9  33a  — 

—  Exceptions  againft  Gtargr  Lord  Digby  for 
hU  Cenfure  of  Col.  Goring,    .   —        —     9  333-  — 

-  ■  ■    --  againft  Sir  William  Widdrington 

and  Htrbtrt  P-ricf)  Efqi,.-.-  .  —         — —     9  333.  — 
— —  Proceedings  and  Sentence  againft  the  two 

taft-named  Gentlemen.  —         9  333»,4. 

Refolution  concerning  Col.  Gering's  Dif 

-  very  of  a  Plot.  —  —  —     9  334 

Relume  the  Confederation  of  their  Bill  againft 

Epifcopacy.  -. —  jn-  — 

Their  Scheme  of  Alterations  in  the  Government 

of  the  Church..       7 —         —  — 
Preamble  to  the  Bill  for  abojiflung  of  Bi 

fliops,  &£.      —        — ■     ■   —j         .--•  -     9 

Debate  on  this  Bill.        —  '      ,—        —     9 

Refolution  concerning  it.'   .  — «  ...     — — 

Favour  of  Dr.JlaJlwui.,  ■  — 

Bring  in  a  Bill  for  reftoring  the  late  Lard  Straf- 

■  ford's  Children.  _        _  _ 

Their  Refolutions  for  disbanding  the  Army.  — 

— rr-  Debate  about  the  talcing  away  Deans  and 

Chapters  out  of  the  Church  of  England. 

■  Refolutions  hereupon.  — 

! further  Proceedings. in  the  Plot  Affair.  — 

Commit  Henry  Wtlmot,  Efqj  William  Ajbburn- 

bam,  Efq;  and  Sir  Hugh  Pollar/t,  to  Prifon 

.   on  this  Account  ■*-■.  —  — 

Their  Order  on  receiving  an  Account  of  the 

Debt  due.  to  the  Englijh  and  Scats  Armies. 


'  .1 
34a  to  350 
35°-  • 


372.  3 


,;■.,:..  A\OO^lC 

»6«         I      N      D      £      X    fa  tb* 

COMMONS,  ptfi  a  Bill  tor  granting  Tonnage 

and  Poundage  to  the  King.    —  — 

Their  Scheme  -for  a  Poll-Tax,  in  order  to  ad 

Vance  Money  for  the Payment oithe£ngtifo 

and  Scots  Annie*.  —  — 

Proceeding!  relating  to  a  Provitb  of  the  Scots  in 

die  Treaty  between  the  two  Nations.  — 
Pais  a  Bill  againft  Pluralities  and  Non-Rdidcnce 

of  theCiergy.  —  — 

Their  farther  Proceedings  on  the  Bill  for  d 

paring  Epifcopacy.  — 

m,  ■ ... ..... ,  Examination  of  Col.  Gtrmg  about 

the  Plot.  —  —  

—  ■■!-  Rcqueft  to  the  Lord),  concerning  foreign 

Letter*.  —  —  — — 

— r  Propositions  to  them  on  the  State  of  the 

Nation.  —  — -  — 

mr~rr-  Rcqueft  to  llinry  Rich,  Earl  of  HtHtmd, 

and  Lord  Genera!,  for  execntmg  Martial 

Lav  on  fuch  Soldiers  who  fhould  motiny. 
>     i    Rcfol«iom  concerning  the  disbanding  of 

the  Army.  —  —  — 

..—  Mefiage  to  the  Lords  for  proceeding  againft 

tbeArcrrbHhop  of  Canterbury.      —       — 
Pafi  a  Bill  for  a  Poll-T«.  —  — 

— for  taking  away  the  Star-Chamber 

Court.            —  —  — 

■  ■  ■—  - the  Htgh-Commif- 

.fion  Cotrrt.            —             —             — 
Their  earned  Endeavours  with  the  Lord*  to  pro- 
cure the  Royal  Afient  to  the  Bills.     

Tote  10,000  /.for  defraying  the  Kxpenoes  of  the 

Queen  •Mother**  Return  into  Fraaet.    — 
■  Their  Articles  «f  Impeachment  againft  Matthew 

Wrtn,  Bifhop  of  Ely.       —        —       — 

i Refoluttont  thereupon.  —         

— — -Order  concerning  the  R«movfti-ofPt£hn«s, 

Cmftes,  fie.  out  of  Churches,  and  other 

public  Places.  —  — 

Impeach  fix  of  the  Judges  for  their  Behaviour  in 

the  Affair  of  Ship- Money.      — -       — — 

,l,zec;y  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hjftery  of  England.  161 

Vol.     Page. 


COMMONS,  their  Managers   in   the  Affair  of 

Ship-Money,  Lift  of.         —        — 

Their  Resolutions    concerning    fomc     former 

Breaches  of  Privilege.      • —      —        — 

—  "inFavou  r  of th  cPalati n  *  Fa  m  i  I  y . 

—  farther  Refolutions,  with  regard  !o  Breaches 
of  Privilege  in  the  Cafe  of  Mr.  Holies,  and 
fome  other  Members  of  their  Houfe. 

—  Proceedings  againft  Laurence  IPhittacrt, 
Lfq;  for  fearching  the  Trunk  and  Papei 
of  Sir  John  Elliot,  deceafed.      — 

— —  Orders  concerning  Col.  Goring,  Henry 
mSmot,  and  Wititam  AJhburnham,  Efqrs. 

—  farther  Proceedings  on  the  Epifcopal  Bill. 
■ Refolutions  forfeizing  the  Revenues  of  Bi- 

fhops,  Deans,  and  Chapters.      —       i— 

—  ■      ■    ■  -■■-  concerning  their  Maintenance. 

■ concern  i  ngCh  u  re  h  -  G  overn  m  en  t 

Conference  with  the  Lords,  on  the  Subject 

of  the  Ten  Propofitions,  Account  of.     — 

—  Refolution  and  Orders,  concerning  (he 
printing  and  publilhing  Lord  Digby's 
Speech,  on  the  BUI  of  Attainder  againft 
the  late  Earl  of  Strafford.        —   ■       — 

Command  the  (aid  Speech  to  be  burnt  by  the 
common  Hangman.  —      -     ■-     ■ 

Their  farther  Refolution  againft  Lord  Dtgby.   • 

Informed  of  the  Queen's  Intention  to  go  to  the 
Spaw  in  Germany.  —  ■'    ■  ■ 

Their  Proceedings  hereupon.  ... 

■ additional  Propofitions    to  be  offered  to 

the  King.  . 

- —  Refolutions  concerning  the  Army-Plot. 

Lift  of  the  Confpirators.  —  — 

— ■  Propofals  at  a  Conference  with  the  Lords, 
about  difbanding  the  Army.      —        — 

- —  Bill, for  a  general  talcing  of  their  late  Prote- 
ction, rejected  by  the  Lords.      —       — 

Votes  hereupon.  ■        '    — .— 

Order  an  Impeachment  againft  the  Bifhops  con- 
cerned in  making  the  new  Canons.  — 

9 '4*4 

9  4*5.  6 

9  435*.  6 

9  436.  7 

9,437    „. 

9  437.  8 
9  438 

447  > 



9  46*f  3 

9463"      " 
9  4*3.  4. 

o/|  464 


:=y  Google 



X    to 

COMMONS,  order  their Proteftation  to  be  printed 
Their  Conference  hereupon  with  the  Lords.  '  - 

■  Order  for  expediting  the  Payment  of  the 
Poll-Tax.  -— 

■  further  Requeft  to  the  Lords,  for  flaying 
the  King's  Journey  into  Scotland  Jbme 
Days  longer.  — 

Reafons  for  this  Requeft.        — 

Send  up  a  Bill  to  the  Lords  for  a  farther  Grant 


9  ' 
9  * 

of  Tonnage  and  Poundage  to  the  King. 

:ir  Vote  againft  Henry  Ptrey  and  Henry  Jer~ 

myn,  Efqrs.  and  Sir  fobn  Suckling.         — 

— —  ■  Order  for  a  public  Thankfeiving,  on  ac- 
count of  a  Peace  with  the  Scots.    —    — 

—  Complaint  againft  the  Queen's  Capuchin 

Give  Orders  for  better  guarding  the  Tower  of 
London,  and  the  other  Forts  in  the  King- 
dom.    ■-  — 

Their  Complaint  to  the  Lords,  concerning  Po 
pifh  Recufants.  

Write  to  the  Sheriffs  of  fevcral  Counties  to 
haften  the  Poll-  Money.  —         — 

Their  Refolution,  to  prevent  the  publifliing  Pa- 

Jers  and  Books  ofrenfive  to  the  Parliament, 
nquiry  into  the  State  of  the  Navy.       — 

—  Order  concerning  it.  — • 
Defire  the  Lords'  Content  to  a  Recels. 
Rcfufe  to  comply  with  their  Propofal  in  Point 

of  Time.  — 

Their  Reafons.  — 

—  Reformation  in  Chuch  Affairs,  when  firft 
fct  on  Foot,  and  in  what  Particulars. 

Keep  the  Thankigivirig-Day  with  great  Solem- 
nity at  the  Chapel  in  Lincoln  s  Inn.       — 

Their  Reafons  for  deferting  St.  Margaret's 
Church,  Wtjlmin{ttrt  on  this  Occauon. 

■  *  further  Reformation  in  the  Church,  Ac- 
count of.  — —  ■ 

Debate,  concerning  the  Pay  of  the  two  Colonels, 
Jjbburnbam  and  Pollard.  —  — 

iglzecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hi/lory  (/"England.         163 
Vol.    Page. 

COMMONS,  their  Order  for  eftablilhing  Lec- 
turers in  the  Church  of  England.  — 

Requcftcd  by  the  Lords  to  join  with  them  in  ar 
Order  for' performing  Divine  Service  ac- 
cording to  an  A£t  of  Parliament.  —     9  495 

Their  Refolution  to  the  contrary.         —       —     9  495,  6 
.  -— — —  on  Mr.  Pymme's  Report  of  the 
Proceedings  of  the  Committee  during  the 
Recefs  of  Parliament.        —  — 

Commit  Sir  John  Berkley  and  Daniel  O'Neal 
Piifon,  on  Sufpicion  qf  being  concerned 
in  the  Army-Plot.  —  10      6 

Their  Heads  for  a  Conference  with  the  I.ords._ 

on  the  Report  from  their  Committee.   —  10       6,  7 

— -  Requeft  to  the  Lords  for  battening  the 
Proceedings  againft  the  impeach'd  Bilbo 

—  Bill  for  difabling  the  Clergy  from  exei 
fing  any  temporal  Authority,  Form  of.         10       8,  9 

—  Conference  with  the  Lords,  concerning  the 
Bifhops,  Particulars  of.  —  —  10     11  la  17 

Sufpend  their  Committees  for  private  Affairs. 
Their  Divifion  for  a  Conference,  touching  five 
vacant  Bifltopricks,  -r-  — 

—  Conference  with  the  Lords,  about  the  Safe- 
ty of  the  Prince  of  Wain,  Particulars  of. 

Informed  of  a  general  Rebellion  of  the  Papifts  in 

Ireland.  "    ■  "■■■-•  ■■   10     24 

Their  Rcfolut ions  hereupon.  —  —  10     25,  6 

* Bounty  to  Owen  ConeRj  for  the  Difcovery. 

Expel  Henry  Ben/en,  Efq;  for  felling  Protections. 

Borrow  Money  of  the  Citizens  of  London,  on 
certain  Conditions.  .  —  .  — — 

Their  Opinion  relating  to  the  Plea  of  the  im 

peached  Bifhops.  —  — — —   10     42  _ 

Require  a  peremptory  Anfwcr.         —  —  10    42 

Appoint  a  Guard  to  attend  their  Houfe.  —    —  10    43 

Refufe  their  Content  for  the  Releafement  of  the 
Queen's  Confeflbr.  —  - — — 

PaTs  a  Bill  for  laying  down  the  Privileges  of  Par- 
liament for  a  Seafon.  — *  —  10     50 

L  2  COM- 

iglzecy  GOOgle 

1 64 


X    to 

COMMONS,  appoint  a  Committee  to  wait 

the  King  with  a  Petition  and  Remonftrance 
of  the  State  of  the  Nation.         —        — 

Their  Petition,  Form  of.  —  

— —  Remonftrance  of  National  Grievances.  — 

—  Conference  with  the  Peers,  touching  the 
impeached  Biihops,  Abftrafl  of.    —    — 

Solicited  again  to  rcleafe  the  Queen's  ConferTor. 
Their  Refolution  to  the  contrary.        —       — 

—  ■■  -  Inftru&ions  to  the  Committee  appointed  to 

treat  with  the  Scots  for  the  Relief  of  Ireland. 

■  Proceedings  Againft  fome of  their  Members 
for  being  concerned  in  the  Army-Plot.   — 

Difmifs  fome  Watchmen,  appointed  by  the  King 
to  attend  the  Parliament- Houfe.     —     — 

Commit  a  Juftice  of  Peace  to  the  Tower  on  ac- 
count of  thefe  Guards.  —  — 

Their  Votes  relating  to  fome  condemned  Priefts. 

farther  Order  to  their  Committee  on  the 

Irijb  Affair.  

Order  their  famous  Petition  and  Remonftrance, 
of  the  State  and  Grievances  of  the  Nation, 
to  be  printed  and  publifhed.         —         — 

Accufe  Daniel  O' Neil,  Efq;  of  High  Treafon. 

Their  Requeft  to  the  Peers  concerning  the  Remo- 
val of  Col.  Lumford,  Lieutenant  of  the 
Tower.  —  —  — 

— —  Character  of  the  Colonel.  —  — 

Denied  this  Requeft.  —  — 

Their  Vote  and  Conference  hereupon,     —    — 

■  Declaration  concerning  this  Bufinefs.  ■ — 
Difregar'd  of  the  King's  Meflage  about  rai- 

ftng  Volunteers  for  the  Service  of  Ireland. 

— —  Anfwer  to  the  Peers'  Proportions  concern- 
ing a  Guard.  ■  ■■     ■ 

— —  Complaint  againft  Lord  Dtgby.  —  — 
—  ..  -againftfomeGentlemenappear- 
ing  in  Arms  near  Whitehall,       —        — 

Accufe  twelve  Biftiops  of  High  Treafon,  for 
their  Proteftation  againft  the  Legality  of 
Parliamentary  Proceedings,  during  their 
farced  Abience  from  the  Houfe  of  Peers. 


Vol.     Page. 

5+»  5 
56  u  59 
60  to  89 


10    98 
10    98 

10    98 

,6,  ,, 



jo: 120 



I  2*.  2,  3 






10  1361  7 

io, 140 


Jglzecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hijiory  of  England. 

COMMONS,   their  Charge  againft  the  twelve 
Bifhops,  accufed  of  High  Treafon,  Wf. 
Their  Mcflage  to  the  Peers,  concerning  a  Bill  for 
taking  away  the  Bifhops'  Votes  in  Parlia- 

Petition  to  the  King  for  a  Guard.  —   — 

■ ■  Order,  on  receiving  no  prefent  Anfwer.  — 

Conference  with  the  Peers  concerning  thei 

Privileges.  ■  ■ — 

— —  Uneafine(s  for  Want  of  a  Guard.      — 

■■         Reafon  for  it.  •«— 

Five  of  their  Members  demanded  by  the  King' 

Serjeant  at  Arms.  —  ■  ■  — — 

Refufe  to  deliver  them  up.  —  — 

Tbeir  Menage  to  the  King  on  this  Occafion.  — 

—  accufed  Members  demanded  by  the  King 
in  Perfon.  --    ■   ■  ■ — 

Vote  this  Step  to  be  a  Breach  of  Privilege. 
Their  Declaration  hereupon.         —  

—  Menage  to  the  Peers,  for  the  Removal  of  Sir 
.    John  Byron,  Lieutenant  of  the  Tower. 

Denied  this  Requcft.  — 

Their  Votes  againft  Sir  John,  for  refuting  his 
Attendance  on  Parliament,  according  to  a 
Summons  for  that  Purpofe.        — 

—  Declaration  for  putting  the  Kingdom 
a  Pofture  of  Defence.  — 

Renew  (heir  Requeft  to  the  Peers  for  the  Remo- 
val of  Sir  Jtfot  Byrtn.  ~~ 
Their  Objections  to  this  Gentleman.  — 
— —  Complaint  againft  George  Lord  Digby,  for 
'  appearing  in  Arms  ziKing/ion  upon  Thame t. 
— -  Refolutions  concerning  him.      —       — 

■ Declaration,  fetting  forth  the  Breach  of 

Privilege  in  the  Affair  of  the  Five  accufed 

Requeued  by  the  Peers  to  join  with  them  in  an 
Addrefs  of  Thanks  to  the  King,  for  his 
kind  Meflage  concerning  Grievances.  . — 

Their  Conference  with  them  about  the  Town  of 
Hull,  and  the  Magazine  there.    — 



'49. 5M 

















228,  9 

,l,zec;y  GOO^IC 


I      N      D 

COMMONS,  their  Meffage  and  Requeft  to  the 
Peers,  concerning  the  Report  of  an  in- 
tended Accufation  of  the  Queen.  — 
Refute  to  join  with  them  in  their  Anfwer  to  the 

King's  laft  Meffage.       

Their  Addition  to  the  Anfwer,  Subftance  of.  > 
—  '    ■'  rejected  by  the  Peers,         — — 

X    ta  the 

Vol.     Pagr. 

-  Particulars  of. 

Appoint  Mr.  Pjmme  to  manage  a  Conference 
with  the  Peers,  on  Occaiion  of  fome  Pe- 
titions from  feveral  Counties,  for  a  Refor- 
mation in  Church  and  State.       •— 

Their  Order  of  Thanks  to  this  Gentleman  for 
his  Speech  concerning  this  Bufincfs.      — 

— —  Charge  againft  "Jamet  Stuart  Duke  of 
Richmond,  — — —  " 

'I  Proceedings  againft  Sir  Edward  Dtrinfa 
for  printing  his  Speeches.  ■  ■■■■ 

— f—  Debate  on  the  Power  of  the  Militia.     — 

DiffatUfied  with  the  King's  Anfwer,  about  paf- 
fing  the  Bill  to  take  away  the  Bifhopa' 
Votes,  -  ...  i 

Their  Rcafons  for  the  fpeedy  obtaining  the 
Royal  Affent.  -. — 

■  Lift  of  Perfons  nominated  to  be  Lieute- 
nants of  the  feveral  Counties  in  England 
and  Walts,  to  command  the  Militia. 

Anfwer  to  the  King'sComplaint  of  a  Paf- 

fage  in  Mr.  Pjmiru's  Speech  on  Grievances 

Impeachment  againft  Sir  Edward  Htrbert, 

Attorney- General.  -i~  

■  ■      Vote  and  Rcafons  for  opening  an  inter- 

cepted Letter  of  Lord  Diebj's  to  the  Queen 
■■  —  —  Refolutions,  concerning  Privy. Councilors 

and  Officers  of  State.         —  ■■  — - 

...I  i-  Proceedings  againft  the  impeach'd  Bifhops 

at  their  Trial.  r  ■ 

-  Refentment  againft  them,  Account  of.  ■ 

—  .  i-  Articles  of  Impeachment  againft  Grorge 

Loid  Dig  by,  >  . ^— , 



229,  30, 

25 1 

^54.  5»  6 

270,  1 
280,  1,  2 



287,  8,  9 

289,  90 

296,  7 


298,  9 

303  "3°7 

3'8,  r9 

■,  Google 

Parliamentary  Hiftoty  of  England. 

COMMONS,  their  Support  of  their  Accufation, 
Manner  of.  - -  

Order  the  impeached  Bifhops  to  be  heard  at  the 
Bar  of  their  Houle.  ■        — — 

Their  Votes  for  putting  the  Nation  into  a  Pollute 
of  Defence.  —  ■  _,..- 

Anfwcr  to  the  King's  Reply,  concerning 

Mr.  Pjmmt't  Speech  relating  to  Pafles  in- 
to Inland.  ■'—■'-- 

— —  Votes,  in  Confluence  of  a  Meflage  from 
the  King,  relating  to  Ireland  and  the  Mi- 

Proportions  concerning  Hull  and  the  Nor- 
thern Counties.  —  — 

Refolutions  againft  the  impeached  Bifhops 

— —  Conference  with  the  Peers,  concerning  in 
extraordinary  Petition  from  the  County  of 

Kent.  — 

Refentment  on  this  Occafion.      — 

— —  Articles  of  Impeachment  againft  Gtsrgt 

Btnjon,  Citizen  of  London,  — 
farther  Charge  againft  him.       — 

—  Declaration  of  public  Grievances,  with 
their  Remedies.  ■  . 

Order  concerning  the  Magazine  at  Hull. 

Meflage  to  the  Peer*,  concerning  Sir  Ed- 

ward  Dtring.  —  . 

Impeach  Sir  William  Wilmiry   Knt,  of  high 

Crimes,  He.  ■  — ■■-- 

Their  principal  Complaint  againft  him.  — 

—  Conference  with  the  Peers,  about  removing 
the  Garrifon  of  Hull  to  London.  — 

—  Generofity  to  William  Ltnthal,  Efqj  their 

Refolutions  concerning  the  King's  Refent- 
ment againft  the  Earn  of  EJftx  and  Hol- 

— —  Obfcrvations  on  a  Petition  from  the  York- 
/birr  Gentry  to  the  King,  for  continuing 
the  Magazine  at  Hull.  — >  — 

—  Refentment  on  this  Occafion.,     —     — 


319,  zO 

360,  I,  z 


3°9>  7° 


390.  1 


394.  5 
39&>  7 

403  ft  414 





:=y  Google 


I      N      D      E      X    to 

COMMONS,   their  Articles    of   Impeachment 

againft  Sir  Edward  Dering,  for  promoting 

the  Ktntijh  Petition.  —  — 

Their  Charge  further  aggravated.         —        — 

■ Meflkge  to  the  Peers  for  battening  the 

Trial  of  Lord  Digby.  —  — 

-  farther  Proceedings  in  the  Amur  of  the 
K<tntijh  Petition.  —  ^— ^— 

>n—  Prefent  to  the  Earl  of  Ground,  for  a  Vic- 
tor)' obtained  by  him  over  the  Rebels  in 

•— >—  Proportions  at  a  Conference  with  the 
Peers,  concerning  Poptth  Recufants.     — - 

Impeach  Sir  George  Strode,  and  Richard  Spencer, 
Jifq;   for  being  concerned  in  the  Ktntijh 

Their  Resolution  in  Favour  of  the  Children  of 
Sir  Charles  Caste,  one  of  the  Kngiifli  Com- 
manders againit  the  Irijb  Rebels.  — 

Appoint  a  Committee  to  confider  of  the  Form 
of  the  King's  Oath.  —  ■■■    -- 

Their  Votes  againft  the  King's  requiring  the 
Attendance  of  Capt.  Pbiltp  Skippsn,  or  any 
other  Subject.  —  

■  ■  i  Lift  of  Commilfioners  fent  down  to  Hull 

and  Lincoln/hire,  to  diSpatch  their  Orders 
in  thofc  Paits.  '  —  

■  ■  ■■  '■  Diligence   in  contriving  Means  to  raife 

Money.  — — ^-^ 

■-■-I  i  Diftrets  for  Money,  and  Order  far  raifmg 

—  i   Order  for  Summoning  all  their  Members  to 

appear  in  the  Houfe  by  a  ceitain  Day.  — 

■  ;■  t  Penalty  for  Default,  and  how  to  be  applied. 
■ Gratuity  to  Mr.  Rujbwertb,  employed  in 

divers  MelTages  to  York.         — 

■  .  ■  Informations  concerning  the  King's  raifing 

Segin  a  Subscription  for  Money  and  Horfes  to 
oppofe  the  King,  - ..  -. 


Vtl.     Pair. 



476.  7 

509,  10 




123   . 



»gl,;e^»  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hifi&ry  gf  England.  169 

W.     Pag,. 
COMMONS,  tbeir  Vote  againft  nine  Peers  at 
Jfri,  for  difobey  ing  a  Summons  of  Parli- 
ament. ■  ■  ■'■ 
Their  Informations  from  Holland,  of  Stores  and 

Artillery  bought  there  for  the  King's. Ufc.    n   195,6 

Order  againft  -priming  fcditious  Pamphlets.    II  207 

abfent  Members,  Number  of,  on  a  Call  of 

their  Houfc.  ■—  -—  ■■■■  -   1 1   207 

—  Vote  on  this  Occafion.  ■        11  207 

• — —  Amendment  of  the  Nineteen  Proportions 

prefented  to  the  King  for  Peace.    —    —   11  255,  6 

-  ■    Informations  relating  to  Nnueajlle,   and 

the  Forces  put  in  there  for  the  King.    —  11  261,  2 

Impeach  Sir  Riebard  Gurnej,  Lord  Mayor  of 
London,  for  proclaiming  the  King's  Com- 
miffion  of  Array,  &c        •  —  1 1  267!  .8 

Tbeir  Articles  of  Impeachment  againft  Henry 
Hafiingi,  Efq;  Sir  Richard  Jial/erd,  Sir 
Join  Bait,  and  John  Patiy  Efq;  for  ex- 
ecuting the  raid  Commiffion,     '—        —  11  276/0279 

Exhibit  to  the  Peers  a'  farther  Impeachment 

againft  Sir  Richard  Gurney.         —         —    II  282 

Tbeir  Proceedings  againft  him  at  his  Trial  before 

the  Peers.  : — 1—  11  326/0333 

farther  Proceedings  againft  him.    J    11  zlo'^'^0* 

Expel  Sir  Ralph  Hop  ton  from  their  Houfe,  for 

executing  the  King's  Commiffion  of  Array.   11  36+     * 

Their  Vote  to  fupport  the  Earl  of  EJJix  with 

their  Lives  and  Fortunes.       —        —  ■■  11  370,  X 

Impeach  William  Seymour  Marquis  of  Hertford, 
Spencer  Compton  Earl  of  Nort hampton,,  and 
Henry  Haflingt,  Efq;  of  High  Treafon.  -    11  371 

Their  Anfiver  to  a  Meflage  from  the  King,  con- 
cerning the  Supplies  for  Inland.     —    —   II  374(0380 

• Order  hereupon.  -  ■  ■■  1 1  380 

Receive  two  extraoidinary  Petitions  from  the 
County  of  Kent,  approving  the  Proceed- 
ings of  Parliament.  — -  —   11  407,8,9 

Their  Anfwer  by  their  Speaker.        —         —  11  409,  10 


Jglzecy  GOOgk 

170  I      N      D      E      X    jfo  the 


COMMONS*  their  Tmpeachmentof  High  TreaTon 
againft  James  Lord  Strange.  — — 

Impeach  William  Seymour  Marquis  of  Hlrtford, 
and  fourteen  others,  of  High  Treafon.  — 

Paft  a  Bill  for  fettling  the  Government  and  Li- 
turgy of  the  Church  of  England,    —     — 

Their  ftri.2  Order  relating  to  their  abfent  Mem- 
ber*. ■  —  — — 

—  Divifions,  -Lift -of,  from  Jane  to  OeJeitr, 
1642.  ■   ■     — 

The  Thmnefi  of  their  Houfe  at  this  Time  ac- 
counted for.  

Lift  of,  expcll'd  in  Augttffmd  September,  1642. 

Their  Proceedings  againft  Sir  John  Evelyn  for 
demurring  to  a  Vote  of  the  Houfe.  —  — 

Their  liberal  Prefent  to  the  Earl  of  Effete  for  his 
Conduft.  ■  

■         to  die  Soldiers  under  his 

Command.  -■■  - 

..  1.  ■  Objections  againft  the  King's  Adjournment 
of  Michaelmas  Term,  in  1642.    —      — 

Votes  in  Anfwer  to  his  Reply,  concerning 

his  March  to  Brtntfwi.-  —  — 

Expel  Sir  Sidney  Montague,  Member  for  Hunt- 
ingdt»ijbire,md  commit  him  to  the  Tower, 
for  refilling  to  take  the  Oath  of  A/Tocia- 
tton  to  live  and  die  with  the  Earl  of  Effete. 

Their  remarkable  Divifions  on  fome  Proportions 
for  Peace.  '  

• Endeavours  to  render  odious  the  King's 

Anfwer  to  a  Petition  from  the  City  of  Lm~ 
din,  relating  to  Peace.      — —        

. Introduction  to  the  City's  Petition,  read  at 

a  Common-Hall.  ——  

■1  ■—  Remarks  upon  the  King's  Anfwer  there,  1 
and  fome  Speeches  in  Oppofition  to  it.    J 

■  Order  for  preventing  Provifions,  &c.  go- 
ing to  the  King's  Army  at  (Jxferd.    

Appoint  a  Committee  for  fequeftering  the  Eftates 
of  Royalifts.  ■• 

Jglzecy  GOOgk 

TarUamentary  Hijiory  of  England,  171 

Vol     Pagu 
COMMONS,    their  Vote*    for  ditbanding  the 
King's  and  Parliament's  Forces  previous  to 
a  Treaty  for  Peace.     —  ■  12  163,  4 

Their  Reafons  to  this  Purpofe.        — .         —  12   \b\%  5 

Refolution  in  Confequcnce  thereof.   ■■■    ■■   12  165,  6 

— —  remarkable  Votes  with  regard  to  the  An- 

nivcrfary  of  the  King's  Atceflion.      12  209 

— —  Divifions  about  the  Oxford  Treaty.   —  \%  209,  10 

—  Proceedings  againft  Sir  Hugh  Cbumliy,  for 
defecting  the  Pail iament.  —         —  12  238 

—  McfTage  to  the  Peers,  touching  a  Breach  of 
Privilege.  > —  12  239 

—  Proportions  to  them,  concerning  the  Earl 

of  EJJix,  and  the  Support  of  tbcii  Army.   12  246,  7 

—  Vote,  in Opporttion  to  the  Peers v concern- 
ing Mr.  Martin,  who  had  feized  two  of 

the  King's  Horfes.  — —  —   12  251 

—  fevere  Order  againft  Commiffioncis  of  Se- 
queftration  refuting  to  act.       —         —   12  256 

Order  for  afcertainmg  the  Prioe  of  Malt 

Liquor.  ■     ■  12  258 

Method  of  railing  Money  by  an  Excife  laid 

on  divers  Commodities.  — -  —  12  258,  9 

■ —  Vote,  in  Confequence  of  a  Letter  from 
Buckingbawjhiri,  concerning  plundering  by 
the  King's  Troops.  —  12  261 

—  ■  ■   ■  againft  Papifts.  ■  —  12  262 

■ for  making  a  new  Great  Seal.     —  12  262 

-» for  accufing   the  Queen  of  High 

Treafon.  — 12  266 

—  Reafon  for  being  foexafperated  againft  her,  12  266 
■ farther  Extenfion  of  the  Excife,  Account 

of.  12   267 

- — -  Divifions,  relating  to  the  Regalia  in  fVtp- 

mnfltr  Abbey.  —   12  276,  7 

— -  Propofal*  to  the  Peers,    concerning  the 

King's  Proclamation  again  the  Parliament.   12  314**316 

SnfpeQ  iheEarl  of  Northumbtrland  to  be  concern- 
ed in  Mr.  Waller's  Plot.  —  —  12    318 

Their  Rerjueft  10  the  Peers  on  this  Occafion.  —   12  318 

Jglzecy  GOOgk 


I      N  .  D      E 

COMMONS,  expel  Mr.  JTaUtrfrom  their  Houfe, 
on  account  of  his  being  concerned  in  a  Plot 
again  ft  the  Parliament.        —  —        — — 

Their  Severity  to  two  other  of  the  Confpirators. 

Receive  Information  of  Sir  John  Hatbam's  De- 
fign  to  give  up  Hull  to  the  King.    —  — 

Their  Kefolutions  thereupon.         —  ■  ■     ■ 

Order  a  new  Great  Seal  to  be  made  without  the 
Privity  of  the  Peers.  —  — 

Their  Proceedings  againft  Sir  Jahn  Hatham  and 

his  Son.  ■ 

■  — — —  againft  Mr.  Martin,  for  trea- 
fonable  Language  againft  the  King  and 
Royal  Family.  ■  ■'  ■  ■    

. Examination  of  Sir  John  Hatham  and  hii 

Son,  previous  to  their  Trial.       —        — 

Expel  them  their  Houfe,  and  commit  them.   — 

Their  Examination  of  Sir  Edward  Sainton, 
touching  his  Charge  againft  Mr.  Pymmi  for 
indirect  Practices.  —  —  —  --■ 

■     —  Vote  againft  Sir  Edward  on  this  Occaiion. 

—  farther  Re  afons  to  induce  thePeers,  to  con- 
tent to  a  new  Great  Seal.  —  — 

—  Objections  to  a  Propofel  of  the  Peers  con- 
cerning the  Manner  of  treating  with  the 
Prince  D'Hartcourl,  the  French  Ambafla- 
dor.  -  12 

~—  extraordinary  Refpefl  (he  wed  to  the  Memo- 1 

ry  of  Mr.  Pymmt,  Account  of.     —       —    12 

Take  upon  them  to  nominate  all  the  High  She-  ■ 

rifts  in  England.  ■  '  12 

•     Their  Order  to  the  Commiffioners  of  the  Great 

Seal  on  this  Occaiion.  ■  ■ ;  12 

—  farther  Expulflon  of  Members,  with  the 
Reafons  afligned  for  fuch  a  Ccnfure,  Par- 
ticulars of.  ■  —  --   13 

'  Account  of  a  Project  for  a  Treaty  between 

the  King  and  the  City  of  London,  —  —  13 

—  Votes  thereupon.  ■  13 

Impeach  Lord  Goring  of  High  Treafon.  —  —   13 
Their  farther  Expulfion  of  Members,  Account  of.   1 3 

to   the 

Vol.     Page. 



379"  38' 
3«o»  1 

3811  a 

4°  1 1 2, 3 



9  "'4 
■4.  "S 


28,  9 

),gl,ze^y  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Htftory  of  England. 


COMMONS,  receive  Advice  of  the  Entry  of  the 

Sals  into  England.  ■-  ■  -  -  — 

Their  Prefent  to  the  Meffengerof  this  News.  — 

Wrth  the  King  at  Oxford,   in  January  1643, 

In  his  Service,  or  otherwife  abfent,  Lift  of.  — 
Propofe  an  Oath  of  Secrecy  to  be  taken  by  the 
Englifly  and  Scots  Commiflioners  appoint- 
ed to  manage  the  common  Caule.     ■■ 
Their  Declaration  and  Vote  in  order  for  Peace. 

■  Reafons  in  Support  of  iheirOath  of  Secrecy. 
. for  referring  Proportions  of  Peace 

to  the  joint  Committees  of  both  King- 

further  Reafons  urged  to  this  Purpofe.     - 

■  extraordinary  Diligence  in  railing  Money 
to  fupport  their  Armies.  —  — 

Reject  an  Ordinance  of  the  Peers,  for  further 
continuing  the  joint  Committees  of  both 
Kingdoms.  ■  — 

Recommend  to  them  one  of  their  own  framing. 

Their  Meflage  for  fettling  this  Point.  — 

—  Anfwer  to  the  Peers'  Reafons  for  rejecting 
their  Amendments  in  the  Ordinance.     — 

—  farther  Proceedings  on  this  Bufinefs.      — 
Appoint  a  Committee  of  Ways  and  Means  for 

f  up porting  the  Parliament's  Army. 
Their  Vote  againft  the  Peers,    concerning  a 

Breach  of  Privilege.       — 
Accufc  Lord  Hun/dan  of  High  Treafon. 
Impeach  Sir  Robert  Heath,  Sir  John  Bankis,  Sir 

Robert  Fofter,  and  Sir  John  Glanvtlle,      ~ 

High  Treafon. 

Seize  upon  the  King's  Magazine  of  Plate  in  the 


Their  Propofal  .for  coining  it. 

Oppofed  therein  by  the  Peers. 

Their  Proceedings  againft  Archbifhop  Laud.  — 

ftrange  Meflage  to  the  Peers  to  expedite 

their  Bill  of  Attainder  againft  him.        — 
■  joint  Endeavours 


leavours  with  the  Affembly  ofl 
1  fettling  Religion.       —         —  1 1- 




■  7 

1331. 138 

i39«  143 

145,  * 


189,  90. 

197,  8 
202,  206 

2T8,  19 

245.  6 




Jig  liiecy  GOOgk 


I      N 

X    to 

COMMONS,  their  Reafons  in  Point  of  Law,  of- 
fered to  the  Peers,  for  expediting  the  At- 
tainder againft  the  Archbifhop  of  Canter- 

Their  Debate  on  the  fad  Condition  of  the  King- 
dom, by  the  Continuance  of  the  War.     - 

'  ■  Vote  for  bringing  in  an  Ordinance  to  pro- 
hibit either  Houte  from  holding  any  Of- 
fice, Civil  or  Military.  . 

■  artful  Defign  therein,  Account  of.        — 

-  Debate  on  this  important  Affair.  — 
Carry  their  Point  in  paffing  this  Self-denying 

Ordinance.  — -■■  "■  

Their  Anfwer  to  the  Peers'  Reafons  againft  it. 

-  ■   ■  Ordinance  rejected  by  that  Houfe.        — 

Refentmcnt  on  this  Occafion.      —       — 

Pafs  an  Ordinance  for  new- modelling  thtArrny. 
Vote  Sir  Thomas  Fairfax  to  be  Commander  in 

Chief  of  the  Parliament's  Army.  — 

Their  Arguments  inFavour  of  this  Appointment. 
■■■  ..■■  Proceedings,  with  regard  to  the  Choice  of 


— to  the  Earl   of 


.  Mcflage  to  the  Peers,  concerning  fome 
Amendments  made  by  that  Houfe,  in  tin 
Ordinance  for  new-modelling  the  Army 

Importunity  with  them   for  paffing  this 

Ordinance.  ■■  ■■  -  — ■  —  —  ■— 

— —  Addiefs,  by  the  Speaker,  to  Str7%mmn  Fair- 
faxt  on  his  being  appointed  General.'   — 

-  .  Declaration  for  Jupportingthe  Peerage. 

■  farther  AiTuranccs  to  this  Purpofc.  — 
Pafs  an  Ordinance  for  granting  an  additional 

Power  to  Sir  Tbemai  Fairfax.      —       — 
Their  Mcflage  to  the  Peers  for  obtaining  thei 

Confent.  —  —  -  ■  ■• 

liberal  Grant  to  the  Eleflor  Palatine.    — 

Nominate  Cap;.  Batten  Chief  Commander  at 








375.  6. 1 



3"    . 

3Z7'  8„< 





389,  90 

393.  4 


402.  3 








4<>7.  8 


41.,  11 

429.  3» 




434.  5 



iHze^y  GOOgk 


Parliamentary  lliftory  of  England. 


>MMONS,  their  Contempt  of  die  Peers  by 
this  Appointment.  —  ■  — 

Their  Mcflage  to  them  for  laying  Siege  to  Ox- 

— —  Order  for  relieving  fuch  of  their  Members 
who  had  loft  their  inflates  by  the  Civil 
War.  . .     

Lift  of,  to  whom  this  Appointment  was  made. 

Their  Order,  concerning  Gen.  Cromwell's  Con- 
tinuance in  the  Army.       ■--  ■  ■  ■    - 

—  Punifhment  inflifled  on  Mr.  Cran/erd  for 
afperfing  fome  of  their  Members.    —    — 

—  Determination,  concerning  a  Complaint 
of  Lord  Savilt,  againft  Mr.  Holies  and  Mr. 
tWhitlukt,  on  Account  of  thetr  Behaviour 
in  the  Oxftrd  Treaty.         ■  --  —  1 14 

Prefent  to  David.  Lejlcy,  one  of  the  Scots 

Generals,  for  his  Succcfs  in  Htrtftrdfhirs. 

Commit  two  of  their  Members,  Sir  Lftvis  Dives 
and  Mr.  Gilts  Strangvjays,  to  the  Tower, 
and  for  what. .  —  - 

Pius  an  Ordinance  for  the  abfolute  Sale  of  all  De- 
linquents' Eftates.  —  

Their  Arguments  with  the  Peers  at  a  Conference 
for  obtaining  their  Confent.      —      

Dilplcafed  at  them  fbr  admitting  Lord  Savilt  to 

Their  Reafons  againft  it.  ■     —  — 

— r-  Requeft  for  his  Recommitment.     ■ 

Votes,  in  Confequencc  of  fome  Complaints 

from  Tbrifltirt  againft  the  Setts  Army  there. 

—  Lift  of  Promotions  and  Grants  to  certain 
Members  of  both  Houfes,  to  be  infilled 
upon  in  their  intended  Proportions  for 
Peace.         -.-..■  7—  — 

- —  McfTage  to  the  Peers,  concerning  a  Peace 
with  the  King.  ...  — —  ■■  ■    ■ 

1 Vote  for  reducing  the  Number  of  Horfe  in 

the  Seats  Army.  — — —  14 

■  Reafons  for  fuch  Reduction.       —       —  14 

—  Ofder  thereupon.  —  — —  14 



♦73.  4 

493.  4 









x-„,  Google 

176  I      N      D      E      X    to  the 


COMMONS,  their  Refolutions  on  the  King's  Let- 
ter, concerning  the  Earl  of  Glamorgan'* 
Treaty  with  the  Irijb  Rebels.      —      —   14 

Tfieir  Vote  for  abollfhing  the  Court  of  Wards, 
and  how  occafioned.  —  — - 

Iffue  out  new  Writs  for  fupplying  Vacancies  in 

their  Houfe.       "     14 

TheirDebate  thereon.  14 

Refolution,  with  regard  to  the  Choice  of 

Perfons  to  be  elected.  ■ —  — 

,  Fine  impofed  on  Sir  John  Goodrich^  for 
rcleafing  him  from  the  Tower.      —      — 

Declaration,  in  Anfwer"  to  fome  Papers  of 

the  Scots  Commiffioners,  concerning  Pro- 
pofitions  for  Peace.  _    

,  Reward  to  Mr.  Foggt,  for  bringing  the 
News  of  the  Surrender  of  Ruthin  Caftle  to 
the  Parliament's  Forces.         —  — [14 

—  Refcntment  againft  the  Aflembly  of  Di 
vines,  and  how  occafioned.         —         —    14 

Narrative  of  the  Matter  of  Fa£t.     —   —   14 

Require  an  Anfwer  thereto.        —   14 

Their  Queftions  propofed  to'  them,  concerning 
the  Jut  Div'mum  of  Church-Government. 

Refolutions  to  prevent  a  Treaty  of  Peace 

between  the  King  and  their  Army.  —    — 

«_ touching  the  Difpofal  of  the 

King,  on  his  coming  to  the  Scots  Army  be- 
fore Newark.  —  14 

—  Conference  with  the  Peers  on  thisOccafior. 
Particulars  of.  ■  

. Vindication  of  Sir  John  Eveljn,  touching 

fome  Words  fpoke  by  him  at  this  Confe- 
rence againft  the  Authority  of  the  Houfe 
of  Peers.  —  "  ' 

Difchargc  Capt.  Maffey  from  Prifon,  who  had 
been  committed  by  the  Peers  for,  opening 
the  Letters  of  the  Scots  Commiffioners.  — :  14 

Their  Anfwer  to  a  Petition  of  the  City  of  London,  I 
concerning  Independents,  and  a  good  Cor-  j 
refjoondence  With  the  Scots.        —         — 1 14 

Uze^y  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hijhry  of  England. 


COMMONS,  their  Vote  upon  a  tetter  of  the 

King's  to  the  Marquis  of  Ormmd*  fetting 

forth  his  Reafons  for  going  to  the  Scats  Ar- 

Their  Letter  to  the  Commirooners  of  Scotland, 
requiting  an  Account  of  the  Arrears  of 
Money  due  to  them.  —  — — — 

Baniib,  the  two  Princes,  Ruttrt  and  Maurht,  by 
a  Vote  of  their  Houfe.  —  — 

Tbeir  Inftrufilons  to  the  Judges  of  Affize'for 
the  Summer  Circuit  in  1646.       —      — 

—  Proceedings  for  fuppreffing  fcandalous 
Pamphlets  againft  the  Scots.  

—  Votes  for  paying  1 00,000  /.  to  the  Scots 
Army,  and  for  fatisfying  their  further  De- 

—  ■■  Vote  for  dilcohtinuing  the  Pcnflons  to 

their  Members.  

■  m    -  for  paying  another  100,000/.  to  the 
Scots  Army.  • - 

—  Orders  for  the  Time  of  Payment.         — 
Vote  for  a  third'  Sum  of  1 00,000  /.  to  the 

Scots  Army.  

—  for  a  fourth  Sum,  of  like  Value.  — 

Refolution,  as  to  the  Time  for  Payment 

thereof.  —  

-  for  borrowing  200,000  /.  of  the 

City  of  London . 

—  Proceedings  on  this  Occasion.      —     — 
— —  Apprehenfions"  of  a  Rupture  between'  their 

Army  and  the  Scots.        —  

— —  Orders  thereupon.  —  -     " 

Anfwer  to  the  Scots  Commiffioners'  Papers 

claiming  a  joint  Right  in  dlfpofing  of  the 
King's  Perlon."         —  — - 

—  .    .   —   relented   by   the   Commiffioners, 

and  how.  ■■  ■  ■ 

—  Succefs  in  raiting  the  firft  Payment  of 
200,000  /.  for  the  Scots  Army.  

.—  Refolution,  touching  Security  for  the  Re- 
mainder. ■  — -— 




44S»  6;  7 
475  '""47? 
,6**    * 

64-      - 

i  -  ■■ 






Jglzecy  GOOgle 

i78  I      N      D      E      X    to  the 

COMMONS,   their  Allowance  for  the  King's 
Expenccs  in  his  Journey  from  Ntvjca/ilt 

to  Hsldenby.  ■ 

Their  Gratuities  to  fundry  Members  for  their 
Sufferings,  by  oppofing  the  King  in  the 
third  Year  of  his  Reign.  —  — 

>    i  ■  Refpeft  to  the  Memory  of  Sir  Milts  Ho- 
rn       Votes  for  regulating  the  Officers  under 

Sir  Tbmat  Fairfax.        —  

.  pious  Refolution  in  Confequence  thereof. 

'  ■  ■     ■  Proceedings  about  reducing  the  Army,  &V. 
.         Vote  for  retraining  the  King's  Friends 
from  him  at  Hsldenby.  — 

— .  ■  Anfwer  to  a  Petition  of  the  Officers  in  Sir 
Thotnai  Fairfax's  Army,  concerning  their 

pay,    rjff.  

—.I  Examination  of  fome Troopers,  concern- 
ing a  Letter  by  them  delivered  to  Major- 
General  Skippen,  exclaiming  againft  the 


■     ■■-  Debate  on  this  Bulinefs.  - — ■ — 

Styled  the  Supreme  Authority  of  the  Nation,  by 
a  Petition  directed  to  them, 

Their  Refentment  againit  it,  Account  of.      — 

—  Anfwer  to  a  Petition  from  the  City  of  Lon- 
don, touching  the  Differences  between  the 
Parliament  and  Army.  —  — 

—  —  difinterefted  Votes,  with  regard  to  their 
■    own  Members.  ■  ■ 

—  Order  for  doubling  the  Guards  about  both 
Houfes,  on  Account  of  the  Army's  near 
Approach  to  London.  —  — 

ii.  for  placing  H  albert  s,  CSV.  for  their 

Defence.  — ^_  _  ,__, 

Lift  of,  charged  by  the  Army  with  Mifdemcanois 

Their  Votes  in  Favour  of  the  Army,  and  in 

what  Particulars.  — —         

—  in  Proceedings,  relating  to  the  Eleven  Mem- 

bers of  their  Houie,  charged  as  above.    — 












J>  2 






28,  9 

Jiglizecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hi/lory  of  England. 
.     "         V*l. 

COMMONS,  their  Refolutions  for  dlfabllng  all 

■Perfons  who  had    adhered    to  the    King 

from  fitting  as  Members.  —  — 

Give  Leave  to  the  Eleven  impeached  Members 

to  abfent  tbemfelves  from  the  Houfc  for 

fix  Months.  ■ ^  

Their  Motives  to  this  Refyluilon.  —  — 
Deferted  by  their  Speaker,  Mr.  Lentball,  — 
tlecl  Henry  Pelham,  Lfq;  in  his  room.  — 

Prefent  him  to  the  Peers  for  their  Approbation. 
Their  Proceedings  on  this  Occafion.  —  — 
Recall  their   Eleven  Members,  impeached   by 

the  Army,  to  ftt  and  vote  in  the  Houfc. 

Rejeft  an  Ordinance  of  the  Peers,  for  making 

void  all  Proceedings  during  the  Ablencc 

of  the  two  Speakers.       —  — .  ■■  ■ 

Give  their  Confer*  t  to  the  fa  id  Ordinance,  and 

Their  Reafons  for  infilling  upon  the  fame  Pro- 
portions of  Peace  to  be  fent  to  the  King 
at  Hampton-Court,  as  were  fent  to  Ntw~ 

—  Proceedings  againft  Sir  "John  Maynari, 
and  John  Glynne,  Efq;  Recorder  of  Lon- 
don, two  of  the  impeached  Members.    — 

Impeach  Sit  John  Gayrt,  Lord  Mayor  of  Lon- 
don, of  High  Treafon,  and  commie  him 
to  the  Tower.  = —    —         . 

Jamtt  Earl  of  Suffolk,   with  fix  other 

Peers,  of  High  Treafon.         —  — 

Their  Preamble  to  the  Proportions  of  Peace, 
intended  to  be  fent  to  the  King  at  Hamp- 
ton-Court. — — ■  _____ 

Receite  InteltigencVof  the  King's  Efcape  from 
Hampton- Court,  

Their  extraordinary  Vote  thereupon.         

—  I  rift  ructions  to  the  Commiflionera  appoint 
ed  to  collect  the  Arriars  owing  upon  an 
AfTeffment  for  Pay  of  the  Army.    — 

further  Orders  for  aboliflling  the  Obfef 

lion  of  Chrijlmas.        — 

M   2 




161,  2 






■  S3 








293.  *  . 

3c8,  9 



476.  7.  « 

478.  ■> 

:-y  Google 

180        I      N      D      E      X    to  the 

COMMONS,  their  remarkable  Order  for  laying  I 

down  their  Privileges.      ■  ■-  16 

Their  Votes  againft  any  further  Addrefs  to  the  j 

■i         Debate  thereon.  -      —  

—  Order  for  removing  all  fufpicious  Perrons  j 
from  about  the  King.  —  —   16 

Impeach  Sir  7«^i  MaynardtS  High  Treafon.  —  1 16 
Their  Proceedings  againft  the  Seven  Lords  late- 
ly fct  at  Liberty.  1  —   16 

—  Charge  againft  Sir  John  Afaynard.    — —    16 
1          Charge  againft  John  Gfynm,  Efq;  Recor- 
der of  London. '      "-    16 

—  ■  ■■  Declaration,  felling forth  their  Reafons for 

malting  no  farther  Addrefs  to  the  King.  —   17 
How  anfwercd  by  the  King,  and  an  anonymous 



Their  Order  for  conferring  new  Titles  and  Of- : 

ficea  upon  Thomas  Lord  Fairfax,    —     —    17 

Impeach  James  Buna  of  High  Treafon,  and . 
commit  him.  ■■■-■    ■■  —17 

Their  Articles  of  Impeachment  againft  Sir  Jthn 


againft  Alderman 

■—    Votes,  relating  to  the  Settlement  of  the 

m  ;  1  1  in  Confequence  of  a  Petition  from 
the  City  of  London,  concerning  their  im- 
peached Aldermen.  ■ — 

■  Requeft  to  the  City,  touching  their  Ar- 
rears due  to  the  Army.  ■  — 

— —  Resolution  for  treating  again  with  the  King, 
and  upon  what  Grounds.        —   -     ■_■■■■  — 

■  ■     Refolution  for  dropping  their  Impeachment 

againft  Sir  JobnGayre,  late  Lord  Mayor  of 
London,  the  Three  Aldermen,  the  Seven 

Lords,  and  their  own  Members.       

Reftore  the  late  impeached  Members  of  their 
-     Houfe  to  their  Seats  in  Parliament.  — — 


487.  8 

488,  49« 



505/*  510 






96  w  103 




Jglzecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hjftory  of  England. 


COMMONS,  their  Debate  on  that  Occafion.—    17 
Their  Anfwer  to  a  Petition  from  Surry.        —   17 

—  Elhmatc  of  a  Charge  of  maintaining  a 
Troop  of  Horfe.  .  — 

—  Debate  on  a  Motion  for  feizing  fome  of 
the  mod  considerable  Royalifts,  in  order 
to  procure  the  Releafement  of  fuch  of  their 
Members  who  bad  been  taken  Prifoners  by 
Lord  Goring's  Army.  —  — 

*  ■  ■■  Debate  on  a  Motion  for  obliging  fome  new 
Officers  to  take  the  Covenant.  —        — 
upon  an  Information  of  a  Defign 

to  murder  the  King. 

—  Examination  of  Major  Ralph,  touching  a 
Defign  againft  the  King's  Life.  —     — 

— --  Anfwer  to  a  Petition  front  the  City  of*  Let- 
dun,  for  a  perlbnal  Treaty  with  the  King. 

—  Anfwer  to  a  Petition  from  the  Trinity- 
Houfe,  and  to  another  from  the  Water- 
men upon  Thamet,  to  the  fame  Purpofe. 

■  Agreement  to  a  Refolucion  of  the  Peers,  for 
vacating  fome  former  Votes  forbidding  all 
Addredes  to  the  King.        

——  Debate  upon  aMotion  for  a  perfonal Treaty 
with  the  King.  ■  — 

—  Refolution  for  requiring  the  King's  A  (lent 
to  the  Three  Proportions  previous  to  a 
Treaty.  ■  — — — 

■—  Anfwer  to  fome  Sea  Commanders  who  had 
offered  their  Service  to  reduce  the  revolted 

—  Vote  againft  the  Duke  of  Buckingham,  and 
the  Earls  of  Holland  and  Peterborough,  who 
bad  taken  up  Arms  in  Favour  of  the  King. 

—  '  Anfwer  to  a  Petition  from  fundry  Inhabi- 

tants of  the  City  of  London,  againil  making 
Peace  with  the  King  without  previous  6c- 

—  Vote  againft  the  Seels  Army  for  invading 
England  in  1648.  --  — 

—  againft  thole  who  invited  them.   — 

M  3 




Vf>>  7 


272, 3 












298,  9 



:=y  G00gl£ 

3°9>  io 


i8z  INDEX    to  the 

Vol.     Pagf. 
COMMONS,  the  Occafion  of  their  palling  this  laft  j 

Vote,  Account  of.  17 

Their  Reafonsfot  infilling  upon  the  King's  Aflent 

to  the  Three  Proportions  before  a  Treaty. '  17 
— — Votes  in  Cunfequence  thereof.       — ■      —   \ 
Drop  their  Refolution  concerning  theThree  Pro- 1 
pofitions,    and  agree  with  the  Peers  for  a 
perfonal  Treaty  with  the  King  in  the  ]Jle\ 

>f  frig'*.         —  —  1 

Their  Refolutions  in  Favour  of  Col.  LUbcurne.     1 
—     ■  Debate  about  chuling  a  Member  to  join 
with  the  Earl  of  Middlefex  and  Mr.  Bulk- 
ley  10  wait  on  the  King  with  the  Votes  for  a 
perfonal  Treaty.  .  —  ] 

. Appeal  to  the  General  Aficmbly  of  the 

Church  of  Scotland,  againfr  the  Declara- 
tion of  their  Committee  of  tfiates.     1 

Debate  on  a  Motion  tor  declaring  the  Prince 
of  a  Rebel  and  a  Traitor.     —      —   1 

— — —  Rcalbns  for  laying  this  Motion  afiilc.    — '  1 

Cenfure  againft  !uch  as  fhould  aflift  the! 

Prince  in  the  prefent  War.     —     17; 

'  Order  for  preventing  a  Loan  being  fent  him 

by  the  City,  purfuant  to  his  Requeft.   — 117 

■  ■  1  Debate  on  a  Petition  from  the  City  of  Lan~  I 
dm  for 'a  perfonal  Treaty  with  the  King,  I 
as  a  Means  to  redrefs  their'Grievances.  — '  17   391 

— —  Debate  on  aPetition  from  the  Reforms  Joes,  j  17    392 

— —  Anfwer  to  the  hitter.  — ;  17   392 

to  the  former.  —  —17   393*4 

— »  Debate  thereupon.  —  ■ .17   394,  5 

—  ■-   Jnterpofition  in  Favour  of  Major  Ralph,  I 

who  had  been  committed  for  an  Attempt! 

to  murder  the  King.  —  — '17    402 

— —  farther  Regard  for  him,  Inftance  of. 17   402 

— — Refentmetit  aga'mft  Mr.  Oftorne  and  Mr.1 

Dewctt,  his  Accufcrs.         - —        : 1 17  402 

—t-  Debate  on  a  Motion  for  cenfurmg  Sir  Johi 

Hlppejlty  and  Mr.  Buttity,  touching  tliei 

Proceedings  with  the  King  in  Carijbrwh 

Caftle,  in  the  Ifit  af  Wight.         17   403,  4, 




357,  8 

373'"  381 

384.  5 




Parliamentary  Hi/lory  of  England.  183 

Vol.    Ptgt. 

COMMONS,  their  Vote  for  returning  Sir  John 

John  HipptJUy  and  Mr.  Buttlty  Thanks, 

and  approving  their  Conduit.  ■ 

— —  Objections  and  Alterations  to  the  Peers' 

Votes  for  a  perfonal  Treaty.       —         —    17 

—  Order  for  preventing  any  Suspicion  of  the 
Marquis  of  jfrgyle  having  concurred  with 
the  Sati  in  their  Invafion.  —  —    17 '42a 

—  Refolution.for  applying  to  the  public  Ser- 
vice one  Half  of  the  remaining  Money  due 
to  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland.         — ■       —    171420, 

— —  Proceedings  again  ft  Capt.  Haiiburton,  a 
Menengcr  to  the  King  from  the  Scots  Par- 
liament. ■  — —   17  421,  2 

—  Affront  put  upon  the  King,  Inftance  of.       17   422 
— —  Debate,  concerning  the  Difpofal  of  the 

Prifoners  taken  at  the  Surrender  of  Col- 

chtfltr.  17  432,  3 

Order  for  a  Gratuity  to  Mr.  John  Rujb- 

worthy  Secretary  to  Lord  Fairfax.         —    17   433 

—  Debate  on  the  Inftruftions  to  the  Com- 
miffioners  appointed  to  treat  with  the 
King.  •  17  434,  5,  6 

Refolution,  touching  the  Difpofal  of  the 

Scots  common  Soldiers  taken  Prifoners  in 

- —  Difrefpcct  to  the  Lords'  Meilengers,  In- 

ftances  of.  17  445 

Order  for  a  Call  of  their  Houfe.         ■  17  445 

— —  Preamble  to  a  Declaration,  letting  forth 

the  Reafons  thereof.  — ■  — — —  17  446 
liberal  Grant  to  Col.  Lilbournt,  as  a  Re- 

com pence  for  his  Sufferings,  JsV.  —   17  446 

■—  Refolution,    concerning   the  Difpofal   of 

10,000 /.  borrowed  for  the  Expence  of  the 

1 — —  Debate  on  the  King's  Defire  that  no  one 
Propofition  be  binding,  if  the  Treaty  break 
off  upon  another.  17  4781*480 

— on  his  own  Proportions  of  Peace 

fent  to  both  Houfes.        —  18     18  to  20 


=,  Google 

1 84 

I     N  .  D     E     X    to  tie 


COMMONS,  their  Debate  on   a  Letter  from 

Gen.  fair/ax,   defiring  Payment  of  the 

Arrears  due  to  his  Army.  ■„.,.  _ 

.     Their  Order  for  fettling  4000  /.  a  Year  on  Lord 

Fairfax.  —  ■  — 

■  —  Debate  on  a  Motion  for  ordering  Lord  Ad- 
miral Warwick  to  come  up  to  London.     — 

— on  a  Letter  from  the  Lord  Giring, 

touching  an  Impeachment  againft  him. 

-  on  fundry  Petitions  for  immediate 

Juftice  upon  Delinquents, 
— ■'  Order  for  a  Charge  againft  Mr.  Dtwett, 

on  Account  of  his  accufing  Major  Rtlpb. 
■■  ■  ■    ' for  a  Supply  for  the  Fleet  under  the 

Earl  of  Warwick.  —  

—  Refusion  for  an  Adjournment,  at  the 
Requeft  of  the  Speaker.         —  — 

—■■—  Debate  thereupon.        ■    -  ■  ,  ■ 

(Revoke  this  Refolution,  at  the  Requeft  of  the 

Their  Vote  of  Thanks  to  Gen.  Cromwell.        — 

—  Debate  on  die  Charge  againft  Mr.  Dewat. 
»  "  on  a  Motion  for  lengthening  the 

Time  allotted  for  theTreaty  with  the  King. 
»— on  the  Proportions   concerning 


■— ; concerning  Free-Quarter.     -= — 

■  on  Occafion  of  the  Proceedings  ii 
■    die  Treaty  being  put  into  Print.  —      — 

—'■■"■■ r-  on  the.  King's  Anfwer  concerning 

Epifcopacy.  — — .  , 

■  ■ '    Vote,  touching  theUnfatisfactorinefs  there. 

■— —  Refolution  on  the  King's  Anfwer,  as  ti 
the  Sale  of  Biftiops'  Lands.        —        . — 

•—  Exceptions  to  his  Anfwer,  concerning 
Church-Government  and    abolishing    of 

—  Refolution  on  the  King's  Anfwer  con- 
cerning the  Directory  and  the  Book  of 
Common  Prayer.  —  


:=y  Google 

Parliamentary  ISJiory  ftf  England.         t%e 
Vol    Paiu 
COMMONS,  their  Refolution  concerning  the 
Article!  of  Religion.        —  ■  : 

Their  Debate  on  the  King's  Anfwer,  touching   - 
the  Allowance  of  the  Popiih  Religion  to 
ihe  Queen  and  her  Family.  — 

—  Refolution  on  this  Point.  — 
■—  Debate  concerning  the  Covenant.     - 
— —  Refolution  thereupon.        — 

—  Debate  on  the  feven  Delinquents  propofed 
by  the  Lords  to  be  proceeded  againft  ca- 
pitally. -  ■■  --  ■■       —  i 

touching  a  proper  Guard  for  the 


-  on  naming  the  feven  Delinqents  to 

be  excepted  from  Pardon.        — 

Refolution,  with  regard  to  thofe  Perfona 

named  in  the  firft  Branch  of  the  Propor- 
tions concerning  Delinquents.         ■         ■■■ 

Lift  of  thole  Lords  and  Gentlemen  de- 

figned  for  Banifhment.        —  — 

—  Refolution  concerning  thofe  who  had  en- 
gaged in  the  War  againft  the  Parliament, 
lince  January,  1647-8.         —  — 

— —  Fine  impofed  upon  the  Duke  of  Hamilton. 

—  Refolucions  upon  the  King's  laft  Anfwer 
concerning  the  Church.      —  — 

—  Vote  on  the  King's  Anfwers  concerning  the 
Proceedings  of  Lord  Ormand  in  Inland.  - 

—  Debate  on  the  Army*s  Remonitrance,  de- 
manding Juftice  againft  the  King,  csV. 

—  Order  for  railing  Money  for  the  Service  of 
the  Fleet.  

■  ■  for  committing  the  Duke  of  Hamil- 
ton dofe  Prifoner  to  Windjor  Cattle.      — 

- —  Debate  on  Lord  Fairfax  a  Letter  to  Col. 
Hammond,  requiring  his  Attendance  at 
St.  Albans.  .^— -  . .  i.  . 

, on  the  King's  Anfwers  to  the  Pro- 
portions of  Peace.  —  

"—Refolution  for  adjourning  the Confidera- 
ration  thereof.  —  ! 


I  ",  1% 

"3.  *4 




146,  7 
*3«»  • 


286,  7 



1 36 


X    to 

COMMONS,  their  Anfwer  to  the  Sheriffs  of  Lon- 
don, concerning  Lord  Fairfax's  Demand 

on  that  City.  —  

Their  Attempt  for  flopping  his  March  thither. 
Refume  the  Confideration  of  the  King's  Anfwers 
Their  farther  Debate  thereon^         —  — 

■  fecund  Adjournment  of  this  Bufinefs.     — 
Informed  of  the  King's  Removal  to  Hurft  Caille 

by  the  Army.         - ■ 

Their  Vote  on  this  Occafion. 

—  further  Debate  on  the  King's  Anfwers  to. 
the  Piopofitions  of  Peace.       —  ■ — 

Rcfolutions  in  Favour  of  the  Treaty.  

■  Ufage  by  the  Army  on  this  Occafion,  ' 
Account  of. 

Appoint  a  Committee  to  expoftulate  with  Lord 
Fair/ax,  upon  the  Violence  done  to  their 
Members.  ■  ■ 

Their  Compliments  to  Gen.  Fairfax^  for  his 
Service  in  Scotland. ■  — 

— —  Refolution  for  proceeding  upon  the  Army' 
laft  Propofals.  —  

—  —  ■  (mall  Number  betwixt  this  Refolve  and 

the  Beheading  of  the  King,  Account  of.    - 

i  Revocation  of  their  former  Proceedings, 
concerning  die  impeached  Member!  and 
the  Treaty.  ■     ■—  

Imprifoncd  and  fecluded  by  the  Army  in  De- 
cember,  1648,  Lift  of.  

Attending  the  Houfe,  their  Votes  for  vacating 
all  former  ones,  touching  a  perfonal  Trea- 
ty with  the  King.  —  

Their  Order  to  the  Lord-General  for  keeping 
the  King  in  fafe  Cuftody.  —  — 

--■ —  Debate  on  bringing  the  King  to  a  judicial 

—  —  Refolution  thereupon.         —  

Who  diffemed  to  the  Vote  for  an  Accommoda- 
tion with  the  King,  Lift  of.         —      — 

Their  Vote,  declaring  it  Trcafon  in  the  King  to 
levy  War  agahift  the  Parliament.  — 


Vol,    Pagt. 

3  289 

i  289, 90 

i   290 
i  290,  1, : 
J  293 

!   293 
I   295 

I  301^44' 
i  446 

i  447  "453 

:  457 

;  464,  S 
'  467  "+7I 

:  472 

I  478 

'  4?8»  9 


#8,  9 

Jglzecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hi/iory  of  England. 

COMMONS,   their   Ordinance    for  his   Trial, 

Form  of.  ■  

Their  Rcfentment  again  ft  the  Peers  for  rejeft- 

— —  Refolution  in  Confequence  thereof.        — 

Slight  put  on  the  Queen's  Letter  in  Behalf 

of  the  King. 

— ■  Votes,  declaring  themfelves  the  Supreme 
Power  of  the  Nation.         18 

Order  concerning  Delinquents.       -       — 

concerning  fcandalous  Pamphlets. 

— — concerning  the  King's  Perfon. 

■ >  concerning  the  Commiftioners  ap- 
pointed for  erecting  an  High  Court  of  Ju- 
fticc  for  trytrj  the  King.         —  — 

Pafs  an  Act  of  th.'.r  own  Houfe  alone  for  that 

Their  Indorfcm^'t  thereupon,  Form  of.        — 

Order  for  ;i  >.—./  Great  Seal,  and  the  Ex- 
pence  the:  of,  ■ — 

Declaration,  thewingtheir  Reafons  for  va 

eating  ail  former  Votes  in  Favour  of  the 
Treaty  with  the  King.  —  — 

Pats  an  Aft  for  adjourning  Hil/aryTerm  in  1648, 
without  afking  the  Lords'  Confent.        — 

Their  Manner  of  prejudging  the  King's  Death 

Pafs  an  Aft  for  changing  the  Style  of  all  public 
Proceedings  in  the  Courts  of  Juftice. 

Their  Aft  againft  proclaiming  any  Perfon  as 
King  of  England,  Form  of.         —        —  18 

Proceedings,  relating  to  the  late  King's 

Body,  Sells,  Papers,  Wc.         —  — 

Order  concerning  thofe  Members  who  had 

voted  for  a  Treaty  with  the  King,  — 

concerning  thofe  who  had  oppofed  it.  18 

Lilt  of,  re-admitted  into  the  Houfe,  upon 

ing  their  Diflent  to  the  Vote  for  an  Accom- 
modation with  the  late  King.  — 1 

How  complimented  on  their  ncw-a(liim'd  Power. 

Their  Contempt  of  the  Peers,  Intranet  of.     — 

■ — -Anfa-er  to  the  Dutch  Ambafladors'  Ad- 
drels  on  Behalf  of  the  late  King.    


+89,90, I 


494.  5  ' 




5 '4 


546»  7 



'549.  50 
!  55°i  « 

;i552.  3 

Jglzecy  GOOgk 

«S8       i     N      D      E      X    to  the 

COMMONS,  their  DiiTolution  of  the  Houfe  of 

Peers,  Account  of.  ■ —  — 

Their  Diflolution  of  Monarchy.     —        — — 
■  Order  for  creeling  a  Council  of  State.  — 

—  Refolution  concerning  the  late  King's  Bu- 

Urder  the  Great  Seal  to  be  broken,  and  appoint 

Their  Coinmitttoncrs  to  whofe  Cuitody  it  was 
committed*  Lift  of.        .—  

■  ■     Salary  to  each  -       ■■—  — 

—  i-  Mark  of  Honour  put  on  Sir  Thames  Wti- 

dringtoHy  and  on  what  Account.     ....—.— 

—  i    Declaration  to  maintain  the  Fundamental 

Laws  of  the  Nation.  — 

■  ■  Alterations  in  the  Style  of  the  Courts  of 

■■"■■  Oath  impofed  on  the  Judges  who  accepted 
of  Commiffions  from  them.  ■ 

■  i  —  Inductions  for  the  Council  of  State.    — 
«    ■      Lift  of  Lords  and  Gentlemen  that  coniti- 

tuted  it.  ■; 

•— —  Manner  of  admitting  the  Ambafladors  of 
the  States  General  to  an  Audience.       — 
■■    i    Anfwcr  to  them,  concerning  their  Appli- 
cation in  Behalf  of  the  lace  King.  — 

■  i      Ordef  for  taking  down   the  late   King's 

Arms  from  all  public  Places.         ^- - 

m-        Declaration,  on   account  of  two  Letters 

from  the  Sttti  Com  mi  Hi  oners,  concerning 

the  Proceedings  againft  the  late  King.  — 
— —  Order  for  preparing  two  new  Seals  for  the 

Ufe  of  the  Council  of  State.  

Alteration  in  the  Form  of  Writs,  Etfc.  — 

■  Engagement  to  be  taken  by  the  Members 
of  the  Council  of  State,  Form  of.  ■—■-—. 

Hemove  the  Earl  of  Warwick  from  the  Office 
of  Lord  High-AJmiral.        —  — 

Their  Manner  of  difpofing  thereof,  &c.     — 
—  -    Order  concerning  the  Prince  Elector  Pu- 

,y  Google 

Parfmmeniary  Hijlpry  of  England. 

COMMONS,  their  Declaration,  in  Anfwer  to  a 
Remonftrance  from  the  Scuts  Commiffion- 
ers  in  Lend**,  concerning  the  Proceedings 
againft  the  late  King,  tiff.  ™_^ 

Tiisir  Manner  of  refuting  this  Remonftrance, 
Account  of.        —  —  — 

contemptuous  Treatment  of  the  Setts  Com- 

miflioners.  -     — '  '  ■-    ■ 

final]  Number  of  fitting  Members  in  March 


1 —  refpe&fol  Anfwer  to  a  Petition  from  Lord 
Fairfax. an&  his  Council  of  War,  touching 
divers  Regulations.  —  — 

—  Vote  for  raifing  an  additional  Number  of 

—  Proceedings  on  a  Petition  from  the  Duke 
of  Hamilton  and  others,  fentenced  to  Death. 

Resolutions  with  regard  to  Other  Royalifts, 

who  had  diftinguiihed  themfelves  in  Fa- 
vour of  the  late  King.         —  — ■ 

—  AH  for  abolifhing  Monarchy.       —    ■ 
for  abolifhing  the  Houfe  of  Peers,  — 

—  Declaration,  fetiing  forth  their  ReaTons 
for  eftabliihing  a  Commonwealth.  — 

Order  for  difpoung  of  the  Perfonal  Eftates 

of  the  late  King,  the  Queen,  and  Prince  of 

lira  Land-Tax  of  90,000/.  a  Month  upon  the 
Kingdom  by  their  own  Authority:        — 

Their  Speaker's  Letter  to  forward  the  ratting 

Take  PtntefraS  Caftle.  -i- 

Their  Bounty  to  the  Town  for  repairing  the 

Church  there,        —  —  — — 

■ to  Major-General  Lambert,  who 

commanded  their  Forces  before  Pentefracl. 
■—  RefiMtment  againft  the  Authors,  &e.  of  a 

Pamphlet,  intituled,  The  Second  Part  of 

England'*  new  Chains  difemstrtd.     -      — 
*■ —  Vote  of  High  Tieafon  againft  the  Marquis 

ef  Ground.  •     •   •  ■  ■ 




47.  «' 


48,  » 








Si,  % 




57.  « 
62,  3 














Jiglizecy  GOOgle 


X     to 

COMMONS,  prohibit  the  Clergy  from  meddling 
with  Affairs  of  State  in  their  Pulpits.  — 
Their  Sentence  ipiinfl  rfi/raba&  Reynold/on,  Lord 
Mayor  of  London.,  for  refuting  to  proclaim 
an  Aft  for  abolishing  Monarchy.  —  — 
—  1  farther  Refentment  againft  him  and  divers 
Aldermen  of  that  City.       —        — 

■  Order  for  taking  away  the  Privilege  of 
each  refpeftive  Member,  with  regard  to  hi 
Perfon  and  Eftate.  . —  

— —  Provifion  for  the  better  Maintenance  of  Mi- 
ni Hers  and  Maflers  of  Colleges  in  the  tw 
Univerfuies,  out  of  Deans  and  Chapte; 
Lands.  ■     ■  ■■ 

Commit  Lieutenant-Colonel  Liliourne,  and  three 
others,  to  the  Tower,  for  writing  a  Pam- 
phlet againft  the  new  Republic.     —     — 

Their  Anfwer  to  a  Pet  it  ion  in  Favour  of  the  above 
Prifoners.  —  —  

; from  the  Female  Sex, 

in  Favour  of  Lilbournt,  &c.       — -        — 

■  ■■      annual  Allowance  for  the  Support  of  the 

Duke  of  Ghtutfltr  and'tlie  Lady  Etiza- 

beib,  two  of  the  late  King's  Children.    — 

-  Inscription  upon  the  new  Coin,  Account 


Vol.    Pag,t 



Pafs  an  Aft  of  Oblivion.  —  — 

— - for  the  Sale  of  Deans  and  Chapters 

Lands.         —  — 

Their  Preamble  to  the  lad-mentioned  Aft.    — 
— —  Orders  for  preventing  frefh  Infurreilions. 

■  rigorous  Treatment    of    Col.   LUlourne, 
MdP\  Tfahiyn,  Prince,  and  Overton. 

Pafs  an  Aft  againft  Free-Quarter.      —  — 

1  for  declaring  what  Offences  were 

to  be  judged  Treafon.  —  ■ 

Their  Agent  (Dr.  Dariflaut)  at  the  Hague  af- 

faffinated.  ,-  —   

Bounty  to  his  Children.  —  — 

■  Declaration  on  account  of  that  Murder. 
Pais  an  Aft  for  eftablifhing  the  Commonwealth. 

9°.  7 



19  121 

J9  I",  3 

19  123 
19  124 
19  124,  5,  8 



)■;■„.,  :,.■  COOglC 

Parliamentary  Hifiory  of  England. 

COMMONS,  their  Cenfure  patted  upon  two  Al- 
dermen of  London,  for  refufing  to  proclaim 
the  A&  againft  Monarchy.  ■  19 

Their  Appointment  of  fix  new  Judges,  Ac- 
count of.  ■■'  ■  ._—  19 

of  new  Maces  throughou 

Kingdom.  ■  —  -     — 

—  Entertainment  by  the  City  of  London.   — 

Ceremony  on  that  Occafioti.       —        — 

Vote  of  Thanks  to  the  City  for  their  Re- 


— —  A&  for  better  Maintenance  of  the  Paro- 
chial Clergy,  AbftraS  of.  —  — 

—  Votes  for  reducing  the  Honours  paid  to 
the  late  King's  Children.         —  — 

—  extraordinary  Favours,  He.  conferred  up 
on  Serjeant  Brad/haw,  Account  of.        —   19 

— —  Vote  for  rewarding  their  other  Friends.       19 

Appoint  Lieu  ten  ant-Genera  I  Cromwell  Gover- 
nor-General of  Ireland.      —  

Their  Vote,  touching  the  Civil  and  Military 
Power  in  that  Kingdom.  —  — 

— —  Refolution   for   difpofing  of  the  Crown 

■ Lift  of  Houfes  and  Parks  referved  for  the 

life  of  the  Commonwealth.         — 
— -  extraordinary  Favour  done  to  the  City  of 

• —  Letter  to  the  Stats  Parliament,  fignifying 
their  Deltre  of  an  amicable  Agreement  be- 
tween the  two  Nations.        —  — 

—  Declaration,  fating  forth  their  Endeavours 
for  removing  all  Differences  between  them 
and  the  Parliament  of  Scotland.      —     — 

'Appoint  a  Faft  for  a  Bleffing  upon  their  Forces 
going  for  the  Relief  of  Ireland.    —     — 

Their  Orders  for  regulating  the  Conduit  of  the 
Clergy,  touching  the  State.      — -     

fib  an  Adt  for  Sale  of  the  Crown  Lands.  —  — 

Tbetr  Preamble  thereto,  with  an  Abftraft  of  the 
fcd  Aft.  ' 




128,  9 

129,  30 


'3°.  i>  1 


'35.  6 



'36    . 



144/. 153 




'55.  <> 

Jiglizecy  GOOgle 


r    n 

X    to 

COMMONS,  pafs  an  Act.  for  declaring  it  High 

Treafon  to  counterfeit  the  Coin.  — 
Their  Preamble  to  an  A&  for  propagating  the 

Gofpel  in  New- England:  —  •*  — . 
Paft  an  A£t  for  the  readier  Sale  of  Deans  and 

Chapters  Lands.  — 

Their'  Vote  for  continuing  the  Afleffincnt  of 

90,000  /.  a  Month.  —  — -■- 

How  "addrefled  by  the  City  of  Hamburgh. 

Their  Orders  for  melting  down  the  Regalia,  and 

demolifln'ng  the  Statues  of  the  late  King. 
Obtain  a  compleat  Victory  over  the  Marquis  of 

Ormonds  Forces  in  Inland.  —  — 
Appoint  a  general  Thankfgi  ving  on  that  Account. 
Their  Declaration  previous  thereto,   with  the 

Particulars  of  the  Aition.  —  — 

p—  Bounty  toLieutenant-General  "fonts  for  his 

Service  therein.  —       -      __„ . 

Pafs  an  ASt  for  prohibiting  the  Importation  of 

French  Wines  and  other  Manufactures.  — 
Their  Orders  concerning  Sir  fohn  Wintourt  Sir 

Ktnebn  bigby,  and  Mr.  IValtir  Mentag&t 
——  partial  Ait  for  Relief  of  infolvent  Debtors. 
.         Interruption  by  Mutinies,   t£t.  in  divers 

Places,  Account  of*  —  — ■  — 
■  ASt  for  regulating  the  Prefs,  AbiTract  of. 

——Declaration  in  Vindication  of  their  Proceed- 

—  '    '  Ceremony  on  approving  of  a  new  Lord 

Mayor  of  London.         —  —      *   — 

Appoint  a  Day  of  Thankfgiving  for  the  taking 
of  Droghtda  by  Cromwell.     — —  -^— 

Their  Declaration  thereupon.         —  — 

— —  Engagement  to  be  true  to  the  Common- 
wealth Government.        —  ■  -  ■    ■■■ 

-  "  Order  for  obliging  all  Perfons  that  bore 

any  Office  to  fubfcribe  the  fame. ■ 

Alter  the  Style  heretofore  ufed  in  their  Orders, 

ifc.  and  how.      -     — 

Their  Proceedings,  in  order  to  lecure  their  ac- 
quired Power.  ■  ■  ■■■  "■ 


Fil.    Pip. 











159,  d 












169, 70 




2C0,   I 



2io,  tr 









U/ze^y  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hi/lory  of  England. 
COMMONS,    their  Re-admiffiort  of  fecluded 

Members  on  certain  Conditions,  Lift  of. 
Tlieir  Refentmtnr  againft  Cltmtnt  Walker,  Efq; 

and  for  what.  '  ■  . . 

Proceedings  againft  fuch  Citizens  tf  London, 

who  had  been  of  the  late  King's  Part/. 
Pals  an  Aft  for  laying  an  Excife  on  certain 

Commodities.  —  —  -  --.— 

Set  afide  Col.  Lil&eurne's  Ele&bn  as  a  Com- 
mon-Council Man  of  London.       —      — 
Their  Proceedings  againft  Papifts,  Cavaliers,  WV. 
Eftimate  of  the  Charge  of  their  Fleet  for  the 

Summer's  Service  for  1650.         —      — 
Their  Ad,  requiring  all  Perform,  being  eighteen 

Years  of  Age,  to  fubferibe  an  Engagement 

to  be  true  to  the  Commonwealth  Govern- 
ment, Abftraft  of.  —  ■- 

—. —  Refoluiion,  for  defiring  Gen.  Cromwtlt  to 

come  home.  -— —  —  ■  . 

— —  Proceedings,  with  regard  to  the  Mannei 

of  electing  future  Parliaments.      —     — 
Appoint  Major-Genera!  Inton  Prefident  of  the 

Province  of  Munjler.  —  — — 

Their  Refolutkm  concerning  the  Style  of  Ad 

drefs  to  them  from  foreign  Powers.       — 
1  further  Succefs  againft  the  Rebels  in  Ire- 

land.  Account  of,  — -  ___ 

Commiffion  to  their  Agents  abroad.      — 

Appoint. a  Faft-Day,  with  their  Reafons  for  fo 

doing.  1  — _■ 

Their  Election  of  a  Council  of  State  for  the 

Year  1 650,  Account  of.         —  — 

■    ■     ■  Order  for  accommodating  Gen.  Cromwell 

on  his  coming  to  London.        —         — 
Refentment  againft  a  Book,  afferting  the 

Obfervarion  of  the  Jew'tjh  Sabbath.        — 
•  Ac*  for  erefling  a  new  College  at  Dublin, 

Abftraaof.  I 

Paft  an  A&.  for  felling  the  Fee-Farm  Rents  of 

the  Crown.  — — 



215,  16 


*43»  4 


*44»  5»  * 


247    . 
247.  * 

*49»  50 

251,  a 




iHze^y  GOOgle 


N      D 

X     to 

COMMONS,  pafs  an  A&  for  eftablJihing  a  High 
Court  of  Juftice.  —  -■■■ 

Their  Order  for  fecuring  (he  Eftates  of  Royalifti 

refiding  abroad.  —  . 

'      '  Jurifdi&ion  in  Matters  relating  to  the  or- 
dinary Courts  of  Juftice,  Inftance  of.     — 
■ Order  for  making  void  all  Titlei  of  Ho- 
nour  granted    fince  carrying  the  Great 

Seal  to  Oxford.  — t- 

'  for  taking  down  the  King's  Arms 

in  Churches,  Ships,  &c         —  — 

—  ■     A&  for  a  better  Provifion  for  the  Clergy. 
— — ™  for  a  ftri&er  Obfcrvation  of  the  Sab- 

bath,  Abftraa  of.  —  

—  —  —  Forces  augmented,  and  in  what  Manner. 
Puniihment  of  inceft,  Adultery,  and  For- 
nication, Particulars  of.  —  — 

—  Preamble  to  an  Act  for  a  Fall,  on  Account 
of  their  Invafion  of  Scotland.-      —   .     — 

Appoint  Sir  Tbamas  Widdrington  and  Serjeant 

Green  for  their  (landing  Counfel.  — 
Robert  Reynolds,  Efq;  their  Sollidtor- Ge- 

Admit  the  Lord  Schacp,  Com miffioner  from  the 

States  of  Holland  and  Wtft-Fritzland,  to 

an  Audience.  —  ■ 

Their  Ceremony  on  that  Occaflon,       —     — 

Anfwer  by  ihe  Speaker.        —  — 

—  ■  Refolution  for  fending  Lord-General  Fair- 

fax and  General  Cromwell  with  an  Army 
into  the  North.  —  

■  ■  i     Vote  of  Thanks  to  Lord  Fairfax  for.  his 

faithful  Services.  —  

—  ■  Refolution  to  fend  an  Army  into  Scotland. 

■  i       Declaration  of  the  Juftice  and  Neceffity 

thereof.  ~  ■ 

Repeal  the  Ordinance  for  cbnftituting  Thomas 
Lord  Fairfax  Captain -General  of  all  their 

Appoint  Lieutenant- General  Cromwell  to  fuc- 
ceed  bis  Lordihip  in  that  important  Station. 


Jig  lizecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hifiory  of  England. 

COMMONS,  their  AG  for  fuppreffing  of  profi 
Swearing  and  Cutting,  Abftract  of. 
Receive  Information  of  Mr.  Jftbam,  their  Agent 
in  Spain,  being  aflaflinatcd.         —       — 
Their  Proceedings    againlt  fundry  Royalifta  or 
this  Occafion,  Account  of.  —      — 

—  Vote  foi  prohibiting  Commiffioners  of  Ex 
cife  from  holding  any  other  Employment. 

Appoint  a  Day  of  Thanklgiving  for  the  further 
Succefs  of  their  Forces  in  Ireland,  under 
Sir  Cbarlts  Coot.        

Their  Declaration  thereupon,  fetting  forth  the 
Particulars  of  that  Viflory.        —         — 

—  Treatment  of  Mr.  ytntins,  Minifter  of 
Cbri/i's  Church,  London.,  for  refufmg  to 
obferve  a  Faft-Day  appointed  by  them.    - 

— —  Refolution  for  fending  Prince  Henry  and 
Princefs  Elizabeth,  two  of  the  late  King's 
Children,   out  of  England.        —  — 

Pals  an  Ad  for  obliging  Sheriffs  to  difperfe  the 
Orders,  He.  of  that  Houfe.      —        — 

—  — for  prohibiting  all  Intercourie  with 

Scotland.  •     ■  ■■—  ■—  ■  ■  ■    19 

■  for  advancing  Trade,  Abftract  or.  19 

Their  Act  for  fuppreffing  atheiftical  andblafphe- 
mous  Opinions  in  Religion,  Abftractof. 

■ Narrative  of  the  taking  of  fFattrford,  Ca- 

tbtrleigby  He.    by     Commiflary-  General 

1 — -  Declaration,  in  Oppolttion  to  one  publUh'd 
in  Sect/and  by  King  Cbarlit  II.      —     — 

—  Act  for  appointing  a  Day  of  Thanklgiving, 
on  occafion  of  a  great  Victory  obtained 
over  the  Seats  near  Dunbar.        —        •— 

—  annual  Allowance  for  the  Support  of  Prince 
Hinry,  Account  of.  —  — — 

Vote  for  an  Afleflinent  of  120,000/.  a 

Month,  to  carry  on  the  War  in  Scotland. 
■'tis  an  Act  for  impowering  the  Excife  to  be 

N  * 



286  - 
286,  7 

288  . 






324.  5>  6 

334 '» 337 

337.  8    ■ 



402,  3 

Jglzecy  GOOgle 


I      N      D      E      X    to  the 

COMMONS,  pais  an  A3  for  allowing  Liberty  of.      . 

«-> i:.: _  :_  U.hih  «f  B*li«liui  —  t  ici  I 

■nviutio,  pan  «i  #»«■  ■"■  -«"-"'6  — .™v  — 

Conscience  iit  Mitten  of  Religion.       — 

Their  Preamble  to  this  A&.  —  — 

— —  Proceedings,  on  occafion  of  Barbados,  awl 

other  Plantations  in  the  Wtft-Indiit*  re-. 

volting  from  them.  — —  — 

■         CommiSoners  appointed  to  go  to  Inland* 

for  the  Purpofe  of  fettling  the  Civil  Affairs 

there,  Lift  of.  —  

— *—  InftniSions  to  them.         ^—         — ; — 

,         Proceedings,  concerning  the  future  Election 

of  Members  to  fit  in  Parliameht.        —— 

Fab  an  Aft  for  regulating  the  Sale  of  Meal,  and 

preventing  its  Abufe.  —  — 

.  for  further  inforcing  former  Acb 

for  felling  of  Bifhops'  Lands.      —        — 

mm for  appointing  Convoys  for  Trade. 

-  for  prohibiting  the  Obfervation  of 



Saints  Days  in  Term. 

, -for  preventing  Supplies  being  fent 

to  ScvtUnd.  " 

-  for  tranflating  all  Proceedinj 

Law  into  Engtijb.  —  — 

Their  further  Succeft  againft  the  Irtfit  Rebels. 

Pals  an  Aft  for  afcertaining  the  Fees  to  be  paid 
by  Lords  of  Manors,  on  pairing  their  Ac- 
counts in  the  Exchequer.  —         — 

. for  regulating  Abufes  in  Ntrwicb 

Stirfrs.  ■ — 

Order  the  Proceedings  at  the  Trial  of  the  late 
King  to  be  entered  on  Record.    —     — 

Their  Ceremony  in  admitting  Don  Alonfo  it  Cor- 
dtnat,  Ambaffador  from  the  King  of  Spain, 
to  an  Audience.  ^— —  — 

Appoint  the  30th  ofjmmary,  1650,  for  a  Day 
of  Thanltrglving,  on  Account  of  the  Sur- 
render of  Edinburgh  Cattle.      —      

Their  Resolutions,  touching  the  Manner  of  re 

ceiving  foreign  Minifters.      —         

1    ■-     ■  ■ concerning  the  Sale  of  De 

linquents'  Eftates.  —  — 








41*.  '7 

















4S'<  3 

Jiglizecy  GOOgle 

Par&mentary  Hiftary  of  England,,  197 

Vol.     Pay. 
COMMONS,  their  Difguft  at  the  King  of  Portu- 
gal, for  his  Indulgence  to  Prince  Rupert. 

Their  Manner  of  admitting  the  Partupiife  Agent 

to  an  Audience.  ■  — 

Appoint  Mefl'.  St.  John  and  Strickland  to  be  their 

Ambafladors  to  the-  States  General.    — 

Their  A&  againft  forcible  Marriages,  Abftract 

.  Counterfeiting  their  Seal,  made  High  Treafon. 
Appoint  a  new  Council  of  State,       —       ■ 
Their  Bounty  to  Admiral  Blah.      —  ■■       — 
—  Precautions  upon  the  Rumour  of  an  Inva- 

fion  by  the  Sots.  ■■■■  ■ 

■—  further  Succefs  in  Inland,  Account  of.  — 
Proceedings  of  their  Ambafladors  in  Holland,  Ac- 
count of.  ■■  -     •  — 
Their  Resolutions  thereupon.          —  — 
relating  to  fbme  Affronts  of- 

454.  S 

457,  8 

460,  1 

470.  I 

fered  to  their  Ambafladors  at  the  tiagx 

Votes  relating  to  the  Difpute  with  the  King 

of  Portugal.  — 

—  Refentment  again  ft  that  Monarch  and  his 
Ambauador.  -  

—  Sentence  patted  upon  Lord  Howard  of 
F.fcrick,  for  Bribery. > 

— —  Orders,  upon  Notice  of  a  fpeedy  Vifk  from 
the  Scots.  

■ further  Succefs  againft  the  Irifh.     —     —19 

Pais  an  A&  for  the  Sale  of  the  Lands  and  Eftates 
forfeited  for  High  Treafon  againft  the  Com- 
monwealth. —  -■    ■  ■-■■-   — 

Their  Refutation  for  augmenting  their  Forces, 

Monthly  Pay  of  their  Army,  at  this  Time,  fur- 
prizing  Amount  of.  —  _____ 

Their  Orders  for  preferving  the  public  Records. 

Receive  Advice  of  the  King's  March  towards 
England,  with  an  Army  of  Scots.     —     — 

Their  A&s  patted  for  oppofing  the  Invafion  of 
the  Scots.  r 

-—  Declaration,  making  it  High  Treafon  to 
hold  any  Correfpondcnce  with  the  King, 

19  499 



19  508,  9 




*»  Google 

,198  I      N      D      E      X    to  the 

COMMONS,  their  Proclamation,  declaring  King 

Cbarlii  II.  a  Traitor.         

Their  Favour  done  to  Col.  Mactworth,  for  his 

contemptuous  Letter  to  the  King.    

'~—  further  Succefs  in  Scotland,  Account  of.  - 

■         Refolution  for  difpofing  of  the  Recoids, 

with  the  Regalia,   &t,  taken  in  Stirling 

Pafs  an  &&.  for  continuing  the  Monthly  AfTefT- 

ment  of  120,000/.  —  '■ 

Their  Order  forenforcing  the  Collection  there- 

Pafs  an  AS  for  reducing  the  Intereft  of  Money 

Their  contemptuous  Treatment  of  a  Summons 

from  the  King  to  the  Nation  in  general.    - 

— —  Appointments,  in  Confluence  of  the  De 

feat  of  the  Scots  Army  at  Worcefttr.    

..  ■■  -  Deputation  to  compliment  Gen.  Cramwell 

on  his  Vidtory.  

Inltruclions  to  them.  — 

Bounty  to  the  Officers  of  their  Army.    — 

Proclamation,  offering  a  Reward  of  1000 /. 

for  apprehending  the  King's  Pcrfon.         ■ 
——Settlement  upon  Gen.  Cromwell  for  hisSer- 
.   vices  to  the  Commonwealth.     —      — ■  ■ 
— upon  Henry  Iretsn,  Efq;  Lord- 
Deputy  of  Ireland,  —  — 
— —  further  Succefs  in  Scotland.        —        — 
— —  Proceedings,  touch  irg  a  newReprefentative 
i          A£t  for  a  general  Thankfgiving,  on  Ac- 
count of  their  great  Succeffcs,  with  a  Nar 
rative  of  the  Particulars  thereof.    —     — 
— —  Difpofal  of  the  Scitt  common  Soldiers,  Ac- 
count of.              — 

— —  Refolution  in  Favour  of  Mr.  Jenkins,  and 

fome  other  Prifoners.  —  — 

—  -■■  AS  for  encouraging  Navigation,  A  oft  raft 

- —  Account  of  the  King's  Efcape  Into  France. 
-—  ■■  Time  fixed  upon  for  a  Didblution,        — 

Jglzecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hiftory  of  England.  tgg 

Vol.     Page. 
COMMONS,  their  Council  of  State  for  the  Year 

1652,  Lift  of.  —  20     78,  9 

Obtain  the  Surrender  of  Limerick,  and  the  Ifles 

ofjtrfty  and  Man.  20     79 

Their  Lift  of  Commiffioners  appointed  to  go 

into  Scotland,  in  order  to  introduce  an£»- 

glijb  Government  in  that  Kingdom.     —  20     82,  3 

Reduction  of  the  Excife.  —  —  20     83 

—  of  the  Monthly  AffefTment.     -  20    83 

Appoint  a  Committee  for  regulating  the  PraQice 

of  the  Law.  ■  20     8+ 

Their  Punifhment  of  Jofiah  Prymate  and  Col. 

John  Liltoume,  for  petitioning  againft  Sit 

Arthur  Hafilrigge.  —  —  20     84 

— —  Aci  for  vacating  Honours  granted  by  the 

late  King.  —  —  —  ■  20  85 
^—  Vote,  relating  to  Tytbes.  —  —  20  80 
Bounty   to  Colonels  Overton,   lngoldjby, 

and  Pryde.  20     87 

Commence  a  War  with  the  Dutch.  —  —  20  87 
Their  Preparations  on  that  Occaiion.  —  20  87 
Defeat  of  the  Dutch  Fleet  under  Admiral 

Van  Tromp.  20     89 

—  Interruption  given  to  the  Dutch  Fifhcries  I 

on  the  Northern  Coafts,  Account  of.  —  20  90 
— —  Order  for  pulling  down  Cathedral  Churches 

and  felling  the  Materials.  —         —  20    90 

■ oppreffive  Methods  of  railing  Money  for 

carrying  on  the  Dutch  War.       —        —  20    91 

—  Lift  of  Commiffioners  appointed  to  fettle  1 

the  Government  of  Ireland,         —      — 120    91 

■ Inftrudtions  to  them  for  that  Purpofe.      -  20    92  to  97 

" Vote  for  opening  a  Trade  with  France.    -   20     99 

—  Proceedings,  in  order  to  a  Treaty  with       I 
Commiffionert   frcm  Scotland,    about   an 
intended  Union  of  the  two  Nations.      —  laOiIOI 

" Difference  with  Denmark,  Account  of.    -  ,  20, 102 

—  Proceedings,  touching  Delinquents'  Eft  ates  1      | 
and  Crown  Lands.  —  j  20 ;  103 

— — new  Council  of  State  for  the  Year  1653,! 

Lift  of.  20  103,  4. 


,l,zec;y  GOO^IC 


N      D      E      X    « 

COMMONS,  thefr  Preparations  for  carrying  on 

the  Dutch  War.  —  ■- 

Their  additional  Order  for  abolishing  the  Fefti- 
val  of  Chrtflmat-Day.  — 

■  '     Reduction  of  Land  Forces.        —        — 

-  Orders  for  prohibiting  the  Refort  to  Mafs. 
Banifh  Jefuits  and  Rtmijb  Priefts  out  of  England. 
Their  great  Viflory  over  the  Dutch,  after  three 

Days  Engagement,  Ac  count  of.     —     — 

■  Order  for  a  Thankfgiving  on  that  Occafion 

■  '  ■'  further  Proceedings,  touching  their  Dif- 

folution.  ______  ______ 

■  ■   ■  Vote,  as  to  the  Number  of  Members  from 

Scotland  and  Inland  allowed  to  fit  in  the 
Houfe.  ■  

—•— -  nioft  remarkable  A&s  palTed  in  the  Year 
1652,  Abftraa  of.  --■  

— —  Diffolution  by  Gen.  Cromwell,  Particulars 

Lift  of,  returned  to  ferve  in  Crtmwtlfs  third 

Parliament.  — 

Their  Treatment  of  his  new  Houfe  of  Lords, 

Account  of.  — —  ■  ■  ■  ■ 

Lift  of,  returned  to  ferve  in  the  Parliament  fum- 

moned  by  Richard  Crtmwc-ll.       —        — 

Elecl  Chakntr  Chute,  Kfq;  their  Speaker.       — 

Tbeit  Debate  on  a  Bill  for  recognizing  Richard's 

Title  to  the  Protectorate.  —         — 

-  ..  .i  —■  ■--■■  - on  the  Bounds  and  Power  of  an- 

other Houfe.  —  _____ 

■  Favour  to  Gearge  Duke  of  Buckingham. 
■— -  farther  Debate  on  the  Bounds,  &c  of  an- 
other Houfe.  ■■    -'   ■'  — — 

■  1  Allowance  of  Scats  Members  to  fit  in  Par- 

liament. • ■ 

Chufc  Thtntas  Bampfeld,  Efq;  for  their  Speaker. 
Their  Favour  to  Major-General  Overton.  — 
— —  Allowance  of  Irijb  Members  to  fit  in  the 

Houfe.  r .  —- — 

Vol.    Pegt. 

"3>  14 

115,  16 

120,  1 

126,  7,  8 

129  to  137 

3  "23 

196 rt 199 


28 1  (#290 

290,  % 


295    M 
295,  6 


iglzecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hiftory  of  England. 


COMMONS,  pifi  a  Bill  for  tramacling  BuGnefa 

with  the  new  Houfe  of  Lords.       —     — 

Theix  Debate  concerning  that  Houle,  and  the 

Allowance  of  Stels  and  Irijh  Members. 

■  '    ■  concerning  a  public  Faft.         — 

—  Votes  concerning  the  Officers  of  the  Army. 

—  ■  Difiblution,  and  how  occafioned.  — 
Lift  of,  returned  to  ferve  in  the  Convention 

Parliament.  ^—  —    .,.— 

Chufe  Sir  Harbottli  Grimjhn  for  their  Speaker. 
Their  folcmn  Thanks  to  Gen.  Minii,  for  his 

eminent  Services.  —  -■    - 

to  Col.  Ingoldfby.         — 

How  addrefled  by  the  King,  in  order  to  his  Re- 

ft  or  at  ion.  -— —  — — „ 

Their  Vote  for  an  immediate  Supply  to  the 

Prefent  to  Sir  Jahn  Grenvillt.        —      — 

Anfwer  to  the  King's  Letter.      —      — 

— -  Committee  appointed  to  carry  it,  Lift  of. 
• Vote  for  a  prefent  Supply  to  the  Duke  of 

. .  ■  —  to  the  Duke  of 


Order  concerning  WbiukallmA  the  Mews. 

Lift  of  Necefiaries  to  be  provided  for  the 

,         King's  Service.  ^___  - 
Reprimand  to  Mr.  Lmthall,  and  Occafion 

1 Proceedings  againft  the  Regicides.    

—  Order  for  fecuring  Secretary  Thurltt.  — 
— — for  providing  Robes,   He.  for  the 

—  i    - —  for  feizing  the  Goods  of  the  late 

?ibn  Bradjhma,  £fq;         — — 

otes  concerning  the  Regicides.    —    — 

—  Lift  of  Perfons  ordered  to  be  fecured.  — 
■ Settlement  on  the  King,  in  lieu  of  the  Court 

of  Wards  and  Tenures.      —      —      — 

*—  Proccffion  to  Wbttthalli  to  attend  the  King's 

Coining  there,  » — 





35°>  • 









286,  7 

287,  8 


299,  300 


l,zeC*y  GOOgle 



E      X    to 

COMMONS,  their  Thank*  to  the  Committee 

fent  to  the  King  at  Brida.  

Their  Oaths  taken  to  the  new  Government.  — 

■  Lift  of  Perfons  to  be  excepted  for  Life  and 
Eftate  out  of  the  A&  of  Indemnity.  

w—  Lift  of  Perfons  voted  to  be  (pared  for  Life. 

—  . ..  further  Exceptions  of  Fcr&as  out  of  the 

Act  of  Indemnity.  —  -  

—  .  Debate  on  the  whole  Number  to  be  ex- 


■  Thanks  to  Admiral  Montague  for  his  Ser- 
vices.   ■  

—  Prefent  of  Money  to  the  Queen  Dowager. 
Debate  on  the  Bill  of  Indemnity.  

■  ■    ■  ■  Debate  on  Religion,  —  — 

further  Debate  on  the  BUI  of  Indemnity.  - 

i         final  Lift  of  Perfons  excepted  for  Life  and 

Eftate.  — 

— —  farther  Debate  on  Religion.     ■ 

Debate  on  a  Poll-Bill.  — 

Pafs  the  Bill  of  Indemnity.  — 

Their  Debate  on  a  Bill  of  Sales,  with  refpedr.  to 

the  King's  and  Church  Lands.     — 

Poll  Bill  ps-flcd.  — 

Otder  for  difciiarging  the  Guards  from  at- 
tending the  Houfe.  — ■  — 
.  ■ —  further  Debate  on  Relipion.       — 
Rc-motiftrance  to    the  Lords,  concerning 

the  Act  of  Indemnity.         ■ —  — 

_ Debate,  whether  the  Money-Bill  Ihould 

precede  the  A8  of  Grace.         —  — 

.  MeflJgetotheKing  on  determining  for  the 

former,  ■  

How  anlwered  by  him.  

Their  Debate  on  a  Bill  concerning  Sir  G targe 

Bulb,  — 

— —  Recompence  for  his  Services.       —       — 
. Debate  on  a  Biil  for  reftoring  Miniftei 

their  Livings.  — 

i  Debate  concerning  embezzled  Good* 

Kftatea.     .  ■       ■      ■  -7— 


V*l.    Page. 






343.  * 


3*5.  6 


i  347.  8, 


35 1  "354 


364.  5 








37L  2 








376    - 


377. 8, 9 






38s  1.388 


4<>4.  5 


4°5  A  7 






407,  8    ' 






4.2,  13 


Jglzecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hijlary  of  England. 

COMMONS,  their  farther  Debate  on  the  Mini' 

ftcrs-  Bill.  

Their  Votes  on  the  Bill  of  Sales.      —      

Votes  on  the  Minifters'  Bill.       —        — 

—  Debate  on  the  Lords'  Alterations  in  the  Bill 
of  Indemnity.  

— —  further  Debate  on  Religion.        —        — 

Debate  on  a  Conference  with  the  Lords, 

touching  the  Poll-Bill. 

—  ■■    ■   —  on  a  Conference  with  the  Lords, 

touching  the  Pardon-Bill.         —  — 

-  on  a  fecond  Conference,  about  the 

fame  Butinefs. 

—  further  Proceeding  therein. 
Debate  on  fome  Propofals  for  djlhanding 

the  Army.    '         ■ 

Refolutions  thereon.         

— —  Debate  on  a  Menage  from  the  King,  con- 
cerning a  Recefs.  —  : 

Prefent  of  Money  to  the  Duke  of  York.  — 

'  ■ totheDulceofG/tfun^rr. 

—  Petition  to  the  King,  concerning  Dutch 
Encroachments  on  "Trade.        —         — 

—  Refolutions,  concerning  the  Revenue  of 
the  Crown.  ■  '    ■  ■   ■■■■■■ 

— -  farther  Debate  on  difbanding  the  Army.  - 
Pals  a  Bili  for  Confirmation  of  Marriages  by  Ju 

ftices  of  Peace.  —  ■    ■ 

Their  Order,  relating  to  the  Sales  of  Bifliops 

Lands.  — — —  ■    -  ■-■ 

— —  Debate  on  a  Motion  for  defiling  the  King 

to  marry.  —  — 

— —  Grant  for  the  King's  prefent  Supply. 
— —  Prefent  to  the  Princefs  Henrietta.  — 
— -  Eftimate  of  the  Charge  of  difbanding  the 

Land  Forces  and  paying  off  the  Ships. 

Provifion  for  thofe  Purpofes.     —       — 

Bring  in  a  Bill  for  preventing  the  Exportation  of 

Wool,  Wf.      

—  .    ,. ., .  for  erecting  an  Endowment  of 

Vicarages  out  of  Rectories  appropriate.    • 



414.  15 


419, 20, 1 

423»  4 

429  "433 

44 1  "44$ 

453»  4»  5 




47'>  a 


477.  8 
479     ' 


304  I      N      D       E       X     to  the 

COMMONS,  bring  In  a  Bill  for  an  Annherfary 

Fell  on  the  }»th  of  January.  ■     —     — 

Their  Debate  00  the  Alimony  of  Wives  who  live 

from  their  Hufbanda.  —  — 

—  concerning  the  Debt*  of  the  Army 
and  Navy.  — -*—  ■ 

.       ,—  —  concerning  the  Militia.      —      — 

—  Proceedings  againit  Mr*  Droit,  for  wri- 
ting a  Book,  called  Tbt  Lang  Pariionumt 

revived.  —  —  — :  23 

—  Debate  on  the  Court  of  Wards.    —    —  23 
Exceptions  to  Paffagea  in  Mr.   Droit's 


■■-  —  Debate  on  fome  Refolutions  thereon.  — 

farther  Debate  on  the  Court  of  Wards.  — 

1 on  the  Militia-Bill. 

■t    ■   Debate  on  the  Court  of  Wards  refumed. 

•— —  final  Refolutions  touching  the  fame. 

—  Debate  on  Religious  Affairs.     —        — 
..,-,.„    ,_-  or  a  Ji)l  concerning  the  Earl  of 

Arundel.  -  ■     ■    ■  ■ 

—  farther  Debate  on  the  Alimony  of  Wives. 
-  on  the  Earl  of  ArundtFa  Af- 


11  the  Bill  of  Attainder.  • 

-  Impeachment  againft  Mr.  Droit,  Form  of, 

-  Renewal  of  the  Debate  on  the  Bill  of  At- 
tainder. —  —  — 

-  Debate  on  a  Cafe  concerning  the  Earl  of 
Dtrby.  —  — 

on  the  City  of  London's  providing 

Trophies,  fcrV. * 

on  Grievances.  — 

-  Grant  to  the  King,  on  Account  of  bis  Co- 
ronation. —  — 

-  Reward  to  Col.  Windham,  and  Occafion 
thereof.  —  — 

-  Debate  concerning  Admiral  Low  fin. 

-  Reward  to  Col.  Majfty.  — 

— r to  Capt.  Tilus.  — 

•— •— — -  to.  Mrs.  Jam  fane.       — .        — 

Jglzecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  IE/lory  if  England. 


COMMONS,  pafs  ■  Bill  for  tte&ing  a  General 

Letter  Office.  —  —  —  23 

Their  Debate  concerning  the  Officers  of  the 

Court  of  Wards.  —  ■  23 

■  , ,  — ....  ■—  .  on  Wine  Ltcenfes.        —        —  23 

-  ■      ■      ■   ■  concerning  the  Queen  of  Bohemia.  23 

■  ■-■  ■concerning  the  Prices  of  Wines.  -  23 

-  Grant  to  the  Duke  of  Ytrk.       —        —  23 
to  the  Queen  of  Bf  hernia.     —    —  23 

-  Debate  concerning  Privilege.      —       —  23 
COMMON-PRAYER-BOOK,  when  cotnpil'd 

and  authorized  by  Parliament    — 
COMMON-PRAYER,  Reformation  of,  De- 
bate about  it  in  the  Houfe  of  Common*. 
Resolutions  of  the  Commons  concerning  it.   —     9 
Aboli&ed  by  an  Ordinance  of  Parliament.     —  13 
COMMON  COUNCIL  ef  Ltnden,  their  Peti- 
tion to  the  King  at  Oxford  for  Peace      — 
Their  Proceedings  in  Confequence  of  the  Re- 
ceipt of  two  Letters  from  Gen.  Fairfax. 
— — Refelittions  concerning  the  great  Concourie 
of  Reformado  Officers  about  the  Cttjr.  — 

■  for  discharging  fuch  Soldiers  as 
bad  inlifted  upon  the  Votes  of  Parliament 
and  Committee  of  the  Militia,  — 

— •  A&,  in  ConJeguence  of  an  Infurre&ion 
Lttdion,  in  Favour  of  the  King.         ■ 

■  ■  ■  Refolutions,  in  regard  to  fome  Commo- 

tions in  Kent.  —  — 

Order  of  Parliament  for  their  Discontinuance. 
Reverfa!  thereof.       —  *—  — ■ 

COMMONWEALTH,  when  eftablimed  in  En- 
gland. —  —  - 
COMMON  FAME,  deem'dby  the  Commons  to 
be  a  good  Ground  of  Aceufatlon  again  ft 
the  Duke  of  Buckingham.  • —                  •— 
COMMUNION,  Debate  thereon  by  the  Houfe 
of  Commons,  Anno  1571.     —  — 
COMMUNION-TABLE,  Refolutions  of  the 
Commons  concerning  it.    —     - 
Re&ludoni  of  the  Peers.     —        — 



61,  2 
63,   ♦ 

68  ttjo 





>*3.  4.  5 
3>4>  15 
+89,  99 

120,  i,  a 
+78.  9 



93.  ♦ 



Iizecy  GOOgk 



COMPTON,  Lord  Henry,  when  fitft  fummoned 

'  ,  to  Parliament  ■  —  ■  ■  ■  —  — 

COMPTON,  Spencer,  Earl  of  Northampton,  de- 

fetts   the  Parliament,  and  goes  to  King 

Charles  I.  at  Ywk.    '       —  

His  Excufe  for  not  returning  purfuant  to  a  Sum 

Impeachment  againft  him  on  this  Account,  Par- 
ticulars of.        -. —  

— ,  ■ — — for  High  Trealbn.  — 

Reverfal  of  his  Sentence.         —  

CONELLY,  Owen,  h\s  Reward  for  the  Difco- 

very  of  the  Irijh  Rebellion.    —         

CONFERENCE,  Report  of,  between  the  two 
Hoiiies,  concerning  fome  Papers  of  the 
Sects  Comniiffioners  being  printed.     ■  ■    ■ 

. concerning  the  Difpofal  of  the 

King.  —  — 

-,.   ■  between  Geneial  Fleetwood  and 

Mr.  Whitktkt,  about  bringing  in  King 
Charles  11.        —  —  — 

i  the  Lords  and  Commons, 

at  the  Convention  Parliament,  concerning 
the  Regicides.        —         —  — 

-  the  two  Houfes,  concern- 

X    to  the 

Vol.    Pagt. 

ing  the  Subjea-Matter  of  the  Poll  Bill.  - 
, _ con-  7 

cerning  the  Bill  of  Indemnity.  -  —  I 
CONSCIENCE,  remarkable  Diftinaion  of.  — 
CONSPIRATORS  in  the  EngUJb  Army  againft 

the  Parliament,  Lift  of.        —  — 

CONTRACT,  Treaty  of,  between  King  Jamesl. 

and  his  Subjects,  relating  to  Tenures,  WV. 
CONVENTICLERS,  in  Scotland,  fummoned  by 

Mary  Queen  Regent  to  join  the  French 

Intereft  againft  Q_ueen  Elizahetb.  — 

Refufe  to  obey  this  Order.  —  — 

CONVENTION,  held  by  William  I.  at  Winafor, 

in  1072.  -"■  

165,  6 


3'8,  19 
395.  6,  7 

26,  7, 8 

301  teyn 

421,  2,  3 
434J0 44r 
270,  1 


252  to  26» 




Jglzecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hi/iary  of  England. 

CONVENTIOK,  held  by  Henry  1.  at  London,  m 

Held  by  Henry  I.  at  London,  —  1 107.  — 

■  ■     ■  Saiijbury,  —  —  Iii6.  — 

by  Stephen, —  Oxford,  —     —  1 136.  — 

Ltnden,  ■ —    —  1152. 

-  Henry  I 

—  IValllngford, —  II56.  — 
-Clarendon, 1 164.  — 


-  John, 


■  '          ■          Northampton, —  1176. 
— ^— — ——  Gayntington,  —  1  iii6.  — 
-Ricbardl.-  Weflminjier,  —  1189.  ~ 

-  Nottingham,  —  1 194.  — 

—  Lincoln,  - —  1200.  — 

—— ^— ^— —  Oxford,  —   —  1204.  — 

—  ■  ■      '          London,   —  —  1213,  — 

Runningmede,  ~  1215.  — 

-Henry  HI.—  London,    —  —  1223.  — 

■  ■  Northampton,—  1 224.  — 
— — — — —  WeftmlnjUr,  —  1225.  — 
Oxford,   —  —  1227.  — 

—  ■     ' irtflminfler,  —  1232.  — 

■  — Lambeth,        —  1232.  -— 

—  ■'                  Oxford,    -^-  —  ]  233.  — 
IPtJlmtnfter.  • — ■  1233.  — 

-  Weft, 

-  Merton,  — 


London, i237.  _ 

-  Tori, 

-  London,  — 

-  London,  - 

—  J  237. 
■  1237-  — 
•  1242.  — 

,  —  1244.  — 

—  1246.  — 

-  London,  —    —  1246.  — 

-  London,  —  —  1248.  — 
-London,  —  —  1248.  — 
-London,   —  —  J251.  — 

-  tfe/lminjler,  —  1252.  — 

-  London,  —  ■ —   1 254.  — 

-  London,  —  —  1254.  — 




52     - 

-„»  Google 


I      N      D      E      X    to 

CONVENTION  ndd  by  Htnry  III.  at  Union* 

HdibyHtnrjlILvtHyhuii/ltr,—  I255-  — 

,n     ■ Wiftminftir,  —  1257.  — 

- — 1 —  London,     125a-  — 

■  ■     ■ Oxford, 1258.  — 

■      ■ .  Oxford,      — —  1263.  — 

.  London,  —  —  1264.  — 

■  ■  ■  Linden,     1265.  — 

- JVtncbefttr,    —  1265.  — 

- — -  Ktntlwartb,  —  1266.  — 

.  .. .  .c«  Bdmendfinry,  1267.  — 
..  .     Martbtrmgb^  ~-  1269.  — 

CONVENTION  of  the  King  and  Peers  at  York, 
Account  of.  —  —  — 

1 of  the  Peers  and  Commons 

with  the  King  at  Oxford*  and  their  Pro- 
ceedings there,  in  order  for  a  Peace  with 
the  Parliament.       —  —  — 

CONVOCATION,  Hatiftof,  iropofeanewOlth 
for  the  Support  of  Epifcopacy  and  Church- 
Government.  —  —  — 
Their  Danger  from  the  Populace.  — — 
Power  o£  defended,  and  how.         —  — 

CONVOCATIONS  of  the  Clergy,  when  ap 
pointed  to  be  called  by  the  King's  Writ. 

CONVOYS  for  Security  of  Trade,  when  firft  2p 
pointed.  —  —  — 

CONWAY,  Lord,  his  Speech  to  the  Parliament 

in  1625,  concerning  the  State  of  foreign 

Affairs.  —  —  — 

His  Speech  to  the  Parliament  in  1625,  concern- 

ing  the  State  of  domeftic  Affairs.  —     — 

—  Vindication  of  King  Charltt  I.  agalnft  a 

Complaint  of  the  Commons.  —  — 

. of  the  Duke  of  Buckingham  to 

the  Parliament,  in  1626.       —  — 

—  Letter  to  the  Earl  of  Briftol,  relating  to  his 

Negotiations  in  Spain.      — 
Charge  againft  him  by  the  fait)  Earl.    • 
His  Anfwer  thereto.  — 


Vol.    Pap. 




416,  17 




47  *»  2 
15  ft  19 
277  "3B3 

Jglzecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hiftory  ^England; 

CONWAY,  Lard,  fequcftrcd  from  the  Houfe  of 
Peers,  and  com  milted,  on  Suspicion  of  be- 
ing concerned  in  a  Plot  againlt  the  Parlia- 
ment. —  ■   ■  ■■  

Admitted  to  Bail.  — —  

Joins  die  King  at  Oxford.  —  — 

Deterts  bim,  and  returns  to  the  Parliament.  — 
Complaint  againft  him  by  the  Karl  of  EJJtx.     - 
His  Examination  and  Anfwers,  Particulars  of. 
CONYERS,  Sir  John,  complained  of  to  the  Par- 
liament, and  why.  —  - 
Made  Lieutenant  of  the  Tower,  at  the  Requeit 
of  the  Commons.            —  ■ — 
COOKE,  Col.  his  Narrative  of  the  King's  refuting 
to  efcape  from  Newport,  in  the  lfie  of 
Wight,  although  apprized  of  the  Army  s 

OcTign  to  feize  him.   —  

COOKE,  Sir  John,  Secretary  of  Stall,  his  Speech 
to  divert  a  Debate  in  the  Houfe  of  Com- 
mons on  public  Grievances.  — — 
His  Speech  for  a  Supply,         ■  — 
Conference     between    both 




Houfcs,  relating  to  Recufants 
to  the  King,  on  presenting  a  Peti- 
tion frdm  the  Parliament.       —  — 

—  -  for  a  Supply.         —  ...... 

—  on  delivering  a  Meffage  from  the 
King,  in  Vindication  of  the  Duke  otButi- 

Acqttainta  the  Commons  with  the  King's  Ac- 
ceptance of  their  five  Subfidies.      ■■     — — 

■ with   the   Duke  of 

Buciingbam's  congratulatory  Speech  to  the 
King  on  this  Occafion.  

His  Motion  for  expediting  the  Subfidies,        — 

—  Speech,  on  delivering  a  Menage  from  the 

King,  touching  the  Supply.  — 

His  Speech  to  perfuade  the  Commons  to  rely  on 

the  King's  Word  for  their  Liberties.     — 

—  on  delivering  a  Menage  from  the 
King  to  this  Purpofe.  ■■"  — 


7  37*.  3 
7,373.  4 

7  I  387.  8,  9 

7  389.  90 

7  406,  7 
7  «* 



438,  9 
79,  So,  t 

95.  6 

IgUzecsy  GOOgle 

2io        I       N      D       E       X     to  the 

COOKE,  Sir  John,  Secretary  of  State,  prefles  again 
(he  Commons  to  rely  on  the  King's  Word, 
His  Motion  for  reading  tlfe  Bill  of  Tannage  and 

—  Apology  on  this  Account.     —  — 

Explains  himfelf  more  fully  in  this  Point.  

His  Reply  to  Mr.  Stldcn,  concerning  feme  Po 

piih  Pricfts  releafed  out  of  Seagate.       — 
Refufes  to  declare  the  Proceedings  againft  them, 

without  Leave  from  the  King.        — — — —     8 
His  Speech  againft  a  Commoner  being  called  to 

anfwer  a  Complaint  before  the  Lords.    — 

—  Account  of  the  Popifli  Priefts,  their  Reve- 

nue, He.  —  ■■   '  '■    8 

—  Speech  againft  feizing  the  Goods  of  a  Par- 

liament-Man.       —  i 

COOPER,  Sir  Edmund,  Alderman  of  York,  dif- 
franchis'd  by  an  Ordinance  of  Parliament, 
for  his  Loyalty  to  King  Charles  I.       13 

COOPER  ASHLEY,  Sir  Anthony  appointed  one]      j 
of  the  ProredWs  Council.      —  —  20 

COOTE,  Sir  Charles,  his  Succefs  {ondertbe  Duke 
of  Ormattd)  againft  the  Rebels  in  Ireland. 
His  unfortunate  Death  by  one  of  his  own  Men. ' 
Application  to  the  King;  in  Favour  of  his  Chil- 
dren, Account  of.         ■ » ■  — 

COOT,  Sir  Charles,  obtains  a  conftderable  Vic-  j 

torj*  over  the  ]rifhs  in  1650.  ~  —19 

His  Charge  againft  Colonel  yarns.  Miles  Corbet, 
Matt,  fomlinfon,  and  General  Ludlow.    - 

COPE, ,  Efq\  his  Motion  in  the  Houfe  of 

Commons  for  altering  the  Form  of  Com- 
mon-Prayer.    ■■'     ■    ■ 

CORBET,   Jehu,  Efq\   appointed   a  Judge  for 

North  aid  South  Wales.        —  —  ;  . 

CORBET,  Mites,  Efq;  appointed  one  of  the  | 

Commiflioners  to  fettle  the  Civil  Affairs  in  19 
Ireland.  — ■■  —  -  ao 

CORDELL,  William,  Efc  Mafter  of  the  RoIhA 

chofen  Speaker  for  the  Commons  in  1 558. 1  3 

CORNWALL,  Earl  of.  See  Plaktagenet, 
Richard*  Brother  to  King  Henry  III,      > 

">3>  + 




300,  1 


3'+.  18 








X   9' 


,l,zec;y  GOOglC 

Parliamentary  Hjfiory  of  England* 

CORNWALL,  Duchy  of,  re-annexed  to  theCrown 

at  the  Petition  of  the  Commons,  — 

CORNWALL,  County  of,  an  Infurrettion  there, 

on  Account  of  collefting  a  Subftdy,        — 

CORNWALL,  Sir  John,  created  Baron  of  Fam- 

boppt.  in  1432.  —  ' 

CORITON,  WtUiem,  Eft;  committed  toPrifon, 
for  refuting  a  Loan  to  King  Chariot  I.   — 
Relcai'cd,  on  the  calling  a  new  Parliament.    — 
Hi*  Speech  on  Grievances  concerning  Religion. 
■  ■' on  the  Kjing's  Meffage  to  the  Com- 
mons, about  Tonnage.       —  — 
■-■'  ■  ■■      againft  the  two  Bilhops,  Montagu  and 
Laud.            —                 —                — 
■  ■               on  the  Procefs  againft  Merchants  for 
Tonnage.                  —                              ■'   - 
I    CORRECTION-HOUSES,  when  firft  appointed 
I                 by  Law  to  be  erected  in  every  County.  — 
COSINS,  Dr.    Articles  of  Impeachment  againft 
him  by  the  Commons.                      •     ■  ■  — 
COTTON,  John,  his  Depofitiort  againft  theLord- 
Treafurer  Middle/ex,   as  Mafter  of  the 
Wardrobe.                — 
COTTON,' Sir  Robert,  his  Speech,  on  a  Motion 
in  the  Houfc  of  Commons,  for  a  Supply. 
His  Advice  to  the  Lords  of  the  Council,  on  the 
diftreffed  Affairs  of  the  State.  - 
COTTINGTON,  Lord  Francis,  refigns  his  Of- 
fice of  Mafter  of  the  Court  of  Wards.  — 
COVENTRY,  City  of,  a  Parliament  held  there 
in  1405.        —                 — 

in  1 460. 

Their  Behaviour  to  King  Charles  I.  upon  his 
Afproach  there.  —  ■ 

COVENTRY,  Lord  of  Ale/borough,  deferts  King 
Charles  I.  at  Oxford,  and  takes  the  Parlia- 
ment's new  Oath,  to  intitle  him  to  their 

Protection.  ■ ■  

COVENTRY,  Sir  Thomas,  made  Attorney-Ge- 
neral to  King  James  I.  —  — 
Made  Lord-Keeper  of  the  Great  Seal.      — — 
O  2 









330  "338 




IgUzecsy  GOOgle 

t\%         1      N      D      E      X    to  the 

COVENTRY,  Sir  Thvmas,  his  Speech  to  the  firft 
Parliament  of  King  Charles  t  in  1625.  — 
His  further  Speech  by  the  King's  Command.  - 

Speech  at  opening  the  Parliament  in  1627.      7 

— -  Anfwer  to  a  Speech  of  Sir  "John  Finch, 
Speaker  for  the  Commons.         — 

—  Report  of  the  firft  Part  of  a  Conference  be- 

tween the  Lords  and  Commons,  on  the 
Liberty  of  the  Subject.        — 

—  Report  of  a  Conference  between  both  Houfes, 

on  a  Petition  of  Right.  —  — 

— — - —  to  the  Lords,  of  another  Conference 

on  this  Affair.  

— -  Speech  at  opening  a  further  Conference  about 

— -  Report,  to  the  Lords,  of  Mr.  Gtanville't 
Speech  agaiaft  their  Addition  to  the  Pe- 
tition of  Right.  —  — 

■—  Speech  to  the  Commons,  upon  the  Lords' 
Refolution  to  join  with  them  in  their  Pe- 
tition of  Right.  —  — 

—————  to  both  Houfes,  in  the  King's  Name. 

■  -——■■  ■  ■  to  the  King,  in  the  Name  of  both 
Houfes,  for  a  fatisfadory  Anfwer  to  their 
Petition  of  Right.  —  — 

—  Report,  to  the  Lords,  of  a  Conference  on  the 

Com  million  of  Excife.  —  — 

Created  a  Baron.  —  —  — 

Defcrts  the  Parliament,  and  goes  to  the  King  at 
York.  —  —  — 

His  Excufe  for  not  returning  purfuant  to  a  Sum- 
mons. —  —  — 
Impeachment  againft  him  on  this  Account,  Par- 
ticulars ofT            —             —  — 

Revolts  from  the  King  to  the  Parliament.  

His  Submiffion  and  Zeal  to  ferve  their  Caufe.  - 

Judgment  againft  him  repealed.  —         — 

COUC Y,  Lord  Ingtlram,  marries  the  Princefs  Ifa- 

btlla.  Daughter  of  King  Edward  111.    — 

Created  Earl  of  Bedford.        —  

Hit  Penfion,  in  Support  of  that  Dignity.       — 


444"  45» 
3+i  "34* 

353  "35* 

8  U  13 

109,  ID 
117,    l8 


142.  3 

H>  * 


! 205,  6 


299      , 

Jglzecy  GOOgle 




407,  8,  9 
1 1410 
8 I 554.  5 

Parliamentary  Btftory  of  England.        a 

Vol.     Page, 
COUNCIL  of  Statt,  held  at  Nottingham  by  Kine 

Richard  \\.  Lift  of.  —  

Their  Endeavours  to  iet  afide  the  King's  Con- 

ceffions  to  Jiia  Parliament,  in  T306.       — 

— —  Command  to  the  Sheriffs  to  make  partial 

-Returns,  .  

How  anfwered.  — 
Their  Queffions  propolet!  to  the  Judges,  rela- 
ting to  their  Project.  —  — 
How  frustrated  in  their  Attempts.     —      - 
£recled  by  the  Commons  in  1648.      —         — 
lnftruflions  to  them.           —           —             — 
Lift  of,  who  conftitutcd  it.             —               — 
Their  Engagement,  Form  of.         —            _ 
— —  Appraifement  and  Sale  of  the  late  King's 
Pictures,  t-fc.  Account  of.        —        — 
Eft  i  mates  of  the  annual  Charge  of  the  Na- 
vy.                 —                    —                   — 
Election  of,  for  the  Year  16$:         —        — 
Acquaint  Lord  General  Fairfax  with  a  Vote  ofi 
the  Houlc,  for  his  marching  with  an  Army       [ 
intothe  North.               —                    —  iQ|266,  7 

Receive  Intimation  of  his  Rerufal.  !  191267 

Their  Endeavours  to  perfuade 'him  to  it.     '  19.267*0274 

Send  Prince  Henry  and  the  Princefs  Elizabtth  to 

the  Ifit  of  Wight.  —  

Lift  of,  for  the  Year  1651.  —  — 

Commit  Thomai  Coke,  Efq;  to  the  Tower,  on 

Sufpicion  ofHigh  Treafon.        —        — -   19*461 
Lift  of,  tor  the  Year  1652.  —  -  —  20;    78,  9 

"i653-„  r~-  —  20l'°3.  ♦ 

9  to  n 
12,  13 

83  to  87 

19  251,  3. 

10  357 

Their  Difcharge  by  Gen.  Cromwell.       ■ 

New  one  appointed.  —  

Their  Rcfolution,  concerning  the  Government 

of  the  Commonwealth.  —  — 

Lift  of,  ele&ed  by  Cromwell's  (irft  Parlhi.>enr. 

(-> elected  for  the  Ytar  1654.       —        — 

—  appointed  by  the  Parliament,  Gonfiftinn 
of  fecluded  Members,  —  — 

Their  feveial  Characters  ludicroufly  defcribed,  - 


20;  JCI, 


21 1 408, 

Lglizecsy  GOOgle 

214  I      N      D      E      X    to  the 

Vol.    Peg,. 
COUNCIL  of  State,  their  Remonftrance,  con- 
cerning the  Want  of  Money,  £tf«. 
Liftof,  elected  in  1659.  — 

Their  Abjuration  Oath.  — 

—  Order  for  deftroying  the  Gates  of  the 
City  of  London,and  the Portcullices  thereof.   : 
■  for  feizing  fome  of  the  principal  Citi- 

zens. —  -—  — 

New  one  elected  by  the  Parliament,  Lift  of.    - 
Their  Proceedings  with  Genera!  Lambert,  con- 
cerning Security  for  his  good  Behaviour.  - 
1  Order  for  his  Commitment.  ■; 

Authority,  how  augmented.  — 

Charges  on  the  Revenue,     

COUNCIL  of  War,  their  Letter,  fetting  forth 
the  diltrefled  Condition  of  the  Earl  of  Ef 

fex's  Army.  -  

Their  Advice  to  Sir  Thomas  Fairfax,  their  Ge- 

■■         Heads  of  a  Petition  to  the  Commons  for 

fundry  Regulations.  —  ■ 

How  complimented  by  the  Speaker  on  that  Oc- 

COUNCIL  to  Gen.  Cromwell,  on  his  taking  up- 
on him  the  Proteuorace,  Lift  of.  — 

COUNTIES,  in  England  and  IVuUs,  weekly  af- 
I'cffed  by  the  Parliament,  and  how,         — 

COURTNEY,  William,  Bijbop  of  London,  ap- 
pointed one  of  the  Committee  to  confer 
with  the  Commons  about  the  Grant  of  a 
Subfidy  to  King  Edward  III.  —  — 
Appointed  to  confer  with  the  Commons  on  the 

Dtfpatch  of  Bufiriefj  in  .1377.  

— — ^—  one  of  the  Standing  Council  to  King 
Riebardil.  during  his  Minority, 

Made  Archbiftiap  of  Canterbury  and  Lord- Chan- 
cellor.   .  

His  Speech  at  opening  the  Seffion  of  Parliament 

One  of  the  Comniiflioners  appointed  to  examine 
the  Government  of  the  King's  Pcribn 
Court.  i  — 





'52.  3 

347.  5.  9 

353.  4.  5 

■|  341 
1  363 

■  '365-6 


Parliamentary  Hiftory  of  England*. 

COURTNEY,  William,  Bifiup  of  Union,  one 
of  the  Co mmiffi oners  appointed  to  regulate 

the  Affairs  of  the  Nation.  

Hi*  Proteftation  againft  the  Papal  Power.  — 
COURTNEY,  Hugb,  created  Earl  of  Devm/bire. 
COURTNEY,  Edward,  created  Earl  of  Devon 

by  King  Utnry  VII.  —  

COURTNEY,  Thomas,  Marquis  of  Exeter,  at- 
tainted of  High  Treafon.        —  — 

Charge  againft  him.        ■  

His  Execution.  ■■-  ■  -  — — 

COURTNEY,  Gertrude,  Marcbimefi  of  Exeter, 

attainted  of  High  Treafon.        —        — 

Charge  againft  her. 

Her  Execution. 

Remarks  thereon. 

COURTS,   Ecdefiaftical,  Debate  about  them  by 

the  Commoni.  ■  ■  ■  ■     ■ 

Their  Abufe  rellrained  by  an  Aft. 

COURT-MARTIAL,  when  firft  erefted  for  the 

Trial  of  Land  Officers  and  Soldiers.      —  13 
■  of  Sea  Officers  and  Mariners.      —  13 

COWEL,  Dr.  a  Civilian,  publitbes  a  Boole,  in 
order  to  advance  the  Royal  Prerogative. 
Complained  of  by  the  Commons  for  it. 
His  Syilem,.  Particulars  of.  —  — 

Screened  by  King  fames  I.  from  a  Profecution 
intended  by  the  Commons.  — 
COWPER,  Mr.  his  Account  of  Queen  Mary's 
Poverty,  and  her  Method  to  relieve  it.  - 
CRANMER,  Thomas,  Jrcbbijbop  sf  Canterbury, 
cites  Queen  Catherine  to  appear  before  him 
at  Dunfiabli.  —  —  — 

His  Sentence  againft  her.  — —  — 

—  Oppofition  to  the  fix  terrible  Articles  of  Re- 
One  of  the  Committee  appointed  to  draw  up  a 
Syftcm  of  Chriftianity. 




■43.  4  , 





-  to  examine 

tlie-Qucen,   touching  the  Charge  againft 

her.  — —  — —    3  178,  o 


»gl,;eC,»  GOOgk 

— *-. — i —  by  the  Lords, 

—  Petition  to  the  Lords,  for  Allowance  of  Wit- 

ntfiet  and  Counfel.  *—  .  ■*- 

—  >•      — !— - — —  ■        for  Copies  of  Dcpofi- 

2i6        INDEX    to  the 


CRANMER,  Tbtmas,  Arcbbijbep  if Canterbury, 

one  of  the  Committee  appointed  to  confer 

with  the  Commons,  on  the  King's  afl'uming 

the  Title  of  King  of  Inland.  ...... 

One  of  the  Committee  appointed  to  examine  a 
Bill  for  aholifhing  Herefies.      — 

His  Diffentio  a  Bill  for  dtflblving  Chaun tries, 

One  of  the  Committee  appointed  to  confider  of 
a  Bill  for  repealing  certain  Statutes  relating 
to  Treafon.  —  — -  — 

His  Imprisonment.  —  —  — 

—  Deprivation  and  Death.  —  — 
CRANFIELD,  Liiml,  Efq;  created  Baron  Cran- 

fiild,  Anita  1621.  — •  — 

Made  Lord-Treafurer.        —  —        — 

'  Prefles  the  Parliament  for  a  fpeedy  Supply.     — 

Returned  in  Parliament,  Anna  1623,   Earl  of 


CRANFIELD,  Limtl,  Earl  of  MiddUfix,  his 
Conduct  called  in  Queftion.        —        . — 

His  Complaint  to  the  Lords  of  a  Plot  againft  him. 

Required  to  name  the, Parties.         —  — 

Acquits  the  Houfe  of  Lords  from  any  Imputation 
on  this  Account.  —  — 

Defires  to  be  heard  by  his  Counfel,  in  the  Houfe 
of  Commons,  touching  the  Accufation 
againft  him.  —  *—  — 

His  Condud,  with  regard  to  the  Store  for  Muni- 
tions, fit.  reported  to  the  Houfe  of  Com* 
mons.  —  —  — 

—  Charge  againft  htm,  exhibited  by  the  Com 


■— * ■ — —   ■  .    for  further  Time   to 

anfwer  in.  ■   ■  - 

-*•-  Letter  to  King  James,   for  this  Purpofe. 
Additional  Article!  to  the  Charge  againft  bun.  i  *6|  165,'  6 


),gl,zeC;y  GOOgle 

Tarltamentary  Bifiory  of  England. 

CRANFIELD,  Lionel,   Earl  of  MiddUfix,  his 

further  Petition  to  the  Lords.        

His  Anfwcr  to  the  firft  Part  of  the  Charge.    — 
— ■  -  ■— —  to  the  additional  Articles  alledged 
againft  him.  —  _ 

Complained  of  by  the  Merchants.  —  — 
His  Petition  to  the  Lords  for  Copies  of  the  De- 
molitions againft  him.  —  — 
Brought  to  the  Bar  of  the  Houfe  of  Lords.  — 
Charge  againft  him,  as  Mafter  of  (he  Wardrobe. 
His  Anfwer  as  to  this  Particul; 


further  Requefts  to  the  Lords.       —        — 
Charge  agairift  him  in  Matters  of  Bribery.     — 

Hu  Anfwer  to  this  Charge,  ' _ 

Depofitions  in  his  Favour.  —  — 

Hi»  further  Defence.  —  _ 

—  Proteftation,  as  to  his  Innocency  in  the  Af- 

fair of  Bribery,  .  ___ 

Charge  againft  him  on  the  Leafe  of  Sugars.    — 

His  Defence  in  this  Point.  — 

Charge  againft  him,  touching  Groceries.  

His  Anfwer,  with  fame  Depofitions  on  bis  Be 

half  in  this  Matter.  — — 

Charge  againft  him,  on  Account  of  Sir  Rottr 

Dotlifin'*  Lands.  _ 

His  Anfwer  thereto.  — . 

—  Petition  to  the  Lords,  to  refpite  his  further 

Examination  by  reafon  of  Sicknefs.       — 
Vifited  by  a  Committee  of  Lords.         — 

His  Complaint  to  them.  

Brought  again  to  the  Bar.  — -  _. 

^arge  againft  him,  concerning  Munitions.  — 
His  Defence  againft  this  Article.  —  — 
Charge  againft  him,  with  relation  to  the  Court 

of  Wards.  

His  Anfwer  thereto.  — —  ■ 

' —  general  Defence  againft  the  whole  Charge. 

—  Sentence  and  Condemnation.        —         — 

—  Advancement  and  Fall,  fome  Account  of. 
■—  Epitaph  on  his  Monument.      —        — ■ 

166,  7 
167  f«  185 

188,  9 

195,  6 
196ft 213 

2  n.  14.  IS 


243.  4 

o  244/9250 


6  255 

o  256 ft 260 

6  261 

6  262,3,4.,  e 

I     *  s 

6  265,  6,  7 

274.  5 




200,  1,  a 

28j,  .6 

287 /flag* 
293.  4 
297,  8,  9 

309.  "O 

Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 


I     N     D.     E     X    to 

CRANFIELD,  Jamts,  Earl  of  Mddhfix,  im- 
peached by  the  Commons  of  High  Treafon. 
Difchargcd  from  Rcftraint,  and  rdfored  to  his 
Seat  in  Parliament  again.         —  — 

Appointed  one  of  the  Parliament's  Commiujon- 
ci's  to  prefent  their  Votes  to  the  King,' 
for  a  perfoml  Treaty  with  him  in  the  IJle  of 

Wight.  - 

His  Narrative  of  what  palled  between  the  King 

and  the  CommUEoncrs  on  that  Occafion. 

Appointed  one  of  the  Parliament's  Commiflioners, 

to  treat  with  the  King  about  z  Peace.  — 

CRANFORD,  Mr.  his  Fine  and  Sentence  by 

the  Commons,  for  afperfing  fome  of  their 

Members.  ■■  ■■ 

CRAWFORD,  Earl  of.    See  Lindsay. 

CRAWLEY,  Sir  Francis,  one  of  the  Judges  of 

the  Court  of  Common-Pleas,  Information 

againft  him  by  the  Commons*  — — 

Gives  Bail  for  10,000/.  to  abide  the  Centum 

of  Parliament.  

Impeachment  againft  him,  on  Account  of  Ship- 
Prohibited  from  going  the  Summer  Circuit  in 

CREATION  of  Henry  Prince  of  Wales,  eUcfl 

Son  of  King  Jamts  I.  Form  of.        

CRESKELD, ",  Eft;  his  Speech  on  the  Li- 
berty of  the  Subject  —  -. — 
CRESWELL,  Mr,  Serjeant,   appointed  bv  the 
Parliament  one  of  the  Juftices  of  the  Court 

of  Common-  Pleas.  —  

CRESSY  taken  by  King  Edward  JU.  in  1347. 
CREWE,  Sir  Randolph,  elecled  Speaker  for  the 

Commons,  Anno  1614.         —        — 

CREW,  Sir  Thomas,  oppofes  the  Meafures   of 
King  fames  I.  —  ■ 

Preferred,  and  fent  into  Ireland  out  of  the  Way. 
Elected  Speaker  for  the  Commons  in  1623.  — 
His  Speech  to  the  King  on  this  Occafion.  — 
...  ,,   : at  the  Clofe  of  this  Seffion 










IgUzecsy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hi/iory  of  Englanp. 


CREW,   Sir  Thomas,    elected  Speaker    for  the 
Commons  in  1625.        —  ■   ■■ 

His  Speech  to  King  Charles  I.        —  — 

CREW,  Mr.  committed  to  the  Tower.      — 
CREWE,  John,  Efq,  appointed  one  of  the  Parlia- 
ment's Commiffionera  to  treat  with  the 
King  in  the  J  fit  of  Wight,  about  a  National 


CROFT,  Sir  Arthur,  his  Speech  againft  the  Dulce 

of  Buckingham.  —  ■ 

CROMWELL, Hitman   Secretary   to   Cardinal 

Woljty,  clears  his  Mailer  from  the  Charge 

of  Treafon  alledged  againft  him.        

Taken  into  the  Favour  of  King  Henry  VIII.     - 

His  mean  Original.  ■ — — — 

Appointed  Matter  of  the  Jewel-Houfe.    -     ■■■ 
Created  Baron  of  Oakham.         — —  — 

Earl  of  EJfex.        —  

Made  Lord  Great- Chamberlain.     —  — 

—  Vicar-General  over  the  Spiritualities.  *— 

■ — ■ —  Prime  Minifter.    

His  Propofal  to  the  King  for  fuppreffing  the 

larger  Abbies.  —  — 

—  Anifices  to  gain  the  Coiifent  of  the  Abbots. 

—  Prornifes  to  the  Nobility  and  Gentry,  to  in- 

duce their  Approbation.  ■  —  ■ 

—  High  Rank  and  Precedence  in  Parliament. 

—  Speech  for  fettling  Matters  of  Religion,  — 
Attainted  of  High  Trcafon.     —      ' 
His  Imprifonment  and  Execution. 
Remarks  thereon,  wjth  the  principal  Crimes  laid 

to  his  Charge.         ■  ■ 

CROMWELL,  Oliver*  Efq;  his  Speech  in  the 

Houfe  of  Commons,  concerning  Pardons 

granted  by  King  Charles  I.       —       —    ■■ 
Elected  Member  of  Parliament  for  the  Town  of 

Cambridge.  - 

His  Power  and  Authority  there.  Account  of.  — 

Seizes  upon  the  Magazine  in  the  CallJe.    

Prevents  the  Univerfity  from  carrying  off  their 

Plate  to  the  King.  —  — 

Made  a  Colonel  in  the  Parliament's  Army.   — 


el.     Page. 






■45.  6 

,  ,s3'  '57 
3;  158,  9,6a 







Jig  liiecy  GOOgk 

2'2o  INDEX    to  the 

V*l.    Pagt. 
CROMWELL,  Oliver,  Efq;   his  Power  in  the 
County  of  Cambridge.     — —  ■ 

His  Character  as  a  Soldier  differently  treated, 

and  on  what  Occafion.  ■  —  13 
—  Charge  againft  the  Earl  of  Manchtfttr.  —  13 
Accufed  of  Dtfobedience  to  the  Earl's  Orders.  -  13 
His  future  great  Fortune,  Foundation  of.  -  13 
— -  Speech  on  the  fad  Condition  of  the  King- 
dom.               ■                           

-  in  Favour  of  the  Self- denying  Or- 


—  great  Afcendency  in  the  Houfe  of  Commons. 

Account  of.  ■  — 

—  ambitious  View  in  procuring  Sir  Themat  Fair- 

fax to  be  nominated  Chief  Commander  in 
the  Parliament's  Army. 

—  extreme  Hatred  of  the  Nobility  and  Houfe 

of  Peers,  Account  of.       —  —  ■ 

—  Letter,  giving  an  Account  of  his  Succefs  in 


—  dextrous  Management  in  keeping  his  Com- 

mand in  the  Army,  notwithstanding  the 
Self-denying  Ordinance.      ■  ■ 

Power  in  the  Army,  fome  Account  of.     — 

— -  Stay  there,  farther  prolonged  by  the  Par-  J 
liament.  J 

Settlement  of  Efrates  upon  him  by  the  Parlia- 
ment, and  of  what  annual  Value,  Account 

His  Artifice  to  fet  the  Army  againft  the  Parlia- 
ment. —  .  — 

—  remarkable  Diflimulation  in  the  Houfe  of 

Commons,  concerning  the  mutinous  Pro- 
ceedings of  the  Army.  —  — 
Difcovers  a  Defign  for  feizing  him,  &c.        — 
Makes  his  Efcape  to  the  Army.         —           — 
His  Letter  to  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  by  Way 

of  Excufe.  —  

— -  Speech  on  a  Debate,  concerning  the  King's 
Anfwer  to  the  Parliament's  new  Propofi- 
tions  of  Peace.  — —  . 



376»  7 
381.  a 


459.  60 

469,  70 

'3  47* 
4  "7. 

362,  3,  4 


364.  S 

492.  3 

Jglzecy  GOOgle 


4' 7 


Parliamentary  Hijtory  of  England, 
CROMWELL,  Oliver,  Efy;  his  Services  to  the 

Parliament,  how  rewarded.  ■—   17 

Fights  the  Seels  Army  in  Lancajbir*.      17 

His  complete  Victory,  Particulars  of.     — 17 

Parities  the  Remainder  of  the  Scots  Army  into  the 

North.  1  17  481 

His  Letter,  concerning  his  Refolution  to  inarch 

into  Scot/and.  17   48l«484 

—  Summons  to  the  Governor  of  Berwick.   —  17   485 

—  Letter  to  the  Committee  of  Eftates  of  Scat- 

land,  demanding  the  Reflitution  of  Ber- 

vj'ick  and  CarUfle  to  the  Parliament.        —  J 7    486,  7 

■  '      to  the  Earl  of  Loudon,  giving  Notice 

of  his  Advance  into  Scotland.       —        —  1 7   492,  3,  4 

—  Conduct  in  this  Expedition,  how  approved 

by  the  Parliament.  —  17   494,  5 

—  Letter,  concerning  his  Proceedings  in  Scot- 

land, and  of  the  Surrender  of  Berwick  and 

CarlijU.  18     25  u  28 

—  Reception  at  Edinburgh,  Account  of.      —  18      69,  70 
< — -  Paper  dcliver'd  to  the  Committee  of  Eftates, 

concerning  the  Sects  Malignants.  —  18     70,  1,  2 

—  Projects  for  fruit  rating  the  Treaty  with  the 

King  in  the  Ifie  of  JVight.        —         —18   159,60 
Appointed  to  go  into  Ireland  as  Chief  Commander 

there.  -■  ■—  19     96 

Tcflimony  of  the  City  of  London's  Affection  to 

him.  ______  -  19   130 

Appointed  Lord-Lieutenant  of  Ireland.        19    136 

His  Letters  to  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  on  taking 

of  Drogheda.  1 9    20 1  to  209 

■ — Cruelties  exercifed  there,  Remarks  upon.  -  19   209 

Takes  Wexford.  — ■ 19    217 

His  Account  of  the  Surrender  of  the  Town  of 

Rofs.  19  224,  5,  6 

■ —  Letter,   fetting    forth  his   further   Succefs 

againft  the  Irijh.  —  19    235(0240 

Returns  to  London.  19    263 

Appointed  to  fucceed  Lord  Fairfax  as  Chief 

Commander  of  all  the  Engti/h  Forces.  —   19   284 

Marches  with  an  Army  to  Scotland.         • 19    298 

His  Proceedings  on  bis  Arrival  there,  Account  of.  1 9    3 1 7  to  320 



222  INDEX    to  the 

Vtt.    Pag*. 
CROMWELL,  Oliver,  Ufa  his  Letter  to  the' 

Genera)  Afleinbly  ol  the  Kirk.       — — —  j  19 
His  farther  Account  of  his  Proceedings  in  Sett 


—•  Anfwer  to  a  Letter  from  General  Ltjley,  and  | 
to  1  Declaration  from  the  Commiflioncrs  of  j 
the  General  Affembly  of  the  Kirk,  con- 
cerning the  State  of  the  Quarrel.  '19 

^—  Letter,  relating  to  the  Condition  of  his  Army' 

—  Account  of  a  great  Victory  gained  over  the 

Scots  near  Dunbar.  —  —   19 

Takes  Lehb  and  Edinburgh,       .         

His  Letter  to  the  Governor  of  Edinburgh  Caftle, 

concerning  the  Sects  Miniftcrs  there.    — 

—  fecond  Letter,  to  the  fame  Pujpofe.     ■ 

—  Queries  to  the  Governor.         —  — 

—  Progrefs  in  Scotland,  further  Account  of.  —  19 

—  Letter  to  the  Committee  of  Eftates,  requi- 

ring them  to  quit  all  Connections  with! 
Prince  Char  Its.  — 1  iq 

—  Relation"  of  the  State  of  Affairs  in  Scotland. 

—  Account  of  the  Surrender  of  Edinburgh  Caftle 
■ '  '        of  the  Scots  Intention  to  invade  Eng - 

land, under  [lie  Command  of  Prince  Charles. 

—  Letter,  onoccafionof  a  Kit  ofSicknefs  which 

327»  ».  9 

33i .  ?'  3 
339»  40 


358.  9 

39*"  2»  3 

394"  399 
399"  4° » 
404,  5,  6 

had  fci 

—  Advice  of  a  Victory  over  ihe  Scots  m  Fife. 

—  Account  of  the  State  of  the  two  Armies.  - 

—  Letter,  on  occafion  of  the  March  of  the  Scots 

into  England.  —  ■ 

—  Purfuit  of  them,  Come  Account  of.          — 
Arrival  before  Worceper.       —  

—  Strength  and  tjifpofition  of  his  Forces.   — 

—  Account  of  a  great  Victory  obtained  over  the 

Scott  Army  at  IVercefter.    ■*—  

How  complimented  thereupon,  on  his  Return  to 

London.  ■  ■ 

His  Services  to  the  Commonwealth,  how  reward- 
ed by  the  Commons.  —  —  20 

—  Prifoners  taken  at  Jytrcefler^  Number  and 

Quality  of,  20 

— -  Great  Power,  State  of. —  J20 

.  4>5,  IS 
■9  444.  5.  ' 
19  449,50,1 

4SS,  « 

47",  * 

494,  5 

497,  8 



:*y  Google 

Par&amehtary  Hiftory  of  England.         223 

Vol.     Pag*. 
CROMWELL,  Oliver,  Efq;  his  Conference  with 

Mr.  IVhitltcit,  and  others,  touching  the 

Settlement  of  the  Nation,         —        .  —  SO      8o,  I,  2 
Appointed  one  of  the  Commiffianers  to  fettle  the 

Government  of  Ireland.      —  — — -  20     91 

His  Dialogue  with  Mr.  fVhithcie,  concerning  a 

Defign  to  take  the  Crown  of  England  upon 

himfelf.  —  ■  ■■         30  104/0 112 

Drflblves  the  Houfe-  of  Commons.  —  —  20  129 

His  forcible  Manner  thereof,  how  related.      —  20    130/SI37 
Difmiffes  the  Council  of  State.        —  —  20  137 

Haw  anfwered  by  Serjeant  Brad/haw,  on  that 

Occafion.  —  —  —  20  137 

His  Declaration  of  die  Reafons  for  diflbJving  the 

Houfe  of  Commons  by  Force.  ■  20  137*0143 

How  complimented  on  that  Occafion  by  the 

Churches.        —                —  —  20  144,  5 

by  the  Army  in  Scotland.  20  145,6,7 
His  Council  of  State.  —  20  147 

—  Order  for  continuing  the  Monthly  AflefT- 

ment  of  120,000/.        20  14S 

—  Appointment  of  Judges  for  North  and  South 

•Wtlts.  20  148 

—  Declaration  for  aThanldgmng,  orv Account 

of  a  Victory  orer  the  Dutch  Fleet.     20  148,9,50 

—  Resolution  for  calling  a  new  Parliament  to 
manage  the  Public  Affairs.  ■  20  151 

—  Summons  for  that  Purpofe.      —  —  20  151,  2 

—  Speech  to  them  at  Whitehall.  20   I53'«I75! 

Delegates  to  them  the  fupreme  Authority  of  the 

Nation.  ■ •     -  ■  —  20  175,  6 

His  Artifice,  in  procuring  the  Parliament  to  fur- 
render  back  their  Power  to  him,  by  a  Wri- 
ting under  their  Hands.  -,.—,—  ao  239,  40 

Declared  Lord-Protector  of  England,  Scotland, 

and  Ireland.  —  •     •  ■■    ■-  20  247 

See  Prothctor. 
CROMWELL,  Richard,  his  Preferments,  Parti- 
culars of.  ■  '  21   162 

His  AcceiTion  to  the  Protectorate.  .1  21   223 

—  Title  thereto,  Debate  thereon.  — —  21  281^290 
See  Protector. 


224         I      N      D      E      X    to  the 

CROMWELL,  Major,  Henry,  his  Letter,  giving 
an  Account  of  his  being  Tent  to  the  Ifle  ef 
Wight,  with  Orders  from  the  Parliament 
to  Col.  Hammond  not  to  leave  that  Place. 
Appointed  Lord- Lieutenant  of  Ireland,  by  the 
Protector  his  Father.  —  — 

CROMWELL,  Henry,  appointed  Lord-Lieute- 
nant of  Ireland.  ■  ■  — 

CROOKE,  Mr.  Jujltce,  ef  the  King's  Seneb,  his 
Opinion  in  the  Cafe  of  Sir  John  Elliot, 
Mr.  Holla,  and  Mr.  Valentine,  Members 
of  the  Houfe  of  Commons.        —        — 

CROOKE,  Jebn,  Efq;  Ricordir  of Union,  cho- 

fen  Speaker  for  the  Commons  in  1601.   - 

His  Speech  to  Queen  Elizabeth  on  that  Occafion. 

— —  Reply  to  the  Lord-Keeper's  Anfwer.       — 

—  Report  to  the  Houfe,  touching  the  Suppref- 

fion  of  Monopolies.  —  -  — 

*■—  Addrejs  of  Thanks  to  the  Queen,  in  the 

Name  of  the  Commons.  — ^  — 

—  Speech  at  the  Clofe  of  this  Seflion.  —  4 
CROSS-BOW,  Ufe  ef,  when  reftrain'd  by  an  Ad.  3 
CROWN,  how  entailed  by  an  A&  of  Settlement 

CROWN-LANDS,  appointed  by  the  Houfe  of 

Commons  to  be  fold,  and  in  what  Manner,   19  155,  6 
CRUCIFIXES,  Refolution  of  the  Commons  con- 
cerning them.  —  ■■'  ■■—     9  489 

. of  the  Peers.  —     9  491 

CUMBERLAND,  Earl  of.     See  Clifford. 
CUNNINGHAM,  Sir  David,  taken  Prifoner  in 
his  Flight  from  the  Battle  of  Werajler  in 

1651.  - 

CURLE,  Walter,  Bijbtp  ef  Winchefter*  impeached 
by  the  Commons,  for  aflifting  to  make 
fome  new  Canons.  —  ■    ■     9  468 

Gives  in  a  Plea.  '  -     —  10    41 

His  Refolution  concerning  it,  —  —   10     94 

—  Danger  from  the  Populace,  Account  of.     -    to   134, 

—  Anfwer,  concerning  the  Protestation  of  the 

twelve,  Bifhops.  —  10  145 

- — Depofition  at  the  Trial  of  thefe  Gentlemen.   10  304,  5 



18 . 263,  4 

20  J  29O 


386,    7 

4*4.  5 

+68,  9 

478.  9 

5°3»  4 

Jig  Lizecsy  GOOglC 

Parliamentary  Hiflory  of  England. 
CURSING  and  SWEARING,  Debate  thereon  by 

the  Commons.  —  ' - 

CUSTOMS,  Pajmnt  ofy  when  firlt  eftablifhed. 
CUSTOMERS,  their  Warrant  from  King  CbarUt 
the  Firft  to   feize  Merchants  Goods  for 
Tonnage,  where  refuted  to  be  paid.      — 

D  ACRES,  Lord,  one  of  the  Peers  who  rejected 
an  Ordinance  of  the  Commons  for  the  Trial 
oF  King  CbarUt  I.      ■■  ■-   ■  "  ■  ■■     ■ 

DALLISON,   Sir  Thomas,   his  Petition  to  the 
Houfe  of  Lords  againft  the  Lord-Treafurer 


DALTON, ,  Eft;  his  Speech,  on  a  Mo- 
tion to  reform  Eeclcfiaftical  Courts.      — 
DANIEL,  Mr.  his  Character  of  Pierce  Gavifion, 
Earl  of  Carrmratt.  .  — 

HU  Account  of  the  Marquis  of  Suffolk's  Speech 
to  the  Lords,  touching  his  Services  to  the 
King  and  State.        .—  ■■  ■    ■■-■ 

■ of  the  bafe  Practices  againft  Hum- 
phry Duke  of  Gloucefttr.     —  — 
-  of  the  Duke  of  York's  Schemes  for 

obtaining  the  Crown. 

-  of  his  Title  thereto. 

DANNET, ,  Eft;  fats  Complaint  to  the 

Commons  agsinit  Pirates  front  Dunkirk. 

DARCY,  Lord  Thomas,  created  Vifcount  Celtht- 
fttry  Anna  1621.*  — 

DARE  WOOD,  Sir  John,  chofen  Speaker  for  the 
Commons  in  1399.        —  — 

DARTMOUTH,  Town  »/,  taken  by  Sir  Thomai 
Fairfax.  —  —  — 

DAVENANT,  William,  Efyy  fufpecled  of  being 

concerned  in  a  Plot  againft  the  Parliament. 

Order  of  the  Peers  againft  him  on  that  Account. 

DAVENANT,  John,  Bijbop  ofSalifiury,  his  De- 
polition  at  the  Trial  of  the  Twelve  im- 
peached Bifliops.  '  ■■■  — 


484.  5 


147.8    ■ 


246,  7,  S 

2C»,  I 

491,  2"  ' 

476.-    - 

38     - 


267  . 

Jglzecy  GOOgk 


I      N      D      E      X    to 

DAVENPORT,  SfrHmMbrtfi  L*rd  Cbttf  B*rm 

tftbt  Exchtpttr,  Information  againft  him 

.  b*  the  Common*.  —  — ••** 

His  Bail  to  abide  the  Judgment  of  Parliament. 

Impeachment  agairrft  him,  and  for  what.      ~* 

ftoWbkerffromgoingtheSaiititiet  Circuit  in  164.  i 

DAVERIL,  %hnt  concerned  in  the  Murder  of 

King  Edward  II.  ■*■  — 

Reward  offered  by  Parliament  to  tite  him.    — 

DAVID,  King  ifSatkkd,  taken  Prifoner  b  y  Qpeen 

Pbilippa,  at  the  Battle  of  Btrrbant,  fit  1 360. 

DAVID,  Brother  n>  biwt1lyn\  Print*  ef  Waif*, 

taken  Plrfowr  by  King  Edward  t.       — 

His  Sentence.  ■■■■  ■■»■ 

Manner  bf  hit  Execution,  firft  Inftance  oft    — 

DAWBENEY,  ft>  <?>'*»,  created  Lord  Dateh*- 

nrj  by  Kthg  Mhr*  VII.        —         — 

DAWES*  Abraham,  his  Oepofition  againft  the 

Lotd-Treafurcr  Middttft*,  for  Bribery. 

His  Anfd/er  to  the  Commons,  about  fefeing  Mr. 

Ratttt't  Goods  for  Tonnage.         m '    ■■" 

DAY,  7«Ja,  £fa  ehofttt  Speaker  to  the  Com- 

■tona,  Jftn»  1449-  —  — — 

DEAN,  Oal.  &kb*r8t  appointed  one  of  rtJeCo* - 

BVsrtdert  trfthe  Fleet,  mfteadtrf  the  E«1  of 

fVertoie*.  m-  -«-»■"- 

DEANE,  Mdj»r-Gi*t#ait  appointed  one  of  the 
CoAmU&rMfa  tor  the  G*ve Manet*  of  C «flt- 

Awtf.  —- _  * 

DEANE,  ^ft/wire/  Richard,  fcirlcd  in  an  Engage- 
ment with  the  Dutch  Fleet.        — -        -*> 
Refpecl  fhewn  to  his  Memory  by  General  Grm- 

wtil,  Account  of. — 1 — ■ 

DEANS,  Lift  vf,  fined  by  the  Commons  for  their 
Proceedings  in  the  Convocation,  1641. 
Thetr  Fines,  Particulars  of.  —  * 

DEANS  wnd  CHAPTERS,  Debate  about  tfaern 
by  the  Commons, 
Resolutions  for  abolifhing  them.      — « —        — 
Tbetf  Rcvenon  ordered  to  be  tMpped  from  thofru 
•■u—  Maintenance,  bow  provided  for.      — — 
















»i.  6 



5  226, 








a8a,  3,  4 

372   . 

:*y  Google 

Parliamentary  Hifiory  tif  EttGL and. 

DEANS  and  CHAPTERS,  their  Lands,  ho* 

"-  '  lof  b   "   " 

la  Lonitn  and  frtftminjler,  in  156a,    —      ** 


dhpofed  of  by  the  Commons  la  1649.    J 
^H,  in  England,  Aunt  1543.  it  .-. 

DEBATE.  See  CommoBs,  Parliamhbt. 
DEBT  of  Queen  Elizebitb  at  the  Time  of  her 

Deceafc.  — *- 

National,  in  1641,  Amount  of. 
Due  to  the  Englifo  and  fttttt  Anniei  bt  1641.  — 
National,  in  Dttember,  1641,  — 

•** — : State  of,  in  7»*c,  1659.     — 

Of  the  Army  snd  Navy,  In  1660.     i— 

DECLARATION,  of  the  Gmm»nit  concerning 

National  Grievances.     — —  — 

To  anlft  King  Jama  I.  in  the  Recovery  of  the 

Againft  Dr.  Manmaring. 
CoOCflrning  their  Reqaeft  to  the  Peers*  for  the 
Removal  of  Col.  Lwufettt  from  the  Com- 
mand of  the  Tower.    —  .  ■     ,.*. 
Concerning  the  King's  going  to  their  Houfe,  and 
demanding  five  of  their  Members.     -    — 
For  putting  the  Nation  into  a  State  of  Defence. 
Concerning  a  Breach  of  Privilege.  ■■;..-..■■ 
Concerning  public  Grievances,  with  their  Remo- 
ter Peace.            *w — ■  n  r  -■ 
For  fupporting  the  Peerage.      — ^  — 
In  AnftVer  to  feme  Papers  of  the  Scots  Commif- 
_  ftonera,  concerning  Propctkiom  for  Peace. 
Setting  forth  their  Reaibns  for  making  no  further 

Addrefa  to  the  King.-     

For  maintaining  the  Fundamental  Laws  of  the 

Nation.  ■■  — ..-- ■ 

On  occafion  of  two  Letters  from  the  Scitt  Corfl- 

ntiffionerB,  touching  the  Proceedings  againft 

the  lite  King.  —  t_ 

In  Anfwer  to  a  Remonftrance  of  die  Scots,  on  the 

fame  Occafion .  -   ■  ■ .  . 

Setting  forth  their  Rcafonsfc*  eftablifhing  aCom- 
uionweohh,  —  -~»_ 




98.  "9. 

lio,  158 

374.  S.  « 

4»fc  5 



472.  3    ' 

■66,  7,  < 
206,  7 



1  rt  2+ 


iG/.  36  . 


63  ft  82 

Jglnecy  GOO^IC 


N      D      E      X    to  the 

V*L     Page. 

DECLARATION,  o//A*C»»i»w»/,onoccafioh(rf 

(    .  the  Murder  of  Dr.  Dcrijlaui,  theif  Agent 

at  the  Hague.  — 

Setting  forth  their  Endeavours  for  removing  all 
Differences  between  them  and  the  Parlia- 
ment of  Scotland.  —  —■■ ■— 

In  -Vindication  of  their  Proceedings.  ■ 

On  Account  of  their  taking  Drpgheia.  •  • 

Setting  forth  the  J  Office  and  Necefiity  offending 
an  Army  into  Scotland.        —  ■ 

On  Account  of  a  Viclory  gained  over  the  Iri/b. 

In  Anfwer  to  a  Declaration  of  King  Charles  II. 
publiflied  in  Scotland.      —  — — 

.flaking  it  High  Treafon  to  hold  Correspondence 
with  the  King.     j%     

Of  the  Peers,  to-clear  themlclvcs  from  any  De 
fign  to  reftrain  the  juft  Prerogative  of  the 
Crown.  — —  '  '     ■  — 

-    '-  '  at  Yerky  difavowing  any  Intention 

in  the  King  to  raife  War  againu  the  Par- 

at  Weftminfttry  concerning  their 
Loyalty  to  the  King.  —  — — 

'— — — —  at  Oxford*  touching  their  Proceed- 
ings, in  order  to  procure  a  Treaty  with  the 
Parliament  for  Peace.  —  — 

Concerning- their  Endeavours  for  Peace,  and 
their  Reafons  for  enforcing  their  Abfence 
from  Wefiminfter.  

Of  King  Charles  I.  touching  the  Caufes  which 
moved  him  to  diflblve  the  Parliament  in 
!628.  —  —  — 

—  -      .  ■    ■  ■ in  1640. 

In  Anfwer  to  a  Rem  on  (trance  of  the  Commons, 
on  the  State  of  the  Nation.     —  "  — 

For  poftponing  the  Proceedings  againft  the  Five 
accufed  Members  of  the  Houfe  of  Corn- 
To  the  Clergy,  Freeholders,  fcfr.  aflembled  near 
Tori-  —  —  — 

To  his  Privy  Council  at  York.        —  — 

)■;■,,,:  :,.- COOglC 

Parliamentary  Htfiory  of  England. 


DECLARATION,  efKmg  Charles  I.  to  the  Peers 

at  York,  difavowing  any  Intention  to  raife 

War  againft  the  Parliament.     —  — 

To  the  fame  Purpofe.       ■. —  —  — 

In  Anfwer  to  the  Parliament's  feveral  Ordinances 

for  aliening  Non-contributors  to  their  Ar- 

To  the  whole  Nation,  upon  his  Succcfs  in  the 
North-Weft.        —  —  — 

Difavowing  any  Defign  in  him  to  levy  War 
againft  the  Parliament.  —  — 

On  occafion  of  the  Parliament's  Votes  againft 
any  further  Addrefs  to  him.       —  ■ — 

When  carried  away  from  Newport,  in  the  lflt 
af  Wights  by  the  Army.       —  : 

Of  King  Charles  II.  Jetting  forth  his  Right  to  the 
Crown  of  England.         —  —  ■■  -  ■■■ 

With  the  Anfwer  of  the  Commons  thereto.     — 

For  composing  the  Diftra&ions.  of  the  Nation. 

Of  the  Parliament,  fetting  forth  the  Caufes  of 
their  Fears  and  Jealoufies.  . 

Concerning  the  Town  of  Hull,         —  — 

Concerning  the  King's  going  to  view  the  Maga- 
zine there.         ■  

In  Anfwer  to  the  King's  Refufal  to  pafs  the  Mi- 
litia Bill.         —  - 

to  his  MelTages  touching  Sir  John 

Hotham.  —  —  — 

Againft  the  King's  requiring  the  Attendance  of 
his  Subjects,  and  their  taking  up  Arms  by 
his  Command.  —  — 

In  Anfwer  to  the  King's  Proclamation  againft 
their  Ordinance  for  railing  the  Militia.  — 

Againft  the  Proceedings  of  the  King's  Counci- 
lors at  Yeri.  —  — —  — 

Concerning  the  Owners  of  Lands  near  Hull.    • 

Againft  the  King's  compelling  his  Subjects  to 
attend  him.  —  — 

Setting  forth  their  Reafons  for  taking  up  Arms. 

Concerning  fbme  Advice  from  the  North. 



64  toy  2 

27  "3> 
298 /.301 

359"  386 

466,  7 



49'.  2>  3 

532.  1 


287     . 


Jigliiecy  GOOgk 


I      N      D      C      X    to 

DECLARATION,  tftht  Ptrtiamtrnt,  againft  an 
Agreement  between  the  Earl  of  Cumber- 
land and  Lord  Fairfax,  concerning  a  Neu- 
trality in  the  County  of  Tart.     —        — 

Setting  forth  the  King's  Conduct,  and  requiring 
all  Train'd  Band*  to  be  in  Rtaduuf*. 

Far  providing  for  their  Defence.      —         — 

For  calling  in  the  Setts  to  their  AffifHnce.      — 

Againft  the  King's  executing  fome  of  their  Offi- 
cers taken  at  Brwu/trd.         —  — 

Againft  a  Deflation  with  the  Irtjb  Rebels.       — 

Li  Oppofition  to  that  of  the  Lords  and  Commons 
at  Oxford*  of  their  Proceedings  touching  a 
Treaty  of  Peace.        —  —  — 

Concerning  the  King's  Proclamation  for  the  bet- 
ter Maintenance  of  his  Garrifbn  at  Qxfwd. 

In  Favour  of  the  Earls  of  BJtxt  Manthifttr,  and 
Dmkigh,  who  refigned  their  Conununons 
in  the  Army.  —  — 

For  paying  to  the  Suit  200,000  L  out  of  the  Sale 
of  Brfbeps'  Lands,         —  — ■  —  — 

Againft  a  Petition  from  the  Officer*  of-  the  Ar- 
my, concerning  Grievance*.       —        — 

For  difbanding  the  Foot,  providing  for  Wi- 
dows,  isc.  •  •••  ■  ■  

For  repealing  a  former,  againft  the  Proceeding* 
of  the  Anny .  —  ■ 

Againft  a  Petition  and  Engagement  of  the 
Train'd  Bands,  Apprentices,  frV.  of*  ton- 
<&*,  for  the  King's  coming  to  the  City  with 
Honour,  tf  e.  —  ■     . 

For  the  King's  coming  to  them  with  Honour, 
Freedom,  and  Safety.     ■—  —  —    ■ 

For  a  public  Faft.  —  -■—■"■ 

Offering  an  Indemnity  to  the  revolted  Seamen. 

Againft  a  Proteftation  of  the  Members  of  the 
Home  of  Commons  imprifoned  and  ieclu- 
ded  by  the  Army.  -—  — — ■ 

For  a  Settlement  of  the  State.        —  — 

Of  the  focluded  Members.  —  > 


Jig  lizecy  GOOgk 

ParH&n&taTy  Hifary  gf°EN<?LANp. 


DECLARATION  tf  **«  PmStjmf*  &w> 

jittfr'  afp»'«t*4  t"  *q*iv*  tbt  K'wg  faun 

tbf  S(»*it  agaiaA  People  coming  to  be 

to/iched,  by  hia  Majefty-       t-i  -r- 

0/  tbt  Canity  of  Hmfax4*  »P  Favour  of  the 

King.  ...    I    '  -rrr-r n 

Of*  tb  Agmblf*fXiioi*n  Mt  W$»»*lfl**\  a&n& 

blafphemou*  Twtt.        — r-         r-^-T 
0/  fA*  Canmjfaw  0/4Sffi»mt  m  Tarltjbirti 

againjt  the  &»&  OficefB.  <n — !-?- 

0/  Gpitral  Ltflffr  to  redre6  Come  Complaints 

againft  the  oVffi  Army  before  Netvort. 
Of  tbt  J«ff  ^rwr  <U  A"****"*,  profeftng  their 

Fidelity  to  the  King.  *—  ' 

0/  r&  *?«ri  PorliawifU  giving  tbrif  CJon*e  nt  for 

removing-  the  King  to  t&hUshy.    —    -*- 
Of  tbt  Arifj,  figftifying  their  Demand*  on  the 

Parliament.  __—  .  — f< 

Againft  a  Kcpoa  of  a  private  Treaty  between 

the  King  aui  (hem,  —  — i-  l6 

Concwning  Tumults.        —       —        -^-. —  16 
Concerning  the  Ground*  and  Reafons  far  their 

Advanea  towards  £««!»*.  i—         — 

Againft  an  iateadW  Ordinance  of  Parliament  for 

taking  away  FrccTQuaHe.r.        —        -r 
For  adhering  to  the  Parliament  in  their  Proceed' 

ingaagau»ft  the  King,      w —  16 

For  rupporting  the  Peerage,  — — t  —  16 

Relating  to  their  new  Plan  of  Settlement,  — —  18 
To  fupport  the  Protector,  t-  -     . 

Inviting  the  Members  of  the  Long  Parliament  to 

return  to  the  Exercife  of  tbpir  TruA.    — 
0/  tbt  Englijb  Armj,  addrcflsd  to  the  Elea  Sainta 

in  Sistlaisd,  upon  their  March  into  that 

Kingdom.  ^tt  

To  the  People  of  Scaknd  in  general.  

Of  Mr.  LmtbeU,  fatting  forth  the  Reafons  which 

moved  him  to  defcrt  his  TruG,  as  Speaker 

of  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  and  to  join  the 

Of  Mariners^  for  a.  personal  Treaty  with  the 

3"  7 


103.  4 

8  la  12 
36  (.39 



474.  J.  * 

494.  J.  6 
490.  7 

3*7.  » 




:*»  Google 


I      N      D      E      X    to  the 

DECLARATION  if  Mr.  Dowcet,  aga'mft  Major 

Rolpb,  concerning  the  King's  Life.        — I17 

Of  the  Cmmitttt  of  the  Ejlates  of Scotland,  Shew- 
ing the  Reafons  for  the  Return  of  their 
Army  into  England  in  1648.  —— 

Of  the  Prince  ef  Wales,  touching  his  Reafons  for 
appearing  on  board  a  Fleet  in  the  Downs, 

Of  the  Commijftoners  of  tbt  General  Ajfembij  if 
the  Kirk  tf  Scotland,  concerning  the  State 
of  the  Quarrel  between  the  Englijh  and 
Scots  in  1650.  

Of  Gen.  Cromwell,  fetting  forth  the  Reafons  of 
his  diflblving  the  rfoufe  of  Commons  by 
Force.  ■  ■ 

On  account  of  a  Victory  obtained  over  the 
Duub  Fleet.  •  

Of  b'ts  fi.fl  Parliament,  inviting  the  whole  Na- 
tion to  pray  for  a  Bieffing  on  their  Go- 

For  a  public  Thankfgiving,  en  account  of  another 

Victory  over  ihe  :  utch.  •    •      —  — 

Of  the  Protett'r,  for  the  Obfervance  of  a  Fall. 
For  a  Thankfkning,  on  account  of  a  Peace  with 

the  Dutch.  — — — 

Of  hi,  frcond  Parliament,  for  a  Faft,  with  the 

Rcaions  thereof.  ■  -—  - 

For  a  public  Kaft.  ■  —  -  . 

Of  the  Officers  nnd  Soldiers  in  the  Militia,   for 

Support  of  the  Commonwealth.         ■ 
Of  the  Convention  Parliament,  for  keeping  the 

DEFECTK  'N  of  thePailiament'sFleet,Accountoi 

DELINQUENTS,    Lilt  of,    appointed  by  the 

Pteit.  to  be  proceeded  againft  capitally.  — 

Ordeed  to  be  banifhed  the  -Kingdom.    —    — 

Appointed  by  both  Houfes  to  be  excepted  from 


Their  Eftates  ordered  to  be  fold  for  the  Ufe  of 

the  Navy.  - 

AIIowlu  ro  compound  for  them.         — 
DENBIGH,  Earl  of.    Sec  Fulding. 


275,  6 





207,  8 

287,  8,  9 

372.  3>  4 

272,  3 
85,  6 

99,  100 

::;■  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hijiory  ^England. 

DERING,  Sir  Edward,  bis  Speech  on  National 
Grievances.  ■■     ■ 

His  Speech  on  Religion. 

Introduces  a  Bill  into  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  for 

aba]  ifLing  Bifhops  and  other  Dignitaries. 

His  Apology  for  fo  doing.  —  _ 

—  Speech  on  this  Occdion.  —  

againft  a  Remonftraace  of  the  Com- 
mons, on  the  State  of  the  Nation.     ■ 

Proceedings  againft  him  by  the  Commons,  for 

printing  his  Speeches.         

Taken  into  Cuftody,  and  why.        —         

Makes  his  Efcape.  -  '  ■ 

Articles  of  Impeachment  againft  him.     — 

Aggravations  of  his  Charge.        

Order  of  the  Peers  concerning  him.      —       — 
DESCRIPTION,  bttmortus  one,  of  the  diflblved 

Junclo  in  1653.  —    ■  

DESBOROUGH,  Opt.  Philip,  his  Information. 

relating  to  great  Disturbances  at  Exttir. 
DESBOROUGH,  Major-General,  appointed  one 
of  the  Protector's  Council.         —        — 
His  Speech  to  the  Parliament  on  presenting  a  Pe- 
tition from  the  Army.  —        __ 
Ditcharged  from  all  Military  Employment. 
His  Speech  to  the  Common  Council  of  Louden, 

againft  the  Proceedings  of  Gen.  Mtnit. 
Proceedings  againft  him  by  the  Parliament.    I 

DESPENSER,  Sir  HugK  fin.  admitted  into  the 

Service  of  King  Edward  11.   —  — 

League  againft  him  by  the  Barons,  Account  of. 

Articles  againft  him,  at  the  Parliament  in  1321. 

Hii  Sentence  of  Banifhment.        ,     ,  . 

Recalled  by  the  King.  — 

His  vaft  Eftates,  Particulars  of.  —        

—  great  Lodes  fuftained  by  the  confederate  Ba- 

Revocatinn  of  his  Sentence,  Form  of.     . 
Created  Earl  of  IVtndefler.         —  

flis  untimely  End.  --  -  ■  , 



94  "  97 

291,  2 

45.  6 

270,  i 




370.  I 

457.  8 

14  ta  17 
34*.  403 


59.  60 
164,  5 

172,  3 



-v  Google 


I     N     P     E     X   u 

DESPENSER,  Sir  Hugk.  jm.  apwdntadChan 

berlain  to  King  Edvntd  II.        —  n.»t 

Recooiw  his  Favourite.  i  -n— > 

Confederacy  of  the  aatwa  againtt  him,  Account 

Articles  agaltul  him,  at  the  Parliament  ia  1321. 

gis  Sentence  of  Bamfhmcnt.       nw        «n-m 
culled  by  the  King. 
pqes  tq  Sea,  and  turn  Pirate. 
His  Petition  to  the  King  again*  the  Award  of 

the  fawns  for  his  Mile.       -mi 
Revocation  of  his  Sentence,  Form  of. 
TakM  Pnfoner  by  the  Baton*. 
I  lis  £  tp^tiofl.  ...  _ 

pE§PENSER,   Lfd  Tbm*st  one  of  the   five 

{*Cfds  called  Appellants,  in  1 397.         — 
Created  Earl  of  GUuctfitr.  t*  ■»•*•* 

His  Potitjon  to  (he  King  at  Shrtwjbury,         •»- 
Procures  the  Exile  and  Difheriibn  of  ha  Grand, 

father  and  Great  Grandfather  to  be  re- 

verfed.  m   »  m  ■  .  i.. ' 

One  of  the  Committee  on  whom  the  Authority 

of  Parliament  was  delegated  in  1398-    «■ 
PE, VgREfX,  Rattrt,  Bmrl  if  EffiM,  his  Speech 

at  a  Conference  with  the  Commons,  en  the 

State  of  die  Nation,         pwt         ■■■■  ■■ 
Made  tftrd- Chamberlain  of  the  Houanold  to 

King  CfwAv  I. 
■  ■"»  Captain- General   of  the   King's  Forces 

South,  of  Trent.  ■    n-Fi-w  -r* 

Appointed,  by  the  Parliament,  Lard, lieutenant 

en  fhe  South  cfTr*/*.  ™-  -r 

Commanded  by  the  King  to  attend  him  at  York. 
His  Difofreditaca  in  this  Particular,  Inflance  of. 
Appointed  G*oa*al  of  the  P-arhament's  Purees.  - 
HisCommiffien  f°r  4kis  Purpefc,  Form  of.  —■ 
Proclaimed  a  Rebel  by  dee  King,  run  r  * — * 
His  Speech  on  this  Occafion.  — — —  --■■■ 
i&ttraerdjnary  Vote  of  the  Commons  to  top 

port  him.  —  '.1  1 

His  (Uily  AlWwaacc  by  the  Parliament.     — 


V>1    Pagt. 

Jig  lizecy  GOOgk 

Parfymettfary  Bfaty  t/ JSngiand. 

DEVEREUX,  R*i,rtt  fal  9f  EJt*,  his  Speech 
and  Prateftatitw  at  the  Head  of  his  Army. 

His  Letter  to  the  Earl  of  £>trftt,  concerning  a 
Petition  from  the  Parliament  (a,  fhc  King, 

^~  Letter  to  the  Committee  of  Safety  about  thu 
Afair.  — —  -~™ 

v-  third  Letter,  to  the  fame  Purpofe.    -.■"  ■  <■ 

—  fourth  Letter,  touching  this  Pew'ppa.  — 
How  complimented  by  both  Howes  for  hit  Con 

—  rewarded  by  the  Commons.        n 

His  Succefs  before  ffintbtfttr.,  Account  of.    -r 
•—  Letter,  concerning  the  Parliament'*  Propo- 
sal for  a  Cauauon  of  Ainu.  

—  ObjeaioBt  to  the  King'i  Articles  for  a  Cef- 

laxion.  — ! —  ■— 

—  Letter,  giving  u  Account  of  bit  Succefs 

againft  fame  af  the  King's  Forces,    — ~ 
Takes  the  Towb  «f  Rtading.  —  — 

His  Letter,  requeuing  the  fpeedy  Advice  of  Par- 
liament. —.:  .■■■  nn-  —,-t 

—  ■  i  letting  forth  tbc  bad  State  of  his  Ar- 
my, i     ,     .  ^_ 

—  Expedients  for  recruiting  it.         *—  -r- 

—  Complaint  to  the  Parliament,  concerning  the 

Want  of  Supplies.         — ---  .    ■■■.- 

—  Propofitions,  in  Csuiequence  thereof.      — 

—  Letter,    giving  an  Account  of  railing  the 

Siege  of  Gkuccfitr,  and  the  Condition  of 

his  Army.  — _  —  — 

Dtfires  Leave  to  refign  his  Couuniffion  and  go 

beyond  Sea.  r-  — 

His  Reafona  for  this  Jteoueft.        — 

Made  exfy  in  his  Command,  and  how.     — — 

Ha  Letter  to  the  Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  Peers, 

concerning  his  Army.  * —  — 

—  AnTwer  to  a  Letter  from  the  Committee 

of  Safety,  about  the  Removal  of  his  Army 
to  m*df,r.  i 

—  Letter  to  this  Committee,  concerning  his 

Want  of  Money.  ——        .  _ 

440.  I 



187.  a. » 

MM,  3 



m,  s, , 

350.  1 


373.  4 

4'J.  «* 



469,70. 1 

Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 

236  I      N      D      E      X    to  the 


DEVEREUX,  Robtrt,  Earl  of  Bfftx,  his  Letter 
in  Favour  of  the  Earl  of  Bedford,  who  had 

dcfcrted  the  King  at  Oxford.  

His  Letter  to  the  Earl  of  Forth,  concerning  the 
Lords  and  Committee  there.     —     - 

— —  concerning   a 

-*--  Remonftrance  to  the  Peers  of  the  bad  State 
of  his  Army. 

—  Speech  to  the  Citizens  of  London,  for  a  Sup- 

—  Anfwer  to  a  Letter  from  the  Parliament, 

touching  a  Report  of  the  King's  going  te 
London,  ■  ■ 

— •  Letter  concerning  the  Prince  of  Welts.  .  — 

—  ■  ■    ■      of  Complaint  againft  Lord  Conway. 

■■--■  in  Favour  of  the  Queen  of  Bohemia. 

— -  fecond  Letter  of  Complaint  againft  Lord 
Conway.  •  - — — 

!■  ■  ■  giving  an  Account  of  the  State  of  Af- 
fairs in  the  Weft  of  England.        

.  for  a  Supply  of  Money  to  pay  his  Army. 

— -  two  Letters,  giving  an  Account  of  their  State. 

— —  Anfwer  to  a  Letter  from  Prince  Maurice,  re- 
lating to  a  Treaty  for  Peace.     —     

•—  Forces  in  Cornwall  intireJy  routed  by  the 
King.  '  — 

Leaves  them  to  fhift  for  themfelves,  and  efcapes 

His  Unealinefs  at  Gen.  Crnmuiltt  Influence  in 
the  Houfe  of  Commons.         —  — 

Abufed  in  Print,  Inftance  of. — 

Refigns  his  Commiflion  of  Lord-General.  -  -■■ 
His  Declaration  on  this  Occafion.        —         — 
—  Letter  to  Prince  Rupert,  concerning  fomel 
of  the  Parliament's  Soldiers  being  executed 
after  Quarter  given.  —  ~"*|x3 

~~  Death,  Account  of,  with  the  Sentiments  of  i 

the  contemporary  Writers  thereupon.   — 1 15 
Extraordinary  Solemnity  at  his  Funeral.        — ;  15 






2»3»  '4 

13  2I5/»2>7 
13  219,  20 
13 '262^264 

13  268 





*39>  4° 

97.  8 

Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hijiory  of  England. 

DEVONSHIRE,  State  of  the  King's  and  Parlia- 
ment'! Forces  there  in  1642,  Account  of. 
DEVONSHIRE,  Earl  if.     See  Courtney  and 

Cavendish,  William, 
DEWES,  Sir  Symends,  his  Speech,  concerning  the 
Precedence  of  the  University  ni  Cambridge 
to  that  of  Oxford.         —  —     9 

His  Speech,  touching  a  Bill  for  a  Poll- Tax.     -     9 

in  Support  of  the  King's  Manifesto 

in  Favour  of  the  Eledor  Palatine.         — 
DICKINSON,  Mr.  Alitrman  cfUri,  Knighted 

by  the  ProtecW,  and  on  what  Occafion. 
DIFFERENCE  between  King  Edward  II.  and 

Inftancc  of,  between  the  Lords  and  Commons. 

Between  the  Parliament's  Generals,  EJfex  and 
Waller,  Account  of.  —  -  — 

the  twoHoufes,  about  the  Nomination 

of  Officers  to  ferve  under  Sir  Thomas  Fair- 
fax, Account  of.  —  — 
DIGBY,  John,  Earl  of  Bri/ltl,  his  Declaration  of 
the  Sute  of  Afiuirs  abroad.         -       .  — 

His  two  Letters  to  King  'Jamtt\.  about  the 
Spanijb  Match  and  the  Palatinate.         — 

—  other  Letters  to  the  King,  on  the  fame  Ac- 

counts. -     —  •  

—  Cafe,  on  his  Return  from  Spain.  

—  Anfwer  to  a  Letter  from  Lord  Conway. 
Petitions  the  Houfe  of  Lords  for  his  Writ  of 

Summons  to  Parliament.  --    ■ 

Receives  a  Letter  from  the  King,  charging  him 

with  Misbehaviour  in  Spain.  —  — 
His  fecond  Petition  to  the  Lords.         —        — 

—  Anfwer  to  a  Letter  from  the  Lord-Keeper 

Brought  to  the  Bar  of  the  Houfe  of  Lords. 
Charged  by  the  Attorney-General  with  High 

Treafon.  —  

Hii  Interruption  of  Mr.  Attorney,  in  reading  the 


■83.  4.  s 

397.  8.  9 





54  to  62 

6£  u  86 
473.  .4.  S 


476.  7 


*.  3 

lizecy  GOOgk 

s38  INDEX/* 

DIGBY,  John,  Bart  0/  Bti/M,  Articles  ckhftiwd 

againft  Wm.  ■— ■'•         •     .a-M-a. 

Hi*  Charge  againft  the  Duke  of  Butting/tarn.  -*- 

■     ■  ■  1 —  againft  Lord  Gtttwoy. 

—  Defence.  -"-J— 
Allowed  Counfel  (6  plead  hi.  Cuffe,  and  a  Copy 

of  the  King's  Charge  againft  him.  ■*■ 
His  farther  Petition  to  the  Lords.        -w        •"■ 

—  Council,  till  of.  -*-*•  --— 
Srought  again  to  the  Bar  of  the  Howfe  of  Lordt. 
Hia  Anrwer  to  the  Charge  againft  bliri.     

—  Kequeft  to  the  Lords,  touching  hie  Cafe.  *-*■ 

—  Speech  on  this  Oceanon.  — —  — 
***  Petition  to  the  Lords,  concerning  the  Na- 

rare  of  his  Charge.  -*-*-  *» 

Committed  to  the  Tower,  by  Order  of  the 

King.  .  -  -■  ■•  t.i--f.  ■ 

His  Speech,  at  a  Conference  *hh  the  Commons, 

on  the  State  of  the  Nation.         -*«         — 

••**  Pfopofal  to  the  Commons  for  difbandfng  the 

Bnglijh  and  Sttts  Annies.  —  *•-  ' 
m»  Report  to  the  Lords,  concerning  the  King's 

journey  to  Settknd,  ■*-  — - 

-— — i.-..  ■■•■■■   -■  i.    theTenPro- 


=—  theOilband 

mg  the  Smi  Army.  ■*-  — — 

*_t  Examination  arid  Anfwer,  touching  a  Peti- 
tion from  the  Courlty  of  Km.      ■*■      — 
Committed  to  the  Tower.  ■*  — 

His  excellent  Speech  for  ah  Accontmodjnidn  with 
the  King.  —  —  — — 

DIGBY,   Ltrd  Gttrjr,  his  Speech  on  National 
Grievances.  ■  ■•'■*■  ■    '  '"' 

HU  Speech  on  tHtto.       —  —         — <~ 

■  -i  ■  ■  for  frequent  Parliaments.  -**  — 
— —  — —  in  favour  6f  the  Earl  of  StrtffhrJ.  - 
Gives  Offence  to  the  Commons  by  it,  and  obli- 
ged to 1  explain  hirhfrlf.  —  — 
Hit  Ceafure  of  Col.  Gering,  touching  a  Plot 
againft  the  Parliament.  —  — 


Vol.     Pag,. 

3  tan 

It  ti  15 

15  AMO 
31  U  27 

30,  I.  * 



»73.  4 


5«.  7 

373.  4 





52  M  6f 

79  »  84 



Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 

ParlfcMktary  Hi/hty  of  EngIand* 

DIGBY,  Ltri  Gnrg;  catted  «p  to  the  Hetofc  of 

Hit  Speech,  on  the  Bill  of  Attainder  againft  Lord 

Strafford   ignoiftfetonfly  treated    by   die 

Common*,  and  how.  w  m*. 

Farther  Rcfentmeiit  again*  him.  **-  *-* 
H&  Accoant  of  the  Printing  and  PttWiftrihff  hah 

Speech.  — —  -4—  4** 

Speech  againft  htm  by  Mr.  Ppntnt.  —  — 
Hii  Behaviour  on  Lord  Kimbtkn'i  beine  chafeed 

with  High  Tretfon.  «-     6     **!— 

Appwre  in  Arms  at  Kingjlen  upon  TbaMet.  — ■ 
Cooftplairit  againft  him  on  this  Gccaflon.  - — ^ 
Hii  intercepted  Letter  to  the  Queen.  -«•  *4* 
Impeached  of  High  Treafoti.  ==  — 

Artidei  againft  him,  Particulars  of.  —  ■"■• 
Ttken  in  Difguife,  and  how,       ■  "•■■»  j-*. 

Hi*  Projea  for  obtaining  the  Sirrender  of  Hull 

to  the  King.  _ a  ■ 

Appointed  Secretary  of  State,  on  the  Death  of 

Lord  Falkland.  — —  ***** 

Hii  Letter,  concerning  the  Motions  of  the  King*! 

Forces.  ——.  j-  -.^-. 

■  a  Projea  for  a  treaty  b«. 


tween  the  King  and  rhe  City  of  £«M«i 

—  intercepted  Letter  to  Gel.  Ltrgt*  Gbrefnor 

rfOxflrd.  —         ^*  — 

—  Letter  to  the  Earl  of  Lrvm,  relating  to  ftttfle 

OertBres  for  a  Peace.  *—  — «- 

Goes  into  Inland.  **.  ■ • 

Commit!  the  Earl  of  Glmtrf**  to  Prifon  ihe». 

His  Letter*  giving  an  Account  of  his  Realeitt 

for  fo  doing.  ■  "  "■  ■■■.n  ■ 

DIGBY,  J*bk,  Eft;  impeached  by  the  Commons 

of  High  Treafon.  »-*■        •  — «. 

DIGBY,  Sir  Kthihn,  rtbtms  into  England  fro* 

Haniihrnerre.  — =  —  —  -i 

Ordered  by  the  Commom  to  depart  the  Elngdoin 

on  Pain  of  Death.  •-.  -j- 

fflGBY,  Gurtt,  Earl  tf  Brijht,  his  Speech  _ 

the  Bill  o£  Indemnity,  in  1660.       — — 



4+7   „ 

138,  9 




*»  3 
is,  13 






lizecy  GOOgle 



X    to 

DIGG  S ,  Sir  Dudley,  oppoici  the  Mcafirre*  of  King 

,  James  L        -r-         —         —        

Preferred,  and  fent  into  Inland  out  of  the  Way. 
Appointed  by  the  Commons  to  be  one  of  their 
Managers  of  the  Impeachment  againft  the 
Duke  of  Buckingham.       '*— —         ■ 

His  Speech  on  this  Oceafion.        —  

—-  general  Charge  againft  the  Duke.        

-  Charged  by  the  Duke  with  fpeaking  treafonable 
^vVords  againft  King  Charlts  I.  —  — 
Cleared  from  this  Afpetiion  by  fundry  Lords.  - 
Committed  to  the  Tower  by  Order  of  the  King. 
Difcharged  from  his  Confinement.  —  — 
His  Proteftation  on  taking  his  Seat   in    the 

Houfe.  ■  

,_  Speechon  the  King's  Propofitions  for  aSupply 

. on  the  Liberty  of  the  Subject.  

.  for  expediting  the  Subsidies  intended 

by  the  Commons.         ■ —         —  — 

—  Reply  to  » Speech  of  the  Archbifhop  of  Can- 

terbury, on  the  Liberty  of  the  Subject.  — 

—  Speech,  on  a  Meflage  from  the  King,  not 

to  meddle  with  State  Government  nor  the 
Minifters  thereof.  —  — 

Made  Mailer  of  the  Rolls.  —  

DIRECTORY  for   public  Worfbip,  when  fet- 
tled, and.  by  whom,  —  — — 
DIVES,  Sir  Ltwiis  his  remarkable  Warrant  for 
jailing  Men,  Provifions,  &t.  in  Derfet- 
jbire  for  King.  Charles.  I.         —  — 
Taken  Prifoner  by  the  Parliament's  Forces,  and 
committed  to  the  Tower.          —        — 
DIVINE  SERVICE,  Order  of  the  Peers  as  to 

its  Performance.  —  ■    ■ 

DIVINES,  Ajfkwblj  «/,  meet  at  Wejlmtftir,  in 

order  to  fettle   the  Government  of  the 

Church.  ■  ■■■ 

Their  Faft  on  this  Oceafion.  —  — 

i         Petition  to  the  Parliament  for  a  National 

Reformation.  —  '  — 






«  «  4« 
48  tt  5© 






436.  7 


76>  7 


191,  2 


34>.  361 


334.  5 












Jglzecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hifttry  of  England. 

DIVINES,  AJfembly  eft  their  Opinion  »  to  the 
Lawfulnefs  of  taking  the  Seats  Solemn 
League  and  Covenant,  with  regard  to 
Confcience.  ■     ■  ™  — -  ■  — 

Their  Petition  to  the  Peers  for  the  Appointment 
of  godly  Magistrates.         —  ■ 

Proceedings  concerning  Religion.  — 

—  Declaration  againft  blafphemous  Tenets. 

Draw  upon  themferves  the  Refentment  of  the 
Houfe  of  Commons,  and  how.  ■ 

Voted  guilty  of  a  Breach  of  the  Privilege  of  Par- 
liament. ■■—  — -  '     ' 

The  Matter  of  Fail,  touching  this  Affair,  Nar- 
rative of.  '     ■  ■  —  ~ 

Kequired  to  give  an  Anfwcr  to  this  Narrative. 
-  to  fundry  Queftiona 



concerning  the  Jus  Divinum  of  Church- 
Government.  - — 

Their  Mediation  with  the  Parliament  for  Peace. 
—  extreme  Covetoufnefe,  Inftance  of.        — 

DODDERIDGE,  Mr.  Juflice,  »f  the  King's 
Bencht  his  Speech  to  the  Lords,  touching 
his  Conduct  in  the  Proceedings  againft  the 
Gentlemen  imprifbned  for  refuting  the 
Loan.  — ii   '    ■    i 

D0DD1NGTON,  Sir  Francis*   impeached   of 

High  Treafon  by  the  Commons.  — 

Excepted  from  Pardon  by  the  Parliament.      — 

DONATIONS  of  Parliament  charged  on  the  Ex. 
cife  in  1660,  Account  of.        —  — 

DOREWOOD,  John,  Efy;  chofen  Speaker  for 
the  Houfe  of  Common  in  1413.        

DORISLAUS,  Dr.  appointed  Agent  at  the  Hague 

to  the  Houfe  of  Commons.        —        — 

AQaffinated  there,  and  on  what  Account.       — 

His  Children,  how  provided  for.        —        — • 

DORMER,  Robert,  Earl  of  Carnarvn,  deferts 
King  Charles  I.  whom  he  had  joined  at 
Oxfirdt  and  returns  to  the  Parliament,    - 

DOUGLAS,  Archibald,  Earl  if Angus,  marries 
Margaret  Sifter  to  King  Henry  VIII.  and 
Queen  Dowager  of  Scotland.      —        — 


45».  3 
23  <»  26 

359.  ^ 



363.  4.  5 


19.  » 

4»5.  « 

7*.  J 

i*3.  4 


244  IN      D      E      X    to  the 


DOWCET,  Mr.  his  Declaration 'againA  Major 

Ralph,  concerning  the  King's  Life.        — 

Committed  to  Cuftody  by  the  Commons,       — 

Charge  ordered  againft  him  fat  accafing  Major 

Ralph.  .  — ....  

DOWNING,  Mr.  his  Relation  of  the  State  of 
the  Royal  Party  in  Scutland,  Anna.  1650. 
His  farther   Account,    touching  the  Affairs  of 

that  Kingdom.  ■.—       '    

DRAKE,  Sir  Fronds,  memorable  Honour  done 

him  by  Queen  Elizabeth,  Inftance  of.     - 

DRAKE,  Sir  Wittiam,   his  Speech  againft  evil 

Counfellors.  —  - 

DRAKE,  Mr.  Proceedings  againft  fitffi  for  wri-  1 
ting  a  Book,  call'd  Tht  Lang  Parliament  £ 
revived.  ■     ■  —  "  ■  J 

DRAPER,  WHBam,  Governor  of  Oxford,  his  Let- 
ter to  the  Council  of  State,  concerning  the 
Scots  Expedition  into  England  in  1651.  — 
DRAYTON,  Sir  Thetnas,  chofen  Clerk  to  the 
Parliament  mi  347.  -J—  — 

DREUX*  John,  Earl  of  Richmond,  taken  Prifo- 
nex  by  the  Scats  at  the  Battle  of  Bjtand,  in 

.    Tarkfiire.  '-+. 

DROGHEDA;  Account  of  its  being  taken  by  Ge- 
neral OrotirwtH,  and  of  the  Cruelties  by 
him  exercifed  there.  —  — 

DRUNKENNESS,  Vice  of,  teheh  flrft  brooghk 

irito  England^  

How.  refrrained  by  Parliament.         — 
DUBLIN,  a  new  College  erecHed  there,  and  by 

DUDLEY,  Edmund,  Efo;    defied    Speaker  for 

the  Commons  in  1505.        - — -       

Attainted  of  High  Treafon,  andVcorivWled.     — 

His- Execution.  ■      ■■  '    — : — - 

DUDLEY,  John,  Ear!  af  Warwick,  made  Lord 

Chamber  rain  of  England.  —  — 

An  Accomplice  m  ttVe  DddrUcTidn  of  Thomas 

Lord  Seymour.  —  ■ 

Created  Duke  of  #hrtbumb&Iahd.      —        — 


*75»  6 



22S    , 

36  to  41 

4°,  4* 




3  **» 

Jglzecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hi/hry  of  Enguandt. 

DUDLEY,  %b*t  Earl  of  Warwick,  made  Prime 
Mini'rter  to  K-irig  Edward  VI.     —     — 

His  Project  lor  depriving  Tuttrfd/,  Bifliop  of  I>nr- 

- —  Endeavours  to  gain  Friends  in  the  Parliament 

of  J  552.  .„     — 

Procures  the  rich  Biflioprick-  of  Durham  to  be 

Hit  Expectance  of  further  Favours,  Account  of. 

—  Project  to  render  the  late  Duke  of  Stmerftt'a 

Miniftry  difliked.  

—  unbounded  Ambition,  Inftance  of. 

—  Execution.  — 

DUDLEY,   Lord  Guilftrd,   his  Marriage  with 

Lady  Jane  Grey.  —  — 

Attainted  of  High  T/eafon,  and  Occafion  thereof. 

His  Execution.  

DUELS,  Ordinance  agajnft  them,  Abftracl  of. 
DUKE,  who  firft  bore  that  Title  in  England.     - 
DUNBAR-,  Battle  of,  between  the  Enghjb  and 

DUNDAS,  Cat.  Walter,  Governor  of  Edinburgh 

Caille,  his  Anfwcr  to  a  Letter  from  Col. 

fVhalley,  concerning  fome  Scots  Minifters. 

Hij  Anfwer  to  Gen.  Cromwtffs  Letter,  relating 

to  the  iame.        • ! — 

—  '■■■■     ■      to  a  fecond  Letter  from  Cromwell, 

on  the  Subject  of  Religion.         '—         — 

DUNKIRK,  Town  of,  furrendered  to  Cromwell. 

DURHAM,  Battle  •/.         —  —  — 

When  made  a  Palatine  County.         —        — 

Taken  bv  the  Scats,    jfnne  1640.       ■ —  — 

DURHAM,  Bijhopriik  of,  when  fuppreffed.     — 

Retlored  to  its  priftlne  State.  —  

DUTCH,  rctfuefod  by  the  Parliament' to  refufe 

felling  Military  Stores  to  King  Charles  1. 

Their  Sea-fight  with  the  Englijh  Fleet  in  the 

Dawns.  —■    •  . .  .   . 

—r—  Embafly  to  the  Parliament,  for'accom 

dating  their  Differences  on    Account   of 
Trade.  — 






^3..  4 


3  Wl 
3  »S4 

jU  - 


310,  II 
6,  224 




393.  4 


401,  2 












307,  » 






87  a  89 


:=y  Google 


I      N 

X    to  tBe 


DUTCH,  Victories  obtained  over  their  Fleet  ? 
by  the  Emgtijb,  Inftance*  of.  I 

Their  Lofles  in  the  laft  Engagement,  Particular 

Refpetl  {hewn  to  the  Memory  of  their  Ad- 
miral Van  Trump,  killed  in  the  Aition.   ■ 
— —  reduced  State  by  the  War.        —        — 
Conclude  a  Peace  with  England.        —        — 

Their  Medals  ftruclc  on  that  Occafion.       

DUTCH  Ambajfadert  come  into  England  to  me- 
diate an  Accommodation  between  King 
Charltt  I.  and  his  Parliament.           ■ 
Their  Addrefs  to  the  Peers  for  this  Purpofe.  — 
— —  Demand  of  an  Audience  of  the  Parlia- 
ment, Form  of.  

Ceremonial  of  their  Admittance  to  the  Peers.  — 

.—  ..,.. ,    .  to  the  Commons. 

Their  Propofitions  to  both  Houfes.         — 

■  ■        Application  for  an  Anfwer,  as  to  the  Ac- 

ceptance of  their  Mediation.  —  — 
— ■■■—  Memorial  to  the  Peers  on  this  Account.  - 
— ■-  fecond  Memorial,  to  the  fame  Purpofe,  — 

Obtain  an  Anfwer.  — 

Their  Rcmonltrance  agiSnft  it,  as  unfatisfaflory, 
*  -■  Memorial  to  the  Peers,  on  the  Subject  of 

Peace.  ■ 

^ Speech,  at  talcing  Leave  of  the  Parliament. 

■  '  \<  Application  to  both  Houfes  for  fparing  the 

King's  tifc.   _        ■     -  —  

How  anfwered  by  the  Peers,        

by  the  Commons.       —      

Manner  of  their  being  admitted  to  an  Audience 

of  the  Protector.  —  

DYER,  James,  Efq;  elected  Speaker  for  the  Com- 
mons in  1552.        —  ■ — ' 

pARL,  Sir  Walter ;  committed  to  Prifon  for 
Jy  refuting  a  Loan  to'  King  Charles  I.  — — 
Releafed  on  the  Calling  a  new  Parliament.    — 

IgUzecsy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hjftory  of  England.        245 

Vol.    Pap. 
EARL,  Sir  Walter*  his  Speech  on  Grievances  con-       1 

cerning  Religion.  —     8  166,  7,  8 

His  Speech  againft  the  two  BHhops,  Montagu* 

and  Laud.  -  ■     V  279 

againft  Popery.  —  -— —     8  293 

EARLS,  Lift  eft  fummoned  by  King  Edward  III, 
to   meet   in   Parliament   at  IVtjhninftt 

EATON,  College  of,  when  founded,  and  by  whom, 
Saved  from  Dittblution  by  the  Parliament  in 

1546.  1  

EDGE-HILL,  Battlt  of,  between  King  Cbar/eti 

and  his  Parliament.  —  — 

How  related  at  a  Meeting  of  the  Citizens  of 

London.  ■ 

EDINBURGH,  its  Definition  in  1385. 

Taken  by  Gen.  Cromwell  in  1650. 
Caftle  of,  furrendered  to  that  Gcr 


EDMONDS;  SirTbamas,  Trtafurtr  oftht  Hmtft- 

bold  to  King  Charles  I.  his  Speech  to  foftei 

a  Debate  on  National  Grievances.      — 

His  Speech  to  expedite  the  Bill  of  Tonnage.  — 

— —  '   ■  ■  ■  on  the  Proccfe  againft  Merchants,  for 

refiifing  to  pay  Tonnage.  —         — 

EDMUNDSBURY,    a  Convention  held  there, 

A  Parliament  held  there,  in  1296.  ■ 

■ , ■-  —  in  1+47.         —  ■■    ' 

EDWARD  I.  his  Acceffion  to  the  Throne,  Ac- 
count of.  ■ '   11 

Calls  a  Parliament  to  IViflminfttr,  in  1275  — 
His  Summons  to  Ltwellyn,  Prince  of  Walti.  — 
Hotranfwered  by  him.  ■  — ,,.. 

Calls  another  Parliament  to  Weflminfttr  this  fame 

Obtains  =>  Grant  of  a  Fifteenth  upon  the  Clergy 

..«i  Laity,  and  on  what  Account.        — 

Declaration  thereupon,  with  refpeft  to  the 

Clergy.  —  — .  


279,  So 


47 1  (.488 









lizecy  GOOgk 

346        I'    V      JJ      B      ?    *  the 

Vtl.     Pag,. 
EDWARD  I.   fumnions   a  Parliament  to  /%/?- 1      i 

mui/lcr,  in  1276,011  the  Affair  of  Lewel'ljnA    II    82 
„   Proclaims  War  again  ft  him.  —  —  I   1 1   83 

Wpccs  his  Parliament  at  JVijicbeJlfr  the  fame        I 

Year:  . — |    t      83 

Confirms  the  Charters  of  Liberties  and  Forefts.     1 1   83 

His  Order,  in  Confequence  thereof.       il    83 

rCalk  a  Parliament. in  1277.    .        —  —I   I     83 

Obtains  a  Giant  from  the  Laity,  and  what.  — '  1  I  83 
Calls  a  Parliament  to  IVeJlmtnfltr  m  1279.  —  j  1;  8* 
His  Pmpofal. to  them,  touch  ing.the  Clergy.  — ,  1  84. 
— -Rsftraint    and  Demand    on   Ecdefiaftical  ■ 

Judges.        —  \   1     85 

—  Expedition  into  ffales,  aqd.Conquelt  there- ■. 

of,  Account  of.  —  — —     1     85 

Summons  a  Parliament. to  Rkuwjbury,  in  128a, 

on  that  Qccafton.  — -  ■■-—      1      85 

-His  Writs,    requiring   the   Attendance  of  the' 

Commons  at  this  Parliament,  Form  of.     1     86, 
Calls  another  Parliament,  this  fame  Yea 

Rotb/and.  1      87 

Unites  the  Principality  of  (Vales  to  his  Crown,  j  I  87 
.Obtains  a  Subfidy  from  the  Laity  and  Clergy, : 

and  on  what  Account.  — .  ■ — ;    I      87 

Summons    a  Parliament    to  Ailm-^urnell,    in; 

-  to  Wfjlpanfier^va "1285. 

His  Expedition  into  France.  — 

Calls  a  Parliament  to  London,  in  128.8.  —  I 

His  Demand  on  thisOccafion  by  the  Lord- Trea- 

fuier.    '   .  -  . I 

Summons  a  Parliament  to  IVejltninJltr,  in  1289, ' 

on  his  Return,  

His  important  Reafon  for  it.  —  — 

Judges,  how  fined  for  Extortion.     —    ■ — 

Contents  to  the  Biiiifhment  of  the  Jrws.  — ■ — 
How  gratified  by  the  Parliament  on  that  Account, 
His  great  Treafure  at  this  Time.  —  — 
Defi^n  to  unite  the  Crown  of  Scotland  to  his 

own,  on  the  Death  of  Alexander,  the  Seen 


90       , 

,l,zec;y  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  ffijfary  of  England.         247 

Vol.    Pag,.     ■ 
EDWARD  I.  his  Proceedings,  in  Coa&qucnce  of 
his  Dcfign  to  unite  the  Crown  of  Scotland 
to  hjs  own,  I     00, 

Pretentions  of  Right  to  the  Crown  of  Scotland,     i     91 

Makes  himfelf  Umpire  in  the  Contejfts  concern- 
ing it.  —  —J —     I     91 

Summons  a  Parliaments  Norhajn,  in  1291*  for 

that  Purpofe.  —  1     91 

His  $peeph  to  the  Engtijb  and  Scott  Nobility, 

tqucjiing  his  Claim.  —  I     92 

—  AxuVer  to  ibe  Rcqueft  of  the  Setts  Lords, 

relating  to  his  Demand.        —  —     I     92 

—  Title  to  the  Dominion  of  Scotland,     —     1     93 

—  Right  of  deciding  the  Controversy  about 

the  Crown,    and   his  being  direct  Lord 

thereof,  acknowledged.  —  —     1     94. 

Summons  a  Parliament  to  Berwick,  in  1292.  -     I     94 
His  Motive  thereto.  ■  —     r     94 

Appoints  John  Baliel,  Lord  pi  Galloway,  to  be 

King  of  Scotland.  

His  Exception,  with  regard  to  himfelf  and  his 

SucceuoM,  touching  that  Crown.  —     1     95 

Advice  to  the  new  King.'  — ■ —  —     1     95 

Receives  bis  Oath  of  Fealty  and  Homage.     —     1     95 
His  rigid  Behaviour  to  him  afterwards,  Account 

—  Di/trict  of  Guitnm,   feized  upon  by  the 

French  King.  —  1     97 

Calls,  a  Parliament  to  Wtfimixfitr,  in  1294,  on 

that  Occafion.  —  ■■-         1     gy 

Hk  Refolution  to  recover  that  Duchy  by  Force 

of  Arms.  - 1     98 

How  alined  therein  by  Boliol,  King  of  Scotland,     t     98 

— ; : by  the  Barons  in  Parliament.      1      $8 

Plot  a  gain  ft  him  by  the  Scats  King.  ■  — ■ 

Calls  a  Parliament  to  /Fejlmiti/ler,  in  1295,  on 

that  Account.  ■  ■    ■   ■ 

How  funded  with  an  Aid  from  the  Laity.     — 

.    .      ,.„,.■.,_ from  the  Clergy.  — 

Haw  fupplied  with  an  Aid  from  the. Merchants. 
His  Demand  of  the  King  of  Salt,  to  prevent  his 

Dcfi2ns  againft  England.        —  — 

of  the  Province  of  fori. 
Hit  Injunction  to  the  revolted  Lards,  and  the 
jreft  of  the  Nobility,  — 

248  I      N      D      E      X    to  the 

EDWARD  I.  his  Expedition  into  Scotland  with 

-    his  whole  Army*  —  

His  Conqueft  of  that  Kingdom.        —         — 

Calls  a  Parliament  to  Btrwicty  in  1296.    

Receives  there  the  Homage  and  Fealty  of  all  the 

Scott  Nobility.  

Appoints  a  new  Miniftry  for  Scotland,  —  — 
His  further  Proceedings  there.         —  — 

—  Treatment  of  Jtfm,  late  King  of  Scotland. 
—-11.  of  the  Scots  Nobility.  —  — 
Convenes  the  Parliament  to  St.  Edmund/bury  this 

fame  Year.  —  ■— 

His  Motive  for  fo  doing.      —      •— — 

—  Refolution  for  profecuting  the  War  againft 

Franco.  ' 

How  afiifted  by  the  Laity  to  that  End.      

Refufed  an  Aid  by  the  Clergy,  and  for  what 

Reafon.  —  —  ■     ■  ■ 

Puts  them  out  of  his  Protection,  and  feizes  their 

Lands.  —  —  —■- ■ 

His  Reconciliation  with  them,    and  by  what 

Means.  —  —  — 

—  Method  of  railing  a  Body  of  Horfe,  to  at- 

tend him  in  his  Expedition  againft  Franco. 
Reftores  to  the    Archbiibop  of  Cantrrbury  his 
Lay-Fees,  Goods,  WV.  taken  from  him. 
State  of  his  Kingdom  at  this  Time,  Account  of. 
Calls  a  Parliament  to  Salijbury,  in  1297.        — 
His  Exclusion  of  the  Clergy  from  that  Meeting, 
— -  Difference  with  the  Barons  there,  Particu- 
lars of.  -— —  ___ 
— -  Confirmation  of  the  two  Great  Charters,  by 
Way  of  Com  promt  fe.            —  — 
How  requited  for  this  Conceffion  by  the  Laity.  - 

., .,     ,  — _- , by  the  Clergy 

of  the  Province  of  Canttrbury.     —       — 
-  by  the  Clergy 


Jglzecy  GOOgk 


Parliamentary  Wfiory  of  England.         249 
V»k   Past. 
EDWARD  I.  conftitutes  John  Earl  of  Warm, 
General  of  bis  Forces  againft  the  revolted 
Scats.  —  —  — 

Appoints  a  Meeting  of  the  Barons  at  Tori, 

the  Occafion  thereof.  — 

Summons  the  Scots  Lords  to  appear  there.     — 

His  Truce  concluded  with  Franct.        —       — 

— -  Mcflage  to  the  Earl  of  Warrtn,  concerning 

his  March  towards  Scotland.         — 

—  Arrival  at  Berwick.  —  • 
Removes  the  Courts  of  Exchequer  and  King's 

Bench  to  Tart.  ■   ■■  ■ 

Calls  a  Parliament  to  meet  there  in  1298* 
His  fecond  Summons  to  the  Scots  Lords. 

—  Order  for  muttering  his  Army. 

—  compfeat  Victory  over  the  Scots.  ■■ 
Retakes  the  Towns,  isV.  they  had  Teheed  In  his 

Abfence.  __  , 

Convenes  a  Parliament  to  Lundon  in   1299.    — 
His  Agreement  with  the  Fnneh  King,  Particu- 
lars of.  '  i^— 

Obtains  the  Confent  of  his  Parliament  thereto. 

His  Conduct  on  being  pretTed  to  ratify,  in  Per- 
son, the  Great  Charters.  —  — 

Occalions  the  Difpleafure  of  the  Lords,  and  how. 

His  Peace  again  interrupted  by  the  Scots.        — 

Summons  a  Parliament  to  Tark  in  1299. 

Marches  his  Army  into  Scotland  again. 

Hii  Succefs  againft  the  Rebels  there.  

Calls  a  Parliament  to  Wtjlminfttr  in  1300.     — 

Renews  and  confirms  the  Great  Charters. 

Calls  a  Parliament  to  Lincoln  in  1301. 

Hii  Writ  for  that  Purpofe,  and  the  Reafons  of 
his  Summons,  Subftance  of.      —        — 

—  Speech  to  the  Parliament  by  his  Secretary 

Brabaxon.  ■  ■  ■  ■  -- -  -^— 

—  ConcefCons  to  them  at  that  Time,  Particu- 

Obtains  a  Fifteenth  from  the  Laity.  

Denied  a  Tax  from  the  Clergy,  and  the  Reafbn 
thereof,  ■■■...  — 

III,  12 

1X3,   13 




"3.  »* 




115,  16 




)■;■,,,:     .C.OOglC 

25Q  I       N       P       E       2£  -  to    the 

Vol.    Pop. 
EDWARD  I.  his  Difplcafurc  againfl:  fbe  J3a- 

roas,  Account  of.  —  

His  Speech  tb  them  on  that  Occafion.  — 

Creates  his  el  deft  Son  Prince  of  IVqUi  and  Earl 

pfP4,/«r  — 

His  JCing^om  of  Scorfqnd  f'^jipet)  by  Pope  Beni- 


—  Anfper  to  [f|f  PpntjfF's  Pemand,  Suhftance 

Calls  a  Parliament  to'fVeftminfttr  in  I3Q5-     — 
His  primary  Cerejntwials  in  opening  this  parii 

men;.  _ - 

Marnier  of  diffolyijig  it.  —     '   — 

Apppiqts  Jteprefentatives  of  the  Scats  to  fit  in 

the  Englijh  Parliament.  —  — 

His  JJneafinels  on  account  of  con  firm  ipg  the 

two  Great  Chafers.  —  — 

Abfolved  by  the  Pope  from  the  Oath  he  had  ta- 

Jcjcn  to  obferye  them.  ■ 

His  Proceedings  agatrift  the  Confederate  Barons, 
for  the  i  rBehaviour  during  his  Abfencc  in 

Fhqdm.    '  • '"- 

< : —  againft  dt  JVinchelftat  Archbi- 

fhop  of  Canterbury,  on  the  fame  Accognt. 
Calls  a  Parliament  to  Carlijli  in  1307.  — 

His  Eefolution  conterniug  the  Scott.      — r      — 
Banifhes  Pitrc*  Gavt/fo<it  the  Prince's  Favourite. 

His  R^afqn  for  fo  doit'g.  —  

Obliges  hjs  Son  to  fwe.ii  never  to  recall  )iim-  - 
His  Pcaliqn  allowed  tw  Gave/Ion  on  that  Condi- 
tion.   ■  — 

—  Death,  Account  of.  —  - — 

EDWARD  II.  his  AcccJTion  to  the  Crown.     — 

Rtcallb   P'urct  Gavtjleu,  his'  Favourite,    from 

Banilhmcnt.  —  

His  diftinguUhtng  Favours  to  him,  Particulars 

Calls  a  Parliament  to  Northampton  in  1308. 
Obtains  an  Aid  from  the  Clergy  and  Laity,  and 

U,zec;y  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hiji^ry  o/"Englanij. 
EDWARD  II.  obliged  by  the  Barons  io  pall  a 
Parliament  to  London  the  j"aj»p  Year,  op 
account  of  his  Favourite,  — 

Hit  Propofal,  in  order  for  a  Reconciliation. 

Forced  to  part  with  Gave/lea,  and  to  banijh  him 
from  England  for  ever.  — -  ■ — 

His  Confirmation  of  that  Sentence  by  Letters 
Patent.  . ■ ■ 

Sends  him  into  Inland,  and  makes  him  Gover- 
nor there.  —  —  —  ■  — 

His  Complacence  to  him  in  his  Journey.        — ■ 

Permits  the  Barons  to  chute  a  Committee  to  go- 
.  vera  his  Affairs.  —  --:— 

Calls  a  Parliament  to  Stamford  in  1309.        — 

Prevails  upon  the  Barons  to  let  Gayejhn  enjoy 
the  Earldom  of  Cornwall  for  Life,  and 
recalls  him  again.  — -  — - 

Summons  a  Parliament  to  York  in'  1310.        — 

His  Reafons  for  recalling  Gaveflon.      —      — 

—  Declaration,  touching  the  Obfcryance  of  the 

Laws  of  the  Realm.  —  

—  Order  for  leaning  the  City  of  London  agajnft 

the  di  (contented  Barons.        — 

—  farther  Declaration  to  appeafe  them. 

—  Cummiffioncrs  to  treat  with  them,  in  order 

10  accommodate  the  Difference,  Lift  of. 

—  Endeavours  for  a  Treaty  fruftrated,    ai 

how.  '  ■ 

Requeued  by  the  Barons  to  deliver  Gaveflon-  to 
tbem,  or  cornmand  his  quitting  the  King- 

His  various  Methods  to  fave  him,  Account  of. 

Places  his  Favourite  in  Scarbrottgh  Cattle.       — 

Ho*  deprived  of  him  there.  —  — — 

Receives  a  threatning  Menage  from  the  Confe- 
derate Lords.  — —  ■— 

Enters  into  a  Treaty,  and  makes  an  Agreement 
with  them.  — — 

Goes  with  his  Queen  injo  France,  and  on  what 
Occafion.  —  — . 

Summons  a  Parliament  to  Weftminfttr  on  his 
Return  in  1313.  — — 





'45.  * 


■  46 









EDWARD  II.  his  Complaint  to  the  Parliament 
at  fVtftmnfttr  againft  the  Barons. 

How  anfwered  by  them,  — 

Receives  their  Submiffion  according  to  Agree- 
ment, i  —  -  ._ 

Obtains  a  Subfidy  from  this  Parliament,  and  what 

His  Expedition  againft  the  Scats. 

Gives  them  Battle  at  Bannociburn. 

His  bad  Succefs  there,  Account  of. 

Summons  a  Council  of  his  Nobility  to  Turk,  on 
occafion  of  his  Defeat.         —  — 

Calls  a  Parliament  to  fftflminfler,  to  abate  the 
exceflive  Price  of  Provifions. 

His  Proclamation  for  fixing  the  feveral  Rates 

—  Subfidy  obtained  from  this  Parliament,  Ac- 
■'  count  of.  ■  i     i  

How  oppofed  in  collecting  it,  and  on  what  Oc- 

■  talion.  

Summons  a  Parliament  to  Lincoln  in  1315.    — 

His  Reqtieft    for  their  Advice   and  Affiftance 

againft  the  Scots.  . 

—  Declaration  to  obferve  the  Ordinances  made 

in  his  Father's  Time.         —  

—  Aid  obtained  for  carrying  on  the  War  with 

Scotland,   Particulars  of.  .      ,  ,  — 

— -  Promife,  with  refpeel  to  that  Grant.  — 
- —  Orders  concerning  the  Militia  of  England. 
How  aflifted  with  an  Aid  at  this  Time  by  the 

Commons.  ■  — — 

Hit  Kind  Menage  td  Thomas  Earl  of, 
Makes  him  General  over  the  Forces  intended 

for  Scotland.  ■  -   ■ 

Summons  a  Parliament  to  Lincoln  in  13: 
Revokes  his  Writs,  and  the  Reafon  thereof.  — 
Meets  his  Parliament  at  York  in  1319.  — 

Requefted  by  them  to  cftablifh  a  Council,  in  o 

der  to  attend  him  by  Turns.       — 

His  Compliance  therewith.  —         __ 

—  Charter  of  Pardon  to  Thomas  Earl  of  Lai 

tafltr  and  his  Followers.  •— 

to  the 

Vol.    Pap, 

'49.  5" 














Jglzecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hi/lory  of  England.        253 

VeL     Page. 
EDWARD  II.  bis  Covenant  with  the  Barons, 
relating  to  Ordinances.        —  ■ 

Admits  the  two  Dtfpvifers,  Father  and  Son,  in- 
to his  Service.  ■  ■ 
Makes  Hugh,  the  younger,  his  Chamberlain  and 

Favourite;  ■  ■  ■   ■ 

His  Aid  from  the  Clergy.  —  — 

•    ■  ■—  from  the  Commons.  ■  ;  .■■■■ 

—  Banilhment  of  the  two  Dtfptnftrs  demand- 

ed by  the  Barons.  —  — 

—  mild  Anfwer.  

—  Danger  from  the  Barons,  Account  of.      — 
Calls  a  Parliament  to  Weflmtnfter  in  1321.    — 

His  Summons  difobeycd  by  the  Barons.     

Force  put  upon  him,  with  regard  to  the  two 

Defpenjen,  Account  of.  —  — 

Grants  a  Charter  of  Pardon  to  the  Confederate 

Lords.  —  1  — 

His  Expedition  againft  Ltdei  Cattle  in  Kent,  and 

on  what  Occasion.  — 

—  Severity  to  the  Deputy-Governor  and  Gar- 

rifon  there.  ■  — —  — 

Occafions  a  Civil  War  with  the  Barons  on  that 

Account.  — _  — 

His  Succefs  againft  them  at  tbe  Battle  of  Be- 

rougbiridge.  ■    - 

Summons  a  Parliament  to  York  in  1322. 
Ills  Revocation  of  the  Procefs  and  Award  againft 

the  two  Defpenfers,  Form  of.  

—  Command  for  cancelling  the  Roll  where  the 

faid  Award  was  entered.         —  — 

—  Treatment  of  the  Followers  of  the  Earls  of 

Lancafhr  and  Hertford.         — 
Creates  his  eldeft  Son  Prince  otlValis  and  Duke 

of  Aquitain.  — 

■ Hugh  Defptnftr  the  elder,  Earl  of  Win- 

chtfter.  ■  -  ■■—  

Andrew  dt  Harkeley,  Earl  of  Carlijli 

His  Order,  touching  the  Ordinances  made  by 

the  Confederate  Barons.         — 









jits,  1 


■  6, 






)]i:»^y  GOOgle 


N      0      E      X    t*  the- 

Vol.    Pagt. 
EDWARD  II.  obtains  a  large  Swbfitty,    VoUt 

from  flie  Clergy  afttt  Laity.       —  — 

Summoned  to  do  Homage  to  the  King  of  P i-unct, 

.and  on  what  Account.  —  — 

His  Territories  of  Gttiimu  and  Ca/n/ignj  ferxed 

by  the  Frentb  King.  ■  

Calls  a  Parliament  to  LWm,  in.  1 323,  about 

Ail  Affair .  

His  Enibafly  to  the  King'of  Fraxct,  to  excufe 

.  his  going  there.  — —  — — 

—  Demand  of  a  pecuniary  Aid  tor  the  Ra»fom 

if  John  it  Drtitx,  Earl  of  RitBhwid.    — 

— *  Propoftl  reje&cd.  — - 

Charge  of  High  Treafen  againft  Adam  it 

Orlttoti,  Bifhop  of  Htriford.  —  — 
j —  Proceedings    againft   him  in  Cotrfeuuence 


Permits  his  Qrreeti  and  the  Prirwe  of  Waltt  to 

go  into  Franc*.  —  —  --■ 

His  fruitlefa  Endeavours  to  bring  them  back. 

—  domeftic  Affairs,  bad  State  of.      —       — 
Treachery  and  Rebellion  of  his  Queen  againft 

him,  Account  of,       _     —  

Seized  by  her  Party,  and  imptifened  In  Kenntl- 

W/A  Caftle.  ^-  - 

HisDepfaiitronrefolvedon  by  a  Parliament  fum- 

moned  by  the  Queen.  —  — 

Articles  alledged  againft  him  for  that  Porpofe. 
Meflage  to  htm  by  a  Committee  to  induce  his 

Resignation  of  the  Crown  to  his  Son.  — 
How  afft&cd  on  that  Occafiqn.  —  — 
His  Anfwer  to  the  Commiffioners.  —  — | 
Reflgnation  of  the  Crown,  Manner  of.    — ! 

—  inhuman  Treatment,   and  miferable  End,| 

Account  of.  - 

<—-  Latin  Verfes   wrote    in  his  Confinement, 

Specimen  ef.  — — 

EDWARD  lit.  elected  King  in  the  room  of  his 

HH  Age  at  that  Time.        — —  — ■— 

=,  Google 

Parliamentary  Bjjltoy  ^England.         tg$ 

Vol.     Pago. 
EDWARD  IIJ.  hhWrittbtheSherlftofrM-*- 

Jbire,  for  proclaiming  his  Peace.  —     l  *86,  7 

His  Guardians  appointed  by  the  Parliament,  Lift 

—  Expedition  Sgainfr  the  Setts.        — 
Calls  a  Parliament  to  Limoin  in  1327. 

-  to  iPtJlmiafhr  Irl  J  348.    — 

-  to  fari  the  fame  Yeah     — 

="  '  ■  to  Nmhamptm  in  1318.  < — 

His  Peace  with  the  Scott;  bj  the  Direflion  of  the 

Queen"  and  Mortimer,  Articles  of;        — 

—  Chatter-;,  giving  dp  all  Claim1  of  Superldriry 

over  that  Kingdom,  AbftraEr.  of.  — 

Calls  a  Parliament  to  Saii/hury  In  1328.    -     *i- 

Cieates  his  Brother,  John  of  Bittern,  Earl  of 

Cornwall.  — ^^  ■  - — ^-i- 

— 1 Bir  Jamtt  Suiter,  of  iriland;  Earl  of 

Ormoria.  ■ 

Rogtf  LoTtJ  Mortimer,  Earl  of  March. 

Calls  a  Parliament  id  Winchtfter  in  1329.       — 

- — ■ — — ^=  to  Nottingham  In  1330,   - 

Hit  Orders  for  Arrefting  Mertimtr  there.      — 
Adjourns  the  Parliament  to  f^tjtmi^tr  oh  that 
Occafibh.            ■ '  ■'  ■=■  -,-.   .. 
His  Writ  to"  all  the  Sheriffs  of  England;  for  the 
1           Elfcafon  of  Comffibns  to  fit  in  that  Par- 
liament.              — — 

—  Complaint  againft  his  Mother  and  Mortimer 

—  Declaration' to  tike  the  Reins  of  Govern- 

ment, approved  of  by  the  Parliament.    — 

—  Charge  to  the  Peers,  concerning  Simon  dt 
.    Btreferd,  Knight.  —  

—  Offer  of  a  Reward  for  talcing  Sir  John  Mkl- 

travtrs  ■    ■■■  ■■  -  ■-' 

-  for  tafting  of  Bogo  dt 


-  dfjohn  Da- 

-  oTThomas  di 





,9*.  7 



ioy  ■ 
207,  8 

1 1208 

izec  .v  Google 

256  I      N-     D      E  .  X    /«  the 


EDWARD  m.    reftorei   Edward   Plantagenet, 

Earl  of  Kent,  to  his  Fathcr'i  Honours  and 


Does  the  like  to  Richard  Fitx-Alan,  Son  of  the 

late  Earl  of  Armdtl.  —  —— 

His  Grant  to  Sir  William  Mentaattt  and  others, 

for  taking  Mtrtimir  and  his  Confederates. 
Makes  his  Mother  a  State  Prifoner  tor  Life,  ir 

the  Caflle  of  Rifings.         —  

Call*  a  Parliament  to  JVtftmnflir  in  1331.    — 
His  Motive  thereto.  

—  Favour  to  Sir  Hug b  Dtfptnftr,  the  younger. 
Sollicited  by  the  Parliament  to  extend  his  Favour 

to  Edmmd,  eldeft  Son  to  the  late  Earl  of 

March.  -  ■■  «■■■■  ■ 

His  Anfwer  thereto.  

Summons  a  Parliament  to  Wtfimiaftir  in  1332, 
His  Order  for  preventing  Tumults,  iSe.  on  that 

Occafion.  — -^— • 

Invited  by  the  King  of  Frana  to  go  to  the  Holy 

Land.  — —  — 

His  Rcqueft  to  the  Parliament  thereupon.  - 

—  Declaration,  concerning  the  Rcaions  of  their 

Meeting.  ■■  '■  

Appoints  J  unices  in  every  County  for  the  Prefer- 
ration  of  Peace.  — 

His  Declaration,  concerning  his  Journey  to 
France.  — —  — - 

Calls  a  Parliament  to  JVtftminJltr  in  1332. 

Requeued  by  thtm  to  march  his  Army  againft 
the  Salt.  —    ■  ■ 

His  Supply  for  that  Purpofe,  Account  of.  

*—  illegal  Taxations  objected  to  by  the  Parlia- 
ment. ■   ■     —  ' 

Revokes  the  new  Coram iffions  for  railing  of  cer- 
tain Cuftoms.  — — 

Removes  his  Court  to  Itri.  —  — 

Summons  a  Parliament  to  meet  there,  in  1332. 

His  Adjournment  thereof,  and  on  what  Occafion. 

—  Orders  to  the  Mayor  of  lor  t,  for  iteming  the 

Peace  of  the  City.        —  — 


:=y  Google 

Parliamentary  Hijiory  of  England. 

EDWARD  III.  receives  an  Embafly,  with  Peti- 
tions from  David  Bruce,  King  of  Scotland. 

Requires  the  Reftitution  of  Berwick,  and  the 
Homage  of  the  young  King.  — 

His  Demand  rejected.  — 

Declares  War  againft  him.  —  — 

Calls  a  Parliament  to  Tori,  in  1333,  on  that 
Occafion.  —  ■-—  — — 

His  Refolutioii  to  march  into  Scotland,  and  af- 
fift  King  Batiol.  

How  advifed  by  the  Parliament,  touching  that 

Regains  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland,  and  receives 
the  Homage  of  King  Baliel.  t*    •• 

Holds  a  Parliament  at  Tori,  on  his  Return  in 

*33+-  r —  — 

Confirms  the  two  Great  Charters  there.     —  — . 

Calls  a  Parliament  to  Weftminfiir  the  fame  Year. 

His  Declaration*  expreifing  a  Defire  to  go  into 
the  Holy  Land.  -—■*- 

Receives  Information  of  the  Scots  Revolt.       — 

His  Parliamentary  Aid  on  that  Occafion,  Ac- 
count of.  -  ■  ■  ■  ______ 

Call*  a  Parliament  to  Torkt  Anno  1335,  to  treat 
about  renewing  .the  War  with  Scotland.  - 

—    .  .  to  Northampton,  Anno  1 336. 

His  Advice  received  there,  touching  the  Scott 
being  -flirted  by  the  French  King.    — — 

Steals  away  from  his  Parliament,  and  goes  direct- 
ly to  Scotland.  — 

His  Substitutes,  appointed  to  hold  the  Parlia- 
ment in  his  A  b  fence.  Lift  of.        — — ■ 

Reduces  Scotland  to  his  Obedience  again.       — 

Summons  a  Parliament  to  Nottingham,  on  his 
Return  in  1336.  ■  ■  -  — ■ 

Obtains  a  new  Grant  to  cany  on  the  War  in 
Scotland  and  Gafcoigny.  —  — 

Summons  a  Parliament  to  fVefiminfier  in  1337. 

Creates  his  eldeft  Son,  Prince  Edward,  Duke  of 
Cornwall.  •  ■  - 

HU  farther  Promotions  at  that  Time,  Particulars 











Jglzecy  GOOgle 

a  5$         I     X     D      E      X    to  the 

EDWARD  III.  calls  a  Parliament  to  Wtfiminftt 

>«>  1337-  —  

His  Declaration  to  them,  concerning  his  Defign 

to  profecute  the  War  in  France.     — — — 
His  Supply  obtained  for  that  Purpofe.  — 

Calls  a  Parliament  to  Wtftminftir  in  1338,  — 
His  farther  Aid  for  the  Frtncb  War,  Particulars 

Seizes  upon  the  Effects  of  the  LomeardMcTchtnU 
in  Linden.  — 

■ upon  the  Revenues  of  Alien  and  foreign 

Priories.  ■  — — 

His  Extortions  from  the  Nation  in  general,  ai 
this  Time,  Account  of.  —  — 

—  Embarkation,  and  the  Strength  of  his  Navy. 
— —  Refinance  at  Antwerp,  Splendour  of.         — 
Conuniffiont  Prince  Edward  his  Son,  as  Guar- 
dian of  England*  to  hold  a  Parliament  at 
Northampton,  Anne  1338.         —  — 

His  extraordinary  Aid  granted  at  that  Time.  — 
Calls  a  Parliament  by  Commiflion  lolVtfiminjltr. 

in  1339.  — — . — 

His  Remonftrance  to  them,  concerning  the  Ne- 

cefltyof  a  further  Aid.  —  — 

How  gratified  OR  that  Occalion.  —  — 

Borrows  Money  of  foreign  Princes  and  private 

Perfons.  — 

Pawns  his  Crown,  and  for  what.      — 
Calls  Prince  Edward  to  Antwtrp.        — 
His  Cotniniffionprs  appointed  to  hold  a  Parlia- 
ment at  Wefiminfitr  in  1340,  Lift  of.    — 

—  Aid  from  the  Lords  and  Commons,  Partial 

htraof.  — 

Afliimes  the  Style  and  Arms  of  Franc*.      

Changes  his  Great  Sea)  on  that  Occalion,  and 

how.  ■■  ■ 

Returns  into  England,  and  fgmmnns  a  Parlia- 
ment to  Wtfiminjltr  in  March,  1 340.    — 
His  Declaration  of  his  extreme  Want  of  Money. 

—  extraordinary  Supply  in  Confequence  there- 

Jglzecy  GOOgk 




237  . 



PertiamenUry  Hi/lory  of  England. 

EDWARD  III.  his  Grants  at  that  Time,  for  the 

Eafe  of  the  Public.  —  

Confirms  Magna  Cbarta.             '—  —              — 
Requeued  by  the  Parliament  not  to  make  En- 
gland a  Province  to  Franc*.  ■ 

His  Declaration  of  Indemnity  to  them  on  that 
Occafion,  Form  of.  —  -■■■■■ 

Creates  the  Marquis  of  falters  Earl  of  Cambridge. 
His  Petition  allowed  to  him  on  that  Occasion.  - 
Goes  abroad  again,  and  befieges  Tanrnay.  — 
Calls  a  Parliament  by  Commiffion  to  jrtftam 

fttr  in  July,   1340. — 

Obtains  a  Victory  aver  the  French  at  Sea.      — 
His  funher  Supply  by  the  Parliament  for  carry- 
ing on  the  War.  — -< — 

—  Disappointment  in  the  Remittances  thereof. 
Returns  privately  to  England,  m  order  to  find 

out  the  Defaulters.  — -  — '  *■* 
His  Treatment  of  the  Conftable  of  the  Tower, 

for  his  Neglect  of  Duty  there.        '•     • 
1  — '  of  the  Perfons  concerned  in  the 

MifapoHcatiort  of  his  Strbfidies.     —     — 

—  Refentment  againft  the  ArchbUbop  of  Can- 

ttrlury,  on  the  fame  Account.  ■ . '  — 
Calls  a  Parliament  to  fVtfiminfier  in  134.1.  — 
Hit  Declaration  for  the  Redress  of  Grievance). 
Accepts  the  Submiffion  of  the  Archbishop,  and 

grants  him  a  Pardon.        •  ■  ■■  

Hit  Antwer  to  the  Requefts  and  Complaints  of 

the  Clergy  at  this  Parliament.     — 

—  Annvers  to  the  Petitions  of  the  Lords 

Commons,  concerning  the'Eafe  of  his ! 
jcSs.  — 

—  Aflint  for  declaring  them  to  be  Statutes.  — 

—  arbitrary  Manner  of  revoking  them,  Acconnt 

—  Writ  on  that  Occauon  to  the  Archbiihop 

of  Canterbury.  •—  — 

Makes  a  Trace  with  Philip  King  of  France. 
Calls  a  Parliament  to  Wtflmnftar  in  13431  on 

that  Occafion.  —  ■    1  —    1  251 




247.  8 

=,  Google 


I      N      D      E      X    to 

EDWARD  III.  how  advifed  by  the  Parliament, 

touching  the  Truce  with  France.       — — 
Creates  his  deleft  Son  Edward  Prince  of  Walts. 
How  aided  by  the  Clergy  at  this  Parliament, 
lib  Rc&lution  to  renew  the  War  with  France, 

and  the  Occaflon  thereof. 
Calls  a  Parliament  to  Wtfinwnfttr  in  13441  for 

that  Purpofe.  —  — — 

Hit  Requeft  to  them,  for  their  Advice  and  Af- 

fiilance.  ■  

How  anfwered.  —  —  

His  Supply  for  the  Renewal  of  the  French  War. 
Summons  a  Parliament  to  Wifiminfitr  in  1346. 
Seizes  the  Revenues  which  the  Cardinals  of  the 

French  Fadion  poflefled  in  England. 
His  Order  for  the  impartial  Adminiftratioo  of 

Juftiee.  -; 

—  Purveyors  complained  of,  for  evil  Practices. 

—  PunvQiment  of  them.  —  — 
Appoints  Prince  Lionel,  his  fecond  Son,  Regent. 
Sets  out  again  for  Framet.  —  — — 
How  accompanied  in  this  Expedition.  —  — - 
His  Speech  to  his  Officers.  —  _ 
— —  great  S  uccefa.                    —                    — 

—  Aid  granted  by  the  Commons,  at  the  Par- 

liament in  1347,  for  the  War.     —      — 

—  Aid  granted,  on  Account  of  knighting  the 

Prince  of  Wales  at  La  Hogut.  —  — 
Takes  the  important  Town  of  Calais.  —  — 
His  Trace  with  France,  and  Return  to  England. 

—  profperous  State,  Defcription  of.  ■  ■ 
Summons  a  Parliament  to  Wtflmxnfttr  in  1 348. 
His  Anfwer  to  their  Complaint  againft  Forefters, 

and  to  a  Requeft  touching  Magna  Cbaria. 

—  Writ  to  the  King  of  Scots,  demanding  his 

Appearance  at  the  Parliament  in  1340.  - 
Summons  a  Parliament  to  Wejlmtnfier  in  1351. 
°Hb  Declaration  of  the  Reafons  for  aflembling 

them.  ■     ■  ^___ 

Caufes  Groats  and  Half-Groats  to  be  coined  for 

the  firft  Time. 


Vil.     Page. 

Jglzecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hijiory  ^England.         261 
V»L    Paz,. 

EDWARD  III.  creates  Henry  Flantagtntt  Duke 
of  Loncafler.  ■  ■■  — 

His  extenfive  Grant  of  Power  to  that  Nobleman. 
Creates  Ralph  Lord  Strafford  Earl  of  the  fame. 
His  Penfion  allowed  on  that  Occafion.  r— 
Inftitutes  the  famous  Order  of  the  Garter.  — 
Summons  a  Parliament  to  Wtflminfltr  in  1352. 
His  Supply  obtained  for  the  French  War.  — 

—  thankful  Acknowledgement  thereof.    — 

—  Anfwer  to  the  Petitions  of  the  Commons, 

concerning  Grievances.  — 

—  Clemency  to  Sir  John  Maltravtn.  — 
Calls  a  Parliament  to  Wtflminfter  in  1353. 
Obtains  a  farther  Supply  for  the  French  War.  - 
His  Difpleafurc  at  the  FIemmingjt  and  Occafion 


Removes  the  Staple  of  Wool  from  their  Towns 

to  England.  ,^— 

CalhaPariiamenttoW0fmi'(i/?«-ini354.  - 
Demands  their  Opinion,   concerning  a  Peace 

with  Front*.  — 

His  Anfwer  to  me  Petitions  of  the  Commons. 
Renews  the  War  againft  France.         —         — 
His  Conqucfts  there.  ■  — ■-  — 

Summons  a  Parliament  to  Wtflminfltr  in  1355. 
State  of  his  Affairs  at  this  Time.  ■ 

His  large  Supply  from  the  Parliament,  Particulars 

—  Anfwers  to  the  Petitions  of  the  Commons.  - 

—  Expedition  againft  the  revolted  Stoti,  and 

the  Succefs  thereof.  —  ■■■ 

Splendour  of  his  Court,  Account  of.  —  — 
Concludes  a  Peace  with  France.  ■  ■  1  ■  — 
Meets  a  Parliament  at  Wtftminfttr  in  1361.  — 
Rcleafes  the  Frc nch  King  from  his  Imprisonment. 
Takes  an  Oath  to  preferve  the  Peace  made  with 

Reftores  the  Poflcffions  of  the  Alien  Monasteries 

to  them  again.  ■-— —  ■     1   291 

Calls  a  Parliament  to  Wtflminfltr  in  1362.    —     1   293) 
Bis  Command  to  the  Peers  on  that  Occafion.  -     1   292 


Jglzecy  GOOgle 


I      N      D      E      X    to 

EDWARD  Itl.  removes  the  Staple  of  Wool  from 

.  London  to  Calais.  ■  ■ 

His  Ordcts  in  Confequence  thereof.        

— *  general  Pardon  to  his  Subjects.  — 

—  principal  OmccSiho'.vdirpofcd  of  at  thisTime. 
Re-canijiois  Alr.^r-a  Cham.  • — —  — — 
Creato  Prince  Licecl,  his  lecond  Son*  Duke  of 

'  Cl&rtnce.  — — 

— ■  ■     ■  ■  i John  of  Gaunt.,  bis  Son,  Duke. 

of  Laneajltr.  -  — ■ 

Edmund  of  Langh-;,  his  fifth  Son, 

Earl  of  Cambridge.  —  - 

Initiates  the  Englijh  Ceremony  obferved  on 
Maunday  Thurfday.  — ■  ■ 

Summon?  a  Parliament  to  Wtflminjfer  in  1363. 

His  R*afons  for  calling  them.  —  — 

How  complimented  by  the  Commons  for  his 
Conduct. .  

Panes  an  Ail  for  limiting  the  Price  of  Poultry. 

Summons  a  Parliament  to  Weftminfltr  in  1365. 

His  Speech  againft  Papal  Encroachments.      — 

Aufwer  to  a  Petition  of  tha  Commons,  touching 
'  the  Duty,  on  Wool.  —  

Appoints  the  Prince  of  JFalts  Governor  of 
Aquitain.  •  ■■  ■ ~ 

—, — ; —  the  Duke  of  Clarence,  his  fecond  Son, 
Lord- Lieutenant  of  Ireland,        —         — 

Holds  a  Parliament  at  WtftminjUr  in  1366.  — 

His  Requcft  to  them,  concerning  the  Pope's  In- 
tention to  cite  him  to  do  Homage  for  his 
Crown.  —  

Forbids  the- Payment  of  Peter-Pence.      —    — 

His  Alliance  with  Lord  Ingelram  de  Couey,  a 
Frtnfbman.  ■.  >-  ■  ■    ■ 

—  Grant  to  that  Lord,  —  —  - 
Summons  a  Parliament  to  Weftntinller  in  1368, 

and  theOccafion  thereof.  ■       ■  ■ 

His  Supply  for  the  Difcharge  of  his  Debts.     — 

—  Judgment  againir  Sir  John  Ltigh,  Steward  of 

his  Boufhpld.  —  —  -     ' 

—  Dominions  abroad  feized  by  the  French  King 

rci.  rv. 

);Ji  .^.Google 

Parliamentary  Hifiery  of  England.  363 
W.    Page, 

EDWARD  III.  calls  »  Parliament  to  Wiflntn-  \ 

Jiir  in  1369,  on  that  Occafion.    — -'    —  1   302 

Re-aflumes  the  Style  and  Title  of  King  of  ■£>«»«.  I    303 

Renews  the  War  in  that  Kingdom.       .    1  303 

His  Order  concerning  the  State  of  England.      •  1  304. 

—  Soblidy  on  Wool,  Wc .  for  carrying  on  the 

Wm.                   — rr^~                — — —  1  304 

—  public  Encouragement   to    all   thofe  who 

mould  anlft  him  againft  France.        — — —  1  304,  5 

—  Command  to  the  Bifuope  and  Clergy  in  cafe 

of  as  Invafipn.              ■,   ■  ■                      ■  1  395 

—  Affliction  at  this  Time,  and  on  what  Ac- 

count.                 •-                  1  305 

Summons  a  Parliament  to  Wtfiminfitr  in  1371.  1  305 

His  Affairs  abroad,  State  of.           —            —  1  30c,  6" 

—  Requeft  to  the  Parliament,  touching  Secu- 

rity at  home.             ■■    -                      ■■■■■  1  306  . 

—  Supply  granted  by  the  Laity  for  carrying  on 

the  War.               I  30$  . 

by  the  Clergy.            I  306 

Command  to  the  Sheriffs,  concerning  thefe  Sub- 

fidies.                   I  307 

Requefted  by  the  Commons  to  admit  Laymen 

into  the  great  Offices  of  State.           1  309,  10 

His  Compliance  therewith,  and  Difpofal  thereof.  1  310 

—  Affairs  in  Frame,  bad  State  of,       —      —  1  311 

—  Effort  to  raife  the  Siege  of  lours,     —     —  1  31  r.       1 

—  Difappoin latent  therein.  —  —  I  311 
Summons  a  Parliament  to  Wtfiminjler  in  1372.  1  312 
His  Motives  thereto.            1  312 

—  ampleSupplyfor  profecutingthefMnrAWar.  1  313 

—  thankful  Acknowledgement  thereof.  —  I  313 
Summons  a  Parliament  to  Wtftminjttr  in  1373-  I  313 
His  unufual  Claufes  in  the  Writs  for  that  Pur- 

pofe,                    1  313,  14 

—  further  Supply  for  the  War.         —         —  1  315 

— —  Anfwers  to  the  Petitions  of  the  Commons.  1  316,  17 

Agrees  to  a  Truce  with  Frantt.         —  —  1-3*7 

Summons  a  Parliament  to  Wtflmnjttr  in  1376, 

on  that  Occalion.           —  ■■             —  ■-  1  /18 

His  Subfidy  at  this  Time.          —           1  318 

Jglzecy  GOOgk 


I      N      D       E      X    to 

EDWARD  III.  admits  3  Council  to  attend  him 

conftantly,  attheRequcftoftheCommons. 

His  Anfwer  to  their  Petitions  concerning  Juftices 

of  Peace.  

How  abufed  by  his  Miftrefs,  Alia  Pitru.  — 
His  infirm  State,  Account  of.    -*•  

—  Intention  to  celebrate  a  Jubilee.       ■■■■■■    ■ 

—  great  Difappointment  therein.      —        — 

Paffes  an  Ad  of  Grace.      

Creates  his  Grandfon,  Richard  Prince  of  Walts, 

Duke  of  Cornwall  and  Earl  of  Cbifler.    - 

Declares  him  Heir  Apparent.  

Summons  a  Parliament  to  fVtftminfttr'in  1377. 
Obtains  a  Poll-Tax  for  fupporting  the  War.  - 
His  Anfwers  to  the  Petitions  of  the  Commons. 

EDWARD  IV.  proclaimed  King  of  England.  • 
"  His  Proccffion  on  that  Occafion.       —  — 

—  Expedition  again  ft  Queen  Margaret.        — 

—  great  Victory  over  her  at  Towion.  —— 
■—  Proceedings  at  Tint,  in  Confequence  thereof 

.  —  -  Return  to  London,  and  Coronation  there.  - 
Calls  a  Parliament  to  Weftminfler  in  1461.  — 
His  Declaration,  touching  his  Title  to  the  Crown. 

—  Speech  on  that  Occafion.     —  — 

—  Bounty  to  his  Friends.      —  ■ 
Creates  his  Brother  George,  Duke  of  Clarence.  - 

— — Richard,  Duke  ofG/oncefter. 

John  Lord  NeviU,  Vifcount  Montacule. 

■       "     1  Henry  Bourcbier,  Earl  of  £/?**■     

'  ■  1  William  Lord  Faucenberg,  Earl  of  Kent. 
Calls  a  Parliament  to  tVeflminJler  in  1463.     — 

His  Subfidy  obtained  there.     ■■■  — 

— —  various  Adjournments  of  this  Parliament, 
Particulars  of.     .  . 

—  Victory  over  the  Queen's  Army  at  Htgelty 



Vol.    Page. 

— over  the  King'sJArmy  at  Hexham. 

—  Subiidies  obtained  for  Life,  at  the  Seffion  i 


—  Marriage  with  Lady  Gray,      — 

Jglzecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Wfiory  of  England. 


EDWARD  IV.  his  ill  Ufcge  of  the  Earl  of  War- 
wick, on  his  Marriage  with  Lady  Gray.    - 
His  Imprifoninent  by  the  Earl,  and  where.    — 

—  Efcape.         ;  

Drives  trie  Earl  out  of  the  Kingdom.     - 

HU  various  Turns  of  Fortune  in  Conference 


Calls  a  Parliament  to  Wtflminfttr  in  1467.  — 
His  Speech  to  the  Commons  there.         ■■■■■■  ■■  - 

—  Prorogations  of  this  Parliament,  Account  of. 

—  Subiidy  obtained  at  the  Seflion  in  1468.  — 

Forced  to  leave  the  Kingdom.    —  ■ 

Proceedings  againft  him  by  the  Parliament  on 

Htnry'a  Reft  oration.        ■■■  - 

His  Return  to  England.   —  ■  ■ 

—  Pretentions  on  landing.        —  — 

—  Victory  over  the  Earl  of  Warwick  at  Btnrntt, 

—  Defeat  of  Queen  Margartt  at  Tewijbury.  - 

—  Restoration  to  the  Throne.  

Calls  a  Parliament  to  Wtflminfttr  m  1472.  — 
His  Supply  granted  him'  there.  ■  ■ 

Creates  his  eldefl  Son  Edward*  Prince  of  Watts, 


Mis  Supply  granted  at  the  Seftion  in  1473. 

—  extraordinary  Favour  to  Lewis  d*  Brugit,  a 

Foreigner.  —    ■  ■ 

—  Grants  to  the  Dukes  of  Clarinet  and  Ghu- 


—  SubGdy  obtained  at  the  Seffion  in  1474.  — 
in  1475.  — 

—  new  Device  of  tailing  Money  at  this  Time, 

Account  of.  ■■  — ■■  ^—^~ 

—  fruitlefs  Expedition'  againft  Franet.  1 
Difobligca  the  Nation,  and  how.  —  — 
His  Method  of  railing  Money,  to  avoid  calling  a 

Parliament.  —    ■ 

Summons  a  Parliament  to  Wtflminfttr  in  1477. 
Creates  his  Son  Richard,  Duke  of  Tori,  iSe.  — 
His  Revocation  ofNevile  Duke  of  Bedferd'aTille 
■—  Proceedings  againft  Gtargt  Nrvilt,  Archbi- 
shop of  Tirk.  — — 




3*9.  30 


334.  S 



345.  6 

348,  9 

349.  SO 
35°.  1 

351.  2 

355.  6 

1,'lze^y  GOOgle 



EDWARD  IV.  bis  Quarrel  with  Gtorgt  Duke  of 

Clarenct.  '   -  ■■  ■ ,  '      -■■— 

Call*  a  Parliament  to  Weflminfttr  in  1482.    — 

His  Suhfidy  obtained  there.  —  — 

further  Grant  to  RicbardX>vk&  of  Glauufltr, 

—  great  Diftrefs  at  this  Time,  Account  of.  — 
How  relieved  by  the  Clergy.  —  . 

His  Sicknefs  and  Death,  —  — 

EDWARD  V.  his  Acccffion  to  the  Throrw.  — 

His  Murder  in  the  Tower.  —  — 

EDWARD  VI.  his  Acceffion  to  the  Crown.  — 

His  Stile  and  Titles.  ■     . 

—  Age  at  that  Time.  ■■  — — 
Calls  a  Parliament  to  Wtjlminfitr,  in  1547. 
Hb  Commiffion  for  appointing  the  Protector's 

Seatworm  of.  .■  -    —  —  — 

—  Sufaftdy  granted  him  at  the  Scffion  in  1548. 

—  general  Pardon  to  his  Subjects.  — 

—  Diflblution  of  the  Parliament.      —     ■ 

—  Sicknefs  at  thatTime.  —  — 
Calls  a  new  Parliament  in  1552.  —  — 
His  Debts,  Particulars  of.  —  

—  Letter  to  the  Sheriffs,  for  electing  (itch  Mem- 

bers as  the  Privy  Council  would  recom- 
mend.   .  

—  Subfidy  obtained  this  Seffion.       —        — 

—  Diflblution  of  the  Parliament.  —  — 
Death.  —  —  — 

EGERTON,  Sir  Thtmat*  made  Lord-Keeper  of 

the  Great  Seal.  —  

His  Speech  at  opening  the  SelSon  of  Parliament 

^-  Anfwer  to  Mr.  Ytlvtrton'i  Speech  at  the 
Diflblution  of  this  Parliament.       —     — 

—  Speech  at  opening  the  Seflioii  in  1601.    — 

—  Reply  to  a  Speech  of  'John   Crotie,  Efqj 

Speaker.  —  ■■■  ,    .  ■ 

—  further  Anfwer  to  the  Speaker.       —      — 

—  Speech  at  the  Clofe  of  this  Seffion.           — 
Created  Lord  Elkfmtrty  and  made  Lord-Chan- 
cellor of  England.  — ~!  - 





3A  9. 6» 




#3.  4 






















220,  1 















265,  6. 








4".  3 

4»6.  7.  « 
505,  6. 

),gl,ze^y  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Si/lory  of  England. 

iGERTON,  Edward,  Efy;  his  Petition  to  the 
Peers  in  Parliament  againft  Lord-Chan- 
cellor Bacon.  •  — 
LGREMOND,  Sir  7»5«,raires  a  Rebellion  againft 

King  Henry  VII.  Amu  1489.  

EGREMONT,  Lord  "Thomas*  flain  at  the  Battle 
of  Northampton,  Anno    1461.  —  ■  ■- 

ELECTIONS  for  Members  of  the  Houfc  of  Com- 
mons, Debate  thereon.  -  ■     — 
ELIZABETH,  $ueen,  fucceed's  to  the  Crown 

on  the  Death  of  her  Sifter  Mary.       

Her  Choice  of  Privy  Counfcllors,  Lift  of.      — 
Calls  a  Parliament  to  IVeJlmin/ler,  in  Jan.  1558. 

Obtains  a  Subfidy  from  the  Commons.       

Petitioned  by  them  to  marry.  —  — 
Her  Anfwer.             —                —  -  — 
Diflblves  the  Parliament.             —                — 
Her  Crown   claimed    by    French   II.  King   of 
Frame,  in  Right  of"  his  Wife  Mary,  Queen 
Regent  of  Scotland.              — 
Invades  Scotland,  both  by  Sea  and  Land. 
Sends  an  Army  into  France  to  invade  that  King- 
dom.                                            — 

Calls  a  Parliament  to  Wefimtnfter,  in  1562.  — 

Her  Proceffion  to  the  Houfe,'  Form  of.       

Obtains  a  large  Supply  from  the  Clergy  and  Laity, 
Petitioned  again  by  the  Commons  to  marry.  — 

Her  Anfwer.  

Addreflcd  by  the  Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  Com- 
mons on  the  Subject  of  her  Marriage.  — 

Her  Anfwer.  ■  - 

Concludes  a  Peace  with  France.       — —       — 
Sollicited  by  Mr.  Onflow  to  be  excufed  from  fer< 
ving  the  Office  of  Speaker  for  the  Com- 
mons, Anno  1566.  —  — — 
Approves  the  Election.                —  — 

Her  Reply  to  Mr.  Onflow's  Anfwer.  

Appoints  Sir  Robert  Catlyn,  Lord  Chief  Juftice 
of  the  Common  Pleas,  to  execute  the  Of- 
fice of  Lord-Keeper  at  this  Seffion, 


359 1'  &z 













i»  a 


39  "  45 


46  to  49 
49  '»  5» 

55  "57 


Jig  liiecy  GOOgk 

268  I      N      D      E      X    to  tbt 

Vol.     Pug*. 
ELIZABETH,  ^wi,  receives  aPetitionfrom  the       I 
Lords,  touching  her  Marriage  and  Succef- 
fion.  -    ■'    '-  —■   --■     4 1    <H  "  7< 

Her  Ani'wer.  — ■    ■  —  ■     

Occalions  great  Debates  in  the  Houfe  of  Com- 
mons.    — 

Refeuts  their  Behaviour,  and  forbids  all  farther 

Proceedings  in  the  Affair.     

Obtains  a  Subfidy  from  (be  Clergy  and  Laity.  - 

Remits  a  Part  of  this  Tax.  —  

Grants  2  general  Pardon  to  her  Subjects.     

Her  Speech  to  this  Parliament.         —  — 

Diflblve*  it.  — . 

SupprefTes  a  Rebellion  in  the  North  of  England. 

Calls  a  Parliament  to  Wtftminftir  in  1571. 

Her  extraordinary  Proceffion  to  the  Parliament- 

—  Speech  to  the  Parliament.  1      —  — 

—  Anfwerj  by  the  Lord-  Keeper,  to  Mr.  lVraf% 

Forbids  the  Commons  to  meddle  with  Matters  of 


Excommunicated  by  Pope  Pius  V.      —        — 
Obtains  a  considerable  Subfidy  from  the  Clergy 

and  Laity.  ■  ■  

Checks  the  Commons,  and  forbids  them  to  de- 
bate on  Points  of  Prerogative.       —      — 

Grants  a  general  Pardon.  — 

DiJTolvcs  the  Parliament.  —  — 

Becomes  jealous  of  Mary  Queen  of  Scott.    - — 

Imprifons  her.  —  — 

Calls  a  Parliament  to  mftminfitr  in  1572.    — 
Summons  four  new  Barons  to  this  Parliament.  - 
Prohibits  the  Commons  from  meddling  with  Re- 
ligious Affairs. ■  ■ — 

Summons  Htnri  Piercy,  Earl  of  Northumberland, 

■    and  John  Lord  Stoarten,  to  the  Parliament. 

Obtains  a  large  Subfidy  from  the  Clergy  and  Laity. 


mcnt,  on  Account  of  his  Speech  in  the 

Houfe  of  Commons.  —  — 


Jglzecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hjfiory  of  England.        269 

Ftl.     Pagt. 

ELIZABETH,  $ut**,  prorogues  the  Parliament 

Summons  it  again,  after  twenty-four  Proroga- 
tiom,  to  fFtftminfttr,  in  Ij8i.     —      — 

Receives  the  Addreues  of  Francis  Duke  of  Anjtu. 

Give*  great  Offence  to  her  Proteftant  Subjects 
on  this  Occafion.  

Her  remarkable  Reftraint  upon  the  Houfe  of 
Commons,    ,  —    ■  ■ 

Highly  offended  at  their  Appointment  of  a  Fall. 

Accepts  their  Sub  minion.  —  — — 

Panes  a  Bill  for  the  Reftitution  in  Blood  of  Phi- 
lip Earl  of  Arundel*,  eldeft  Son  to  Thomas 
late  Duke  of  Nerfili.  —        

Diflolves  this  Parliament,  after  having  fulfilled 

near  eleven  Years  —   ■        —     ■ 

1     Calls  another  to  Wtfiminjltr  in  1585.        

Appoints  Sir  'Ibamas  Bromley  Lord  -  Chancellor. 

Obtains  a  Subfidy  from  the  Clergy  and  Laity. 

Prorogue*  the  Parliament.        — —  

Her  Anfwer  to  an  AddreJs  of  Thanks  from  the 

Appoints  Cbrijlopher  Ilatton,  Efq;  Vice-Cham- 
berlain of  her  Houfhold.  '  — 

Her  Speech  to  the  Parliament.  '      —        - 

—  various  Prorogations  of  it,  Account  of. 
Dinolves  it.  ■-— —  — 
Receives  fome  Propofals  from  the  Queen  of 

Scats  for  an  Accommodation.  --■■■- 

Calls  a  new  Parliament  to  Wiftmnfttr  in  158*, 

on  this  Account.  —  — 

Opens  it  by  Commiffion.       ■     ■-  — 

Receives  a  Petition  from  the  Parliament,  defiling 

her  Cop/ent  to  the  Execution  of  the  Queen 

of  Setts.  

Her  Anfwer.  -■—-  . 

—  Menage  to  the  Commons,  in  Favour  of  the 

Queen.  ■  . 

—  ambiguous  Anfwer  to  the  laft  Refolve  of  the 

Lords,  touching  her  Execution.         

—  Anfwer  to  fome  further  Reafons  urged  to 

this  Purpofe.  — —  - 

232.  3 

*37.  8 




267,  8 

*77»  8, 



*93»  4,  5 


Jig  Lizecsy  GOOgle 

2  7° 

E      X 

ELIZABETH,  £W,  permits  the  -Sentence 
againft  the  Queen  of  Seen  to  be  proclaimed 
and  executed.  ■  ■■  ■ 

Appoints  Sir  Edmund  Anderfan,  Chief  Juftke  of 
the  Common  Pleas,  to  aft  as  Lord-Chan- 
cellor, in  the  room  of&iiU'bcmar  Bromley. 

Obtain*  a  Subfidy  from  the  Clergy.  

—  ■  Subfidy  and  a  Benevolence  from  the 
Laity.         —  — 

Diflbtves  the  Parliament  by  Commiffion,    — 

Receives  Notice  of  an  Armada  prepared  by  Phi- 
lip II.  King  of  Spain,  to  invade  Englmnd. 

Sends  Ambafladors  to  Treat  of  a  Peace.  — 

Her  Pro  po  fate  rejected.  —  — 

— —  Preparations  to  withftxrtd  this  Invalion.    — 

Attacks  the  $p™#  Navy,  and  entirely  dcftroyi  it. 

Rewards  her  Commanders  for  their  Conduct .  - 

Summons  a  Parliament  to  Wtftmnfttr  in  1588. 

Obtains  a  large  Supply  from  the  Clergy  and  Laity 

Offended  at  the  Commons,  for  attempting  to 
regulate  the  Officers  of  her  HouJhold  and 
Revenue.  —  — 

Her  Meflagc  to  them  on  this  Oocafion. 

Requeued  by  both  Houfes  to'  declare  War  againft 
Spmm.  -■  ■  ■  ■  ■ 

Diffolvea  the  Parliament.     — — 

Her  extraordinary  Expences,  and  frugal  Ma- 
nagement of  the  lift  Supply.  ■ 

Calls  a  new  Parliament  to  Wefimmfttr  in  1592. 

Appoints  Sir  John  Puckering  Lord-Keeper  of  the 
Great  Seal.  

Her  Charges  by  Means  of  the  War  with  Spain. 

Obtains  the  Grant  of  a  Subfidy  from  the  Com- 

Sends  four  of  their  Members  to  Prhon,  for  at- 
tempting to  entail  the  Succeffion  of  the 
Crown.  ■  ■"  —  

Her  further  Expences  in  maintaining  the  Spanijh 

—  provident  Management}  fomc  Account  of. 

to  the 

Vol.     Page. 


•  Parliamentary  Hijiory  of  England.  271 

Vol.    pa„. 
ELIZABETH,  Qtttn,  her  Menage  to  the  Com- 
'  mons,   forbidding  them  to  meddle  with 

State  or  Church  Affairs.    — 

Her  Speech  to  both  Houfes.  . 

Diflblves  the  Parliament,        —  — 

Summons  another  to  tVeftminfltr,  Anna  1597. 
Obtain*  a  Subfidy  from  the  Clergy  and  Laity. 
Diflblves  this  Parliament.  — 

Calls  a  new  one  to  Wtftminjler  in  1601.    ■ 
Her  Menage  to  the  Lords.       —  ■ 

Obtains  a  large  Subfidy  from  the  Clergy  and 
Laity.  —  ,   .  _ 

Her  Meflage  to  the  Commons,  for  repealing  Mo- 
nopolies. 1  —  _ 
Attended  by  a  Committee  of  their  Honfe  with 

an  Addreis  of  Thanks.       —    . 
Her  Anfwer.  —  — 

—  Ditlblution  of  the  Parliament.  — 

—  Death.      

—  Debts  at  that  Time,  Amount  of. 
ELIZABETH,  Queen  of  Bohemia,  and  Daughter 

of  King  James  I.  her  Letter  to  the  Earl  of 
Briflot  about  the  Palatinate,      —        — 

Her  Letter  of  Requeft  to  the  Houfe  of  Com- 

■ to  the  Peers,  for  Relief.  

ELLINSHAM,  Sir  William,  one  of  the  Officers 
under  Henry  It  Spenter,  Bifhop  <^  Norwich, 
in  hii  Expedition  to  Flanders.  — 

Charge  againft  him  for  Military  Mifconduct, 

His  Sentence  on  that  Occafion.         — 
ELLIOT,  Sir  John,  his  Motion  in  the  Houfe  of 
Commons  for  Relief  of  Grievances. 

Appointed  one  of  the  Managers  againft  the  Duke 
•of  Buckingham.  — —  ■ 

Hii  Speech,  in  fumming  up  the  Charge  againft 

him.  »   ic2»i;8 

CommirtedtotheTower.byOrderoftheKing.     7   159 

Difcharged  from  his  Confinement.  7   163 

Ho  Reply  to  a  Speech  of  Sir  Dudley  Carlton,  re- 
lating to  the  Duke.  —  7   165,6 


*  394.5.6 

4  Uor,  2 
4  40* 
+  J403 
4i4io,  11 
4;  420 
'  422 
43°.  * 


4J468,  9 

4'47$>  9 
4  479/0482 

4  506 



245,  6 
12  374,  S 



N       D       E       X     to   the 
ELLIOT,  Str  John,  committed  to  Prifon,  for  re- 
filling a  Loan  to  the  King.  --     •- 
His  Petition  to  the  King  on  this  Account.       — 

Releafed  from  Prifon.  —  

His  Speech  on  fome  Propofitions  of  the  King  for 

a  Supply.  

,  .  on  Imprifonment.  —         — 

'  Difpleafed  at  the  Rehearfal  of  the  Duke  of  Buck- 
ingham's congratulatory  Speech    to    the 
King,  on  a  Vote  of  five  Subfidies. 
His  Speech  thereupon.  — 

, Charge  againft  the  Earl  of  Sufott,  at  the 

Bar  of  the  Houfe  of  Lords.        —    •    — 
Speech,  on  a  Menage  from  the  King,  con- 
cerning the  Liberty  of  the  Subject.        — 
Recapitulates  the  public  Grievances  before  the 

Commons.  ■■—  ■  —  — 

His  Speech,  on  a  Meflage  from  the  King, 

to  meddle  with  State-Government,  or  the 

Miniflers  thereof.  —  ■ 

Interrupted  by  the  Speaker,  and  fits  down.    — 
His  Speech,  relating  to  the  Petition  of  Right. 
. .  on  a  Member's  Goods  being  fcized  for 

refuting  to  pay  Torlnage.        —  — 

_— —  on  Religious  Grievances.  — ■■■ 

— — — — ~  on  the  King's  Anfwcr  to  the  Com- 
mons' Apology  about  Tonnage.       -■■    ■■■ 
-  on  Mr.  Attorney's  Anfwer, 

ing  Dr.  Cofa 
1  againft  Bilhop  Laud. 

—  Report,  concerning ASlm,  Efqj  She- 

riff of  London.  - -  - 

—  Speech,  concerning  the  Procefs  againft  Mer- 

chants for  Tonnage.  —  — 

■  fome  Popifh  Priefts  re 

leafed  from  Ntwgatt.        — 

Charge  againft  Sir  Rthrt  Heatb,  concern- 
ing this  Affair.  

~—  Speech,  on  Mr.  Rtllts's  Goods  being  feized 
by  the  Cuftomers  for  Tonnage. 


Jig  lize^y  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hijiory  of  England, 

ELLIOT,  Sir  Jehu,  his  Speech  again!)  feizing  the  Goods 

of  a  Parliament  Man.  

Hit  Speech  againlt  the  Lord-Treafurer  Wtjltn. 

— -  Remoufl ranee  againft  Tonnage. 

Reads  it  himfelf,  being  refufed  by  the  Speaker  and  Clerk. 
Sntumon'd  before  the  Privy  Council  for  hisMilbehavipur 

Hit  Examination  and  Aniwer.  

Committed  to  the  Tower,  and  his  Study  fcaled  up. 
Profceured  in  the  Star-Chamber,  by  an  Information 

againft  him.  —  — 

Offers  uj  give  Bail.  — -  ■ 

Reftifes  to  find  Sureties  for  hi)  good  Behaviour. 
Committed  again  to  the  Tower.  ■ 

Information  againft  him  in  the  King's  Bench,  and  his  Plea. 
His  Cafe  argued  in  the  King's  Bench.  — 

—  Sentence. ■ 

ELLIS,  Mr.  made  Sollicitor-General.        — 
EMPSON.  Sir  Thomas,  his  fatal  Cataflrophe.         — 
ENGAGEMENT  of  the  Parliament's  Army,  with  regard 

to  Di  (banding.  —  . 

Of  the  Train'd  Bands,  Apprentices,  lit,  of  London,  for 

the  King's  coming  to  the  City  with  Honour,  Safety, 

and  Freedom.  

Of  thole  Members  of  both  Houfes  who  abfented  them' 

(elves  and  went  to  the  Army.  Form  of.  — — 

Fonn  of,  taken  by  the  Commons  and  all  others  in  Office. 
— ■  taken  by  all  Perfons  being  18  Years  of  Age.  - 

To  be  tine  to  the  Commonwealth,  repealed  by  the  Pro- 

te&cY  CnmottL  ■ ■ 

Form  of,  taken  by  the  Members  of  Parliament  in  1659. 

Order  for  difcharging  it.  .  ■  ■  ■ ■ 

ENGLAND,  Stattof.m  1216. ~ 

. l26j.        _ 

■  "97-     


■ 1405.        —  

■ '487-   

■ "5J9-      . " 

—■      '        —.  —  in     1569,  and  1570. 

—  «639-        —  

16+5-  —  


Vol.    P*f. 

813*6,  7 
8  327(0330 
8  3*7 



3  356 
8  374 

•  m 

I  »i 

8  376,  7,  S 
8  jgtuigg 

""     5S 

16  ,6fc5 

"4". '.3 
38,  9 
■  9  211 
9  »43.  4 

269    . 









394.  3 


478.  9 

lizecy  GOOgle 

X    to  the 

-  274.       I      N 

ENGLAND,-  State  of,  in  1648.         —  

How  circumftanced,  with  regard  to  foreign  Princes,  ii 


Strength  of  its  Navy  at  the  Reftoration.  

ENGLAND,  Regency  of,  call  aParliament  loLendon  m  I  zg 
Their  Agreement  with  the  difcontented  Barons,  in  Be- 
half of  King  SJmrdh  Particulars  of  

— —  Application  to  the  King,  for  a  Confirmation  of 

what  they  had  done.  —  

ENGLISH,  their  brave  Refolution  nnder  the  Command  of 

Adm.  Ptnnington;'m  the  Affair  of  Rocbiik  in  1615. 

,   Their  Succels  againft  the  Irifi  Rebels  in  1642.  — 

farther  Succefs  againft  them,  Account  of.     

■ENTHUSIASTS,  remarkable  Sect.of.  

"EPJSCOPACY.  Debate  thereon  by  the  Commons.       i 
Refolntion  of  the  Parliament  againft  it.  — 

EQUALITY  of  the  Prefbyterian  and  Independent  Parties 
in  the  Houle  of  Commons,  remarkable  Itiftance  of. 

ERPINGHAM,  StrTbmai,  Viee-Cheneellor  to  King 
Henry  IV.  his  Charge  againft  Henry  It  Spencir, 
BiftiopofrVdfWiVA.  ■  — 

ESSEX,  Earl  of.    See  Deveheux,  Robert. 

ESSEX,  County  of,  their  Petition  to  the  Commons,  for  a 
Reformatios  in  Church  and  State.      —       

ESTIMATE  of  the  Charge  of  maintaining  a  Regiment  of 

Vol.    PV. 

Z96,  7 




a.  **'>  3 


■1  |+i8,  .9 


Horfc  ii 

-a  Troop   of 

:r's  Service  in  1651 
— '  '     "                  —  of  fupportingtheNavy  for 
Ex  Months,  during  the  DiffrA  War  in  1 6^3.   

—ofdiftanding  the  Forc«"b"y  Land,  yr.ii 
Of  the  Debts  of  rhe'Army  and  Navy  at  that  Tin 


.  ESTWICK,  A/r.  Wn9pe<;<:bMCrmv>cirsM?arlhi 

on  preferring  »  Petition  in  Favour  of  the  Clergy's 

Right  of  Maintenance.  - 

EVANS,  Ralph,  -hirEetter  to  Mr.  Stayer,  Clerl:  of  Par- 
liament, for  aCflpy  of  King  j'.svrfj's  Anftver  to  the 

Grievances  of  the  Subject.  —  

EVANS,  Cornelius;  pe'rfonates  Charles  Prince  of  Walts. 
Apprehended  in  fiwrr  and  fent  up  to  London.  —  — 
His  Examination;  taken  by  the  Mayor  of  Reiheflir.'  — 

is.  *>»  7 

3.  4 

zi8,  19 


Jglzecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hijlory  ^England.         275 

VtL     Pe&. 

EVANS.CWffor.  his  Confeffion  before  the  HonfeofPeen. 

Committed  to  Netegnte.  — 

EVELYN,  Sir  John,  his  Speech  in  Support  of  the  Im 
pcachmenr  againft  Lord  George  Digiy.  ■ 

Ills  Danger  of  Expulfion  from  the  Houie  of  Commons, 

Account  of.  — — 

Appointed  one  of  the  Parliament's  Comrriiffioners  t( 

tend  the  King  wiih  a  Petition  for  Peace. 
Objefled  againft  by  the  King. 

Occasions  the  Refentment  of  the  Houfe  of  Peers  againft 

him,  and  on  what  Account.  .  .  ■ 

How  vindicated  by  the  Commons.        —  — 

EVER  ARD.  Mr.  his  Information  of  the  Seels  intending  to 

march  up  to  Louden.  . 

EVESHAM,  Berth  of,  between  King  Henry  III.  and  his 

Baron;,  Anno  i  zS;.  —  —  — 

EXAMINATION,  concerning  a  fuppofedPlot  againft  the 

Parliament  in  1145.  —  — 

Of  Cirnelius  Evans,  who  perforated  the  Prince  of  Waits 

b  1643.  

EXCHEQUER,  Officers  there,  Debate  about  them  by  the 

Commons.  — .  —      .— 

Receipt  of,  removed  to  Richmond  in  1625.       ■ 

Records  there,  ordered  by  the  Commons  to-be  fent  for, 

concerning  Ship-Money.  —  ■ 

EXCISE,  when  'firft  fet  on  Foot  in.  England,  and  what 

Commodities  laid  on,  and  how  taxed,  Particulars 

Farther  extended,  and  how.  I 

Reduced  by  the  Commons,  and  in  what  Manner.      — 
EXCOMMUNICATION,  its  Ufe  perverted  by  Ecclefi- 

aftical  Officers.  

Complained  of  by  King  James  I.         .    — 

Abufes  therein  reftrained  by  an  Ait.  ■    ■ 

EXECUTION  <f  Traitors,  Antiquity  of   (he  prefent 

Manner  thereof.  ■  

EXETER,  City  of,  furrender'd  to  the  Parliament's  Forces. 
Great  Difturbances  there,  and  how  occaiioned,  Account 

EXPERIMENT,  dangerous  one,  Inftance  of.  

EXPLANATION  of  a  Letter  in  Cyphers,  addrefled  to 

the  King  by  Mr.  Afliburnbam.  —  — - 

EXTRACTS  of  two  Letter*  from  the  Committee  at  Der- 

ij  Umife,  to  Gen.  Crmwi/l  in  the  North.  — 

S  2 



+  396.  7 
4°*>  3>  + 

















Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 

to  the 

2?6  I      N      D       E 

FABIAN,  Mr.  ht«  Account  of  carryingKing  Henry  VI. 
then  an  Infant,  to  the  Parliament  in  1 41c.  —    , 

His  Account  of  the  Duke  of  Smwr/W's  ArreftforTreafon 
-  of  a  Benevolence  granted  to  Henry  VI  I.  in 


FACTIONS,  among  tbeOffieeri  of  the  Array,  Account  of. 
FAIRFAX,  Lord,  appointed  one  of  the  Parliament's  Com- 
miffioners  to  attend  King  Charles  I.  in  Torijbire. 

Made  General  of  their  Forces  in  that  Count)",  

His  Agreement  with  the  Earl  of  Cumberland  for  a  Neu- 
trality there.  - 

— declared  void  by  (he  Parliament.      — 

—  Letter,  fetting  forth  the  State  of  Affairs  in  the  Nor- 
them  Counties.  — 

giving  an  Account  of  the  Proceedings  of  the 

two  contending  Armies  in  Yoriftnre.  

— —  concerning  his  Succcfs  in  that  County.     • — 
■  and  remarkable  Introduction  thereto,  on  oc- 

of  his  taking  Wakefield. 


Routed,  near  Bradford,  by  the  Earl  of  Neteeaftle.       

Appointed  Governor  of  Hull.     —  _^^^^_ 

Steward  of  Pomfrete  Caftle.  

His  Death,  Account  of.  _  -r- 

FAIRFAX,  Sir  William,  cue  of  the  Parliament's  Generals, 

kill'd  in  raifing  the  Siege  before  Montgomery  Caftle. 
FAIRFAX,  Sir  Thomas,  defeats  the  King's  Forces  at  SeHi, 

in  Torifiire,  ZI 

His  Account" of  that  Action.  -  

— -  Lift  of  Prifnners,  &e.  taken  there.  ■ 

Appointed  Chief  Commander  of  the  Parliament's  Force* 
How  complimented  on  this  Occafion  by  the  Speaker  of 

the  Houfe  of  Commons.  —  _ 

State  of  hit  Army  in  April,  164;,  Account  of.       

Hit  Letter  of  Requeft  to  the  Peers,  for  the  Continuance 

of  General  Cromwell  m  hi*  Army.  — — 

Obtains  a  complete  Victory  over  the  King's  Force*  at 

Nafeby.  — 

How  rewarded  by  the  Parliament  on  this  Occafion.  — 
His  Letter,  concerning  the  King's  new  Levies,  and  the 

bad  State  of  his  own  Army.  ' 

: —  Account  of  an  Independent  Army,  call'd  Gni-Men, 

railed  in  the  Counties  of  Wilts  and  Dorfet.     

of  a  Victory  he  had  obrsin'd  over  Lord  Go- 
ring, m  Smerfet/bire.            —.             ____ 
Appointed  Governor  of  Pmfrtte  Caille.         

iglzecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hi/lory  of  England. 

FAIRFAX,  SirTkmas,  his  Letter,  givingan  Account  of 
his  great  Succe&  at  , 

Take*  the  City  of  Briftal.  —  

His  Letter  to  the  Committee  of  both  Kingdoms,  con- 
cerning the  Prince  of  Walts.  -  ... 
'■■'  ■  giving  an  Account  of  his  taking  Tiverten,  — 
Complimented  by  a  Letter  from  the  Speaker  of  the 

Home  of  Peers  on  this  Occanon.  ■ 

His  Letter,  relating  to  the  Dillributkra  of  his  Forces.   - 

Takes  the  Town  of  Dttrim&ab  by  Storm.  

Ac  know  ledge  merits  from  the  Parliament  for  bis  Ser- 
vices, Particulars  of.  —  ■ 
Defeats  the  King's  Forces  in  the  Weft,  commanded  by 
Lord  Ihpma.  ■ —  _____ 
His  further  Succefs  in  the  Weft,  fome  Account  of.  — 
How  complimented  by  the  Parliament  on  this  Occafion. 
His  Letter  concerning  the  Prince  of  Waks.  — 

Arrives  in  Lendw  from  the  North.  

How  complimented  on  this  Occafion  by  both  Houfea. 
His  Anfwer  thereto.  ■  — - 

—  Letter,  in  Anfwer  to  a  Declaration  of  Parliament 

againll  the  Proceedings  of  the  Army. 
relating  to  the  Parliament's  Votes  for  dilband- 

ing  the  Ai 
tothcEarlofJ»~*rtV^rr,  on  the  fame  Occafion 

-  ■      —  to  the  Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  Commons, 

concerning  the  Advice  of  his  Council  of  War 


ig  the  King's  Removal  from  Hof&nij 

—  fecond  Letter,  to  the  fame  Purpofe.  — — __ 

—  Anfwer  to  the  Parliament's  Commiffioners  fent  down 

to  the  Army,  concerning  their  Instructions. 

—  Letter,  fignifytng  the  March  of  his  Army  to  Si 

—  concerning  fundry  Petitions  in  Favour  of  the 

—  two  Letters,  in  Anfwer  to  one  from  the  City  of 

London,  touching  the  Differences  between  the  Par- 
liament  and  Army.  ■  — 

—  Letter  to  the  Parliament's  Commiffioners  at  Ntta- 

warier, concerning  the  King's  Removal  to Riihmund 

—  Me  flags  to  them  on  this  Occafion.  . 

—  Letter  to  them,  difavowing  the  Admittance  of  new 

Forces  under  his  Command,  tit. 



289 /j  29  j 



5«!.  4 
J8*  5 

3*9-  90 
400,   1 

4>J.  4 

443.  4 

44*.  r 

47«.  7.  8 





X    to  the 

FAIRFAX,  Sir  Thomas,  his  Letter  to  the  Earl  of  Man- 
thtfitr,  relating  to  the  Charge  of  the  King's  Pcr- 
fon,  the  Defires  of  the  Army,  and  the  Parliament's 

Endeavours  for  railing  new  Forces.  

-  concerning  the  Seizure  of  ih-.  Scati  Comroif- 

iioneri'  Packet  by  the  Am  _ 

-  concerning  the  King's  Refolut 

)  go  to 

;— .  Anfwer  to  a  Letter  from  the  Parliament's  Commif- 
fiooers,  relating  to  the  intended  Treaty.  — 

CommiJuoncrs  appointed  by  him  to  treat  with  the  Par- 
liament's Commiffioners  about  the  Demands  of  the 
Army,  Lift  of.  

His  Commiffion  for  that  Purpofe    —  

—  Letter  to  the  Parliament,  defiring  that  the  King 
might  fee  his  Children,  and  vindicating  llic  Beha- 
viour ot  the  Army  towards  him.  ■ 

— —  Order  forexpunging  the  Names  of  all  Cavaliers  out 
of  the  Mufter  Rolls.  —  

— —  Letters,  fignifying  his  Refolution  to  march  with  his 
whole  Army  to  Landtn.  .  — 

Encamps  on  HounJIoa-fimtb.  —  

Enters  Soutbwurk  with  a  Party  of  Horfe.  ■ 

Admitted  into  London.  —  — 

How  complimented  on  thi>  Oecafion.  -  -■ 

Peclinei  the  Acceptance  of  a  confiderable  Prefent  from 
the  City.  

Hia  Reafon  for  it  —  ■■■■ 

Jtfarches  his  whole  Army,  with  Laurel  in  their  Hats, 
through  the  City  of  London. 

Goes  to  the  Houfe  of  Peers. 

Receives  theThanks  of  both  Houfes  for  his  Proceedings. 

Made  Conftable  of  the  Tower. 

His  Letter  to  the  Earl  of  Maichtfti 

llrance  inclofed,  vindicating  the  Proceedings  of  the 

to  the  Peers,  defiring  a  ReRraint  of  the  Prefs. 

...         ■    ■  ■ —  on  occafion  of  the  King's  Efcapf 

from  Hampton-Court.  — 

— ^—  concerning  a  Mutiny  in  the  Army.  

—  Remonftrance  thereupon.         —  ., 

—  Menace  to  the  Parliament,  on  account  of  Arrears 

due  to  the  Army.  ■■  

,—  Letter  to  the  Peers,  for  more  effectually  fecuring  the 
$jjx$ia  At  lj!c of  lTiSl>i.         — 


356,  7 


Jig  lize^y  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hijiory  of  England."        279 

FAIRFAX,  Sir  Thomas,  his  Letter  to  the  Peers,  concern- 
ing fomc  Refults  of  his  Council  of  War.  — 

His  Letter  to  the  Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  Commons, 
concerning  the  King's  Pcrfon.       —  — 

■■-  '-  ■  concerning  Capt.  Wigan,  who  had  marched 
out  of  England  with  a  Troop  of  Horfe,  in  a  mili- 
tary Pofture,  and  gone  into  Scotland.  

Succeeds  his  Father  as  Baron  of  Cameron,  — ' 

Made  Steward  of  the  Honour  of  PontefraB,  Keeper  of  | 
the  Caftle  there, 'and  Cups  Rotvlorum  of  the! 
County  of  York.  —  '•  —  ,'■ 

Hit  Letter,  giving  an  Account  of  the  Difpofition  of  his  j 
Forces.  -  -  _I7 

relating  to  a  Quarrel  between  the  Mayor  of 

Exeter  and  the  Soldiery  there.       — 

Vol.     Page. 

—  Lei 

Idiery  tl 

twoLetters,givinganAccountof  his  Victory  over  J  ' 
Army  nifed  by  &/f/i/&Gemlemen  in  1648   j 


n  Account  of  the  Surrender  of  CsL 

■—-  Severity  to  Sir  Charles  Lucas  and  Sir  George  Lip, 
two  of  the  Royalifb  taken  Prifoners  there.        — 

—  Account  of  the  Quality  and  Number  of  the  Prifon- 

ers of  War.  .      — p 

—  Services  to  the  Parliament,  how  rewarded.  — ' 

—  Letter  to  the  Houfe  of  Commons  concerning  his  Ar- 1 

—  AnfWer  to  a  Letter,  concerning  the  Quarter  given  J 

to  the  Lords  Goring  and  Cefel,  at  the  Surrender  of! 

aitbtfitr.  — ! 

—  Letter,  relating  to  a  Remonflrance  from  the  Army.  I 
-  to  Col.  Hammond,  requiring  his  Attendance  at 


— •  Demand  upon  the  Hoofc  of  Commons  for  Money 
pay  his  Army.  -  — 

— -  Letter  to  the  Lord  Mayor,  &c.  of  London,  contai 
ing  a  high  Demand  upon  the  City,  on  account  of 
the  Army's  March  towards  it.  ■ —  -■ — 

—  Arrival  at  Whitehall,  and  the  Difpofal  of  his  Forces, 

Account  of.  —  —  ■'■-  — 

—  Method  to  .quicken  the  City  of  London  in  the  Pay- 

ment of  their  Arrears  due  to  the  Army.  — : 

—  Warrant  for  the  Removal  of  Sir  fPii/um  Waller,  and] 

other  imprifoncd  Members  of  the  Commons,  to  | 

Tcttimony  of  the  City  of  London's  Affcclion  to  him.     -| 

+9/0 1 5j 





iglzecv  GOOgk 



X     to  the 

FAIRFAX,  Sir  Tbmas,  appointed  to  inarch -with  an  Ai 

my  into  the  North  againft  the  Seas.  — 

Defires  to  be  ejeufed,  and  why.     —  ■   - 

His  Conference  with  a  Committee  of  the  Council  t 

State  on  that  Occafion.  — 

Lay*  down  his  Cominiffion,  and  receives  the  Thanks  of 

the  Houfe  of  Commom  for  his  Services. 
Efpcnfes  Gen.  Mtnke't  Quarrel  agaiuft  the  Army  under 
,     Fieituwd.  —  —  — 

FAIRS  prohibited  within  fifty  Miles  of  LmJch,  on  ac- 
count of  the  Plague.  ■  ■ 
FALCASIUS,  or  F<mh  de  Brent,  nifea  a  Rebellion  againft 

King  Henry  III.  

Hi*  Treatment  of  Brai&reeie,  one  of  the  King' 

Efcapes  into  Wales.  ..--  

Is  introduced  to  the  King,  and  implores  his  Pardon. 

—  corn  mined  to  the  Cuflody  of  the  Bifhop  of  Lond-m. 

—  tried  as  a  Rebel,  before  the  King  and  the  Barons. 

—  condemned  to  perpetual  BaniQimem.  < 

His  Declaration  on  leaving  the  Kingdom.  — 

FALKIRK,  Bath  af,  between  the  Engii/b  and  Sots  in 


FALKLAND,  Lord Yiftmnt.     See  Carey,  Lucius. 
FANE,    MiUmej,   Earl  of  Wefimorthoul,    deferts  King 
Charles  I.  whom. he  had  joined  at  Oxford,  and 

turn;  to  the  Parliament.  ■  

In  titles  hi  mfclf  to  their  Proteflion,  and  how.         — 

FAST,  appointed  by  Authority  of  the  Commons  in  i  c8i. 

Appointed  by  the  Parliament,  with  the  King's  Confent, 

in  Navtntber,  1 1.-40.  ■  — 

How  religioufly  kept,  Account  of.        — 

Enjoined,  on  Account  of  the  hip  Rebellion.        

.     ...  -■■  by  the  Parliament,  on  Account  of  the  Defeat 
of  their  Armies  in  the  North  and  Weft.  .j 

-  for  a  BleJ&ng  upon  the  Earl 


's  Army.  ■ 

n  Account  of  his  Defeat 
—  for  the  Succe&of  their  Ar 

called  Ibe  Self-denying  Ordinance. 

for  Succef*  in  palling  a  Bill,! 

-  for  Succefs  in  their  Treaty . 
for  Peace  at  L'xtridge.  — —  — ,  1 3 




"Parliamentary  Biftory  of  England. 

FAST  enjoined  by  the  Parliament,  for  God's  AmfUnce  in 
the  Settlement  of  Church -Government  on  the 
Presbyterian  Model.  —  -  .     .    . 

Enjoined  by  the  Parliament,  on  Account  of  the  Condi- 
tions in  the  Army.  —  — ^— — - 
Appointed  by  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  with  their  Rea- 
font  for  fo doing.                  ■-  —  — 

■     ■-  on  Account  of 

their  Invafion  of  Scotland,  — 

■   ■■      -■         ■'  -—  on  Account  of 

CromweWt  Death.  — 

FASTS,  tf  the  Cbtcrtb  of  England,  aboliQied  by  the  Par- 
liament, and  when.  ■ 

FATHERHOOD,  antient  Meaning  of.  

FAUCONBERG,  LordWilRm,  created  Earl  of  Kent. 

FAUX,  his  barbarous  Defign  on  King  ^mm*  I.  and  the 

Lords  and  Commons  in  Parliament.  — — 

FEATHERSTONHAUGH,  Sir  Timothy,  uken  Prifoner 

by  the  Parliament's  forces  at  the  Battle  ofWV- 

FECKENHAM,  Dr.  Abbot  of  Wejimnfier,  his  Speech 

againft  the  Liturgy.  ■■  — 

FEE  FARM-RENTS,  of  the  Cream,  ordered  to  be  fold. 
FELL,  Dr.  rtce-CbanceIbr  of  the  Vniverfity  if  Oxford,  bis 

bold  Oppofuion  to  the  Parliament,  Account  of. 

Diverted  of  his  Office.  

FEMALE-SEX,  their  Petition  to  the  Hoofc  of  Commons 

for  a  Peace  with  King  Cbarla  I.  — 

Their  Behaviour  and  Treatment  before  the  Commons' 

Door  on  this  Occafion,  Particulars  of. 
FENWICK,  Col.  George,  appointed  one  of  the  Commif- 

fi  oners  for  the  Government  of  Scotland. 
FERRERS,  Sir  Henry  one  of  the  Officers  under  Henry  It 

Spacer,  Biihop  of  Norwich,  in  his  Expedition   tc 


His  Sentence  for  Military  Mifconduft.  —  — 

FERRERS,  Edward,  his  Depofition  in  Favour  of  theLord- 

Treafurer  Middle/ex.  

FESTIVALS,  «/  the  Church  of  England,  abolifhed  by  J 

the  Parliament,  and  when.  J 

FIDEI  DEFENSOR.  Title  of,  given  toKingJferryVIII. 

by  Pope  Julim  II,  and  on  what  Account.   ■■■     ■ 




a49>  5° 
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N      D 

FIELD,  Tbiofbilm,  BIJhop  ofLaiidaf,  accnfrd  of  Brocage, 
in  a  Bribe  intended  to  the  Lord -Chancel  lor  Baton 

His  Defence  before  the  Peon.  —        . 

Charge  againft  them.  ■  _-^_ 

His  Afiair  referred  xoGeorge  ^fof.'Abp.  of  Canterbury. 

Reprimanded  in  the  Convocatron-Houfe.  

Permitted  to  rake  his  Seat  in  Parliament  again.  

FIELDING,  William,  Earl  of Denbigh,  rates  the  Town 
and  Cattle  of  Ofwa/djirce,  in  Shropjhire,  for  the 

to   the 

Vd.   i  v. 


His  Narrative  of  what  palled  between  the  King  and  the 
Parliament's  Commlflionera,  at  prefenting  fome 
Propofitions  for  Peace.  —  

Reftgns  his  Commiffion  of  Chief  Commander  of  the  af- 
fociated  Counties  of  Warwick,  Salop,  and  Stffford 

His  Declaration  to  the  Peers  on  this  Occafion.  — 

FIELDING,  Bafil,  Earl  of  Denbigh,  appointed  one  of  tin 

Parliament's  Commiffioners,  to  wait  on  the  King 

at  Hampton-Court  with  Propofitions  of  Peace. 

Appointed  one  of  the  Parliament's  Commiffioners,  to 
wait  on  the  King  in  the  Jfie  of  Wight,  to  the  fame 

>   3A  7 
i  4  5°  !m i 

One  of  the  Peers  who  rejected  an  Ordinance  of  the  Com- 
mons for  the  Trial  of  the  King.  . 

Appointed  a  Member  of  the  Council  of  State.  — 

His  Anfwer,  concerning  an  Engagement  ordered  to  be 

taken  by  that  Council.  .  , 

FIENNES,  William,  Lord Vifimm Soy andSe/e,  his  Soeech 

at  a  Conference  with  the  Common),  on  the' State 

of  the  Nation  

Made  Malier  of  the  .Court  of  Ward' 

His  Speech  for  reftra'ming  the  Bifhopt  and  Clergy  from 

intermeddling  with  Secular  Affairs.  ; 

to  the  Citiaens  of  Lanihtt,  on  occafion  of  a 
Battle  at  Edge-Hill.  

Appointed  one  of  the  Parliament's  Commiffioners,  to 
treat  with  the  King  at  Oxford  aboat  a  Peace. 

Objected  againft  by  the  King.  —  —  J 

His  Anfwer  to  the  Exceptions.         —  , 

—  Speech,  on  die  Self-denying  Ordinance  having  paf. 

fed  the  Houfe  of  Peers.  —         

—  Declaration,  concerning  a  Plot  againft  theParlia  | 

Appointed  one  of  the  Parliament's  Commiflioners,  t 
treat  iviih'the  King  in  the /fie  ef'tf'igbt  about 
National  Peace.  —  ■     - 

4S4,  j,  6 


Jig  Lizecsy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hijlory  «/"  England. 

fTEKNES,  Netbaniel.  tjq;  hi?  Report  to  the  Commons, 

of  a  Plot  againft  the  Parliament.  — ^— 

Appointed  erne  ot  the  Parliament's  Cammiflioners,  to 

attend  the  King  in  Seethed. 



1  one  oiCramacttt  CommilTioners  of  the  Great 

Seal.  . . 

. one  of  the  Committee  to  receive  CrmxelTt 

Scruples,  with  regard  to  his  being  King.        ■    ■- 
His  Arguments   to  induce  his  Acceptance  of  that ') 

Title.  $ 

—  Speech  to  the  Protector's  third  Parliament  in  1657. 

—  Addrels  to  the  Protector  at  the  fame  Time.         — 

—  Speech  at  opening  the  Parliament  in  i6c8.         — 
FIFTEENTHS  .^TENTHS,  Tax  >/,  how  levied,  and 


FINCH,  Hfttrj,  Efo  his  Speech  on  a  Mo:bn  to  reform 

Eeclefiaftical  Courts.  

FINCH,  Sir  Heritage,  his  Speech  in  the  Houfe  of  Com- 
mons, againft  a  Motion  for  a  Supply.        ■ ■ 

Etefted  Speaker  for  the  Commons  in  1615.  

His  Speech  to  King  Charles  I.  on  that  Occafion,        — 
Receives  a  Letter  from  the  King,  to  haften  a  Supply. 

His  Anfwer  in  the  Name  of  the  Commons.  

FINCH,  Sir  John,  his  Report  concerning  the  Cafe  of  Sir 

Edward  Ceil.  .  

Chofen  Speaker  for  the  Commons  in  1617. 
His  Speech  to  the  King  on  this  Occafion. 

—  -  — on  prefenring  a  Petition  of  the 

Commons,  againft  billeting  oF  Soldiers.      ■* 
FINCH,  Sir  Jebn,  Speaker  fir  the  CMnmans,  interrupts 
Sir  John  Elliot  in  his  Speech,  on  a  Mcflige  fr 

the  King.  

Hit  Speech  to  the  Commons,  on  delivering  a  Me  Cage 
to  them  from  the  King  to  avoid  all  Scandal  on  bis 
Counfel  and  pal*  Actions.  —  

—  Juftification  of  Sir  Job*  Cooke  from  an  Afperfion 

call  upon  him  concerning  the  Bill  of  Tonnage.  — 
,       Commanded  by  the  King  to  adjourn  the  Houfe  of  Cora- 

Delivers  his  Meflagc,  which  is  difobcyed  by  the  Houfe. 
Refufes  to  read  Sir  John  ElStt'l  Remonltrance  about 

Tonnage.  ■ 

to  put  the  Qiicftlon  thereupon.  —  — 

His  Anfiver  for  refilling.  ■  — 

<—  Replv  to  Mr.  StUttft  Speech  aS1in!l  him  on  thisOc 

«3.  4 

103  to  109 
193.  4 



184,  c 

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284  I      N      D      E 

FINCH,  Sir  John,  Spoiler  fir  the  Comment,  offers  to  leave 
the  Houfe,  and  is  forcibly  held  down  in  his  Chair. 
His  Anfwer  and  Behaviour,  touching  this  Violence.  — 
Made  Lard -Keeper  of  the  Great  Seal.                       ■ 
His  Speech,  by  the  King's  Command,  to  the  Parlia- 
ment, in  Aril  1 640.  —  

—  Expofition  of  the  Superfcrtption  of  a  Letter  from 

the  Seoti  to  the  French  King.  —  — 

Reads  the  Letter  to  the  Parliament.  —  — 

His  Direction  to  the  Commons,  touching  a  Speaker. 
— -  Speech,  by  the  King's  Command,  to  Mr.  (Slanville, 

to  confirm  his  Election.    '  —  — 

—  Behaviour,  when  Speaker,  inquired  into,  and  cen- 

fured  by  the  Commons.  —  — 

—  Speech  to  both  Houfes  to  haften  a  Sjpply.        — 
.  (hewing  the  Reafons  of  the  Lords  for  prefer- 
ring the  Supply  to  other  Bufinefs.  — 

■  1  at  opening  the  Parliament  'inNsoemler,  1 64.0. 

•—  Rcqueft,  in  Anfwer  to  fome  Complaints  againft  him 

by  the  Commons.  

—  Ad  million  into  their  Houfc,  Manner  of. 
Accufed  of  High  Treafon,  fif<.  — 
His  Apology  to  the  Commons,  in  order  to  divert  their 

Profecution.  1 

Efcapes  into  Hslland,  — - 

Articles  of  Impeachment  againft  him,  Abftraft  of. 

His  Letter  from  the  Hagui  10  the  Ear!  of  Pembroke.    — 

FINCH,  Sir  Nathaniel,  his  Charge  againft  Col.  John  Lii- 

botime,  for  afperfwg  the-Earl  oiMancbejitr  and 

the  Hoafe  of  Peers.  

FINCH,  Lard,  his  Petition  to  the  Peers  for  Leave 

turn  to  England.  —  — 

FINES  impofed  upon  the  Bifhop  arid  Deans  for  their  Pro- 
ceedings in  the  Convocation,  Anm  1641,   Ac- 
count of.  —  ---__ 
FIRST  FRUITS  end  TENTHS  ofBeneJieei,  whenftrip- 

ped  from  (he  S?o  of  Pome.         — 

Court  of,  when  firft  creeled.  — 

Granted  again  to  the  Pope.  ■  — 

Reftoredto,  yfmwiejS.  —  — 

FISHER,  John,  Bijhp  of  ttochrfier,  his  Speech  againft  a 
Bill  for  reforming  the  Abufes  of  the  Clergy.      — ■ 
His  fmart  Reply  to  Thoma  Howard,  Duke  of'Nerfo/i. 
Sufpected  of  hold  I  ng  CorreTpondence  with  Elizabeth  Bar- 
ton, called  tlic  Holy  Maid  at  Kent.         —         — 
His  Letter  to  the  Houfc  of  Lords  on  that  Occafion.  — 

to  the 

rot     Pap. 

" '  406,  7 

:  459 M; 
18  u  it 




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Parliamentary  Hijiory  of  England. 


FISHER,  Jtb*;BiJbop  ofRocbtfter,  refutes  to  take  the  Oath 

for  renouncing  the  Pope's  Authority.  — 

Oppofe*  the  Fading  of  a  Bill  for  fuppreffing  the  lefler 

Monasteries.  -  ■  <• 

rTTZ-ALEN,  Edmund,  Earl  ef  Arundel,  one  of  the  Com- 

mittee  appointed  to  govern  the  Affairs  of  King 

Edward  it  — 

One  of  the  confederate  Lords  againft  Pierce  Gavefim.  — 
Eiecutedby  the  Queen's  Party  for  hisLoyaltytotheKing. 
FTTZ-ALEN,  Richard,  Earl  <f  Arundel,  reftored  to  hii 
Father's  Honours  and  Eftatc.            —            — 
Appointed  Lord-Admiral  for  the  Well.        —        — 
Obtains  the  Reverfal  of  his  Father's  Attainder.        — 
One  of  the  Commiffionera  appointed  to  regulate  the  Af- 
fairs of  the  State.  

His  OppoGtion  to  the  Meafures  of  King  Richard  II. 
and  his  Miniltry.                  _™ _                  __ 
Oneof  the  Lords  called  Appellants,  in  1383.     , 
Discharged  from  the  Office  of  Lord- Admiral.              — 
His  Complaint  againft  the  Duke  of  Lancafttr.    '  

—  Manner  of  liking  the  Duke's  Pardon. 

Articles  of  Impeachment  againft  him,  by  the  Lords  Ap- 

pellams,  in  1397.  

His  Anfwer  thereto.  ■-■ 

Coovifled  of  High  Treafon.  

His  Sentence.  — —  — - 

Account  of  his  Behaviour  on  his  Trial. 

His  Execution.  ■    ■  ■  

FITZGERALD,  Thomas,  Sm  to  the  Earl  of  Xjldare,  his 

mifchievous  Practices  in  Inland,  Account  of,    — 

FLEET.     See  Navy. 

FLEETWOOD,  Sir  Miles,  his  Speech  on  the  Liberty  of 

theSubjecl.       — 

His  Speech  againft  Bifhop  Montague.  — 

—  Report  of  the  Proceedings  againft  fome  Jcfuits. 
FLEETWOOD,  Lieut.  Gen.  his  Account  of  the  Motions 

of  the  Eugtijb  and  Scots  Armies  near  W\ arcefti   . 

His  Account  of  the  Arrival  of  the  latter,  with  King 

Charles  II.  at  that  City.  —  — 

—  Letter,  intimating  an  Expectation  of  a  general  En- 


Appointed  one  of  the  Commiflionen  to  fettle  the  Govern- 
ment of  Ireland.  ■ 

— — —  one  of  the  Protestor's  Council  



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1  471 

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24.  u  26 

33.    4 

Jglzecy  GOOgk 


FLEETWOOD,  LieutrnMt-Gentrai,  appointed  Deputy- 

Lieutenant  of  Ireland.  . 

i  one  of  CrmwelTs  Houfe  of  Lords.         ■ 

His  Letter  to  Harry  Crmwell,  concerning  the  Protector': 

UftSicknefa.  '  — 

Appointed  Commander  in  Chief  of  all  the  Land  Forces 

in  EnglandwxA  Scotland.  —  

" sit')  CommiffioneT)  for  go- 

to  the 

■  one  of  the  Committee  (or  nominating  Officers 

of  the  Army.  — <- 

■— —  - — ■  one  of  the  Sub-Commirtee  to  confrder  of  a 

proper  Form  of  Government.  —  ■ — 

His  Speech  to  the  Common  Council  of  the  City  of  lea- 

don,  again  ft  the  Proceedings  of  Gen.  Moake,  — 
—  Conference  with  Mr.  Wbithcki,  about  bringing  in 

the  King.  

Excepted,  by  the  Convention  Parliament,  out  of  the  Aft 

of  General  Pardon  and  Oblivion  in  i65o,  — 
FLEMING,  Sir  Oliver,  appointed  Mailer  of  Ceremonies 

by  the  Parliament.  — —  

FLEMING.  StrmiRam,  taken  Prifoner  in  his  Flight  from 

the  Battle  of  Wirccfter  in  i6ci.  

FLODDENFIELD,  County  ifHtrtkabtrUnJ,  Battle  of, 

FLOWER,  Roger,  E/f,  chofen  Speaker  for  the  Houfe  of 
Commons,  at  the  Parliament  in  1416. 
Chofen  Speaker  at  the  Parliament  in  1417. 
, 14,5. 


varded  by  the  Commons,  for  bring- 
News  of  the  Surrender  of  Ritlbilt 

FOGGE,  Mr.  how 

ing  them  tl 

Caftle  to  the  rarmment  s  t  orces.         — 

FOOT,  ,   Efq;  elefled  Lord  Mayor  nf  London.     ~ 

Ceremony  of  his  being  prerented  to  the  Houfe  of  Com- 

monsfortheir  Approbation.  —  — — 

FOREIGN  TRADE,  encouraged  by  an  Aft.     

FOREIGN  AMBASSADORS,  RcfolMion  of  Parliament 

concerning  them.  ~  — 

FORESTA  CHARTA  granted  by  King  Jaba  to  the 

Confirmed  by  King  Henry  III.  in  1 22;. 

-  by  Edward  I. 


599.  W 


Jglzecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hijlory  ^England.         287 

Vol.     Pegf. 
FOREST  A  CHARTA  confirmed  by  Edward  I.  in  1 297. 

by  Edward  II.   in  1 3 1 5- 

Edward  III. —  I3J4' 

FORMA  PAUPERIS,  AS  of,  when  firft  appointed.  - 

FORNICATION,  how  punifli'd  by  the  Commons  in  [650 

FORTESCUE,  Sirjthi,  his  Speech  for  a  Subfidy  in  1  59*. 

His  Report  from  Queen  Eliz/ibetb  to  the  Commons, 

relating  to  unlawful  Marriages.     —  — 

Motion  far  a  Supply-in  1 597,  —  — 

FORTESCUE,  Sir  Nubolat,  his  Depofition  in  Favour  of 

the  LordTreafurer Middle/ex.       — 
FOSTER,  Sir  Robert,  Jufiice  ef  the  Cmnuu  Pitas, 

peached  of  High  Trcafon  by  the  Commons,  and 

why.  '      — 

F0UNTA1NE,  Mr.  Serjeant,  made  one  of  the  Cora- 

millioners  of  the  Great  Seal.  . 

FOWLIS,  Matthias,  Charge  again!*  him  by  the  Lords. 
FOXE,  Mr.  his  Remarks  on  the  A&  of  Succeffion,  in  I 
vour  of  Lady  Jane  Seyatur.  •         — 

InveHives  againft  the  Parliament,  for  their  Proceedings 

againft  Tbmas  Lord  Cromwell.         — •  

FRANCE,  Civil  War  there.  _ 

Power  of,  to  what  principally  afcribed.  —  — 

FRANCIS,  Dtih  tf  Anjou,  his  Arrival  in  England,  and 

Addrdles  to  Queen  Elizabeth,  Account  of.    

FRANCIS,  Dauphin  if  France,  his  Marriage  with  Mary 
Stuart,  Queen  Regent  of  Scotland.         — 
—  Claim  to  the  Englijh  Crown.         —         — 
— -Hoftilities  in  Confcquence  thereof.  — 

How  diflreffed  by  the  Englifi.         

Hit  Death. 

FREDERICK,  Printt,  Cnunt  Palatine  of  the  Rhine, 

ricd  to  the  Piincefs  Elizabeth,  Daughter  of  King 

James  I.  • ' — 

DifpoiTelTed  of  all  his  Hereditary  Dominions,  and  by 
whom.  ■    ■ 

FREE  CHAPELS,  Explanation  of.  '      —  

FRENCH  WINES,  when  prohibited  by  the  pommons 
from  being  imported  into  England.        —         — 

FROISART,  Mr.  his  Account  of  the  prodigious  Strength 
of  the  Frentb  Navy  in  1385.  —  — 

FRUGALITY,  a  notable  Inlhnce  of,  in  the  Perfen  of 
Kiot;  HnryV.  ■ ■     — 



Jglzecy  GOOgk 


N      t>      E      X    to  tie 

FULTHORP,  Sir  Regtr ,  one  of  the  Judges  who 
figned  the  Refolutions  at  Nottingham  In 
,387.  -  _  - 

Impeached  on  (hat  Account.  —  — 

Charge  againft  him.  —  — 

His  Anfwer.        —         —  —  — 

How  replied  to  by  ihe  Commons.        —        — 
His  Sentence.  —  —  — 

How  mitigated  by  the  Interpolation  of  the  Bifbops 
His  Banishment  to  Inland.  —  — 

—  Allowance  towards  the  Expences  of  his  Paf- 
fage.-  —  —  — 

FURNIV  AL,  Lord  Thomas,  appointed  one  of  the 
Treafurers  of  War  in  1405.  —  — 
FYNES,  Tbeopbilus,  Earl  of  Lincoln,  bis  Excufe 
for  not  accepting  the  Lieutenancy  of  Lin- 
coln, offered  him  by  the  Parliament.  — 
His  Letter  to  the  Peers,  on  being  excluded  their 
Houfe  for  not  taking  the  Solemn  League 
and  Covenant.         —  —  — !  14 

Admitted  to  his  Seat  again.  —  — 

Impeached  by  the  Commons  of  High  Treafon. 
Discharged  from  Reftraint,  and  reftored  to  his 
Seat  in  Parliament  again.        —  — 

GAIRE,  Sir  John,  Lord  Mayor  of  London,  im- 
peached by  the  Commons  of  High  Treafon, 
and  committed  to  the  Tower.  — 

Charge  againft  him,  Particulars  of.       —       — 
Brought  to  the  Bar  of  the  Houfe  of  Peers.   -    - 
His  Behaviour  there,  and  Proceedings  againft 
him,  Account  of.  —  — 

Discharged  from  Profecutiort.  —  — 

— '■— Confinement.  —  — 

Difabled  by  the  Commons  from  bearing  the  Of- 
fice of  Alderman  in  the  City  of  London. 
GAMES,  unlawful,  when  reftrained  by  an  Aft, 
GARDINER,  Sir  Thomas,  Recorder  of  London, 
committed  to  the  Tower,  and  on  what 
Account. — — - 


Jig  Lizecsy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hijlory  q/*England. 

GARDINER,  Sir  Thomas,  Recorder  of  London, 
difplaced  from  his  Office  by  the  Parliar 

merit,  and  why.  ■ — ■  

Appointed  Sollicitor-Gcneral  to  King  Charles  I. 
GARDINER,  Stephen,  BljhopofWinchfftlr,m^z 
Lord-Chancellor.  —  - 

Made  Prime  Miniftcr  to  Queen  Mary. 
His  Briberies  and  Corruptions,  Account  of. 

—  Declaration,  on  opening  the  Parliament  in 

—  Speech,  on  introducing  Cardinal  Pole  to  the 

Parliament.  ■  — — 

—  remarkable  ExprefEon,    on    cutting  fome 

Lines  out  of  a  Bill.  —  --  — 

—  Speech,  on  opening  the  Parliament  in  1555. 

—  Sicknefs  and  Death.  —  

GARGRAVE,  Sir  Thomas,  elecled  Speaker  for 

the  Commons  in  1558-         —  — 

GARRAWAY,  Henry,  his  Depofition  againft  \ 

Lord-Treafurer  Middle fex  for  Bribery.  J 
GARTER,  Order  of,  when  firft  inftituted,  and 

GATES,  Thomas,  E/q;  appointed,  by  the  Parlia- 
ment, one  of  the  Barons  of  the  Exchequer. 

His  bad  Character.  —  —  — 

Banifhed  the  Realm.        —  —  — 

His  Oath  never  to  return  into  England.  — 

—  Penlion  from  the  Crown  on  that  Condition. 
Recalled  from  Banifhment.  —  — 
Made  Earl  of  Cornwall.  —  — 
His  large  PoffefEons,  Account  of.1  —  — 
Marries  a  Daughter  of  Gilbert  de  Clare,  Earl  of 

Gloncejler.            —              —  — 

His  Character  by  Rapin.             —  — 

by  Dr.  Brady.             '—  — 

Charge  againft  him  by  the  Barons.  —      — 

Bantthed  the  Realm  again.            —  — 

His  Sentence  confirmed  by  the  King.  —     — 

—  Stay  in  England,  how  threatened  by   the 

Prelates.        —  —  — 




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I         N 

X    to 

GAVESTON,  Ptirttt  tent  into  Inland.         — 
Made  Governor  there.     —  —  — 

Obtains  the  Baton*'  Affent  for  enjoying  the  Earl- 
dom of  Cornwall  during  Life.       —        — 
Appears  at  the  Parliament  in  1310,  and  takes 
his  Place  accordingly.  —  — 

Reafona  for  his  being  recalled  a  fecond  Time.  - 
How  purfucd  by  the  Barons'  Army.      —      — 
His  fatal  Cataftrophe,  Account  of.       —       — 
■      —  Character  by  Mr.  Daniel.  —  — 

GAYNTINGTON,  a  Convention  of  the  Eftates 
of  the  Realm  held  there.  —        — 

GENTRY  of  Som*rfttjhirt,  their  Petition,  intend- 
ed  to  be  pretented  to  the  Parliament,  for  an 
Accommodation  with  King  CkarUs  I.     - 
Of  Hattin£bamjkirit  their  Petition,  expreffing  a 

Diflike  to  the  Proceedings  of  Parliament. 
Lift  of,  who  figned  it.  ■  — 

Of  iUrtfordJbirty  their  Declaration  in  Favour  of 

the  King.  ■  

Of  Nertbumberbmd,  their  Refolution,  concern 
.     ing  the  March  of  the  Scots  Army  into 

GERARD,  Mr.  hh  Sentence  and  Execution,  on 
a  Pretence  of  being  concerned  in  a  Plot 

agaie-ft  the  Protector.         t  

GERRARO,  Sir  Gilbert,  made  Chancellor,  of  the 

Duchy-Court  of  Lmc*fitt.  

GIFFARD,  Walttr^Arthbifaap  of  Turk,  appointed 
one  of  the  Regent*  on  the  Death  of  King 

Henry  1U,  . 

GILBERT.  >**,  Bijbp  of  Hertford,  his  Propo- 

fal  to  the  Parliament  in  1382.  for  fuppref- 

fing  the  Enemies  of  the  Kingdom.         — 

Made  Lord-Treafurer.  — 

Del  ivors  up  the  Keys  of  the  Exchequer. 

Accepti  them  again.  — 

GILDERSBURY,  Sir  Jda,  chofen  Speaker  for 

the  Common*  in  1379.         — 

His  Petition  to  the  King  thereupon. 

Appointed  one  of  the  Committee  to  furvey  the 

King's  Houfliold.        —        —      


Vol.     Pagt. 



196,  7,  8 

256/*  259 
1 1 ' 259,  60 

II   2731*276 






)■;■,,,:  :,,  C'.OO^IC 

Parliamentary  t^lory  tf  England*         291 

Vol.     Pegt. 
GILDERSBURY,  Sir  John,  chofcn  Speaker  in 

1380.  - —  1  359 

His  Requcft  on  that  Occafion.  1  359 

GIPSIES,  when  baniflied  the  Kingdom.  —  j  33a 
GLANVILLE,  John,  Efq;  Strjeant  at  Law,  ap- 
pointed by  the  Common*  one  of  their  Ma- 
nagers againft  the  Duke  of  Buckingham.  - 
His  Narrative,  in  Proof  of  the  Gxth  Article  of 
Impeachment  againft  the  Duke  of  Buck- 
ingham. —  —  —     7 

—  Speech  in  Support  thereof.        —  ~*     7 

—  Narrative  in  Proof  of  the  feveoth  and  eighth 

Articles.  —  — -  — 

—  Speech  in  Support  of  them.         —  — 

—  Argument  for  the  Liberty  of  the  Subject.  — 
— -  Speech  againft  the  Lords'  Addition  to  thePe- 

tition  of  Right.  —  — 

on  the  King's  Warrant  to  theCu- 

ftomers  for  Tonnage.         —  — 

*  -  againft  feiziog  the  Goods  of  *  Par- 


Chofen  Speaker  for.  the  Commons,  at  the  Parlia- 
ment in  Jprii,  1640.  —  — 

Hit  Chamber  by  Lord  tkrtmio*.        —       — 

—  Speech  to  the  King,  to  be  excufed  the  Of- 

fice of  Speaker.  —  — 

—  Election  confirmed  by  the  King.      ■ ■ 

—  further  Speech  on  this  Occafion.      ■■■-  ■  ■■■ 
Impeached  of  High  Treaibn  by  the  Commons, 

and  for  what.  —  —  — 

Goes  to  Laadox.,    in  order  to  make  his  Peace 

with  the  Parliament.  — 

Taken  up,  and  committed  to  the  Tower. 

GLASCOCK,  ,  Eft;  hia  Speech  on  a  Bill 

againft  profane  Curling  and  Swearing.     - 

His  remarkable  Chara&er  of  a  Juftice  of  Peace.  ! 

-  of  Statutes  penal. 

GLEMHAM,  Sir  Thomas,  Commander  of  the 
King's  Forces  in  Northumberland.         — 
T  a 

74  "  H 

83  to  86 

88**  109 
109 to  no 
6+,  5 

312,  I] 



410,  It 


484.  5 
484.  5. 
489.  499» 
500,  1 


Jigliiecy  GOOgk 

392  INDEX    to-  the 

Vol.    Pa£t 
GLEMHAM,  Sir  Thomas,  his  Letter  to  the  Mar- 
quis of  Argjlt,  concerning  the  March  of 

the  Setts  Army  into  England.  

His  Queries  to  the  Gentry  of  Northumbirland, 
on  this  Occafion.  —  — — 

—  fecond  Letter  to  the  Marquis.  

Made  Governor  of  Oxford,  in  the  room  of  Col. 


Goes  into  Scotland.  >•<      >  ■  *    • 

GLENDOUR,  Owtn>  his  Infurreflion  in  Wain, 

Account  of.  —  ■■■  —  -  ' 

GLOUCESTER  befieged  by  King  Chariot  I.    - 

Secured  to  the  Parliament  by  the  Earl  of  EJfex. 

GLOUCESTER,  Statutes  of,  when  enacted.     - 

A  Parliament  held  there  in  1378.        —       — 

-  in  1407. 

GLOUCESTER,  Bijhoprick  of,  when  firil  erefl- 

ed,  and  by  whom.  

GLYNNE,  John,  Efr,  his  Speech,  in  Defence 

of  the  Privileges  of  Parliament.      ■ 

His  Reply  to  the  Anfwer  of  the  impeached  Bi 

(hops  at  their  Trial,  —  — — 

Appointed  Recorder  of  London  by  the  Parlia- 

His  Speech  to  the  Citizens  there,  for  a  fpeedy 
■!  Supply  for  the  Parliament's  Army.    — — 

One  of  the  Eleven  Members  charged  by  the  Ar- 
my with  Mifdemeanors.         —  — 

Expelled  the  Houfe.  —  

Charge  againft  him  by  the  Commons,  Particulars 

Refiored  to  his  Seat  in  the  Houfe.       —        — 
Appointed  one  of  the  Pari iament'sCommi (doners 

to  treat  wtth  the  King  in  the  Ifit  of  Wight 

about  a  National  Peace.         —  — — 

Made  Chief  Juftice  of  the  Upper  Bench.        — 
—  —  ooe  of  the  Committee  to  receive  Cromwell': 

Scruples  as  to  his  being  King.       — 
His  Arguments  to  induce  his  Acceptance  of  7 

that  Title.  I 


39  '»  4* 




:   107 

3  '52 

10 '306,  7 
»  4*5 
■3  164,  5 





77  to  81 
90,  1 

:=y  Google 



Par/iametttary  Hijtory  ^"England. 

GODRICKE,  Thomas,BiJbopofEly,  made  Lord- 
Chancellor.  —  ■  -  

GOFTON,  Francis,  his  Depofition  againft  che 
Lord-Treafurer  Middlifcx,  as  Mailer  of 
the  Wardrobe.  ■ 

GOODMAN,  Godfrey,  B'tjhop  of  GUuttfttr,  im- 
peached by  the  Commons,  for  affifling  tc 
make  fome  new  Canons.         —  — 

His  Plea.  ■—  —  - 

—  Refolution  concerning  it.  —  — 

—  Danger  from  the  Populace,  Account  of.  — 
Joins  in  a  Proteltation  againft  the  Legality  of 

Parliamentary  Proceedings.  —  — 
Accufcd  of  High  Treafonon  this  Account.  — 
Brought  to  the  Bar  of  the  Houfe  of  Peers.  — 
His  Charge  by  the  Commons.        —    .    -  -  ■ 

—  Anfwcr.  —  —  — 
Committed  to  the  Tower.           ■■                    — 

GOODMAN,  John,  a  Seminary  Piieft,  con- 
demned for  High  Treafon.  <j 

Reprieved  by  the  King.  9 

His  Petition  to  be  executed.  —  —     o, 

GOODRICKE,  Sir  John,  Fine  impofed  on  him 
by  the  Commons,  for  his  Rcleafement  from 
the  Tower,  Amount  of.         —  — 

GOODWIN, ,  Efyi  his  Speech  to  foften  a 

Debate  on  National  Grievances.       

His  Speech,  relating  to Ailon,  Efq;  Sheriff 

of  London.  ■  - 

GOOD  WINE,  Ralph,  Stcrttary  UPrintt  Rupert, 
his  Letter,  concerning  fome  of  the  Parlia- 
ment's Soldiers  being  executed  by  the 
Prince's  Command.         ■   — —  — —  13 

GOODWIN,  Sir  Francis,  Cafe  of,  touching  his 
Election  and  Return  for  Knight  of  the 
Shire  for  the  County  of  Buckingham.  — 
His  Letter  on  thatOccafion  to  Sir  Edward  Phi- 
lip;, Speaker  for  the  Commons.  — 
GOOKIN,  Mr.  his  Account  of  a  Debate  on  1 
Bill  for  laying  an  extraordinary  Tax  01 
the  Royaliits,  — —  ■     ■       21     54,5 

T  3  GORING, 

Jglzecy  GOOgle 


I      N 


GORING,  CiUtul  George,  hit  Confeffion  of  a  Plot 

againft  the  Parliament.  —  

His  farther  Account  of  this  Affair.      —        — 

Order  of  the  Commons  concerning  him.        — 

Made  Governor  of  Portfmoutb.         — * 

Secures  that  Town  for  King  Charles  I. 

His  Letter,  giving  an  Account  of  the  Prepara- 

lions  abroad  for  the  Service  of  the  King 

againft  the  Parliament.      •  *-*■  — 

Intercepted,  and  how.        —  *—  t- 

GORING,  Lord,  his  Letter  to  his  Son  Gen.  Go- 

ring,  concerning  the  King's  Army  in  the 

Impeached  of  High  Trcafon  by  the  Commons, 
His  intercepted  Letter  to  the  Queen,  concern- 
ing his  EmbaJTy  to  the  Court  of  Frana,  &c. 
—  Defeat  in  Sunerfet/birt  by  Gen.  Fairfax,  Ac- 
count of.  i 

Takes  upon  him  thfl  Command  of  the  Ktntijb 
Men  againft  the  Parliament's  Forces,    -r- 
His  Defeat,  Particulars  of.  — 

Declared  a  Traitor  by  the  Parliament 
Taken  Prifoner  at  the  Surrender  of  Colthe/ltr.  - 
Ordered  to  m*dfir  Caftle.  —  — 

Sentenced  to  Death  by  the  High  Court  of  Jufttce. 
Saved  from  Execution,  and  by  what  Means. — 
Set  at  Liberty,  on  his  Petition  to  the  Commons. 
GOVERNMENT,  how  altered  by  the  Barons 

in  1258.  ■■ —  

Debate  on  the  Plan  thereof,  by  CrwvMil's  1 

fecond  Parliament.  J 

Various  Forma  of,  at  propofed  in  1659.     — — r 

GRACE,  Aa  of,   granted  by  King  Henry  IV. 

Anno  1411.  ■  ' 

Granted  by  King  Henry  VIII.  1516.         


—  Edward  VI.  1547. 
— -, 1548. 

-  Queen  Mary,  1553. 

Elizabeth,  1566. 

, ^__rr ,.1571. 


337'*  339 

362,  3 

73  «  75 

*73.  4 






219,   20 




♦32     , 








59  "  '3 


34?,  9 



478,  9 



















=,  Google 

Parliamentary  Htftwy  cfEttatAUD, 


GRAHAM,  Tamti,  MofoHis  of  Mmlroft,  one  of 

the  Generals  of  the  Scats  Army,  in  1640. 

Difgufted  at  the  Proceedings  of  his  Countrymen. 

His  Offer  for  the  Support  of  King  CharUs  I.  — 

Charged  with  holding  Corrcfpondence  with  the 

His  undaunted  Behaviour  on  that  Occafion.     — 

—  Succefs  in  Scotland,  on  Behalf  of  the  King, 

Account  of.  ■■"  ■'  

Defeated,  and  driven  out  of  the  Kingdom,  by  the 

Parliament's  Forces.  — 

Lands  again  in  Scotland,  and  nuics  Forces 
Prince  CharUs.  —  — 

Taken  Prifoner  by  a  Party  of  Covenanters. 
His  Sentence  and  Execution,  Account  of.  — 
GRAND-JURY  of  thi  County  of  Semtrfit,  their 
Petition,  Subftance  of,  to  the  noufe  of 
Commons,  againft  a  Treaty  with  the  King 

in  the  Ifle  of  Wight.  —  

GRANT  oF  Crenrwelfs  third  Parliament  for  carry- 
ing on  a  War  with  Spain.     —  -  ■■  - 
GRANTS,  from  the  Crown,   to  the  Duke  of 
Buckingham,  Account  of.          —  — 
GRANTHAM,  Sir  Thomas,  committed  to  Pri- 
fon,  for  rewfing  a  Loan  to  King  Charles  I. 
Difcharged  on  the  Calling  a  new  Parliament. 
GRAVESEND,  Stephen,   Bifho}  of  London,  his 
Attempt  to  deliver  King  Edward  II.    out 

of  Prifon.  

GRAY*  Elizabeth,  Reliff  of  Sir  John  Gray,  mar- 
ried to  King  Edward  IV.  

GREAT-BRITAIN,  when  firft  fo  denominated. 
GREAT  SEAL,  Votes  concerning  it  by  the  Corn- 
Votes  -concerning  it  by  the  Peers.  —  — 
Made  by  Order  of  the  Commons,  Form  of.  - 
Ordinance  of  Parliament  for  ufing  it,  Account  of. 
Of  the  King,  how  difpofed  of  hy  the  Parliament. 
New  one  made,  by  the  fule  Authority  of  the 
Commons,  in  1648,         — 

Device  and  Infcriptlohs  thereon,  Account  of.  — '  18 





42  to  50 

Si.  3>  4 


3'.  2 
55.  « 

1 40**144 

328    - 

267;  9 

437  »44> 


Jig  lizecy  GOOgle    ' 


E      X 

GREAT  SEAL,  Order  of  Parliament  for  a  new 
one,  in  1659.      —  - 

Infcrjptions  thereon.  _ 

Broken  in  Pieces  at  the  Reiteration,  —  — 
GREEN,  Sir  Henry,  Lord  Chief  Jujiice,  his  De 
claration  to  the  Parliament  in  1362,  con- 
cerning the  Caufe  of  their  Summons.     — 

His  Declaration  to  the  Parliament  in  1 362,  con- 
cerning the  King's  Pardon  to  his  Subjects. 

Appointed  one  of  the  Juncro  of  Parliament  in 

His  Execution  at  Briftol  by  the  Duke  of  Lan- 

tafttry%  Party.  

GREEN,  John,  Efq;  chofen  Speaker  for  the  Com- 
mons in  1461.  

GREEN,  Serjeant,  appointed  one  of  the  Standing 

Council  to  the  Houfe  of  Commons. 
GRENVILLE,  Sir  John,  how  complimented  by 
the  Commons,  on  his  bringing  them  a  Let- 
ter from  the  King  at  Breda.  ■ 
GREVILE,  Fuli,  Efq;  his  Speech  on  a  Bill  for 

a  Subiidy.  

Created  Lord  Brooke.  

GREVILE,  Lord  Broth,  his  Speech  to  the  Citi- 
zens of  London,  on  occafion  of  the  Ki; 
refuting  to  grant  a  Safe-Condu£t  to  _.. 
John  Evelyn,  one  of  the  Parliament's  Com- 

miffioners.  . 

His  fecond  Speech  to  that  Purpofe.       —       — 
GREY,  Thomas,  Marquis  of  Dorfct,  his  Expe- 
dition to  Spain,  and  Occaiion  thereof. 

His  bad  Succefs.  - 

GREY,  Ladyjant,  her  Marriage  with  LardDudby 

Her  Defcent.  •  

Pretenfions  to  the  Crown,  and  how  founded 

Contdft  with  the  Princeis  Mary.    —      — 

Attainted  of  High  Treafon  on  that  Account.  — 

Her  untimely  End.  

GREY,  Lord,  of  Werk,  his  Letter  for  a  Safe- 
Conduct  to  a  Committee  from  the  Parlia- 
ment to  the  King  with  a  Petition  for  Peace. 

to    the 

Vol.     Pogl. 

21 1409,  10 


258,  262 

392.  3 

I4  to  17 
19  to  21 







Jglzecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hijiory  of  England. 

GREY,  Lard,  of  Wtrk*  his  fecond  Letter,  to  the 

fame  Purpofe.  ■  — 

His  third  Letter  on  this  Affair.  — 

■ —  Letter,  concerning  a  Cefiation  of  Hoftili 

between  the  King's  and  the  Parliame 

Armies.  ■  — 

Appointed  to  go  into  Scotland,  and  invite  that 

Nation  to  the  Parliament's  AJ&ftance  againft 

the  King.  

His  Exciife  to  avoid  that  Embaffy,  Account  of. 
— -  Refufal,  how  punifhed.  —  — 

Appointed  one  of  the  Keepers  of  the  Duchy  Seal 
of  Lancafter.  ■  -  — —- 

His  Letter  to  Sir  Thomai  GUmhamy  in  Anfwer  to 

one  touching  a  Menage  from  the  King. 
Appointed  a  Member  of  the  Council  of  State.  -  19 
His  Anfwer,  defiling  to  be  excufed  from  that 

Truft.  19 

GREY,  Anthony*  Earl  of  Kentt  one  of  the  Peers 
who  rejected  an  Ordinance  of  the  Com- 
mons for  the  Trial  of  King  Charles  I.    —  18 
GREY,  Lord,  of  Rutben,  defcrts  the  Parliament, 
and  joins  King  Cbarlts  I.  at  Tori,     —    - 
His  Excufe  for  not  returning  purfuant  to  a  Sum- 
Impeachment  againft  him  on  this  Account,  Par- 
ticulars of.  1-  

Reverial  of  his  Sentence.  —  — 

GREY,    Htnry,    Earl  of  Stamford,   declared  a 
Traitor  by  the  King,  and  why.     -<-    — 
Indemnified  by  the  Parliament.       •  — 

His  Succefs  before  BriM.  ——  — 

Appointed  one  of  the  Parliament's  Commiffion- 
ers  to  attend  the  Payment  and  March  of 
the  S cots  Army.  —>  "~\t5 

His  Letter  concerning  this  Bufmefs.       ■■—      —  1 15 
—  fecond  Letter,  giving  an  Account  of  the  Scats  I 
Forces  having  quitted  Horkjhin,  Nru/ca/tU, 
t£c.  in  order  to  their  marching  home.    —  15 
Appointed  one  of  the  Parliament's  Commiflion-I 
ers  to  go  into  Scotland  to  prefcrve  Peace 

*97  , 


10,  II 


33!,  6 



'37.  '« 



205,  6 


290,  1 

288,  9 


298  I      N      D      E      X    to  the 

GREY,  Lard,  Heir  Apparent  ft  tht  Earl  ef  Stam- 
ford, his  Letter  concerning  the  Motions  In 
Ltittfttrjbirt  againft  the  Scott,  in  1651.  - 
—  Services  to  the  Commonwealth,   how  re- 
warded. *  ■■■■■  ...  i    .  ■ 
GRIEVANCES,  National,  in  the  Reign  of  King 

Henry  HI.  Particulars  of.       ^ 

Made  a  Pretence  by  the  Commons  for  refuting 

topafs  a  Subfidy  Bill.  —  ■  —     5 

Complained  of  by  them.  —  —m     5 

Debate  thereon.  ■    ■  ■  ■—■■ ■- 

Further  Complaint  againft  them.         —        — 

Proceedings  therein  by  the  Peers.      — 

■—  ..    ..-.,.   .  by  the  Commons.         ■ 
Order  concerning  them.  — ■•  — 

Debate  thereon.  ■  ■■    -■ 

Ordered  by  the  Commons  to  go  Hand  in  Hand 
with  the  Supply.  -■— —  — 

Recapitulated  by  Sir  John  Elliot.      —  — 

Debate  about  them  by  the  Commons.    —      \ 
Further  Proceedings  therein.  —  — 

Complained  of  to  the  Commons  by  fundry  Peti- 

Speeches  concerning  them.  —  

Petition  againft  them  by  the  Citizens  of  Lendom 
Recapitulated  by  tbe  Commons.       —        — 

Petitions  againft  them.  — 

Exaggerated  by  Mr.  Pymme.  —  — 

Complained  of  by  Tradefmen's  Wives,  and  how.   10 
■    by  the  Inhabitants  of  Cleveland.  !lO 
Declaration  of,  with  their  Remedies.      —    —10 

Debate  thereon  by  the  Peers.  — '  10 

1     ■   ■■■■  by  the  Commons,  m  1660.  —  23 

GRIMSTON,  Sir  Harhttlw,  committed  to  Pri- 

fen,  for  refilling- a  Loan  to  King  Charles  I. 

Releafed  on  the  calling  a  new  Parliament.     — 

His  Speech  on  Grievances.  —  — 

—  againft  Archbithop  Laud. 

-  —  on  the  Privileges  of  Parliament. 



46.  7 


240,  1 

3+5*  6 
3+6,  7.  * 
4«*»  3 
361 ft 37a 

437      * 
1  J5»  163 


420  to  434 

456,  7,  % 


62  ft  104 
264  5,  6 

60  to  89 
234  r»  242 
272  to  275 

403  '*4H 
421,  2 

51  "  53 


87  to  94 
1 84/*  188 


Parliamentary  Hijlory  of  England. 


RIMSTON,  Sir  Harbottlt,  appointed  one  of  the 
Parliament's  Commiffioners  to  treat  with 
the  King  in  the  ljU  of  Wight  about  a  Na- 
tional Peace.        17 

Cbofen  Speaker  for  the  Commons*  at  the  Con- 
vention Parliament,  in  1660.  ■■■■■■ 

His  Addrefs  of  Thanks  to  Siijobn  Grenviilc,  for 
bringing  a  Letter  from  the  King  to  the 
Commons.  ■ 

—  Speech  to  the  King  on  arriving  at  Whitthall. 

• . —  on  presenting  fom*  Money-Hills. 

■  on  ptefenting  a  Bill  of  Indent* 

■  on  prefenting  fome  Bills  at  the 
Recefe  of  Parliament.       — —  — — 

-  at  the  Diflblution  thereof.      — 

GROATS,  when  firft  coined  in  England,  and  by 

whom.  — —  ■'  ■  ■   !■ 

GROSVENOR,  Sir  Richard,  his  Report  of  the 

Proceedings  of  the  Houfe  of  Commons, 

touching  Popery.  — —  

GUARD,  appointed  by  the  Commons  to  attend 

their  Houfe.  —  — 

DifmilTed  by  the  King.  — 

Appointed  by  the  Peers  for  the  Security  of  both 

Houfes.  ■  — — 

GUILD,  Explanation  of.  — 

GUIMaRaES,  Joannti,  comes  into  England  as 

Agent  from  the  King  of  Portugal.        — 

Manner  of  his  being  admitted  to  an  Audience  of 

the  Houfe  of  Commons.         —  — 

GUMBLE,  Qr.  his  Remarks  touching  the  Con. 

du£r.  of  Gen.  Mtmh,  on  his  dettroying  the 

Gates  of  the  City  of  London.       —         — 

"u  Account  of  the  King's  Entry  into  London  on 

his  Reftoration.  

GUNPOWDER  PLOT,  how  intended  to  be  ex- 
ecmed,  and  when  difcovered.  — 
GURNEY,  Sir  Richard,  Lord  Mayor  of  London, 
Impeachment  .tg-i  inft  him,  and  on  what  Ac- 
count,                         — — 











116,  17 

267,  8 

Jig  liiecy  GOOgk 


I      N 

X    to 

GURNEY,  Sir  Richard,  Lord  Mayor  of  London, 

his  Anfwer  to  his  Impeachment.        

Farther  Impeachment  againft  him.  ■ 

Committed  to  the  Tower.  — .' 

Ordered  by  the  Parliament  to  appoint  a  Deputy. ' 

His  Anfwer.  — —  

Brought  to  the  Bar  of  the  Houfe  of  Peers.     — ' 
His  Anfwer  to  the  fccond  Impeachment  againlt 

Farther  Proceedings  againft  him  at  hit  Trial,  7 

Particulars  of.  C  . 

His  Defence  againft  his  firfi  Impeachment.    — 

his  fecond  Impeachment.  f 

Refolutions  of  the  Peers  againft  him.     —     — 

His  Sentence.  ■  ■[ 

Removed  from  his  Office  of  Lord  Mayor.  , 

His  Regalia  forcibly  taken  from  him.  

GURNEY,  Thomas,  an  Accomplice  in  the  Death 

of  King£</war(/II.  — 

Extraordinary  Reward  to  take  him  offered  by 

the  Parliament.  —  — 

T  TABINGTON,  Mr.  his  Remarks  on   the 

JL  JL  Settlement  of  the  Crowri  in  1470.       

His  Remarks  on  the  Bill  of  Attainder  againft 

George  Duke  of  Clarence.         —        

HACKER,  Col.  his  Imprifonment  and  Examina- 
tion, on  Account  of  the  Warrant  for  exe- 
cuting King  Charles  I.  —  — 
HACKETT,   Dr.    Archdeacon    of  Bedford,    his 
Speech  to  the  Commons  in  Favour  of  Deans 

and  Chapters.  —  -  ■ 

HACKWELL, .,  Efy;  his  Speech  on  the 

Liberty  of  the  Subjedt.  —  

His  Speech  againft  the   Lords'  Addition  to  the 

Petition  of  Right.  —  

touching  a  Parliament  Man   having 

Privilege  in  his  Goods.  —  — 


J'tl..  Pait, 

11  280 

■II   2»2 

11  282 

! 1 1  295 

11 295 

II  306 

II  306 

i  3261.329 

«■  33='>S33 

|      !338"34=> 

1 1  340, 1,  2 


1 1 1 !  36s,  9 

1  >■  13*9 





2S2, 3,  ♦ 

85  u  E! 


Parliamentary  Hijlory  ^"England. 
HAGGITT,  Jehu,   Efq;  appointed  a  Judge  of 

North  and  South  tPaJti.         —         

HALBERTS,  Order  of  the  Commons  concerning 

them  ■  — 

HALFORD,  Sir  Richard-,  Impeachment  agauift 

him.  Particulars  of.  —  — — 

HALIBURTON,  Capt.  how  treated  by  Major- 

General  Lambert,  in  palling  through  his 

Quarters  with  Letters  from  Scotland  for 

the  Ring  and  Parliament.  —        —  17 

How  treated  by  the  Commons.        ■ —  —  17 

HALL,  Mr.  his  Account  of  the  public  Relent- 

ment  againit  the  Duke  of  Suffoii.  — 

His  Account  of  a  Letter  from  the  Confederate 

Lords  to  King  Henry  VI.  ■■  -    ■ 

of  the  Manner  of  collecting  a  Be 

nevolence  for  King  Edward  IV.  — 

— —  Story  concerning  it.  -  —  

—  Obfervation    on    an  Ail    for  difcharging 
■Henry  VIII.  from  certain  Debts,  without 

paying  his  Creditors.        —  

HALL,  Jefepby  Bijhop  of  Exeter,  and  afterwardt 
of  Norwich,  his  Speech  againft  a  Bill  for 
retraining  Bifhops,  &c.  from  intermed- 
dling with  Secular  Affairs.  -  ■•■— 
His  Speech,  in  Support  of  the  Convocation  that 

made  the  Canons  in  1640.  

Impeached  for  his  Affiftance  therein.    —      — 

Gives  in  a  Plea.  ■ 

His  Resolution  concerning  it.         —        

—  Speech  in  Defence  of  the  Church  and  Clergy. 

—  Account  of  the  riotous  Proceedings  of  the 

Mob  againll  Bifhops.        — — ■ 

Joins  in  a  Proteftation  againft  the  Legality  of 

Parliamentary  Proceedings.    —        — — — 
'  Accafed  of  High  Treafon  on  this  Account.     — !  10 
Brought  to  the  Bar  of  the  Houfe  of  Peers.     —  10 
His  Charge  by  the  Commons.         —       ■■  10 

—  Anfwer.  —  ■  10 

—  Account  of  the  Proteftation,  and  the  Rea-  , 

fens  for  lignlng  it.            ■                   — -—  10 
Committed  to  the  1  ower.  —  10 





309,  10 
4Z1>  2 



349.  5Q 

242  to  246, 

35i  "355 

138,  9 
J  40 


Jglzecy  GOOgk 



E      X    to 

HALLt  John,  his  Confeffion,  touching  the  Mur- 
der of  che  Duke  of  GUuufttr.  — — 
His  Sentence  and  Execution.  —         

HALTON,  Bijbap  ef  Carlijli,  his'Sentence  againft 
the  Violators  of  the  two  Great  Charters.  - 

HAMBLEDON-HILL,  Battle  #/.         

HAMBURGH,  City  of,  their  Manner  of  Addrefs 
to  the  Heufa  of  Commons,  in  1649,     — 

HAMILTON,    James,    Marquis  ef,    appointed 

Commrmoner  to  King  Charles  I.  to  treat 

with  the  rebellious  Scots,        —  ■  1 

His  Endeavours  to  bring  them  to  Obedience.  — 

—  Letter  to  Gen.  Lambert,  fignifying  his  Inten- 

tion to  invade  England  with  an  Army  of 

Setts,  in  Favour  of  the  King.       —      — 

Fights  the  Parliament's  Forces  at  Pre/tan,  m 

His  Defeat,  Particulars  of.  —  — 

— •  abjeit  Behaviour  on  being  taken  Prifoner. 
How  fined  by  the  Commons.  —  — 

Removed  from  his  Confinement  in  Leicrjlerjbire 

to  IVinrtJor  Cattle.  —  

Sentenced  to  Death  by  the  High  Court  of  Justice, 
HAMILTON,  William,  Duke  ef,  bis  Letter  con- 
cerning the  Scots  Expedition  into  England, 

in  Augufi,  1651.        

Taken  Prifoner  at  the  Battle  of  Wmefl* 

His  Death,  Account  of.  — 

HAMMOND,  Dr.  ordered  to  appear  at  the  Bar  of 

the  Houfc  of  Lords,  for  ufing  the  Service 

of  the  Common  Prayer-Book:  before  the 


HAMMOND,  Col  Govermr  eftbe  Ifie  ef  Wight, 
his  Letter  to  the  Parliament,  concerning 
the  King's  Arrival  there,  after  his  Efcape 
from  tfampten-Ceurt.  —  — 

His  Letter  to  the  Parliament,  concerning  the 
Security  of  his  Peifon.        —  ■■     ■ 

—  third  Letter,  to  the  fame  Purpofc.        — — 
—-  Letter  to  the  Peers,    definng  Dirtfiion* 

about  the  King's  Perron.        — 

Vol.     Page. 

iHze^y  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hifimry  g/"ENOiANb. 


HAMMOND,  Col  Governor  of  tit  Ifit  of  Wight, 

his  Letter  to  the  Peers,  concerning  the 

Guard  he  had  let  over  the  King.    —  — —   16 

His  Letter,  touching  the  Security  of  the  King's 

Perfon,  and  fomelnforreiftions  in  his  Favour. 

his  intended  Etcapc  from  Ca- 

rifirookt  Csftle. 


-  a  Defign  again*  the  King's 

-  in  JufliScation  of  himfclf  on  that  Oc- 

Inftrudtions  to-him  front  the  Parliament,  in  Con- 

fequence  of  their  Votes  for  a  perianal 

Treaty  with  the  King  in  the  Ifit  if  Wight. 

His  Letter,  deliring  an  Explanation  thereof.  — 

■  relating  to  the  King's  Parole  not  to 

leave  the  Ifit  of  Wight.        —  

—  ■■    —  ■  in  Anfwer  to  the  Parliament,  touch- 

ing the  King's  Parole.  —         

-■     .   ■     '  to  the  Peers,  inclofmg  one  from  Lord 
Fair/ax,  requiring  his  Attendance  at  5/. 

^— ■ .  relating  to  that  General's  Order  for 

delivering  up  the  Charge  of  the  King's  Per- 
ion  to  Col.  Ewer.  —  

—  Orders  and  Inftruftions  to  Capt:  Boaitrmm, 

Major Raiph  and  Capt.  Hewety  for  the  Safety 
of  the  Ifit  of  Wight  and  the  King's  Periba. 

—  Letter,  giving  an  Account  of  bis  Journey 

towards  St.  Alton's,  and  of  his  Imprifon- 

ment  upon  the  Road  by  the  Army.  — 
HAMPDEN,  John,  Efq;  committed  to  Prifon,  for 

refuting  a  Loan  to  King  Charles  I.  ■  ■■■  ■■ 
Releafed  on  the  calling  a  new  Parliament.  — 
Refines  to  pay  Ship-Money.  —  — 

Stands  Suit  with  the  King  about  this  Tax.  — 
Occafions  the  Suppreffion  of  it.         —  — 

Appointed  one  of  the  Parliament's  Commiffion- 

ers  to  attend  the  King  in  Scotland.  -■■—.. 
to  treat  with  the  Seati  about  the  Irifh 





294»  5 

4*4,  »J 


»52t  3 


354>  5 
258,  9 
26  r,  2 

264,  5 





,l,zec;y  GOOgle 


N      D 

X    to 

HAMPDEN,  John,  Efq;  charged,  in  the  King's 
Name,  with  High  Treafon.  ■  ■ 

Secretes  himfclf,  and  withdraws  into  the  City. 
His  triumphant  Return  xoWtftminfiir,  Particu- 
lars of.  —  —  — 
HARCOURT,  Prince,   comes  into  England  as 
Ambaflador  from  the  Court  of  France,  in 
order  to  compofc  the  Differences  between 
King  Charles  I.  and  his  Parliament.     — 
His  Rem  on  {trance,  on  account  of  the  Arreft  of 

Mr.  Montague  in  his  Retinue,  — 

HARE,  Sir  Nicholas,  chofen  Speaker  for  the  Com- 
mons in  1540.  — ■  

His  Speech  to  King  Henry  VIII.  

HARKELEY,  Andrew,  created  Earl  of  Carlifle, 

HARLEY, ,  Bijhtp  of  Hereford,  how  treated 

on  his  Refufal  to  Kneel  at  the  Mafs.      — 
HARLEY,  Col.  Edward,  one  of  the  Eleven  Mem- 
bers of  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  charged 
by  the  Army  with  Mifdemeanors.     ■ 
Reft  or  ed  to  his  Seat  in  the  Houfe  again.      — — 
HARRENDON,  Sir  William,  one  of  the  Officers 
under  Henry  le  Spencer,  Biihop  of  Nor- 
wich, in  his  Expedition  to  Flanders.     — 

His  Sentence  for  Military  Mifcondudt.        

HARRIS, ,  Efq;  his  Speech  on  a  Bill  for  a 

Subfidy.  —  —  — 

His  Speech  againft  Adultery.     — -  — ■■  ■ 

HARRISON,  Major-General,  his  Letter  of  Ad- 
vice, concerning  the  March  of  the  Stats 
Army  into  England.  .  — 

His  Letter  to  the  Commiffioners  at  Yuri,  on  that 


to  the  Speaker,  with  Copies  of  fome 

intercepted  Letters  from  the  Sects.         ■ — 

'■'    '    ■        concerning  the  Motions  of  the  Englijh 

and  Scots  Armies.  —  — 

— -  farther  Account  thereof.        —  ■ — 

Letter,  relating  to  the  Purfuit  of  the  Scots 

Army  after  the  Battle  of  Worcefter.        — 

HARRISON,  John,  his  Deposition  againft  the  ) 

Lord-'I  reafurer  Middltfex  for  Bribery!    J 


Vet.     Pail. 

■56,  7 


+13.  "4 


170,  I 




5°4.  5 

5=5.  b,  7 

2.  3 

10,  11 
14/.  17 

5*  "55 
22B,  q 
235.  o.  7 

:*y  Google 

Parliamentary  Hiftory  of  England.         305 

Vol.     Page. 

HARSNET,  Samutl,   Bijhop  of  Ntnoith,  com- 
plained of  Co  the  Lords  by  the  Commons. 
Charge  againft  him.  -     —  — 

His  Defence.  —  —  — 

—  Complaint  againft  Thomas  Suits.        — 
HARTLIB,  Mr.  his  Account  of  CromweW*  R«a- 

fons  for  difTolving  his  third  Parliament. 
HASILRIGGE,  Sir  Arthur,  Accufation  againft 
him  by  the  King,  Particulars  of. 
His  Speech  in  his  Own  Vindication. 
Secretes  himfelf.  —  — 

Returns  to  Wtflminfltr  in  great  Triumph,      — 
His  Account  of  the  Seals  Prifoncrs  taken  at  the 

Battle  of  Dunbar.         — 

Appointed  one  of  the  Commiftioners  for  nomi 
nadng  Officers  in  the  Army. 
-  ■     one  of  the  Council  of  State  in  1659. 
■  one  of  the  Commiffioners  for  govern- 

ing the  Army.  —  " 

Secures  Port/mouth  for  the  Parliament  againft 
the  Army  under  General  Fleetwood.      — 

Informations  againft  him.  —  

Excepted   out  of  the  Ad  of  Indemnity  at  the 

Reftoration.  -  ■■■ 

HASTINGS,  Ralph,  Efq%  his  Execution  at  fori. 

and  Occauon  thereof.  —  — 

HASTINGS,  Richard,  his  Petition  to  the  Parliament 

to  be  reftored  in  Blood,  and  to  the  Lands  of 

bis  Brother  Ralph,  beheaded  at  Tort.    — 

HASTINGS,  Francis,  Efq;  his  Motion  for  leflen 

ing  the  Penal  Laws.        —  — 

His  Speech  on  a  Bill  for  reforting  to  Church.  ■ 

-  for  reforming  Abufes. 

HASTINGS,  Htnry,  Eft;  Impeachment  againft 

him,  Particulars  of.  —  ■  ■  ■ 

Impeachment  againft  him  of  High  Treafon.  — 

HATTON,  Chrifiaphtrs  Captain  of  the  Band  of 

Ptnfioners,    his  Report   to   the  Houfe  of 

Commons,  concerning  the  Discharge  of 

Ptttr  fVtntwtrtb3  Efq;       — 



3>8,  19 


'5*.  7 

41 7  "4*1 





J486  A 
5°*»  3 



:=y  Google 

3o6  INDEX    to  the 

Vol.     Page. 
HATTON,  Cbriftophtfy  Captain  of  thi  Band  of 
Ptnfuntfi,  is  knighted,  and  made  Vice- 
Chancellor  of  Queen  Elizafotb's  Houfliold. 
His  Declaration  to  the  Commons,  touching  Or. 

Parry.  '  —  —  ■■  ■■  4  265, 6 

Anfwer  to  the4  Commons'  Ad drefs  of  Thanks 

to  the  Queen.  4  267,  8,  9 

- —  Prayer  irt  the  Hoiife.       —  4 !  a6g 

Charge  againft  Miry  Queen  of  Scats.       —     4  284,  5 

Acquaints  the  Houle  of  Commons  with  the  Af- 

'  fair  of  the  Spanijh  Invafion.     —  — 

His  Anfwer  to  a  Motion  for  difcharging  Mr. 

tftntwartb  out  of  the  Tower.  —     4  319 

Made  Lord-Chancellor.  — —     4  320 

His  Speech  at  the  Parliament  in  1588.  —     4  320, 

HAVERING,  SirJob«t  his  Speech  to  the  Eccle- 
fiaffical  Judges  met  n.tiTe/1  mi  nil  er  in  1279. 
HAXEY,  Thomas,   CUri,   condemned  for  High 

Treafon,  and  Occafion  thereof.  —     1   458 

His  Sentence,  how  mitigated  by  the  Interpofi- 

tion  of  the  Btfhops.        —  1  458 

Reftored  to  Blood,  and  the  Recovery  of  his  Ef- 
fect, by  King /Wt  IV.   —  — 
HAY,   James,    Earl  0/   CarMe,     advifes    King 
Janus  I.  to  call  a  new  Parliament  in  1623. 
His  excellent  Letter  to  the  King  ori  that  Occafion 
Committed  to  the  Tower,  and  why.  — 
Joins  King  Charles  I.  at  Oxford.  . 
Deferts  him,  and  returns  to  the  Parliament.  — 
Intitles  himfclf  to  their  Protection,  and  how.  - 
HAYMAN,  Sir  Peter,  oppofcs  the  Meafures  of 
King  Jamis  I.                  — 
Sent  into  the  Palatinate  out  of  the  Way. 
Sent  there  a  fecont?  Time,  for  refilling  to  part 
with  Loan-Money  to  King  Charles  I.      — 
His  Speech,  on  fonie  Proportions  of  the  King  for 

a  Supply.  —  

-  on  foreign  Employment  againft  Con- 


1  the  King's  Warrant  to  the  Cu- 

stomers for  Tonnage. 



S3".  • 
45°.  » 





3*  9 


398    . 


+°3.  4 






Parliamentary  Htftory  of  England. 
HAYMAN,  Sir  Peter,  his  Speech  againft  Sir  John 
Finch*  Speaker,  on  his  refilling  to  put  the 
Queftion  touching  Si  r  'John  Elliot's  Remon- 
flrancc.  ■  — 

Summoned  before  the  Privy  Council.      -   — 
His  Examination  and  Anfwers.   -  ■  -  — 

Committed  to  the  Tower.  —  — 

Profecuted  in  the  Star- Chamber.     —  — 

HAYWARD,  Sir  John,  his  Account  of  the  Cha- 
racters of  the  Duke  of  Stmtrfit,  and  his 
Brother  the  Lord  Seymour,  ■ 

HEATH,  Nicholas,  Bifiap  ofRochtfter,  one  of  the 
Committee  appointed  to  treat  of  the  Doc- 
trine of  Chrift.  —  ...-■  — 

Tranflated  to  the  See  of  IPtreefter.  

One  of  the  Committee  appointed  to  examine  a 

Bill  touching  Hcrefies.         —  .       — 

His  Diflent  to  a  Bill  for  ditlblving  Chiuntries.  - 

One  of  the  Committee  appointed  to  treat  on  a 

Bill  for  repealing  certain  Statutes  of  Trea- 

His  Diflent  to  an  Afi  for  Uniformity  in  Religion, 
■  ■  for  allowing  Priefts  to  marry 

-for  ordaining  Ministers  by  a 


-  for  defacing  Images.         — [ 
Made  Archbifhop  of  Tori,  and  Lord -Chancellor. 
His  Declaration  on  opening  the  Seffion  of  Par- 
liament in  1558.         —  1 

—  Refufal  to  affift  at  the  Coronation  of  Queen 

Elizabeth.  — 

—  Diflent  to  an  A&.  for  reftoring  the  Firft 

Fmtts  to  the  Crown.      — 

—  to  aBill  for  reftoring  the  Supremacy. 

—  Speech  againft  it.  —  — — — 

—  Deprivation.  — — -  — — 
HEATH,  Sir  Robert,  Attormj-Gtrural,  charges 

the  Earl  of  Brijitl  with  High  Treafon.  - 
Hit  Articles  exhibited  againft  him.  —  — 

•*—  Argument  (at  a  Conference  between  both 

Houfes)  00  the  Liberty  of  the  Subject  - 
V  i 



33'.  » 

355*  6 

356      « 
359 "3°3  ■ 

1 6* 





3?S       0. 


3  ft  14 

8ft  11 

iglzecy  GOOgle 

jo8  I      N      0      E      X    w  the 

Vol.    *V- 
HEATH,  S/r  *«iwf,  Attanuy-GtiaraU  his  Ob- 

{*ections  to  the  Precedents  alledgcd  on  Be- 
ialf  of  the  Common*,  on  the  Liberty  of  the 

Subject.  --  8     14  U  it 

His  further  Argument  on  the  Liberty  of  the  Sub"- 

jea. 8    30  *  47 

—  Conclufion  of  this  important  Debate.      —    8     67,  8- 
— -  Aiifwer  to  a-Meftage  of  the  Commons,  con- 
cerning fome  Pardons  granted  fey  the  King.     8  18 r 

■     '  1  concerning  Dr.  Cojim'i  Pardon.    -     8  282,  J 

— —  Queftions  to  tbe  Judges,  concerning  the  im- 
prifoned  Members  of  the  Houfc  of  Com- 
mons. ■  ■---  —    8  356 "359 

—  Information  in  the  Star-Chamber  againft 

them.  - — —    8  359»3<>8 

—  Argument  in  the  Court  of  King's  Bench 

againft  thefe  Gentlemen.        1        — 

—  Information   in  the  King's  Bench   againft 

Sir  John  EUitt,  Mr.  Holtti,  and  Mr.  Va- 

Imtvu.  •    ■     ' 8  3761*378 

—  Motion  to  over-role  their  Plea*        — 8  378 

Made  Lord  Chief  Juftke  of  the  King's  Bench.  (3  257 
Impeached  of  High  Treafon  by  the  Commons-, 

HEATH,  Mr.  his  Character  *of  Cromuxlh  firft 

Parliament  in  1653.  

HEGELEY-MOOR,  in  Nmbumbtrland,  Battle 

HEMSWORTH,  Robtrt,  Efq;  Aldtrma**/ Tori, 
diifi ranch ifed,  by  an  Ordinance  of  Parlia- 
ment, for  his  Loyalty  to  King  Cbarlts  I,     13  369 
HENEAGE,  Sir  Thomas,  his  Speech- on  a  Bill  for 

a  Subfidv.  •    4  389 

HENGHAM;  Sir  Ralph,  Chief  Juftsce  of  the 

King's  Bench,  how  fined  for  Extortion.  - 

-  HENRY  I.  hisarbitrary 

His  Method  of  railing  a  Portion  for  bis  Daughter 

Maud.  ■  ■  ■-— ■  — ' 1  '    9 

—  eonftant  annual  Tax.  —  ■  1       9 

Convenes  his  Nobles  to  London,        —         — »l  1       9 


Jglzecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hjftory  of  England. 

HENRY  I.  the  extraordinary  Occafion  of  his 
convening  his  Nobles  to  Landau.  — 

His  artful  Dealing  with  the  Nobles  to  fecure 
them  to  his  Intereft.  —  ■ 

Speech  in  Confluence  thereof,  being  the 

firft  on  Record  from  the  Throne.  — 

Goes  into  Normandy,  and  on  what  Account. 
His  cruel  Treatment  of  his  Brother  Robtrt  there. 
Calls  another  Convention  of  the  of  the 

Realm  to  London.        —  —  ■ 

His  Ufage  of  the  Clergy  at  this  Aflembly. 
Convenes  the  Nobles  and  Barons  to  Sahflurj. 
TranfaSions  at  this  Meeting,  Account  of.  — 
HENRY  II.  when  begun  his  Reign.  —  — 
ReAorei,  by  his  Defcent,  the  antient  Royal 
Saxon  Line  to  the  Crown  of  England.  — 
Summons  tbe  Bifliops  and  Barons  to  tfalling- 

fard  in  1 156.  __  ■ 

Confirms  the  Charter  of  the  Kingdom.       ■ 
Convenes  an  Aflembly  to  Clertndon  in  1 164.  — 
His  Behaviour  there  to  the  Bifhops  and  Clergy, 
— -  Force  upon  Thomas  a  Beckti,  Archbifhop  of 
Canterbury,  and  the  reft  of  the  Prelates. 

Promotes  the  Murder  of  Btct'tt.  

Does  Penance  for  it;'  -  — 

Calls  a  Convention  to  Tori  in   1171.         — 
Receives  there  the  Homage  of  Malcolm,  King 

of  Scotland,  and  his  Succeflbr  William. 
Remarkable  Memorial  thereof.        — 
Convenes  the  Nobles  and  Bifliops  to  attend  him 

at  Northampton  in   1176.  

His  Cane  at  this  Meeting  to  have  Juftice  impar- 
tially administered  to  ail  his  Subjects. 
Calls  a  Convention  to  Gajntingttn  in  1186, 
His  Intention  to  carry  on  •  War  againll  the 

Turks  and  Saracens.     '    <••  — 

Drops  his  Undertaking.  —  — 

His  heavy  Taxes,  Particulars  of.  r— 

HENRY  III,  when  begun  his  Reit>n.    

His  Kingdom,  State  of,  at  that  Tinie.      — 
Summons  the  Barons  to  meet  him  2t  London, 

v  3 



Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 

1io        INDEX    f  tie 

HENRY  III.  his  I'romifc  to  preserve  the  Barons* 


His  Injunction  to  the  Sheriff's,  touching  the  Li- 

berties  of  England.  —  

Summons  the  Eftatee  to  Northampton.  ——— 
How  interrupted  there  by  a  flight  Rebellion.  — 
His  Manner  of  fuppreuing  it.  —  — 

Obtains  a  Grant  of  two  Shillings  upon  every 
Plough-Land  in  England.      —  — 

His  Requital  to  the  Barons  foi  this  Favour.  — 
Summons  them  to  meet  him  at  Wiftminfier.  — 
His  Declaration,  requiring  their  Counfel  and  Aid. 
How  anfwered  by  them.  —  — 

Confirms  the  two  Great  Charters  granted  by 

King  John.  

His  Command  for  the  (tridObfervanceof  them. 
Directs  the  Manner  of  levying  the  Tax  called  a 

Fifteenth.  — — 

Obtains  from  his  Barons  the  Wards  and  Mar- 
riages of  their  Heirs.  — 
Calls  an  AfTembly  for  the  Trial  of  Fakaciuiy  the 

late  Rebel.  

His  Sentence  againft  him.  ---  -  — 

Summons  the  Peers  to  Oxford,        —  — 

His  Speech  to  them.  -  —  .  tt  — 
Cancels  Magna  Chartay  and  Charta  4*  1'sujia. 
His  Reafon  for  fo  doing.  ■---  — 

— -  oppreffive  Treatment  of  the  Clergy,    In- 

ftancc  of.  ■ '  -  ■  -  ■■ 

Calls  an  AfTembly  of  the  Eftates  to  ty*ftminfttr. 
His  Declaration  to  them,  requiring  a  general 

HSw  anfwered  by  the  Nobles.        —  — 

. < —  by  the  Prelates,  b'c,        - — r— 

His  Proclamation  againit  Hubert  dt  Burgh,  bis 

Prime  Minifter.  —  — 

Calls  a  Convention  of  the  Eftates  to  Lambeth.  - 
Obtains  an  Aid  from  them,  and  to  whatPurpofe. 
Requires  Hubert  to  give  in  his  Aniwer  to  .the  AcA 

cufations  againft  htm.  —  — 1    1 

His  Rage  at  Hubert's  Efcapc  to  a  San&uary.     \    1 











Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hifiory  of  Enblatjd. 
HENRY  III.  his  Command  to  the  Mayor  of  ten- 
don for  bringing  him  back.  

Revokes  his  Order,  and  why.        —  — 

Drops  his  Rebutment  againft  him,  and  for  what 

Rcafon,  ■  -     ■  —  — 

Makes  Peter  4*  Rupij/us,  Bifliop  of  Winche/ler, 

his  Favourite,  —  

Commits  the  Wardships  of  the  Nobility  to  Fo- 
reigners. -  '■  '■■-  ■ 
The  ill  Consequences  thereof.          —  — 
Calls  a  Council  to  be  held  at  Oxford.     —  •<.••  ■ 
His  Command  difobcyed   by  the  Barons,  and 

—  Proceeding  thereupon.  — 
Sends  out  a  frelh  Summons  for  them  to  meet 

him  at  Weftminjler.  

His  fpecious  Promifes  to  induce  their  Attendance. 

—  fecret  Deftgris  againft  them.        —  — 

—  fecond  Summons  flighted.  —  -7- 
How  threatened  by  a  Menage  from  the  Barons 
His  Amazement  thereat.             —  — 

—  {harp  Proceedings  againft  them.  ■ 
- —  Difpofjtion,  how  altered.  —  ■ — -* 
Calls  an  Affembly  of  the  Eftates  to  Wejlminfter. 
How  menaced  by  the  Prelates  there.  — — 
His  meek  Anfwer  to  them.  —  — 
Difcharges  the  Bifhop  of  Wincbtflir  from  his 

His  Proceedings  againft  Peter  de  Rival.      - 

■     ■  againft  the  Foreigners   at  his 

Courjt.  —  — 

Happy  Confequence  thereof,    with  regard  to 

Calls  a  felect  Council  of  Bilhops  and  Peers  to 
Mtrton.  .  

Notifies  his  Marriage  with  Eleanor,  fecond 
Daughter  of  Raymond,  Earl  of  Prevent, 

Convenes  ihe  Eftates  of  the  Realm  to  Londtn. 

His  Meffage  to  them  by  his  Chaplain  de  Kelt. 

How  anfwered  by  the  Lords.  — - 

His  Promife  to  them  upon  Oath.        —       — 



lizecy  GOOgk 


I      N      D      E      X    to  the 

HENRY  III.  confirms  Magna  Cbarta,  which  he 
had  before  cancelled.       —  _^_— 

His  Declaration  thereupon,  and  good  Effect  oil 

the  Audience.  ■  ■■' 

— r  Appointment  of  a  new  Council.      -■   ■■■- 

—  Oath  adminiftered  to  them.         —         — 

—  Demand  for  an  Aid  granted,  and  what.  — 

—  ufual  Method  to  obtain  a  Supply,  and  Man- 

ner of  fpending  it.  ■     .  ■  — 

Summons  the  Peers  to  Tori.  —  — 

His  Agreement  there  with  Alexander,  King  of 

Scats.  ■    .i  — 

CaBs  an  Aflembly  of  the  Peers  to  WtflmUJ\ 
His  Declaration  of  his  extreme  Poverty.    - 
Obtains  a  Supply,  and  what.         — 
How  (quantlTed  away  by  him.         — 
League  agamft  him  on  that  Account,  and  Event 

thereof.  '  — 

Summons  the-Eflates  to  Louden  in  1242. 
■  Engagement  of  the  Barons  againft  htm  there.  — 
How  anfwered  by  them  on  his  Demand  for  Mo- 
ney. ■"  

His  artful  Contrivance  to  gam  their  Intereft.  — 

—  Speech  to  the  Barons  of  his  Court,  touch- 

ing a  Supply.  '■'-—  — 
How  anfwered  by  the  whole  Aflembly .  -  ■■■ 
His  Rage,  and  DilTolution  of  the  Council. 

—  Anfwer  to  their  Proteft  againft  his  Demand 

for  a  Supply.  — 

Calls  a  Convention  of  the  Eftates  to  Wifimtn- 

His  Requeft  for  a  pecuniary  Aid,  and  his  Mo- 
tive to  enforce  it. '  — 

How  anfwered  by  the  Barons.  —  — 

His  Reply  to  their  Requeft  for  chufing  a  new 
Chancellor  and  Juftice.  —  — 

Manner  of  applying  t,o  the  Clergy  for  Money. 

How  anfwered  by  them.  —  ■ 

•   His  Government  intended  to  be  altered  by  the 
Barons,  and  how.  —  -  ■-■  — 


:=y  Google 

Parliamentary  Hiflory  «/*ENGtANDi  313 

HENRY  III.  renews  Magna  Charta. 
His  Permiffion  to  the  BLIhops,  touching  hit  Vi- 
olation thereof.  — 
Obtains  a  Supply,  and  for  what  Purpofe.    - 
Meets  his  Barons  again  in  1244.      —     ■ 
His  Demand  of  a  Supply  unanimonfly  objected 

—  Preparation  for  reducing  Waltu       — 

—  diftrefled  Condition,  Account  of,      — 
Calls  a  Convention  to  Linden  in  1246,  and  to 

what  Purpofe.  _____  

— —  another  Convention  to  Linden  in  the  fame 


His  Inducement  thereto,  and  Proceedings  there. 
Convenes  the  Nobles  to  London  in  1 248.  -  — 
Urges  again  his  Demand  for  Money.  —  —  - 
How  complained  of  on  that  Occafion.  — — ■ 
His  Promife  of  Amendment.  —  — 

—  Speech  againft  the  Rcmonftrances  of  the  Ba- 


How  anfwercd.  •  ■  _____ 

His  Poverty,  and  extraordinary  Method  of  raifing 

Money.  — ■  — —  

—  opprobrious  Saying  of  the  Citizens  of  Len- 

Summons  the  Eftates  to  London  in  1251.    ■     - 

His  Proceedings  there  againft  Henry  dt  Bath, 

Chief  Juftice  of  England.       —  — 

—  Reconciliation  with  him,  and  how  occafion- 

Calls  an  Affembly  of  the  Nobles  to  Wtftminfitr 

in  1252.  —  — 

His  Reafon  For  it,  and  Proceedings  there.  — — 

—  Expedition  into  Gafeoignj,  and  the  Succefs 

thereof.  —  ■  ■  ■     ■  — 

—  Menage  to  the  Barons,  requiring  an  Aid.  - 

—  Danger  from  the  Ga/cei'gnt,  pretended  Proofs* 

—  Defign  hereby  fru  ft  rated,  and  how.  — — 
Alfcmbles  the  Nobles  at  London,  in  1254,  by 

Commiflion.  ■  — ■ —  

Jglzecy  GOOgle 

314        *      N      *>      E      ^    to  the 

HENRY  {II.  his  Rcprefeoutiou  to  them  of  bis 

extreme  Want  of  Money.  - 

How  anfcvercd.  —  ' ■ — 

His  Difpofal  of  bis  Son  Prince  Edward  in  Mar- 
riage. —  —  ■ ■ 

—  Settlement  on  him  on  that  Occasion.  : 

Calls  a  Convention  of  the  Nobles  to  London,  on 

his  Return  home  in  1-255.  ~~ "  — 
Occafion  of  that  Meeting.  ■ —  .   — 

His  Demand  for  Money  rejected,  and  for  what 

Reafon.  t-. .  

Meets  the  Nobility  again  the  feme  Year  at  Wtjl- 

Hii  Requeft  to  his  Brother  Richard,   Karl  of 
Cornwall,  /or  a  pecuniary  Aid.       

—  Propofal  rejected,  and  why.         —         — 

—  Application  to  the  Nobles  on  that  Head,  how 

Summons  them  to  Wtflminfttr'xa.  1257,  and  on 

what  Occafion.  - 

_„  to  London  in  125.8,         ~—  ■ 

Renews  his  Demand  for  Money.  

Complaints  of  the. Barons  again!)  him,  Particu- 
lars of.  ■■—  

Adjourns  the  Convention  to  Oxford.      •—      — 
His  Agreement  with  them,  in  Consideration  of  a 

Supply.  — —  - 

——  large  Conceffions  jrrade  to  them.       — ■ 

—  uterine  Brothers  driven  out  of  the  Kingdom 

by  the  Barons.  ■  —  ■ 

—  Caufe,  how  favoured  by  the  Batcbelors.  — 

Rupture  with  the.  Barons.  —  - 

Affifted  by  his  Brother,  King  of  the  Romans. 
Abfolved  by  the  Pope  from  his  Oath  taken  to 

fupport  the  Barons'  Prpvifions.        — 

Calls  a  Convention  of  the  Nobles  to  Oxford  in 

1263.  — 

His  Propofal  to  them  for  an  Accommodation.  - 

Agrees  to  leave  the  Decifion  of  the  Affair  to  the 
French  King.  ■  


Jglzecy  GOOgk 

P*rUamtntary  Etjfory  $f  Ensla^d. 

HENRY  UI.  his  Propofal  to  (be  Barons  for  an 
Accommoda tion,  left  to  the  Decifion  of 
the  French  King*  who  gives  an  Award  in 
his  Favour,  by  difaanUliiiig  the  Oxford 
Piovifions.  -  ■■■  -  ■■ 

Hit  Battle  with  the  Barons  at  Lewes  wi  Suffix:  - 

—  Army  routed,  and  bintfelf  taken  ft iioncr,  by 

Montftrt  Earl  of  LtittfUr,  — 

How  treated  during  his  Captivity.  ■■ 

His  Victory  over  the  Barons,  and  Releafement, 

fomc  Account  of.  -■  ■<-  ■■■■- 

Summons  the  Eftates  to  Wtfinmtfitr  in  1265.  — 
His  Proceedings  againft  the  Citizens  of  London. 

—  Proceedings .againft  the  Barons,  and  Adhe- 

rents of  the  Earl  of  Ltictfier,       

Calls  a  Convention  to  K$Btiw»rih  in  1266.  — 
His  Manner  of  compounding  with  the  Barons 

for  their  forfeited  Eftates.  —  — 

—  Engagements,  touching  the  Oxford  Provi- 

fions,  revoked.  ■  ■— — 

Summons  the  Eftates  toSt.  Edvtundjb*ry  in  llbj. 
His  Reafons  for  that  Meeting.         —  — 

—  Demands  on  the  Clergy  for  a  Supply.  — 
Obtains  the  Tenths  of  their  Benefices,  and  by 

what  Means.  

Calls  a  Convention  to  Marlborough  in  1269. 

His  Death  and  Burial,  fome  Account  of.   

HENRY  IV.  his  Aceeffion  to  the  Throne.  - 
His  Declaration  of  Thanks  on  that  Occasion. 

—  Appointment,  with  regard  to  his  principal 

Officer!i,  &V.  —  

—  Proclamation  to  his  Subjects  thereupon.  - 

—  Entertainment  of  the  Nobles  and  Gentry. 

—  Coronation.  ^—  ■ ■ 

—  Subfidy  obtained  at  the  Parliament  in  1399. 

—  Promotions  of  Henry  his  eldefl  Son,  P; 

titulars  of.  — —  ■ 

—  Orders,  touching  a  new  People  come  from 

—  Revocation  of  the  Judgment  againft  Sir  Jbf- 

met  Haxty,  in  the  latt  Reign.       —      -<- 


67,  8 



7*  - 




74.  S 

75  "77 


33.  4 

39.  53 




me^y  Google 



E      X    to 

HENRY  IV.  hi*  Anfwers  to  die  Petitions  of  the 
Commons.  '  — 

Appoints  John  Hilland,  Duke  of  Exeter,  Gover- 
nor of  Calais.         .    —         ■  ■■    ■  ■  — 

Hit  Seizure  on  the  Lands,  &c.  belonging  to  Wil- 
liam UScrapiy  late  Earl  ofWiu/hr*. 

—  kind  Menage  to  the  Clergy  met  in  Convo 

Declared  againft  by  the  Frtncb  King,  on  account 

of  the  late  Revolution.'         — 
His  Embafly  to  France,  in  order  to  excufe  the 

,  Matter.  

— -  Envoys,  how  ignotninioufly  treated.       — 

Calls  a  Council  of  Peers  to  Wtftminfttr,  in  1400, 

'  on  that  Occafion.  ■  ■    ■  ■  ■■ 

His  Expedition  againft  the  Sals,  and  the  ReaJbn 

thereof.  — 

— -  Difturbances  at  home,  Account  of.  — — 
Summons  a  Parliament  to  Ytri  in  1400.  — 
■  ,  ■  —_—■—-—..■  —  to  Weftminfler  in  1401, 
His  Anfwers  to  the  Petitions  of  the  Commons 

at  this  Parliament.  —  — 

— —  Subfidy  obtained  this  Seflion.         — 

—  Pardons,  on  account  of  a  Confpiracy  againft 

him,  Particulars  of.      ■  —  ■ 

How  complimented  for  his  Clemency  to  Hrnry 

It  Spenftr,  Bifhop  of  Ntrwicb.     —     — 
Permits  the  Burning  of  William  Sawtrt,  Clerk, 

convicted  of  Herefy,  — 

Summons  a  Parliament  to  Wtftminfttr  in  140a.- 

, , in  1403. 

His  Succefs  m  Wales,  Inland,  and  Scotland.  — 

—  extenfive  Subfidy  obtained  at  this  Time.  — 
- —  Invitation  to  the  Commons  on  that  Account. 

—  Reply  to  a  Remonftrance  againft  him  by 

fome  difcontented  Lords.  —  — 

—  Battle  with  them,  and  Succefs  therein.  — 
Marches  his  Army  againft  the  Earl  of  Nertbum 

His  Agreement  with  him.         —  — 

Calls  a  Parliament  to  in  1404.    — 


IV.    Pip. 

Iizecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hilary  of  England. 

HENRY  IV.  hU  ClcmenCy  to  the  Earl  of  North- 

kmberhtni.  — —  ^^— 

His  Removal  of  fundry  Officers  belonging  to  hii 

Houfhold.  '  —— 

i farther  Regulations  therein,  at  the  Inftance 

of  the  Commons.  —  — — ■ 

—  Declaration,  touching  the  Indemnity  of  fun- 

dry  Perfons  concerned  in  the  late  Infurrec- 
tion,  ' ' 

Re-annexes  the  EhjchyofG»nreja//to  the  Crown. 

His  Grant  to  his  Queen  in  Consideration  of  her 

>—  to  Edward  Plantogintt,  Duke  of  York 

Calls  a  Parliament  to  LitchfitU  in  1405,  and  the 

Occafion  thereof.  —  ■ 

His  Subfidy  obtained  there,  and  for  what  Pur- 

—  Manner  of  tampering  with  Elections  for 

this  Parliament.  —  —      — ■ 

How  addreffed  by  the  Commons  to  feize  the 

Revenues  of  the  Clergy.  —  — 

His  Anfwer,  touching  his  Opposition  to  that 

—  ,.      . to  the  Petitions  of  the  Commons. 

Summons  a  Parliament  to  Wtflminfitr  in  1406. 
His  Subfidy  at  that  Seffion.         —  — 

■ —  Anfwer  to  Sir  ftbrn  Tibtttt'*  Propofal  for 

fome  Regulations  in  the  State.  ■ 

Obtains  an  Ait  for  entailing  the  Crown  on  his 

Male  Heirs.  - 

His  Charge  to  the  Parliament,  concerning  evil 

Government.  —  

Cotifents  to  a  Repeal  of  the  Aft  of  Settlement, 
Obtains  an  A&  for  fixing  the  Crown  in  general 


His  Allowance  of  Regulations  in  Government, 

propofed  by  the  Commons,  Particulars  of. 

—  Grants  to  Sir  John  Ttbtttt.  

Summons  a  Parliament  to  GUucefler  in  1407. 
His  Subfidy  procured  there.  — 

—  Promife  thereupon.    ■    —  ■■  — 












103,  + 

105,  6 

108,  9 

Jglzecy  GOOgle 

3i8  I      N      D      E      X    » 

HENRY  IV.  calk   &  Parliament  toWe/hmnfitr 
in  1410.         —  1  — 

His  Cha  rgc  to  the  Commons,  touching  their  Be 
haviour  in  the  Houfe.        —     -        — 

— —  Order,  with  refpect.  to  Foreigners.       — '• — 

—  Rebuke  of  the  Commons,   and  Occafion 

thereof.  :,„.,■■■  .   1    ■■ 

Refufcs  his  Aflent  to  a  BiH,  concerning  eon-rifted 


Sufpicions  of  him,  as  to  his  favouring  the  Doc- 
trine of  Wickliff.  

Signs  a  Warrant  for  burning  Themes  Badby, 
convicted  of  Herefy.  —  — — 

How  obliged  by  a  Grant  of  this  Parliament.  — 
His  tranquil  State,  Account  of.        —  — 

Calls  a  Parliament  to  Weftminfter  in  1411.  — 
His  Subfidy  obtained  there.         —  — 

—  general  Pardon  to  his  Subjects.  — — 

—  Death.  1       ■ 

HENRY  V.  hiaAcceffion  to  the  Throne.       — 

His  Speech  on  that  Occafion.       — 

Summons  a  Parliament  to  WtfiminfUr  in  1413- 

Difchargea  his  Father's  Debts.        —         ■ 

His  Subfidy  obtained  this  Seffion,  Account  of. 

—  Anfwer  to  the  Petitions  of  the  Commons. 
Supprefles  an  Infurrection  of  the  Lollards  in  and 

about  London.             —   .            -  -       " 
Summons  a  Parliament  to  Leitefitr  in  1414.    - 
His  Redrefs  of  Grievances  in  Shropjbirt,   Ac- 
count of.  ' 

Enters  into  a  War  with  France.  ■     - 

Creates  his  Brother  John,  Duke  of  Bedford.  — 

■ 1 Humphry,  Duke  of  Gbueefttr. 

■  Richard  Plantagenet,  Earl  of  Cambridge. 

Summons  a  Parliament  to  Wtftminfttr  in  1414. 
How  fupplied  for  the  French  War.  — ■  — 
Re  tores  Henry  Percy,  Son  of  Henry  Hat/pur,  to 

his  Title  and  EOate.        —  

Confirms  to  John  Duke  of  Bedford,  and  to  his 
Heirs  Male,  the  Cattle,  Earldom,  and 
Seigniory  «f  Richmond.  —  — 


VtL    Pup. 


Parliamentary  Hifiory  (j/*  England.  319 

HENRY  V.  creates  Richard  Plantagontt  Duke 

t&York.         —  

His  Preparations  for  invading  Franc*. 

Takes  Agincourt.  —-  - 

Hit  Character  in  Military  Conduct.  

—  Return  to  England,  and  triumphant  Entry 

into  London.      t     ■  ■     - 

Summons  a  Parliament  to  Wtflminfitr  in  1415. 
His  Anfwers  to  the  Petitions  or  the  Commons. 
Summons  a  Parliament  to  Woftminfior  in  1416. 

His  Supply  for  the  War.  —  

Pawns  his  Crown  and  Jewels  for  that  Purpofe. 
His  general  Pardon  to  his  Subjects.  —  — 
■ —  League  with  Sigifmund,  Emperor  ofGermany, 
Creates  Thomas  Beaufort,  Earl  of  Dorfil,  Duke 

of  Exeter.  '-  — 

His  Penfion  allowed  on  that  Occafion. 
Appoints  Sir  John  Ttbttot  his  Refident  at  the 

Imperial  Court.  — 

His  Proclamation  for  railing  Soldiers. 

—  Invafion  of  Normandy,  and  Succefs  there.  - 
Makes  John  Duke  of  Btdferd  Regent  of  England 

during  his  Abfence.         '  —            — — 
His  Subfidy  for  carrying  on  the  War.        

—  Proclamation  and  Reward   for  taking  Sir 

John  OlAcaftU.  

—  Conquelb  in  Normandy  and  Franco,  Account 

Concludes  a  Peace.  — 

Marries  Catharine,  Daughter  of  Chariot  the  Sixth 

King  of  Franco.  •-  — 

Declared  Regent  and  Heir  Apparent  to  that 

Crown.  ■  ■  ■'  — 

Returns  to  England.  — 

Calls  a  Parliament  to  Wtflminftor  in  14a 
His  Speech  on  opening  the  Seffion. 

—  Subfidy  granted  by  the  Parliament. 

—  annual  Rents,  Amount  of.  — 
Pawns  his  Crown,  and  for  what.       —         — 
Hit  Subfidy  from  the  Clergy.       — 

Vol     Pago. 



■49.  SO 




■54      ' 


>5'.  7 



1 6a 
1 6a 

Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 


N      D      E      X    te  the 


HENRY  V.  his  Subfidy  from  the  Laity,,  at  the 
Parliament  in  Dectmbtr*  1421. 
His  Subfidy  from  the  Clergy.       ■■ 
Death  and  Character.  — 

HENRY  VX.  his  Acceffion  to  the  Throne.     — 

His  tender  Age  at  that  Time.         —        

Proclaim' 6  King  of  Prance  ami  England  in  Paris, 

His  Stile  and  Titles.  

»—  Motto  on  all  his  Seals.  —      ■    ■ 

—  Guardians  appointed  to  take  Care  of  his 

Perfon  and  Education.  —         

Carried  to  the  Parliament-  Houfe  on  Horfeback. 
How  placed  there.  —  — 

Knighted  by  the  Duke  of  Bedford,  Regent  of 

Creates  Henry  Plantagenet,  Earl  of  Cambridge, 
Duke  of  York.  

Reflores  John  Lord  Mowbray,  Earl  Martha),  to 
the  Title  of  Duke  of  titrftlk.     —       — 

His  Coronation  and  Admittance  to*  the  Regal 
Dignity,  Account  of.         —  ■ 

—  large  Subfidy  granted  by  Parliament  in  1429. 

—  Indemnity  to  Henry  Beaufort,  Bifllop   of 


—  farther  Subfidy  obtained  at  this  Time.     — 

Goes  to  Paris.  ■  ■> 

His  Coronation  there.  —  ■ 

—  Subfidy  and  a  Land-Tax  granted  by  the 

Parliament  in  1431.  —  —  — — 

— -  Return  to  England,    and    pompous   Entry 

into  London.  —  —  — 

Calls  a  Parliament  to  Wtfiminfttr  in  1432.  — 
His  Subfidy  obtained  there.  —  ■  ■ 

Creates  Sir  John  Cornwall,  Baron  of  Fannboppe. 
His  Anfwers  to  the  Petitions  of  the  Commons. 
Gives  up  the  Land-Tax.  —  ■■  ■ 

Calls  a  Parliament  to  Weftminfier  in  1433.  — 
His  Subfidy,  and  a  Vote  of  Credit  obtained  there. 
Calls  a  Parliament  to  Wefiminfiir  in  1435*  — 
His  large  Supply  at  this  SeiEon,  Particulars  of. 
Summons  a  Parliament  to  Wtfiminfttr  in  1436, 


Jglzecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hi/lory  of  England. 
HENRY  VI.  Subfidies  granted  him  at  the  Parlia- 
ment held  at  fPeflminflir  in  1+36.  — 
His  Grant  to  the  Duke  of  G/0K«/?.?r.      —    — 

—  general  Pardon  of  Treafons,  &c.  —  — 
Summons  a  Parliament  to  Wtflmlnfltr  in  1439. 
His  Subfidies  at  that  Time.        —        

—  Anfwers  to  the  Petitions  of  the  Commons. 

—  Grant  to  Cardinal  Luxtnburg. '  —  — 
Calls  a  Parliament  to  Wejlminfter  in  1442.     — 

. in  1445.     — 

His  Marriage  with  Margaret,  Daughter  to  the 

King  of  Sicily.  —  ■  ■ 

—  Supply  granted  him.     — -  ■  .  ,  ... 

—  Peace  with  Charles  VII.  King  of  France. 
Creates  miliam  de  la  Pale  Marquis  of  Suffolk. 
His  Grant,  for  the  Erection  and  Endowment  of 

Eaton  College.  


King's  College,  Cambridge.  

Creates  William  d*  la  Pole  Duke  of  Suffolk. 
His  Bounty  to  that  Nobleman,  in  Support  of  his 

new  Dignity.  —  

Summons  a  Parliament  to  St.  Edmunjbury  in  1447 
His  eafy  Difpofition,  fome  Account  of.  ■ 
Summons  a  Parliament  to  Wejlminfter  in  1449. 
Supply  granted  him  there,  Particulars  of.  — 
Hii  Lofs  of  Normanay,  and  the  Caufes  thereof. 
Calls  a  Parliament  to  meet  at  Leicefitr  in  1450. 
HU  Summons  difobey'd,  and  the  Reafons  thereof. 
Calls  a  Parliament  to  Wefiminfttr  the  fame  Year. 
Prorogues  it  to  London,  and  on  what  Account. 
His  Adjournment  thereof  to  Wefiminfitr.       — 

—  ■■  to  Leicejier. 

—  Subfidy  obtained  there,  Particulars  of. 
Appoints    John    Ktmpe,    Archbiihop  of    York, 

Lord -Chancellor.        ■   ■  - 

His  Banifbment  of  the  Duke  of  Suffolk.  — 

Calls  a  Parliament  to  Wejlminfttr  in  1451.  — 
His  great  Want  of  Money,  how  fupplied  there. 

—  Servants,  requeued  by  the  Commons  to  be 

difcharged,  Lift  of.         ■ 

— -  mild  Anfwer.        — 








2+3*  4 







250*  1 

as1*  2»  3 









263,  4 



"glzecy  GOOgk 


N      D 

X    to 

HENRY  VI.  fupprcffes  an  Infurrcc'tion  in  Kent. 

His  Licence  for  finding  gut  the  Philofopher' 

Stone,  Form  of.  —  — 

—  Disturbance  by  the  Duke  of  Tort.        

— -  Preparations  to  oppofe  him.  — 

Accommodates  the  Matter,  and  how.  — 

Calls  a  Parliament  to  Reading  \n  1453.  — 

Subfidies  granted  him  there,  Particulars  of.  - 
Archers  voted  for  his  Service,.  Number  of.     — 

His  Prorogations  of  this  Parliament.         

— —  Form  of  Thanks  to  the  Commons  for  their 

farther  Grant.  — 

Appoints  the  Duke  of  York  Prefident  of  his  Coiin- 

His  Sicknefs,  and  the  Joy  on  his  Recovery.  — 
Makes  the  Duke  of  York  Protector  of  the  Realm. 
His  Settlement  an  his  Son  Prince  Edward,  — 
Creates  him  Prince  of  Wales  and  Earl  of  Cbe/ler. 
His  Settlement  on  the  Queen.  - 

— »  Promotion  of  his  Half- Brothers,  Edmund 

and  Jafper  Tudor.  

Appoints  the  Duke  of  York  Governor  of  Calais. 

Taken  Prifoner  by  the  Duke.      

His  Treatment  on  that  Occafion. ' 
Calls  a  Parliament  to  Wejlmtnjitr  in  1455. 
Declares  the  Duke  of  York  innocent.  ■    — 
Makes  him  again  Protector  of  the  Realm.     ■ — 
His  Revocation  of  the  Duke's  Power,  and  Dif- 

pofal  thereof.  ■ 

—  farther  Grant  to  Prince  Edward.  — 
frdh  Disturbances  by  the  Duke'  of  York. 

— —  Victory  over  the  Duke's  Army,  and  Manner 
of  acquiring  it.  ■  ■     ■        .  -- 

Calls  a  Parliament  to  Coventry  in  1460.     

His  Prerogative,  how  favoured  by  an  AA  there. 

Remarkable  Inftance  of  his  Clemency  fbewn  at 
this  Parliament.  —  

His  Engagement  with  the  Duke's  Party  at  Nor- 

Taken  Prifoner  there,  and  his  Army  routed.    - 


Vil.    P,sr.~ 
266,  7 

Jig  lizecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hiftory  of  England. 

HENRY  VI.  calls  a  Parliament  to  JVtftminfttr, 
in  1461,  at  the  Inftance  of  the  Confede- 
rate Lords.  —  —  - 

His  Confent  to  the  Award  of  that  Parliament, 
concerning  the  Duke's  Claim  to  the  Crown. 

—  Grants  to  the  Duke,  in  Confequence  thereof. 

—  Agreement  with  him,  Particulars  of.  .  — 
■ —  Proceffion  to  St.  Paul's  on  that  Occafion.  - 
Regains  his  Liberty  by  the  Queen's  Conduct,  - 
His  Defeat  at  Towton.  —  — - 

—  Efcape  into  Scotland.  —  — 

—  Defeat  at  Hexham.  —  .  1  ■ 
Taken  Prifoner  in  Lancojhire.  —  — 
Ignominious  Manner  of  conveying  him  to  London. 
Committed  to  the  Tower.  .  ■  -  - 
His  Releafement,  and  Reiteration  to  the  Crown- 
Calls  a  Parliament  to  Wiftminfttr  in  1470.  — 
His  Proceedings  there,  and  Remarks  thereon.  - 
Taken  Prifoner  at  the  Battle  of  Barnet. 
His  Death.                — 

HENRY  VII.  proclaimed  King  of  England  at  the 
Head  of  his  Army.  —  

His  Title  to  the  Crown,  on  the  Death  of  Ri- 
chard III.  

Calls  a  Parliament  to  Wtfiminfter  in  i486.     — 

Creates  Jafper  dt  Hatfield,  Earl  of  Pembroke, 
Duke  of  Bedford.  —  

Thomas  Stanley,  Earl  of  Dirby.         — 

—  ■  Edward  Courtney,  Earl  of  Devon.  - 
Procures  the  Crown  to  be  entailed  upon  himfelf 

and  his  Heirs.  ■ 

His  Proclamation,  offering  Pardon,  on  certain 

Conditions,  to  all  thole  who  had  taken  up 

Arms  againft  him.  - — — 

Creates  the  Lord  Chandois  Earl  of  Bath.    - 

■  Sir  Giles  Daubeney,  Lord  Daubenej.   — 

■  Sir  Robert  tPilloughbj,  Lord  Brooke.  - 
Refiores  Edward  Stafford,  eldeft  Son  to  Henry 

Duke  of  Buckingham,  to  his  Dignities  and 
Pofteffions.  —  — 

X  a 




298,  9 

3°5>  6, 7 


309       • 








334       r 

334.  5. 6 









Jig  Lizecsy  GOOgle 


I      N 

E      X    to 

HENRY  VII.  Subftdies  granted  him  by  the  Clergy 

and  Laity,  Particulars  of.       —  — 

Appoints  2  Guard  of  50  Archers  about  his  Per- 

Marries  the  Priricefs  Elizabeth,  eldeft  Daughter 

to  King  Edward  IV.         —  ■     — 

Supprefles  an  Infurreflion,  headed  by  Lambert 

Shnnel^  a  Baker's  Son.  — : 

Takes  Srmnet  Prifoner,  and  dooms  him  to  be  a 

mean  Servitor  in  his  Kitchen.  —  — 
Calls  a  Parliament  to  Wejlminfier  in  1488.  — 
His  Affiftance  of  the  Duke  of  Britaittt  againft 

the  French  King.  —  '■ 

—  Supply  for  a  War  with  France. .  —  — 
Supprefles  a  Rebellion  laifed  in  the  Northern 

Counties.  — r— 

,  Calls  a  Parliament,  Anna  1489.  —        — 

His  Laws  made  this  Selfion,  Abftrad  of.  — 
Summons  a  Parliament  to  Weflmlnjler  in  1492. 
His  Speech  at  opening  the  Sefllon.  —  — 
Enters  into  a  War  with  France.       —  — 

Raifes  vaft  Sums  of  Money  by  a  Betoevolencc. 
Lands  at  Calais,  and  be  lieges  Bulloign.  — 

His  Peace  with  the  Trench  King,  and  the  Condi- 
tions thereof.  —  - 
Calls  a  Parliament  to  Wejlminjler  In  1497.    — 

■ 1498.    — 

His  Speech  there,  concerning  the  Impo'fture  of 
Ptrkin  Warbeck.  — 

—  Subfidy  obtained  this  Seffion.  — 
Supprefles  an  Infurrection  in  Cornwall. 
His  Treaty  of  Marriage  hetween  Prince  Arthur 

and  the  Princefs  Catharine,  Daughter  to 

Ferdinand,  King  of  Spain,  -    ■ —  — 

Refufed  this  Match,  and  on  what  Account. 
His  infamous  Method  of  removing  the  Ohftacle. 
Concludes  the  Marriage  of  his  Son  Arthur.     — 
Marries  his  fecond  Son  Henry  to  Prince  Arthur*! 

Widow.  . 

\  Hb  Icandalous  Means  to  gratify  his  Paffioh  of 

Avarice.         ■       ■  ' 



Jglzecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  WJitry  of  England.  325 

F«L    Pap. 

HENRY  VII.  call*  a  Parliament  toWtflmlnft, 

Amu  1 505.  

Demands  a  Subfidy  for  the  Dowry  of  his  Daughter 
Margaret t  married  to  James  IV.  King  of 

Scrti.  —         .   —    2  444 

His  Death.        — 1—  2,  447 

—  Character.  . —     2  448 

HENRY  VHI.  his  AccefBon  to  the  Throne.  —  3 
Calls  a  Parliament  to  Wejlminjler  in  1509.  —  3 
Obtains  the  Grant  of  a  Subfidy.         —  —     3 

Diilolvea  (his  Parliament,  and  calls  another  to 
Weftminjler  in  15  iq,  op  account  of  a  Quar- 
rel between  Pope  Julius  II.  and  Lewis  XII. 
King  of  France.  ■  -—     3 

Efpoufes  the  Caufe  of  the  Pope,  and  proclaims 

War  again  ft  France.         ■  — —     3 

Orders  one  Nrwhelt,  Yeoman  of  his  Guard,  to 
be  banged  in  the  Palace- Yard  for  Murder. 
Sends  Thomas  Howard,  Earl  of  Surreyy  with  an 
Army  into  Torijhire  to  protect  the  Northern 
Parts  of  the  Kingdom  againft  the  Scots.    -     3 
Calls  a  Parliament  taWeftminfltr  in  1512.    —    3 
Obtains  a  Subfidy  and  aPoll-Taz  at  this  Parlia- 
ment. ■  ■  ■     ■-  — 
Goes  with  an  Army  into  France,  wins  the  Bat- 
tle of  the  Spurs,  and  takes  the  City  of  Tour- 

Obliges  the  Citizens  of  Tourney  to  take  an  Oath 

of  Allegiance  to  him.  — 

Concludes  a  Peace  with  France.         — 
Summons   a  Parliament  to  Weflminjier,   Anne 


Continues  this  Seffion  to  April,  1515*  and  pro- 
rogues the  Parliament  to  November,  1516, 

%\.WeftminJler.  r  

Panes  an  A&  for  a  general  Pardon.         — — 
Confers  the  Dignity  of  Knight  of  the  Garter  on 

Thomas  Nevile,  Efq;  — 
Diflblves  the  Parliament.            — 
Pafles  his  Time  in  fenfual  Pleafures  and  Indo- 
lence.   — 




:*y  Google 

3a6  I      N    .D      E      X.  to  the 

HENRY  VIII.  writes  a  Treatlfe  in  Defence  of 

the  Pope's  Authority,     — 

Obtains  the  Title  ot  Fidti  Deftnfar  on  this  Oc- 

His  arbitrary  Means  of  railing  Money. 

Calls  a  Parliament  to  London,  Anne  1523.  — 
Obtains  an  extraordinary  Grant  from  the  Clergy. 

—  '        a  Subfidy  from  the  Commons.    ■ 

His  remarkable  Behaviour  to  Edward  Montagu:, 
Elqj  for  oppofing  his  Demands  for  a  Sup- 

—  violent  Proceedings  to  ratfe  Money.      ■ 
Drops  his  Proieft,  on  account  of  the  Murmurs  of 

htS  Subjects.  '     -  — — 

Raifes  Money  by  a  Benevolence.       —       

Determines  to  divorce  Queen  Catharine.  — 
Summons  a  Parliament  to  Wtftminfttrt   Anno 

1529.  —  — 

His  Anfwer  to  the  Speech  of  Thomas  Audley, 

Efq;  Speaker  for  the  Commons.      • 

—  Orders  concerning  Cardinal  Walfey.    

Panes  an  Aft  for  a  general  Pardon  to  his  Sub- 
Applies  to  Pope  Clement  VII.  for  a  Confirma- 
tion of  Queen  Catharine's  Divorce.       — 

Pafles  an  Aft  of  Pardon  to  his  Subjects  on  the 
Priemmire.  ■  ■ 

His  Anfwer  to  a  Remonft  ranee  of  the  Commons, 
touching  the  Exactions  of  the  Clergy.   — 

Pafles  an  Aft  to  prohibit  his  Subjects  from  be- 
queathing their  Lands.  —  ■ — 

Obtains  from  theCommons  2  Grant  of  a  Fifteenth 
for  the  Defence  of  the  Northern  Borders. 

Forbears  to  cohabit  with  his  Queen.     —      — 

Exhorted  by  the  Pope  to  take  her  again.     — — 

Apprized  of  a  Motion  in  the  Houfe  of  Commons 
,   to  petition  him  for  that  Purpofe.    " 

Sends  for  their  Speaker,  and  pleads  Confcience 
for  his  Refufal.  —  — 

Divorces  Queen  Catharine,  a  Men/a  et  There,  for 


=,  Google 

Parliamentary  Hifiory  of  England. 

HEttRY  VIII.  marries  Mrs.  Ann  Bsltjn. 
Confirms  a  former  Act.  againft  the  Payment  of 

Annates  to  the  Pope.  —  — 

Pafles  an  Aft  to  forbid  the  Payment  of  Ptter- 

Ptnct.  - — -  — 

of  SuccefEon  in  Favour  of  Ann  Bo- 

Obliges  his  Subjects  to  fwear  to  it.  

Declared  Supreme  Head  of  the  Church,  by  an 

A£t  in  1535.  - 

Pafies  an  Adt  for  a  general  Pardon.        —      — 
Obliges  the  Clergy  to  renounce  the  Pope's  Au- 
thority. ■ ■  

Pafles  another  Act  of  Grace  this  Seffion. 
Diflblves  the  letter  Monasteries  in  1536.      ■ 
Seizes  on  their  Revenues.  —  ■ — — 

Erects  a  Court  of  Augmentations  for  this  Puvpofe. 
Commands  Ann  Boltyn,  his  Queen,  to  be  execu- 
ted for  Inceft  and  Adultery  laid  to  her 

Diflblves  this  Parliament,  and  calls  another  to 

Wtflminjltr^Anna  1537. 
Marries  Lady  Jan*  Stjnmtr.  — 

Receives  a  Propofal  from  Pope  Clement  for  an 

Accommodation.        — — — 
Rejects  it,  and  procures  an  Aci  to  abolifh  the 

Papal  Power  in  England.         —  — 
Diflblves  this  Parliament  after  a  Seffion  of  fix 

Weeks.  ■ — 

Perfuaded  by  his  Prime  MinifterCrMHWJ*//"to  feize 

on  the  larger  Abbies  and  Monalleries.   — 
Calls  a  Parliament  to  IVtftmtnflir  for  this  Pur 

pofe,  in  1540.  ■  — 

Diflblves  the  greater  Monalleries,  Abbies,  &c 

and  feizes  on  their  Revenues.  -  .  ■     ■■ 

Erects  fix  new  Bilhop  ricks,  and  endows  thorn 

with  Part  of  the  Revenues  taken  from  the 

Monafleries.  ■   ■  — 

Lofcs  Queen  Jane,  who  died  in  Child-bed. 
Marries  Ann  of  Clevt,  Sifter  to  John,  Duke  of 

that  Name.  — ■■- 



99,  ioo 




110,  It 




ji8,  19 






■44.  S 



328  I      N      D      E      X    to 

HENRY  VIII.  diflikei  his  Match  wkWmofCArw, 
and  contrive*  Means  for  another  Divorce. 

Prorogues  the  Parliament  to  Jpril,  1541.  — ' 
Obtains  a  Subfidy  from. the  Clergy  and  Laity  this 


Supprefles  the  Order  of  St.  John  of  Jtrufai 
Receives  a  Propofal  from  the  Parliament,  with 

relation  to  his  hit  Marriage.       — 
His  Anfwer.  ■  ■  ■    —  —~ 

Divorced  from  Aim  of  Cltvt,  by  a  Sentence  of 

the  Clergy.  ■  — 

Marries  Catharine  Howard,  Niece  to  the  Duke 

Of  Norfolk.       —  —  — 

Paffes  an  Ad  of  Grace,  and  diflblves  the  Parlia- 

Supprefles  a  Rebellion  in  Terkjhirt,  under  the 

Condufl  of  Sir  John  Newle.  

Makes  a  Progrefs  into  that  County.  —  - 

Returns  to  Lena'oi,  and  receives  Information  of 

his  new  Queen's  lncontincncy.  --— 

Calls  a  Parliament  to  Weftminfttr  on  this  Occa- 

fion,  in  1542.  — —  "     ■   — 

Caules  Queen  Catharine  to  be  attainted  of  High 

Treafon  and  executed.  —  — 

His  Speech,  on  account  of  the  Proceedings  of  the 

Houfe  of  Commons,  touching  the  Aneft  of 

one  of  their  Members.       ■     ■  -  ■■  ■ 

Claims  Homage  and  Fealty  of  Jams  V.  King 

of  Scotland.  ■    ■  i 

Declares  War  againft  him.  —  — 

Obtains  a  Subfidy  from  the  Clergy  and  Laity. 
Enters  into  a  War  againft  France.  —  — 
Marries  Lady.  Catbarint  Parr,  Widow  to  Lord 

Latimer.  __  — ,.  ,       ■ 

Afluines  the  Title  of  King  of  Ireland.  — ■  — 
Paffes  divers  Acts  by  Commiffion,  and  diffolves 

the  Parliament.  -  — 

Makes  Preparations  for  carrying  on  the  War 

againft  France  and  Scotland.         —        — 
Takes  Edinburgh,  and  lays  it  in  Afhei.        ■■— 


V<l.     Fagi. 


VarHamcittaryllijlery  »/ England. 

HENRY  VIII.  tranfports  *  powerful  Army  toi 
Calais,  and  goes  in  Perlbn  to  conduct  the 

-  War  againft  France.       —  ■    ■■  ■  — 

Raifes  Money  for  this  Purpofc  by  mean  Ways. 

■ -—  — ■  by  a  Benevolence. 

Calls  a  Parliament  ro  Wefimin/ter,  Anne  1 546. 
Obtains  a  Subfidy  from  the  Clergy.      —   *— 
His  lingular  Speech  to  this  Parliament.  — 

Saves  the  two  Univerfities  of  Oxftrd  and  Cam- 
bridge from  Diflblution.         —  — 
Caufes  a  Bill  of  Attainder  againft  Thttnas  Duke 
of  Ntrfb/A,  and  Henry  Earl  of  Surrey.     -     3 

Psfles  the  Bill  by  Commiffion.         —       3 

His  Sicknefs  and  Death.  —  — — -     3 

—  Character,  relating  to  his  Conduct  with  his 

Parliament.  —  .  . 

HENRY  IV.  King  of  France,  aflaffinated  in  his 
Coach  in  open  Day- Light.        —         — 

HENSHAW,  Benjamin,-hvi  Depofttion  againft  the 
Lord-Treafurer  Middlefix-,  as  Matter  of 
the  Wardrobe.  —  

HEOVAR,  Mr.  his  Letter  concerning  the  Beha- 
viour of  Col.  Axtill,  at  the  Trial  of  King 
Charles  L  ■  — 

HERBERT,  Lord,  his  Obfervation  on  the  arbi- 
trary Methods  of  railing  Money  by  Hen- 
ry VIII.  

His  Account  of  a  Debate  in  the  Houfe  of  Com- 
mons, concerning  a  Supply  in  1523. 
■ —  Remarks  on  the  Act  of  Succeffion  in  Fa* 

of  Lady  "fane  Seymour,         —  -—     3 

—  Abftrafl  of  the  Cbarader  of  Henry  VIII.  -     3 
HERBERT,  Edward,  Efy%  appointed  one  of  the 

Managers  for  the  Commons  againft  the 

Duke  of  Buckingham.         —  — 

His  Speech  in  Support  of  the  three  firft  Articles 

of  Impeachment  againft  him.  — 

—  Report  to  the  Commons  of  the  Lord*  Keeper's 

Speech,  at  a  Conference  between  a  Com- 
mittee of  both  Houfcs.        *—  ■ 


ZCO,   I 



405  ft  209 

209,  to 

210,  II 

211,  13 

«3»   '* 

230,'  X 

380,  1 


3°  *«  33 

127,  8 
213,  14 

iota  58 
58,  9 

'1452.  3 

Jglzecy  GOOgle 





5  169 
5  169 


15  265 

N      D      E      X    to  the 

HERBERT,  Philip,  Earl  if  Pembroke,  his' Advice 
to  King  Charles  I.  concerning  the  Bill  of 

Attainder  againft  Lord  Strafford.        

Removed  from  the  Office  of  Lord- Chamberlain 

of  the  Houfhold.  1    ■  — 

His  Speech  to  the  Citizens  of  London,  on  occa- 

fion  of  the  Battle  of  Edge-Hill.  — 

—  farther  Speech  to  them  on  this  Affair.      — 

Speech  to  them,  for  a  fpeedy  Supply  for  the 

Parliament's  Army.    — ; — 13  161,  2 

Charged  with  fending  Money  to  the  King 


His  Requeft  to  the  Peers  on  this  Occafion.    ■ 
Depofitions  againft  him,  touching  this  Affair, 
Appointed  one  of  the  Parliament's  Commiffion- 
ers  to  receive  the  King  from  the  Scats  Ar- 
»my,  and  conduct  him  to  Holdenby.         — 

, to  attend  the  King  at  Hampton-Court  with        | 

Propofitions  of  Peace.  16  287 

__ ChanceiIoroftheUniverfityofO;r/orJ  16  318 

'     one  of  the  Parliament's  Commiffion- 1      j 
ers  to  treat  with  the  King  in  the  Ijtt  af\ 

Wight  about  a  National  Peace.      17  436 

One  of  the  Peers  who  rejc&ed  an  Ordinance  of  j 

the  Commons  for  Trial  of  the  King.     —   18  492 
Procures  himl'elf  to  be  chofen  Knight  of  the  Shire 
for  the  County  of  Berks,  and  took  his  Seat 
in  the  Houfe  of  Commons  accordingly.    - 
Appointed  one  of  the  Commiflioners  of  the  Navy 
HERBERT,  Lord  Philip,  elected  Member  of  the 
Houfe  of  Commons  for  the  County  of  * 
Glamorgan.         —  — — r  J    19 

Succeeds  his  Father,  as  Earl  of  Pembroke,  in 
1649,  but  continues  to  fit  in  the  Houfe  of 
Commons-  ■  — 

Appointed  Cujlas  Rotulerum  for  the  Counties  of 
•     Derby  and  Wilts.  -— 

'HERBERT,  Lard  Pawys,  his  lamentable  Condi- 
tion, Account  of.  — 
How  relieved,  and  by  whom.         — 




Jglzecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Htjlory  g/*  England. 


HERBERT,  Edward,  Attorney- Gentral,  his  Ac- 

cufation,  in  the  King's  Name,  againft  Lord 

Kimiallon,  Holies,    "John   Pymme, 

John  Hampden,  Efqrs.   Sir  Arthur  Hafsl- 

rigge,  and  William  Strode,  Efq;  — 

His  Requeft  to  the  Peers  on  this  Occafion.     — 

Required  to  juftify  himfelf  for  his  Proceeding  in 

this  Affair.  ■ 

His  Anfwer:  — —  

—  Examination  and  farther  Anfwer.  — — 
Impeachment  againft  him  on  this  Account.  — 
His  Anfwer  to  it.  -     ■-  — 

Proceedings  againft  him  at  his  Trial,  Particulars 


His  Defence  by  Counfel.  —  

■   ,  .— -         by  himfelf,  in  Point  of  Privilege. 
Sentence  againft  him.  —  -■ 

Difcharged  from  Prifon.  —  — 

HERBERT,  Lord  of  Cherbury,  his  Speech  at 
Meeting  of  the  Peers  at  York.      — 
How  cen fared  by  the  Parliament  for  objecting 

to  Tome  Refolutions.        —  

Leaves  the  Houfe  of  Peers,  and  goes  to  the  King 

at  York.  _ 

HEREFORD,  City  of,  taken  by  the  Parliament': 

Forces  — — 

HEREFORD,  Earl  of ".     See  Boh un. 
HEREFORD,  Duktof.     See  Bullingbroke. 
HERESY,  Statut*  of,  when  enacted,  and  on  what 

Occafion. "  

HERTFORD,  County  of  their  Petition  to  the 
Commons,  for  a  Reformation  in  Church 
and  State.  ■  — 

Their  Petition  to  Sir  Thomas  Fairfax,  defiring 
that  the  Army  might  not  be  dtlbanded  un- 
til! the  Redrefs  of  fundry  Grievances.    — 
HERTFORD,  Earl  of    See  Seymour. 
HERTFORD,  Earl  of.     See  Seymour,  Edw. 

and  William. 
HEVENINGHAM,  Sir  John,  committed  to  Pri- 
fon for  refufing  a  Loan  to  King  Charles  I.     7 
Releafed  on  the  calling  a  new  Parliament.     —     7 



'56>  I 
•57.  8 

1,7  . 

2'5.  16 
298,  7 

3S7.  8,  9, 
444.  J 

502.  3.  * 


3,  4 


240,  it  2 


-y  Google 


I      N 

E      X    to 

HEWIT,  Dr.  his  fatal  Cataftrophe,  Account  of. 
HEWSON,  Col.  his  Succeft  againft  the  Irifl  Re- 
bels, in  1650,  Account  of.      —  — 
His  Letter  to  the  Commons,  of  their  Army's  fur- 
ther Succefs  in  Ireland.           —          ■   ■  - 
-—  Account  of  the  State  of  that  Kingdom  in 

HEXHAM,  Battle  of.  

HEYLE, ,  £fy;  Serjeant  at  Law,  his  r< 

markable  Speech  on  a  Bill  for  a  Subfidy. 
HEYL1N,  Dr.  his  Obfervation  on  a  CJaufe  in  the 
Act  of  Succelfion  in  Favour  of  Lady  J*. 

Seymour.  -  ■■-■ 

His  Obfervation  on  the  Sentiments  of  the  firft 

Parliament  of  Edward  VI.       — 

— —  Parallel  between  the  Duke  of  Stmerfet  and 

his  Brother  the  Lord  Seymour.       —     — 

— -  Account  of  an  Act  relating  to  the  Marriage 

of  Queen  Mary.  ■■  — — 

HIDE,  Laurence,  Efq;  his  Speech  againft  Mono 

polies.  '     '   ■  '■  —— 

HIQHAM,  C/ement,  Efq;  elcfted  Speaker  for  the 

Commons  in  1554-  — 

His  Speech  on  this  Occafion.  — 

HIGHAM,  Sir  John,  his  Motion  in  the  Houfe  of 

Commons,  for  discharging  Mr.  Wndwtrth 

out  of  the  Tower.  —  — —  — 

HIGH  COMMISSION-COURT,    when    firft 


When  aboliftied  by  Parliament.         —         — 
At  Yorky  Refolution  of  the  Commons  againft  it. 
Speech  againft  it  by  Edward  Hyde,  Efq;  after- 
wards Lord  Clarendon,            —             — 
Refolutions  of  the  Peers  againft  it.      —        — 
HIGH  COURT  tfjuftice,  erefted  by  the  Com- 
mons for  trying  King  Cbarlet  I,            — 
Ereflcd  within  the  Cities  of  Lendon  and  Wtft- 
minfier.'                -  ■■■                  -■  ■    ■■ 
HILL,  Mr.  Serjeant,  made  a  Juftice  of  the  Up- 
per Bench.  — —  


Vol.     Page. 

4*2,  3,  4 

+8 i,  2,  3 

32,  3 

447*  8 



30+.  5 




3'8.  »9 



446»  7 


253»  4- 


Jglzecy  GOOgle 

'     Parliamentary  Hijiory  of  England. 


HOBART,  Sir  Miles,  fummoned  before  the  Privy 

Council  for  his  Miffeehaviour  in  the  Houfe 

of  Commons,  -■■    ■  ' ;  — 

His  Examination  and  Anfwer.         —  — 

Committed  to  the  Tower.  —  — 

Profecuted  in  the  Star-Chamber.         —        — 

Brought  before  the  Court  of  King's  Bench  upon 

a  Habeas  Corpus.  —  — 

His  Resolution  there.  —  ■■  ■*  — 

Removed  to  a  different  Prifon.  —  — 

Offers  to  give  Bail.  —  -~    " 

Refutes  to  find  Sureties  for  his  good  Behaviour. 

Committed  to  the  Tower  again.         — * 

His  Sentence.  ■■■■  - 

HOBBES,  Mr.  his  Sentiments  on   the  Charge 

againft  the  Scots  of  felling  the  King.      — 

HOBBY,  Sir  Thomas,  his  Speech  onlmprifonment. 

His  Report,  concerning  fome  Popifti  Priefts  re- 

leafed  out  of  Newgate.  —  - 

— : from  Lord  Chief  Juftice  Hyde,  of 

the  Proceedings  againft  them.  — 

HOBBY,  Sir  Edward,  his  Speech  againft  Mono- 
polies. —  ' 
HOCH-TUESDAY,  Meaning    and    Antiquity 
thereof.                 ■  ■   — —                '     '"  ~ 

HOCKWELL, ,  Eff  j  his  Speech  on  Impri- 

"    fcnment.  .  

HODDEN,  Captain,  his  Information,  relating 

great  Difturbances  at  Exeter.  —  — 

HOLLAND,  John,  Earl  of  Huntingdon,  made 

Lord- Admiral.  

Made  one  of  the  Council  of  Peers  held  by  King 
Richard  11.  at  Nottingham,  in  1397.    — 

Created  Duke  of  Exeter.  —  

One  of  the  Committee,  on  whom  the  Authority 

of  Parliament  was  delegated  in  1398.    — 

HOLLAND,  Thomas,  Earl  of  Kent,  one  of  the 

Lords  Appellants  at  Nottingham  in  1397. 

Created  Duke  of  Surrey.  —  

One  of  the  Committee,  on  whom  the  Authority 
of  Parliament  was  delegated  in  1398. 





-  376 
8  -388 


3°»»  3 


4°4.  ? 





Uzecy  GOOgle 


N      D      fi      X    to  the 

HOLLAND,  Thomas*  Earl o/Ktat,  Proceedings 
againft  him  for  Actions  done  in  the  twenty- 

firft  of  Richard  II.         —  

HisAnfwer.  .  — —  ■ 

Sentence  againft  him.  — 

'  Reftoied  to  his  Honours  and  Eftatei.      — — 

His  Vindication  of  the  Duke  of  Albtmarlt,  con- 
cerning the  Murder  of  the  Duke  of  Glow 

Proceedings  againft  him,  on  account  of  a  Plot  for 

reftoring  King  Richard.  

HOLLAND,  John,  Duke  of  Exeter,  Proceedings 
againft  him,  for  Actions  done  in  the  Par- 
liament of  the  twenty-firft  of  Richard  II. 

His  Anfwer  thereto.  — —  

Sentence  againft  him.  ——  — 

Reftored  to  his  Honours  and  Eftates.  

Made  Governor  of  Calais.  —  ■ — 

Proceedings  againft  him,  on  account  of  a  Plot 

for  reftoring  King  Richard.        — 

His  fatal  Cataftrophe.  

HOLLAND,  Sir  John,  his  Speech  on  National 


HOLLES,  Jtbity  Earl  of  Clare,  deferts  the  Par- 
Jiamcnt,  and  joins  the  King  at  Oxford. 
Diffatished  with  his  Reception  there,  and  efcapes 

to  his  Seat  in  Nottingham/hire.  

Intitles  himfelf  to  the  Parliament's  Protection, 

and  how.  

HOLLES,,  E/q;  his  aftonifhing  Behaviour 
to  Sir  John  Finch,  Speaker.  — 

Summoned  before  the  Privy  Council. 

His  Examination  and  Anfwers.       ~< 

Committed  to  the  Tower.  

Profecuted  in  the  Star-Chamber.        — - 

Brought  before  the  Court  of  King's  Bench  upon 

a  Habeas  Corpus.  —  — 

His  Refolution  there.  

Removed  to  a  different  Prifon.         ■  — 

Offers  to  give  Bail.  

Refutes  to  find  Sutcties  for  his  good  Behaviour. 


=,  Google 

Parliamentary  Hiftory  of  England.  33$ 

Vcl.    Pagt. 
HOLLES,  Dmxil,  Efy;  committed  to  the  Tower.     8  376 
Information  again  ft  him  in  the  King's  Bench.     8   376/0378 
His  Plea.  —  —  —     8   378 

—  Cafe  argued  in  the  King's  Bench.    .        —     8  381  to  388 

—  Sentence.  -  — -.  — —  —     8   388 
■ —  Speech,  on  prefenting  to  the  Lords  a  Pro-  ' 

teftation  taken  by  the  whole  Houfe  of  Com- 
mons.    . —     9  255/0258 

—  Speech  in  Favour  of  the  Palatine  Family.  -     9  438/044.2 

—  Speech  to  the  Lords,  in  Juftification  of  the 

Commons'  Votes  for  a  general  Taking  their 

Protection.  —     9  465,  6,  7 

concerning  the  King's  Journey  ' 

Scotland.  —  —     9  47 1,  2 

Charge  of  High  Treafon  agatnft  him  by  the 

King.  —  —  10  '56, 

Secretes  himfelf.  —  —  10  195 

His  triumphant  Return  to  TVeJlminfttr^  Particu- 
lars of.  —  —  —  10  196 

—  Report  of  a  Conference,  concerning  Sir  f»hn 

Hotbam  and  the  Town  of  Hull.         10  503 

—  Speech  againft  nine  Peers  with  the  King  at 

York,  who  had  difobeyed  a  Summons  of 

Parliament.  —  —  —  II    200/0  20$ 

—  Impeachment  of  them,  in  the  Name  of  the 

Commons,  on  this  Account.       —       —  11  205,  6 

—  Remarks  on  the  Temper  of  the  Parliament 


an  Army.  —  —  —  11   289,  90 

Appointed  Chief  Commander  of  the  Parliament's 
.  Forces  in  the  Weft.  —  — — ■ 

His  Account  of  the  Endeavours  of  the  Peers  for 
a  Peace,  and  the  feditious  Practices  made 
ufe  of  to  prevent  it.        —  ■ 

— —  Speech  to  the  Citizens  of  London,  for  a  fpee- 

dy  Supply  for  the  Parliament's  Army,    —  13 

— -  Character  of  Col.  Cromwell,  as  a  Soldier.  -    13 

—  Reafon  for  the  Commons  patting  an  Ordi- 

nance for  new  modelling  the  Army.      — 

—  Account  of  Col,  Cromwell's  extreme  Hatred 

of  the  Nobility  and  Houfe  of  Peers.  ■— 

162,  3,  4 


)■;■,,,:  :,.- COOglC 


I      N     D      E 

HOLLES,  Dtmul,  Efq;  his  Account  of  Col. 

Cromwell"  t  artful  Management  to  keep  his 

Command  in  the  Army,  notwithstanding 

the  Self-denying  Ordinance.       —         — 

Complaint  againft  him  by  Lord  SaviU,  and  what. 

'  Juftifie.d  by  the  Commons,  and  hew.         

Hi*  Account  of  the  artful  Contrivances  of  the 
Independents  to  eftablifh.  a  Majority  of  their 
own  Sea  in  the  Houfe  of  Commons.      — 

„ of  the  ill  Treatment  of,  the  Seats  Com- 

miffioners  by  that  Party. 

_  Sufferings,  bv  oppofing  the  King  in  the  third 
Year  of  his  Reign,  how  rewarded  by  the 
Commons.  —  ."T"~ 

Refufes  their  Gratuity  on  that  Account,  and  why. 

His  Sentiments  on  the  Charge  againft  the  Scoti 
of  felling  the  King.        — —  — 

,._.  Account  of  a  Debate  in  the  Houfe  of  Com. 
morts,  concerning  fome  Troopers  who  had 
brought  a  Letter  from  the  Army,  exclaim- 
ing againft  the  Parliament.  - 

g-pi of  the  Behaviour  of  General  Cromwell 

and  fome  other  Officers,  with  regard  to  the 
mutinous  Proceedings  of  the  Army.       — 

One  of  the  Eleven  Members  charged  by  the  Ar- 
my with  Mifdemeanore.  — — 

His  Account  of  the  Motives  of  the  Houfe  of  Com- 
mons, for  giving  the  impeached  Members 
Leave  to  abfent  themfelves  for  fix  Months. 

', Obfervation  on  Sir  Thomas  Fairfax's  march- 
ing his  Army,  with  Laurel  in  their  Hats, 
through  the  City  of  Lutfo*.  

Retires  into  Nernumdr.  ■ 

Reftored  M  his  Seat  in  Parhamcnt  again. 

Appointed  one  of  the  Parliament .  Commiffion- 

V     era  to  treat  with  the  King  in  the  1JU  of 

Wight  about  a  National  Peace.   ,       — — 

HOLLINGSHEAD,  Mr.  his  Charafler  of  Sir 

Jabn  Buffy,  Speaker.         —  ■ 

His  Charaaet  of  Richard  Fite-Jian,  Earl  of 
Arundtl.  *    m 

to  the 

Vol.    Page. 

469,  70 


322  u 326 

15  3ft«i 

3Gj.  3 
47°  #4/3 




462,  3 


Jglzecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hijlory  of  England.'  337 

Vol.    Page. 
HOLLINGSHEAD,  Mr.,  his  Account  of  tbc 
Proceedings  of  the  Commons  on  the  Arreft 
of  one  of  their  Members.  —  —     3  185/0189 

HOLLIS,  Gervas,  Efq;  his  Speech,  concerning 

fome  Propofitions  of  the  Scots.   •  ■  -      9  235,  6,  7 

Gives  great  Offence  to  the  Commons  on  this 

Occafion.  ■  —  ■■■■     ■     9  237 

His  Sentence  by  their  Speaker.  —  —     9  237 

HOLT,  Sir  John,  one  of  .the  Judges  who  fi'gned 

the  Rcfolutions  at" Nottingham  in  1387.    -      I  407,  432 
Impeached  by  the  Commons  on  that  Account.     1  432 

Charge  againft  htm. ■  —     I  432 

His  Anfwer.  ■—  1  432,  3 

How  replied  to  by  the  Commons.  ■  ■  ■     1  433 

His  Sentence.  —  —  -  — —  -  — ■     1  433 

How  mitigated  by  the  Interpolation  of  the  Bi- 

{hops.  ■■■■--■  ■     1  435 

His  Banilhment  to  Ireland.  r—  —      j  437 

—  Allowance  towards  the  Expences  of  his  Paf- 

—  Return.  : 1  454,  458 

HOMAGE,   how  anciently  paid   to  the    Kings 

of  England.  /  2  238 

Form' of,  done  by  the  Lords  Spiritual.       — ■-     8  107 
HONOURS,   granted  by  King  Cbarltt  I.  how 

vacated  oy  the  Commons.  20    85 

Granted  by  Cromwell  during  his  Protectorate,  Ac- 
count of.  ■  '      ■  21   220,  I,  a 

HOPTON,  Sir  Waiter,  an  itinerant  Juftice,  how 

fined  for  Extortion.  —  ■      1     89 

HOPTON,  Sir  Ralph,  his  Report  to  the  Com- 
mons of  their  Committee's  Reception  by 
the  King,  on  prefenting  their  Remonftrance 
of  the  State  of  the  Nation.  — — -   10     55,  6 

Expelled  that  Houfe,  for  executing  the  King's 

Comrriiflion  of  Array.  —  ■  1 1  364 

Impeached  of  High  Treaion.         —  1 1  425 

Created  a  Peer,  and  when'.  —  —    12  477 

His  Forces  in  the  Weft  defeated.  ■   .  14  265 

—  Treaty  with  Sir  Thctnas  Fairfax  on  this  Oc- 

cafion, fbmc  Account  of.  — —  14  289^295 

Y  HOPTON,  ■ 

iHze^y  GOOgk 

33*  I     N      D      E      X    to  the 

HOPTON,  fin-  Ralph,  his  Letter  to  Sir  Thtmat 
Fairfax,  concerning  the  Prince  of  Wain 
in  the  Ifle  tAJerfey.  —  — 

HORNGELTH,  what  meant  thereby.      

HORSE-RACES,  when  prohibited.  

HORTON,  Col.  Thtmat,  his  Account  of  the  Suc- 
cefs  of  the  Parliament's  Forces  in  Walts.  - 
HOSKINS, ,  Efp  his  Speech  on  fome  Pro- 
portions of  King  Charles  I.  for  a  Supply. 
HOSPITALERS,    Knights.     See  Templars, 

Knights.  —  ■  ■  

HOSPITAL,  St.  Leonard's,  in  tori,  encouraged 

by  a  Statute.  '-^—  '  

HOSPITALS,  Diflblutlon  of.  —  — 

HOSTAGES,  Lift  of,  on  the  Part  of  the  Seets, 

for  their  marching  out  of  England  accord' 

ing  to  Agreement.        — —  ■ 

Lift  of,  on  the  Part  of  the  EngUJb,  for  the 

Payment  of  200,000/.  to  the  Scots  Army. 

in  Confederation  of  their  evacuating  the 

Kingdom.  ■'    —  ■ 

HOTHAM,  Sir  John,  convened  before  the  Privy 

Council.  ' 

Committed  to  the  Fleet.  — 

His  Report  to  the  Commons,  of  the  Debt  due 

to  the  Englijh  and  Scot s  Armies* 

..— .  _  of  a  Propofal  for 

a  Poll-Tax.  — 

Made  Governor  of  Hull  by  the  Parliament.   — 
Orders  concerning  him.  — 

Denies  the  King  Entrance  into  that  Town. 
Complaint  againft  him  on  this  Occafion.  - 
Juftified  by  the  Peers.  — 

His  Letter,  touching  the  King's  Expedition  to 


Petition  to  the  Parliament  againft  him. 

His  Cruelty  to  a  Drummer  of  one  of  the  King's 

Captains.  ■ 

Concerned  in  a  Scheme  to  deliver  up  Hull  to  the 

Secured  on  this  Account.        ■  — '  1 





374*  5.  * 

37&»  7.  8 


456,  7 

335.  6»  7 


Jglzecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hi/lory  of  England. 


HOTHAM,  Sir  John,  brought  up  to  London.  — 

Debarred  the  Sight  of  his  Friends.  -,.,-.. 

Hit  Examination  and  Anfwer  at  the  Bar  of  the 
Houfe  of  Commons,  previous  to  his  Trial. 

Ex  pel  I'd  the  Houfe,  and  committed  to  thcTower. 

Condemn'd,  by  the  new-made  Martial  Law,  for 
betraying  the  Parliament's  Caufe.  — 

His  Petition  to  the  Peers  tor  2  Refpite  of  his  Exe- 
cution. ■■  —  —  — 

-■  - — for  a  farther  Reprieve. 

-  for  fparing  his  own  or 



380,  1 

381      * 
347.  36a 

3H.  S 
3+8,  9 

his  Son's  Life.  — '■ —  ■  13  358,  9 

Oppofed  by  the  Commons  in  this  laft  Requeft,  | 

and  is  executed.  ■  —  [  13   359,  60 

HOTHAM,  Copt.  John,  an  Accomplice  with 
his  Father,  in  a  Dcfign  to  deliver  up  Hull 
to  die  King.  ■  -■-  — 

Brought  up  to  London.  —  — 

Debarred  the  Sight  of  his  Friends.        — — 
His  Examination,  previous  to  his  Trial.  ■ 

Expell'd  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  and  committed. 
Condemned  by  a  Court- Martial,  and  executed. 
HOUGHTON,  Adam,  Bifiot  tfSt.  David's,  and 
herd-  Chancellor,  his  Speech  to  the  Parlia- 
ment, Anno  1377.  —  ■— — 
His  Speech  to  the  Parliament  in  1378.  — 
HOWARD,  Sir  Richard,  his  Character  of  King 

Richard  II.  — 

HOWARD,  Thomas,  Earl  of~Surrey,  fent  with 
an  Army  into  York/aire,  to  protect  the 
Northern  Parts  of  the  Kingdom  againft 

the  Scots  — 3     14 

Meets  James  IV.  King  of  Scotland,  at  Floddm- 

field,  in  Northumberland.        —  —     3     15 

Give*  him  Battle,  and  kills  him  with  10,000  of 
Tils  Forces.  ■■■  ■■'  — —     3 

Made  Lord-Treafurer.  —  3 

Claims  the  firft  Place  amongft  the  Earls,  both 

■in  and  out  of  Parliament.        —  — 

Denied  this  Superiority,  and  obliged  to  take  up 

with  the  loweft  but  one.         — *  — 

Y  %  HOWARD, 


340  I      N      D      E      X    to  the 


HOWARD,  Thomas,  Earl  of  Surrey,  hit  Attempt 
to  marry  the  Lady  Margaret  Douglas, 
Daughter  to  the  Queen  of  Scots,  and  Niece 
to  King  Henry  VIII.         —         

Attainted  and  committed  to  the  Tower  on  this 
Account.  —  '    '  

Dies  there.  — — —  — -  — 

HOWARD,  Catharine,  Niece  to  Thomas  Howard, 

Duke  of  Norfolk,  marries  KmgHenry  VIII. 

Accufed  of  Incontinency.  —  ■    ■■■■ 

Attainted  of  High  Ttcafon.         —  

Her  Confeulon  and  Death.        — —  — — 

HOWARD,  Henry,  Earl  of  Surrey,  attainted  of 

High  Treafon.  —  — — — — 

Beheaded  on  Tower-Hill.  —  

HOWARD,  Thomas,  Duke  of  Norfolk,  his  An. 
fwer  to  John  Fijher,  Bifliop  of  RecbeJItr, 
concerning  the  Clergy.  —  — 

Attainted  of  Treafon.  —  

Releafed  from  Prifon,  and  his  Attainder  revers'd. 

Contracts  a  foimal  Marriage  with  Mary  Stuart, 
Queen  of  Scots .  -  ■  ■  ■ 

Attempts  to  releafe  the  Queen  from  her  Impri- 
sonment. '  ■ 

Arraigned  for  this,  and  fume  other  Crimes  laid 
to  his  Charge.  —  

Tried  by  his  Peers,  and  found  guilty  of  High 
Treafon.  ■  ■ 

Beheaded,  Anno  1572.  —  -  ■    ■ 

His  Character.  

HOWARD,  Philip,  Earl  ofArundele,  eldefl  Son  to 

Thomas  Dule  of  Norfolk,  reftored  in  Blood. 

HOWARD,  Tbeophilus,  Earl  of  Suffolk,  his  Charge 

againft  Mr.  Selden.  — 

Complained  of  by  the  Commons  for  afpcrfing 
this  Gentleman.  — 

Protefls  his  Innocency.  

Charged  with  the  Fact  at  the  Bar  of  the  Houfe 
qf  Lords.  —  •  •        —  ■ 

HOWARD,  Thomas,  Earl  of  Arundel,  committed 
to  the  Tower  in  the  Time  of  Parliament. 



Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hi/iory  of  England. 

.    Vol. 


the  Tower,  at  the  Interceflion  of  the  Peers.  7 
Confined  to  his  Houfe,  by  Order  of  the  King.  7 
Made  Lord  High  Steward  for  the  Trial  of  Lord 

Appointed  one  of  the  Commiffioners  for  giving 
the  Royal  Aflent  to  the  Bill  of  Attainder 
againft  him.  —  » 

Debate  of  the  Commons,  concerning  his  Refti- 
tution  to  the  Dignity  and  Title  of  Duke 

of  Norfolk.  

HOWARD,  Charles,  Lord  Vifceunt  Andavtr,  his 
Speech  for  fuppreffing  the  Star*  Chamber 

His  Speech,  concerning  the  Pacification  with  the 

Scots.  —  

HOWARD,  Lord,  of  Bjhith,  appointed  one  of 
the  Parliament's  Commiffioners  to  attend 
the  King  in  Scotland.         —  

Appointed  one  of  the  Parliament's  Commiffion- 
ers to  treat  with  the  Serfs  about  the  Irijh 


■  to  attend  the  King  in  Yerkjbire, 

His  Letter,  concerning  the  King  s  Proceedings 
in  York,-  — 

—  fecond  Letter,  to  the  fame  Purpofe.  —   — 
third  Letter,  concerning  the  King's  Motions. 

—  farther  Account  thereof.       —       —     — 
Procures  himfelf  to  be  chofen  Member  for  the 

City  of  CarHJZe,  and  took  his  Seat  in  the 
Houfe  of  Commons  accordingly.    —    — 
Charge  of  Bribery  exhibited  againft  him.   ■ 
His  Sentence  and  Difcharge,  Particulars  of.  — 
judgment  againft  him  repealed.          —      ■ 
HOWARD,  Ctpt.  Son  it  Lord  Howard of Ejkrkkt, 
deferts  the  Commons,  and,  with  his  whole 
Troop,  joins  King  Charles  II.  in  his  Expe- 
dition to  Warcifitr.  ■  

Receives  the  Honour  of.  Knighthood  on  that 
Occafion.  — 

y  3 



I  So 


3'.  3«. 
35.  3' 

189ft 191 



*5.  >> 

■63,  4.  S 

107     . 
+77.  8.  9 
479.  80 

Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 


1      N      D      E      X    to  the 

VtL    Pap. 
HOWARD,  Lord,  of  Charlton,  deferts  the  Par- 
liament, and  joins  the  King  at  Tori.     — 
His  Excufe,  for  not  returning  purfuant  to  a  Sum- 
mons. —  -  —  ■  '   -    '■-    ii  183 
Impeachment  againft  him  on  this  Account,  Par- 
ticulars of.                —  ,.-  —  ,-   11  205,  .6 
HOWARD,  Thomas,  £arl  of Berkjhirt,  commit- 
ted to  the  Tower,  and  why.    —  —11  418 
His  Letter,  concerning  tbe  Prince  of  Wain.  — 
HOWARD,  Charlts,   Earl  of  Nottingham,    ap- 
pointed one  of  the  Parliament's  Commif- 
fioners  to  refide  with  the  Army.    —     —  15 
His  Letter,  concerning  an  Engagement  entered 

into  by  the  Army.  —  :  15 

_  _■■_■  .  concerning  their  Intentions  of  coming 

up  to  Londtit.  — ; —  ■ 

<———  giving  an  Account  of  their  March  to 
St.  Aiban*,  and  their  Reafons  for  fi>  doing. 

,-■—,,    ■  ———.. ,.         of  the  Commif- 

fioners  Proceedings  with  Sir  Thomas  Fair- 

fax, purWnf  to  their  Order. 

vith  Copies  of  two  Petit! 

,  from 

the  Counties  of  Hertfcrd  and  Bud. 

Sir  Thomas  Fa!rf,X.  —  

— --  further  Account  of  the  Motions  of  the 

Army.  , 

Appointed  one  of  the  Parliament's  Commimon- 

ers  to  go  into  Scotland,  in  Older  to  prcferve 

Peace  there.  —  

HOWARD,  Jama,  Marl  of  SuffilJt,  impeached 

by  the  Commons  of  High  Treafon.  — 
Difchargcd  from  Reftraint,  and  r  eft  o  red  to  his 

Seat  in  Parliament  again. 
HUDSON,  Rev.  Dr.  accompanies  the  King  from 

Oxford  to  the  Scots  Army  before  Newark. 
Demanded  by  the  Commons  to  be  delivered  up. 
Makes  his  Efcape.  ■  -— 

Retaken  by  the  Scots,  and  committed  to  Custo- 
dy at  Newca/iU.  —  — 
HUDSON,  Col.  raifes  an  Army  of  Royalifta 

Favour  of  the  King.        —       — 
His  Defeat  by  the  Parliament's  Forces,  Account  of 

499*  St* 
30  U  34 


17  U20 

14  4" 


17  229 


>,gl,zec;y  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hijiory  of  England. 

HUE  and  CRY,  when  firft  levied.  

HULL,  Orders  of  Parliament  concerning  that  , 
Magazine  there  removed  to  London.  — — 

Slate  of,  in  July,  1642.  —  

HUNGERFOKD,  Lord  Walter^  condemned  and 

executed  for  Buggery.        —  — 

HUNSDON,  Lord  Henry,  created  Vifcount  Roeb 


HUNSDON,  Lord  John,  appointed  Speaker  of 

the  Houfc  of  Peers.        —        — 

Impeached  by  the  Commons  of  High  Treafon. 

Discharged  from  Reftraint,  and  reftored  to  his 

Seat  in  Parliament  again.        —  ■ 
One  of  the  Peers  who  rejected  an  Ordinance  of 
the  Commons  for  the  Trial  of  King  Charles 

the  Firft.  

HUNT,  Roger,  Efy;  elected  Speaker  for  the  Com- 
mons in  1433.  ■  — — - 
HUNTINGTON,  Major  in  Gen.  CromweWs  Re- 
giment, refigns  his  Poll, in  the  Army.     — 
Exhibits  to  the  Peers  a  Charge  of  High  TreaJbn 
againft  Gen.  Cromwell.           —  .  — 
His  Endeavours  to  prefent  it  to  the  Houfc  of 
Commons  fruftrated,  and  how.     —     — 
—  Narrative  thereof,  by  Way  of  Appeal  to 
the  People.            -     ■  ■                  ■   ■ 
HURST-CASTLE,  its  bad  Situation,  Account 

HUSBANDRY,  Debate  thereon  by  the  Com- 
mons. '  — —  — — 

HYDE,  Bernard,  his  Depofition  againft  the  1 
Lord-Treafurer  Middle/ex  for  Bribery.   J 

HYDE,  Sir  Nicholas,  Lord  Chief  'Juftice  of  the 
King's  Bench,  his  Speech  to  the  Lords, 
touching  his  Conduct  in  the  Proceedings 
againft  the  Gentlemen  imprifoned  for  re- 
futing the  Loan.  —  ■  ■  1 
His  Anfwer  to  the  Commons,  concerning  the 
Proceedings  at  Newgate  againft  the  Jefuits. 

372. 37s 

46s.  6, 
3°5.  i 









359   - 





:*y  Google 


I      N      D      E      X    to  the 


HYDE,  Sir  Nicholas,  Lord  Chief  Jujliet  of  the 

King's  Bench,  his  Opinion  in  the  Cafe  of 

Sir  John  Elliot*  Mr.  Hollos,  and  Mr.  VaUn- 

'  line,  Members  of  the  Houfe  of  Commons. 

HYPE,  Edward,  Earl  of  Clarendon,  his  Obferva- 

tions  on  the  D  involution  of  the  Parliament 

in  1628.  —  

His  Obfervations  on  the  Diflblution  of  the  Par- 

*  ,      liamcnt  in  1640.  —  . 

■■■■ on  a  Meeting  of  the  Peers  in 

Council  at  Tori.         ■ . — — 

—  Account  of  Barton,  Bajlwid,  and  Prynne, 

thrre  notorious  Delinquents.  -  ■ 

—  Speech  againft.  the  High  Com miffion- Court 

at  Tori.  . 

—-  Account  of  theinfolent  Behaviour  of  the  Ci- 
tizens of  London  to  the  Lords  and  Parlia- 
ment-Men, in  the  Affair  of  Lord  Strafford. 
~,M  of  [he  Arguments  made  ufe  of  for 

perfuading  the  King  to  pafs  the  Bill  of  At- 
tainder againft  him.  —  — 
■       ■          of  a,Debate  in  the  Houfe  of  Com- 
mons, upon  a  Bill  for  abolithing  Bifhops 

and  other  Dignit. 
ting  Epifcopacy. 

upon  a  Bit!  for  extirpa- 
-  concerning  the  Colonel: 

jfjhburnham  and  Pollard. 

— »-  Abflract  of  a  Debate  on  the  Commons'  Re- 
monftrance  of  the  State  of  the  Nation.  — 

— t  Account  of  the  violent  Proceedings  of  the 
Mob  againft  Bifbops.         —        —     — 

1 6*f  the  Indifcretion  of  fuch  of  them 

who  figned  a  Protcftarion  againft  the  Legs 
lity  ofPailiamentary  Proceedings.      

— — ■ of  the  principal  Promciter  of  this  ill- 
timed  Affair. 

— of  the  Behaviour  of  Lord  Geirgt 

Dighy,  on  the  Charge  of  High  Treafo 
againft  Lord  Kimbohsn.      — - 

•1—  Obfervation  upon  an  Ordinance  for  the  M 
litia  having  paflld  both  Houfes. 


39°.  * 
226  (1234 


270,  1 

292.  3 
379.  8° 
49'.  * 
46  u  49 

143.  4 



Jglzecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hijiory  of  England. 

HYDE,  Edward,  Earl  of  Clarendon,  his  Account 

of  the  extreme  Poverty  of  the  King  and 

Queen.        "    —  —  __ 

His  Account  of  the  King's  ill-timed  Refentment 

againft  the  Earl  of  Effix.  

-  of  the  Rcafone  which  induced  the 

prevailing  Party  in  the  Houfe  of  Peers  to 
vote  againft  the  King's  going  to  Ireland. 

■  ■  '  of  a  Petition  from  the  County  of 

Kent,  brought  to  London.     —  — 

—  Narrative  of  Lord-Keeper  Littleton's  lea- 

ving the  Parliament,  and  going  to  the  King 
atfhrt.  —  

—  Account  of  the  Parliament's  S  uccefs  in 

fmg  Forces,  in  order  to  levy  War  againft 
the  King.  —  

■  of  the  Unfteadinefs  of  the  Peers  at 
Tart.        —  — 

■  ■  ■  of  Lord  Paget'*  deferting  the  Par- 

liament, and  joining  the  King.  — 

—  Obfervation  upon  forne  Votes  of  Parliament, 

for  raiftng  an  Army,  &c.     —  

—  Account  of  what  paffed  on  the  Earl  of  Hol- 

land's prefenting  a  Petition  from  the  Parlia- 
ment to  the  King  at  Beverley.  — 
of  the  King's  Anfwer  to  this  Peti- 

of  the  Earl  of  Holland's  Difpofition 

to  the  Earl  of  Effix,  and  to  the  King.    — 

-  of  the  King's  Standard  erected  at 

Nottingham.    — 

—  of  the  King's  Reafons  for  fending  a 
MefTage  of  Peace  to  the  Parliament  on  this 
Occaiion.         —  —  — 

-  ■  of  the  Queen's  landing  at  Brid- 
lington, and  the  Danger  the  was  in  from  the 
Parliament's  Ships.  —  — 

— of  the  Proceedings  of  the  King' 

and    Parliament's  Com mifii oners   on    the 
Treaty  at  Oxford  for  Peace. 






211,   12 



32>,  2 


403     . 


Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 

346  I      N      D      E      X    to  the 

FtL    Pagf 

HYDE,  Edward,  Earl  cfCIarendin,  his  Account 

of  the  Peen*  Propofitions  for  Peace;  the 

Debate  thereon  by  the  Commons;  and  the 

feditious  Practices  in  London  to  prevent  an 

Accommodation.  —  12  263**266 

His  Account  of  the  Manner  of  the  Parli  ament'r 
taking  the  Scots  Solemn  League  and  Cove- 
nant. —  —  12  403,  4 

— 1  of  the  Reafons  why  the  Earl  of 

Holland  deferred  the  King  at  Oxford,  and 
returned  to  the  Parliament.     —  —12  436,  7 

—  of  the  Death  of  Mr.  Pynmt.      —  12  462 

-  of  the  Parliament's  Faft,  for  Suc> 

ceft  of  a  Bill  called  The  Sdf-denylng  Ordi 
nance,  and  of  the  Doctrine  of  their  Preach 
ets  on  that  Occafton.         —  — 

of  the  Earl  of  fParwuk'i  Cruelty  to 

Jrijb  Seamen.  ■  

-of  General  CremuitlTs  artful  Ma- 

nagement in  keeping  his  Command  in  the 
Army,  notwithftanding  the  Self-denying 
Ordinance.         —  —  — 

m—  Vindication  of  the  King  againft  a  Charge 
of  favouring  the  Irijh  Rebels.  — 

—  Sentiments  upon  the  Charge  againft  the  Scoti 

of  felling  the  King.        —  ■ 

—  Account  of  the  diuembling  Behaviour  of  Ge- 

neral Creiriwtli  in  the  Houfe  of  Commons, 
with  relation  to  the  mutinous  Proceedings 
of  the  Army.  

w—  Remark  on  the  Army's  fending  a  Party  of 
Horfe  to  Holitnby,  and  their  carrying  away 
the  King  from  thence.    —  • 

— on  the  Power  and  Authority  of  the 

—  Account  of  the  Conduct  of  the  Army  to- 

wards the  King  in  1647,  

—  Remark    on    the  Commons'   Declaration 

againft  making  any  further  Addrcis  to  the 


470,  1 
320,  1 

396. 7 


24.  5.' 

Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Htftory  of  England. 
HYDE,  Edward,  BarlofClarendm,  his  Narrative 
of  a  Dcfign  to  murder  the  King  in  the  IJU 

„f  Wight.  .  

Hii  Narrative  of  tome  Circumftances  which  paf- 

fed  between  the  King  and  the  Parliament'! 

Commiffioncrs,  previous  to  a  Treaty.    — 

—  Account  of  the  principal  Purchafers  of  the 

Pi&uies,  Jewels,  He.  belonging  to  King 

Charles  I.  —  — 

-  of  the  Murder  of  Dr.  Dtrijlam> 

Agent  for  the  Commons,  at  the  Hague. 

—  Character  of  CromweWt  firft  Parliament  ii 

.653.         —  — 

—  Chaige  agaioft  them.     —  — 

Made  Lord-Chancellor.  —  

His  Speech. to  the  Parliament,  in  1660,  on  the 

King's  Affcnt  to  fome  Bills,  AbitraA  of.  - 
1 — on  their 

Adjournment.  —  ■ 

Created  a  Baron.  —  —  — 

His  Speech  to  both  Houfes,  at  their  DuTolution 

in,66o.        —  —  

JACOB,  Sir  John,  expelled  the  Houfe  of  Com- 
mons for  being  a  Monopolist.         —  — 
JACOB,  Abraham,  his  Depofition  againft  the  \ 
Lord-Treafurer  Middle/ex  for  Bribery.     J 
JAMAICA,  by  whom  made  a  Fief  to  the  Crown 
of  Great J Britain.             —  — 
JAMES,  King  of  Scotland,  his  long  Captivity  in 
England.           —                 —  — 
His  Rcleafement.        —         —                ■ 

—  Marriage  with  Jane,   Daughter  to  John 

Beaufort,  Duke  of  Somerfet.  

—  Homage  to  King  Henry  VI.        —         — 

—  Oath  on  that  Occafion,         —  '•      .    ■ 

—  Ingratitude  to  the  Englijb  Nation.     .       — 

JAMES  I.  King  of  England,  fucceeds  to  the  En- 
glijb Crown  on  the  Death  of  Queen  Eli- 



4«3,  4.  5 

87.  8 

'24,  5 

244.  i 







I       N       D       E       X     to   the 


JAMES  I.  King  of  England,  his  Title.       

'  Proclaimed  with  the  ufual  Ceremonies.     —    — 
Makes  his  Progrefs  to  London,  and  crowned 

Anno  1603.        —        —  

Hia  Proclamation.  —  —  — — 

Calls  a  Parliament  to  Wtjlmwfltr  in  1603.     — 
His  Speech  to  both  Houfes.        —  — — 

—-  Interpolation  in  the  Cafe  of  Sir  Francis  Good 

—  Propofals  for  an  Union  between  England 

and  Scotland.  —  —  — 

— -  Letter  to  the  Commons  on  this  Affair.  — 
Obtains  a  Subfidy  of  Tonnage  and  Poundage. 
His  Letter  to  the  Commons,  to  prevent  any  far- 
ther Supply  this  Seflion.  —  — 
Prorogues  the  Parliament  from  July,  1604,  to 
February  next  following.  —  — 
His  Royal  Stile  altered  by  Proclamation.       — 

—  Orders,  concerning  Scots  Coins.     —      — 

—  —  —    ■    concerning  the  Arms  of  England 

and  Scotland.  —  —         — — 

Makes  Peace  with  Spain.  —  

Meets  his  Parliament  at  Wtftminfitr,  Nov.  1605. 
His  Speech  to  both  Houfes,  touching  the  Gun- 
powder Plot.         —        —        —     '  — 

—  Expences  on  coming  to  England,  forne  Ac- 

count of.         —  —        —         — 

—  Menage  to  the  Lords,  concerning  Abufcs 

with  regard  to  Excommunication.      — — 

—  Debts,  Amount  of,  Anna  j6o6.     —      — 

—  remarkable  Expreflion,  concerning  theHoufe 

of  Commons.        —         —       —       — 

Obtains,  after  much  Delay,  the  Grant  of  a  Sub- 
fidy. ----- 

His  Anfwer  to  the  Speaker's  Speech,  on  prcfent- 
ing  the  Money  Bills.         ■ —        —        — 

Prorogues  the  Parliament  to  Novtmbir,  1606. 

His  Bounty  to  IVilUam  Parier^  f,ord  Manteaglt, 
for  difcovering  tlie  Powder  Plot. 

Meets  his  Parliament  according  to  the  laft  Pro- 
rogation. —  


Jglzecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hijtory  of  England.         34J 

yd.     Page. 

JAMES  I.  King  tf  England,  his  Speech,  at  open-  I 

ing  this  Seifion,  in  Favour  of  the  Union.  5    157  te  163 

—  further  Speech  to  ha  ft  en  this  Bufinels.      —  5  181  to  207 
Adjourns  the  Parliament  to  April,  1607.       —  5  207 
Meets  his  Parliament  purfuant  to  Adjournment.  5  207 
His  Speech  on  the  Union,  to  clear  up  fome 

Points  which  had  been  mifreprefented.  — 

—  urgent  Occaiions  for  a  Supply.  ■ 

—  Interpofition,  in  Favour  of  Dr.  Cawel.     —     5  225  ■ 

—  Anfwci  to  a  Requeft  of  the  Commons,  rela- 

ting to  Tenures,  £jfV.  ■  5  226,  7 

Offered  a  yearly  Annuity  of  100,000/.  in  lieu  of 

■  Wards,  Tenures,  &c.       5  228 

His  Anfwer,  and  Demand.         —    5  229,  3a 

Puts  the  Laws  in  Execution  againil  Popifli  Re- 

cufants. -  5 

Creates  his  Son  Henry  Prince  of  Waltt.  —     5 

Summons  the  Peers  to  attend  this  Ceremony  in 

their  Robes.  —  —  ■ —     5  235,  6 

Caufes  the  Oath  of  Allegiance  to  be  adminifter'd 

both  to  Clergy  and  Laity.  5  237 

Obliges  Women  to  take  the  fame  Oath.        —     5  237 
His  Anfwer  to  fomc  Points  propofed  by  the  Com- 
mons, concerning  Tenures.  — — ■     5  238,  9 

—  Aniwers  to  fundry  Grievances  complain'd  of.     5  240, 
Obtains  a  Supply  from  the  Clergy  and  Laity.   -     5  242,  245 
His  Letter  to  the  Peers,  impowering  them  to  ac- 
cept of  200,000  /.  yearly  from  the  Com- 
mons, in  lieu  of  Tenures.  —  —  ■■■ 

—  Anfwer  to  fome  other  Grievances  com- 

plained of.        5  245*0252 

Difiblves  the  Parliament  by  Commiffion.        —     5  267 
His  Proclamation,  declaring  the  Reafons  of  this 

DtiTolution.  —  

Claims  an  Aid  of  his  Subjects,  for  the  Marriage 
of  bis  Daughter  Elizabeth  to  Prince  Fre- 
derick, Elector  Palatini.     

Makes  Robert  Carr,   Earl  of  Somtrfet,  his  chief 

Favourite  and  Counsellor.  ■  5  27 1 

Inflitutes  the  Order  of  Baronets.     —  —     5  271 

Raifes  Money  by  other  Ways,  without  the  Aid 

of  Parliament.         .  5  271, 


Jglzecy  GOOgk 



JAMES  I.  King  of  England*  makes  the  firft  State 
Lottery  in  England.            —            ■  ■  - 
Calls  a  Parliament  to  IPtJiminfttr,  Anno  1614. 
His  Speech  at- opening  this  Seffion.             ■ 
further  Speech  on  this  Occafion.       

—  threatening  Menage  to  the  Commons.     — 
Duappointed  of  a  Supply,  and  diflblves  the  Par- 
liament.    —  

Exacts  Money  from  the  Citizens  of  London.  — 
Gives  up  the  Cautionary  Towns  to  theDuicb. 
Difcharges  the  Earl  of  Somerfet  from  his  Service, 
and  makes  Gorge  VHUtrs,  £fq;  his  Fa- 
vourite. — —  —  — — - 
Labours  to  brine  about  a  Match  between  the 
Prince  of  tVelet  and  a  Daughter  of  the 

■King  of  Spam.  1  — 

Forms  a  Resolution  to.Tecover  the  Palatinate.  - 

Calls  a  Parliament  to  Wtfhninjltr,  in  1620,  for 

this  Purpofe.  —  _— 

His  Proclamation  for  electing  proper  Members 

to  fit  in  the  Houfe  of  Commons.  — 

— —  Speech  at  opening  this  Seffion.  

Grants  a  Commiflion  to  Sir  Jamtt  Ley,  to  exe- 
cute the  Office  of  Lord -Chancellor.      ■ — 

Obtains  a  Subfidy  from  the  Commons.       

His  kind  Meflage  to  them  on  this  Occafion.  — 

—  Menage,  concerning  the  Accufation  of  Lord 

Bacon.  —  —  - 

Obtains  a  Grant  of  two  Subfidies  more  from  the 

Commons,  and  three  from  the  Clergy.    - 
His  Speech  to  the  Lords,  concerning  the  Abufe 

of  divers  Patents.         -■ 

Receives  the  Thanks  of  the  whole  Houfe.  — 
His  Anfwer.  —  —  •   ■ 

—  Addition  to  the  Sentence  pronounced  by  the 

Lords  againft  Sir  Gilts  Momprffon.         — 

—  further  Speech  to  the  Lords  this  Seffion.  — 
Appoints  Sir  Tea.  Coventry  b\s  Attorney  -General. 
Takes  the  Great  Seal  from  Lord  Bacon.  —  • — 
His  Meffage  to  the  Lords,  concerning  Sir  Henry 

Ytlvrrton.  — — 

X    to  the 

Vol.    Page. 

Jglzecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hi/lory  of  England. 

JAMES  1.  King  of  England,  his  Pardon  to  Lord- 
Chancellor  Bacon,  Form  of.         —        — 
Determines  to  adjourn  the  Parliament.  ■— 

His  Reafons  for  it.  .—  ■    ■ 

Provoked  at  the  Commons,  for  their  Intention  to 
divert  the  Adjournment.     — —  — 

His  Commands  on  this  Occafion.   —  — 

— ■  Speech  to  the  Lords,  about  adjourning  the 
Parliament.  —  ■—■■-- 

Prolongs  their  Sitting.  —  —   ■  ■ 

PromiJes  to  redrefs  the  Grievances  of  his  Subjects. 
Adjourns  the  Parliament  to  November,  1621.  — 
Receives  from  the  Commons  a  written  Declara- 
tion of  their  Readinefs  to  affile  him  in  the 
Recovery  of  the  Palatinate.  - 

Puts  out  a  Proclamation  for  Redrefs  of  Grievances 
Creates  Thomas  Lord  Darey  Vifcount  Colcbifltr. 
■  Fuli  Grevile,  Lord  Brook.  — 

1    ■'    —  Edward  Montagu,  Baron  Montagu,  of 

Btughton.  •  —  ■ 

Lionel  Cranfield,  Baron  Cranfitld. 

Appoints  John   Williams,    Bilhop    of  Lineal) 

Lord-Keeper  of  the  Great  Seal.         — 

Iodifbofed,  and  not  able  to  meet  the  Parliament 

purfuant  to  Adjournment.       —  — 

His  Commands  to  the  Lord-Keeper  on  this  Oc- 

Apprized  of  a  Remonftrance  from  the  Commons 
againft  Popery,  and  the  Marriage  of  Prince 
Charles  with  the  Infanta  of  Spain.         — 

His  Letter  to  Sir  The.  Richard/on,  their  Speaker, 
to  forbid  the  lending  it.      —  ■ 

—  Anfwer  to  a  iccond  Remonftrance  on  thefe 

Advifed  by  the  Lord-Keeper  to  mitigate  the 
Harumefa  of  his  Anfwer. 

Grants  his  Pardon  to  Sir  John  Benntt. 

Diffolves  the  Parliament.         — 

Informed  of  an  extraordinary  P  rot  citation  of  the 
Commons,  entered  in  their  Journal  Book; 


422,  3 

■*+7    „ 


466,  7 



472.  3 




487  ««49I 

492.  3 


507,  8 



512,  13 


Jig  lizecy  GOOgk 


I      N 


JAMES  I.  King  b/ England,  fends  for  the  Com 

mona  Journal  Hook,  and  ftrifces  out  their 

Proteftation.  — —  — 

His  Memorial  on  this  Occafion.     '—  — 

—  Reafons  for  diflbtvihg  the  Parliament.       — 

— —  Difpofaloffomeof  themoftrefraiftaryMem- 

■bers  of  the  Houfe  of  Commons. '        - — 

Endeavours  to  raife  Money  by  a  Benevolence.    - 

Puilifhes  a  Proclamation  concerning  Grievances, 

Permits  Prince  Cbarltt  to  go  into  Spats,  to  fol- 

licit  a  Marriage  with  the  Infanta. 
Difcovers  much  Fraud  in  the  Court  of  Sp. 

latinp  to  this  Affair.        — 
Calls  the  Prince  home,  and  difappoints  the  Lady, 
Summons  a  Parliament  to  Wejlminfter  in  Febru- 
ary, 1623.  -   -■  — 
His  Speech  to  both  Houfes.          —  — 

Letter  to  the  Earl  of  Sri/lot,  concerning  the 

Spaitijh  Match  and. the  Palatinatr.     

fecond  Letter  to  the  Earl  about  this  Bufmefs. 

Anfwer  to  an  Addrefs   of  the  Lords   and 

Commons,  touching  thefe  Points.  — 

— —  Debts,  fome  Account  of,   laid  before  the 

Commons.        , ■  

— -  Anfwer  to  a  Remonftrance  of  the  Parlia- 
ment againft  the  two  Treaties  with  Spain. 
■  —  to  a  Memorial  from  both  Houfes,  in 

Jultification  of  the  Duke  of  Buckingham.  - 

Breaks  off  the  Treaties  with  Spain, : 

His  Declaration  to  thta  Purpofe.      —  — 

—  Letter  to  Secretary  Conway,  relating  to  a  Pe- 

tition of  the  Commons  agarnft  Recufants 

—  Anfwer  to  a  Petition  of  Parliament  againft 

Summons  the  Houfe  of  Peers  to  JPhhthaH.     — 

His  Speech  to  them,  on  account  of  the  Trial  of 

Lord-Treafurer  Cranjitld.  ■  ■    ■     ■ 

Sollicited  by  theCommorrs  to  prolong  this  Seflion, 

Confents  to  their  Requeft.        ■ 

Obtains  an  Aid  from  the  Commons.  — 

— — —  another  from  the  Clergy.  - ■■ 


Vtl.    fail. 

Jig  lizecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hi/lory  ^"England. 
JAMES  I.  King  of  England,  permits  the  Parlia- 
ment to  appoint  Treasurers  for  difpofing  of 
the  Money  raifed  by  the  Subfidy-Bill. 
His  Speech  at  the  Clofe  of  this  Seffion. 

—  Caution  to  the  Commons  againft  their  next 

Meeting.         ■  •  ■  ■■  ■  — 

Prorogues  the  Parliament.  ■  — 

His  Death  and  Character.  —  

JAMES  IV.  King  of  Scotland,  his  Invafion  of  »- 

gianli'm  1513.  

Defeat  and  Death  in  Northumberland,  Account  of. 
JAMES,  Dr.  his  Speech  on  a  Bill  againft  Pluralities 
of  Benefices.         —  —  — 

JAQUES,  Sir  Roger,  Alderman  of  York,  diafran- 
chifed,  by  an  Ordinance  of  Parliament,  for 
his  Loyalty  to  King  Charles  I.  —  — 
JENKINS,  Rev.  Mr.  how  punifh'd  by  the  Com- 
mons for  refuting  to  obferveaFaft-Day. 
Praiecuted  a-frefh,  for  holding  Correfpondence 
with  Prince  Charles.  ■  ■- —         — 

His  Petition  to  the  Commons  on  that  Occafion. 

—  Difcharge  thereupon,  Account  of.       

JEPHSON,  Mr.  his  Narrative,  concerning  the 

Irijb  Rebels.  — 

JERMYN,  Henry,  Efq\  fufpetted  of  joining  in  a 
Cortfpiracy  againft  the  Parliament.         — 
Proclamation  ifTued  againft  him  by  the  Peers  dh 
that  Account.  __  ,  .,.  , , 

Voted  by  the  Commons  guilty  of  High  Treafon. 
JERMYN,  Mr.  Serjeant,  appointed,  by  the  Par- 
liament, one  of  the  Juftices  of  die  Court  of 
King's  Bench.        —  —  ■■ 

JERSEY,  IJle  of,  furrendered  to  the  Houfe  of 
Commons.  ■  '  — 

JESUITS,  their  Chara Aer  and  mifchicvous  Em- 
ployment in  England. 
Expelled  the  Nation  by  an  A£t  of  Parliament. 

Further  Proceedings  of  Parliament  againft  them, 

Ann*  1604.  

Obliged  to  depart  the  Kingdom  by  a  certain  Day. 
Petition  againft  them  by  the  Lords  and  Commons 




f  333 

6 .337  "34* 

6'  342 
6  342 
6,3+3.  4 



73.  4»  S 





no,  12 

128,  9 




to   the 

JESUITS,  ordered  into  Cuftody  by  Proclamation. 
Their  mifchievous  Practices  in  England,  from 
1640  to  December  1648,  Narrative  of.     - 
JEWS,  their  exceflive  Ufury  retrained  by  Parlia- 
ment. ■  -    ■—  — 
How  diftinguifhed  in  Drefa  on  that  Occafion.  - 
Their  Banilhment  from  England.        —      — 
— —  Number,  Amount  of.        ^^—        ■■- 

Propofals   to  the  Protestor  Cromwell  for 

Leave  to  fettle  in  his  Dominions.      — 

IMAGES,  when  removed  out  of  Churches.      — 

IMMORALITY,  in  the  Officers  under  Sir  The. 

Fairfax,  how  prohibited  by  the  Commons. 

IMPROPRIATIONS    if   Bi/bept,   Deant   and 

Chapters,  how  applied  by  the  Commons, 

and  by  CremwelFs  firft  Parliament.        — 

INAUGURATION  of  General  CrnmoeU  to  1 

the  Protectorate,   Form   and  Manner  > 

of.  i 

INCEST,  how  punilh'd  by  the  Commons  in  1650. 

INDEMNITY,  Bill  of,  pafied  by  the  Parliament 

In  1659.  ■   -■■  ■ 

How  limited,  with  regard  to  Pcrfons  claiming 

Benefit  by  it.  ■ ■     ■     ■■ 

Debate  thereon  by  the  Commons  at  the  Con- 
vention Parliament.  ■  ■ 
Speech  concerning  it,  by  the  Earl  of  Brifttl,    - 

Further  Debate  concerning  it.  ( 

Conclufion  of,  by  both  Houfes.         —         — 

INDENTURE,  Firm  of,  between  the  Sheriff, 

He.  and  the  Electors,  by  Order  of  the 

Protector,  for  calling  his  fccond  Parliament 

INDEPENDENTS,  their  Number  in  the  Houfc 
of  Commons  increafed,  and  how.       ■ 

Their  artful  Contrivances  to  eftablifh  a  Majority, 
Account  of.  

■  Mai- treatment  of  the  Scats  Comminian- 
ers,  Inftances  of.       —  - 

Influence  the  Army  againft  the  Parliament.    — 



216,  436 

245.  6 
247,  * 
264.  5 



433.  + 

429 '"433 

308,  9 


Jglzecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hi/lory  of  England. 

INDEPENDENTS,  their  Projcfl  to  obftruft  the 
Treaty  with  the  King  in  the  1JU  of  flight. 
INDULGENCE,  granted  by  Pope  Urban  VI. 
Form  of.  .  .  ,  , 

INFORMATION,  Form  of,  againfl  fome  refrac- 
tory Members  of  the  Houfe  of  Commons. 

h  the  King's  Bench,  Form  of.  —  

From  Nottingham,  concerning  a  Treaty  between 

the  King  and  Gen.  Leven.       — 
Frm  Oxford,  to  the  fame  Purpofe.       — 
INFORMATIONS,  concerning  a  high  Quarrel 
between  the  Mayor  of  Extltr  and  the  Sol- 
diery there,        — ..  .    

INGLEFIED,  Tbomeu,  Efc  elected  Speaker  to 
the  Commons  in  1509.         —         ■  -■  -. 

Knighted  by  King  Henry  VIII.     —         

Hii  Speech  to  the  King,  on  prefeoting  a  Bill  for 
a  Subfidy.  —  ___- 

INGOLDSBY,  Col.  his  Regiment's  Petition  to 
Lord  Fairfax,  for  Juftice  upon  the  King 
and  his  Party.         ■  ■  -    , 

How  rewarded  for  his  Services  to  the  Common- 
wealth. ■  ■■ 
His  Expedition  againfl;  Gen.  Lambert,  and  Sue- 
eels  therein.             -—  ■               _____ 
How  complimented  by  the  Houfe' of  Commons 
on  that  Occafion.           ..   .                — 
INGRAM,  Sir  Arthur,  his  Depofition  in  Favour 
of  the  Lord  Treafurer  MiMUfex,  at  his 
Trial  for  Bribery.             —              ■ 
INSOLVENT   DEBTORS,  their  Petition  to 
CromvaelH  firft  Parliament,  againft  Extor- 
tion and  creel  Ufage  practlfed  in  Prifons. , 
How  relieved.                           ■                   - 
INSTRUCTIONS,  firm  the  Diaries  printed  in 
1645,  for  electing  Members  for  the  Houfe 
of  Commons,  Particulars  of.         —     — 
INSURRECTION,  in  London,  in  Favour  of  King 

Charles  I.  Account  of. — • 

it  Bury,  in  Siefoli,  in  Favour  of  King  Charltt  I. 
Narrative  of.  -     ■— -  .  .     . 



8  I  66,  7 

»  376 

8  376.  7.  S 




2+4.  5.  * 


227,  8,  9 

3«7.  8 


Jiglizecy  GOOgle 


INDEX**  the 

va.  Ptgt. 


jfe/r«,  Narrative  of.  —  — — 

At  Chtfltty  in  Favour  of  King  CbarUt  II.      — 

INTELLIGENCE  from  Inland,  concerning  the 

Marquis  of  Ormomd,  and  the  Motions  of 

the  Rebels  there.  — —  

INTEREST  if  Monty,  bow  lowered  by  the  Houfe 
of  Commons  in  1651.        —             ■■■■     ■ 
JOAN  of  Navarre,  %uun,  Conftrt  to  King  Hen- 
ry IV,  her. Attendance  allowed  by  the  King. 
Her  Annuity,  in  Confederation  of  her  Dower.   • 
Accufcd  of  confptring  the  Death  of  King  Hen- 
ry Y.        -       

Her  Lands,  He.  fciwd  to  the  King's  Ufe.  — 
~  —  Belforation  thereto,  and  by  whom.  — 
St.  JOHN  of  JerufaUm%  Order  of,  whence  derived. 

When  fupprefled.  —  — 

JOHN,  King,  his  Acceffion  to  the  Throne. 
Calls  an  Aflembly  of  the  Eftates  to  Lincoln  in 

1200.  ■    ■    '    ■ 

4  Summons  William  King  of  Scotland  to  appear 

there,  and  do  Homage-  to  him  for  that 

Kingdom.  -—  — . 

Receives  the  Homage  of  the  Riots  King  on  a 

Hill  near  Lincoln.  ••    ■  

Calls  a  Meeting  of  the  Peers  to  Oxford  in  1204. 
Obtains  a  Grant  of  two  Marks  and  a  Half  of 
every  Knight's  Fee.  —  — 
Quarrels  with  his  Barons.  -  ■—  — 
Calls  another  Convention  of  the  Eftates  to  Lon- 
don in  1213.    '        — 

Defired  by  the  Barons  to  confirm  the  Charter 

which  Kjng  Henry  I,  granted-  . 

Diflblvea  the  Convention  without  giving  an  An- 

Goes  to  War  with  them.        -  — 

Defeated  by  the  Barons.  —  — 

Deferred  by  his  Friends.  .  — 

His  kind  Meflage  to  the  Lord;.  ■■■     ■ 

Deli  res  a  Meeting  at  Runingmedt  for  that  Purpofe 
His  Attendants  on  that  Occafion,  Lilt  of.     -r- 




3  161,  a 


iHze^y  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hijiory  ^"England. 

JOHN,  King,  Grants,  at  Runingaede,  the  Great 
Charter  of  England,  call'd  Magna  Cbtirta. 
Grants  them,  at  the  fame  Time,  another  Char- 
ter, call'd  Cbatta  dt  Fenjia.  

Repents  of  having  convey  'd  thefe  Charters  to  his 
Subjects.  —  ■  -  —  — 

His  Endeavours  to  Repeal  them.  

His  Death,  and  State  of  the  Nation  at  that 

Time,  Account  of.  — 

JOHN,  Brother  to  King  Richard  I.   his  Attempt 

to  difpoflefs  the  King  of  his  Crown. 

Judgment  demanded  againft  him  on  that  Account 

Summoned  to  give  in  his  Anfwer  by  a  limited 

Time.  —  ■ 

Refutes  to  appear.  —  - 

His  Sentence.  . 

JOHN,   Duke  of  Normandy,  futceeda  bis  Father 

Philip  as  King  df  France  - — 

Breaks  the  Ttuce  made  with  King  Edward  Ml. 
His  great  Defeat  at  Pointers  by  Prince  Edward. 
Taken  Prifoner  there,  and  brought  to  London, 
Concludes  a  Peace  with  England.  — 

His  Releafement  thereupon.         ■  ■■ 
— -  Manner  of  fwcaring  to  the'Obfervance  of 
the  Peace.       —  ■- — -  — 

— -  Breach  thereof,  and  Succefs  in  Gafcoigny,  &e, 
JOHNSTON,   So-  Archibald,  one  of  the  Scott 
.    Commiffioners  appointed  to  treat  with  the 
EngHJh  about  managing  the  Affairs  of  both 

Nations.  —  

Made  a  Lord  of  SefSon.  —  ■ 

His  Title.  —  — 

—  Declaration,  concerning  a  Plot  againft  the 

Englifflt  Parliament.  —  

JONES,  Mr.  Juftiee  of  the  King's  Bench,  his 
Speech  to  the  Lords,  touching  bis  Conduct 
in  the  Proceedings  againft  the  Gentlemen 
impriibned  for  refufing  the  Loan.  ■  ■ 
His  Anfwer  to  the  Commons,  concerning  the 
Proceedings  againft  fome  Jefuits.  — 
























290  . 










302»  3 










Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 


I      N      0      E      X    to 

JONES,.  Mr.  Jufihi,  tf  tit  King's  Bench,  his 
Opinion,  in  the  Cafe  of  Sir  Jebn  Elliot, 
Mr.  Holies,  and  Mr.  Valentine,  Members 

of  the  Houfe  of  Commons.  

His  Sentence  agamft  them  and  their  Aflbciates. 

JONES,  Col.  Philip,  his  Account  of  the  State  of 
the  Rebels  in  Inland,  Anno  1647,  and  of 
the  bad  Condition  of  (he  Parliament's 
Army  there.  — —  •    .      ■ 

His  Letter  to  the  Peers,  touching  the  State  of 
Ireland.  — —  ■ 

—  —  —  concerning  the  Marquis  of  OrmeniTs 

Arrival'  there,  to  make  Peace  with  the 


Letter  of  Intelligence  to  him,  as  to  their  Motions, 
Obtains  a  Victory  over  the  Marquis  of  Ormond's 

Forces.  -■  ■  -—■■  — 

His  Account  thereof.  ■ 

How  rewarded  by  the  Commons  on  thatOccafion 
Appointed  one  of  the  Protestor's  Council.      — 

—  ■  — -1. .  one  of  the  Committee  to  receive  his 

Scruples  as  to  his  being  King.      —      — 
His  Arguments  to  induce  an  Acceptance  of  that 

Title.  ~r- 

JONES,  John,  Efy;  appointed  one  of  the  Com-  " 

miffioners  to  fettle  the  Civil  Affairs  in  | 


JOURNALS  of  the  Houfe  of  Lords,  for  the  firft 

five  Days  of  their  fitting  at  Wefiminfia    ' 

1660.  — 

JOYCE,  Cornet,  furrounds  Hddenty  Houfe  with  a 
Party  of  Horfe  from  the  Army.  — 

His  Reafons  for  fo  doing.         ■  ■■   -  — 

Carries  away  the  King  from  thence.  — — 

His  Services  to  the  Commonwealth,  how  re- 
warded. »   1 1  — — 
IPSLEY,  Sir  J^hn,  his  Requeft  to  the  Commons, 
■    concerning  a  Complaint  agamft  him.     — 

How  anfwered.        —  -  ■  

IPSWICH,  the  Staple  held  there,  Ann*  1365.    - 
IRELAND,  Rebellion  there.  —         

Vel.    *V 



"4.  'S 
116,  17 


1 64/*  167 



94.  u  99 



39*  5 
396.  7 

8 1 300 
1   297 

Jglzecy  GOOgk 

Parfiamentary  ffifary  cf  England.         35^ 
VoL    Pag*. 
IRELAND,  extraordinary  Vote  of  the  Peers  for]     1 

hs  Relief.  — —  10  no 

State  of,  in  1642.  —12     80/086 

Natives  of,  Order  of  Parliament  againfi  them.     15  ]     4 
Propofals  for  its  Relief  in  1647,         —         —  16  186,  7 
flow  relieved  at  that  Time  by  the  Parliament.     17     42,  3 

State  of,  in  Jfril,   1648.  —  17    122,  3 

■  Jmo  1649.  —  i         19  235 

Rebels  there,  how  reduced  by  the  Englijh  Forces.   19  484 

State  of,  in  Auguft,   1651.         20     32,  3 

Reprefentatives  of  that  Nation  allowed  to  lit  in 

the  Englijb  Parliament,  Number  of.      —  20  121 
Commotions  there,  in  1659,  fome  Account  of, 
and  how  occafioned.  —  ■    ■ 

IRELAND,  Parliament  ef,  their  Remonftrance  to 

the  Commons  concerning  Grievances, 
IRETON,  General,  his  great  Influence  on  the  Ar- 
my, Account  of.  —  ■  15 
His  Speech  in  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  on  a  De- 
bate concerning  the  King's  Anfwer  to  the 
Parliament's  new  Proportions  of  Peace.  -  16  492 

—  Regiment's  Petition  to  Lord  Fairfax^  for 

Juftice  upon  the  King  and  his  Party.     —  18     77, 
Appointed  next  in  Command  under  his  Father- 
in- Law,  CroTWitU,  in  an  Expedition  againft 
the  Rebels  in  Inland.         —  — —  19 

...  Prefidcnt  of  the  Province  of Munfter,  19 

■  Deputy -Lieutenant  of  Ireland.       —  19 
His  Services,  how  rewarded  by  the  Parliament. 

—  remarkable  Saying  on  that  Occafion.       — 

—  Conqueft  of  Limerick.      —  -  ■ 

—  Death. 

IRISH  ARMY,  their  Remonftrance  to  the  Eng- 

Mb  Parliament,  concerning  the  Payment  of 

their  Arrears,  &c.    —  ■■■  16 

Their  Relief,  how  provided  for.     —  —  16 

ISABEL,  Queen,  Canfort  of  King  Edward  \\.  her 

Endeavours  to  accommodate  the  Differ' 

ences  between  the  King  and  his  Barons. 

Her  Progrefs  to  Canterbury.        —  

How  affronted  in  her  Journey  by  the  Governor 

of  Lidet  Caftle.  

36q  I      N      D      E      X    to  the 

Vat.     Page. 
ISABEL,  JgfUM,  Confmrf  King  Edward  II.  her 
Complaint  to  the  King,  on  Occafion  of  the 
Affront  given  her  by  the  Governor  of  Ltdu 

CaftJe.  j 

Goes  into  France,  2nd  takes  Prince  Edward  with 

Her  Unwillingncfs  to  return.  —  ■■  i 

—  Excufe  for  it  to  the  King.         —        — —     ) 
Joins  in  a  League  with  the  difcontented  Lords 

againft  the  De/penfirs.         

Her  Scheme  to  dethrone  the  King.       —     '— 

—  Army  raifed  for  that  Purpofe.       —  .     — 

Lands  at  Harwich.  — —  

How  encouraged  in  her  Attempt.  —  — 
Her  Succefs  therein.  —  ■■■—  — 

—  Writ  for  fummoning  a  Parliament  to  Weft- 

min/ler.  Tenor  ofT  —  ■  ■ 

— ~  feigned  Concern  about  the  Dcpofition  of  the 

King.  : 

«—-  Connivance  at  his  inhuman  Treatment  and 

Murder.  •  •■ 

—  Expedition  againft  the  Setts.         —         — 

—  fcandalous  Peace  with  them,  Articles  of. 
—-  implacable  Malice  to  the  late  King's  Ad- 
herents, Inftanceof.       —         —       ■ — 

—  mifchievous  Practices    dlfcovered    to   King 

Edward  III.  

—  Conduit  complained  of  to  the  Parliament.  - 
Deprived  of  tier  Authority  at  Court.  —  — 
Her  Confinement,  Account  of.         —  — 

—  annual  Allowance  by  the  Parliament.       — 
ISLIPPE,  Simon,  Archbijhep  of  Canterbury,  his  Em- 

bafly  to  the  King  of  France,  touching  a 

Treaty  of  Peace.         —— 

His  Manner  of  fwearing  to  the  Obfcrvance 

thereof.  '  — 

JUBILEE  kept  by  King  EdwardWl.  Anna  1362. 

JUDGES,  Lift  of,  fined  for  Extortion.        

Lift  of,  fummon  d  to  Nottingham  by  King  Rich- 
ard XI.  in  1387.        —  

Their  Trial  and  Sentence,  on  account  of  figning 
the  Resolutions  there.    —  

Jglzecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hiftory  of  England.         361 

Vol.     Page. 

JUDGES,  their  Banifliment  to  Ireland. 

Lift  of,  fummon'd  to  Parliament  by  King  Rich- 
ard l\l.  Anno  1^4.      —  

Lift  of,  fummon'd  to  Parliament  at  the  firft  Set' 
fion,  Temp.  Henry  VII.   i+86.  — 

. Henry  VIII.    15C9.         

Their  Opinions  on  fome  Paints  of  Judicature  ir 
a  Suhfidy-Bill,  Anno  1624.  

Required  by  the  Lords  to  give  their  Opinions 
.concerning  the,  Karl  of  Bri/lal's  Cafe. 

Their  Anfwer.     "        —  — 

— —  Report  of  the  Charge  againft  the  Duke  of 
Buckingham.  -  — 

Required  by  the  Lords  to  give  an  Account  of 
their  Proceedings  againft  fome  Gentlemen 
imprifoned  For  refuting  a  Loan  to  King 
Charles  I.  —  ■■■ 

Summoned,  by  the  King's  Order,  to  refolve 
fome  Queftions  propofed  concerning  them. 

Their  Anfwers.  —  —  — 

Sent  for  to  Hampton,  to  advife  with  the  King 
about  thefe  Gentlemen. 

Their  Anfwer.  ■■    — — 

. to  a  Motion  in  Court  for  hailing 

■ Opinions,  touching  Sureties  for  their  good 


-  in  the  Cafe  of  Sir  John  Elliot* 
Mr.  Holies,  and  Mr.  Valentine.  — 

Sentence  againft  them.         —  ■ 

—  Opinions,  concerning  Ship- Money,  deem- 
ed unlawful  by  the  Commons.  — 

Lift  of,  accus'd  by  the  Commons  of  high  Crimes. 

Speech  againft  chem,  by  a  Member  of  that  Houfe. 

Their  Patents  altered,  and  how.  

— —  Opinion,  concerning  the  Attainder  of  Lord 
Strafford.  —  —  --  — 

Lift  of,  impeach'd  for  their  Behaviour  in  the  Cafe 
of  Ship -Money.      —  —  — 

Their  Anfwer,  relating  to  Tumults  about  the 
Parliament-  Houfe.        —  — 

1  j  437 

2  '380 

3       3 



38,  » 

43>  4 



356 t»3S9 



375.  6 

38  *  "386 

4*.  3 

145.'*  »5» 




Jig  liecy  GOOgk 

36i  I      N      D      E      X    to 

JUDGES,  prohibited  from  going  their  Circuits  for 
the  Lent  Affixes  in  1642.  — 

Their  Opinion  in  the  Cafe  of  Ship-Money. 

Lift  of,  who  figiicd  it.        —  

How  inftru&etfby  the  Commons  at  going  their 
Summer  Circuits  in  1646.  ' 

Appointed  by  the  Parliament  in  1648,  Lift  of. 

Lift  of,  who  refufed  to  accept  of  new  Commif- 
fions  from  the  Houfe  of  Commons  on  the 
King's  Death.  —  — . 

■  who  accepted  thereof.      —  — 
-            appointed  by  General  Cromwell  on  his 

Entrance  to  the  Protectorate.  

■  ■  —  by  the  Parliament  for  the  Di- 

ftri£ts  in  Wales.         —  —  — 

■  who  fat  when  the  pretended  Court  of 
Juftice  gave  Sentence  of  Death  on  King 
Charles  f.  —  

JULIERS,  .Mn-fKiV  of,  created  Earl  of  Cambridge. 

His  Pennon  on  that  Account.         —  — 

JULIUS  II.  Pope,  quarrels  with  Lewis  XII.  King 

of  France.  —  — 

Obliges  him  to  a  Reconciliation. 

His  Authority  attack'd  by  Martin  Luthtr, 

Bcftows  the  Title  of  Fidei  Dtftnftr  on  King 

Henry  VIII.  and  the  Occafion  thereof.    - 

JULIUS  III.  Pope,  reftored  to  his  Authority  in 

England,  .  ■ 

His  Joy  on  that  Occafion, 

Confirms  the  Purchafe  of  Abbey  and  Chauntry 

Lands.  —  —  — 

JUS  DIVINUM,  of  Church-Government,  Que- 

ftions  concerning  it.       -—  —  ■■    ■ 

JUSTICES  of  the  PEACE,  when  firft  appointed. 

and  by  whom.  ■  ■   ■■  ■ 

What  Eftate  in  Lands  aniiently  required  as  t 

Qualification  for  that  Truft. 

m.  Ftp. 


3S4.  s 


Strange  Character  of. 

-  "I 

'  27* 

"  393.  * 
:  237 



321.  2,  3 

1  3*7.  34* 
363>  4 

[  214 

A.  5 


:*»  Google 

Parliamentary  Hijlory  of  England. 


JUTICES  of  the  PEACE  for  tht  North- Riding  of 
Yorkjhirt,  their  Order  of  Seifions,  in  Con- 
fequence  of  a  Complaint  of  the  Inhabitant) 
of  Cleveland  againft  the  Scuts  Army.      — 

JUSTICIARIES,  by  whom  firft  appointed,  and 
how  regulated.  — —  — — 

JUXON,  fVHiiam,  Bi/hop  »f  London,  hi)  Ad- 
vice to  King  Cbarlts  I.  about  palling  the 

Bill  of  Attainder  againft  the  Eatl  of  Straf- 
ford, ■  -  . .  . 
Refigns  his  Office  of  Lord-High-Treafurer.   — 
Hit  Depofition  at  the  Trial  of  the  Twelve  im- 
peached Biftiops.         '  — 
Permitted  to  attend  the  King  in  his  laft  Troubles. 

KEEBLE,  Mr.  Serjtant,  appointed  one  of  the 
Commiffioners  of  the  new  Great  Seal,  or- 
dered by  the  Commons  in  1648.    —      — 
KELE,  milium,  Chaplain  to  King  Henry  III.  his 
Speech  to  the  Convocation  in  1237, 
cerning  a  Supply  for  the  King.    — 
How  received.  ■  — 

KEMPE,  John,  Bijhtp  of  London,  refigns  his  Of- 
fice of  Chancellor  of  the  Duchy  of  Nor~ 

mandy.  - 

Made  Chancellor  of  England,  Anno  14.26. 

-■■—    Arclibifbop  of  York.  — 

His  Speech  on  opening  thcScffion  of  Parliament 

in  1428.  —  

-  in  1429. 

Again  made  Chancellor,  and  a  Cardinal. 

His  Sentence  for  banifhing  William  dt  la  Po/rs 

Duke  of  Sufolk.        — -  

— -  Speech  on  opening  the  Seffion  of  Parliament 

KENELWORTH,  a  Convention  of  the  Eftates 
held  (here,  in  1266.  —  

KENT,  County  ef\  a  Rebellion  there,  headed  by 
Wat  fjUr  and  fact  Straw, 





200,  t 
205,  6 


262,  3 


iHze^y  GOOgle 

364  I      N      D      E      X    to 

KENT,  Ctmitty  of,  an  Infurre&ion  under  the  Con- 
duct of  Jack  Cade.    

Their  Heads  for  a  Petition  to  be  prefentcd  to  the 

Parliament,  Account  of.         —  — 

—  farther  Proceedings  in  this  Bufinefs.       — 

— -  two  Petitions  to  the  Houfe  of  Commons, 

approving  the  Proceedings  of  Parliament. 

j great  Commotions  in  Favour  of  the  King, 

Anno  1648-  ■  ■  ■  — — -— 

_        Strength,  and  Defeat  by  the  Parliament's  J 

Forces,  Account  of.  ) 

_—  Plan  of  Action.  

j.        Engagement.  —  ■ 

Seize  on  the  Town  of  Colchtfltr.  —  — 
Befieged  there  by  Lord  Fairfax's  Army.  — 
Their  great  Diftrefs,  with  regard  to  Provifions. 
.  Petition  to  CromwelTz  fiift  Parliament,  for 
abolishing  of  Tythes.  —  —  — 
KENT,  Earljef.    See  Grey.  ' 

KILHEAD,  William,  Gsvtrnor  of  the  Scots  Gar- 
ri/on  tn  Carlifle,  his  Letter  againft  exam- 
ine Cefs-Money  from  thofe  Places  where 
any  of  the  Scots  Army  were  billeted.       — 
KILKENNY  furrendcred  to  Gen.  Cromwell   — 
KILLIGREW,  Sir  Henry,  his  witty  Anfwer  to 
the-Commons,  on  being  follicited  to  join 
in  a  Subfcription  for  Money  to  carry  on  a 
War  againft  King  Charlti  I.       —         — 
KING,  the  Fountain  of  Honour.        —         — 
His  eldeft  Son  born  Duke  of  Cornwall,  and  bears 
the  additional  Titles  of  Prince  ot  If  alts  and 

■£M\dtChtfttr.  * 

KING's  COLLEGE,  in  Cambridge,  by  whom 

founded,  and  when.  —  

KING'S  BENCH,  Court  of,  Records  there,  or- 
dered by  the  Commons  to  be  fent  for,  con- 
cerning the  Proceedings  againft  fome  Mem- 
bers ofthe  Parliament  in  1628.  —  — 
Its  Style,  how  altered  by  the  Commons  on  the 
Death  of  King  Charles  I.  *—  — 

KING'S  WARDS,  Court  of,  when  firft  erected. 





186,  198 
208,  9, 

211  ((21$ 

215,  ib 


196,  7 





iHze^y  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hijiory  of  England. 

KIRBY,  Jtbn,   made  Lord-Treafurer   to  King 

Edward  I.        ■  — — 

His  Demand  on  the  Parliament  in  1289.       — 

Method  of  railing  Money  for  the  King.  — 

KIRK  of  Scotland,  Supported  by  a  Solemn  League 
and  Covenant,  m.OppcriUion  to  the  Engli/b 

JJftmhlf  of%  their  Anfwer  to  a  Declaration  of 
the  Englijb  Parliament,  concerning  Reli- 
gion, with  a  Propofat  for  a  mutual  League 
and  Covenant  between  the  two  Nations. 

their  Letter  to  the  Parliament  of 

■  England,  preffing  the  Settlement  of  Reli- 
gion according  to  the  Covenant.  —  — 
KIRTON,  ,  EJp  his  Speech  on  fome  Pro- 
portions of  King  Charles  I.  for  a  Supply.        y 

His  Information  againft  the  Earl  of  Suffolk.    —     7 

Speech,  on  a  Menage  from  the  King,  not  to 

meddle  with  State-Government,  or  the 
Minifters  thereof.  —  — ■■ 

— on  public  Grievances.      —        — 

on  Grievances,  concerning  Religion. 

■  againft  the  two  Bifhops  Montague 

and  Laud.  

—  ■"  ■ concerning Jffon,  Efq;  Sheriff 

of  London.  ■    1  —  — ■ 

■. againft  Dr.  Ntil,  Bifhop  of  WnebeJIer 

on  the  Anfwer  of  the  Barons  of  the 

-  Exchequer,  about  Tonnage.      —         — 

—  againft  feizing  the  Goods  of  a  Par- 

liament'Man.  ■■■■  r 

Impeached  of  High  Treafon.  —  -—  ■ 

KNEVETT,  Sir  Thomas,  his  Difcovery  of  the 
Gunpowder  Plot,  Account  of.  —  — 
KNIGHTS,  when  firft  elected  to  fern  in  Parlia- 
ment, and  at  whofe  Command.    —     — 

Their  Summons,  by  Royal  Authority,  in  128a, 
Form  of.  - .^___ 

. Number  for  every  County  fummoned  to 

Parliament  in  1307.  —  — 

KNIGHTS-FEES,  amienrNumberof  in  England. 




388/*  39a 

17  tt  ig 


192,  3.  4 
199,  200 
260,  1 

289,  90 


68,  9 

:=y  Google 

366  INDEX/* 

KNIGHTLEY,  Richard,  £/q;  committed  toPri- 

fon  for  refuting  a  Loan  to  King  Cbarltt  ' 

Releafed  on  the  Catling  a  new  Parliament.  - 

His  Speech  again  ft  the  Duke  of  Buckingham.     - 

KNIGHTON,  Mr.  his  Account  of  the  fcandaJous 

Indecencies  prailtifcd  by  the  Collectors  of  a 

Poll  Tax  in  1380.  

Hia  Account  of  a  Difference  between  King  Rich- 
ard II.  and  his  Parliament.     —  — 

*—  Remarks  thereon.  — — 

— -  Account  of  the  National  Grievance*  in  1386, 

and  Occafion  thereof.         —  

KNIVET,  Sir  Jthn,  made  Lord -Chancellor.   — 

His  Speech  to  the  Parliament  in  1373,  touching 

the  Caufe  of  their  Summons.      —        — 

— -  Command  to  the  Commons  thereupon.    — 

.—  Speech  to  the  Parliament  in  137ft,  Subllanco 

KNIVETT,  Sir  Henry,  his  Speech  on  a  BUI  J 
for  a  Subfidy,  Anna  1592-  1 

KNOLLES,  Sir  William,  ComptnlUr  of  %uttn 
Elizabeth's  Heufield,  his  Speech  on  a  Bill 
for  reforting  to  Church.        —  — 

KNOWLES,  Sir  Francis,  made  Vice- Chamber- 
lain to  Queen  Elixebeth.         —  — 
Made  Treafurer  of  the  Houfltold,      '—        — 
His  pious  Motion  to  the  Commons.     —       — 
•—  Speech,  relating  to  the  Reformation  of  Ec- 
cleftaftical  Courts.           —             — — 

T  ACHE,  Capt.  his  Information,  relating  to 
■  J  great  Disturbances  at  Exeter.  — — 

called.  - 

LACY,  Sir  William,  flain  at  the  Battle  of  North- 
ampton, Anno  1461.  —  — 
LAMBERT,  General,  his  Anfwer  to  a  Letter 
from  the  Duke  of  Hamilton,  concerning 
the  March  of  an  Army  of  the  Scots  into 
England,  in  Favour  of  Prince  Charles,  — 


iHze^y  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hifiory  of  England.         367 
Vol    V 

LAMBERT,  Central,  takes  Pontefracl  Caftle.  -    19     90 

How  rewarded  on  that  Occafion.  19     rjr. 

His  two  Letters,  giving  an  Account  of  the  State 

of  the  Armies  in  Scotland,  —  19  480, 

—  Letter,  concerning  the  March  of  the  Scots 

Army  into  England,  Anno  165I.         19  502,  3 

—  Service!  to  the  Commonwealth,   how  re- 

warded. ■- 

Appointed  one  of  the  Commiffioncrs  for  the  Go- 
vernment of  Scotland.  20     83 

one  of  the  Proteelor's  Council.  20  2+7 

His  Speech  to  the  Parliament,  on  prefimting  a 

Petition  from  the 'Army.        —  21  399 

How  anfwered  by  the  Speaker. .        —  —  21  400 

His  Vi&ory  over  fomc  Forces  beaded  by  Sir 

George  Booth,  in  Favour  of  the  King.  —  21  443 

—  two  Letters  on  that  Occafion.  ■     21  443rt445 

How  complimented  on  his  Succefs.  —  —  21  446 
Difcharged  from  all  Military  Employment.  —  21  469 
His  Relcntment  againft  the  Parliament  on  that 

Account.  — —  21  470, 

—  Aflault  upon  their  Guards,  &c.      21  47410476 

Appointed,  by  the  Army,  one  of  the  Council  of 

Major-General  of  the  Forces  in  En- 
gland and  Scotland,  - 

■■  1  one  of  the  Committee  for  nominating 

Officers  of  the  Army.  —  — 

■  Commander  of  fome  Forces  in  the 

North,toreufttheAttemptsofGen.J/M^/.  22       7,  8 

His  Order  for  feizing  Btrtoi'ti,  and  Difappoint- 

ment  therein.  -  —  22       9 

—  Arrival  at  NtwcaftU.  —  —^22  17 
— —  ftrange  Inactivity  there,  with  Obfervations 


Difcharge,  and  Retirement  in  Difguifc.  — 

Proceedings  againft  him  by  the  Parliament.    — 
His  Speech,  concerning  Security  for  his  good'  Be- 
haviour. ■     ■■—  22  151/s  133 

•— —  Commitment  to  the  Tower.  —  —  22  153 
— —  Elcape,  and  Defigns  thereupon.  —  22  208 


,,:„-,  Google 





N      D      E      X    to  tie 


LAMBERT,  Gen.    excepted  out  of  the  Aft  of 

Indemnity,  and  in  what  Manner.       22 

LAMBERT,  Lord,  complained  of  to  the  Houfe ; 
of  Commons.  — —  — . 
His  Severity  to  a  Soldier,  for  refuting  to  pay  to- 
wards his  Officer's  Charges.  1 

LAMBETH,  an  Affembly  of  the  Peers  held  there,  | 
Anno  1232-  —       —  ~~  i 

LANCASTER,  when  firft  made  a  County  Pala- 

LAND-TAX,  when  firft  introduced  in  England.  I 
Laid  upon  the  Subjects  by  the  fole  Authority  of 
the  Houfe  of  Commons,  Inftance  of.     —  19 
LANE,  Captain,  his  Information,  relating  to  great 

Diftutbances  at  Exeter.                  •  17  165 
Taken  Prifoner  at  the  Battle  of  Worcefler.     —  20     68 
LANGHAM,  Simon,  Bijhop  of  Ely,  made  Lord- 
Chancellor.       ,     I  293 

His  Speech  on  opening  the  Parliament  in  1363.     1  29+,  5 

concerning  the  Statute  of  Apparel.        1  295 

..  on  opening  the  Parliament  in  1365.     1  296 

_____ - 1360.     1  297 

Tranflated  to  the  See  of  Canterbury.  1   297 

His  farther  Speech  at  the  Seffion  in  1366.      —     1  298 

Speech  on  opening  the  Parliament  in  1368.     1  300 

. concerning  the  Scats  Offer  of  Peace.     1  300,  I 

Made  a  Cardinal.         1  31c 

His  Embaffyfrom  the  Court  of  Rome  to  King 

Edwardlli.  touching  a  Peace  with  France.      I  310 
LANGHAM,  John,  Eft;  impeach'd  by  the  Com- 
mons of  High  Treafon.  

Brought  to  the  Bar  of  the  Houfe  of  Peers.     — 
His  Behaviour  there,  and  Proceedings  againft 

him,  Account  of.        —  

Difcharged  from  Profecution.      — 

Difabled  from  bearing  the  Office  of  Alderman 

in  the  City  of  London.      —  ■ 

LANGDALE,  Sir  Marmadukt,  feizes  the  Town 
of  Berwick  for  King  Charles  I.  -     - 
LANGLEY,  Thomas,  Clerk,  made  Lord-Chan- 
cellor.             '                      — 


Jglzecy  GOOgle 

Parfi&mentary  Hijioty  of  England. 


LANGLEY,  Thames*  Clert,  his  Speech  on  open- 1      I 
ing  the  Parliament  in  1406.  ■  ■    ■    '  -   ?.< 

Made  Bifhop  of  Durham.         —  ..— -I    2 

One  of  the  Executors  of  the  lad  Will  and  Tefta- 1 

ment  of  King  Henry  V.  ■  2 ' 

His  Speech  on  opening  the  Parliament  in  1417. '  2; 

— 1419-'  2 

■ 142  k  r  2 

■ —  Resignation  of  the  beals  of  his  Office.      —     2 
Accepts  them  again.  ■■  ■  2 

His  Speech  on  opening  the  Parliament  in  1423.:   2 
■ —  Petition,  concerning  fome  Money  lent  to  | 
King  Henry  V.  —  —  | 

One  of  the  Committee  appointed  to  examine  the 
Charge  again  ft  Htnry  Beau/art,  Bifhop  of 

mnchefttr.  —  

His  Petition  to  the  Parliament,  concerning  the  Li- 
berties of  the  County  Palatine  of  Durham. 
LANGTON,  Stephen,  Archbijhoptf Canterbury, 
his  Interposition  in  the- Quarrel  betwixt 
King  Jnhn  and  the  Barons.  ■  • 

Prevails  on  the  King  to  call  a  Convention  of  the 


Produces,  at  the  AfTembly,  the  Charter  of  Liber- 
ties granted  by  King  Htnry  f.  — — 
His  Agreement  with  the  Barons,  to  defend  their 

Liberties.  — ■  ■■  -  ■    ■ 

—  Requeft  to  King  Henry  III.  for  a  Confirma- 
tion of  the  Charters  granted  by  his  Father. 
How  anfwered  by  WtUiam  Briwere,  one  of  the 

King's  Counfel.  — — 

His  Reproof  of  that  Gentleman.    —  — 

LANGTON,  Walter,  Bi/fop  of  Litchfield  and  Co- 
ventry, one  of  the  Arbitrators  between  King 
Edward  I.  and  his  Barons.    —  — 

One  of  the  Committee  appointed  to  anfwer  the 
Petitions  at  the  Parliament  in  1305,  con- 
cerning Gafcaigny.         —  — — 
Made  High  Treafurer.     ■  — — 
His  Reprdentation  to  the  King,  touching  Pierce 
Ggve/len,  Favourite  to  Prince  Edward.   - 
A  a 


90,  I 

■  6S 
■7<>.  7 






)]i:»^y  GOOgle 


I      N      D      E      X    to 

vtHttji  one  of  the  Lift  of  BifJhops  fummoned 
to  the  Parliament  at  Carlifit  in  IJ07.     — 

LANGTON,  Jobny  Bifixp  of  ChiAtfter,  one  of 
the  Committee  appointed  to  govern  the 
Affairs  of  King  Edward  II:  — — 

One  of  the  Barons'  Committee  to  the  King,  de- 
manding the  BanUhment  of  the  two  Dt- 

LATIMEK,  William^  his  Complaint  to  King  Ed- 
ward III.  of  Sir  John  Ltigbt  Steward  of 

the  Houfhold.  

LATIMER,  Lard,  impeached  by  the  Commons, 

and  Occafion  thereof.         —  — — 

His  Sentence.        —         •    —  —  — — 

How  favoured  by  a  fucceeding  Parliament.    — 

LATIMER,    John*  a  CarmtHu  Friar,  his  bold 

Charge  againft  the  Duke  of,  Lancaftir.  — 

His  barbarous  Murder,  and  inhuman  Treatment, 

Account  of.  I'  

LATIMER,  Hugh,  Bijhop  of  W*rc*fltrt  one  of 

.   the  Committee  appointed  for  Religion.  — 

Refigns  his  Bifnoprick,  and  the  Occafion  there- 

His  miferable  End.  »       ■  ■ 

LAUD,  William*  Bijhop  of  Bath  and  WW/i,  his 

Account  to  the  Lords,    concerning  tho 

printing  Dr.  Manwaring'z  Sermons.      — 

Voted  by  the  Commons  to  be  unfound  in  his 

Faith.  — —  

Made  Btfhcip  of  London.  —  

Complained  of  by  the  Commons.  ■■'  ■■■■■■ 

Made  Arclibifhop.  of  Canterbury.  ■  ■ 

Hia  Palace  aflaulted  by  Apprentices.  — — 

Accufcd  of  High  Treafon.  —  — 

Sequeftred  from  Parliament,    and  committed. 
.  His  Requeft  to  the  Lords  on  that  Occafion.  — 
—  Petition  to  them.  — 

Obtains  Leave  to  take  the  Air.  — 

Speech  againft  Him  by  Mr.  Grimjion.     

Charge  againft  him,  exhibited  by  the  Commons. 



Parliamentary  Hifiory  p/EhglaHD.         371 

Vtl.      Potf. 

LAUD,  William,  Bijhtf  of  Bath  and  Weill,  im- 
peached for  aflifting  to  make  Tome  new  Ca 

His  Petition  to  the  Peers,  fetting  forth  his  Di 

ftrefs,  and  praying  Relief.      .        — — 

Brought  to  the  Bar  of  the  Houfe  of  Lords  for  his 

His  Anfwer  to  the  Commons'  Impeachment 
again  ft  him.  — 

Refolutions  of  the  Peers  concerning  him.   ■ 

Bill  of  Attainder  palled  againft  him  by  the  Par- 
liament. ■    '  ■  -■'■'-  ■  '■ 

His  Letter  to  the  Speaker  of  the  Houfe  of  Peers 
on  that  Occafion,  with  a  Tender  of  the 
King's  Pardon.  — 

-  '  difregarded  by  the  Peers.        

—  Petition  to  them,  for  the  Attendance  of  his 


■     1  to  the  Commons,  that  he  might  not 

be  hanged.  ■ ■ 

Appointed  to  be  beheaded,  by  an  Ordinance  of 

Parliament.  —    -  ■■-■ 

His  Petition,  for  the  Payment  of  his  Debts  out 

of  his  Eftate.  —  —    - 

— —  Body,  how  dilpofed  of.  —  — 

Lauderdale,  Earttf.  see  Maitlano. 

LAW,  how  defined  by  Mr.  Pymmt.  — — 

Debate  on  a  Bill  for  a  new  Model  thereof.    — 

LAWS,  Penal,  Debate  thereon  by  the  Commons. 

LAWRENCE,  Henry,  Efc  appointed  Piciuknt 

of  the  Protestor's  Council.       —  — 

LAWSON,  Rear- Admiral,  how  rewarded  for  his 

Succels  againft  the  Dutch  Fleet  in  1653. 

LAWSON,  ,  Bfq;   appointed  Commander 

of  a  Fleet.  ■ 

Efpoufcs  Gen.  Afanie's  Quarrel  againff  the  Army 
Settlement  upon  him  by  the  Parliament,  Ac- 
count of.  ■■  '  ■    ■  ■ -■■ 

LAWYERS,  their  being  deOed  Members  of  Par- 
liament objected  to  in  the  Houfe  of  Com- 

A  a  2 

468,  9 

442.  3 

369,  70 







Jglzecy  GOOgle 


IN      D 

:     to  the 


LAWYERS,  their  being  dead  Members  of  Par- 
liament objected  to  in  the  Houfe  of  Com- 
mons, how  defended.     —  ■■  19 

■  Lift  of,  made  Judges  by  Cromwell  upon  his  En- 
trance to  the  Protectorate        —  — 

LAYMEN's  PARLIAMENT,  why  fo  called. 

LAY-PREACHERS,  Lift  of,  Anno  1641.     — 
Their  Reprimand  by  the  Houfe  of  Commons. 

LECTURERS,  Order  of  the  Commons  for  their 
Eftablifhment  in  the  Church  of  England. 

LEGGE,  Col.  difcharged  from  being  Governor  of 

Oxford.  --■  14 

Imprifoncd  by  the  King,  and  on  what  Account.  14 

LEICESTER,  Earl  of.     See  Sidney. 

LEICESTER,  a  Parliament  held  there  in  1414. 
■—  —  ■■     in  1426. 

LEICESTER,  Reger,  one  of  King  Edward  the 
Firft's  Judges,  how  fined  for  Extortion. 

LEIGH,  Sir  John,  made  Steward  of  the  Houfe- 

hold  to  King  Edward  III.         —  — 

Charge  againft  him  for  Mifdemeanors,       

Remarks  thereon.  ■—  ■ 

LEIGHTON,  Dr.   extraordinary  Favour  done 

him  by  the  Commons,  Inltance  of     ■ 

LEITH  taken  by  Gen.  CrmwiU.  —       — 

LENTHALL,    Sir  John,    Keeper  of  the  Upper 

Bench  PrifoH,  Charge  againft. him  for  Op- 

predion  and  Abufe  of  his  Prifoncrs,  Ac- 

LENTHALL, ' William,  Efq;  elected  Speaker  for 
the  Commons,  at  the  Parliament  in  No- 
vember, 1640.  ■  ■  —  

His  Speech  to  the  King  on  this  Occafion.   

Letter  to  the  Army,  to  quiet  their  Difcon- 

—  Speech  to  the  King,  on  prefcnting  a  Bill  for 
their  Relief,  &c.                —  — 

Tonnage  and  Poundage. 




iHze^y  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hi/lory  of  England. 

LENTHALL,  William,  Efq;  his  Speech  to  the 

King,  on  prefcnting  a  Bill  for  a  Poll-Tax. 

His  Speech  to  the  King,  on  prefenting  a  Bill  for 

the  Continuance  of  Tonnage.        

—  remarkable  Anfwer  to  the  King,  touching 

fome  accufed  Members.         — 

How  rewarded  by  the  Commons,  and  on  what 

Oc  cation.  ■  ■ 

His  Speech  to  fome  Gentlemen,  on  their  pre- 
fenting a  Petition  from  the  Count/  of  Kint. 
—-  Manner  of  reproving  Sir  Henry  Ludlow  for 
refleclingon  the  King.  —  — 

—  Letter  to  Sir  Jabn  Hotbam,  concerning  Hull, 

and  the  Magazine  there.  —  — 

Appointed  Mailer  of  the  Rolls  by  the  Parliament. 

Hi»  Speech  to  Sir  Htnry  Vaughem  and  Sir  Wil- 
liam Portmati,  taken  Prifoners  at  Naftby. 

Appointed  one  of  the  Keepers  of  the  Duchy  Seal 
at  Lancet fttr.  — —  - ,. .    ■■ 

His  Speech  to  Sir  Themes  Fairfax^  on  Account 
of  his  Services  done  to  the  Parliament.  — 

Leaves  the  Houfe,  and  goes  to  the  Army. 

His  Declaration,  fetting  forth  the  Reafons  there- 

Reftored  to  his  Seat  by  the  Army.      —         — 

His  Compliance  with  the  Independent  Party  in 

the  Houfe  of  Commons,  to  obftrufl  the 

Treaty  with  the  King  in  the  }fit  ef  Wight. 

• —  Requeft  for  an  Adjournment,  in  order  there- 

—  Retreat  from  that  Engagement.       —     — 

—  circular  Letter,  to  forward  the  raiting  of  a 

Land -Tax.  —  ■■  — 

— -  Letter,  to  inforce  the  fpeedy  Collection  of  a 

■  Monthly  Afieffment.  —  

Chofen  Speaker  to  Cromwell's  feeond  Parliament 

-One  of  the  Committee    appointed   to   receive 

Cromwell's  Scruples  as  to  his  being  King. 

His  Arguments  to  induce  an  Acceptance  of  that 

Title.  ■     — 

A  a  3 



4°'.  2,  J 
90,  I,  2 


476,  7 


534.  5.  * 


167,  8,  9 

210,  224 


89, 90 

39. 40 

65     , 

S  73" 76 

1  9IM94 


Jigliiecy  GOOgk 


N      D      £      X    to  the 


LENTHALL,  William,  Efq;  accepts  the  Office 

of  Speaker  to  the  Parliament  fet  on  Foot 

by  the  Ajmy  aD<^  Republican  Party.        — 

Hts  Letter,  forfummoning  the  Members  thereof. 

-  to  Gen.  Monkc,  in  Anfwer  to  one  from 

that  Officer  to  the  Parliament. 
Reftored  to  the  Chamberhinihip  of  Cbtftt 
Excepted  out  of  the  A£t  of  Indemnity  at  the 

Re  ft  oration.  -  ■  ■ -■ 

LESLEY,  — — -,  Earl  of  Lcvtn,  Gtntral  tf  tbt 
Scots  Army  in  England,  bis  Anfwer  to  a 
Letter  of  Lord  Digby'i,  relating  to  Tome 

Propofals  for  Peace.         — —  

His  Letter  to  the  Coram  iflioners  of  AffctTment  in 

Yorijbirt,  in  Anfwer  to  their  Complaints 

againft  the  Scots  Forces  there,       —      — 

Arrives  at  Ntwari  with  the  Scvts  Army.        — 

Joins  the  Engiijb  Forces  there,  and  Jays  Siege  to 

that  Town.  —  ■■»  — 
His  Account  of  taking  Mujkam-Ji'idgt-  — 
—  Letter,  relating  to  the  King's  Perfon.  — 
■  ■  — to  the  Parliament,  concerning  tbcii 
Vote  for  removing  the  King  to  Heidenby. 
m  i'  i.  i  concerning  his  Motions  fur  evacua- 
ting the  Kingdom.         —  

——  fecond  Letter,  to  the  fame  Piypofe.     

LESLEY,  Ladawick,  Governor  of  btrwici,  his  An- 
fwer to  a  Summons  from  General  Cromwlt, 
for  delivering  that  Town  into  the  Poflcf- 

fion  of  the  Englijh.  .-—  

LESLEY,  David,  Lituttixmt-Gtntral  of  tbt  Seels 

Army  in  England,  his  Succefs  in  Htrtford- 

Jbire,  on  Behalf  of  the  Parliament,  againft 

the  King's  Forces,  Account  of.  — 

How  rewarded  by  the  Commons  on  this  Occafion 

Marches  with  his  Horfe  into  Scotland,  and   on 

what  Account.  ■  —  .■■  - 

Hit  Letter,  concerning  a  Supply  of  Money,  bft. 

for  the  Scots  Army  before  Ntwari,         — 

— r-  Propofals  fox  their  Maintenance  there.     — 



"  15* 



14   1+0 
"4  141.  • 

'5  »'3.  4 

■5  ,79,  Jo 

's.3°3.  4 



Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hijtory  of  England. 

LESLEY,  David,  Ueut.  Gen.  of  the  Scots  Army  in 
England,  his  Reply  to  the  Propofals  of  the 
Parliament's  Committee,   for  the  Mainte- 
nance of  the  Scats  Army  before  Newark. 
His  Letter,  concerning  iomc  Complaints  againft 
*    the  Scttt  Army.  ___  -  — - 

— —  Declaration  on  this  Occafion.       —        — 
—  Letter  to  Gen.  Cromwell,  with  a  Declaration 
concerning  the  State  of  the  Quarrel  between 
the  Englijh  and  Scott  in  1650.      —      —  19 
Taken  Prifooer  in  his  Flight  from  the  Battle  of 

Wtrcefier.  — : 

L'ESTRANGE,  Roger,  Efy-,  his  Petition  to  the 
Peers ,  for  laving  his  Life  from  the  Sentence 

of  a  Council  of  War  againft  him.      ■    — 

Reprieve  and  Puniuunent,  Account  of.      — — - 

LETTERS  PATENT,  Form  of,  granted  to  the 

Parliament  in  1366,  by  King  Richard  II. 

LEVELLERS,  who  meant  by  them.      

LEVIT,  Mr.  his  Examination,  touching  Tobias 

Peater'e  Charge  againft  the  Scots,  for  af- 

fifting  the  King  in  an  intended  Efeape  from 

Ntwcaftlt.  >  •    ■  ■■  — — 

LEWELLYN,  Prim  of  Walts,  fummoned  to 

Parliament  to  do  Homage  to  King  Edat.  I. 

His  arrogant  Anfwer.  —  -   ■   . 

Proceedings  againft  him  on  that  Occanon.     — 

His  untirncly  Fate.  —  

LEWEN, ,  Ef//;  his  Speech,  on  a  Motion  to 

reform  Eccieliaftical  Courts.  ■ 

LEWES,    in   Suffix,    Battle  of,    between    King 
Henry  lit.  and  his  Barons,  Anna  1264.    • 
LEWIS  XII.  King  of  France,  his  Quarrel  with 

Pope7tt¥«tIL  —  

His  Invafion  of  England.         —  — — 

—  great  Lofles  at  home.         —  — 

—  Reconciliation  with  the  Pope,  and  Peace 

with  England.        —  —  — 

—  Marriage  with  Maryt  Sifter  to  Henry  VIII. 

—  Death,  Account  of.'       —  — — 








"  120,    I 






374.  5.  6 






376  INDEX    to 

LEWIS  XIII.  his  Succefs  at  RochelU  in  1628.  - 
His  Endeavour;,  to  compote  the  Difference  be- 
tween King  Charles  I.  and  his  Parliament. 
— -  Letter  to  the  Privy  Council  of  Scotland.    — 
— —  Proportions  to  them,  againft  the  March  of 

their  Army  into  England.  .  ■■- 

LEWIS,  Sir  IViUtam,  one  of  the  Eleven  Members 
of  the  Houle  of  Commons  charged  by  the 

Army  with  Mi  (demeanors.  , 

Retires  into  foreign  Parts. — 

LEX  TALIONIS  threatened  by  the  Parliament, 

and  on  what  Occafion.      —  ■ 

LEY,  Sir  James,  appointed  to  execute  the  Office 
of  Chancellor.         ■ 
Made  Lord-Treafurer.         — 
His  Account  of  the  Eftate  Of  King  Charles  I.  in 

1625.  r-  — — 

—  Addrefs  to  the  Commons  for  a  Supply. 

Debate  thereon.  —  

LIBERTY  «/' CONSCIENCE,  in  Matters  of 
Religion,  allowed  by  the  Commons.     — 
LICENCE,  Thomas,  Efy\  taken  Prifoner  by  thePar- 
•     liament's  Forces  at  the  battle  of  IVorctfttr. 
LICENCES  by  the  Archbijhep  of  Canterbury,  De- 
bate thereon  in  the  Houfe  of  Commons.  <- 
LIEFE,  Richard,  Efq;  his  Motion  in  the  Houfe  of 
Commons,  touching  a  Speech  of  Lord- 
Keeper  Egerton's.         —  ■  —. — 
LIEUTENANTS   of    the   fevers!   Counties  in 
England  and  Wales,  Lift  of,  nominated  by 
the  Commons  to  command  the  Militia.  — 
LILBOURNE,    Col,    John,    Refolutions  of  the 
Commons  in  Favour  of  him. 
Taken  Prifoner  by  the  King's  Forces. 
Brought  to  his  Trial  at  Oxford,  and  convicted  of 

High  Treafon.  — — 

His  Execution  prevented,  and  how. 
Proceedings  againft  him  by  the  Peers,  for  writing 
a  Pamphlet  againft  the  Common  La< 
England,  ■   ,   . 

r,i.  ?n,. 

1  *45 

12  456 

:  47°»473 

;  348 
1  394 

'394,  5.6 


1  404 



v  43'.  3 
287,  8,9 




99.  IM 

■  445.  4'' 

Jiglizecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hjftory  of  England'. 

ULBOURNE,  Col.  John,  Charge  againft  him; 
for  afperfmg  the  Earl  of  Mtmchtfltr,  and 
ihc  Houfe of  Peers.      ■■  ■               ■ 
His  Paper,  containing  a  Charge  of  Gen.  Crem- 
vttll  againft  the  faid  Earl.        —           — 
How  vindicated  by  a  printed  Pamphlet  difperfed 
in  the  City  of  Ltmden.            —             — 
His  Language  and  Deportment  at  his  Trial,  Par- 
ticulars of.  15 

—  Sentence.  ■  ■  15 

Speech  in  his  Behalf,  by  Sir  John  Majnard.  — 
Resolutions  of  the  Commons  in  Favour  of  him. 
Discharged  by  the  Peers  from  his  Fine  and  Jm- 
prifonment.  -  ■  — — 

His  Sufferings  recompenfed  by  the  Commons, 
and  in  what  Manner.  —  — 

Committed  to  the  Tower  for  writing  a  Pamphlet 

againft  the  Commonwealth.  - 
His  new  Model  of  Government,  Heads  of.    ■ — 
Tried  by  a  fpecial  Commiifion  at  Guildhall,  and 
acquitted.                 ■■  —     ■ 
Elected  a  Common -Council -Man  of  the  City  of 
London.                        — — ...  ■'-■  — 
His  Election  declared  void  by  the  Houfe  of  Com- 
mons.          ■     ■  ■ ■  — 

Banifhed  out  of  England,  and  on  what  Account. 

His  Return.  ■ — —  

Committed  to  Newgate,  and  tried  at  the  Old 

Brought  to  a  fecond  Trial  at  Law,  and  acquit- 


26, 7 




Medals  frruck  on  that  Occauon,  Particulars  of. 

Committed  to  the  Tower.  —  — 

ULBOURNE,,  his  Defeat  of  the  Earl 

of  Dtriy's  Forces  in  Lancajbire,  Account 


His  Lift  of  Prisoners.  - 

LIMERICK,  C/r  ./,  taken  by  Gen.  Iran.   — 

LINCOLN,  a  Convention  of  the  Eftates  of  the 

Realm  held  there,  in  1204.        —        — 

A  Parliament  held  there,  Anns  1301.        — 




1  242 


)  192 

>  213 
)  213 
)  2t4,' 

35  «  3« 





379  INDEX/* 

LINCOLN,  a  Parliament  held  there  in  1315.  — 
: 4327- 

LINCOLNSHIRE,  Stalt  ./,  in  May,  1648, 

LINCOLN,  Earl  of.    See  Fienwes. 

L1NDSEY,  Earl  of.    See  Bertie. 

LINDSAY,  Earl  if  Crawford,  his  Letter  to  the 
Englijh  Com miffi oners  at  Edinburgh,  con- 
cerning a  Pa&  and  Convoy  for  their  Return 

LINWOOD,  William,  DoUar  of  Laws,  his  Speech 

to  the  Parliament  in  14.31.  ■ 

LISLE,  Lord,  appointed,  by  the  Parliament,  Lord- 
Lteutenant  of  Inland.  —  — 

Appointed  one  of  the  Protc&or's  Council.     — 

LISLE,  Sir  Gtargt,  taken  Prifoner  at  the  Siege  of 

Cokhefler.  ■  —  —  

His  Sentence  and  Death  on  that  Occafion,  Ac- 
count of.                  ■  ■  '  '     ■                         ' 
LISLE,  Mr.  appointed  one  of  the  Commiffioners 
of  the  Great  Seal,  ordered  by  the  Commons 
in  1648.  —  —  

His  Salary.  ■ — — — 

Appointed  one  of  the  Commiffioners  to  meet  G  en, 
Cramwilt  on  his  Return  from  the  Battle  of 
Wantfitr,  and  congratulate  him  on  his 
Victory  there.  —  

Made  one  of  Cromwell's  Commiffioners  of  the 
Great  Seal.  — 

„ one  of  the  Committee  to  receive  CromwelPt 

*         Scruples,  with  regard  to  his  being  King. 

H'a  Arguments  to  induce  his  Acceptance  of  that 

Title.  —  —  — 

LITHEBURY,  Robert,  Mafitr  af  tbt  Rolls,  how 

fined  for  Extortion.  —  

LITTLETON,  Edward,  Efi;  his  Speech  on 
the  Liberty  of  the  Subject.  

further  Speech  thereon,  at  a  Conference  be- 
tween both  Houfes.  —  ■ 

, Anfwer  to  the  Arguments  of  MV.  Attorney 

and  Serjeant  AjbUy,  touching  this  Point.] 

__  Speech,  on  a  Member's  Goods  being  feiwd 
for  refilling  to  pay  Tonnage.      —      —  | 





y  33s 

>  247 


84 11 86 

12,  13 

S3  "59 


Jig  liecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hi/lay  0/"Engj,and1 

LITTLETON,  Edward,  Eft;  his  Speech  con- 1 

earning  -    '  Aflem,  Efq,   Sheriff  of: 

London.  —  —  — 

His  Speech  on  the  Proccfs  againft  Merchants 

for  Tonnage.  —  — -  — 

• —  Argument  againft  fencing  the  Goods  of  a 

Parliament- Man.  

-  before  the  Court  of  King's  Bench, 

in  Favour  of  Mr.  Seldttt.        —         ■ 

.Made  Sollicitor-General.  —  

Appointed,  by  the  King,  to  lit  ts  Speaker  in  the 

Houfe  of  Lords,  inftead  of  the  Lord-Keeper 

Made  Lord-Keeper  of  the  Great  Seal.       

His  Speech  to  the  King,  on  hii  paffing  the  Bill 
for  Triennial  Parliament*.       —       ■ 

Created  Baron  of  Mounjiaw.  —  -    — 

Ceremony  of  introducing  him  into  the  Houfe  of 

Peers,  Form  of. 

LITTLETON,  Ltrd  Edward,  his  Report  of  a 

Conference  about  the  Safety  of  the  Prince 

of  Walet.  . —  

His  Declaration,  concerning  a  Petition  and  Pro- 
teftation  of  feme  Bilhops. 

—  Report  of  a  Conference  relating  to  a  Guard, 
iSc.  —  —  —  — 

i ■  ■    ,_..  ,   .... to  the  Privi- 

leges of  Parliament.  — 

the  Magazine  there. 

-to Hull,  and 

-  to  the  Duke 

of  Richmond,  —  —  — 

Appointed  to  give  the  Royal  Ailent  to  a  Bill  for 

imprefimg  Soldiers.              —  ■  ■     ■ 

•■  .     ■   — to  a  Bill  for 

raking  away  the  Bifhops'  Votes  in  Parlia- 

His  Speech  on  this  Occafion.  —  — 

Receives  a  Letter  from  the  King,  excufing  Sir 

Edward  Htrbtrt  in  the  Affair  of  Lord 

£iaitlwt,  Uff.  •■■'   ■  -■■■ 






180,  1 


i+o,  1 
159,  60 
228,  9 


10  292 

10  347,  S 

Jiglizecy  GOOgle 

380        I      N      D      E      X    to 

LITTLETON,  Lard  Edward,  his  Report,  con- 
cerning an  intended  Invafion  of  England. 

His  Report  concerning  a  Counter-Petition  to  the 
King  from  Tome  Tortjbir*  Gentry.  — 

■  Popid  Recufauts .    

Leaves  the  Parliament,  and  goes  to  the  King  at 

His  Difcourfc  with  Mr.  Hyde,  previous  to  this 
Step.        —  — 

■—  Manner  of  difpofing  of  the  Great  Seal,  and 
conducing  his  Journey.  . 

—  Petition  to  the  Peers,  in  Anfwer  to  an  Order 

of  that  Hoxife  concerning  him. 

Servant's  Affidavit  on  this  Occalion. 

— -  Letter,  denying  his  giving  a  Vote  in  Favour 

of  the  Ordinance  for  the  Militia.        — 

—  Dental  proved  to  the  contrary,  and  how, 
LITURGY,  when  eftabliflied  by  an  Ac*.     - 

Introduced  into  all  Churches  and  Chapels  in 

England.        -     '    ■  < 

— -■  into  the  Church  of  Scotland. 

Commotions  there  on  that  Account. 

LOAN,  when  exacted  from  Perfons  of  Fortune.  - 

LOCKHART,  IWUiam,  Efy;  made  Governor  of 


.     His  Recognition  of  the  Parliament  in  1659.      - 

Appointed  Agent  to  the  Court  of  France.       — 

LODGERS,  in  London  and  Wtfiminfter,  obliged 

by  the  Parliament  to  give  in  Tickets  of 

their  Names.  — 

LODOVICK,  Prince  Rupert,  Nepbtw  la  King 

Charles  I.  embarks  for  England,  in  order  to 

affift  the  King  againft  the  Parliament.   — 

Takes  the  City  of  Bri/lol.   —  — 

His  Letter,  touching  a  Safe-Conduct  for  the  Par- 
liament's Commiffioncrs  to  wait  on  the 
King  with  Proportions  of  Peace.  ■ 
■—  Anfwer  to  the  Earl  of  Ejpx's  Letter,  about 
executing  fomc  of  the  Parliament's  Soldiers 
after  Quarter  given.         -■   —  ■    ■  ■ 

Surrenders  the  City  of  Brijiol  to  Sir  Tat.  Fairfax. 



48+1  5.  *> 
509,  10 





3  436 

"  393 
393.  4-  S 
321,  2 





Jglzecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hi/tory  of  England. 

/  ViU 

LODOVICK,  Print*  Rupert*  Nephew  to  King 

Charles  I.  his  Commiffions  in  (be  King's 

Army  taken  from  him  on  this  Occafion.  •  14 

His  Letter  to  the  Parliament,  for  a  Pali  to  leave 

the  Kingdom.  —  ■ 

Conditions  impofed  on  him  on  account  of  this 


His  Followers,  Number  and  Quality  of.        — 

—  fccond  Letter  to  the  Parliament,  for  1  ~ 

to  quit  the  Kingdom.         ■ 

—  Requefts  for  himfclf,  and  the  Gentlemen 

and  Commanders  with  him. 

Bammed  the  Kingdom,  by  a  Vote  of  the  Houfe 
of  Commons.    .        ■ —  •  ■ 

His  Addrefs  to  the  Peers  on  that  Occafion.    — 

LODOVICK,  Prate*  Maurice,  Nephew  to  King 

Charles  I.   bis  Expedition  into  England, 

Account  of.  -  — 

His  Letter  to  the  Earl  of  Effixy  relating  to  a 
Peace  between  the  King  and  his  Parliament. 

BaniOicd  the  Kingdom,  by  a  Vote  of  the  Houfe 
of  Commons.  —  -  

His  Addrefs  to  the  Peers  on  that  Occafion. 
LODOVICK,  Charles,  Eletlor  Palatine,  his  Let- 
ter  to  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  for  the  an- 
nual Allowance  fettled  by  Parliament  on 
his  Family.  — —  1 

Comes  into  England,  and  lands  at  Greenwich.  - 

His  Anfwer  to  a  MeHage  from  the  Parliament, 
concerning  his  Arrival.   — 

—  Rcafons  for  coming  into  England.         ■ 

Obtains  a  Grant  from  the  Parliament,  and  what. 
His  Letter,  defiring  Leave  of  the  Parliament  to 

vifit  the  King,         —  ■— -  ■  ■■■  - 

Receives  the  Arrears  of  his  annual  Allowance, 

and  returns  home.  ■  -  — 

LOKTON,  Jehu,  Serjeant  at  Law,  one  of  thofe 

who  ligned  the  Refolutions  at  Nottingham 

in  1387.  —  

Impeached  by  the  Commons  on  that  Account. 
Charge  againit  him.  • — 



IO+,  J 




124,  5 

275>  6 


<"b  5 

39.  40 


Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 

382        I      N      D      E      X    to 

LOKTON,  Jahn,  Serjeant  at  £«t»,"  his  Anfwer 
to  the  Charge  againft  him.     —  — 

His  Sentence.        —  — 

How  mitigated  by  the  Interpofition  of  the  Bi- 

ftiops.  —  - — 

His  BaniQwient  to  Ireland;  —  — 

Allowance  towards  the  Expences  of  his  Paflage. 

LOLLARDS,  who,  and  why  fo  called.        

Tbeir  Petition  to  the  Parliament  in  1395,  againft 
the   Power   and   Encroachments    of   the 

Church  of  Rome.  —  

When  prohibited  from  reading  the  Scriptures.  - 

How  perfecuted  on  that  Account.  

LOMBARD-STREET,  in  Landen,  whence  that 

Name  derived.  —  ■    ■ 

LONDON,  City  of,  a  Convention  of  the  Eflatcs 

of  the  Realm  held  there  in  1106.  — 

■ — 1 107.      



A  Parliament  held  there  i 

-1 152. 

-  1223. 

-  "37- 

-  1242. 
-1 246. 
- 124.6. 

-  .248. 

-  1248. 

-  1264. 

-  1265. 

-  "97' 
■  "99- 

Plague  there,  Anna  1433. 


Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Htfiory  of  England. 


LONDON,  CV/jki/;  a  Parliament  held  there  in  1513. 
Plague  there,  Amu  1532.    —  .    —  — 

'■ 1502.  —  — 

-  1603.      

1625.    —  — 

■  1641. 

InfurreiSion  (here,  in  Favour  of  King  Cbarltt 
Account  of.  — —  — — 

LONDON,  Citizens  «/,  their  extraordinary  Re- 
fentment  againft  Hubert  dt  Burgh*  Chief 
Juftice  of  England*  Account  of.  — 

Heavy  Fine  impofed  on  them  by  Richard  II.     - 

Their  Petition  to  the  Commons  againft  B  Lib  ops. 

—-—Petition  to  both  Houfes  againft  Grievances. 

■  ..  ■    infolent   Behaviour  before   Wtflminfltr- 

HalU  at  the  Trial  of  the  Earl  of  Strafford. 

7  ignominious  Treatment  of  thofe  Members 

wbo  voted  for  him.     —        —  — 

Reoueft  to  the  Lords,  for  an  Anfwer  to 

their  Petition  concerning  Grievances.    — 

—  —  Petition,  for  preventing  the  Earl  of  Straf- 

ford's Efcape  from  the  Tower.  — 

—  Conditions  indited  upon  for  lending  Mo- 
ney to  the  Commons.      —  — 

■  -  ■  prodigious  Cry  againft  the  Bifhops,  Ac- 

count of.  '■  — 

—  Petition  to  the  Commons  againft  a  Loan, 
— —  Reafont  againft  it.  —  — 
■ —     ■  Petition  againft  an  Ordinance  concerning 

the  Militia.  —  

— — -  Loan  to  the  Parliament,  and  Security  for 

the  fame.         —  — 

Petition  and  Propofals  to  the  Commons, 

concerning  the  Parliament's  Army.        — 
Raife  Light  Horfe  and  Dragoons  for  the  Parlia- 
ment. —  —  

Their  farther  Propofals  to  the  Commons.        — 

— —  Diviuon,  with  regard  to  Peace  or  War, 

Account  of.         —  —  — 

■— —  Petition  to  the  Parliament  for  Peace.    — 

—  ■-    ■  how  received  by  them. 






3*5.  35« 


1 14/0122 
224,  5.  6 



234.  5 
23s  "239 

395.  6 


34.  5.6 


5".  2,  J 


Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 

384         INDEX/* 

LONDON,  Citiznu  ef,  their  Petition  proteftcd 
again  ft,  and  by  whom.  r  ..■■—. 

Their  kequefts  to  the  Parliament  concerning  the 
raiting  of  Money,  He.      —  ■ 

—  -  .—  Proportion  of  a  Weekly  Afleflment  levied 

by  the  Parliament  throughout  England.  — 

■  Petition  for  Relief  in  this  Particular,  Ab- 
ftracl  of.  

—  —  to  the  Commons,  againft  a  Peace 
with  the  King.  ■  ■ — 

1  1  ■■  Rem  on  ill  ante,  letting  forth  their  great 

Invite  both  Houfes  of  Parliament  to  Dinner. 

Their  Petition,  relating  to  the  Army  under  the 
Earl  of  Ejftx.  — 

■  ■■■     ■ to  the  Parliament,    for  Unity 

amongftthemfclvei.  —  ■ 

two  Petitions,  concerning  Debts  and  De- 
linquents.       ■- --  ■ 

—  Petition,  on  occa&on  of  theKing'sSuccefs 
at  opening  the  Campaign  in  1645.  — 

— —  Complaint  of  the  many  private  Meetings 
there,  of  Women  Preachers,  &t.       

— Petition  to  the  Peers  for  fupprefling  the 

Independents,  and  for  a  good  Conefpond- 

eijce  with  the  Seels,  &c.  

■— -  how  received  by  that  Houfe.     - 

■  by  the  Commons. 

o  the  Peers,  for  Leave  to  fend  an 


Vol.     Page. 

Addrefs  to  the  King. 

—  Draught  thereof.        — 

— — — —  how  received  by  the  Peers,     — 
by  the  Commons. 

Solicited  to  lend  200,000/.  to  the  Commons. 

Their  Propofal  thereupon.  —  — 

— —  Petition  to  the  Parliament  for  difbanding 

the  Army,  and  for  removing  preaching  Sol  - 

diets,  &c,  — ■  — 

-      ■  ■■■  ■  for  rcdreijing 

fome  other  Grievances.       —  — 

How  complimented  by  both  Houfes  on  this  Oc- 
casion, —  ■,■  —    ' 

Jglzecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hijiory  ^England. 


LONDON,  Citizens  of,  their  Petition  to  the  Peers, 
on  occafion  of  the  Differences  between  the 
Parliament  and  the  Army. -  — ■■  ■  - 

How  complimented  thereupon  by  the  Lords. 

■  by  the  Commons. 

Their  Requeft  to  the  Lords,  concerning  the  De- 
mands of  the  Army.         —  ■  ■ 

Depute  a  Committee  of  Aldermen  and  Commons 
to  attend  the  Army.         —        ■*-       — 

Their  Anfwer  to  a  Letter  from  the  Army,  con- 
cerning their  Demands.  —  — 

■  Draught  of  a  Letter  to  be  fent  to  General 
Fair/ax,  relating  to  their  being  charged 
with  railing  Forces  againft  the  Army.    — 

— —  Petition  to  the  Parliament,  for  Payment  of 
the  Army  and  a  fpeedy  Settlement  of  the 

. to  the  Parliament,  for  revolting  an 

Ordinance  touching  the  City  Militia.     — 
■   "  ■ ■  ..  ■  for  revoking  a 

Declaration  againlt  procuring  of  Petitions. 
—    ■    -  to  the  Peers,  to  flop  the  Army's  March 

towards  Lvndtn.  — —  — 

Reverfe  all  their  Proceedings  againft  the  Army. 
Congratulate  Sir  Thomas  Fairfax^  on  his  Entry 

into  London  with  his  Forces.       — 
Their  Prcfent  intended  him  on  this  Occafion. 
Behaviour  at  this  Calls,  Account  of.     — 

■  Petition  to  the  Peers,  againft  the  Army's 
taking  Free  Quarter,  and  other  Grievances. 

How  anfwered.  —  

Their  Petition  to  the  Parliament,  relating  to  the 

Stett.  — 

. to  the  Commons,  relating  to  the 

Militia.  —  —  . 

■  ■■■■■  Refolution  to  adhere  to  the  Parliament. 
Petition,  for  aDifcharge  of  their  impeached 

Aldermen.  — .  —  ■ 

How  received  by  the  Parliament.       —         — 
Their  Petition  to  the  Lord  Mayor,  concerning 

the  Militia,  an  Infurreftion  in  KtMt,  69V. 
B  b 



1 5' 420, 

15 l 421, 



489,  90 

52  (.57 

■  79.  80 
1901  x 




238.  9 

368     . 


»7°>  » 

.    "95. «.  7 

Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 


I      N 

E      X    to 

LONDON,  Citizens  »/,  their  Petition  for  a  per- 

fonal  Treaty  with  the  King,  — — 

How  anfwered  by  the  Parliament.         —       ~- 

Their  Petition  to  the  Peers,  concerning  one  from 

the  Officers  of  the  Militia.        —         — 

■  to  the  Parliament  for  a  perfonal 
Treaty  with  the  King,  as  a  Meant  to  redrefs 
their  Grievances.  —         —       — — 

How  anfwered  by  the  Peers.        —»  —   ■ 

■  by  the  Commons.        —       — 
Their  Petition  to  the  Commons,  agatnft  a  Trea- 
ty with  the  King,  and  praying  that  Houfe 
to  declare  themfelves  the  Supreme  Autho- 
rity of  the  Nation.  ■  

i  requesting  an  Anfwer  to  the  for- 

■■ii-  rude  Behaviour  on  that  Oecafion. 

■  "    '  Petition  to  the  Parliament,  againft  an  Or- 

dinance prohibiting  fuch  Citizens  from  fcr- 
ving  any  Office  there,  who  had  promoted  a 

perfonal  Treaty  with  the  King.      

How  anfwered  by  the  Lords.        — *  — 

■ by  the  Commons.        —        — 

Their  Petition  in  Favour  of  Col.  Labourite,  com- 
mitted to  the  Tower  for  writing  a  Pam- 
phlet. -.  ■—  ■ 
How  reprimanded  for  it.              —  ■ 
Entertain  the  Houfe  of  Commons  at  Dinner.    • 
Their  P'refcn  t,  on  that  Oecafion,  to  the  Generals 

Fairfax  and  CrtmwiU.  — 

How  rewarded  by  the  Commons,  — 
Their  Relblution  to  fupport  them.  — 
——  formal  Invitation  to  the  Parliament.       — 

■  Anfwer  to  a  Letter  from  General  Monie, 
concerning  his  March  towards  Eng- 
land. ■  — 

—  Addrets  to  the  Parliament,  on  the  Reftora- 
'  tiOn  of  the  fecluded  Members.      —      — 

How  anfwered.  —  — —  » — -- 

-  .     ■  addreued  by  the  King  from  Bnia,        — 
Their  AnfweF.  —  — —  — 


Vtl.    P^ft 

17  264,5,6 

17:266,  7 

39°.  » 

'  45 1  (#460 


!  480,  I 
I  481 

:  481 


48  *  5" 


22  247,  8 
aa|  363^267 

Jiglize^y  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hi/lory  of  England. 

LONG,  Welter,  Eft;  his  Speech,  concerning  a 

Bill  of  Tonnage, . 

His  Account  of  fome  Popifh  Priefts  releafcd  out 
of  Newgate,  — —-  -  - — 

—  Anfwer,  relating  to  his  Evidence  againft 

—  Account  of  the  Proceedings  at  Newgate 

againft  thefe  People.  —  

Summoned  by  the  Privy- Council,  to  anfwer  his 

Miibehaviour  in  the  Houfe  of  Commons. 
Secretes  himfelf.  - — -  ...  -w 

Apprehended,   and   committed    to  the  King's 

Bench  Prifon.  ■  ■»■■ 

Profecuted  in  the  Star- Chamber.        —         — 
Brought  before  the  Court  of  King's  Bench  upon 

a  Habeas  Corpus.  • 

Removed  to  the  Tower  by  the  King's  Warrant. 
Oners  to  give  Bail,  but  refufes  to  find  Sureties 

for  his  good  Behaviour.  — 

Committed  again  to  the  King's  Bench  Prifon. 
His  Cafe  in  the  Star-Chamber.         — 

—  Sentence  pronounced  againft  him  there. 

—  Sufferings,  how  rewarded  by  the  Commons. 
One  of  the  Eleven  Members  charged  by  the  Ar- 
my with  Mifdemeanors.         —  ■ 

Retires  into  foreign  Parts.  -     ■■  — 

LORDS,  Lift  of,  at  the  firft  Parliament  of  King 

Edward  VI.  '    ■ 

Lift  of,  who  protefted  againft  the  A&  for  the 
Marriage  of  the  Clergy.         —  — 

—  ■■■  -  at  the  firft  Parliament  of  King  James  I. 

See  PBEas. 
LORDS,  New  Houfe  of,  appointed  by  Cromwell. 

Their  Character.  

Lift  of  them.  ■    ■    i  . 

Their  Menage  to  the  Commons,  concerning  a 


■         Authority  called  in  Queftion.       —      — 

—  Menage  to  the  Commons,  concerning  an 
Addrefs  to  the  Protector.        —       — 

How  an  1  we  red.  ■  ■ 

Bb  a 




299,  30O 

306.  7.  s 


356      « 



37? '»38i 


216,  17 

9, 10,11 

167,  8 



Jglzecy  GOOgle 


N       D       E       X     to   the 


LORDS,  their  Diflblurion.  — 

Summoned  to  Weflminfter  by  Richard  Crtmwell 

in  1658.  ■ 

How  difconcerted  at  that  Meeting.       —       — 
Remarkable  Speech  againft  them.       —        — 
Their  Diflblution,  an3  how  occafioned.         — 
LORD's  DAY,  Resolution  of  the  Commons  con- 
cerning it.  — —  ■ 
LOVE,  Rev.  Mr-  convifled  of  High  Treafon 

againft  the  State.         — —  '9 

His  Sentence  by  the  High  Court  of  Juftlce.  -  -   19 

Petition  in  Favour  of  his  Life,  Account  of.     —  19 

LOVELACE,  Lord,  his  D«pofition  in  Favour  of 

the  Earl  of  Portland.  —  — — 

LOVETOT,  Sir  John,  JmJHa  of  the  Common 

Pleas,  how  fined  for  Extortion.     —     1— 

LOUDON,  Earl  of.     See  Campbbll. 

LOWE,  Gtarge,  his  Depofition  in  Favour  of  the 

Lord-Treafurer  ASiddUftx.        —         — 

LLOYD,  Richard,  Efq\  his  Charge  againft  the 

Earls  of  Northumberland  and  Pmbreie.   -  15 
His  Depofition  againft  them  before  the  Peers.  -  15 
LLOYDE,  Edward,  Efq;  convened  before  the 
Commons  for  afperfing  the  Princefs  Pala- 

His  Sentence  on  that  Account.     —  —     5 

Summoned  totheBaroftheHoufeof  Lords.     - 
His  Charge,  and  Anfwer.         —  — 

Sentence,  and  Execution.     —  

LUCAS,  Sir  Charles,  taken  Prifoner  at  the  Siege 

oiCtkbtJitr. —  17 

His  Sentence  and  Death,  on  that  Occafion,  Ac- 
count of.  -  ■'  ■■■■    17 

LUDLOW,  Sir  Henry,  his  Reflexion  upon  King 

Charles  I.     —  ; — 

How  reproved  by  the  Speaker  of  the  Houfc  of 


LUDLOW,  Lieutenant-General,  his  Account  of 
the  Commons  ifliiing  out  new  Writs  for 
fupplying  Vacancies  in  their  Houfc.       — 



297  "31* 
350,  1 


49*.  3 




170,  X 

428,  91 

443.  4.  5 

430.  > 





-„»  Google 

Parliamentary  Hiftory  of  England. 

LUDLOW,  Lituttnmt-Gmrat,  his  Account  of  a 
Debate  in  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  con- 
cerning the  Draught  of  a  Petition  from  the 
City  of  Londun  to  the  King,  on  the  Subject 

of  Peace.  —  

His  Account  of  a  Debate  in  the  Houfe  of  Com- 
mons, concerning  fomc  Troopers  who  had 
brought  a  Letter  from  the  Army,  exclaim- 
ing againft  the  Parliament.  

of  the  Army's  Motive  for  charging 
the  Eleven  Members  of  the  Houfe  of  Com- 
mons with  Treafon,       —  • 

-  of  the  riotous  Behaviour  of  the 

London  Apprentices  before  the  Parliajnent- 

-  of  divers  Members  of  both  Houfe* 

withdrawing  thcrmelves  to  the  Army,  and 
their  Reafons  for  Co  doing. 

-  of  the  Behaviour  of  the  Citizens  of 

Linden,  upon  the  Advance  of  ibe  Army  to 
the  City.      —  —  — — 

—  Project  for  obitrudling  the  Union  of  the 

King   and  Parliament  by  the  Treaty  of 
Peace  in  the  Iflt  offfigbt.  

—  Remark  on  the  Cruelties  exercifed  by  Crm- 

tvtll  in  taking  the  Town  of  Drtgbtda. 
■ —  Account  of  the  Proceedings  of  the  Houfe  of 

Commons,  to  Secure  their  Power.       — — 

- ■'  of  Cromwtlfi  taking  Wixfgrd. 

•—  Remark  on  his  Behaviour  at  a  Conference 

between  a  Committee  of  the  Council  of 

State  and  Lord  Fairfax.     — 
Appointed  one  of  the  Commiuioners  to  go 

Inland,  in  order  to  fettle  the  Civil  Affairs 

His  Account  of  a  Charge  of  Bribery  againft  Lord 

Hnuard,  of  Efirick.         —  — — 

—  •     -          of  an  Embafiy  from  the  States  Ge- 
-     nera)  to  the  Parliament,  touching  fome  Dif- 
ferences in  Point  of  Trade.  

Bb  3 




360,  1 

180,  f 

*94.  S 

45+ "457 

"4i  15 



Jglzecy  GOOgk 


I      N      D 

LUDLOW,  Lintmant-Gtniral,  chofen  one  of 
the  Commiffioners  to  fettle  the  Govern- 
ment of  Ireland.         —  - — - 
His  Account  of  CrtmuulF*  diflblving  the  Long 
Parliament.                       ■     ■ 

—  Character  of  Crtmwttfi  firft Parliament. 

—  Account  of  the  Artifice  of  CrtmwtU,  in  p 

curing  the  Parliament  to  fiirrender  back 
their  Power,  and  the  Manner  in  which  it 
was  done.  —  —  — 

m~—     —of  CrgmwtWt  Reafons  for  diflblving 
his  fecund  Parliament.  —  — 

—  Remarks  op  a  Petition  from  the  Officers  of 

the  Army  againft  Crtmmtffi  being  King. 

-,—  Character  of  CramvitlPs  New  Houfe  of 

Lords.         — ■■  -  

—  Narrative,  of  a  Debate  on  a  Bill  for  recog- 

nizing Richard  CrtmwiWi  Title  to  the 
Protectorate.  — •■  

—  Account  of  the  Proceeoings  in  the  Houfe  of 

Commons,  concerning  Scots  and  Irijk 
Members.  ■■  ■■■  ■  ■  — 

—  Remarks  on  the  Commons'  tranfa&ing  Bu- 

finefs  with  the  Other  Houfe.  

—  Account  of  fome  Proceedings,  relative  to 

the  Diflblution  of  Richard  Crtunv*W&  Par- 

^m of  the  Proceedings,  relative  to  the 

Coalition  between  the  Army  and  the  Re- 
publican Party,  for  reftoring  the  Long  Par- 
rnent.  ■  '  — — 

-  of  the  Army's  Refentment,  on  the 

to    the 

Vol.    Pap. 

1 33'*  136 


Choice  of  a  new  Council  of  State.         — 
«—-  Chara&cr  of  Gen,  Mo*it.        —  — 

Appointed  Commander  in  Chief  of  all  the  Forces 

in  Inland.  •    "  ■  — 

His  Account  of  the  Manner  of  taking  Leave  of 

his  Friends.  * 

—  lucrative  Polls  in  the  Army.         —    .      — 

—  Reafons  for  fufpe&ing  the  Fidelity  of  Gen. 

Lambert  to  the  Parliament,        —*        — 








472*  3 

75  *•  79 

aa  160  0164 

Parliamentary  Hj/iory  of  England.         391 

Vet.     Page. 
LUDLOW,  LieMtinant-G  titer u!,  his  Account  of 
the  Army's  Intentions  to  force  a  Diffolu- 

His  Account  of  their  Proceedings  for  that  Pur* 
pofc.  —  •—  — 

Impeachment  of  High  Treafon  againft  biro.  - 
Difchargcd  from  his  Employments.  — — 
His  Account  of  thePofture  of  Affairs  in  1659. 
.  . .  of  Gen.  MetikJ&  March  to  London, 

and  his  Proceedings  there.      — 
— -  Retirement  into  Switzerland. 
—  farther  Account  of  Gen.  iWawi/sProceedings 
LUNSFORD,  Cal.  appointed  Lieutenant  of  the 
Tower.  — •  — — 

His  Character.         —  .—  — 

Attempt  of  the  Commons  to  remove  him,  Ac- 
count of.  —  —  — 
LUSJGNAN,  Guy,  one  of  the  Committee  for 
King  Henry  III.  appointed  to  reform  the 
Kingdom.                — 
His  Defcent,  and  Alliance  to  King  Henry  III. 

Account  of.     —  —  —     I     64 

Driven  out  of  the  Kingdom  by  the  Barons.    —     I     66 
LUTHER,  Martin,  bis  Attack  on  the  Papal  Au- 
thority. -■■■■-  ■.-■  — 
His  Doctrine  againft  the  Pope's  Supremacy,,  Suc- 

cefs  of.         —  —  —     3     56 

LUXURY  in  Apparel,  how  retrained  in  136a.    -      I   293 

SurprixingAccountoftheExcefsthereof  101388.     I  441 

1464.     a  327 

; 1575-     4  -84 


M ABBOT,  Gilbert^  appointed  by  the  Parlia- 
ment Licencer  of  the  Ptefs.  
C,  new  one  ordered  by  the  Commons.  

Form  thereof.  —  —  — — — 

MACKWORTH,  CoL  Gavtmer  of  Sbrewjiury* 

receives  a  Summons  from  King  Cbariei  II. 

to  furrender  the  Town  and  Caftlc  to  him. 

Hit  fcornful  Letter  in  Aniwcr  thereto.    

3"    . 


27,  8 

iHze^y  GOOgk 


I      N 

MACKWORTH,  Col.  Gtvtrntr  rf  Shrewflmrj, 
how  rewarded  by  the  Commons  for  refu- 
ting to  furrender  that  Town  and  Caftle.    - 
MAGAZINE  at  Hull,  Meffage  from  the  King 
concerning  it.  —  —  — 

Refolution  of  the  Parliament  for  removing  it  to 
London.  —  —  ■   ■     . 

Petition  of  Yortjbiri  Gentry  again  ft  fuch  Rcfolvc. 
Removed  to  London  by  the  Parliament,      — — 
MAGNA  CHARTA,thegreatAdvantageathere- 
of  to  the  Subjects  of  England.  • 

How  defined  by  the  Lawyers.     ■  —    ■  — 

When  firil  granted,  and  by  whom.  -■  —   ■■ 

Confirmed  to  the  Barons  by  King  Htnry  III.  — 
Cancelled  by  him.  ■  — 

Confirmed  by  him  again.  — 

— i a  third  Time.  — 

Violation  thereof,  how  punifhed  by  the  Church. 

Confirmed  by  King  Edward  I.  in  1276.  

— ; 1297.  

, ( „ I300-  

— „ . —  1301.  

■     ■      ■       by  King  Edward  III.  1334.  

___ ^ , 1340.  

— — . — — — 1362.  

MAJOR-GENERALS,  Lift  of \  appointed  by  the 

Protestor  Cr&mwtU,  to  prevent  Infurrcctions 

againft  his  Government.  ■  --■■ — 

Inftru&ions  to  them.  — —  — 

Their  Conduct,  fome  Account  of.  1 

MAJOR,    Richard,    Bfq%    appointed  one  of  the 

Protector's  Council.  '  —  — 

MAITLAND,  Earl  of  Laudtrdale,  and   one  of 

tbi  Scots  Commtjjiontr s,  his  Speech  on  oc- 

cafion  of  the  Parliament's  Army  taking 

King  Chariot  I.  from  Holdtnhj.  

Intuited  by  Sir  Thomas  Fairfax's  Soldiers,  and  on 

what  Account.  — 

His  Letter  to  Lord  Bakarras,  concerning  the 

Scots  Expedition  into  England  in  1651.  — 

"■  to  his  Lady  in  Holland.     •  r  ■■■      — 

X    to    tbe 

Ffl.    Page. 

■  44*.  3 
45*.  5 









'  461/1467 
467,  8,  9 

■  5  +°+iJ>' 

16    201,  2 
2.        S.  f.  t 

20I     ?i  8,  9 

Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  H$ory  of  England. 

MA1TLAND,  Earl  of  Lauder  dale,  taken  Prifoner 
at  the  Battle  of  Werctfltr.      —  — 

See  Commissioners. 
MALCHOLM,  King  of  Scotland,  his  Subjection 

to  King  Henry  II.  Account  of.        

MALLET,  Mr.  Jufliee,  his  Examination  and 
Anfwer,    touching  a  Petition   from   the 

County  of  Kent.        —  — 

Committed  to  the  Tower.     —  ■    ,  - 

MALLORY, ,  EJq;  committed  to  Prifon  for 

'  oppofing  the  Meafures  of  King%ra«I. 

MALT  LIQUOR,  its  Price  afcertained  by  t 
Commons,  and  what.       —  __ 

MALTRAVERS,  Sir  John,   how  fentenced,  for 
being  concern'd  in  the  Death  of  the  Earl  of 


Proclamation  iffued  againft  him,  and  for  what 
Purpofe.  —  «  m. 

His  Submiffion  to  the  King.       —  — 

Reftored  to  his  Honour  and  Eflate.  —  — 

MAN,  lilt  of,  furrendered  to  the  Commons. 
MANCHESTER,  Earl  of.     Sec  Montague. 
MANIFESTO,  Form  of,  in  Favour  of  the  Elec- 
tor Palatini.  ■■ 

Debate  thereon  by  the  Coini 

MANNERS,  George,  Earl  of  Rutland,  appointed 
one  of  the  Parliament's  Committee  to  re- 
fide  with  the  Scots  Army  before  Newark. 
His  Letter,  with  an  Abbreviate  of  the  Muftera 
of  that  Army.  —  <^_ 

Account  of  the  Siege  of  Newark.         

One  of  the  Twelve  Peers  who  rejefied  an  Ordi- 
nance of  the  Commons  for  Trial  of  King 
Charles  I.          -  ■  ■  --                           , 
MANNY,  Sir  Walter,  his  Declaration  to  the  Par- 
liament in  1355.  —  

MANSEL,  Lord,  his  Speech  in  Favour  of  dt  Hath, 
Chief  Juttice  of  England,  in  1251.        — 

5S.  04 





278,  9 


410,  u 
426,  7 
427  "435 


265,  6,  7 

187,  8 

Jig  lizecy  GOOglC 


IN      D      E      X    to  the 

MANSELL,  Sir  Robert,  his  Speech  on  feme  Pro- 
portions of  King  Charles  I.  for  a  Supply. 
MANWARING,  R»g4rt  D.D.  Charge  againft 
him,  on  Account  of  two  Sermons  preached 
by  him  before  King  CharUs  I.     —        — 
Declaration  againft  him  by  the  Commons.     — 
His  Charge  more  fully  laid  open  by  Mr.  Pymme. 
Taken  into  Cuftody  by  Order  of  the  Peers.     ■ — 
Brought  to  the  Bar  of  the  Houfe  of  Lords.     — 

Denies  the  Tenets  aiiedged  againft  him. 

His  Proteftatioo*  touching  the  fame.     —     — 
'—  Requefts  to  the  Lords.  —  ■ 

—  Anfwer  to  the  Charge  againft  him.      - 
Reproved  at  his  Trial  by  George  Abbtty  Arch- 
bifhop  of  Canterbury,  —  — 

His  Judgment  by  the  Lords.       —  — — 

Sent  to  the  fleet.  — -  --  ■    ■ 

His  Submiffion  at  the  Bar  of  the  Houfe  of  Lords. 
Makes  the  fame  SuhmilEon  before  the  Commons. 
His  Sermons  fuppref&d  by  Proclamation.  — 
Receives  the  King's  Pardon,  made  Redlor  of 
Stanford-  RivtrSy  and  foon  after  Bifttop  of 

St.  David's.  — —  

Ordered  to  attend  upon  the  Houfe  .of  Peers,   — 

Secretes  himfelf.  

His  Temporalities*  how  difpofed  of  on  this  Oc- 
casion. ■    "  ■ '-  i 
DE  LA  MARE,  Sir  Peter,  committed  clofe  Pri- 
foner  to  Nottingham  Caftle,  and  on  what 
Account.        —               — 
His  Releafement  therefrom.    — 
Chofen  Speaker  for  the  Commons  in  1 377,  being 

the  firft  upon  Record.         

His  Proteftation  on  that  Occafion.  — 

—  Propofals  for  regulating  the  Government. 

MARESCHAL,  William,  Earl  of  Ptmbrtkt,  one 

of  King  John's  Ambaffadors  to  the  Barons, 

concerning  the  Charter  of  Liberties.      — 

MARGARET,  JPhwb,  Cenfirt  U  King  Henry  the 

Sixth,  her  Coronation.  —  

Her  Defcerit.  —        ■ 

Jglzecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  fflfisry  of  England. 

MARGARET,  %««,  Ctnfirt  H  King  Hmry  thi 
Sixth,  her  Charaacr,  by  Pttjdwt  FtrgU.  ■ 
Her  Character,  by  D'Orltans.         —  — 

*—  great  Refpeit  for  Wtliiem  dt  la  Ptle,  Mar- 
quis of  Suffolk.  — —  ■■  ■  ■ 
■—  Contrivances  with  the  Maiquis  to  ruin  the 

Duke  of  Gltxttfltr.  - 

•—-  Ufu'rpatian.                            ■                — 
. —  Endeavours  to  fcreen  her  Favourite  from 
public  Refent merit.  —  

Refolutions  of  Parliament  againft  her.  —  — 
Overturns  the  Power  of  the  Confederate  Lords. 
Obliges  the  King  to  revoke  the  Grant  of  P/otec- 

torfhip  to  Richard  Duke  of  Yerk.    —   — 
Her  Agreement  with  the  Confederate  Lords,  and 

folemn  ProcelEon  in  Consequence  thereof. 
• —  Flight  into  the  North,  and  Occalion  of  it. 
w~  Refuial  to  ratify  theTreaty  between  the  King 

and  the  Duke  of  Yuri.        —  — 

—  Army  raifcd  on  that  Account,  Number  of. 

—  March  at  the  Head  of  it.  —  — 
n—  Victory  over  the  Duke  and  bis  Forces  at 

— -  Treatment  of  him.  —  

—  Defeat  of  the  Earl  of  Warwick*  near  St.  At- 

Retakes  the  King,  and  marches  towards  London. 
Changes  her  Rout,  and  on  what  Occafion.     — 

Marches  to  Ytrk.  •  •  ••  — 

Her  great  Defeat  at  Towion.  —  - 

—  Flight  with  the  King  and  her  Son  into  Seet- 

Attainted  of  High  Trcafon  at  the  Parliament  in 

Her  freflt  Efforts  to  regain  the  Crown.  —  — 
■ —  Defeat  at  Htgelty-Maor,  by  King  Edw.  IV. 

■ ■  at  Tewkfiurft  and  the  fatal  Confc - 

,  quences  thereof.  ■   ■  — ■■  ■     ■ 

MARINERS,  encouraged  by  an  AS,  Temp.  Elix. 

Debate  about  them  by  the  Commons.         *■— — 


i  340 


»J3.  5 

'■  *& 

1  286 

:  284 

1  287 

)  3°8 
;  308 
1   309 

:   3°9 

■  3<>9 

■  309 
3°9.  10 

:   JIO 


I   311 

1  3l6,  17 
I  314 

1   324 

I  338 
I  35» 

I  499  '"502 

:*y  Google 



E      X    to 

MARINERS,  Method  for  fpeedy  railing  them.   - 

Their  Declaration  to  the  Parliament,  for  a  per- 

fonal  Treaty  with  the  King.  ■■ 

MARKHAM,  Majtrt  his  Letter,  relating  to  the 

State  of  Ltncolnjbire.  •—  —  — 

MARLBURGH,  a  Convention  of  the  Eftatee  held 

there  in  1269.  —  

MARLEY,  Sir  John,  Mayr  of  NraxaflUi  taken 
Prifoner  at  the  Surrender  of  that  Town 

to-  the  Parliament.       *    ■  

Heavy  Complaint  againft  him,  Particulars  of. 

Excepted  from  the  Parliament's  Mercy.  — 

MARQUIS,  who  the  firft  created.        —        — 

MARRIAGES,  Debate  thereon  by  the  Commons. 

By  Force,  how  remedied  by  the  Commons.  — 

How  folemnized,  and  by  whom,  from  the  Year 

1653  to  the  Reftoration.        «—  '         — 

MARSTON-MOOR,  BattU  of,  between  King 

Charles  I.  and  his  Parliament.  ■ 

MARTIAL-LAW,  when  firft  inftituted.         — 
MARTIN  V.  Pope,  his  Remonftrance  to  King 
Henry  VI.  and  the  Parliament,  touching 
the  Statute  of  Provilbrs,  — 

MARTIN,  SirHenrj,  his  Speech  on  fome  Pro- 
portions of  King  Charles  I.  for  a  Supply.  - 
His  Speech,  againft  the  Lords'  Addition  to  the 
Petition  of  Right.  - r  — 

—  ■   ■  againft  the  Validity  of  Dr,  Monta- 

gue's Epilcopal  Confirmation.  ■  ■- 

—  remarkable  Expreffion  to  vindicate  his  Inno- 

cency,  touching  a  Complaint  againft  him. 

—  Report,  concerning  the  Reprieve  of  a  Popilh 


MARTIN,  Henry,  Ejq\  his  Speech  againft  Mo- 
nopolies.                  ■  ' 
His  Report  to  the  Lorde,  touching  the  Queen- 
'     Mother.                 1 —                 *. — 

—  of  the  King's  Preparations  to  befieee 

Huii.  _ — :  — 

Opens  a  Letter  of  the  Earl  of  Northumberland"* 
to  his  Lad/,  —  — 















416,  17 
457.  8 








401.  l 


















,,:„-,  Google 

Parliamentary  Hj/hry  of  England. 

MARTIN.  Hmrj,  Eft-,  his  Reafon  for  opening 
Letter  of  the  Earl  of  NsrtbumbtrUmd'a  to 
hia  Lady.  ■  — 

Juftifies  the  Action,  and  is  caned  by  the  Earl 

His  pert  Expreffions  at  a  Conference  with  the 

Peers,  concerning  an  Ordinance  for  feizing 

the  Eftates  of  the  Royaliib.       —         — 
Caufci  the  King's  Stablet  to  be  broken  open, 

and  leizes  two  of  his  Majcfty 's  Hories.  — 
His  audacious  Anfwer  to  a  Menage  from  thi 

Peers  on  this  Occafion.  ■■  - 

Vindicated  in  this  A3,  and  by  whom.      

His  Language  in  the  Houfe  of  Commons  againft 

the  King  and  Royal  Family.  

Committed  to  the  Tower  on  this  Account.    — 
Releafed  upon  his  Petition,  and  re-admitted  to 

his  Seat  in  Parliament.       --    ■        — 
Reply  to  the  Setts  Commiffioners'  Objections  to 

the  Parliament's  new  Proportions  of  Peace. 
MARY,  «W,  tldtji  Daughter  U  K.  Henry  VIII. 

her  Acceffion  to  the  Throne.     —        —     3 

Puts  out  a  general  Pardon.         —  3 

Difcharges  the  laft  Sublidy.  —  -•■■- ■     3 

Her  Proclamation  on  that  Account.      —       —     3 
Calls  a  Parliament  to  Wijlminjltr  in  03.  1553.     3 

Sollkited  to  marry  ■  3 

Receives  an  Addrefs  from  the  Commons,  againft 

marrying  Philip  of  Spain.         —  — *     3 

Diflolves  the  Parliament.  — 3 

Summons  a  new  one  to  Oxford,  and  adjourns  it 

to  fPiflminfler  in  1554.        —  3 

Obtains  Confent  of  the  Parliament  to  marry 

Diflblves  the  Parliament.  —  3 

Marries  Philip  of  Spain,  eldeft  Son  to  the  Em- 
peror Charles  V.        -                   ■     1  3 
Proclaimed  with  her  Ilufband.            —           —  3 
Their  Titles.                —                .■■-. ...  3 
Calls  a  new  Parliament  in  Nevembtr,  1554.     .  3 



L   223 

I   238 

I    24O 

'■    251 

■   2SI 
1   251 

I  373 
1  373 

1  373 

51  u  69 



289,  90 








)]i:»^y  GOOgle 

N      t>      E      X 


MARY,  £■«»,  etf«yf  Daughter  t*  K.  Harj  VIII. 

herLetter  to  the  Sheriffs,  commanding  them 

to  eJeft  Catholic  Members.       —  — 

Her  Solemnity  at  opening  the  Parliament  in  1554. 

Obtains  a  Repeal  of  all  the  Ads  made  againft 

the  Pope.  -■  ■■— ■ 

Diffolvet  this  Parliament.  — 

Refenti  the  Separation  of  fome  Members  of  the 

Houfe  of  Commons.        —  

Gives  Orders  for  their  Indictment  in  die  King's 

Bench, — 

Fancies  herfelf  with  Child.  —  — 

Receives  an  extraordinary  Addreft  On  this  Oc- 

cafion.  ■    1  11    .  — —  1 

Summons  another  Parliament  to  tViJlminfttr  in 

1555- ■ 

Obtains  tbe  Grant  of  a  Subfidy  from  the  Com- 
mons. .1     ■—  .  "■  1 
Tampers  with  feme  Lords  about  bringing  in  a 
Bill  for  the  ReAitution\of  Church-Lands. 
Finds  the  Nobility  averfe  to  this  Project,  and 

drops  it.  '  '  ■  ,  

Gives  the  Firft- Fruits  and  Tenths  to  the  Church. 

Diflblves  the  Parliament.  —  > 

Lofes  the  important  Town  of  Calais.     —      — 
Summons  a  new  Parliament  to  fViflmtfttr  in 


Obtains  a  Subfidy  from  the  Clergy  and  Laity. 
Her  Orders  concerning  the  State  of  (he  Nation. 
—  Sicknefs  and  Death.  —  — — 

MASON, ,  £/fi  his  Speech  on  the  Liberty 

OftheSnbjed.  .  

His  Speech,  in  Anfwer  to  the  Lords' Addition  to 

the  Petition  of  Right.  —  

MASSEY,  Cupt.  Fronds,  his  Realbns  for  flopping 

the  Sots  Commiflioiieis'  Mefienger,  and 

talcing  his  Letters  from  him.       —      — 

Committed  to  Prifon  by  the  Peers  on  that  Ac- 

Releafed  by  the  Commons.        —  — 

/*     the 

Vol.    Page. 


Uize^y  GOOgle 

Parfiameatary  Hiftory  of  England. 


MASSIE,   Major-General,  one    of    the  Eleven 
Members  of  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  char- 
ged by  the  Army  with  Mifdcmeanon.    — 
Reftored  to  his  Seat  in  the  Houfe  again.     ■— *— 
Taken  Prifoner  at  the  Battle  of  Wtrtefier.     — 
MAUNDAY  THURSDAY,  extraordinary  Ce- 
remony on  that  Day.        ■  — 
MA  YE,  SiV  Humphrey,  Cbanceller  tf  the  Duchy  ef 
Laneajitr,  his  Speech  to  (often  a  Debate 

National  Grievances. 

His  Speech  to  haften  a  Supply,        —  

Interrupts  Sir  John  Elliot  in  his  Recapitulation 

of  public  Grievances.  —  _ 

His  Speech,   to  filence  the  Exceptions  of  the 

Commons  againft  the  King's  Mmifters.  — 

—  ■••    '     ■  -  in  favour  of  Dr.  Montague  and 

T>t.Lttui.  —  --  _ 

-  on  Mr.  Reiki's  Complaint  about 


on  the  Procefs  againft  Merchants 

on  this  Account.  —  

in  Vindication  of  Lord  Chief  Juftice 

Hide,  for  reprieving  fome  Popifli  Prieftg.  - 

"  on  the  King's  Warrant  to  the  Cu- 

stomers for  Tonnage. 

-.  againft  feizing  the  Goods  of  a  Par- 
liament-Man. —  

MAYNARD,  Sir  Jain,  his  Speech  on  public 

Grievances,  ■   .-  

11    —  on  the  Privileges  of  Parliament.  — 

One  of  the  Eleven  Members  charg*d  by  the  Army 

with  Mifdcmeanon.        —  _ 

Expelled  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  and  committed 

to  the  Tower.  —  .-- 

Impeached  of  High  Treafon.      —  — 

Charge  againft  him,  Particrdan  of.  — 

His  remarkable  Behaviour  at  the  Bar.  of  the 
Houfe  of  Lords.  —  __ 

—  Fine  and  Imprifbnment,  Account  of.      — 
Discharged,  from  Reftraint,  and  reftored  to  his 
Scat  again.        —  — —  - 



439>  40 


200,  1 



517,  18 


)]i:»^y  GOOgle 

t  of  having  loft  their  Eftates  in  the 

Civil  War.  

-  charged  by.  the  Army  with  Mifdemeanors 

Impeachment  againft  them,  Particulars  of.     — 

Their  Anfwer.  

Obtain  Leave  to  abfcnt  themfelves  for  fix  Mouths 
Recalled  to  fit  and  vote  in  the  Houfe  again.    — 

400  INDEX     to   the 

MAYNARD,  Sir  Jtbn,  his  Speech  id  Favour  of; 

Col.  Liibournt,  Prisoner  in  the  Tower.     -  17 
MAYNARD,  Lord,  impeached  by  the  Commons  I 

of  High  Treafon.  —  16 

Discharged  from  Reftraint,  and  reftored  to  his  [ 

Seat  in  Parliament.         ■   ■  ■  ~'I7 

One  of  the  Peers  who  rcje&ed  an  Ordinance  of 

the  Commons  for  Trial  of  King  Charles  I.    18 
MAYNARD,  John,  Efq;  his  Speech  againft  the 
Commons'  Declaration  for  nuking  no  far- 
ther Addrefs  to  the  King.  '     —  — 
Made  a  Judge  by  Gen.  Cromwell,  on  his  enter- 
ing to  the  Protectorate.         —          '-  .■ 
MEAL,  Salt  of,  how  regulated  by  the  Commons. 
MEASURES,  when  firft  appointed  by  Parliament. 
MELCOMB-REGIS   Staph,  when  held  there.  - 
MELDRUM,  Sir  John,  bis  Letter,  giving  an  Ac- 
count of  railing  the  Siege  of  Montgomery 
Cattle,   in  Wales.          —                     — -.    1      13   260,  1,3 
MELTON,  William,  Archbifbcp  of  Tori,  Force  put 

upon  him  by  the  Citizens  of  London.     —     1   iti 
Appointed  one  of  the  Guardians  for  the  young 

King,  Edward  111.  —  —     l   I91 

His  Acquittal  from  an  Impeachment,  on  account 

of  the  late  King.  .        —  1   209,  10 

—  Difpute  with  Simon  Mtpham,  Archbiwop  of 

Canterbury.  —  I  218,  19 

MEMBER  oftht  Houfe  of  Commons  ditaintd,  De- 
bate thereon.  ■  ■  ■■  ' 4.  148^150 

MEMBERS,  of  the  Houfi  of  Comment,  expelled 
in  Auguft  and  September,  1642,  Lift  of.     - 
Lift  of,  fince  expelled,  and  on  what  Account.       13 
■  expelled  in  January,  1643.      —      —  13 

—  ■■■-     to  whom  Penfions  were  allowed,  on  Ac 

Jglzecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hijlory  of  England.         40,1 
VtU    Patt. 

MEMBERS,  ffotb  Heufii  tube  went  to  tbe  Arm,, 

their  fcngagement  on  this  Gccaiion.       —    16   241,2,3 

Lift  of,  who  figncd  it.  — —  . —  ■   (6  243,  4 

Of  tbe  Heufi  of  Commons  impeached  by  the  Army, 

who  retired  to  foreign  Parts,  Lift  of.     —  16  275 

Of  tbt  Heufi  of  Lords,  impeached  of  High  Trea- 
f«n  by  the  Commons,  Lift  of.       —      — 

Uifchargcd  rrom  Reflraint,  and  reftored  to  their 
Seat*.  — —  - 

Of  tbt  Heufi  of  Comment  impeached,  reftored 
again  to  their  Seats  in  Parliament.         — 

Of  tbt  Heufi  of  Commons,  Lift  of,  who  were  im- 
prifoned  and  fccludcd  by  die  Army  in  De- 
cember, 1648.  —  — —      16 

Their  Protection  thereupon.        — '         — —   18 

Lift  of,  difcharged  from  Confinement  by  the  Ar- ! 
my.  — I  x8 

—  -  •     ■  re-admitted  on  certain  Conditions.     —  19 

'     '         who  conftituted  Cromwell's  fecond  Par- 1 

J  lament  in  1654.  —  ■■■.  —  ■  20 

'     returned  to  ferve  in  CrtmwelFt   third 
Parliament.  _. 

Their  Admittance  into  the  Houfc,  Manner  of. 

Secluded,  arbitrary  Vote  againft  them.    —  .  — 

Their  Remonftrance  thereupon.        —  — 

Lift  of,  who  Signed  it.  '  ■  ■ 

Of  tbe  Heufi  of  Comment,  elecied  to  ferve  in 
Richard  Cromwell's  Parliament,  Lift  of. 

Of  tbe  dtffolvedJunSo  m  1653,  humorous  De- 
fcri  prion  of.  —  ■  ■■.  ,  — 

Oftht  Long  Parliament,  furviving  in  1 659,  Lift  of. 

Allowed  by  the  Army  to  begin  a  new  Seffion, 

Lift  of.  . : 

How  fined  for  Non-Attendance.         —         

Re-admiffion  of  thofe  into  the  Houfe,  who  had 
been  fecluded  by  Cromwell.        —        — 

Their  Articles  with  Gen.  Monkt*        —        _ 

Lift  of,  who  held  Offices  contrary  to  the  Self- 
denying  Ordinance,  with  their  Characters. 
•  returned  to  ferve  in  the  Convention  Par- 


473.  4 

215,  16 


28  to  36 

3'.  7 




375.  6 


Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 


N      D      E      X-  to    fbe 

Vol.     PHe. 
MEMORIAL,  */  the  Cowmont,  concerning  the 

Great  Contract  with  King  James  I.       —     5  251 to  26© 
Of  the  Purs.,  on  the  fame  Account.  .   —     —     5  261,  2,  j 
Of  the  Parliament,  to  Kinejamet  I.  in  Justifica- 
tion of  the  Duke  of  Buckingham,  againft  an 
Afperfion  of  the  Spanijh  Ambaflador.      —     6    in,  11 
Of  tht  Dutch  Ambajfadort,  concerning  their  1  274 

Mediation    for  Peace   between    King  y   13  284,  5 
Charles  1.  and  his  Parliament.  J  310,  it 

On  the  Subjecl  of  Peace.  —  13  412/9414 

Of  Monfitur  Sabran,  the  French  Agent,  on  his 

being  denied  a  public  Audience.     —    —  13  396,  7,  8 
Of  the  Proceed  ings-of  the  Stats  Army  in  England, 

Anna  1645.  -, 13  4741*484 

Of  the  Scats  CommiJfioners  in  London,  on  their 

Return  home.  ■  -    ■  -  15  252/0257 

MEPHAM,  Simon,  Archbi/hop  cf  Canterbury,  his 

Speech  to  the  Parliament  in  1332.    "     I  214 

Withdraws  himfelf,  and  the  Occafion  thereof.  -     1  214 
His  Difpute  with  WiUiamdt  Melton,  Archbifbop 

of  York.  —  —      1  218  - 

—  Refufal  to  attend  the  Parliament  at  York,  in 

1332,  and  the  Reafon  of  it.      —       —     1  218,  19 
MERCHANTS,  their  Petition  to  the  Commons, 

againft  the  Lard-Treafurer  Middlefex.  —     6  188,  9 
MERKS,  Thomas,  Bijhop  of  Carlifle,  his  elegant 
Speech  at  the  Parliament  in  1399,  againft 
the  Ufurpation  of  King  Edward  IV.     —     2     42  ti  5* 
His  Treatment,  in  Confequence  thereof.  ■     2     50 

MERTON,   a  Convention  of  the  Eftates  held 

there  in  1236.  -7-  1     32 

MESSENGERS  from  the  King  to  the  Parliament, 
with  his  Aniwer  to  their. Proportions  for 

Peace.  .         -r^—  —  13  347,  S 

Their  Reception  and  Proceedings  about  this  )  348, 

Bulinefs,   Particulars  of.  J       *  353'«35& 

MIDDLESEX,  Ear{  of.     See  Cranfibld. 
MIDDLETON,  Sir  Thomas,  his  Letter,  giving 
an  Account  of  railing  the  Siege  of  Montgo- 
mery Caftle.  —  —  —   13  288,  9 


iHze^y  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hjftery  of  England. 


MILDMAY,  Sir  Walttr,  Chancellor  of  thi  Exche- 
quer, his  Speech  for  a  Subfidy.  ■    ■    ■     4 
His  Speech  on  the  Lenity  of  Queen  Elizabeth.  -      4 
for  fecuring  the Naiion  againft  Popery. 

MILDMAY,  Sir  henry,  his  Motion  for  a  Jewel 

o  be  prefented  to  Gene- 

of  800/.  Value, 

ral  Cromwell.    . 
MILITIA  if  tbi  whale  Kingdom,  ordered  up  to 

London*  and  on  what  Occafion.  — 

Their  Number  at  that  Time.  ■ 

Debate  thereon  by  the  Commons.  ■    .    ■  ■■ 

Ordinance  concerning  this  Affair,  Form  of.  — 
Settled  by  the  Parliament  without  the  King's 

Contents  . — .  

For  the  City  of  London,  how  altered  by  Parliament 
Debate   thereon   by  the  Commons*   in  1660. 

MILTON,  Mr.  Order  of  the  Commons  for  his 

Commitment  and  Profecution.  ■■ 

MINISTERS  of  London,   their  Petition. to  the 

Peers  again!*  Schifms.  —  — 

Of  Rutland/hire,  their  Petition  to  the  Parliament 

againft  Heretical  Doctrines. 

■  Articles  of  Complaint 

againft  Samuel  Oattt.  — -  — 

Propofals  to  the  Commons  concerning  them.     - 

MITCHELL,  Sir  Francis,  Charge  againft  him  by 

the  Lords  for  Bribery.  —  — 

His  Defence.  — — 

Sentence  againft  him.                ■  ■ 

His  defpicable  Character.  — 

—  Degradation,  Ceremony  of.       —  — 
MITTON,  CoL  Thomas,  his  Letter,  giving  an 

Account  of  the  Surrender  of  Ruthin  to  him 
for  the  Ufe  of  the  Parliament.  —— 
His  Letter,  giving  an  Account  of  the  Services 
•  done  to  the  "Parliament  by  Dr.  Williams, 
late  ArchbUhop  of  York.  — 

—  farther  Account  of  that  Prelate's  Zeal  for  the 

Parliament's  Ciufe. 
MOCK-DEVOTION,  an  extraordinary  Inftance 
of.        —        —         — . 
C  c  2 






280,  t,  a 

285,  6 

335      '     ' 
2;  8*0280 

'  «4»  »5* 



»22,  3,  4 

409     , 

425,  6 



3SS»  6»  7 




X    to 

MOHUN,  Lardy  his  Letter,  excuiing  hit  Ab- 
sence from  the  Parliament.  

MOMPESSON,  Sir  Giles,  taken  intoCuftody  by 
Order  of  the  Houfe  of  Commons.  — 

Makes  his  ETcape,  and  goes  beyond  Sea.       — 
His  Rooks,  Papers,  tfc.  feized.     —         ■■ 

—  bafe  Practices ,  relating  to  the  Patents  granted 

—  Sentence,  by  the  Lord's.  

...,  by  the  King.  ■■- 

MONARCHY,  when  abolilhed  in  England.     I 

Speech  in  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  in  Favour 
thereof.  ■     ■  ■ 

MONASTERIES,  the  lifer,  when  fuppreffed. 

Their  Revenues,  how  difpoifed  of.  

■  ■     ■    Number,  and  yearly  Income.  —  — 

TbeGreater,  when  fupprcfied,    and   their  Re- 
venues feized.  •— —  ■■    ■  ■ 
MONKE,  Admiral  George,  his  Account  of  the 
Defeat  of  the  Dutch  Fleet  by  the  Engtifi, 

in  1653.  

'  How  rewarded  for  his  Conduit  on  that  Occafion. 
MONKE,  Col.  George,  his  Offer  to  ferve  the  Par- 
liament againft  the  Rebels  in  Ireland.    — 
Obtains  a  Commiflion  for  that  Purpofe.      ■ 
Agrees  to  a  CelTation  of  Arms  with  the  Rebels. 
How  cenfured  by  the  Commons  for  this  Conduit. 
His  Letter,  touching  a  Treaty  for  the  Surrender 
of  Stirling  Cattle,  

—  Service  to  the  Commonwealth,  how  rewarded 
Appointed  one  of  the  Com  miffi oners  for  the  Go- 
vernment of  Scotland.  —  — — 

.  .   ■■  '■   fole  Governor  of  that  Kingdom.     — 

His  Letter  to  the  Parliament  in  1659,  congratu- 
lating them  on  their  Reiteration.        — 

Character,  Defer ipt ion  of.  —        

Appointed  one  of  the  Comm  iffioners  for  govern- 
ing the  Army,  ■ •  .  "■  ' 

His  Letter  from  Scotland  to  Gen.  Fleetwood,  af- 
ferting  the  Liberty  of  Parliament.       — 

426,  7 
33+  ■ 
336,  7,  8 



I  59 »6* 


'44.  5 

193 M I96 


18,   19 



1 290 

4".  3 



Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hi/lory  of  England.         405 
y»t.    Pag: 
MONKE,  Col.  George,  his  Letter  /ran  Scotland  to 
Gen.Lambert,  aliening  the  Liberty  of  Par- 
liament. ■  ■ 


Marches  his  Ann;  to  Edinburgh,  and  feizes  on 
Berwick.  •■  

His  Treatment  of  Col.  Cobbtt.  

Agrees  to  a  Treaty  for  a  Settlement  of  the  State. 

His  Letter  to  Gen.  Fleetwood  thereupon.    — 

—  Proceedings  in  the  Treaty,  fonie  Account  of. 

—  Diligence  in  new-modelling  his  Army.    — 
Calls  a  Convention  of  Eftates  to  Edinburgh,  and 

Occafion  thereof. - 

Advances  towards  England.        

Breaks  the  Treaty.  ■ 

Remarkable  Events,  in  Favour  of  his  Scheme  to 
bring  in  the  King.  ■ 

His  private  Converfation  with  Dr.  Pr'ut  on  that 

— ■■-  Letter  to  the  Parliament  from  Coldfirtam. 

How  complimented  thereupon.        —  - 

His  Letter  to  the  City  of  London,  concerning  the 
Freedom  of  Parliament.        — 

How  anfwered.  —  ■—  * 

His  Reply.  — -  

Settlement  on  him  by  the  Parliament,  as  a  Mark 
of  their  Favour.  

His  Letter  to  his  Friends  in  the  Weft  againlt  Mo- 
narchy.    •■   1  ■  ' 

Procures  the  Removal  of  the  Parliament's  Guards 
from  London.  ,-  — 

Made  Keeper  of  5/.  yames's  Park.  - — — 

His  firft  Speech  to  the  Parliament.  — 

Ordered  to  deftroy  the  Gates  of  the  City  of  Lon- 
don, and  the  Portcttllices  thereof.  — 

His  Letter  to  the  Parliament  on  that  Occafion.  • 

—  to  the  Parliament,  dated  from  White- 

«~-  Speech  and  Declaration,  concerning  Govern- 
ment.   —  ——22    140^14.3 

C  c  3  MONKE, 

Jig  liecy  GOOgk 

4o6  INDEX    t9 

MONKE,  Col.  George,  made  Captain -General  of 
all  the  Land  Forces.  —  

Joined  in  Commiffion  with  Montague,  as  an  Ad- 
miral of  the  Fleet,  ■■  ■  ■■  — 

Grants  made  him  by  the  Parliament  for  his  Ser- 
vices, .1     V      ■  '■■  - 

His  Agreement  with  the  Secluded  Members  for 
teftoring  them  to  their  Seats.      — 

— -  Letter  to  the  Army  on  that  Occafion. 

•—-  Declaration  to'  Sir  Jabn  Grtnvilli  for  refto- 
ring  the  King.  ■■    ■    ■  ■  ■    ■ 

How  complimented  by  the  Commons  at  the  Con- 
vention Parliament.  -  ■  ■  — » 
.  — -r— addrefled  by  the  King.         '   —  — 

Created  Duke  of  AlbtmarU.      .—  — 

Manner  of  introducing  him  into  the  Houfe  of 

His  PropofaU  for  a  Way  to  difband  the  Army 

without  Mutiny.  —  ■ — 

MONOPOLY  granted    by  Parliament,  and    on 

what  Occafion.  !—••■  —  — 

MONOPOLIES,  Debate  thereon  by  the  Com- 
•  Repealed  by  Queen  Elizabeth.         — t  i     ^- 

MONOPOLISTS,  inquired  after  by  the  Com- 
mons. — _  — — — 
Severe  Refolution  aga'mft  them.          —       ■ 
MONTACUTE,  Sir  William,  how  rewarded  by 
King  Edward  III.  for  taking  Roger  Mor- 
,{           timer.  Earl  of  March,         tr~  ■■  ■    ■ 

Created  Earl  of  Salijburj.  «-.  r- 

One  of  the  Peers  fummon'd  to  Parliament  itt  1353 
—  of  the  Committee  appointed  to  confer  with 

the  Commons  on  Affairs  of  State,  in  1373. 
■— -  of  the  Peers  fummoned  to  the  fiift  Parlia- 
ment of  Richard  IL  >■  ■:  ■■.— 

-  — — •  of  the  Committee  appointed  to  furvey  the 

Government  of  his  Perfon  and  -Court.  — 

MONTACUTK,  Jabn,  Earl  »f  Satijhury,  one  of 

fiie  Lords  Appellants  in  J  397.      ■— r       -a 


Vtl.    Pag*. 










170, 1, 1 




m       « 




+64,  5 





♦52  "474 
478.  9 













:=y  Google 

Parliamentary  Hijlory  of  England.  407 

'    Vol.    Page. 
MONT  ACUTE,  Jthn,  Earl  if  Salifbtry,  one 
of  the  Peers  who  fworc  to  fupport  the  Re- 
folutions  of  Parliament  tield  in  1397.     —     I  481 
One  of  the  Committee  on  whom  the  Authority 

of  Parliament  was  delegated  in  1398.    — -     I  494 
■  Pews  fummoned  to  Parliament  by 

Henry  Duke  of  Lancafier,  in  1399-       —     I  5°3 
Proceedings  againft  him,  for  Aits  done  in  the 

twenty- firft  of  Richard  II.         —         — -     %    56 
His  Anfwer  thereto.  ■  ■  -  -  2     56 

Sentence  againft  him.        a     57 

Reftored  to  his  Honours  and  E  (fates.       —    —     2     57  ■ 
Concerned  in  a  Plot  againft  Henry  IV.  and  be- 
headed.              _____               — __    2    65,  6 
MONT  ACUTE,  Thomas,  Eari  *f Sali/bury,  one 
of  the  Peers  fummoned  to  Parliament  by 
Henry  V.  in  1414.  

MONTAGUE,  Edward,  Efq;  how  threatened 
by  King  Henry  VIII.  for  oppofing  his 
Mean)  res,  _____  ■ 

MONTAGUE, ,  Efy;  his  Speech  oh  a  Sub- 

ficty  BUI. ■ 4448 

MONTAGUE, ,  D.  D.  Complaint  againft 

dim  by  the  Commons.         —  — —     6  353, 

Taken  into  Cuftody.         — —  6  354  ' 

Admitted  to  Bail,  and  difcharged  from  Confine-  thelnterpofrtionof  K'mgCharlesl.     6  354 
Called  again  to  Account  by  the  Commons.    —     6  362 
■  Receives  the  King's  Pardon,  and  made  Bilbop  of 

Chichtfttr.  _____  g  244 

Complained  of  by  the  Commons.         —       —     8  279 
His  Epifcopal  Confirmation  debated  by  them.  -     8  285 ' 
MONTAGUE,  Henry,  Earl  of  Mancbejler,  his 
Report  of  the  fecond  Part  of  a  Conference 
between  the  Lords  and  Commons,  on  the 

Liberty  of  the  Subject,        -8     13  ft  II 

IJis  Report  of  Sir  Henry  Martin's  Speech  againft 
the  Addition  made  by  toe  Lords  to  the  Pe- 
tition of  Right.         ■ ■         - — = —    8  134/0141 

Appointed  one  of  the  Commiffioner*  for  giving 
the  Royal  Affent  to  the  Bill  of  Attainder 
againft  the  Earl  of  Strafford.      —        —    9  272 


Jglzecy  GOOgle 


I      N 

E     X 

MONTAGUE,  Htnn.  Btrltf  Sdachtfttr,  his 
Narrative  of  a  Plot  againft  the  Parliament. 

His  Report  of  a  Conference,  relating  to  a  Cuftat 
Rtgni.  — '■...—.  .,_  .,  . 

M""     ■  ',  concerning  the  Bi- 

MONTAGUE,  Lord-,  of  Beughian,  committed  to 
the  Tower,  and  why.      '  —  —— 

MONTAGUE,  Sir  Sidney,  elected  Member  of 
Parliament  for  the  County  of  Huntingdon, 

Expelled  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  and  commit- 
ted to  the  Tower,  for  refuting  to  take  the 
Oath  of  AlTociation  to  live  and  die  with 

the  Earl  of  Efftx.  

MONTAGUE,  Lard,  appointed  one  of  the  Par- 
liament's Commiffioners  to  receive  the 
King  from  the  Scats  Army,  and  conduit 
him  to  Haldtnbj.      ——  ,   . — 

Hi*  Letter,  giving  an  Account  of  a  Party  pf 
Horfe  from  the  Army  having  marched  to 
Holdtnby-Hcuff.        — 

— -  ;  ■  ■  of  their,  carry- 

ing the  Ring  away  from  thence.         — *— 

■"■■   ■ concerning  the  King's  Removal  to 

Newmarket.  —* 

to     tit 

334  »  339 

12  U  17 





393.  4.  5 
39*.  7 

Rit?mui4.  ,  .    — 7 !  15 

.— -  farther  Account  of  tiie  King's  going  there. ;  16 
—  Letter,  concerning  his  Chaplain's  Admiffiort  1 

'  the  Accefs   of  Delin-j 

querns  to  the  King.        — 

-  the  King's  Resolution  to 

go  to  Windfn. 

fir.  -~ 

-  the  Removal  of  Dclin- 

quents  from  the  King.        — 

-  the  King's  going  to  Wind- 

-  hisRemoval  from  thence. 


34.  5 

43.  3 




Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hijhry  of  England.         ^m 
FtL   Pag*. 

MONTAGUE*  Lard,  appointed  otic  of  toeParlia- 
ment's  Commiffioners  to  attend  the  King  at 
Hampton -Court  with  Propo.f1tiQ.n3  of  Peace.  16  z8j 
Appointed  one  of  the  Parliament's  Commiffioners 
to  attend  the  King  in  the  IJlt  af  Wight  with 
Proportions  of  Peace.  —  -  ■■   ■■    16 

MONTAGUE,  Walttr,  Efr,  employed  by  the 
.    Queen  to  follirit   Money  for  the  Engiijk 
Catholics,  for  Jbpporting  the  War  agauilt 
t}\c  Scots  in  1639.        —  —  ■■  — 

His  Removal  from  Court  requeued  by  the  Par- 
liament. —  —  _ 
Arretted  in  the  Retinue  of  the  French  Ambafla- 
dor,  and  lent  to  the  Tower,  by  Order  of 
the  Commons.     .  —                      — — 
Returns  into  England  from  Banifluncnt.  — 
Ordered,  by  the  Commons,  to  .depart  the  King- 
dom, on  Pain  of  Death.                     —— 
MONTAGUE,  Edward,  Lord  Kim Wr«i,.Charge 
of  High  Trealbn  againft  himby  the  King, 
Account  of.            ■                         ■  — ■  — 
Secretes  himfelf.           -  ■  ■■            .— .  — 
His  triumphant  Return  to  IVeJiminfttr,  Partial* 
lars  of.           —              ■          '          — — 

Motion  for  hailening  his  Trial.         — -— 

—  Speech,  on  the  King's  proclaiming  the  Earl 
of  EJfix,  and  his  Adherents,  Traitors.  — 

Succeeds  his  Faiher  as  Earl  of  Mancbefttr. 

His  Speech  to  the  Citizens  of  London,  for  a  Sup- 
ply of  Money  for  the  Parliament.       

i ,—■   1  ■  concerning  the 

King's  Anfwer  to  their  Petition  for  Peace. 
Appointed  to  command  a  large  Body  of  the  Par- 
liament's Horfe.  ■■  — 
His  Letter,  giving  an  Account  of  a  Victory  be 
had  obtained  over  the  King's  Forces  in 
Lincoln/bin.             — -             —  — 
■             ■  concerning  the  Removal  of  Part  of 

his  Army  to  Nnoptrt-PagntU.  — 

■■■— -  -    '     concerning  the  Earl  vS.Efltx**  Defeat 

in  Cornwall,  ■"  —  ,  —  •  ■■-  13 














♦75.  * 


:*y  Google 




to    the 

Vol    Page. 

MONTAGUE,  Edward,  LerdKimboIton,  charged 
with  Cowardice  at  the  fecond  Battle  of 

;    Niwbury.  *3J3°ri 

Clears  himfelf  from  this  Imputation,  and  how.  1 3  j  302 
Reilgns  his  Commiffion  of  Major- General.  —  '3(44" 
His  Declaration  to  the  Peers  on  this  Occafion,  13I440 
—  Letter,  concerning  the  Surrender  of  Newari 

to  the  Parliament,  —  '4  [377 

Leaves  the  Parliament,   and  goes  to  the  Army, 
on  account  of  Tumults.         —  — 

Reftored  to  his  Seat  again.  —  — 

Oae  of  the  Peers  who  rejected  an  Ordinance  of 
the  Commons  for  Trial  of  the  King.     — 
Appointed  Speaker  for  the  Houfe  of  Peeis  at  the 

'  Convention  Parliament.        —         

His  Letter  to  the  Committee  of  Lords  attending 
the  King  at  Breda.        ■ —  — 
Speech  to  the  King,  on  his  coming  to  White- 
hall.           —              — 

MONTAGUE,  Col.  Ed&pd,  appointed  one  of 

the  Prote&orS  Council.  :  — 

Appointed  a  Commiffioner  of  the  Treafury.      -|  20 

. Commander  of  the  Fleet.  —  21 

,       one  of  the  Plenipotentiaries  for  con- 
cluding a  Peace  between  the  two  Northern 

Kings.  21 

His  Letter,  giving  Notice  of  the  King's  embark- 
ing for  England.  —  " 

How  complimented  by  the  Commons  for  his  Ser-  2J 

vices.  .—  "" ~  "7" 

Honours  conferred  on  him  by  the  King,  Parti- 
culars of.    ■        —  —  -HM 
MONTAGUE,  Bertie,  Earl  of  Lhtdfej,  his  Pe- 
tition to  King  CbarUi  II.  concerning  the 

Earldom  of  Oxford.         "  — '" 

MONTE-HERMER,  Ralph,  Earl  of  Ghutefler, 
a  neutral  Loid.  in  the  Quarrel  between 
Kin*  Edward  II.  and  the  Barons.  -  — 
MONTFORT,  William,  Dean  of  St.  Pauh,  his 
fudden  Death  in  fpeaking  a  fet  Speech  to 
King  Edward-It  —    '  — 

16 1 183 

16  210,  224 

18  492 


3i5»  l6 



308.  9 
364.  S 




Jglzecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hijiory  of  England.  411 

FtL    page. 
MONTFORT,  Simon,  Earl  of  Le'teefitr,  appoint- 
ed one  of  the  Barons'  Committee  to  treat 
of  an  Aid  for  King  Henry  III. 
His  Complaint  againft  that  Monarch.      ■  I      59 

Appointed   one  of  the  Grand  Committee  of 

Twenty-four,  to  reform  the  State.        —     I     61 
-  one  of  the  King's  Council  at  the  fame 


-  one  of  the  Committee  to  treat  of  ; 
Aid  for  the  King.  -     - 

■  Head  of  the  Barons'  Party,  in  Sup- 

port of  the  Oxford  Provisions.  ,  -  ■ 

His  Exception  to  the  Award  of  the  French  King 
for  difannulling  them.       —  .— 

—  Victory  over  the  Forces  of  King  Henry  III. 

Account  of.  — '  ■  . 

Takes  him  Prifoner,  with  his  Brother  the  King  of 

the  Remans,  and  their  two  eld  eft  Sons.  : — 
Obliges  Henry  to  appoint  Keepers  of  the  Peace 

in  every  County. 

His  Order  to  them,  touching  the  Election  of 

Commons  to  fit  in  Parliament.      — 

—  great  Power  at  that  Time.  — 
— —  Project  for  reforming  the  Goverment.      — 
. —  Writs  to  the  Prelates,  Barons,  t$c.  to  meet 

for  that  Purpole,  Form  of,         — 
Calls  another  Convention  of  the  to  treat 

about  Prince  Edward's  Releafe. — 

His  Behaviour  to  the  King  and  Prince,  during 

their  Captivity.  —    .       _^_ 

— -  defpotic  Management  of  public  Affairs.     - 

—  final  Overthrow  by  Prince  Edward.         — 
MONTGOMERY  CASTLE,  Succefs  of  the 

Parliament's  Forces  there.  Particulars  of. 
MONTGOMERY,  ffalttr,  Efm\    attainted    of 

Treafon,  and  the  Occafion  thereof.    

His  Execution.  —  — —  . 

MONTHLY  ASSESSMENT,  for  the  Support 
of  the  Parliament's  Army  under  Sir  Thomas 
Fairfax^  Particulars  of.  —  — 

For  the  Support  of  the  Scots  Army  in  England. 

67,  * 

68,  9 


286  to  292 



408,  9 

409,  10 

iHze^y  GOOgle 

4ia  I      N      D      E      X    to  the 


MONTHLY  ASSESSMENT,  charged  upon  the 
feveral  Counties  in  England  and  Wales,  in 

1647,  Particulars  of.  —  

For  carrying  on  the  War  in  Scotland,  Am.  1650, 

Account  of.  '   ■  ■■  ■  -  -   1 

Reduced,  and  in  what  Manner.         —  — 

Charged  upon  Scotland.  

MONTROSE,  Marquis  of.    See  Graham. 
MOORE,  Sir  William,  'bis  Speech  on  a  Bill  for 


MOORE,  SirG**rgi,  bis  Speech  againft  unneoef- 

fary  Armour.  ■     ■■■  — — — 

His  Speech  againft  Monopolies.      —        ■■      ■ 

■ on  a  Bill  for  retorting  to  Church.  — 

MOORE,  Francis,  Efy;  his  Speech  againft  Mo- 
nopolies. -~  ■   ■ 
His  Motion  /or  an  Addrels  of  Thinks  to  Queen 
Elizabeth,  on  her  Refolution  to  repeal  Mo- 

MOORE,  Dr.  his  Speech  againft  Bifttop  Neile. 

MORDAUNT,  Lard  Henry,  committed  to  the 
Tower,  on  Sufpicion  of  being  concerned 
in  the  Powder  Hot,  —  — 

MORDAUNT,  John,  Earl  of  Ptttrbtrtugk, 
takes  up  Arms  in  Favour  of  the  King,  An- 

His  Defeat  by  the  Parliament's  Forces,  Account 

Efcapes  into  Hilland,  and  joins  the  Prince  of 

Walts.  —  

MORDAUNT,   John,  Efj;  Reward  offered  for 

talcing  him.  — 

MORE,  Sir   Thomas,    his   Character    of  Adam 

D'QrUttn,  Bifhop  of  Htrtford.     —      — 

His  Account  of  the  Means  made  Ufe  of  to  obtain 

from  Edward  II.  the  Refignatton  of  his 

Chofen  Speaker  for  the  Commons  in  1 523.    — 
His  humorous  Speech  on  that Occafion;     ■■■■ 
Made  Lord -Chancel  lor.  -         —  —  ■     ■ 

His  Speech,  on  opening  the  Parliament  in  J  529. 



Parliamentary  Hifiory  of  England.         413 

Vol.    P*gu 
MORE,  5iV  llamas,  his  Speech  to  the  Commons, 

'    touching  Qaeen  Catbarint's  Divorce.     —     3     8l,  2 
His  Speech  to  the  Commons,  for  an  Aid  to  the 

—  ReGgnatlon  of  die  Seals  of  bis  Office.       — 

—  Refufal  of   the  Oath  for  renouncing  the 

Pope's  Supremacy.  — - —  

—  Execution  on  that  Account.        —  — 
MORE,  ,  Efq;  his  Reflection  on  King 

CbarUs  I.  — — 

His  Commitment  thereupon  by  the  Commons. 

——  Discharge  by  the  King.  —  — 

MORETON,  Tbtmas,  Bifiepef  Durbam,  joins 

*  in  a  Protcftation  agalnu  the  Legality  of 

,  Parliamentary  Proceedings.        —        — 

Accufed  of  High  Treafon  on  that  Account.  — 

Brought  to  the  Bar  of  the  Houfc  of  Peers.  

His  Charge,  — '• —  ■    ■     ■  — 

—  Anfwer.  "  "■  ■■■ 
Committed  to  the  Ciiftody  of  the  Black-Rod.  • 

MORGAN,  7bomast  eiu  of  tht  Parliament's  Gt- 
nerals,  his  Lettef,  giving  an  Account  of 
taking  the  City  of  Hereford.  ■■  ■■-  — 

MORLEY,  Thomas,  his  Sentence  by  the  Lords, 
for  falfely  charging  the  Lord-Keeper  Wil- 
liams with  indirect:  Practices.  ■ 

MORRICE, ,  Efq;  his  Motion  in  the  Houfe 

'    of  Commons,  for  a  Bill  to  reform  Ecclefi- 

aftical  Courts.  —  — 

Taken  into  Cuftody  on  that  Account.     —     — 

MORRICE,  Mr.  his  Account  of  the  Occafion  of 

Lord  Bngbiltt  quitting  the  Royal  Caufe, 

and  efpouling  that  of  the  Commonwealth.  10 

His  Account  of  a  Treaty  of  Marriage  between 

the  exiled  King  and  CremwcWt  youngeft 

Daughter.  — —  ■■ 

■ of  fome  Proceedings  relative  to  the 

Diflblution  of  the  Parliament  in  1659.  — 

MORTIMER,  Lord  Roger,  his  Expedition  into 

Walit  againlt  Lhuelyn  Bnn,  a.  Rebel.    — 

Ctoc  of  the  Confederacy  agaihiUhetwoZ>/#m/>rr 




138,  9 



184.  5.  * 

373.  4 

487  ft  490 

163.  4 
358ft 361 

tog,  70 

Jglzecy  GOOgle 

414        INDEX/*    the 

MORTIMER,  Ltrd  Roger,  becomes  the  Favou- 
rite of  Queen  Ifabtl,  —  -^— 
Imprifoned  in  the  Tower.            —  ■ 
Efcapes  from  thence,  and  goes  to  the  Queen  in 

One  of  the  chief  Actors  in  the  Murder  of  King 
Edward  II.  ■  ■  ■  -    — 

Made  Prime  M  Snifter  to  King  Edward  III.   — 
His  Authority  thereupon.       —     —         ■ 
Promotes  a  fcandalous  Peace  with  the  Seals.    — 
His  Hatred  to. the  Adherents  of  the  late  King. 

—  martial  Appearance  at   the  Parliament  : 

Soli/bury  in  1 328.  —  

Created  Earl  of  March,  —  

His  hafe  Profecution  of  the  Earl  of  Kent,   the 

King's  Uncle.  ■   -  — — 

—  defperate  Practices,  Complaint  of.    —    — 
Apprehended,  and  fentPrifoner  to  the  Tower. 
At  tides  of  Impeachment  againft  him,  Particulars 

His  Sentence  and  Execution,  —        — 

—  Body,  how  difpofed  of.  —         

MORTIMER,  Rtgtr,  Grandfin  to  Rigtr  Marti- 

mtr,  Earl  of  March,  reftored  to  Blood,  and 
the  Attainder  of  his  Grandfather  reverfed. 
Declared  preemptive  Heir  to  the  Crown.  — 
His  Defcent  by  the  Mother's  Side.  —  — 
Made  Lord -Lieutenant  of  Inland.  —  — 
Summoned  to  the  Parliament  at  Shrew/bury  in 


One  of  the  Committee  on  whom  the  Authority 
of  Parliament  was  delegated.      —        — 

His  Death,   Account  of.  —  

MORTIMER,  Lord  Thomas^   Articles  of   Im- 
peachment againft  him.         ■ —  ■ 

His  Efcapc  into  Ireland.  —    ■■  -  ■  — 

Proceedings  againft  him  in  Confluence  thereof. 

MORTIMER,  Edmund,  Sarin  cf  IVtgmare,  one 

of  the  Committee  appointed  to  confer  with 

the  Commons  on  public  A  flairs,  in  '.J73- 

, ; i376.| 


1  318 


:=y  Google 

Parliamentary  Hijlory  of  England. 

MORTIMER,  Edmund,  Baron  of  Wtgmort,  one 
of  the   Standing  Council    appointed    for 
IClng  Richard  II.  during  his  Minority. 
Succeeds  his  Father  as  JEarl  oi  March.         — 
One  of  the  Peers  fummoned  to  Parliament, 

1 399,  by  Htnry  Duke  of  Lancufttr.      — 
His  Tide  to  the  Crown.  —  — 

—  Reafon  for  not  claiming  thereof.  

—  Retirement,  .on  the  AcccJEon  of  the  Duke  of 

Luncafttr.  -■   ■     - 

—  Endeavours  to  fupprefs  an  Infurrec'lion  in 


Taken  Prifoner  on  that  Occafion.  

His  Ranfom,  by  whom  obtained,  — 

—  Title  to  the  Crown,  how  ftrengthened. 
Summoned  to  Parliament  by  King  Htnry  V.  in 

by  K.  Htnry  VI.  in  1423. 

His  Petition  to  (he  Parliament,   concerning  a 

Contract  with  the  late  King.         

Sent  with  Tome  Forces  into  Inland  to  fecure  that 


His  Death.  — 

—  Inheritance,  to  whom  defcended. 
MORTIMER,  Sir  John,  indicted  on  the  Statute 

.  of  Efcapcs,  —  —  -■■■    — — 

Hts  Ruin,  how  contrived  by  the  Parliament.  — 
Articles  alledged  againft  him.  —  — 

Apprehended,  and  brought  before  die  Parliament 

in  1423.  

His  Sentence  and  Execution.  — 

MORTMAIN,  Statute  of,  when  firft  enacted. 

The  Reafon  and  Intention  thereof.     — 
MORTON,   Thomas,  Archbifhop  of  Canterbury, 
and  Lord-Chancellor,    his   Speech  to  the 
Parliament  in  1488.  —  ■   .   ■ 

MOTTO  engraved  upon  the  Seals  of  King  Hen- 
ry VlT  bv  Order  of  Parliament  in  1422. 
MOUNT AIGNE,  George,  B'tjhop  of  London,  his 
Anfwcr  to  a  Meflage  of  the  Lords,  con- 
cerning the  Printing  Dr.  Manwaring's  Ser- 
mons. ■      ...  .  — 












MOWBRAY,  Thomas,  Earl  of  Nottingham,  one 
of  the  Lords  called  Appellants  in  [388. 

Difttnguilhing  Honours  eorrferr'd  on  hits  by  King 
Richard  II.  Particulars  of.         —  — 

One  of  the  Lords  Appellants  in  1397.        — 

Made  Governor  of  Calais.  —  — 

His  Anfwer  to  a  Warrant  for  bringing  orer  the 
Duke  of  Ghuctfter.  ■—  

Created  Duke  of  Norfolk.  —  

Complaint  againft  him  by  the  Dudce  of  Hertford, 
Particulars  of.  ■-   ■■  1 

Proceedings  thereupon  by  the  King  and  Com- 
mittee of  Parliament.       —  

His  Sentence.  ■  . ...  —  — — 

—  Death,  and  Character.        —  — 
MOWBRAY,  Thomas,  Earl  Mar jhal,  one  of  the 

Principals  concerned   in    an  Jnfurre&ion 
againft  King  Htnry  IV.  — 

His  fatal  Cataftrophe  on  that  Account. 

MOWBRAY,  John,  Earl  Marfan  one  of  the 

Peers  fummon'd  to  the  Parliament  m  1414, 

ty  King  Htnry  V.      '  —  

One  of  the  Peers  fummon'd  to  the  Parliament  in 
1413,  by  King  Htnry  VI.  

His  Contcft  with  Richard  Btauchamp,  Earl  of 
Warwick,  about  Precedency.  — 

—  Pedigree,  Account  of.        ■    — 

—  Claim  to  the  Title  of  Duke  of  Norfolk. 

—  Reftotation  thereto.      ■ ■ 

One  of  the  chief  Supporters  of  Richard  Duke  of 

York,  in  his  ClaTm  to  the  Crown.         — 
MOYLE,  Thomas,  Efq;  elected  Speaker  for  the 

-Commons  in  1542.    *— —  . 

MULGRAVE,  Earl  of.     See  Siumim. 
MURRAY,  Sir  Robert,  his  Examination,  touch- 
ing a  Charge  againft  the  Setts,  for  affifting 
the  King  in  an  intended  Efcapc  from  Ntw- 

MURRAY,  Mr.  William,  his  Examination,  rela- 
ting to  a  Charge  againft  the  Scats,  for  af- 
fimng  the  King  in  an  intended  Efcape  from 
Newcafllt.        ■    1  ■ 

Vol    Page. 

:;y  GOOglC 

Parlmmmtary  fflfory  of  England. 

MUSSELBURGH;  Bmli  if.  Ami  IJ4.7.      — 
MUSGRAVE,  Sir  Philip,  feizei  the  City  of  Cttr- 

Ufli  for  the  King.        — 

MUSTERS  of  the  Setts  Armj  iifgre  Nrtuari,  Ab- 

MYERS,  Jihn,  Efq;  Alderman  ./  Yuri,  diifran- 
chifed,  by  an  Ordinance  of  Parliament,  for 
his  Loyalty  to  King  Chattel  L        - 


ANTON,  Sir  Thomas,  elected  Speaker  to  the 
Commons  in  1425.         —  — 

ARRATIVE  of  Tome  remarkable  PaiTagcs  be- 
tween King  Charles  I.  and  a  Committee  of 
-    Lords  and  Commons  at  Newmarket.     — 

Of  the  King's  going  to  Hull.    —  ..,.— 

OF  prcfenting  a  Petition,  from  the  Common 
Council  of  Land™,  to  the  King  for  Peace. 

Of  a  Plot  againft  the  Parliament.  — — 

Of  what  puffed  between  the  King  and  Parlia- 
ment's Commiffioners,  on  prefeming  Tome 
Proportions  of  Peace.    —  

Of  another  Plot  againft  the  Parliament.  — 

Of  a  Victory  obtain'd  by  Major-General  Paintz 
over  the  King's  Forces  near  Chefter.      — 

Of  the  King's  Affairs,  as  mentioned  in  an  ano- 
nymous Letter  from  Newark.     *     •  <    •     ■ 

Of  the  Negotiations  between  the  Englijb  and 
Scots  Commiffioners  at  Berwick.        ■ 

Of  Sir  Jacob  4ftley\  Defeat  by  the  Parliament's 
Forces.  ■■  ■■- 

Concerning  a  Breach  of  the  Privilege  of  Parlia- 
ment, by  the  Aflembly  of  Divines.     

Of  the  Proceedings  of  the  Parliament's  Commif- 
fioners with  the  King  at  Newcaflle,  on  the 
Affair  of  Peace.         — 

Of  what  patTcd  between  the  King  and  Cornet 
'Joyce,  who  carried  his  Majefty  from  Hoi- 
denby  in  1647.  —  

Of  what  palled  between  the  King  and  Mr.  Rtymes 
at  Newmarket,  touching  the  Proceedings  of 

the  Army.  




ii$,  232 



3S6»  7. 


12. 281 « 295 

'3  336"34* 
13 -501/0 500 

62  to  65 
IOO,  I 
360/0  363 

54.  5»* 


utzecrjy  Google 



X    to 

NARRATIVE  of  what  ptfled  between  the  King 
and  the  Parliament's  Commiffioners,  on 
preferring  the  Propofitions  of  Peace  at 
Hampton- Court.  —  ■  — 

Of  the  Duke  of  YorPt  Efcape  from  St.  Jamts' 

Of  great  Diforders  in  the  Fleet.  ■  ■■■  • 

Of  the  King's  Endeavour  to  efcape  from  his 
Confinement  m  the  Ifli  of  Wight*  and  of 
Capt.  Ralph's  Defign  to  murder  him.    — 

Of  a  Charge  of  High  Treafon  againft  Cromwell 
by  Major  Huntington.         —  •  — 

Of  the  Parliament's  Proceedings  in  the  Refor- 
mation of  Religion,  and  of  their  Endea- 
vours for  Peace.  ••    •  

Of  What  pafled  between  the  King  and  the  Par- 
liament's Commiffioners,  on  preferring  the 
Votes  for  a  perfonal  Treaty.  ■   ■   ■ 

Of  Col.  fPaytt's  taking  the  Duke  of  Hamilton 
Prifoner.  — — 

Of  fome  Circumftances  which  -pafled  between 
the  King  and  the  Parliament's  Commif- 
fioners, previous  to  the  Treaty.        — 

Of  the  King's  refilling  to  efcape  from  Newport, 
in  the  1JU  of  fright,  although  apprized  of 
the  Army's  Dejign  to  feize  him.  — 

Of  the  mifchtevous  Practices  of  the  Jefuits  in 
England,  "from  1640  to  Dtcember  1648.  - 
,  Of  the  Army's  Refentment  againft  their  Oppo- 
'  nents  in  the'Houfe  of  Commons,  who  had 
voted  in  Favour  of  a  perianal  Treaty  with 
the  King.  — ■ —  ~ 

Of  Mr.  £*rffcn'*5  Project  for  hindering  the  Union 
of  the  King  and  Parliament  by  that  Treaty. 

Of  Gen.  Jrtten's  taking  fr'aterjord,  Wr.  in  Ire- 
land. - 

Of  the  Commons'  great  Succefies.     —  — 

Of  the  Battle  at  tPoTCtJlery  by  an  Officer  of  the 
King's  Army.         — — 

Of  a  Plot  in  Favour  of  the  King.  *  — 

Of  Crtmwtlfs  Death.        — — 

Of  thi.  Manner  of  proclaiming  his  Son  Richard 


Vol.     Pagt. 

in,  13 

ioo./#  208 

360  n  37a 


396.  7»  * 

4°3»  4.  5 


447  "453 

454 '"457 

334  "337 
59  "  6s 

65  to  68 
200,  7,8 

228  re  231 

UizecJy  GOOgle 

PtrBamentary  Hijkry  af  Englanj). 

NARRATIVE  of  Took  remarkable  Debates  of 
the  Commons  in  165.7.        — *           "  ' 
Of  fome  Proceedings  relative  to  the  Diflblution 
of  the  Parliament  in  1659.                    —  - 
Of  the  Proceedingi  of  the  Army  and  the  Re- 
publican Parry.  —  ■ 

Of  the  Army's  forcible  Exclufion  of  divers  Mem- 
bers from  the  floufe.         —  — 
Of  the  Army's  Proceedings  to  deftroy  the  Par-  ) 
foment.  J 
Of  the  fecluded  Members  being  refilled  Admit- 
tance  into  the  Houfe.          —                — 
Of  Gen.  M*nit's  Proceedings,  ffe.       —  — 
NASEBY,  Battle  there  between  King  CharUs  I. 

and  his  Parliament         —  

NATURALIZATION  tf  At  Setts,  wvmty  dif- 
puted  between  the  two  Houfes  of  Parlia- 
ment. ■  '  ■  —     — 
NAVANT,  Hugh,  Btfix>p  of  Coventry,  Judgment 
demanded  againft  liim  by  King  Ricbardl. 
Occa&on  thereof.         ■■--  ■■■  -  ■-- 
By  what  Means  reftored  again  to  the  King's  Fa- 
vour.               ■— — ■                        —  ■'  ■'-■ 
NAVIGATION,  encouraged  by  an  ASt  of  Par- 
liament, and  in  what  Manner.          — - 
Encouraged  by  an  Ail  of  the  Commons.        — 
NAVY,  State  of,  in  1641.            —  — 
Eft  i  mace  of  the  Charge  thereof  for  1644.       — 

State  of,  that  Year.  —  

'  in  February-,  1-645.    "■**  """" 

Appointed  by  Parliament  for  1648,  Account  of. 
Eftimates  of  the  annual  Charge  thereof  in  1649. 
Charge  thereof  for  fix  Months,  during  the  Dutch 
War  in  1653.  —  —— 

Commanders  of,  their  Addrefs  to  Gen.  Cram- 
well,  on  bis  Inauguration  to  the  Protectorate 
Lift  of,  in  May,  1659.  — —  — 

Eftimate  of  the  Debts  thereof  in  Mirth,  1659. 
— —  of  the  Charge  of  letting  forth  a  Fleet 

to  Sea,  Wr.  

Lift  of,  at  the  ReftonUtoa  of  King  CharUs  II,  - 
D  d  2 


21  313/9 318 


»'  3*9.  7° 
21!  384/0308 


29  te  33 
66  u  79  ' 





458 u 461 

"5.  6,  7 
*5$*  4 
5".  3 


266,  7,  & 

423.  4 

296,  7 

Jglzecy  GOOgk 


N      D 

X    to 

NAYLOR,  James,  Proceedings  of  (he  Parliament 

againft  him  foi-  Blafphemy.  ■  ■    ■ 

NECESSARIES  provided  by  the  Parliament  for 

the  Service  of  the  King  againft  his  Return, 

Lift  of.  —  

Provided  for  the  King's  prefent  Reception,  Efti- 

mate  of.  •  ■  ■    —  --■  ■ 

NEGOTIATIONS  between  the  Parliament's  ) 

C o in miffi oners  and  the  Army,  Account 


NEILE,  Richard^   B'tjhop  of  Lincoln,  Complaint 

againft  him  by  the  Commons. 

His  Proteftation  to  the  Peers  on  that  Account. 

Made  Bifhop  of  Wincbefter.  —  

Voted,  by  the  Commons,  unfound  in  his  Faith. 
Complaint  againft  him  on  that  Occafion.  ■■— 
His  different  Tran  flat  ions  and  Preferments,  Ac- 
count of.  — 
NETHERSALE,  Sir  Francis  his  Letter  to  Sir 
G mrge  Calvert,  in  Commendation  of'Johi 
Digit,  Earl  of  Briftel.       —  - 
NEVILL,  John,   how   rewarded   by  King  Ed- 
ward III.  for  taking  Roger  Mortimer,  Earl 

of  March.  ■ ■ 

NEVILL,  Alexander,  Archiijhop  of  York,  one  of 

the  Council  of  State  heM  at  Nottingham 

by  King  Richard  II.  — 

Articles  of  Impeachment  againft  htm   by  the 

Lords  Appellants.  — 

Convicted  of  High  Treafon.        — 
His  Sentence.  — 

NEVILL,  Lord  Ralph,  made  Conftable  of  the 

Created  Enrl  of  Wtflmmhmi.        —  

His  Arrcft  of  Thomas  Miris,  Bifllop  of  CarUfle, 

for  High  Treafon.  —  

Made  General  of  the  Forces  of  King  Edw.  IV. 
Supprefies  an  Infarre&ion  in  Torkjbire,  ■— 

Made   High  Warden  of  the  Marches  towards 

His  Speech  againft  a  War  with  Franc*.         — 


r>i.  pv. 

11 282, 3, + 

22;  29O,    I 

1 35.'.  5" 

16  5>.  58.  t 

66,  68,  9 

293.  4 

8  219 
8  289,  9a 

7  189,  90 

I  +1+1.427 
'  +30 


1  +79 

2    50 

2     8+ 
2     8+ 

2     I4O 

2  i  140,  r, 

=,  Google 

Parliamentary  Hiftory  of  England.         421 

Vol.     Pug*. 
NEVILL,  George,  Bijbtp  of  Bxtttr,  and  Lord- 
Chancellor,  his  Speech  on  opening  the  Scf- 
fion  of  Parliament  in  14-61,      —       ■   ■  ■■■■ 
His  Speech   on  opening  the  Seffion  of  Parlia- 
ment in  14.61.            --■'—            '  2  313 

1+63.            2  322 

Made  Archbi&op  of  York,          —            - —  2  323 

Opens  the  Seffion  of  Parliament  in  1467.  ■     —  2  329 

His  Peribn  and  Effects  feized  on.        —        —  2  355, 

—  Imprifonment  and  Death,  Account  of.     —  2  356 
NEVILL,  Lordjehn,  created  V ifcount M/mtacute.  2  321 

Created  Marquis  of  Mnntucuts.         —     —     2  321 
Joins  his  Brother,  the  Earl  of  fVartu'uk,  -in  the 
Battle  of  Burnet,  againft  Edward  Duke  of 

Tori,  and  -flain  there*       — —  2  338 

His  Character,  fome  Remarks  thereon.  —   —     2  354, 
N£VILLt  Lard  George,  created  Duke  of  Bedford.      2  354 
His  Title  and  Honour  revoked,  and  on  what 

Occafton.  2  354 

— —  Poverty  and  Death,  Account  of.    —      —     2  354 
NEVILL,  Richard,  Earl  ofSaliJbury,  one  of  die 
Peers  fummoned  to  Parliament  in  1451, 

by  Henry  VI. u- 

One  of  the  chief  Supporters  of  Richard  Duke  of 

Turk,  in  his  Claim  to  the  Crown.  — -     2  267 

Appointed  one  of  the  Guardians  of  the  Seas.    -     2.  274 
Joins  the  Duke  of  York  at  the  Battle  of  St.  Jlhan's.     2277 
His  Acquittal  _of  diiloyal  Practices  on  that  Ac- 
count. -  ■-  '■-  _— — 

—  Refignation  of  the  Office  of  Guardian  o 

the  Seas.  — — -  2  280 

Made  Lord -Chancellor.  —  .  2  284 

Attainted  of  High  Trealbn.         —  2288 

Charge  againft  him.  .  ,- 2  289 

His  Lands,  EsV.  forfeited  to  the  Crown.   ■ —   —  2  290 
Overthrows  all  the  Meafures  taken  againft  him, 

and  how.  • 2  293 

Joins  the  Duke  of  Tort,  in  the  Battle  of  Sandal,  . 

againft  Queen  Margaret.         — -       2  309 

His  Cataftrophe  there,  and  ignominious  Treat- 
ment. ■  -  — — —  .    ■  2  309 

D  d  3  NEVILL, 

Jglzecy  GOOgk 

422  I      N      D      £      X    H    the 

V»t.    Part. 

NEVILL,  Lord  RUhatd,  Sin  if  Richard  Earl  of 
Salisbury,    his  Marriage  with  Lady  An* 

Btauthamtt.  .  — 

Takes  the  Title  of  Earl  <AW*rwitk  on  thatOc- 

One  of  the  principal  Supporters  of  Richard  Duke 
of  Tirk1  in  bis  Claim  to  the  Crown.      — 
Joins  the  Dulse  at  the  Battle  of  St.  Atban's. 
agamil  King  /frsty  VI.  ,    .     . 
His  Acquittal  of  difloyal  Practices  on  that  Ac- 
count.                —                   *— — 

Appointed  Governor  of  Calais.  — 

Hi;.  Danger  from  a  Quarrel  near  the  King's 

Palicc.  «i.    —  i 

—-  Sufpicron*  of  the  Queen  thereupon,  -*■ 

Attainted  of  High  Tresfon.         — 
Charge  againft  him.  -. — ■— 

His  Lands,  fcfr.  forfeited  to  the  Crown.         •— 
Overturns  thefe   Meafurea  taken  againft  him, 
and  bow.  --  ■-  ■  ■■■.*■ 

His  Defeat  at  St.  Alton's  by  Queen  Margurtt. 
Joins  Edward  Duke  oiYork,  and  to  at- 
tack the  Queen  again.        *— 
His  Victory  over  ber  at  Towtan.      — 
Made  Governot  of  Calais.  — 

His  great  Income,  in  Pennons,  Wr.   from  King 

AffasW  IV.  r  —— 

Appointed  the  King's  Commiiaaner  to  hold  a 

Parliament  in  1464-  —  — — 

Arrcfts  the  late  King  Htnry,  and  commits  him 

to  the  Tower.  

His  Embafly  to  the  King  of  Franct. 

How  difgraced  on  <hat  Account  by  i£.  Edward, 

His  Refentment  thereupon. 

Takes  the  King  Prifoner. 

His  Difpofal  of  him. 

Driven  out  of  the  Kingdom  00  Edward's 

„_      Efcape. 
His  Return. 

Forces  Edward  to  leave  England. 
Rdeafes  Henry  front  his  lniprifunment.   — 

Jglzecy  GOOgk 

ParSMtintury  l^ftcry  if  EkgiaKd. 


NEVILL,  Lird  tlctard,  S.«  If Richard  Earl  if 

Selijbury,  reftores  Htnryxo  the  Crown.    • 

Made  Proreceof  of  the  Realm.'       —         — r- 

His  Battle  with  Edward  at  Barmtt,  Account  of. 

Defeat  and  Death  there.       —  — — 

NF.VILE,  llcmat,  Efy;  electa)  Speaker  to  the 

Coanmoaa  in  1514.  — — 

Knghted  by  King  Uarj  VIII.        —  — 

NEVII.E,  Sir  Edward,  attainted  of  High  Tree 

Ion,  and  on  wont  Account.       —       — 

Hia  Execution.  — —  . 

NEVILE,  Sir  Jiim,  heads  a  Rebellion  in  rtrkjkrr. 

Hil  Execution  us  Confetruence  thereof.       

NEVILE,  Chorlo,  Earl  if  W.JbmriUmd,  one  ol 

the  Committee  appointed  to  petition.  Qycen 

Elrxohub  about  her  Marriage.    **•       — 

One  of  the  Peers  who  protefted  againff  a  Bill 

concerning  the  Englijb  Ordination. 
Joins  in  a  Rebellion  agairui  the  Queen. 
Convicted  of  High  Treaibn  on  that  Account.  - 
His  Banifhmcut  and  Death.         — 
—  Lands,  CSV.  Forfeiture  of.         — 
NEWARK,  Ttiim  </,  beneged  by  the  Earlifi  and 
Scoli  Forces.  — 

Progrefs  of  the  Siege  there,  fonts  Account  of.  >    la 

Surrendered  to  the  Parliament,  be  the  King's 

Command.  —  .  14 

State  of,  at  that  Time.  1  —  14 

NEWARK,  Fihuutf.    SeePnttfoiHT.' 

NEWBURN,  Battli  if,  with  the  Sou.       

NEWBURY,  BallU  if,  between  King  Otrlii  1. 

and  his  Parliament.        —  ■ 

Second  Battle  there  between  them,  Account  of. 

NEWCASTLE,  taken  by  the  Scan,  Ami  1640. 

Informations  from  thence,  of  Forces  put  in  there 

for  the  King.       ^— —  — — 

Taken  by  the  Scut  Army  for  the  Parliament  of 

England.  ^—  13 

Particulars  of  this  Affair.       —  1 15 





»4      ' 



"95.  8 
%'%,  16 






3<>3  «3"7 

Jig  lizecy  GOOgle 






NEWCASTLE,  Petition  from  thence  to  the  Houfe 
of  Commons,  for  Juft  ice  upon  Delinquents, 
previous  to  the  Conclufion  of  a  Treaty  with 
the  King.  —  

NEWCASTLE,  Earlof.  See  Cavendish,  W-. 

NEWDIGATE,  Mr.  made  a  Judge  by  Cram- 

well,  on  his  Entrance  to  the  Protectorate. 

Made  Chief  Juftice  of  the  Upper  Bench.        — 

NEW-ENGLAND,  its  infant  Statt,  with  the 
Means  to  improve  it,  fome  Account  of. 

NICHOLAS,  Edward,  Efc  Stcrttary  if  Statt  n 
King  Cbarlis  I.  his  Letter  to  the  Earl  of 
Cumberland,  relating  to  the  King's  Forces. 
His  Letter,  concerning  a  Safe-Conduit  to  a 
Committee  from  the  Parliament  to  the 
King.  -     ■  — - — 

NICHOLAS, ,  Serjeant  at  Law,  appointed  J 

one  of  the  Judges  of  the  Upper  Bench*.  S 

NICHOLS,  Anthony,  EJq;  one  of  the  Eleven 
Members  of  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  char- 
ged by  the  Army  with  Mifdemeanor*.  — 
Reftored  to  his  Seat  in  the  Houle  again.    ■■  ■  ■■ 

NORFOLK,  Earl  of.    See  Howard. 

NORHAM,  a  Convention  of  the  Eftates  held  there 
in  I2QI.  — — 

NORMANDY,  taken  by  the  Frtnch,  Anne  1449. 

NORMANDY,  Dukt  of,  Brother  to  King  Htnrj  1. 
See  King  Henry  I. 

NORRIS,  Lord  Htnry,  when  firft  fummoncd  to 
Parliament.  —  1 

NORRIS,  Francis,  Earl  of  Btrijbin,  committed 
to  the  Fleet  for  an  Offence  agajnft  Lord 
Scroop,  and  the  Honour  of  the  Houfe  of 

Hts  Letter  of  Submiffion  on  that  Account.     — 

—  Reconciliation,  and  Difcharge.  

NORTH,  Lord,  one  of  the  Peers  who  rejected  an 

Ordinance  of  the  Commons  for  the  Trial 

of  King  Charitil.        —  --  — 

NORTHAMPTON,  a  Convention  of  the  Eftates 

held  there  in  11 76.        ! 1 


Vol.    jv 



481,  t 

165,  6 

:=y  Google 

Parliamentary  Hjfiory  of  England. 


NORTHAMPTON,  a  Convention  of  the  F.ftatcs 

held  there  in  1124.    —  ■ 

A  Parliament  held  there  in  1308.  

— 1328.  

■ I336-  


. I38o.  

Baiiie  there  between  King  Htnry  VI.  and  Ed- 
ward Plantagtnet,   Earl  of  March.  — 

NORTHAMPTON,  Earl  of.     SeeCoMPTOW. 

NORTHBURG,  Dr.  MUbael,  Ketptr  of  tht 
Privy  Still,  his  Command  to  Dr.  "John  dt 
Swineley,  the  Pope's  Notary.  '     - 

NORTHERN  COUNTIES,  State  of,  iapt- 
< ember,    1 642.  ■■    ■    ■  

NORTHUMBERLAND,  Earl  of.    See  Percy, 

alias  PlBRCY. 
NORTON,  Sir  Daniel,  his  Information  concern- 
ing Dr.  Mart  and  Dr.  Ntilt.  

NOTTINGHAM,  a  Parliament  held  there,  1 194. 
. 1330. 

—  — . Ii3^>- 

A  Council  of  State  held  there  by  Rich.  II.  1387. 

. i397. 

Petition  from  thence,  fetting  forth  the  Diftrefs  of 

that  Part  of  the  County  North  of  Trait. 
NOTTINGHAM,  Earl  of.     See  Howard. 

NOY,  ,  Rfq\  his  Argument  for  the  Liberty 

of  the  Subject.  —  

His  Speech  againft  the  Lords'  Addition  to  the 
Petition  of  Right.         —  

.  —  on  the  Proceb  againft  Merchants  for 

Tonnage.  — *—  -■■  ■■ 

■  againft  feizing  the  Goods  of  a  Par- 
liament-Man. —  

Made  Attorney-General.  *—  — 


OATES,  Samuel,  Complaint  againft  him  to  the 
Parliamentfar  propagating  wicked  Doctrines.  16 
His  Tenets,  Particulars  of.  —  —  16 



m  : 

283,  286 

93  tt  98 


205,  6 

62,  3. 4 


291,  1 


40a,  1 
4°2.  3 


4*6  I      N       D       E      X     ta 

OATH,  Forme*,  taken  in  1361,  topreferv*  the 
Peace  concluded  between- King  EJwardlll, 
and  John  King  of  Franc:        —         — 

Form  ef,  taken  by  both  Hoi  As  of  Parliament  m 
13)88,  to  ftipport  the  Law*,  Mid  keep-  the 
Peace  of  the- Ktngdoa*.  • —  — 

Isipofed  aporr  ttH  Gentlenwn  ana-  dignified  Per- 
fois.  ■  — ■ 

ActM*om*riIy  admimftred  to-  A*  Kings  ef  f^p- 
iW  at  their  Ceienoaon,  P«tk  of.       — 

For  fwtarine  to  the  A&  of  Succcfioa  in  Fa- 
vour of  Ann  B'sltign.  —  — 

.    ,  to  the  Ac*  ef  Supremacy,  >** 

AdwHiiftwd  to  the  Clergy  and  Laity  throaghwit 
England,  Amu  lO-IO.  —  — 

Form  of,  adminiftred  to  the  Witnefles  in  Lord 
Chancellor  Brnwia  Canfc.         —         — 

„  ■fiiaHy  taken  bf  die  Mcniben  of  the 

Houfe  of  Common*.  —  — — 

1  taken  by  the  Kings  of  hngfond  at  their 

Coronation.  — —  ' 

, , by  the  Officers  of  the  Phrbamcnt'a 

Army,  in  164*.  —  — 

Of  Secrtty*  propoftd  to  be  taken  nj  the  B*gW 
and  Scttt  Comoiiffioners  appointed  to  ma- 
nage the  Common  Cauie. 

Rcafons  againft  it  by  the  Peers. 

........  for  it  by  the  Commons. 

Form  of,  adminiftred  to  the  Servants  of  the 
King's  younger  Children-  at  St.  Jmvufi. 

—  to  the  Joint  Committee  of 

both  Kingdoms.  —  .*— 

-  ro  all  Perfbru  who  Ihould 


V»l    Pig*. 

come  under  the  Parliament's  Protection.  - 
Of  Stertey,  Form  of,  relating  to  an  Infurre&k>» 
in  Favour  of  the  King.  —  — 

Form  of,  taken  by  thofe  Judge*  who  accepted 
of  Commiflions  from  the  Hosfe  of  Com- 
mon* on  the  Death  of  the  King.    — — — 

Jig  Lizecsy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  Hi/iory  of  England.  427 

OATH,  Form  of,  taken  by  Gen .  GrmmtU  at  hi* 

Inaugurad«ino(h«Pro»aorale,  — 

Form  of,  propoJed  to  be  taken  by  the  ProtecWs 

Council.  — __ 

proposed  to  be  token  by  the  Protector, 

in  1654.  ...  — —  .     - 

■  taken,  by  CnmwH,  in  1 657.        

— — -— by  his  Privy  Council,  at  the  feme 

Time.  . U  

. —  by  the  Members  of  Parliament. 

-  by  the  Council  of  State  elected  in 


Of  Supremacy  W  AJUgianet,  taken  by  the  Com 

mora  at  the  Reftoration.  _ 

OBIT,  Explanation  ef.  —  _ 

OBJECTIONS  of  the  S<H,  Commiffioners  to 

the  Parliament's  new  PropoStious  of  Peace 

fent  to  the  King  in  the  fjk  of  Wight.    — 

OBSERVATIONS    concerning   the    Court    of 

Chancery.  .,  .,_  . 

OCLE,  William,  an  Accomplice  in  the  Murder 

of  King  Edward  II.  

Reward  for  taking  him  offer'd  by  Parliament    - 

OFFICERS  tfthtlMdm  Militia,  their  Petition 

to  the  Peers  for  a  perfonai  Treaty  with 

the  King.  — i—  

How  accepted.        ....   ...  ■  „ 

OFFICERS  in  the&mgUfi,  Army  in  Ireland,  their 

Petition  to  the  Parliament  for  Supplies.    - 

Their  Petition  to  Cberkt  1.  on  the  fame  Account. 

Remedies  for  preferving  that  Kingdom.    - 

r— -  Letter,  fignifying  their  great  Diitrefc.    — 
Lift  of,  who  figned  it.  — — _  ___ 

Jit  the  Parliamenft  Army,  their  Letter,  giving 

an  Account  of  their  Succefs  at  Wakefield. 
Their  Letter,  concerning  their  March  into  the 

Weft.  . , 

■ —  concerning  Prince  Rupert's  exe- 
cuting fomc  of  their  Soldiers  after  Quarter 
given.  — .    .— .  __ ___ 

How  .regulated  by  the  Houie  of  Commons.     — 


m!  263 

»  3»».  9° 


«49>  S° 




280,  t 
2S1,  2 

80,  1 

81,  2 
84.  J,  6 


274.  5.  6 
222,  3.  4 


),gl,ze^y  GOOgle 

4.28  I      N      D  '  E      X    to  tit 

OFFICERS  in  the  Parliammt's  Jtrmj,  their  Pcti- 


tion  to  the  Lords  for  Payment  of  their  Ar- 
rears, tff.  »5  338"34° 

Lift  of,  who  figned  it.      —       —  15  34° 

Their  Petition  to  the  Common*,  with  a  Vindi- 
cation of  that  prefented  to  the  Lords.     —  15  353**358 
1  for  rendering 

the  Laws  into  Engli/b,  WV.       —        .—  [19     49. 5°.* 

How  received.  >9     51'  3- 

In  tbt  Kiag'i  Army,  Lift  of,  taken  Prifoners  at 

the  Battle  of  Waktfiold.         —  ■  12   275,  6 

Their  Letter  to  the  Earl  of  EJfix,  concerning  a 

Peace.  »3  265,  6 

Lift  of,  who  figned  this  Letter.        —       13  266,  7 

OFFICERS,  of  the  Army,  their  Heads  of  a  Peti- 
tion to  the  Commons.  —  20     97,  8 

Obliged  to  receive  their  Commiffions  from  the 

Speaker  of  the  Houfe.  —         21  424 

Lift  of,  difcharged  by  the  Parliament  from  all 

Military  Employment.        —  21469 

Their  violent  Proceedings  on  that  Occafion.  J   21  JyJ^yj 
OGLETHORPE,  Omen,  Bijfop  of  Carlj&e,  de- 
prived of  his  Biihoprick,  arid  the  Occafion 

thereof. —  3  379 

OKEY,  Col.  John,  his  Account  of  the  State  of 

Affairs  in  Scotland,  Anno  1651.      —      —,20     23,  4 
HisService  to  the  Commonwealth,  how  rewarded  20     50 
OLDHALL,  Sir  William,  elected   Speaker  for 

the  Commons  in  i45r.  —         2  263 

Attainted  of  Treafon,  and  for  what.      —      —     2  275 
.    proceed'mESagainfthimbytheParliamentini453     2  275 

, 1460      2    29a 

OLDCASTLE,  Sir  John,  introduces  a  Bill  into 
the  Houfc  of  Commons  againft  the  Reve- 
nues of  the  Clergy.  —  2   ir+ 

Draws  upon  hirofelf  the  Hatred  of  that  Body.     2  It4 
Refolutionofthe  Clergy  againft  him,  on  account 

of  his  favouring  the  Do&rines  of  Wukliff,     2    133,  4 
Joins  with  the  Lollards  in  an  Infurredion  for 

reforming  Religion-  —  — '   2I134 

Jglzecy  GOOgk 

Parliamentary  Hijiory  of  England. 

OLDCASTLE,  Sir  John,  Proceedings  againft  him 
in  the  King's  Bench,  We.         —  — 

His  Sentence  by  the  Peers.  —  

Charge  againft  him  in  the  King's  Bench.  — 
Reward  for  taking  him,  offered  by  Proclamation. 
Brought  before  the  Parliament.  —  — 
His  Anfwer  to  the  Indictment  againft  him.  — 
Life  and  Character,  fome  Account  of.    — 

—  Behaviour  at  his  Execution.         — 
OLIVARES,  Count,  his  Letter  to  the  King  of 

Spain,  touching  the  Marriage  of  the  In- 
fanta with  Prince  Charles  JkAnna  1623.  — 
O'NEAL,  Daniel,  Serjeant-Major,  committed  to 
the  Gateheufe,  on  Sufpicion  of  being  1 
cerned  in  a  Plot  againft  the  Parliament.— 

Farther  Proceedings  againft  him  on  this  Account. 

ONSLOW,  Sir  Richard,  appointed  one  of  the 

Committee  to  receive  Cromwell's  Scruples 

as  to  his  being  King.  —  ■ 

His  Arguments  to  induce  an  Acceptance  of  that 


ONSLOW,  Richard,  E/q;  SotBcitar-General,  defi- 
ed Speaker  for  the  Commons  in  1566. 

His  Speech  to  Queen  Elizabeth,   to  be  excufed 
from  that  Office.  — 

Approved  by  the  Queen.     —  ■ 

His  Anfwer  on  that  Occaiion.   —  ■ 

—  Speech  to  the  Queen  at  the  DifTblution  of 

the  Parliament.         — ■  _____ 

ORDAINERS.  [See  Committee.]      —      - 

ORDER  of  the  Committee  of  the  London  Militia, 

on  the  Advance  of  Sir  Thomas  Fairfax'i 

Army  towards  the  City,  Form  of.  —  — 

Of  the  Parliament,  to  flop  the  March  of  the  Army. 

___________ ,  for  taking  up  the  Bodies  ol 

Cromwell,  Irt ton,  Bradjhaw,  and  Pryde. 
ORDINANCE,  different  from  aStatute,  and  how. 
ORDINANCE  of  Parliament,   for  raifmg  the 

Militia.  .  — 

For  exercifing  them. ■  — — — 

For  coining  of  Plate.        —  

For  levying  of  Tonnage  and  Poundage.         — 



■56.  7 

"57  „ 
■57.  8. 

Jig  liiecy  GOOgk 

4jo  t      N      V      £      X    to  the 

Vtl.    P^e. 
ORDINANCE  »f  Parliamat,  for  declaring  all 
Men  Traitors  that  aflift  King  Cborltt  I. 
Agamfi  iwegiilar  Printing.           —                —   11,398,9 
For -railing  Money  to  carry  on  a  War  again*! 
the  King.            —                        —  ■   — 
For  enlifting  Apprentices.        ■■>■■-              — 
For  alTcflkig  Non-Contributors  upon  the  Propo- 
rtions for  lending  Money.  12     59  u  6a 

For  preventing. foreign  Supplies  being  brought  to 

the  King.        ■  -  -— •  12     79 

For  prohibiting  Obedience  to  the  King's  Procla- 
mation for  adjourning*  Hilary  Term  in 
1642  to  Oxford.        —  —    ■  ■      tz  144,  5,* 

.AgainftPapifts.  —  ■ -  12:  161,  a 

For  a  Weekly  Affeflmem.       —  12 1 163 

For  reftraining  the  Liberty  of  the  Prefs.      12  .  29S,  9 

For  indemnifying  thole  Gentlemen  who  fecured 

Sir  Jib*  Hatbam  and  his  Son.  12 1 326,  7 

For  a  Weekly  Afleffment  upon  a  new  Plan.     -  \2.*y$itt>$% 
For  preffing  Soldiers.         —  — —  121372 

For  removing  Images  out  of  Churches.      12  376/#379 

Preamble  of,  for  bringing  the  Stats  Army  into 

England. ■ ,12427,8,9 

For  making  a  new  Great  Seal.     —  —  12  437 114+1 

For  (he  Preformation  of  Records.  ■  12  443 

—,,     — . Preamble  to  it.  12  443 

For  appointing  a  Committee  to  join  with  the 
Scots  Commiuloncrs,  for  better  managing 
the  Common  Caufe.       — .■  '— 

For  recruiting  the  Earl  of  Effix's  Army.        — 
For  oppofmg  the  March  of  Irijh  Troops  into 
England.  —  —  ~~ 

For  fafting  one  Day  in  a  Week  towards  (import- 
,  wig  the  Earl's  Army.       .    —  — 

For  railing  and  maintaining  an  Army  to  be  com- 
manded by  Sir  William  Walltr.  -*- 
For  enabling  a  Joint  Committee  of  both  King- 
doms to  prepare  Propofuions  for  a  Peace. 
For  further  continuing  this  Committee.      ■■    ■ 
For  excluding  fuch  Members  of  both  Heufes  as 
had  delated  the  Parliameot. 

120, -I,: 
*44      • 

171,  1 
207,  E,  9 

13J220,  1,1 

iHze^y  GOOgk 

ParKammtary  Hijhry  of  England. 

ORDINANCE  rf  Parltammt,  Preamble  of,  for 
an.  additional  Excife.        —              ■■    ■ 
For  direfling  the  Proceedings  of  the  Joint  Com- 
mittee of  both  Kingdom*. 

For  appointing  Commiffioners  to  execute  Mar- 
tial Law.  — .  —  —  13 
AgalnftgivingQyOTtermfryfcw^taiwnmArma.   j-j 
For  making  Collections  for  the  Relief  of  wound- 

ed  Soldiers.        —      —  —  13 

For  keeping  a  Faft  on  Cbrifimai-Day.        —  13 
For  attainting  JPV/ffsmZrfwrf,  ArchbifhopofCmi- 

ttrhurj.  —  »  13 

For  beheading  him.  ,■-■■■  ■  —  13 

For  new- modelling  the  Army,  as  palled  by  the 

Commons.        —  —  —   13 

Intent  of  it,  what.   13 

■ — —  as  pancd  by  the 

For  granting  an  additional  Power  to  Sir  Tbtmat 

Fairfax.  —  •<•■• 

For  prohibiting  die  Members  of  either  Houfe 

from  enjoying  any  Office,  Civil  or  Military. 
For  fettling  Prdbj-terial  Church- Government, 

Form  of.        —  —  — 

For  Martial  Law,  Abftrafl:  of.       —  — 

For  the  Ordination  of  Minifters  according  to  the 

Prefbvtcrian  Plan.  —  — 

Abftrad  of,  for  aboliwing  the  Name  and  Tide 

of  Bifiwps.  —  •  —  — 

1  for  felling  their  Temporalities.     - 

For  juitifying  their  Proceedings.     — -  — 

For  confirming  the  Treaties  between  the  two 

Kingdoms.  i  —  ■■  — 

For  making  void  the  Ceflation  in  Inland.  — 
Subftance  of,  prohibiting  the  Arreft  of  all  fiich 

Perfons  as  had  afied  in  their  Service.  — 
AMlia£t  of,  for  a  further  Indemnity  to  the  Army. 
For  aboiifliiog  all  the  Feftivalsof  the  Church  of 

England.  •—■■•  ..... ,.— 

For  enabling  the  Committee  of  the  Militia  of 

Lundan  to  raife  Horfe,  &V.  - 

255.  *. 7 

297,  * 

309.  » 
35».  3 

3*9.  W 
373.  4 




43«>  7.  8 

44  J.  4 

3'3.  '4 

76  "83 


218,  19 



43'.  7.  8 

Jiglizecy  GOOgle 

43*  I      N      D      E      X    to  the 

Vol.    Pap. 
ORDINANCE  of  Parliament,  for  reftraining  the       i 

Liberty  of  the  Prefc.      —  i6!309/»3ll 

Concerning  the  Lord's  Supper.        —        16426,  7, 8 

For  the  Payment  of  50,000/.  to  the  Scots.    —    16  503 

For  the  Suppreffion  of  Herefy,  He.  ■ 17   127  (#130 

For  elefiing  Officers  in  the  City  of  London.  —   18  479,  80 
As  pafied  by  the  Commons  for  Trial  of  the 

King,  Form  of.  i8  489,90,1 

,     Of  the  ProU&trati,    Abftra<3  of,   concerning 

public  Preachers.  —  —   20   308,  9 

Againft  Cock-fighting.  —  —  20   309 

For  Pardon  to  the  Seots,  with  regard  to  the  late 

Wars.  ■  20  3°9 

For  wilting  Scotland  to  England*  - ■■  20   309,  « 

For  erecting  Courts  Baron   in  Scotland.  —    20   310 

For  bringing  the  public  Revenues  into  one  Trea- 

fury.  ■ 20  310 

For  preventing  Challenges,  Duels,  He.    20   310,  i( 

For  regulating  the  Court  of  Chancery.       ■ 20  Jtittp$ 

For  ejecting  fcandalous  Mmifters  and  School- 

Mafters.  — "     ~ 

For  the  better  Maintenance  of  preaching  Mini- 

fters,  and  for  uniting  and  fevering  of  Pa- 
Far  enabling  fuch  Soldiers  as  ferved  the  Com- 
monwealth in  the  Wars  to  cxercife  any 

Trade.  —  —  

For  appointing  Vifitors  for  both  Univerfities. 

H e.  —  —  - 

—  a.  Council  of  Commerce.  - — 

Commiffionera   for  Charitable 

Ufa.         — 

For  iecuring  the  Peace  of  the  Commonwealth. 
For  the  better  Regulation  Of  the  Prefs.        ■    ■   ■■ 
ORDINATION  of  Miniflen,  Form  of,  as  fet- 
tled by  Parliament.  —  

As  fettled  according  to  the  Prefbyterial  Plan. 

ORDNANCE,  Lift  of,  in  the  Caftle  of  Edinburgh, 

when  fuirendered  to  Gen.  Cromwell.      — 

ORLEANS,  City  of,  when  taken  by  the  Englijb, 

and  by  whom.  

31*  '6 

1  47° 

1  471 
47'<  a 

1  47a 

76  a  8] 

1  450.  1 



Parliamentaty  Hijlory  of  England.  433 

WtL    Pig*. 


D'ORLEANS,  his  Remarks  on  tbe  BngliJb'Nuion. 
His  Remarks  on  the  Execution  of  Richard  Fitv 

Jlan,  Earl  of  Arundel.  —  — 

—  Account  of  the  Duke  of  York's  Speech  on 
claiming  trie  Crown.  —  — 

D'ORLETON,  Adam,  Bijbep  of  Hertford,  c 

of  the  Barons' Committee  to  King  Edsv.  II. 
to  demand  the  Banifhment  of  the  two  Dt- 

reftedf.     "■ 

d  for  High  Treafon. 

Charge  againft  him. 

His  Anfwer.  « 

Summoned  to  anfwer  in  the  Court  of  King's 
Bench.  — 

His  Reicue  from  thence,  Account  of. 

Farther  profecuted  by  the  King,  and  in  what 
Manner.  ■■  ■■  ■  — 

His  Temporal  Poflcflions  foxed 

—  Character,  by  Sir  Thomas  dt  la  Men.      — 

Gains  over  Queen  Ifabel  to  the  Intcreft  of  the 
difcon tented  Lord: 

His  Qneftion  to  tbe  Parliament,  touching  the 
Depofition  of  the  King. 

Appointed  one  of  the  Committee  to  demand 
bis  Refignation  of  the  Crown.  

one  of  the  Guardians  for  King  Ed- 
ward III.  —  — —  — 
-  one  of  the  Commiflionm  to  treat  with 

the  Frtncb  King  about  the  Reftitution  of 
Aqmtain.  •  —  — 

ORMOND,  Marquis  of.    See  Butler. 

OSBORNE,  Mr.  his  Letter  to  the  Earl  of  Man- 

eht/ltr,  inclofing  one  to  the  Houfe  of  Peers, 

His  Letter  to  Lord  Wharton.,  relating  to  a  De- 

lign  of  Major  Rolph  to  murder  the  King 

tn  the  IJk  of  Wight.  —  

—  Examination  at  the  Bar  of  the  Houfe  of 

Peers,  concerning  this  Affair.  — 

—  Recognizance  to  make  good  his  Charge. 
Committed  to  Cuitcily  by  the  Commons.   ■     ■  ■ 
Make)  his  Efcape.  ■  - 

£  e 

302,  3 





j  79 

1 80 











Jglzecy  GOOgle 

434  I      N      D      E      X    to  the 

OTTOBONI,  Iht  Ptpis  Ltgau,  attends  King 

Uinrylll.  at  thcGencial  Aflembly  at  lark. 

Anno  1237.  ■    ■   ■  —  '  -■ 

His  Declaration  to  JItxander,  King  of  Setts,  there. 

How  anfwered  by  him.  

Takes  the  Cafe  of  the  difinhe cited  Barons  into 

hit  Protection.  ■  — 

His  Requelt  to  the  King  on  that  Occafion. 
OVERTON,  Col.  how  rewarded  for  bis  Services 

to  the  Commonwealth.         —  ■  ■-- 

How  favoured  by  the  Parliament  in  1658.      — 

O WKN,  John,  Bijfop  of  St.  Jfapb,  impeached 

for  affiiting  to  mate  fome  new  Canons.  — 

Gives  in  a  Plea.  

His  Resolution  concerning  it.  — 

— -  Danger  from  the  Populace. 

Joins  in  a  Protestation  againft  the  Legality  of 

Parliamentary  Proceeding!.  —  -■■- 

Accufed  of  High  Treafon  on  this  Account.  ■— 
Brought  to  the  Bar  of  the  Houfg  of  Peers.  — 
His  Charge.  —  ■  -■-  ■  - 

Committed  to  the  Tower.  —  — 

OWEN,  Morgan*  Bijhop  of  Llandaff,  impeached 

for  aiGiiing  to  make  fome  new  Canons.   - 

Joins  in  a  Proteftation  againft  the  Legality  of 

Parliamentary  Proceedings.  

His  Treatment,  We.  on  this  Account,  Parcicu 

lars  of.  .  — - 

OWEN,  Roger,  £fa;  his  Speech  againft  a  Bill  for 

rcforting  to  Church.  —  — 

OWEN,  Sir  >*»,  fentenced  to  Death  for  being 

concerned  in  an  Iniurre&ion  againft  the 

Houfe  of  Commons.  —  — 

Saved  from  Execution,  and  by  what  Means.  — 

Set  at  Liberty  on  his  Petition.  —  — 

OXFORD,  a  Convention  of  the  Eftates  of  the 

Realm  held  there  in  1 136.  —        — 

A  Convention  of.  the  Eftates  of  the  Realm  held 

there  in  1 204.  — — '  

*  1227,  ,  — -  -  — 




87        , 

293, 290 


'34.  5    • 




'38.  9 


55;  6 



Jglzecy  GOOgle 

Parliamentary  HiJIory  a/"  England,         435 
Vol.    Pagu 
OXFORD,  a  Convention  of  the  Eftates  of  the 

Realm  held  there  in  1233.     -  ■■■■■      1     30 

A  Convention  of  the  Eftatei  of  the  Realm  held 
there  in  1258. 

Treaty  of  Peace  there,  between  King  Charles  I. 

and  hi*  Parliament.  —  

A  Convention  of  Peers  and  Commons  held  there 

in  1643.  

Surrendered  to  the*ParIiament  by  the  King* 

Command,  -    ■  —  — ■■ 

OXFORD,  Umvtrjitj  of,  their  Petitions  againft 

an  A&  for  its  Dinokition.  — 

Appointed  by  the  Parliament  to  be  regulated, 
Conduct  of  that  Body  to  the  Vintors,  Account 

OXFORD,  Biihtfrhk  of,  when  firft  eroded.  — 
OXFOR  D,  Jtb*t  Chaplain  U  King  Htnry  II.  made 

Prefident  over  the  Eftates  of  the  Realm. 

met  at  Clarrttdtn  in  1164.  -  ■  ■  ■ 

PAGET,  Lord  William,  throws  up  his  Com 
minion  from  the  Parliament  for  the  Lieute- 
nancy of  Buciinghamjbiri.  — - 
His  Reafons  for  deferring  them,  and  joining  the 

King  at  York.         — — 

Repents  of  what  he  had  done,  and  furrenders 

himfelf  to  the  Earl  of  EJfex. 13 

His  Petition  to  the  Parliament  for  Pardon.     —  13 
Intitlea  himfelf  to  their  Protection,  and  how.    -  13 
PALACES,  Lift  of,  belonging  to  the  Crown,  re- 
served from  Sale  by  the  Commons.        —  19 

PALATINATE,  State  of,  Anm  1621.        5 

Lofs  of,  to  what  imputed.       ■  -—  —     5 

PALMER,  Gttffrty,  Efq;  Proceedings  againft  him 

for  reflecting  upon  a  Rcmonftrance  of  the 

Commons.  ■-■  -  ■   .■■-- 

PAMPHLET,  Particulars  of,  as  printed  in  1646, 

concerning  PropoGtions  to  the  King  for1 

Peace.  {14  321**345 

Sea  F  AM- 



3i9»  20 



302»  J 

450,  X 



Jglzecy  GOOgle 

436  I      N      D 

X    to    the 

y*i.  p*St. 

PAMPHLET  againft  the  Peerage,  Tide  of.    —   15 
How  treated  by  the  Lords.  —  —   15 

Reflecting  upon  the  Proceedings  of  the  Houfe  of 

Commons,  in  1648,  View  of.  —   19 

Againft  Cromwell's  Houfe  of  Lords,  Abftraft  of. 

PAPAL  CHAIR,  Conteft  for  it,  in  1383.    

Conteft  for  it  in  1390.  —  ■ 

PAPISTS,  Order  of  the  Commons  concerning  them 
Their  Rebellion  in  Ireland.  —  — 

-        Progrcfs  and  Cruelties  there,  Actount  of. 

■  '  ■-  Defigns  in  England.  —  

In  Ireland,  their  Terms  for  a  Peace.  ■ 

Vote  of  the  Commons  againft  them.  — 

Agree  with  the  King  for  a  CefTatron  of  Arms.  — 
Their  Addrefs  to  the  Pope,  on  his  fending  to 

them  a  Nuntio.  —  —   ■■  14 

Order  of  Parliament  againft  them.  ■--  -  15 

Defeated  by  the  Parliament's  Force*. 

State  of,  in  Sept.  1647.  

Banifhed  from  Londen,  and  twenty  Miles  round  it.   10 

PARISHES,  Lift  of,  in  England,  Anna  1371 

How  taxed  at  that  Time.  —  — 

PARKER,  William,  Lard  Motrtiagle,  firft  difco- 

vers  the  Powder  Plot.         —  — ■   5 

His  ample  Reward  on  that  Account.  — ' 

PARKER,  S/r  Philip,  his  Speech  on  the  Impeach- 
.    ment  of  Matthew  IVren,  Bifhop  of  Ely.  - 

PARKER,  Mr.  his  Speech  on  public  Grievances. 

PARKS  belonging  to  the  Crown,   and  refer ved 

from  Sak,  Lift  of.  —  —  1 19 

r.  p. 



91  n>94 
297  rr  310 







227,  8 

3"5.  '6 

3°7.  • 

4RLIAMENT,  held  by 

PARLIAMENT,  held  by 

Edturd  I.- at  Weft- 

EdwardX.  at  Londtx, 

-  mmfttr,—  in-izyc. 


in  1289. 


AtWtftmhfier, —  .275. 


htSttbam,     ■-■■■  1291. 


—  1270. 


Berwick,    ■   ■  ..  129 j. 


Winebeftcr,    —  1376. 


Wefiminjler,  —  1294. 


Ghueefttr, 1278. 




Wtfiminfitr,  —  1279. 


Beruiek,    ■ —  1296. 


Sbrtwftiitrj,   —  i(8;. 


St.E-imandJburj,   1295. 


Pa/bland,   1282. 


Sn/ijburj,    1297. 


jfflon-Barxel,  -  1283 


LuhJss,  — — — ;.   1 197. 


Wijlminfitr,  —  12SJ. 


ftri, —  1258. 


Jglzecy  GOOglC 

Parliamentary  Btftoty  of  England^         437 

3PARLIAMENT,  held  by 

Edtoardl.  at  Lndm, 

tn  1199. 

AtlVi,  —     —  '499- 

Wtftminfltr,  —  1 300. 

Lincoln,     1301. 

Wiffminfier,  —  1305. 

Carlijle, 1 107. 


At  Northampton,  in   1308. 

London,  ——  1 308. 

Stamford,   1309. 

Tir*.     1310. 

Wtfiminfitr,  -1313- 

TV*, 1314. 

Wtftminfltr,  —  1314. 
Lincoln,  — -  1315 
JV*. 1 3 19 



Lenjsit,- '323 

Weftminfter,  —  1327 


At  Lincoln,   —  in  1317 

WiSminftir,  —  1328. 

York, 1328. 

Northampton,—  13 18. 

Salijburj,    1318. 

Winchtjier,    —  1329 

Nottingham,  —  133c 



Wcjlminficr,  —  .334! 
Tort, 133s. 

Northampton, —  I33&. 
Nottingham,  —  1336. 
Wtjiminjler,  —  1337. 


jttruxmfttx,  —  133S. 

PARLIAMENT,  held  bv 
£&Mrrf  in.  »t»V- 

At  Weftminfter,  —  1  340. 

"7 1 

Cimbridgt,     —  13SS. 

iglzecy  GOOgk 


V.    P. 

PARLIAMENT,  kdd  by, 
Siebar J 11.  tWtftA 
minfttr,  —  m  1389.!  I 
ht  Wtftminfttr,—  1390.   1 

— — 139a. 

Wincbefitr,    —  1593. 

N      D      E      X    ft    /fo 

Wtftminfttr,  —  1394. 
■  '39S- 
-  'J97- 

Sbrtafinry,    —  1398. 

Wtftmiwfier,  —    1 399. 

Held  by  Henry  Vf. 

At  Turk,    1+00. 

Wtftminfttr,  —  1401. 



Wtftminfttr,  —  1406, 
Gkmctjttr,  ——  1407. 
Wtftminfttr,  —  1410. 

At  Wtftmin/ttr,—  1413. 

Ltietfttr,    1414. 

Wtftminfttr,  —  1414. 

— '       ,+ii 

— — \\\t>. 

• '417 


1      '        ■    '-'  -  14JO. 


Held  by  Hairy  VI. 
AtWtftminflir,—  1432 

. ^33. 

1 1425. 

leitefttr,    1426. 

Wtftminfttr,  —  1436. 

■ ■ 1429. 


■  1433. 

' — ■ 1433.  _ 

.      " ~ '43S-1* 

PARLIAMENT,  held  by 
Henry  VI.  n  Wtft- 
minfttr,   1436. 

At  Wtftminfttr, —   1439. 

'  '4*5 

St.KdntimJJfoirj,  1447. 
Wtftminfttr,  —  1449. 
— MS°- 

MIW,  i-   1450. 

ttittfttr,   J4jo. 

Wtftmnfttr,  —  1451. 

*?**'    '«}• 

Wtftmnfttr,  —  145;. 
Coventry,  ——  n*>o. 
Wtftmnfttr,  —  1461. 
Held  by  EJaard  IV. 
At  Wtftminfttr, —  146 

-  "14 
2  261 
1  16I 


1463.  j  i   3" 
1464.;  1   3*3 

1467- 1 

7W,     - 

Wtftminftt  .  ,    , 

Reading,    1468.  a   J3 

Held  by  Htnry  VI.  I    l 
Pit  Wtftmnfttr,—   1470.    2    JJ4 
Held  by  KJatrdlV. 
At  Wtftmnfttr,—  1473. !«  U40 
'474-;  * ;  34$ 

■  '477 

Held  by  Richard  III. 

At  Wtftminfttr,  —  1484. 

Held  by  Henry  VII. 

At  Wtftminfttr,—  i486. 




' 1497- 



Held  by  Henry  VlU. 
Ax.  Wtftminfttr,—  1509. 



:=y  Google 


PARLIAMENT,  held  by 


minHir, — in  1513. 

At  Weftmafltr, —  151+. 


ItnJtn, 1513. 

WtfiMiifitr,  —  1519. 



•  <!36. 

■  >S!7- 

■  >S4°- 

■  'S4>- 

■  >S4«- 

•  '543- 

Hi/lory  of  Engi  ANrt. 
r.  p. 

PARLIAMENT,  held  by 
Pbi/ip  and  Marj,  at 

Held  by  Elimbtti 
MWeJImn/er,—  1518. 
■  COS. 



r.  p. 



At  WtJlmnfitT)  —  1 547. 





Held  by  Mar;, 
htW,fm,f^,—  1,53. 

By  Philip  and  Miij, 
h\Wijlmtiftir,~  1554. 


Held  by  Cbarla  I. 
At  Wtfmitfv,  in  162 




< 1640. 










PARLIAMENT,  the  firft  real  Inlhnce  of.  

Summoned  to  Wtfiminfltr  in  1275,  by  King  Ed- 

Occafion  thereof,  and  how  employed.        

Their  Preamble  to  the  Statutes  of  Wtjlminfltr 

the  Firft.  

Meet  the  King  at  Wtftm'mJlcr  again,  in  1275.  - 
Their  Proceedings  there  againft  the  Jews,  Par- 
ticulars of.  ■    .  ■  — — 

Jglzecy  GOOgk 


N       D       E      X    to  the 
PARLIAMENT,  their  Grant  to  the  King,  and 
on  what  Occafion.  — -  ■     ■  ■ 

Summoned  to  Wtftminfttr  in  1276,  on  the  Af- 
fair of  LnveUyn,  Prince  of  Walts.       —~ 
Their  Judgment  againft  him.  —  — 

Meet  the  King  at  Wincbtfttr  this  Year.      

Enact  the  Statute  of  Bigamy.  —  — 

Obtain  a  Confirmation  of  the  Charters  of  Liber- 
tied  and  Forefts.  —  ■ — 
Meet  again  in  1277.                —                — 
Their  G  rant  to  the  King  at  that  Time,  and  for 

what.  — 

Summoned  to  Weflmnfttt  in  1279.        — 
Important  Occafion  thereof.  — 

Their  Prohibition  of  the  Clergy  from  accumu- 
lating Lands  and  Riches.  — 
Called  to  Shrcwfiury    in  1282.        — 
Their  rigorous  St-ntence  againft  David,  only 

Brother  of  Ltwtllyn,  Prince  of  Walts. 
Convened  to  Rolhiand  in  1282.  — 

Their  Refolution  for  uniting  Walts  to  the  Crown 

of  Epghnd,  .     —  

Grant  to  the  King-  at  that  Time,